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IVt??oleiim tarai It? prn?1n< ,. h??? bes-Ame' Essential Factors In rrxvlrrn ,?H'fi?tr \ulnm? Ml??. a??re plane? an.l m<>t?rrs ?-1rs hair lnr?.l? ??? ? planlrd en? ?ili. ?Ml.? m?.??r Irnrk? n" the VBBtklia ..f lra?is|,..rl it ..n 1 \<rrr ha? l*?*???ll an In? rrxsin? ?Irmanit f.,r li.l.rl? nlIn* oil?. Of ?he ?r. nrilii? ??? \ntni.nn < ??in l-anlr? vv r tr, ,,m?n? n.l Central Petroleum Preferred ?hlea I? of a pro,lnrli?,f company, tha ?n llre ont not h?ln? (?Uan 1.? Ilir Iris? oil) Ce., whir h i???i?ni??. a .? . divMead. At pr??sspt thr- nmrVrt for oil I? *"? ?.er hiuT?!. wlth proonrrt? of 11.OO per harret. The par value ?f Ihr al,.ok la tirvfi -.?ilijrct !.. ?air. ?**? offer a llmllr.l Price to yield 12% Special Or calar A IM s rafemit. Douglas Fenwick & Co. lnveitment Se?uritiei 34 Wail St. Tel. 4220 John POSITIVE PROFITS Car Lighting & Power Int. Mercantile Marine I. S. 1 ivjht & Keating Canada steel '.-,-?? ?rtlv?]? -1 h?v? C.\Y. HARRIS & CO. Mrml.rrs V \ ? ?iri. Mnrkr?t \??n. so mctD it., Ky. ?...';:,';?,? ?l?iirVil.i'i'J^m-r? Short Term Securities under present conditions offer peculiar advantage*. Do you realize them? Write for circular T->90. Bigelow& Company BJ |-,,,, - 1 .li.lin. SIMPLEX AUTOMOBILE CO. ?.'- m i ialixe in ; : lock. Informativen of imp si on request. Oscar Alexander & Co. 'Phone * Broad 100 41 BROAD STREET, N. Y. Singer ManDtectitring FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. I'lione Ilr.nwl Ml. un M" il ?' . HOW York. l*r?T?lr plum?- to lln-li.ii uml I'hilailalplila. ?SB*SBB8S?aB??*flBnV**'J-l l.rtva?**' MHL.J American Light & Traction V.'arrants Bought or Sold ? ItF.McCONNELL&CU. '.-.-. I-,?ir SU, Iri Ciiic.l .Ii.Iiii. \??v York. If v..?! iir<- nil.-r.~l?-.I In CURB STOCKS Wrllr f? "iir .\?<U? M ?rl.?-l I rltrr <?r |.h..i?.- i:.:-, i.?..ili. EDWARD E LPr ? & CO. ? Dll.i i.ii Uli vv i;.i - ?", lir..a?l Mrrrl N.?v ?lorU ?STANDARD WE WU I I ! ' I. WILL SELL It Atlas'.l II i .1 ( ; 10 S. 0. il 4 ? ? f.O Cortlv ?. ( um 25 6. 0. al r M ? 'irr Line CARLh.PFOKJ ?cCa ? I N. T. W.N.COLER?&Co. H AHLIMiKl lbTt Investment Bankers IS III' 4 1? HT.. NtW \4JHK (11*1 N?a Turk CMS U-nl? All l??u?? Wm..\.Read&Co. Investment Bonds Na??au & Cedar Street?. New York I l , .( . i ? !.. P-H S General Banking Service / Metropolitan Trust Co of the City of New York George C. Van Tu>l, Jr., President ?t WAI.I. .?TKKKT The Mechanics & Metals National Bank uf Ihr 4 il? ?>f Nrsr York. OS Nassau Mr??!. tapllal, Surplus an?! Prallt?. 111 .OOO.OO? All WALL STREET r?%d? DOW, IONES BULLETINS & TICKERS Investors read THE WALL STREET JOURNAL CAPITAL ????!? I ? mark?! ?.T...!??. ?? ,,f R H AZI LIAN, a<<4*?B9 ?Il 1 ' I. A'nur riNA ?CI VI. MEETINGS MI.KI'l MIIIIMi I INOI ? l'l < ?i Tlir .m" ??? ?I ? af ?lir UKRUI S HAI.lili LINO ? i i. COMPANY ? - i" 'I ?i lha '.m. ? ?,f il,* Caaajeajr. Tribwn? Kundin? No lit \?a aau 8tr?ai. K?a V?.i? "t W? laaaOar, No v?robar IT lull, ?t a!???n o < loi k A M. lor tb? ?i?<-tit'ii of ? H aril of ala? PSrae Mea an? for Hi? transaction of au.-h oth?r bualn??? a? ?"??? properly com? Ik for? tb? rr.??tln( PIlKPK j waaauRTON *??? ratal/ and Tr*aaur?r LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE DULL Marke? Awaits Military Events?Importance of American Exchange. l-ORD WELBY'S DEATH LOSS TO FINANCE Reports from Germany and Aus? tria Indicate a D?pr?ci?t inj? Currency. B] IR\N(IS \V. HIRST. Editor "The E? onomi??t." London. ?,*? . ? ? - ? . r ? Trfl sssii? ] 1.?.ml.?n, Nor. 2.?The Stock Ex? change was dull and inactive to? day, awaiting political and military developments. Although the military organisation and unity of Serbia are broken by the capture of the arsenal of Kraguyovatz, guerilla warfare may prove more wearing an?! for midabhl than organized fighting;. This is the view of a personal friend of mine who has ju?t returned from tilth ?uni l".?kub. Tho marrallot-i soccass of Lord .'.- appeal is being felt in fresh efforts to substitut, women for men. Yesterday a girl plumber visited my house to put the gas right. Women ticket co?ectors and clerks are mul? tiplying fa t. Walter Runciman's interview indi? cates that the Ministers are alive to the importance of the gold stand? ard and American exchange. His emphatic indorsement of free gold ?r financial basis strikes me .?? significant. I believe that the ?"?:"??- recruiting policy will aim at .voiding, as far as poasi reduction of the export trade. Th. need of correlating ? aidai with the military policy ? I Welby's death is a severe personal loss to the world of finance. He was the most distinguished and ? ?need rcpre?entative of (rlad flnancia] methods, and suc eenb'il Lor?] Farrar as chairman of ?M I ?Club. H. busied himself with problema of war an?i finance to the end. When I visited him last month hi.? mini was perfectly clear. He vrai a contemporary of George Trevelyan at Cambridge and of Lord Fiver.?!? y a: Eton. The most remarkable incident in his career at the Treasury was his misrion to Wartet Bagehot, then c?!itor of "The ." which resulted in the in? ri of Treasury bills. This reminds me that tie ?> cor cent "yearling" bills have attracte?! 'e investors, though they cannot be bought in smaller denominations than one thousand Is sterling. Meanwhile, high rates for Treasury bills have natu? rally deadened the discount market. I to the new loan, the desirability raiding another long term ??sue is recognized. Reports from Ger? many and Austria indicate the ap? proach of famine conditions, due to ',;?!:??>? of wages through de? preciating currency rather than to any actual failure of food supplies. BANK OF ENGLAND SENDS MORE GOLD ?019,000 Shipped Yesterday Many Anieriu-n Shares Figure in Stock Aia'ket. ! ' November 2. Accumulation of or.I." over the w? ? I holi ::i New Bsarhe! a fina ? ?? n? \ i b i un?.? wai t 'mis .i?:.i Grand \?. I.lie Bl Bl il un bond) ; t.. : pointa, and South American securi ? ? and Japane.-e bonds advanced itoadlly. Despite the holiday in New York there were large transaction? in the 'American section, where holden, tiik ? ing advantnge of the advance, realised. Low priced ?hares W.N l ' thi" dealings. The market closed Stead with Canadian Pacific two points be low the best. The Bank of England to day i 164,000 m I'm gold H'.?i ?hipped 1910 (mu t.? the I'nited Stites and 120,0. < anada, .?"?<! also earmarked ?12,000 fur niseella.eoos par] Money W.I in good demand, and dis ! count rates were llrm to-day. Ameri (?in exchange waa dull around 4.6.'lt*>? to ; 4.63-V Money loaned at from 31*, to 4 per cent; discount rates for short bill* were i% to 47? to 4 15-16 per i cent. Consol.? closed unchanged at 65. Gold premium at Liabon was 67. Paris, Nov. 2. Trading was quiet on the Bourae to-day. Three per cent rente? closed 10 centimes lower at 65 franc? 60 centimes. Exchange on London was'nominal. ? LONDON CLOSING PRICES. N T v ?? i cap ? ? ; . . ?? ? 10? -? i a ? ?Mo ? ? '? ? H ????.Hi la || . '?? '?? ? : ??J? ?,? 4 Ohio " ?MS ' 1*4 ? > !...?? 44a -'rr- \'\ IK?? ? ?I? ...... 101*4 ?? ??'. I1? I I?rn?Kv * Klo Uraiida . . 14S !?>?? 111 ? S 1.1. . ' -. * ?. * :? ?,** ?i.? lit P'<J. ?>2 &?> ?'?>'?? ?I (;.'? A Trunk . 1.?* 11V, ? llllii'l? ? ? ...III 10'S DO ?JS le ? Naarif.ll*. 1 <? S l-'S l.:<'-? - i*. I Mlaaourl has. A Tria? III? ?S If? ?18 v.. ^ .-i i ? ? mi . Ill 1?: l'n, IV a w?_t?4- ,. I?* Hi |t?g |fi .. ??? A ??.?.um ... . S4V, Jl\ 13% - S ?a ? ?*?'?? 'a ?> ft .... M ?, ??!% ? -, V? -??, Ra'lw?, . ?7?, ."??, . . . 1<HI I'.l 102 1 Pa 1?"'. . "a ? *'? 1 - ? - " . '? Fire Threatens Sick Children. While nurses were quieting IM ter? rified children in the measles nnd diphtheria wan!? of the Willard Park ir Hospital, Sixteenth Street, near the East River, yesterday, three horsea . wer? burned to death and nine others . so badly burned thev had *o he ?hot in the three story stable a few feet i away. The children were told the em? ploye! were burning rubbish in the I >?rd. . I TRADE BOARD SIFTS GASOLENE PRICES ln\ estimation of Petroleum In? dustry Under Way. ? -, Tb? Trii urs Muratu 1 Waahlasjtoa, Nov. I An investiga tion of nearly eviry phase of the pro? duction, transportation, refining and marketing of petroleum in the Cnited State? I? being conducted by th? Fed? eral Trad? Commission, according to an announcement to-day, in re?pon?e to resolutions adopted by the Senate lstt winter. At rapidly at the data can b? f?th 'red the commission will l??ue report? dealing with features of the oil in? dustry. The first report, toon to be made public, wiil'deal with the coat of pipe line transportation of crude pe? troleum. The investigation ha? developed wide d i (Terence.? in condition?. "The petroleum industry is at pres? ent flUMlTfOiBg rapid changes,'' the commiis.nn, "and certain branche? Of it, due tu the European war, have been in an abnormal state. New prOOOSSOl for refining oil have recently been laitallcd, ana this i.? leading to marked changes in the refineries situa ; .?m " l'harpe? of price discrimination in the aale of ??dene are also being in -.???i.gated. EXPORT DEMAND ADVANCES WHEAT Market Closes Strong, with Net Gain of IV, to 1% Cents. ( hicagn, Nov. 2. Increased export ??etnand and report? of increased ten? sion between GroOOS and the Anglo : French allies did a pr^at deal to-day toward bringing about higher prices fot wheat The market closed strong, '.'-sc to 2"*2**c up. with December at ? 1044 ?nd Muy at 106*5?. Other lead in-r staples, too, all scored net rains - corn He to *??*?$lie si I ' C Pro? visions were up a shndt- to ITHc. i ptoras ?n the wheai market basjaa right at the ?tait, and receive?! at no ? time any important ch?>ck. Hulls gave chief atteatlon to the foreign sitaa? tion. especially odrlei ? from I.-verpool i tellini of inadequate tupplie? and say- : .-i' that the parch??? of 8,000.000 !baahola of wheat b> Greec? fron Bal? gario had led to a fresh political tan? gle. Persistent ttreni h also of auo ti tions at Winni] n to mean further baying there for Eawopo. An additional ei eooragement for the bulls n th? faet thai wheat floor "ut of Minneapolii t iid t?i be tba ?orgeat ever known, CORN. . m bra la| ?i '? ? ... , ? ? i < ? nil PAT . ? tin*, i * . i " .'V ??11 I PROVISIONS?. - 'Ijt 00 ? ' . '. fraln. v ? ? ? C4 ICASI PRICES. v ?? ? wi ??? op?.. il;?'. i/?w i ?? la II II MS ?' . '. 14 II 044 ? ? ? n l i - ?. ' ?', ??, ?I.:. ? ?'. ' . ' , ' ? ' . , ?*? SJ ? ?'? ??:?'. ?% S l.v.l Kj 4 02 9 n; t> ft" 0*7 ?00 Mai . IM 9 H * ".? 127 r .. ..... ?02 M7 9 00 ''07 to: I'orK: 14 4?. 14 M 14 4?. ?4 H 14 ?4 ,;? ?7 id II !?: 47 || K last HAS $3.000?IN ALMSHOUSE | Young's Investment Return Not Fnough to Keep Him. I'elviiieic, N. J., Nov. 2. Although Fane Young has $3.000 in trust for him, the inter?s! is not ?aflcient as it is in? vested to pay hi? board, ami, without mean?, he has boon obliged to go to the county farm. He once owned a farm and the Kockbury Hotel, besides Other property. Bank of Germany Return. Berlin i by wireless to Tuckerton, N. J... Nov. 2. The ful low i n i; is the state ] ment of the Imperial Hank of Germany 'for the week ending October S0? (?old recorve increased 2.1011,000 marks to 2,430,700, commercial pape.- and Treas? ury bills increase.I 283,000 marks to : 1,206,500, eirealation and banking notes increased ?CT1,300,000 marks t?, 6,94'V 800 marks and private deposite in ? eaood 4.H00 marks to 1 ,?.L'J.'.i'i'. Adds to Brooklyn Site. The Powers Fstate has leased to the Schulte Realty Company 676 Fulton st., a five story building on plot running through to Flatbush av. extension. The l?a-e is for a long term of years. The Schulte Realty Company only a short tint? Bga -?cured from the sani? owners '?Lining properties, ."77 and 67S Fulton tf As previously nnnouned a building M erected on the Flatbush av. .'Nil Pi? 'HI plot Tnspectoi Hus-ey at Work. I >i?mii 'i fron l bi polies foret- on October 22. 1014, ?. : a charge of rc ?eivitig a gratuity. Inspector Jam.-s F. Hussey reported for duty at Bead? I quarters yesterday by order of Police I Commissioner Wood?. He was rein ? stated following a recent decision of j the Court of Appeal?. He was placed ; in Chief Inspector SchmittbiT;-er's office. A $20.000 Building Loan. Pease 4 Flllman have secured for the ? Ritz Realty Company, Robert M. Catt?, i president, a building loan of $200,000 on its property ?at 44-46 K. 25th st from the Metropolitan Life. On this site there is in course of construction a 12 story store and ioft building. LIVERPOOL COTTON. UtBOOttl, tMn ?-???-,,..., ?jat, fair ,lrrnar<1 rn.'??? raalar Aiiirrlran m! l.iil- ? fair, 7,v?.i, rrv) ml l.lilni. f ltd; Bttddtlnc. t.lM; lo? i..ii 6 47.1; ?noil orlliiar?, ?fi 07.1. or.tlnarr ',77.1 ?a ?a 10.00? balr?. Uiiiii.lliif I.JM Arrwrlran aJul I 000 f.r s;?s,u:?ll(?, an.l ?iissrt. i-seluU, 9 400 bal??,'all Aiurti? al,. future? ciuar?! ra?> [B? T?l*tTf?ti to Tli* Tribuna ; i/s?ii?T?iia. Kr., No? ! - mmSSf mt lambs? Ry. ripia. 24. Th? rD?r?,t ru ,,| quirt tad pri-a. un-liai.|?<1. (Tinlis? lamia 7:, j s, |,uu l,?r lam'? ??4*4?. b?at tu. al.?s-p. Igte. ADDS TO ITS UPTOWN SITE German Hospital Almost Controls Another Entire Block Front. MARKET FOUND FOR 10TH ST. BUILDING M. W. Rayens Buys an Eight Family House on Clare mont Parkway. The German Hospital and Dispensary ha? bought from Elizabeth C. Crcacy a three-story and basement dwelling at [ 10S4 Lexington av., on a lot 17x7-10 ; feet. Tho .nstitution recently bought ?the hou*e 10M Lexington av. from Adolph Mayer, and now control?, with the exception of the south corner, the Lexington av. block front from Ttith to 77th st. Th? seven story loft building, on a plot _."i ,r.xl?4.;i, at -.'7 Hast 10th st. ha? been bought by I?. H. Jackson from the Str.the.0. Be.lt1* Company, which took m part Laymen! a tract of _."il acre-? I. Warw.rk TOWnsLip, < ?range County. Fleming A Co. sol. for A. Monti gr.t?o 417 CI.rcn.on1 Parkway, an eight family h? list on a plot I7.S_8I f?-et, to M. W, Rayens for Investment. T'ne private stable property at III ?Weal Mth ?i h.. beeB sold to a client of Tucker. Speyers A C<>. It la a two story structure, on a lot .lixHl.H feet, aituated about 126 feet east of Seventh 'av. William B. 'lay & Co. represented the aeller. One of the largest toy factories in I this country is to be erected in New 1 ark. The Lion?! Manufacturing Company, M. A. C'owen, president, has bought from the Standard Bo Iding Block ?Com panv a plot 22Sx22f, D. the west *i?le of Boat. 21.1 -v. ?"?''|| feel ?oath of Clinton Bl . iii 'he Irvmgton lection. The proper'., ha i I el Igh Valle*? Ba i i aiding. It is to ( improve?! with ?' '?'?'? story mill eonitrueted concrete build? ing, le be n iy nexl Pebroory. The company, whieh will manufacture ?lee? 1 tricul toy?', has a sawllei factory in Newark ..' ps? Mat. PUBLIC HEARING ON ASSESSMENT Assessors to Listen To-day to Objections Against Coney Island Levy. An orgai izatl m ?.f Cooei I pro] ert] owners, ?'siiV'i the Pub Committee, has been formed foi the purpooc of object Board of Asa? isors, againat th? si??es-snient placid on their pp'pi'"' for the eoaatractioD .f bosi sewers. 11 is, they ray, an annecrarary u.x bur? ilen. There will be s pabfie hearing on this aaseecment ai 10 .'doch tl moraine at Loin Build? ing. The P .'n citj l omni i ris?e: William J. \\ ard, pr? Coney island Bank; Bkcl Frank Seavulla Desmonde Dunne <',,.. Mauriee Kahn, Tilyo. sstate, Theo Kramer, Richard Ravenhall, Thomas P. martin, Bichard Oarms, David Bailey; Popper, S:?..r,i.:.i 11 ???t?te. Joe Baisai ni, Max Blitser, Lo?is Staue!) and e-ai.-j, other penooB. BOOM of the principal objections That most of the territory affected hud un ad?quate sewerage system before the construction of the I re?ent system, and that all such former sewers could have been used in the pre?ent system, and that failure to so use these former severs, materially Increased the cost of the present system. That the contract, in this proceed irg were awai led la such a discon? nected, promiscuous an<! fa.rciC?! man? ner, as to greatly inereaae the cost of the work. That there i? included in 'he pres? ent work a very lar?/., number of h?.u?e connections which are abso? lutely useless and superfluous, nnd alae many feet of SCWer which coubl have been omitted, and thai a heavy charge i- ruade for this work. More Apartment Rentals. PmiBS B Mllim.-n have rente?! an apartment in Harpeney P.ill, at i'.lth st. ami Central Par? West, to Alexander C. Boechel; for J. IL Williams his apart? ment m U9 West TlSt .t., to Mrs. Mary E. Hoggins, ami for Erv/i. II. Smith his apartment, furnished, in 111 Wnt HH' John II. (?. S'.euennaii, jr. Al?o iiiad-' the following renewal? of apartment leases: In _'1 Wc?t KHh st. to Prederie Juilliard; in the Saint l'rban, Bl Central 1'arK West and B9th it . to William Lauterbach; la 129 Park av., at the southeast corner of 7?ith at., to H. II. Lutz; in j6 West 11th at., to Nelson L. Kobinson, and in 4? Last 41st at. to Reuben Leslie Maynard. South Brooklyn Sales. I. Salzberg ha? sold for James F. ?Sleight to an investo?, a two-family 11 room brick house at 1 'JIf* n.'td st., on lo; 20x1 Ofl feet Ala. rni Mr?. Jeanette Llpschitz to Fort Green? Company a plot, ?Oxino feet, at the northeast cor? ner of 47th st. and Sixteenth av. A! o for Mrs. Mary Carrol! to Fort Greene Company a plot, 40x10. feet, at the northeast corner of -18th st. und Six? teenth av. Invests in Newark. Gertrude McC. and William Kane have purchased from the estate of Mai y Germon?! the two ?tory dwelling at Ml North bth st., in the P.. Seville aection of Newark. It is o.i a lot .JxlOO feet. The estate was represented by Jame? II. Germond, of Feist & Feist, Inc., of Newark, N. J. The new owners made the purchase for Investment and their own occupancy. A $40.000 Montclair Deal. II. F?k M?ller *?i!?l at Montclair, N. J., to Mr*. C. S. Christy the re?:d? n on the west side of Highland av., | ing l'.'.'i feet and IXteuding back to Washington Rock. The property was held at $40,000 ami was sold through F. M. Crawley _ Bros. To Build in 58th Street. Mott B. Schmidt is preparing plans for a twelve ?tory loft building, which the Twenty-three West Fifty-seventh Street Corporation, L. Napoleon Levy, president, has decided to erect on it? plot, 25x100 feet, at M W. 58th st, be? tween Fifth and Sixth ava. ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS: MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS It Prora Tha Tri' ui.? Burr?.? i Waahli.f-.nn. Nuimlai 1. NAM ??laut. U G I | I? IiKKSOS', AtitrU? TI, ?rai.tasl or.? month ai;4 ?rrrt. .lata laas?. U'iiu iJ U ? II ?A s.iinr.1,1). II O PAT I KlflC a A LAVI.M?) R ?V..1 W-Hm.iTT ITRKINB. tn? r. A hurt B I> HART, m mlaal.?i*d P? ?tsrli J H r-NTIERWrsfiri. BBItOatt? MoVTMrNTS ARRIVEIi a?*. .. ?.aaaa/. ?I Il.1l, lluaaai as4 IUU. at . T??pt!f..rli!? fr-in N Y )?'! I ).i!'ii.m-ji at -? t -? i. at Sortait: K-I.'g-I h | k s n (art . . Mi Pua??! at N. V yanl.i 1 MIio(i.?4ti. Maatflhaa ?4 an*. W.inlrn cid l'an Ihm. ?t ?' ' Strbu?? a; '1 <? llrlri. at Mo??bai4. fr..m N???(*-r'. r?.?iii? Carolina, off Mo aara !?-?-.-? ....... at N T. lanl. Vctktosiii. at lor?elo ?all Ort. Il ? TiTlrUnm. Oulf of Fonaar^ for CTnrtnto No? 1?<7naal?r. Punrtial, for Datar Oaot-tl?. Vlr ? ?ml Na? Jaraay. Bnaton. far iSs-sru.naioa.v u. I-la? A a; .. .) tor flalliia Cru: South 1 ? a.-?.!; a !'?;.* for s ,-i^m drLi trou/.?!?, vs.j.a?. .'.???..w fat SrMama*. BUYINO IN WESTCrTESTER John T. La? 1er (?i Erad \partment and Store Building at Turkahoe. Burke .'tone, Inc. Bronxville. ha? ?old for Mrs Agin? B. Wellington, of Lawrence Park. Bronxville, a plot on Main ?t . Turkahoe. tC I"1" T. Lawler. who Intends to improve same with a 7'?.re and apartment building. Also rent?-?! for Carl F. 1'ieckman. of Chicago, hi? house, on M<"lntyre ?t , Armour Villa Park, to (??urge Gleich Bit, of Bronxville. RENTS FURNISHED 69TH ST. DWELLING Edwin C Jameson to Occupy Colonel Thompson's Mouse. William B. May A- C have rented to Edwin C .lameson, furoishod f"r for the winter, .. I" i t 8tt. ?' . a new modern American basemeot heoee " v?. r. ? ?. I by Colonel U'.l'Tt M. Thomp? son. This hoits?? adjoins the home of Mrs. F. I!. Hnrriinnn and is a few door* we-t ef the new residence Mr. Jameson Is erecting at 9 Fast ti'Jth it .-?haw it <o. have leased for Bosil Beheer the dwelling IN West UOth st to Arthur H. Mavle. The Iloughton Company ?nd I.orov. i Coventry & < o. have lease.l the four storv and !ia?ement dwelling at tU Weet Bad av. for C. A. Braman to Mabel J- S. Kogcr?. NORTH WILLIAM STREET LEASE .-? I Place Near the Brooklyn ? Bridge To Be Altered Ex- j tensively for Tenant. Pease & Elllman have leased to a clii'iit. f?r a long term of -.ear?, th? Batir, building at M N"rth William | ?t . adjoiaiog 'he comer of Park Row. The place i? opposite '.he Municipal Building. Extensive alterstlooi are to lie made to the premises. Tho Douglas BobioMO, C. B. Brown CompOOJ represen'.??! th" 1.1.Hard es ? . ? sen ef the praperty. M. * L H?"?. Inc ? hove leased to the Smart Waist < ompany, Inc., th. flfth Boor at 144 t. IM Wrat I8tl I she Bfth Bool rit 120 -"'.?I 122 '? Slat it te Ihm M. Bomar; the ?i\th floor .1 'i te 2( Wi -i 15th st to : Bratt? : ; spa. the fourth floor a< 19 t., .?7 West Blot st. I Itebman l ompai ? : 104)00 ignare i fe?t at 161 ? th ?t; 4.000 ?. ?', ? .,- ;'.! and 15S We I .. ._,.,?, ; ;.,. ? and 22 W< it 15th st. . .. ?. Brow, bav? rented th?* fourth Ion at 512 Broadway. ?,000 tare feet, t?. li tenbei for s '?? ?':' el ears; 458 Broadwaj to I aj & Krivitaky. The third and fourth lofts at 26 Bar ?? By it, te the Bernnndini Statuary my and the si-th lofl _ at w . loi ?-s st to Bom ?'? Godl. A .. rented *!,e ICCOnd, fourth and fifth lofts at 15 to i'l ft Ml Ith ?t. to Brothers, lue., Prankiin Hat i mv and Ohlbaum Brothera, re peel re ?, th.ty eoi ipletely filling ! tire building. This building is ??! wholly by hat merchants an?! i... manufacturera, with the exeepl ?.. loon. PtOM ?v Flliman have leased for j i harl?"? B.vilaod, of Paris, the parlor floor In 11 Fast 37th Bt to I ??? I. < arson. -?-? Triangle Film's New O.Tic?. The department of .able :y and pro? motion of the Triangle Film Corpora? tion, which includi i tl ?? press, pietori.1? a?ivertising and musical divisions, ha? moved to Boom 1417, 71 West 2td st. *j'*X'<''X-s>X*'X'"X**!'*X'*X**?**t**X'*X''i' I Benjamin Iranljhn Stt)t : f j "Mfn often mut aie themsehe , y 'I* ''?'? *ff?'t themehe*,'* ?{? J-_ y .?. "f T7F. have prepared a bookie: I 1 VV eatirJed ?? Trost OntpooiT i ' V I otrvittt which we ih.ll *?? V be pleased to semi to anyone inter- # ?} ested in financial or fnluci.ry mat- ?{? ?j. ten. It S'i^ges'.i many ways in ?J ,& which the Franklin T'ust Cortpans A X i?n be of assistance to you an?! may *t, V help to solve s ?me of your financia! V I 11 X Y rroblems. '<ij ?S la ai . . ; la?? ? . ? Franklin Tru?l Company .{. A A'<w Vcrk Of.u ; 46 Wall Street X ?f B'tokiyn\ 166 Montague Street V Y O?tttl f ?769 Fulton Street T J.X"X-4->*^:*'X**x**x**x*<**X'*x**>*:*?!' BUSINESS CARDS. I ?1,11 > I I A III".7 ?IIASslMl i (1 ?4 lee_l ?i .....t-'?*"' air. m?...i m at ?oar ISM in..'.??> ?.i ?.i ana >i iuk a maMit U ??; in i.'.-i?;i_rii TYii.wiiiTTKN i.:.t.i:i:_. 3?o tl M; I.???, Si I?; 10 .?a. I" OKO. . ivi AiiiHihuiiii ; 0 B? ad a : it.ui... nil? ) Ko. ? 1.131 It- s r 4'.? M.A H>l.h ? AIS" I IIU.MM1 ?viih.a.? OkOOt,,t. Mm m .?-? II- I. ?III.- <yilV_N I 1...M ... .. ? ARPKT? Ir-. I;??-.."..' ila s? : '. ? rir.jlar Til ?n'a; ??a Hraaat ?:.7-?jv i?.?: ? 1? h? _ BEL1C1Q?8 NOTK PS. CSriO \ 1 III ill ?)(,!( \l. M KM I NARY, Broadwaj -t net. .street. ptJBIall ?? ' '?-a ?a 'Tha?i of Early C'hrlat latiit y" b] the Rev. Professor J. BSTIalN CARPENTER, M. A. I.ltt. D.. D.D., Principal Emerltua of M?n?rie?t?r Collaf?, (ixforii \\'e.1ne?day. N.?vernier Ird. 'The ihurh at ?he Hph?r? of ci?;va tlon " Prld-K Nmemter Ith, "Tha fcacra- 1 rr.ent? ?a ill? Meal s ? f Salvation," ?( flv? o clock. LEGAL NOTICES. HUM I. I MUMMT, rOXPASIT. 1'jri.uaiu to .??-? 1 mi II m ibe lr,.ur?:a. ? La? ?t in- .??i*i* of .New Vork. ?e, in? li. ,rrr.<n?r.i. ?.1 Lcir.? naluial p?-r?bns .,( f.;., ? a and ?t i???i i?o-ii.nd? uf .a ciu-aaa of ih?- l nurd M?t???, ur..l ?1 Ir-it one of u? ? r?eM?M ?f i.? male of .s?-? vor?, ?lo her?-i.) acssUr? ml puoilaa noil.? of our li. ?.--i... i. lo form ? d'uneati?: nock ln?uraoca lorporatlon 10 ir.naacl lb? buain??a of :.,-.. Il) ?ni surciy .1.- ..... ? aa ?uiaonaed undar auidi4i?lon 4 of tirc'iion IS of ?be luaur?n?.a l_v> Tho n?rae of the proposed corporation 1? HOME IMiEMNlTY CO??PAM. Tb? amount of lta capital atoe* It to b? Two Hundred ?nd Kitty Tho..-an I i|:&ooili ' ? ? . .? - ?nd It? ?urplu? Two Hundrisl' and lit'.) Tbounand ?I.s?9.0?l0> Dallan additional The pilnii|>ai ?nd IMBM ?flo? of Uw torpora tion la to :? i?.?i-l in th? iior?u(b of Vlaa Laiit? 1. (-11). Count/ ?nd .State o? New Yor? l??'.'I. New Tioras. :?tb. 111! ?EUU'.E C. CABuU_. i'Uk_:?c_ .s NETTLES. Jo-? P H'Aliu, _ I) ?liM. A KENNEDT Ca.i?_0 UUfl TA\ Ki IIPKRT. ? HAhl.EM PtT?tA?) e C IK'KWAI. rii. AI.KUis._i ? Wi il.KK, A liiiMMEl.. _ Lt.M OHAO H C UEKHKUKTI1. JoSKI-H _Da~N_._ 1.KGA1. NOTICk? Th? New Haken ?'om.'> N?ttonal Bank. :??!?-?. in ih? ?'it/ of New Haven. Id sh. Mai? Of C'iin??'il<ut. I? ?lo?!nt II? affair? All not? t. . ra and other BTM tor? .if th? aasedattoa ?r? hereby i.i'i*?i to pre?*nl Ih? Dot?? ? 1 otb?-r claim? for pa>in?0L E O STOntiAHii Kr??ld?ot D?t?sl Au?u?t II till_ Till _XtrRA.NO. NATIONAL BAN. Of I^'lif BMa la 1??Ils 1 lta affair* ?'.th that ef Th* i..?? ?Kau? Pu.? as. ! In aenarlanc? ?"..'i tha la?, ?fud I'.t. tf ?i.j ?ra hurabj p.oURad to pr?*ar.t -.?Ir? lor pajT-r ?. ?Su n SWITT. Ca?_ar !_>_. ?Oh-, 0?_ 11 Ilia. BUILDING IN MANHATTAN Slt Strurlnrea. to Coal $9tV..*l00. I'lnnned In Week of October 30. The Manhattan buiMlnir sUtl?tir, for th<4 week ended October .10 were a? follotril Plan? filed f??r new building*, '. .--?mated cost of new building-. 4'.'ii:,.ii0ii; plan? filed for alterations. i.'.i; eotimsted cost of sltorat 01 1119,9(0; iiuilding? reported as unsafe, :.?; ?.ther violation? <?f law reported. ISlj un?af>? building notice? issued, IM*.; violation notice? i.*sin-d, 410, and violation c??e? for-w?rde?l for prosecu tioa, in. Trade Notes. <h?rl?? n. Sheffield, late of Croi? St Rrovn, I? now ???ociated with Paniel Hlrd.iall & Co., Inc., a? manager of their Insurance department. (,?orge W. Moth, who ha* been a??o eiated ?TitS Angel? A Co. for the lust thirteen years, h*f? severe?! hi? eOBBOO? ? .,i . ?rita thai Arn to take up ins <\u tie? ns treasurer of the village of Bearedalo. Stephen L. Angel? ?rill con ? n to conduct the business under the firm name of Angel? ? Co. as hereto? fore. Frank J. McMahon. of the fir-n of KcDoWelJ ? McMahon, ha? beer, ap? pointed receive.* for pr? perty 1247 and 1241 41st ut., Brooklyn. Nat. City Rank BankersTrustGo. GuarantyTrustOo. BankofGommerce CLINTON GILBERT 2 Wall Street, New York. Telephone Rector 2380. mm^'t^xaiiS}gajtvum.,\ms)Ui\wiiJmvm VICTORIA OIL & OTHER CURB .SECURITIES Bought?Sold?Quoted Percy E. Guard I 74 BronuVay. Tel. Rector 3535 _??BI.1C NOTICES. Hi OS ?.'.>?' rORK- BOARD in' HHTI I...1 i aad Api Pui.!. i.'i'i' >? l? heiwbi gi'.ni i ?a thai m .i meet? ing of ihr I <if K-iiiaau and apportloa? m-m holt ?sn.icr S, lili the following petl i ; '.-. s s n'. 1\ ?I . T?> th? Honorable th? Board of Estimate an.) Apportionment or th.? city of New Y' k: 'l'h- petltl.i ill- N. * York Railways Cum pan) ? First: Teat >."ir pctttloaer '* ? ?treat Hurfac? railway L?orporatla?i 'tul?' orianlMd mi existing under th? law? ..r th? Statt et Hew v..?;?. mi) r.."i operatlnfl t ?traat sur? face t?tiw ?? la th? Boroue? et Manhettaa, ? ' Ni ?? i i ??i-1 ha? d ? ., lio? par? -.. S.-.tlon 171 et th- H.ulroad a ?temen! of .v-iision of its 'oa.l anil brauch?? lueraof barata i?r< [>? "-- ! ?-? ? n I : That f?ir ihr p.irpos? of ion K ?i. i . t ?? : -itiriar branch?? or ??ten : ' i'-iltlcii-r d? lll ? . ?blala fi'im H.ino.a'.le Hoard. and hi-reby rtap?ctftlli) .?ppli-s tor ?i? con BtM i" mi a iraal of Um right, privi?.?r? or M for th.- ? ?.iisi i iictl?in. iiiainianunce and operation of a Sonbl? truck ?treet ?ur '..,??? rallara) (Inctudln? tkt aecaeaai* con ? ?. ?wttchsM ?. t:ir:i..ius. turn i.i:,:.-h oro-siivers ai.d ?ultabl? stand? anil ?tharr ?traetarea ?ni lubatiaetnra? aooaa. tot the ui'Coiiimo?latlon and operation of sn II r?liro:?.| l.> th? underground sys? tem of y <>r oth?r motive pow?r, ?huh may ho lawfully einpio>.-.l upon tli* sain?! a? an iBltlfl?oB or branch of It? l railway and for u?? in th? .???? of eeraoat and prop.rty for . . in|?nsatlon In. through, upon, along and ..'..?r the tarfoee of . ertaln ?tr--eiH. ?ve rvi.'s, luiih >.?>? ,?i i public piai-es in the llor .'?iKti Of'-i ' . ' It) Bf N?w York, of which th- followlBfl is a deeerteUea* lieglnnlng at and cofUMCtlBg with the present tra.k? In i he turn s verse road ending at a point east of th? ?'asteriy ?Ida of W??l s-i-h S'reet and ?'???nral Hark Win ; then?? with ?loiilil? trai'k* W?letij In, upon, ?long; ?nd over ?ToM *''.-h ?Street, crossing Eighth Avenue or ?'?ntial Hark West, I'olum'iu? A?'i.ue and AmMerdam Avenue to a point at the easterly ?lie of Hroadway, ail In lh? Horough of Manhattan, 4?ity of New York and Htat? of New York, together with th? right to cro?? ?U'h other ?treel?, avenues, high- ? way? and l.rllg.? aa may be encountered In BOld route. Third: That ?aid corporation propos?e to op-rat.? ?a! I ??tension or hrnnih by the underground ?;.??? in of e.ectr.. it y ?ut.stan tlally similar to that now In oat upon It? other line, or I.y in.v -iti?r motive power other iiian 'o. i.ino-i.- itaaat powar, which may be approved by it." Pabilo Servi. ?> Com in.-sion for the First !>:.-tri?t and ?-onsented to By owners of property bounded on th? ??me a? provld.d bj i ta H nerefor?. ?.?.'ir petitioner pray? that paMIe ?."ti. - 1?. i.of and of the time and p?a?-? when and Where this application vslil M flrat considered, i,.. gn?n as required by the provi?lons of Se?-tlon 172 of th.- Haliroad I.uw and ail Bthart law? appllcat.le thereto, ?nd that the desired consent or grant be given In the form of a contract or resolution and upon term? a* to comp.tiaatlon or other wlaa. In accordance with the provision? of th* ?ireater Ntw York Charter. I'ated. City of New Yoik. September II, lilt. NEW TORK RAILWAYS COMPANT. Hy ritANK HEDLEY, Vice Fresldent. Atteet : tSeal 1 B M FISHEK. Perretary Ptaie of New Ycik. County of New York, s? : FHANK HEDLEY, b-ing duly ?worn, de? pose? and ?a>s- Thut he is s. !? .? Pi -sld-nt of the New York Kallwav? CstaflatOI, th8 naBMd in 'he foraaTolnfl patlttoai tha: he na? read .i?e forest l ., pMllloa and :..As Um coaieat? 'h'i-of, thai the ?am? i? ti ie of hi? <mn kno .v ..-dg.. e...-pt a* o th? BMttet? ;l?er. in ?tab . ?-<n infirm?-. Bad ;? II 7, and a* to those matter? a?1 tel levee it io be true FHANK BXDIMT. Subscribed ant ?worn to before ma thla ItOI day of ?epti-mber. 1317. K F. HO NOT. Notary I'ubllc. New York County. No. 115. Certificate nied Register? OfBo?. New Y'ork County. No. 7123. And th? fol.owing reaolutlona were thera upon adopted : Whereas, ?ha foregolr.g petition from tha New York Railway? Company dated Hep ten,her 21, lilt, waa presented to the Board of Ksilmat? and Apportionment at a meeting ?t i s 'ober t, Uli Resolved, that In pursuance of law thi? Hoard ?e-.a Friday, the fifth day of Novem !?r. HIS, ?t t?n 6 . 1" s In th? forenoon ?n?l I:. ..m So in tb- City 11*11. I'.oi'.igh of M?n l?i"..n. ?? the tune ml p..,.. ?hen and ?lui? su. h petition ?hall ;? (ir-t r,?nsld*red. "I a p.'.:. b.aiing be ha 1 thereon, at whl'h ettiaaaa ?hall !.. Wllllled to appear and be heard, and t?s It further Kesolvid. that the Se. retary I? dlr?sct?d to raus? ?u.'ti petition and the?? resolution? to be puhilahe.1 for at leaat fourteen 111) day? In two dally newtpaper? In lh* ''l'y of New York, to be des?gnate.] by the Mayor, and for at leaat ten ?lOi day? In tha City Racord" Immediately prior to auch date of puhll? hearing Th? ?xpan?? of ?uch publlc?tion to be bom? hy th? petition r JAMES D MnlANN. Assistant Secretary. Municipal Building. T?i ?III W.rth. Hew Terk. Onobar t, lll|. Executor Trui-te?. ^^^^^1 Chartered 1822 i^^^^^ The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company Nos. 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue New York. LONDON, 15 Cocitpnr St,, 3. W.? 28 O'.d Broad Street, E, a PARIS, 41 Bonle*nrd Haussmsnn BERLIN, 68 Unter den Linden, 5. ?. 7 Travelers' Letters of Credit. Foreign Exchange. Administrator Guardian REAL ESTATE EOR SALE ttim irKir.t REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. IIS JF.KSKl A BIG BARGAIN $8,400 Term? to Holt lUaponali.le l'arrhaaer. Beautiful All-Year Home ?|<?t 1V.? T?r*-.da. (IVVKMKNT C41MM?TATION TO THF. f IT, If 27V) Feet. Artual Wafer frontal? ?nd Private IWI?. upper r,?W*T a. d ?l-?l'r? pof-r. Spi. !?.??? ?-rr-r-r? ..i?T. firei .? Ilnln? room, pa .?fc. . Is-drOlflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflfll ?IL'lUi'iil'il",' _ ?? ???. An unus'la... ?? . .1 ? rwsia?. 1 ra/.n a. >? * ?. .1 a? moderr. _^^^^^^^^^^^ bac? ?tair?.. -i-ra tala; e MCrii iii; i ?"?.ti heat, tuna fl.??it?, h?. - ?tfi aa,. ?. -: la hard i K tabil?; - ? -? a-hsaO. ?-hr.fh??. ?ei?rt ??via! ???? ttumm ?ad ???.' ay tal i ? ? i?h u. at. In?, hath.'.? ? ? ?u?r tpgrl I-, ??? i ? ?<a.-..r?. ' ? - .at:? ho kej ? BTI ??? Is? '.ifht/ul -??.k? and Iris? arsind tl?. ;??- h??t .-' outdoor r?.r?atl??a E Hi|*a?t. r?? llaaia ?ilka B loaaiBlltii ;!???? ? -r* Tart E For fur;.eT p?.-.. i an ?:..i ?h.x? *^ l"?ph BBataai R. F. Barne?, 170 B way, N. Y. Tel. I5???<ort. ? H.IM'III.I'" l??il.""..'l l IIII.J MEAL E8TATE FOR BALE OR TO LET. NEW JERSEY. MANY MEN jii.t ilk? y...: > ?.? !^s? thatr p?-?rt? ttmaSfe r.?i'.~"'.'r to I r? their ?:? ? w> >? tat am ? a? ._; ser?f Wl - " , . It . > S'.''?" la, I . is ck a 1 ?' 111 ?> North Jeney Title Insurance Co., H?ckeni?ck, New Jene?/. \ I . >,'?- K ram??. ??; 1'.- ?? ay FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE. ; ?? Red Bai ?(. ISS i ... | farm I i Hi ra? i a Imr. frail i.; ten room I - c"t i rwo bro. ; ? < il.ik.|..lllk ( i.|s.|?;ll|v . S Y. !.. ????..:.: .-. ..? i .ii..... .im; THE K ???,.?:- . ? . . i .? su. 11. H-ATHER.T A ?CO., I. .??IN J_ ( 01 N IKY PROPERTY. Caur.lry Hi-? ?nlormitlan frai la ?rain?i??lv? to? in LM ? I ???'. ' ??? ?tit? .?? ./- '? ?s?<" Coin'n 1!< n,r Servir? 311 ?V ?lit ?? Tvi. 9*?l Mid. f\ i?M.?.MF(> < OTTAi.F.S TO LF.T. oi : or ( n y. PI r.Msiirn COTTAOYCS Ik? Mm 0 PALM DRAGH ' ?T '? rite ra.,'. ten O s IvU.l M? i. ? ?. V?. ?at Pala Beic?i. Kli.rWa. HELP WANTED. Male. liny WANTED -MM en? ?he !l*a? In n?lt' '? ?:?!... 1 II. Ar.t-rtelU?. 2S05 Broadway, at lOstti WORK WANTED. Fem?'e s n:N'?r,RAPirEn ?remr*'?nt. ?ant? pla?-?: high ?li.... ariluite: Bte year.' h'l'lises.? ?uierlnic*. 'h:?- v?'.'h ??at, employer?, refi.'rtiit.t'a If mjulroj. I. li. 47 ?Wan NUi ?t DOMESTIC SITTATIONS WANTFO Femal? a.-a ?wAiraaos or oooa r??a??j caaaems Pi ?mi ?i ? tal ?-"> ratataoeaa; IK) io MO M ? \li-> Hofmayer'? A*.. >. lu Ea*t 4Sd ?t.. I f r . : .- ? i; M irs... HI . ?:t.i.?iiu.n ? ni ri.K Butler, iiurfial; eosk. Uaa Iran tout cofaprtant; HS? ..?...?leni nfanocm. Rill - ??'. A|ri?. y. H KM lid .U, plume Hur? ra. Hill VU_ COOK -Youn? Ir-aii ?-'r' highly nv< mm-iided. illy family. Mo. t" MI44 llodnajer a A/r: ?. 10 Eaat 4.7?,I ?? . Sd fl?,r. p?eme ?H47 Murray Hill. HOI sKWiiliKMt rinnlah Anieman. ?trong. ?Ill !rt; ?Il v "r .'.'i'try. rellri 1 refer-Tce? latbtl'a Alt?rer 77 K l?t? .t 'l'iion? MIS Hartera HOf?EKEEPEH I)le4Man. te? mer, hy .?na who baa Ufcao a ?ambat ?f .mn,., ?t ?'?.unit.!? ?nd r?n fumlali loat ..f i?fae?ma'?? ?a to ebaracM and ability. Hi D Si Tiil.une Mm MAU? BEAMBTRCM V.sii.? BtMtfe I'rnteatant. i> .. ?.-? -1 h'i rhaaabar work. ?*??,; Meomairaikd n M.-? H?-ra?nr'i A.ei.. y. 10 Eait 4? I a., j I fl.-r. ;.i. '.- - .|7 M.i.rai Hi,I_ SHERIFF'S AUCTION SALES. DAVIEI. OBBKNWAIA shkkipp'h At'cnoN ?er, ?III ?ell tlii? day, TTaiBlMil?! S'.?? S. 1?IJ. at 8 I'elham ?t.. at 11 o'clock a. m . by ?lrtua of a certain vtrlt .,f execiiilon. a :m of RAfiS REMNANT* platform ??_?*. sewing ii;?. i.n.e... and all other property of dater,laut on ?aid , ????..',-e?. MAX H DRIPF.M?AI?EN. Hhertff HERMAN ENGEL. Deputy ?hartfT. __________________________________________ _BUBBOGATbTB NOTICES._j JELTS?"!!. EI.LA CRAVES MOSBS, FOR merly KI.I.A 11 MuSKS ?-la purasianc? of an order ?.f Hon John P ?'ohalan. a Surrogate ..f the ?'...unty <.f N?w Y?.rk. no tli e Is herehy given to ?II t,?r?on? having , .siirus ??sainst Klin ilrav..? Moaes Jeiis.-n, f rm?rl) Ella O, Moaaa, late of the Count?/ ? ?'. New York. .?C?a??, U) present tlio ?am?, ?I'll ?inirh-rs tl.eref,.r, to the auli ?1 rider al hi? plai'e of transaetliiK l.tial it the oltice of hi? attorn? > a, M. ?srs I;,.-,; 1 In inn A Ii? inliif. .No. 5 Naaaau Btr??t, Hi.rouali nf Manhattan. N?w York i-liy. on ur before the iOth day of May. ? l'Jl* Datad, N?"W York, November 1. 1?16. HANS E JfCLTSCH, Admlnlatr?tor with Will Annexed. REED. ?WINN A DEMINO. Attorn?yf for Admlmatrator, No. 6 Naaaau Straet. Horough of Manhattan. New York Cltjr. ESTATE OP CHARLES WOOD Melft'R try.?In pur?u?nc? of an order of Hon? orable John P Cohalan. ? Surrogat? of th? t'ounty of New York, notice I? herabr given to ?II p?r?on? having claim? agalnat ' ?harle? Wood M'Murtry, lite of th? County of New York, de.-eaaed. to preuent th? ?am? ?Ith voucher? thereof to the ?>.>.. ?erlb?r, ?t ; ? - of tranaa.tlng hualn??? N? 71 Ur..?.!?siv. In Th? City of N?w York, on or b-lore th? lOih d?y of Jan? uary neat. Dated. N?w Tork. th? ljth d?y of July. 191?I EDWARD P. M-MIKTRT. Adminlairator SIMPSON. THACHBa A HARTI.KTT. Attorney? for Adiiilnla'.rator, tl ?'?dar Htreet. New York City PARTITION SALES. MARY JANE RAYMOND VS MARY SLATER RAYMOND. THEODORE RAYMOND, FRANK RAYMOND and CHARLES RAYMOND. 8E?"uND ORDER O?" NOT1CSL of i'onnecticut. Su? perior Court, Fatrfleld County. S?, lirldge pairt. Ootabev 30, 1SIV tl'on aompl?lal el 'h? ??Id Mary Jan?! Rajrmana, praying for reaaon? therein ?et I f,.rth. for th? partition or -?... of certain proBortr locate.1 m ih- town of Norwalk. v4lthln ?aid County, returriahl? on the nr?t ' T.i.-sday of ? IBIS, it appearing to ?ti! lelng foii'il hv th? C..,irt (hat th.- de- ; f, il ?ut?. Th.o?l?.re fta>iiioiid Frank R?y- i ni'.n.l and Charle? Raymond, are absent ! from thi? ?tat? and gone to part? unkn >wn ' l.ut that their ??at ki...?vn realdcnce ?a? in ' New York City. New York, ?nd It ? ... I appearing that nntlc? of the pend?ncy of a?l?l .ompUliit haa alraady been given by puhlleatlon, Therefor? ordered, that further notir? of th? pendaucy of ?aid complaint t? ?l\?n by publlahtna thla order In th? New York Tribun?, a n?w?p?p?r printed In \?w Tork City, one?, on or b?for? th? 4th day of Nov?r_b?r. till. MICHAEL J PLANAOAN AM*. Clark of th? Superior Court for Pal?. ft? 14 Couay. OTELGRAMATAN 2< minnttt Utrt KgttM I tntn ? noRtry re.tli? pl??? ?j, ?;,, trorWer?. *l|oiitd.-.)?ipert?. frtt M ,r.te.?.,?| < for ?I!.tren Crdured rale? f ?? ?Inter. noTfl. (,?t |4??T1S GALEN HALL HOT El. AM? IAH llilUII M. .?.TI...V.I? ( IIV, .N. '. Alwavaopep a: ? ? , . f.,% tin??. Canno*. ?e ex e.i..i r...- . .----.r n or '?ta ai. i service. Ar. . p ? i .?mg m ?hor; ?ta buha ?rti? trained opern'.,r? N Y ?lte?, :4J rift? Av? Ph o? ?21? atad ? ?n Sq ?r*. L. TOUNO '.-r. i Hr> Laurel-n? the = Pines * l.uLenood, >ew Jeracj. Will Open Nov. 18, 1915 FRANK F. SHUT;*, Mer. IrU IfAO!M. IfSCKi ?lOftt <?r int ?Ulli (Ifiarlborouvj?-Eknlxii .?aT?.A>TIO CITY. ?*J. ?. JOSIAH WHITE 4 SONS COMHtNT TR A Y MO RE - Atlantic (III HruHLAND ?''?TTAC.E XANiTAKIt M ?i-ita-k -".) n ?. l'a! -a 1rs An sod \. ??! ai.l *. Enflewood. N J A heai' ' ? .tn?aa> ml? in i IBI distMa I. i a?*..aro. ..:??? UM _INSTRUCTION._ NEU Y OKh ? Manhattan. The Beriitz School of Laojutrei, I ?' 21-30 WtaT 14th b'StCT.? Ilarlrm Bra:..n 34J ly i A"'j? Br<K>kl>i. Kr?. .. .;?:?? I.itu.??:?,.. fa Phl'.td I'i'.i * ? r.sati .?; 8.? lUlttV H-?II. i Itattt and I'rlfila I.-?..i... ?ai a I I*?ua?t liryant ?. t.I for Mammeriaf. R?llahl? educational metl ?' ??'? Booklet free Kst 1??? 2-> W 40th Si LAU m nu??: af*i-a4iBaf OF \rr.>~. NEW YORK VNlVERSmf L?ctar??hlp endowed b? the Wa?aaa'? L??al Educatloa Soclet? ? tttrtt ?4 rarri-lf* Icrrc-.i ?a a? la- ?.*?>???? '??nul iloar nier?*iej is u? ????c?m??t?' ???*" -?T. M?i,? ?M?,?;,,, ,.j ? ,,,, h re ?.at ?I M P. M . a ill ItiwiK? h !??! Au?????? ?i???? Msatansa. ?ira Im.i? v???mi ?at ? 'a* aavber ?I ??...? ?? asaiiatw?. '?? ? - ? ?? "?? M. E. 1.1)1)1114, l,,l?lr?' .,? T?a? u?..??.... ????i????? t....? a ' " BL'SI.VKNM MI1IIOI?. BUSINESS SCHOOL OPEN Al I YEAB. ii.Hi. n? ?u.irai'.leed. Mini? ?l.iwntowa. Hour?: Hay. '.?14 \ M lo 74 I? M. Night, ?n? time lifter *. \-k fir .?ta? lo? 17,1 \.,?s?,i ?.t. .,., N. Y. I ?t? Hilt ^LOUIS H. CHALIF-, Gr?tate Rnsiai Imperial Ballit S:Nci Personally teache? tearher? and ?nia teur?, InterpretUe, eathetlc, racial aad vailriKim ?lam In? In dally and weekly esm'se?. Brochure. 7 W e.t ltd lt., N. T. DANCING CARNIVAL ??/? noon ax. 1 ???' :? f !? ? ..?? ? ? . !?? or. i ClB USu raise?. lasier?^', st . m.? 40'?? al ant/aae? Me Ll?u?f txld MUSICAL INSTRl (TION. 1. MAI Kl\' uxssc m lu??! or n. IVl/-\ur?sll??l 10 rat, i-.-nti .-.t. _ rtCKOOL AI.E?U IKS American and Fureigo Teacher?' A?eary.? Hupp les Prof?aaor?. Tea? hera Tut?** Ooven eeaaa. etc to coii???? Oc Bool? ?M Fatr.i >? Apply to Mr? at J TuL'S?* FV.ITON II Union ?-?oar? PIBLIC NOTICES. STATE OF NEW Y?>I4K OFFICE ?)K Bl'Pi HINTEN DENT Or PL'BUC WUKKS, ALBANY. ?>?t.?l"-r 14 till notice op cuonsa itatk canaW ? t'nlesa ?wntr clo?e?l hy he. the Kn?. ??h.iiupUln. Oawego and Black Kl er i'?n?.? ?IH le , L.sed to n?vl*? for th? ???"0" *? tw-lv? oclo?-h iiitd"l?ht of Nover?b**r To th end th?t ?h? ?an.I? may b?> tr? ot all hoatfl by th? ? !o?in? date ?'?<"? named, th? la?u.- "f rl??r?nce? f..r thro?*?-? boat? ?III ?????? ?t th? varlou? v?n?i let-nlni ?a follow? ? ?in Hi? Brt? ?anal, for hor?? dr??? boat?, at mldnlflht of NommUr llth. I.?tt ? n I for ?t?am propelled boat? ?t roldnll?*? of November ll?t. HIS. on th? Chain??!?? C?n?l. for all boala. at mldnlflht et mg v?mb?r llth. 111!, on th? ???????? ,c??'**i ?t midnlaht of Nov?mbar lf?h. ISIS?, oaj on th? BUeh Blv?r Canal, ?t mldn!??t e? Nevombar llth. HU - W. W WOTHRMPWI?!. ?upt. ef TitMie Wett?