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\|i\ I i; i : -1 Ml s I illVF.RTISl Ml N I \|i\ I ??:! IS1 Mi N I \!>. I I: I l-l MENT. \\i\ IIMIM Ml N'T Miv ERTISI MINT ADVERTISEMENT -i,', i RTISEMI > I I A Mill ew York Women Want to Vote Woman Suffrage a Success Woman Suffrage has never lost a state. No state which has once granted the franchise to women has ever repealed its act or tried to repeal it. The twelve woman suf? frage states form one-half of the area of the United States. They contain 1-15 of the total population. They elect 1-4 of the U. S. Senate. They are the most rapidly growing States in the Union. For every adult couple, man and woman, the West has two votes. Can the East afford to continue to disfranchise its women."' VOTE Y E S Cn the Woman Suffrage Amendment They have been canvassed and we know. They ask for the franchise in the name of justice, democracy, and expediency, A vote for Woman Suffrage is not a vote for or against the new Constitution. They stand on separate ballots. The ballot below show?, you how to vote for the '.vornan suffrage amendment. Put your cross in the "Yes" simare of Amendment No. 1 Keep your cross within the square, or your ballot will not be counted INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTER: 1. In \ <>?r "Ve?" on ??ny question ninke n ero?? X murk In ?lie ??innre oppn ?Itr Ihr aa,,rl "\ r?. 2. 'i., Vati? -,\i." ramh? ?? ?rn?? \ mart la las asjatsr? ??sfaaali? IBs ?oral "No." 8. Inrk tula aa lili n i.riii II having l.lrt.k l.-u.l. i. in? uiii.'i- mu? I,, rrasar? sr tear <??? IB? i?niini r?*n?i?'?-? ir ?<>l?l. E. Il aon leur, or ?Irin..-, or aa run* I a unirla ?Ilia linllol. i.liirn I? noil ohrnln ?inaiihrr. VES IY NO D AMF.NDMF.NT NO. 1 Stall tb? | ? ?? ? ?-.??, ?ras af srtteli tw? ^t ?!>? saatltuta? n. ??? g , , , .- - . ? 1 ' VES NO D D AMF.NDMF.NT NO. 2 th* I t(J ? - ' r ,.f tr-\r\e ?????-! ft th? II ? rate if latents? ? irred far 4., . ? ??....? i i f t..? ? I VI ? D D PROPOSITION NO. 1 tpter ft?? ' ? ' ?HUH "A ? ' the people u i- >,i-l et ?ad ' Ur sppioveall Women Pay Big Taxes Women's Taxes help buy or rent the booth in which you will vote on Tuesday. Women's Taxes help pay the ofneers who will man? age the election. Women's Taxes help pay for the three printed bal? lots you will cast. Fair Plav Demands that women be given a voice in the elections for which they are taxed. VOTE YES on the Woman Sul?rage Amendment America stands for the right of self-government Be an American?Vote for Woman Suffrage EMPIRE STATE CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE a val SEES S?FFRAGE SWEEP IN BROOME Senator Hill Says Women, Well Organized, Will Win County. ONLY i INCERTAIN EI I W\ NT IS HINMAN Poll in Syracuse Streets and m ires Majority foi ?.meBdment. MM\ lit .... i ' .tnton, ?? "1 ? " s'li(i "I have frr.m the VSI7 . ... . ? B strt-nfrth?r.s my ba? I tkior>. .? * practical Btntflt to the . who ??oubts woman's : roi'tic? ? hivf ? -. and ths wno r; '? ,hat ? ? ? ? ?? '. of ?i ? women ? . .... t) ?-.. nta irt v, -.on is ?" ' ' U. ? x In a ?ho?- '. , rttltttjd his ? ?her, r , ' ? I ef the tails; , ?"? I ?'.a-, ? ths women >hou' ? f. ?ha', v. omen ii ,-. tkoit.l ?'ial '" It is in the : ftngrr ? 1. aaon against it. I he ? ?hi.I . Wr 2" rtrtsin el? ? 1 Klitica. rt 18 th? I ? ***>?! i,- I , ?>?".1C?' - **? ?-f ' 1 aki ' '?let ?>, ????. suaouii? Mr*, liaii.oi Staat?? 11 ? ?-...; .. - ? ? and adv. ? ?.r>. ? ? ? ? "I in rum houli! .: task? ? ? ghamton ha ce th? . * Umax in a "T: - ? ? .?i m: I ' ? ? I Tn in Fl? ot the lit was linst II ami I ., "\\ . . -,. vets >? our A ? fray haired "i . boy hts lunr! :i;h <>r> this tl '?? V. . htitr.f ?J ...- ear i'srk seeon f polit ? - At ? r deal lass our ? st "aad arall in." ??I-, ",v sltetian sajrway '? ? ired si sthtr '.. 1? v t-i!il him ' ?a? mat had im ? ?.?aun? ? ?? th. tllll.l ?! 1 one une?.:'. BROOKLYN GIVES S?FFRAGE LEA] In Tribuno Poll 209 Vol "For." 197 "Against," 54 "Undecided." EARNESTNESS SHOWN IH MARKING BALLOT Professio isl .Men, Shopkeeper Clerks and Workingmen Anon Those Registering Views. apparently a .- o araall, hower ? ? of ths aoraen in 1 poll in th?- boi I brivJn ii.ii .1 "ondecidi d" taa Is ths ri i alt '1 m bj Itvrysrs, d?xtoi clerl iwaera, lal ?' .'. i undecided, f i arna it the way l ; Iras ta ? ... t . t that I ? hke diapateh. Ar-. -!? th shop sad thsstrsa la lha baroBtjh. In th. Tsraals Bar Baildiaf, sppasits Boroaarl Hall, ths 'l heagh i id? el -?',?? lawyers, the offices era They laclada bankers, as, ?l<-n ' ? ? ? . .. | i. ? ,.- . . Ths pall in that h . . I , \i,le (??BBS Against Suffrage. Out ?.: ltd d? ? ? ? ' shop ? Ths far th? : were ei r* pr. tsntsth i .. SB W? . si ioring -? ments ..- I ? -. v. ith s k-'""u' ?! other ?re ? . ,'ion of ierard, raanattr, . ? d. 'Ih' B th? later* ? i i ad, 54; and Ths ?-..ii.??. .-tr via. l?iiott.Appit ., Utaj TRIBUNE POLL IN BROOKLYN. t'nde PTiittb rsa~srsri in Breahlya. lor igaiast. ?ideii. Temple Bar Baildiag. M ' " ?? Shopkeepers, clerks and laborers . 11 ?"''' -1' Orpheam Theatre . M ?"? * ' ' Totals . -->?' IM M ? ? rea? Many ( hange 'Huir Minds. - ? ? ? ' r-ason a Ivai i d for voting in twee? nrabni I u cle. .\ i raen i il?. foi vot? ing m f .\ or wai " I .mong . I ., raprovs A littl? girl iaflaeaead her graad? , ? ? . 'o her an.i ask? I, ?; I '. '? - .-? ? ' ?..: i an ?? -i - tat) ? 'I hal Influenced In Nugent. Ii. ;. Bsarby oftes thras partners .... "< >ur nm. . lim Nui t In a fear eat ol Basa voted bo hi '??ted a s gtenoitr,. ? ! with a -> n-?,- of vrxa 'Vote sa] a - l'on': "ie." B/s I, I ma;' be laughed at. hut I'm :. and ? - ry, as ? . U ad? i thai .'ral. B ? . da off anything'' 1 haven't, u- i i ?i n moat of th? ] ter't tel ?? tin sis dSTI Of 1 I A proeeaa tamer isid hr "r.u" I ? ? ally" ? ? ilow 1 he ne?a ron-tilulion wipe? ?iut t?n emrnt BWtatshaMBS am. ??< rmii>< p.ia ment under lbs emplit?, cr?' liBBilit* tat fat ?u di-i'.-i>????. \? .ilaeri should Aiii/piuti it ou ajastssssB], WICKERSHAM LAUDS NEW CONSTITUTION Perkins Chief Opponent, Spank? ers Say at Lawyers' Club. The tution was def rnd? d W. \. ick? n ham, . i Kan J. O'Brien, fo I ? i ?n as the eh of oppo On and ? of the Progn nivea. al io eriti I ham c If to the constitu ? ? e? nstitatioa." said ' d w th id in ? ? I .... um of the ? ??? rks a hard - ? mendment ? ? 152 ta end ? itead *?? Defence 0rgr.nizat.6n Planned. The atemben ... ? ? ? (Joseph 11 lident of t . te ',.? ? ,? . .? : B. A', this ? .. ara* . . n?e.i ? ? Charles 9 " Ci il ! 1 ? : ?. U a r p : | .... e : James R. Da; a Dix, Al Loui? P. I H. Glynn, / : Jayr.?* Hill, New? Pi Utiea: VA lacob Gould ???an, Ithaca; Ju SVSBS, A White. Syracuse Al . le) v. : '. ' ? M : - ? - '-.m. Hay ?. . Pel lecker. ? ? 1 tlirii-n-> ami SCSUMSaj ??? mand Ihr ?doptloa o? th? ni-*? constitution. \ote '\vL' ARTI ARGUMENTS ABSURD,SAYST.F Roosevelt's Letter Checre by 3,500 at Brooklyn Suffrage Rally. A '. '.ter from Colonel R ?osevelt : ... sad ? Knight iaa mctin-?* Brooklyn womsn auffragUtS in t! tcadei ..-.?. abo il H ;) in attendanca. Among tl w? re Mr*. Philip Bao* dea, Mr l.aymond Robins, of t'h ca?,o; R? i Keiitn and l>r. Stephen S. Wlae, The l?? *.t? irai i'* ?? ' hairman of tl .-. Mi.? 11. Edward 1-. ? ??It ? ? ? at pleaaun t-< mi . thu !?????: on (??!...?7' . amendment in Now Yoi ... : . ?? H-.-) Ne Jersey .ir.d to a.I the oth.-r il it . year on the props tas rii/ht te I a alwaj Lmk n to ?ne an el? .- at abaurdity in the ar,;t rr.ents ad I woman lui r th.- fact thl from tara? h ? t government? Of .io\ '? example, ;'rv.. continent teas dli he patroa King and G ; moro t teen than to the K;r.?>-. The old est .t?te in the rr...?n. Virginia, derive .? :? ir-.m the the tirs ? ? -.r, from r. . n ii i the reign of Qjaeei . . i .: . r c??n tune*, (.?'le.-r: Klizabeih was certair.l rereiga wi.u tat ?.t? -.:. ??ni. ? eh the Oraat wa 11 ? ., twe Kir?.; eai ? irho in Bl . r wa; ? ith him w< . - amen a aad Ma. :u Thenai ? "I have thus meal . 44 ho ?v.? iid by a.l ee| able I I i ? ? If a woi ? the htad "?" a : monarchy, surely n.? adequate can bo a , ?n a .r own . ? a.'e(]. rhe opponi ? . take a the ?? ? > I I rere i ?houid certainly not favor it; juit ai ?he "?utfra-.e to. ? away from bia baalaoM I ?hoald r:-.'. iking and *< ? , ?? the eh kef work for bath rr...r, aril woman. Tr:< . however, in my ever in this objection. Un don ?ome foolish women ma ?rill excuse them from itiea, ju?t . ? ion ot the rffrag ? the foolish m.-n it go) e | live wit i.i more poi i:.-..--. ? | "Tkere are, of cour.-e. exceptional Lui-lt ?RSt -a .??... Ale CACtlaVtlOU?! BleU aho will do work oat rids ol their and by bosta? n I mtaa not only what is commonly called DBI ? . o'' 'l-..- pi 0 '?? 01 - and Inn di peakiag of bast? BCSS man. profossiOBal man. t'arnicr, skilled mechanic, clerk, lahorer. I I ark I .?r,| at his ? ? | . much work out .??.-, SBB will Bad that her ? ga< I with her Bat 1 SB ;??. .' ? ? -' git Ing au ? I .m to th? ? "Moreov? r, m bore aromai h.iv,. the ability to ? ? i... m? re i i that ih.ui the fact that man rtl?t oi .. ;.r a musi eian raeaaa that he trill neglect the home." PI ? other day I wt I, at 1 ...? raany of us were,. of Mme Homer and di an 1b lorat **f tht j papers. It ia is l-..-r ,. ? .--o.* ot' hr: | I wit . . I of ln-r own nous? "I ? do ? '?' believe that ? can !'.? tit] of fanttioa, bal I I to do with giving them . iBght to have. I I fully y? ?THEODORE ROOSEVELT." BUDGET AND ELECTION INJUNCTIONS REFUSED No Power to Prevent Vote on Constitution, Says Pliilbin. .1 . ? lea Philbil ? afternoon i ths thrt ? made by ? I ? , : \ tioa, for injunctions to prevent s being esst on the gem titutl from -. .rig the budget for till | present form, and to restrain il from en ths city ths 113,0 ? tata tax. ? motion J n held that the (OBI ? from performing their dattes. He added: r ei ted ths court sa to ? iceoad motion Justice of th? thst ths .... f the I , i ' f Estimate, la . ? ? ? city employes, aers about to ia has ?'"m. He h ? ? ? ? ty of .' inch are stl . ? . plaintiff was rot entitle I to ask the court to perforar lach ? fand The | eat ice ia denying the third mo ia not presented until le it was necessary that the aid be acteil upon by past* terda ?' to the law imposing reet tas, he said: "There b ictary reason given why the al . ty cf the act of ime * law in Mat, Itll, could I bees earlier raised hv ' for that parp?se.' Il ? ho < tiOB of the ror ra-ctne- v BtBBBBl of th? dintel ?? . revi? i ?? l i>\ tl ? sa irt lfir?-lenc> and rronotm demand the tdnpiiim of the new constitution. Vote HER MARCH TO ILTAR IS 8,500 MILES LONG Girl Travels Across ( outillent. Then Overseas to Sav i Will." The ha| ? | Line, railing i Ja ra, Cal marry En ? * it ' Beaumont, ? ? . \? h I? u itill a ?nl.nt Ht '.}??? I B h Sin- ?v.i ? ? at Leland i r, f n '??! a mari ta a . : ? I . K 17. . irdly wait I t at ( "but I'm 10 I do. Worth trat i.ODO for? Wall, I si I you don't know I r-. ,1 m. an ' ??EW STRAUSS UPROAR OUT "Alpine Svmphnny" Usas lli Pi?'?**? to Imitate Waterfall?. I ? a London, Oct. :.0. Richard Straun'a ; mt ?leal npi I . piae s>m- I ? ? ? time ?? ... ..f th? Royal Opera, ? II now iy \ : ? i ? s.-rip Qei man pa| ? have ? . '....:. Ion ind! era? ? out Itrau l e into hn i light and ?' i iking by eight . four t. ampel -, four t .m be la tabas, I a ??? drume, . ? . *. ' . It i? clan: Itrauii contrived " thema' eallv to i the ?ound '. rpe, wood? and th. daiat) an?, the celesta, '.', combined with the tressais of the trt o 43 RECEIVE SEA DIPLOMAS Se? eral Nautical Srhiml ?.raduales - Wm prises Forty three sedetS of York ? State Naatk ploma? and sertilsataa of grad ? uaeacoau at - ?. ? th? Maritime fiihaage r. -..Jay ?fteernoon. Prises for proficiency in ?eaman?hip. ... navigation and eng ,? ?ver? ' BU arded as foil. ? <>:'iriu:noration prue. 1- - .'- 1 .ucai; > awarded by the heard ?f error?, Percival ? 17 ion; hyj tl Charlei Joaepl J the Chanaaoi dam D t ? " ' K. II \. Il' by the ?tapira Sta . .., ??uiuei Ba QaeetM. ,