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VILLISTAS DRIVE ENEMY TO COVER Uta. kcrs Inder (urns of ranzs Oarrison ?it Agua Prieta. \ AND SHELLS RUSHED TO FORT ! tn Invasion ? f \ \:t. tupi to Striki s - - - 4 al of '? . ? to Ut? il ? than I '. i? on ihn way und Tn?T r.? t ma-Hem Re i?i? to Ficht. ?? al ? ? A ? v . terril ... ? ? ? I ? l l!r?i.?.n |i '.ffniliipn. ? ?I ''? ' ? ' ' r an. ? '? ' ' 3,000 U. S. Troops Intrench .'?gainst Villa ? : Border -, ? . ? ? ? ? ' ? n '. ? ? ? po. nn Am. ? ? ? ? { S. Gun ( rained - n Inarez; 7 r".'p*, Ordei m RI. er Banks i ; ? ' ' ? : ' ? ' I A?DERMEN SAFE, BIG PARTIES FEEL Tammany, Admitting a (lose ( outest. Sure of Ousting Fusion Forces. REAPPORTIONMENT SPURS ON CAMPAIGN i onning New ?assembly Dis? tricts Prize to Victor ?f Ques? tion 2 Wins I iii-vil.,, ind D? ? . ? | . || ? . ; I ? ? ' '. ? . ? -. ? '? , ? ' ? Th' ? .... ...... ' ' ' - Oppenheim.??N3 a ? 34th Street-New York ( imerica's c /necia(?sis l nusual nml Exceptional Collection of Women's Tailored and Dressy Suits Distinctive and Exclusive Oppenheim, Collins Co.'* Models. I eaturing the most desirable styles, newest length coats and collars, in a large variety high class materials; fur trimmings predominate; also smart custom tailor model*. 29.75 39.75 55.00 79.50 , a ..i of Women's Tailored Suits Attractive flare, belted and plain* tailored models of Broadcloth and ~~ ?-. Whipcord; trimmings of fur, braid ?V?/?5 and velvet. Special Women's Velveteen Suits .Superior Velveteen in Black, >vn and Oreen; smart models __ with trimmings of various furs and s'y s*/D braid; also embroidered. Special J New York Brooklyn Philadelphia .. Oppenhe ,?LLINSa a-Tf?? Cleveland Buffalo Newark 34th Street?New York qAmonte?is jorem/ost Speri'ci //-t?'s Women's Fashionable Coats and Wraps Models suitable for afternoon, evening, street, motor, sport and general wear, featuring a wide range of the materials, trimmings and colors now ?n vogue? 2U.75 .-55.00 55.00 75.00 and apv) ?ril Women's Street Coats?Special Fur trimmed models of Broadcloth,] Velour Checks. Whipcord, Seal -%- ,.a Plush and Corduroy; superior silk ?wOaUU lined and interlined. Women's Dressy Coats?Special Liare model of Chiffon Broadcloth in Brown, Navj and Black. Collar, -,? ^A cuffs and bottom fur trimmed. Silk ?w?UU lined and interlined. Women's ,Afternoon and Evetrng Gowns A magnificent collection of handsome gowns suitable for Theatre, Restaurant, Afternoon Calling, Dancing, Formal *>r Informal Affairs and Street Wear. 39.75 55.00 65.00 95.00 and upward Women's Afternoon Dresses Special Redingote, Surplice, Coatee and Panier models of Charmeuse, Qeorg -?a,,. *-_ ette Crepe, Plaid Silk, Velveteen and ??^?7?"> combinations. Women's Evening ?owns? Special Exact copies of Paris models in com? binations of Chifl?n \elvet, Silk Net _* -. and Lace; sequin, iridescent jet and 0?">.()tj metallic embroidery trimmed. J Important and Especially Prepared Sale ot Women's Hudson Seal Fur Coats Superior quality Hudson Seal (Dyed Muskrat) fashionedoni w flare full skirl models with trinunings of contrasting fur Hudson Seal Coats, new flare model, 4$ inches long, with real Skunk animal Scarf and border. 95.00 kichlv lined. Sprc-i-l ..uds?>n Seal Coats, Cossack] model, A length, trimmed with' . c/. Skunk animal scarf anJ border; 150.00 extra full ripple skirt. Hudson Seal Coats, full length, border and chin collar of Black Fox or Skunk; extra full ripple skirt. SpccU] 195.00 Hudson Seal Coats, three quar? ter and full length, wide border - ^ ~ and collar of Skunk, Fox, Badger, ?250.00 Sable or Squirrel. Special Hall from Th. Bl id? ri ? ? ? I.. , ? ? : ', !?????? I ' i Del ? ; I in thi - ? . ? -, ..... 31 ' .'? . ropi.rt* that it will holil ?t? 0W| I I the presan 1 klifna*?***, of eighteen !'.?? D.IBO - ? < laim l{?"|iul?li< an Oi?tri?t. Th?. I.. ? i I '? ? ia dis tricti .'tan, whore the Ugh1 lesa, In th? ?".th AJdtmaai? which Snmu?*l S. I . f the r pnb eat ' *???>, i? n ? f..r yi-Hr? havi ..???! Praak J. Dottier, the pri f ?h>. Th.- Pi ? on tl i'ul II ? ;.r. In ?'.- -'h AldarmaaU District th? ? ti th?* sans i? ,[? ths Stl Th" srats aad H - l-"h District, th- Rl stt ii IS i v ?al** i '?;-h* m this district i? foor cor naa .'. Pal - -.. I ' .'???: : Rcpubli? i ii ,| i,v the A r. Prom ^ J ? -!? n ' Leegne, -, M Nugent r t Dei ? l xnr'l from *i .* lh> . ? |- ? lican? ettsei ? ' i-* ?ay - in th? ? ? ' 'I r ?? 'I ?m;nanv | es si ' the lick of F'.epubli . -, PrOfT? r??? ' . Pastoa Mttstta Pijht. ll"rtry H ? ama, th?? proocat B ???pan from the Mth I? ? ?is bl from | ' siran .? chai?rssas i tee of ? ? ? ? ted ' i R? . ?,f thr 1". ' ;' lent OeatM^S -???/ ?nt h? h?i ***l. Hofi.TP f ,. firim.r... th. n~_,__ ? ?v^SJ*** ' ?'? on y ??.i.. "?!? "???""? - Vai.'r.tUn v****' V"" "> ? f*?!l',t ** - Pr7 **"* M ' i red th.m T"*1? iJB *? nomination |?^ ***? - Ar?* ?**' h?v. ??i ?*-*? - ,* ... r ?*?? ? ? .';*?? *? W of th***** . - fa?*3 ?' i? PrW ' Hone b I i * ? ?1 ??J! ' '??' u','? " ?*T? ?;. ' TU 5 -."?,. ' ^IfaVlW This establishment will be open al! day Tuesday, Election Day tern Brothers 42nd'and'43rd' S?ree?s. t?siWfi/ttJvtmu*. \t I. A Noteworthy Exposition of Women's Outer Apparel | In the Ready-to-Wear Sections on the Third Floor, will be found t<> comprise the smart- i1 Autumn and Winter styles, developed by the foremost fashion exponents of Europe and America. Included in Gowns and Wraps for Dancing, Theatre, Opera, Hone Shon and other social function-;. Tailored Suits for Wallung and afternoon < .?tllins:: (oat- and Wraps f??r Dress, Sport. Motoring and Traveling Wear, at reasonable prii i -. \ fflGHLY IMPORTANT OFFERING MONDAY, WILL INCLUDE Smart Tai lorn?! Suits Corduroy Coats d $19.50 $24.50, 35.00, 15.00, 59.50 W'it'i large fur collar; tin? >1 throughout and Int? rlim !. It, the newest styles and materials, many effectively trhnmid ?rith ri-'li t"':r?. Smart Coats ? - : 829.50 Ot <\ ' ?tl plush, twi ? ?! ? ind i Furs and Fur Garments Our presentation <>f Imported and American Furs in the greatly enlarged department on the Third Fkor, emphasises tin- new? I style not i s favored this season in Coats and W rap?; for day time and evening wear; Scarfs and Muffs; al-o corred Motor Apparel all of which are naade from the most reliable and carefully matched skm-. snd \ ?ride selection at pri?es that an* .sun* to attract attention as the following -Al indicate: Raccoon Sets, - Fox ?Seta, Hudson ?Seal Sets, Beaver Sets, - Fisher Sets. from $10.75 to 35.00 ?* $11.50 to 75.00 ?< $35.00 to .").").((0 *? $38.00 to To.oii ?* $65.00 to 325.00 Petticoats Of especial interest in I tioa on the Second I loor, is the attractive taaaitwteai "f modi Is for '-.'-mm. wear, incltuting ( reps dl ( nines, VVashabli Satins, S< iree snd Radium Taff? ' - derat? prici -. \ SPECl \l. FOB MONDAY. Charming New Skirt ( H satin si rip il !'? mpadour taff? t.?s ; sits nifi salines -iml jertey tops; ,-.!! full flan amenai Special $5.00 Attractive Street Model? In till? tas. scalloped or ruffled ? :T. eta, in pliin nr chant.? able colorings, Special $3.50 Monday and Tuesday a Noteworthy Sale of Silks & Velvets COMPRISING ?III. FOLLOWING WVYIT.I) IMPORTED \M) UitERICAN WEAVES, |\ BLACK WM.M.II Mil MN "AND WINTER COLORINGS, VT ?XCEEDINGLTI low PRICES Chiffon Taffetas, to inches ?ride, in imported Black Chiffon Velvets, Satin Cham.euse, 40 inches ?vide,is a full line nf evening ami street n> inches wide, soft finish, a largi assortmenl of light snd dark ?hades, also white, ivory .and hla?-k, speciaUy pried at shsjtles, abo white and hlack, $1.35 1: lar price $2.00 a yard $1.48 Regular pria A '-''- .1 yard $2.75 Regular price $6.00 a ?. ard A collection of High Cost Meta] Brocados, at $6.85 and 9.75 vd. satin and chilfon grounds, light and dark shades ? silver, steel and gold effects. \'alues $15.00 to '?7.50 Dress Fabrics and Coatings 4 Are ?assembled on th? Second Floor in charming assortments .f Autumn and Winter weaves and rieh colorings for every occasion of dn-ss, at reasonable pri?es. I.M I I'TlnWL VM.IKS YOU MONDVY ? Main Floor) imported Chiffon Broadcloth "?'.' in. !n s ?rid< ; sjiiinL'-d and shrunk; li^ht weight,' in a full range nf tin fashionable e?>l<>rs and black, at $1.78 a yard Plain and Novelty Tailor Suitin ,:> ami ".i u.s. ; m Al! Wool Tweeds, < heviota, Canvas W < ives, \ ? ,?.i?rs. Novelty Stripts ai:d IMaids, al 95c a van! American Made Rugp \T MOST ATTRACTIVE PRICE \l> \ ?aaNTAGES K>|! MONDAYS SEI UNO Hiagh (?rad?' Worsted Wilton RUagl *-9t\ $19.150 si.xios.ft., $29.75 o\i'jft., $32.50 Valu $25.00 Value $10.00 Valu?- Seamless Axminster Ruga at ?$23.50 Si/.e :? \ \-? ft.; in ('hintz and Or?-?tal effect*; Value f.'JO.OO Inlaid Linoleum, in wood ana tile effects, 'eut fron full mils. . I sually $1.10 per *?<j vd, at A full -assortiment of the latest -effects in Plain ami Figured Carpetas, at very moderate pnees. K.)C The Upholstery Sections on the Fourth Floor Invite special attention to their interesting lines of Interior Decorative Fabrics and Rxclusive Novelties of unusual artistic value for the adornment of the home. AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFERING, MONDAY AND TUESDAY, OF HIGH OBAD1 LACE CURTAINS PAN1 : 5, STOR1 - W'D BED SETS, IN LIMITED Q! ANTITIES, rosniVl.l Y I'HK ED BELOW COST French ?Lace Sash Curtaim .Real Filel Lace Curtains, i '.' tu B pairs ?if a style) $18.50 to 1 15.00 pair Real Filel Lace Pan.A and Stores ?_' '?i 7 pieo ? f( a style | >12.7~> to 65.00 each French .Arabian ?S: Marie Antoi? nette Curtains ( 2 to 9 pairs of a st\ le | .$9.75 to 27.50 [?air Real Filel Lace Bed Sets $35.00 to 95.00 set .', t?. II' pairs of a Style) $2.7.") to 8.75 pair French Panels and Stores i | to 10 in- . ' le : earr.144 -;/?'?'' s-2.70 to 6.50 each \l-<? 1.50 Pain Lace Curtains, miaeeljtaieees styles i to :? purs <>f style), pr. $1,50 to 7,.~>0 E3E==^ ^=3]