Woman Suffrage Campaign Ends in Three
Eastern States-Forecasts Point to Close Vote
Tribune Polls Shov? I n
decided Ones Hold
?Balanceo! Power,
i pstate ( Hies Oppose*! svhk
l cv? J sceptions, ! < -i? log
i .'v. 77s to De? ill?'
of ?
? ?
? ,. a
. n Ne?
' ?.
?.. ovei
rhich <
,?4. ...
? mory ? '
? I.
? -
re number ol
? . ?
? . ? :
? ? be -'
? ? ? ... good
. them
wou -I ha? ?? been
tl?'111 M
r the amend
? other* ?
1 -.m I- ?-!?
? i
er elect there
?>?. i 11 I ? ?
? ll-C. .il.'.
Best That the Forecasters
Can Do Is lo Guess on
Suffrage Result
Labor. Oil Other Ma-id. Commit?
ted t<> Extending the Suffrage
f armer Vote incertain.
- up fur suffragi
I art
w ho i . ging house disti
?nit of tion
much in doubt, ?lith the real bal
i .. ? r mor? n the hand of the
try votei I is b? en in anv
l?.- bad
range from a
.. frage t.. 100,.;
men ?
? ?
ng their remarl
. ? i the i
? ? ? ? ???:.' c pulse bs - e
inab ? to d< ? ?de mh:?-h ??,p. ? ?
<Mi ? ? oneed? .1 7t.:?t the
? mad? i i Ii ? did :.trht in
- ? ? ; mpaign hai been hi?'
.-. clean and free from par
?onalitiei ?O far as thev have l?.-en
concerned, and those who have opposed
them hi re not dared to !>?? otherwise
thiin respectful Their meetini
? i ai d m hall - have been
attei ded by er tl crowd i,
but thii in Massaehuaotti does not
verv much to one who recall!
p.-?-?? the Ii
crowd ever gathered by any candi'
? ? etts and re*
? ? ewest votos,
. try districts have not h.
iroughly canvassed as the cil
mm *,l,,.rm-m
?*mmm%^_t?? ' J ; . . .- . ^ j:^^?
SI /"M? t i Direct tO 4, ?* S. ! 25 Minute? from 9r,th Street, 22 Minute? from 72d Street,
I ntranac ? fit), I STREU I 17 Minute, from Grand Central, 9 Minute, from Brooklyn Bridge.
A Remarkable October Business
There i> lots of sunshine in business nowadays -nul the month just pas! proves this, as
I ir is this Abraham and Straus establishment, at least, is concerned.
With one busin? ss da* less, our 0. tobi r sa li - - se? i ded those of last year by an overwhetatr.
m 11 m a 1.1 .a'
This is . itifying sign of the times oi greater business confidence.
It is particularly, gratifying to Brooklyn'?? Greatesi Store, as indicating thai tkia Store
it keeping paee with the constant growth of ?Ins community; and that, although mor?' than
half a century old, it is young in its ideas, its aims, its enthusiasms and^ever progressive in
SI i.\ I* I . with all that this implies as to public satisfaction.
vYi art encouraged to think that this com inf. month will be the
Gre.-.tcst November on Record.
\\ i havi made every preparation to have it su. as our announcements from da* to ?lay will
prov? I it wjiich th< first instance is the great series of Interesting Events f<>r Monday, ni
\4 huh some ?I? tails at. gi* ? n
Unusual Business Conditions Make Possible
Our Greatest Sale of Ostrich Plumes
At V_ PRICE or Even Less
Ostrich feathers are again widely nsed in milliner* trim?
mings, as every observant woman knows. But the practically
?nii)|ilit. stoppage <>! European consumption amounting
hitherto t-i t\?u thirds of the entire crop <'f ostrich plumes
has a.? nt tu Ami ri? a more feathers than could be used through
regular chann? Is.
Thus it happens thai one <>i" the foremost ostrich feather
m America, finding its .hi A-, almost bursting with
the r i\> material, turned to us to provide an outlet hence
the most wonderful offering of Plumes we have ever been
]iri\Urged t?i make.
1 he h? .mtiiiii Plume? hart i.? en m .<l<* np ? "tpeetaSty lo our atmet
drooping h tly dyedj ttV t ? ! - n - k -? rich and lustruu?;
noir* whites and clear edoriiigs, uhiih Include old Rose,
Copenhagen, trm* Blue, Purple, liottl? Green, Brown and Taupe,
The Ostrich Plumes in Black, White and Colors
15 in? lies long, 98c; regularly $2.00. 22 in? hes Ion?-. $2.95; regularly $(?.00.
1 7 in.lws Ion?, $1.69; r?egularly 5 ). 50. 2A ?nt-hes long, $3.95; regularly $8.00.
I(> in<h?-s long $1.95; regularly $4.00. 26 inches long, $4.95; regularly $10.00.
A droupof 12(H)?
SI.SO and $2.00
LU*, h Bad ?il.it. 1 r. ii h H?.? ,?J
(Mrii-'i lij,?.
Salesmen's Samples, Fancy Ostrich Feathers, 39c.
\ large variety, Including Hands and Pompm effects; nil coiWs.
$5.00 Amazon Curled Plumes, $2.95
Two in ? bunch; one for ea? h side i>i the new high-crowned
Hats i m Mack ->r white.
$3.50 Ostrich Feather Bands, $1.95
T?te i'ind ? n. in li ? th. entire Hat, and is worn with two halt
plumes for In -??.lit, ami lur trimming. lUa.k, ?? lute and all .-.>|.ir?.
? .-. -? B sa
Domestic Rugs at Unmatchable Low Prices
Handsome and Dependable Floor Coverings
Nil Rt'G shop is offering some excepUooal values La three lines of weU-weariaa
RugS. B* ...,?,,.?,..,, wc ,n vltMi((, {lllrs(h(s ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ?J
ihttit tin??? ,?i similar quality elsrwhei
Tfcej are ell neu and perfect, and there is s g.1 assortirai of patterns of each kind
Seamleu Velvet and Wilton Dody Bruiseli Rugi Aiminster Rugs
Velvet Rugs '/'. ??? '?* -r'-i*. Il.rc v,?u will find a wonderful
\ s,.|??i;,| cUm pile, histn*? u_ .'v.'. i" "" '","'-: wriervtod.* fr..n..,...,..nK the.
Baa n, s,?.,N ?ii??,r .!,?, m, ?i.iiii.m '''", '' '" !.I'1- o? s tan., al ebnke designs ss much
d.s,,?.,?u,ll... . tmm* tot.
_mm ,. .,,,,, .*,500 6a9f|.?12.50.? ?.I $15.00
V.. ?"2 . $235? '^m, $15.00, ul $17.50
.:'??'? . $25.00 -. xi'it aiaaa ,-, t nnxmn
?...117.86 .$35.00 s i?.- tt $$76550 , ?5o5
lit ?I.. $19.50 -. $29.50 ft .$37.50 ' v I ? II ?? 6.50 i ,?J $21 50
*2*50 !1 I*?* ?? .141.50 ?XI2 lt.... $19.50 to $27.50
In all three state ^v:itt ,i..e is StrongCI 'l I ? - in New Jn ey.
where the .ote was three to IW?
Suffrage h.is ?m e7;cellent chance ' I ? ? r r v, ig New York C.ty snd
: .:?'.- : ?lie srr.aillei towns an?! rural di tri ts up t..te Against these
mini te set most ot the large U| state nMcs wl;n.h ate .tr. n?;ly anti
sulira r A .lose vote is indicated.
In Pennsylvania the predictions ? ry widely. Philadelphia and
Pittsburgh ire C< mededly the anti-suffr..r,e Strongholds, It is ?lie COfl
? beliei of the sutirai*ist leaders that the progressive spirit "f the
rest i f the state will i;ivc suffrage a majority
la Massachusetts, Boston is "anti." and the liquor interests are
ing a stron.; light IgUltSl r.ufi r a^ - throughout the -tue A n* i
jority of 50.000 against Is the p'ili'icians' prcdiitiori. A\ in New York,
the result is in doubt, with a close vote certain
reaaoi the ? ?pert
ed to
I r : .. ?
f than in I
f. .1
r ? ? and Mai is I etta ? oaservatisni
i ? ? ? ttive Mi uaetti
eomrn.:??? i ??? the liquor inteii I
h ?? ' .. : ? iurtii'u".- ??!' H 14
Btate rotan to stake ? efaaaav. Ii
I ? . tw? 01 ?
? ?i ? 11 on : - on. to uproot '
i d the difflcu
many ffi as*? so it. i tn*t
the n ir. ha? ? - ol been eon? inei
' t?te really wish 1
. ?
liquor element, ?ahtina
?(.???i. feel? ;lpi?t .t ii ?ahtina for lift
Under the Manaehusetti ysten of lo?
cal optioi ??;.< h polit cal unit in the
i ni? - on the liquor quest ion ? aeh
y? .ii Becau ? of thii I here i. ?
,-. tion and each little 1
n- well ai the lancer i itiei hai it loeal
organisation of liquor dealers. Bi
par? iaan alTs i . i hese nach
Interest es in nothing but tin
..i "iii. ' -?i the queition
i . ? ? ? bi led for the lalt of in?
t? >s , ? . ?_? : ,,| ion ?" Tin.? year th>-.-. ar
?\ oi r. ii ? ever* ounce of en? i.- ?
acainst ai nereas? h the nu ih ti ?
voten thai I ???> fe? 1 pe Is no I i
in ?one oi the Largest sities of the
Hut even the? are not sure ?.f th.-n
voters, foi all theae yean the* I re
; ned their hi nehm? n t.? pul i ero j
- ??? the "yea** and unconsciouslv
in;.: v h vote maj itraj from their con?
trol j vi : throui h force of habit.
Political Parties Podar l?sU?-.
So fur aa th? partios ?o?' eoheerned
nil, a ith th<- . \. ? ptioq ol I be So i
and Prol bitior. I . bavs dodged tfu
Issbo. thouefa all of th? candidat
?. rnor have d< el ired that they arill
v, -, for the amendment. Bui
Governor VVaUri nor hia Republican
oppo lent, Samuel W. Mel all, who la
making ti.- light of n lifetime, srs
la th? atump. ?cCall
,,,.;... ,, if nis
enrly ipeechei were ans nul cation? but
??? r a fear remarka that favored 'hs
;auae, he apparent!] !.led the eoon?
* ,,: h i managers und ceased to ?ay
inything t I aavs th? <-tfi-ct of
- -t rangi ng b few i ol i
Walsh hsa not tons even that far.
rr.oiiKh to churre thst
,:- pora? based more
on ? ,;. ?ire to svo.d hoc iliag al the
i .,: Margaret i ole? than upon anv
real eoBi Iction,
The oui-,- th nu? that n pei tlvs In t'm
mavasi ia tin- poaitiea of Hull. This
i ?? . t......... ,..i the aoath ihore, ?nn a
few cor? vol i, many reara ago irainod
on as s polit ?* si eat h ir
, . . ? rai ? ? ob ervera -??war hv it.
I! i.. .???? - got 'i ?? ?t?te." 'h
,_...;? 11 invasa shows
? . Un intl itTraga
Thal fael ?- submitted for what it
i. -. be '?? orth.
Agu n it Hull, however, the
,.i be guided by past experiene?
etts hai
icted < ' ? bat tted at
regala i el? ctiona in I ba pa I l- --i I b? r
b? ?lit it may that it ha.- v?t
to vote no.
i. .,'. ?Iso, i- submitted for what it
s woi ' k
Congressional Union Gets 'Liltl
White House' for Conven?
tion in December.
(Fr<,.n T?.i' Trll.ii. .- Bures?, |
Washington, Oet ?10. "My. but it
;.ound.s terribly historic, do...n't It, our
ng the 1 ? ; White llou-c- in which
. ild oui convention in Washington
.mm December ?> to 18," aaid Misa I oa?
itancs Drexel, who has in I arrived In
ngton from Now xork to ,-tir up
, . ty department of the Cob
ional i i Ion while it pr?parai foi
I i big rally.
"Il waa ?i lueky atroko, our gett
the Little White House, for 1 can't help
ng th? re i i oaaethiag ia a name;
and then it i- in plain view of Presi
Wilaon'a front door, sad it will be
io . ai y :" i an in and out.
i feel thai I waal every ?me who is
?to snow what n
... :.. Little Whits House is,
io they wl t to visit as thei i 1?
minus it- Green, Red .->ikI East
. ..i ,! I tope it- llluf Itoorn alao?
? | ?vert? i v? tereating
\ e? Pr? deal Hobarl i :
? 1?re; Murk Hanaa nu-i 'h.' biggeat
count ry m the draa ing
,,,.- where a i a III retoivo; Jai ? I >.
? .?, who ||i ,',| !.,-\: ,loor, ws - i
?tant visitor th. re, snd ti ?
career ol 1 Mr^. l?on
.raeron waa at a? ted then-.
"Mr- '? II P. Bela. is telae to
hold n r. eeption ia the Little v. I to
lloui of Deceml
Dr? (el, "..:.! oa the Ilth Mr-.
? of Now Yoi k, will re
a srs faiag to ha-.-.- a
..?.t series' of -oca! aiTuir> besides
obi BtoatiaajB."
Hi- Holding* in Motor t'ompanv Sold
to llarrv W. ford for $500.000.
I 'i- ,-.- ?
Detroit, Oct. M. Hairy \v. r'?td has
: t.re boldiaga ?if Ilunh
? r- ii the Sa: sa Mot?-r t ompan..
Mr Pord be? . .dual
t< ckhold? r in th? paay, al
winch, ilace its orgaalsatloa,
president sad general bum ssrer.
I 1500,000,
TI..- company vaa.- ii.coiporat.'.i N'..
vember I, ISIS, by Mr. t halmars and
? . ? member? of bis Chalmers Motor
Compaay orjri.riuation. it h.-.riii hi- nie?
that th? reatara would prov.- prol
yoBBgor BBBociataa. The original
organ i srs, bo ii?rh - Mr | | dmen sad
Mr Pord, were Lot I SBBsalraan,
???eres R Dat i ta , il. H Pig.
Boy, C a li. (Toi ? \ ay.*ir?l,r .i;)i,
1 i Hinekl? y. Pii a? . Pi -. r, Weed
la th.-ir int.
?' Mr ? balmei 4'. bol
?v company as an
ndepeadent Institution, h la aeventh
among Detrail meter eompaaiei an?i 1
t.nth smaag the companies at the 1
? or !il, in the numbt-r of cars built and ?
sold annually. I,
In Last Suffrage Rally, She
Promises Women Will
Boiler City.
1 alloon tugged -.* their
thi imikii
i. 44 mil whi? till ? d the lips o ei
thu da itic -? ........ h if til
crowd of 2fiO0 peno i - attended last
riiRht mi the east side oi Ha?
Square 1'nrk Mu- H nal night mass meet*
the i sffi agi il befon election.
Mrs. .1..in.-? Leei Laidlaw, chairman,
introduced Dr. Katharine II l ai
as th< ? ? peal of the evening,
"i In Tuesday you ? ill decid? If ? ?
are swing to trust your nolh*rs, wives,
daugnten and sweetheart i i Ihe mor.
u. -? ? have
trusted their women. Vote for your
. | Id Dai
?? \ foi that ? -iii tatei
'.'. ? in'i place I in the h? me,' if
right ?o fur as it got ; but I ??? ? ihould
! i- added, 'M th? home,
ir il ought tu be.'
??(,!? . i work with
-, ? i ?' d to make New Vori? i ?tj
Ii il.
Ralph Folk? spoke in place of Bor?
ough Pn ? Harcui M. Mark .
..: I - work with the budget committee,
"We in.uk im difference n race jr
coloi in thii country,** is i Mr. Folks,
"we ih?
? "
More <.I 1 ?itera, the lirtw-r.
"!;? ipon ibilitj I i ec? ?? ry t.. ?? ak
? and make eoo I i
ni":c kood i ? better
tats Why imt make u e of that
o our
. not 1st the women
vote '.'"
? bomb - f the evening eame in the
... : ? '.-.
1.7' Berkley, Cal., when I I <l the
ipeech I .... riel
M .i!.
"Culi.ne! Ir: lh
and i ? '? -
? i: and
Tl ei a .; re i o
h represen! Califoinia, and ti??>
on h.?s been ? anobling and
"The stati-nient that Mormonism in
I'tah Is ?i.i ? t" w?
fa.-l.-L- an?l prepo terous, it is unworthy
? ?iur ?.| ;??,. ?
"In . orado,
to Geori ?? W
I to I
ting *.? .ii, i. ni on : ne pis
?a d: 'I b'I ? . ? ? that the ?
ment !?? .. r had to step in befo .. ;
;::k>. the li rid - b? fore I ?
women voted in Colorado?1 1 ask you,
? ?
tumult oi
? ??? .
"Ar. . I olon? 1 Irish sayi that
? omen ha. ? t? i n voting in
Colon neglecting
? one w.ir.l
t stab meat
and i leave that t<> your Imaginations.
Haass Hun?, a Btatc.
"I have been Mayor for a number of
yean, and I am going to let you into
ilight orna
..l duties, nil,.---.n tha of the
dutiei of a cit] officia go i ghl ?lown
to tlu- doorstep of : he home.
"What i- the big iquabble ??oine* on
in New York Cit] to-night? Night
' i -ii.it ,i woman - t>u? ?.
?ken were ?'. ? ? ?: tte,
%? hoie .'? ?'?? ' i a roter ?:? ??'?? ii:r.u't?>".
State, md I.?- sayi he ii proud of it:
Lei i Haw, pre
l . . ..'? Equal Si'ffragi
Raymond Rol I - ieago.
?-.;.. , Symphon*. Orchestra
e hundred ?? bed 'tie
-.. lead tha audienee In ehanllag
rt Maitland, ?. number of the
I..m?..a; Opera Company and of the
Load ?n M? League; (hurles
H. bowe sad On
were - ? ?! Oi tmau Bvst
sang ar. si i from "Tannhausor," then
reappeared later as ? olumbia .?rid led
the audienee in singing "The Btai
Sj angl? ?i Baal er."
To-niorr. W ti:;?-ht there will he held
in the same plau e a pi ritual
meet ng, ..' '.-.hull Rabbi Stephen S.
u. ., the Rev. Atan Me? urdy and the
Rev. Wad.i Arne? W?I be the chief
?peakera. Mr. Barahart will lead the
h\ mn tinging.
Untermyer Speaks at Pioneer'*.
lOOlh Anniversary.
The one-hundredth aaniveraary of
lbs i>.: ?-.-. ? : I.im ti. ? ady Staaten
.'?1 ?eat? r.l.-.y by a
luncheon la th>- graad ballroom <?:" tac
\ I :?>??: sdvaeates
man >u:' rage atti i led and radi?
ated the hope that Elisabeth Cadj
Muir.. York
ompleted I a?nniay.
Samuel I . ? ?fei ring to the
. : ightl of women.
bj n.. | the agitai
l.. day, as eau
linued, th? itate at the law with *??
osaea'i rights net s
. . : then ?... - ne de?
. . h iffrage. Mr. I
? ? :. . n i i r ? tally to the, -:
si New York Stat ? i ?id,
did r:<?: alh I .. WOSSBM a ?livorce on the
groaada el riesortiet, or crue? uni la?
? ?
? n'ait? . paid to
Mrs. Btaatoa*! susssry du:.-.?- the
Sal r the
? cu:n
|.iiiir*i. ?a ?i thon . ter bl<
.. bava '?? i
call? t in ta? foot
leaa B.
The ne? ???n-titution ??ipe? out tui
imrni swiiatafsoao ?nH persans payment
under ihe employer?' liability la? for
rxrupational di?ea?e?. Worker? should
tupport it un that account.
Hope of Anti-Suffragettes
Is in Philadelphia's
Union Labor, Particularl) ;n
Mine Sections, a Tower ol
Mrenjith tu Women.
Pe? Del i '
:n the !?? ' dd
delphia Bi d Pitl
bit earl] yet to
thing may happen betwe? i n?a ai d
? : i..
Pri? M.l i of ' he amend?
y 160,
, lain*, the t?te I
-.. The impartial obaei
the ordin?r] msn ii tl
- d?
Few really look for auch a
frage major it) I ?
inclined to think auch ;< elaim ?
:. to pal il mildly; but R
v.-It can ?cd Penn ylvania three
ago, Bolea Penrose wsa in the minorit)
a ; ? .n Bge, sad i,- 'or;.- may i
<>n the other band. those
that th.- antis will have 150,000 vot
when the las) illot ha
tabulated would be the mo
i ta te if thia should
? rue, The one thing the?
''???? ? ota in
Thai undouhtedlj will
be tht am? ndment, and
1 delphia will show a bit; an*: vot--.
A tari ? be count? -i
on from Pittsburgh, where the liquor
re workiag tooth and nail to
defeat the women, but il
will I ' ;,
te, I otablv in the
. where organised labor la
om< :i.
Hill Better Jeretj showing.
It i ; cm Penas; Ivania
the women will make ;? b ??
thai n 1 lersey, where the pro
the vote was as three
tWO. That v.,': not have t r, b
proved verj much 1
the ? ote column. A
about B per cent would ,| the
day to n (frage ia N? w .'
<Irdinarily it requirea neitl r -Y.^ ioi
of a prophet nor the n of a
aeventh aon to any how Penn ylvania
Will VOt? On ? Three
ago, on I ?.re of elect on. it
was elear thai the iv, would
?weep the state. To i tent the
R? pub ich i> moi a
.i ubi .?? ,-,i ther or not I
who have returned to th? party have
that they are no i ma ? p
pos? d to I a of the ba I
Prom the
the women who seek the ballot have
had the women opposed beat? n s
of v.-;. i i word*
Matt Quay, "?
fiery cross o I '. thty have
been a i n ery count) .
lheir liberty bell d ' ?'
.vi?, and
in aon ?' here headquar
m ast?
ea ery to cloae them for lack of la
tercat. The explanation thsy offer for
this is thai they do not need to
? he light I heir il I i > who wish the
! allot an a rapelled to make.
Liquor Men Pighl CaBBB.
Oaa thing that haa helped the Buf?
? - ia th? '.. if the l'hila
delphia gang getting through an
amendment extending :'::?? capacitj of
the c.ty to i If thai amend?
ment goes through the city will
terioua ?nancial difficulty, if not bank
rid !" i.' ',- an- a ho I ve upon
eta will have aomething to feed
on, Th? peri? ata in other el? el ion -
I a ? I..-. ;i that amendments either itand
or fall together, and in lighting the
aulfrage smeadment those most sna?
re i i-..- Ti-, ilsdelphia am? nd -
ment earrii d have to be eareful lest
do rot injure t i i. ? i r own can
Aaothtr amendment which will be
voted on ia etsenl ial to ths proper
Bg of the workmen's eompenaa
tion set Tint will bring <-ut s big
labor vote, and ths larger ths vote out?
?de of Ph a Ii l| h s, ths better the
? ol ths women are believed to
be. In the past the men of ths m ning
Ctioi I BVe proved to be their
. i otsbly when the bill to bbb
? i ..- amendment was in danger and
,.ii from the con
ay. Th.y are expected to
? old ' !??-;? ion on Tua ?day and
Oataide 'i,.- bossas In Philadelphia,
the great? t danger to ths amendment
, m 'be !;.;uor element. This
frankly fears the effect of the ?
- um of the ballot sad sa frai -.
righting in Pittsburgh and othei e?
It,.- ween ths two, let ?
m between two mill?
? ,.. . ; hi srs nal o rerfriendly to
. ? the other hand, they
I quoi trat?ic
mon- than it is.
?Ulillliiir.l from t>.<a!* 1
the bal ? ind he had the ?r?.?-?- t.?
look thoughtful.
Oa h Broadway local near Ninety
?:xth Street .? r. . . ? girl a?k-?i
Kola I.H Pollette if she m:^ht hula
?asas sf the placarda Shs said thut
?? eoald r.-ii it was a hard thiag t?
do sad waatad ta da MHae
ard for luffraga
"1 know y?iu won't n. ?! ;: I I n
you," ?he added. "Vnu ve gat oa s
Four to ?tx ?-f.ilv,
Fortieth Street at 6th Avenue.
Al.o ISigh'ly at Supper. !
l-Ali! i M? SI! IMjtl-lA l . i . .It. ss th.Hr '.
... ' h . ,-a .? I prl.a | , ? ? -.i ? i. i
s .. asamiae jewnrj. jamuiv?. i?. m ?,.
?a much ft
? ? Masan ie aas*
-, || ?.
il BowlingGri en two guanti
Pola i. Pollette from the
?i?, ?-?ir nmarked ti ?
adlllag ??? earrj
board for ?-itfrai;.- oui,-* to have tha
It waa oi
it ttle mei
h iekering ..
if, .,)?}.. ti topped ihort, right ?
I rroiik.
\ ?*.*'? ,? | -? ? ., ? 11, ? ? ' ,
light ??? ? ? IB ?-..(.?:
in e ? en ., i??i? I : i ?
I ? ? ? , "
i ? ?? he ?board
? ? ,. foot
of I ? Yon know I
, mai
.1 four i< ?
. ? ?- ? - ?
:. r - i
i ng to notii ird An
"!? ? n ir?
,: | ' ? I, or "Co ii on - ?
. ;. Boar
? '
One of tha protti? I gii ? I I a?
' oui ? ?
from Pola l I
had ?es ? d - ? ? i? If inder
-irrr:.:;. * p >< ? d 'I he girl g
? lap-board nnd ?hen at the
FSIiha B at' '
''AH th?,, l^
to He." * ?*
The young mun didn't ?T?n tmi), .
I m-nde,| per-?,? . h? hasun??.
P it himself ?. ^ ?
tO am I." he a? r\
t'pto-vn and downtown tnd sll
?er? ths thlr.fi .
>? '?"ir.;? ?nil .?J*
"**? -pen; ?ha ???ir? t*?
' " "'l,li* cm'
in?? to the -urfsce to ir?H'.h?. "l.f.TT
seal.?," a- i o . ?.. Pollette .?id, gatC
--?M.or-,. T?
- NiaetMiiS
- ?'.'raffe ???mitiS
done for - ami ?n inwicslabU
,v-e p?rt of th? |ar
. ?r'-r. *"
"I* waa ird bat from the sm??>.
of attent I it rscted I ta lab ?t wat
worth it," ?laid Fols La FolVtte ?>!.
I left her. ' "
up na ?? 'aire, i ?ho-jld hi?.
? I? ?t that young team
year? airo; toda? r
' do"? that with any aSJ
r I f ? '.hi' i? would ?i*?*
. ol Bnti-?sffrsgist lack at
? i iheald worry!" he brillianUy r?.
mai ' ?'"' ai d i ?er. a? each ?f \\p
rea taraed,
SOAfSut ?-a sea ]f-'\(t\i_\vciu\t.A\w ac: .n0 *7*_*sts.
G/^r Sovcmber^themonthof
iSociaL IdiOitics
J?n enMre?u t:eu> ranc/eof
JDeii?- v. oison ?ti/lcs
vacliL?inuMio?cls lately recei?ed
[rom tror is and cntrodace?citthe
Ule?ue ?esiMa?es-**
hcl?attheSdz^aHton Siotd
? urinathe past uteek*
yorJheab r- Il estmutui tireur
Aftern ooa^alLna -Il eccptions
*"formal or Infortnal^H.ffows
txifidAte^ Wraps
lor Jjaij or (Menino.Wear
llltrxL??mart ?ax?Lp ?
Cjor Jjtreel (?rallina and
Jports LU ear
cnan?romc- (joa?r
* for a II .oco
/o . rv
tjn Ocru jiaO ,cffccL<^~
JAejOl?plaif of\
4 ftench IKiMinenj
Hi? been augmented by splendid Dcmir-ais?.-. Style* in
reproductions of late Paris importations -together with
new designs by our own French and American artiiti
l'i-.'Utinrnt eennnn usM are:?
?i ?is kasiiii.n.mii.i: v.mn: mat.*?? nkw BlaACS ?s->
wiirri: in m t.-- hats og ?;<'t.i> ?MO sii.vti. 1
i-l!:.Ml.l.i: EMBROIDBRBD BBAYCM VM? l?g*a 11 s r v t l. I ? ? N
POM BTUNNINta HATS IN 1'Kl'IT aM> ri "'?? . ?
v.akt ?.*;:i turramr ?paradi? aovraa n;:t?*N
am? .?ii.i. i: rKIMMBD