Newspaper Page Text
I . -__________?____-??_??_ _____ __________?_?-???????-??-????-? ? Football and Votes Were the important. Dishes Yesterday in New York's Menu I I_ Georgetown Too Fast For Fordham Eleven Piles Up Thirty-three Points with a Varied and Powerful Attack Which Sweeps All Before it in a Hard Fought Battle. By HERBERT. >.? -.-? to am e ? ?? ?? ? ? power and [t ?CSU Fordham Fid : i S3 to 7, i 'b-i .:??'? th. elimination pi to] p of the < ? ? ? . ? out lik? ? n Fordham players, bat " .. i the hi me Georgeto ? ?? this i ? ? . ? action that cam? ? Georgeto? ri ircoretl ... . ?.-..' ' ? ... . Dterf? ? ? ? ? ... ? ?.. ? ? : ' . endine. a ? ... ." ? there, aimed ..' ne ] ttrihing m another, ?< Ilarr; 'i men tha - . ? ?'. -. runr.,-" ? ? ' ' ad ? that stopping then. ? I?, I g pi ' ? ' ? Mol? ? 1 ? ? i ? . ? itrong in ieh a well ? ittacl tin tl ? ?! eompai ?. Tin- forwardi oaf gad their op poner, t ninny a !'?"> IB th? ti . ? ? ? For?: 1. un? el y had a cl ?ne? to ce ? ? ? for h total of H?7 yard?, while ed ?< ten for M ;. unis Y ?iri i ..-i : ..-.-, -, this way. ( .iptHiti l'.m roi ngtl ? ? ?? G loara, ?Ahile the ?ads, Corcorai . ?. ? ? ? both ol? Their ? ? .1 i? m any gara? i.'tl 01 ? ? h?' jadgod, . ? three | ?? i <? i* most dopandabl? moa f>.i l-?.rdhuni although ? api ?in ?rare prom i i ? thair ni: fona, hi?r 1 and i Gaorgi toa ? I toueh down within th? ??.-.? play The i I th? ir own J.i wird line ?! ? r tl ?iiivvti the ' ? 1 The . mid ??ft , - the bl by Wall ami I ? jpard a?? 1 lia? Pitsgeral? Gilrey and then kicked th? , Three miBBtot Inter a ditattroat fumble by I r? the I Georgetown on Fordham's 30-yar i line A tornar i | ? .;?,? yarda, two ?harp planget foi aine and a- ?? ? ? FRONT FtTS CRAVAT KNOT POB-WTLV. Sfor-aSc CLucrr. ?-?shoot a co . inc ?*???? ^t^~~~~ M ? lag Alley Wli.aro a t'??oi **--' - - ?? - 1? Mfl? l?'P',r? wv ^-v ? ^ *W ? i??! ? Mar? ltr?*s .Q^ ) ?? ?. Lui??b b?.ua?a <f ?? I How Georgetown Faced For?a' i.. ??.?.. |..v? u (SS). I ?r,:ii mi (1 .. i ?i-.,. k I . K ? nnklla H ' I . I M..v ??in lit ?mm I (, Kail? li/ ? i .. i. . II ?r.? ; ' ... K ?.,. 4 u ( .i i Head ( ,.r,..i.u, It I ( ,., , .,', ;, Mil..i..? ?i it. : un-? l.iiri.? .1 . II !l . I BBlWell Hull It II II. . Itnil.r i ? i.iii? i it . ..'ale ?-. ere bj Pirlae-i ?>"rc?i..siii S 14 IS .?SS I ? nlli.iii . . ?I ?i II 7,? 7 I'm:? ? II? i., ora? I? >? u. 4. : 1 r ? ? s ??i'. ?.?il II), I . . Mj ? i .. ?* from .i.l RBI?I It/i;.r.i'..l i. ? - II ! nrdti . hdown??? ? lfli? is!?.:. :. -,. K? r-l ..... \ ? - 'i and li IT. i?..". ; iiinpis-. li son. I I i ... .,, i. Hi.niii I, .''.?' ? . ?'iir.t'in? i. ?inilli fir j M.iiiii,?. UrNanara loe ttmilh.Maloarj I?.i M? N.iinarsi. Hiisip?? H.r I ? ?. i_ I s 1 > . 4.r.-.-ti fur Miililinii. I ii.nin fur < or? '? rittt. I n.v? tat ! il/s;i iiiil. HMpplf f??r H?II, I Mie? l.?r IViirl-n.l fur j liiirri.n. ?"ii.?iiiiiiii?n?r.i.iiiiiin. iti-ii??.u ft?? Mn . .ill.?>. lliiiin l..r Ki'ii.lrii I.?. M?.i mlili t..r Ilium .il ?,'i,n t.-r.. Hall lei i ..?,_;.?? Haaatr? i??r < ?? .-'?..? ?a, (.??l?l?'ii i ? ? ..i.?? .: ? an! ? ? II far ?.?i<i?n. , r i ...n . . !' tal ; ..iik?im fur ::. rd pass fi ?Wall to G ? N o i G i added n the ti which ? hull on Fordham'i 5-yard Imo ? s ? . I ? ' Fitzgerald i ' iiij; toa . ? ? the home | aided l'y ;> peni Itj airs n?t 1 worked the bal] ta i hen all ? . into play, which pro' I so effective that . ? . ? ? . ,, ... , |j on s pai - thai eoi ? red fall? ? KobI. i BOYS* HIGH ELEVEN KEEPS ON WINNING Defeats Commercial Team Only After a Lively Tussle. Boyi Hiaj_ School ?lifi'iiti.l the fool l?nll eleven ?>t Commercial High ? t.y 11 aeore of 12 to 7 ?.' i Field, ft? ? ? when woi der? ? . ? ' rictory of the Red ami ? ML!. ..'fill. ? ? R? ?.?, the ? >? h nil ...... I;..-. ? ll .i i, one ? ?rd line ,,r? d .i orward pass A clean catch woald have lettlec the i be? jroi ?I all doubt Boye' High did ?11 its ?curinK in the third period. The first touchdown came after h well lostained attach adr i aather well wit] ? trikins d Barachofskj shot a forward pan to Bei I " ci osaed the line. " . tirai '? ' ,;'ii hofsky lo? oted a forward pass and, e??? fai .... SO yard for a I la the last pei I cot the hu i over. Roi - m .i d ; , ... ? '. . r '? ,., . I. . . . a. ? . ': ?Itl . I? 1 i H?rn_n . y i? h. ? ?i n i? " i? r. i ... ? i ; i ? Old Priz*?fight Fan '?"s in - Hosoi'al I ? ? < ? I.Connelly, ? ? Store than th? r- . ? I evi i ;, p| th? wae coneiden ?on JefTr_e? Sat'l? ??. ?at f.f'.> three year? old. Movie of a Business Man Who Desires to Use a Telephone By BRIGGS ?VAN v. /'A'AY - ; ... . <. i?, :utc LIST. " - - ! "si ? I I Oc : Tutet '-? Vex/ (if ' ' ' ?' \ J LlSTftsJ "'-''^ THfACT ifJET M| ' ?' S -7 Lt6TCrJ DCAR.C 1 DC Vcu K'iC?^ ?AIH? itsJ T< ? Pieces 7 tjues-i ~\ AT St* - I JcL' L Yov aDLC? - ?-J t? Y BT ?(-| LlSTgfs/* UI5TEM LO? l ?iCM??'"' Forgot to Terti- 'A D ^a 'Me ?? B r^iOaT FCLLA I lNTPft?TXrC?"J> \ Vou To UP Tb ^ I MA7''S hOO ' rbof?, ?A8V Ci??-* '_<-?*? i jt . r ' - * . , - - fA ?/?'*^' Yale Football Takes on a Brighter Tinge Captain Wilson Makes Slai men* on Siatus of Ccachoi Who Heard Call for Help. '!'. I I' New Haven, Nor. _'. The ?tata? . ' ?:. . ..? ' ' ? ... . to t.>-d: that f i I ? .?nu ha? , :.,p "1 ,1 .? m coacl I bavi now been r tl Hinkey end mj ?If. ? ? ?, ? ,ii, to the old Va of l toa ' b ? ? ? ? ?: the Yale el? I autoraob le ii Hat ?i re ma told ?if t he man ? I ... Minniapoli ta ?f erapt, f? . ? ima, to heli ? -. .. ? lie (llil l-i '910, Shevlin and .1 Ih? latt? ? Tumi Shirlia'a u-an ; Now Hum 'i ?1 i eon tn-il;i i or? i : . ? ;? gro? . -, reach? .1 N? a Have ?a -i.i !???' Gay Hu trti rbac in 1.'" '. ?'"?? It, '11; Ted I Johnn i . 'i :, Prai ???'.; l.unu 1 ilbott, 15, an . :,. ? ? A ol thaaa ate '?? ; t hi ? ; : " coach. , i, ? of ; he ?" oel ie? w? opci to undorgraduati i? l 11? wh vv? r.? ;i:'. i? ?tad enoui I or rui ? ? Boa I. AI ?'??.'?? Bombar mad the trip, too. i dai oti i their attention to n. ?.?true "dumm) ' ????? bi" ight of? Oil II I'I'l.' a o? i-, tackliag it. T alao : ? . ? ?i t h?. mi . . practica chari . ii : through th? 1 -., Bowl the < . : to YmU Field, w 1 VV.iv | ail] bi th.der i i I ? i. : of the ??eek, ' aaa ?aid to in?;!.' ! hi ' i ' . ?? hhiIv worl wil be ' !?' : to ? inbllc, sad tht lattei par? ?v.;; be teeret The drill u bi on? of th? lot gait oi I IOB "7- t ht '?? ? Il tenu? foi wol - ?? tationi to continue practict A good deal of work wbi mpliflhed. although practically all ? i , ? . A tentative toan ara? liaod up for ? ' ? 'mn an th? ?levan than wif : ? t team p!.i- ? oarly foi t work w? ? ? ? ? ? The team linod .i?' a- : "... ??? ? : .??:': tackt?, ' es; lefi guard, Sheldon ; ? ? White; righl guard, Kiat; right t.ickle, right < '??.??" i:?. (juarter ti.ic?, Van Ottrand; left halfback, Wtl? righl ha fback, \\ ait?; fallback, Scovil. aaa liao-ap thowod several ch.niRps from the Colgate gam? Hit < then, hiit ' ' ' . | . t h .? m in which h? i ".I ne hurt I ? vrar? . ihman i|unr:> . .? ick, .il ?'? .11 t?l ,V.'.l to th? ? rly to 0?SJ wheth? er the ehaaga will work ;,n imarawa? I team, hu! Van <>?trand? iided clear an.) -.? ? i ? git/ll v ' ; ? ? ? il .?' encouraging ?ign. Then ?a eatft '? ? it ottitud? thall among the under graduate?. Lot?. w?tk *?? little I Pull Together and Pull Quick ' blrago, N??. '-.?"All pu.1' t?> '.-ittiir i-tul pull gulch," is the ad? vice Theotas I. Bhevlla, captain ?if the Yale ?levin I. IMS, ?ill civ? In the 1 i it- ?quad ?aIu'I, he nrri?cs iii Mea Have, to aid in whippiug the team in??? ronditloo. Bhevlla, who ivas luuuue?ed from Miaoeapolia, expected to reach V?ev? H.v<n laie to-day. if?' l-it i "hi raga I???l night. "I um R.iini* tu Nivv Have, to be of ?hat I can," Shevlin BOMa "I ilim't know what's '?lie matter there, hit I rio know that we'll have tu got Yale read) lu d?? Harvard sad PiIbucIoo. \\ (?'((? .ill got to pall together and '.'<i it night) i:t:i< !, " I I ? ?? I < !n'e ? hi- under gradoatc leaden inn ?.! \ .'.? Bhei - lin bas beea called daring a ?.lump III I i.c e ? \ en .n h. ,|i i.ut. in expressed, ami no one, on or ? :f the squad, vante?! t.? talk football. l.a-t Bight ;'::?1 'i' day thing! were dif Membera of the football sqood ? : broadly, "The Vale New?" was ?.. impressed with the change that it nan! tO-daVi editor ally: "Just what h.ppe.ed at the Bowl '?? lar afternooB we do not kaow. Il :? reported thai for bewildering ?.- a three-ring circu? i? a eom >?! v m!.i i,:ra:r. |_e re?uit of t practice, however, wai ausde a. t irenl la I mjrht in the enthusiasm .if the members of the team, an suthusi .' ted tl ?? .; te ition of 'COB ?? ti.H'k' I'roin the re;.:i;i of uncertain ? to thiit of nndoabtfal li . ? the "..I lightifag eonti<ience that characterized Vale eleveni of the i>hau Properly applied, .t ?a unhcatable." Twentj . i hundred ? u<.Beaded l.\l a hand, paraded through the campus and lerenaded the team and coaches ?-';'.. The !' . ? ? ri l^ll! ? i",ni drill in the baseball eagi. and .. I pro? B gelow i.' ?I ' Shevlin received an ovation that \ i poke opt! n tne -,. , More Changes Mark Line-Up of Army P. Tl trata I? r : West l'oint, Nov. _. More changes marke.1 the drill of the Amy eleven to-day. Cole and Rodfield worked at the winKs nearly ?1! the afternoon. Brit* ton got into the rough WOlh for a period, hut Yob Neyload whs absent. I'arker'? return to thl ?i , id after a fortolght' and, arh. ha pom p iy*.g ' id la at i is. ? ?i! ir- ?'- place Parkai real ., ham , ti n ?' ?' ' 1 the line, Herr;.. Peytoo, Ford u.?e?i. Murnll. K I c? hai 11 were bms. tried at .(iiarter. Brown Begins Work for Y.ile Game iP> T->?r?; ' T' - T- M l'ro\ iiieiic. .".?.4 '. The ? fe I I all i ? ? i'l-dav for . ,':i v? Its Yale ? :? ? .... ? ? ? I ?it'ply | tit at< \ . The tat in eii fon .?'ular K?>r H ??' :n far a lot . Bring in the ige, alt h ?s:?rh the vareit; ???r<- hole-? m the scrub's 1 ir.??. . I W h.-r.ever the firM ?lev?), ?rot near the e;oal line the coaches it back into midfielit Bgai. an?, tried the ?ame formation? with different moo id t_? 'vanity lias. HARVARD WORKS ON NEW ?pLAYS FOR PRINCETOI Oilman B-Kk at Tackl? While Boles Appears To Be Sure of Place. : I". TV. pi i''!.-". Mus., Nov. 2. Harvard footbs I - ?ches i uf theii i i"i> throog ? hard drill to-?l ?v. bal oa? which a th? foraruBner of th? drivin , aid o'.:* :? .ir.d Wednei day i". ffaal preparation far ths Priaet ton trame. Tl ? Vai *v WBI o?: the field lint' dark, ?erimraagiag first ?gainst th scrub an.l then a..ain't tint ?uhotl tutes. f'ne ?OCOnd team a*a?B?td a 1?, of ITOBBd with tl plBTl the T?t;ei liave h?'< : Hl Dg hat Hie 'vai ?' -, -it with a will. :? !. thing in th? waj of ? tpecial for ti. vtiii-h In" 11 a?ed m th?? --i?- earl .... red ' oo a lot of drive to i. it the regulan ? re able I ??. ? : I i.:. I] ..i -. K H I? In.:. the ?crab lin? for ? toaehdowa afta a loBg terie? of tueca s? plays. The Var itl ?B? looked like the rea th ii ?; w ith Gilman hack in his old rilac at tackle. II.' was on the left wini and Hadmun. who wa.? put ut tack! in Monday, WO? moved back td his *??< poaition at left guard. Wallace wa ie sole liaei sgaia, hut barrinp i little lameness '.: all right? He veil ge| into the terimmag? to-moirow, an? ., Harvard'? ru?h l?a? i.-? it will ?tar against Princeton will l,e the one th? eoachea believe to bo the best th? i rimooa ha? in Bight, not only for th? Princeton gara? hut for the lisl? cam? ? "I!. Th ? backfield was unchanged, B< lei ?gain beiag in the combination ?ritl liaban und King, and this in spit?; o tin- fart that McKinlock was out f i I0BM real work. None of the baekfisld mrn have com? nlong any taster than Mules, and whili F.nw right an?! IfcKinloek both will b? in eondition to ?tart in the Pnicetor (.??me Holes i? now on the card t( ?tart. EBwright? dofene? ?gaiaatPeai State wa* ni t enconragiog. It l.u been decided n't to tend 'hi backt an.i ?-nils to Prin.on on Friday . ill?, tquad will n * leave here unti afteraooB. T< -day, f..r thi '.ii" h. maaj ; ?r . tl ?? !i irvard appeared wearing tin- ??, l-fashi i ? d ? ighton having teen too many I I,- hy tiie u- ?. y? to suit his ! A ma-s meeting <>'. ttudenta was held -... ht I ? ?d ?-?-?.?.? by -unie of the coaches, including Leo I.'iiry. The Harvard second team ha? been Improving tteadily, and look? for ward *-o beatmi" -.'ne Tiger scrubs on Satarday noraing befur?- 'he "varsity MOLLA BJURSTEDT VICTOR ON CO.*ST Pifcats Mrs. H. A Nicnicw'r in a Hard Throe Set Watch. ? r .-., - ... NOV. 2 Mis. 7' , ?I womai '?'! Mr?. H. A. Nit-m? ver. of t:-i< I ' . to-day in the onaua! law:; ?? tournament for the Pacific ?Caast thai., b| a ?core of iS 4. 2 ?i, I 9. Miaa Bjaratedt, who represent? ?i,,. Weal Side Tannia ciub. of New . rh City, came to the t oast for the expre?-? purp?,se of meeting *>!r.-. C. Bundy, the former Ma\ But? ? i the two will in thi- touri ii ?Tilliaai M Johnaton, national cham ? I 'iritfin. -."??? ??. ? ? national iblei ? md fatal Rosenberg in th? ro-ind ??4. Mra. Ni'."iey,r wa- naked N?? C? ?r an.i was exmcted to (five the Sorwotrlaa girl a har.l battl? for the h?r:>.r? After splitting the ftr?t t-vo -.-. however. Mis-- Bjurotodt increased the speed of her stroke* and literally ?wept her opponent off the court, tak? ing the last ?et without the loss of a garni. Th? tournament will continu? I to-morrow. J Foctbr.ll Games Played Yesterday. COLLEGE GAMES. Gooigetoa. ?? 'it Fordaosj . " I ?ilumhia .la Stevens Tech.., >S N. Y. V. 3 Bucknell . I tH HOOLBOY (JAMES. Mnrris . 7 Commerce. 0 Pa Witt CU?!. .W|8tay rsraat ... o Adelphi .1-! I'oly 1'rep. 0 j Boys' High... 12 Commercial . 7 Erasmus Mall . 0 Manual Train.. 0 St. Iran. Prep.. ?Lincoln High... 6 HARDEST DRILL OF YEAS FOR CORNELL Coaches Drive Men in Secret Practice as Big Games Near. : I.) IW-gTiijIi to Tli? Tril.un?.] Ithac.i, \. Y., Nov. -. The harde-t iract.ce of the MOMA COSO? this after* roon for the Cornell football squad. | when ever, man turned out for a Ion?'? scrimmage in :h?' baseball cape. It was the flrat secret practice of the sea? son. Before the regular ?crimmage Das Reed put his Une men through a gruelling thirl v i trimm ? ? i Then the] and lerab slai >?'! away for another hour. While th.> und string men have devolop<sd .i - defeoce, thejr ?rar. not strong ': to prevea! Cotilas und Barrett Bg the lirie for u touchdown I piece. Shelton h.".?l a rest, Kri ??<>:: substituting. MeCormlck, who hi.? been playiog right guard and tackle positioos with the scrub, ha? been1 ihifted to end on* the seconds.1 Bad was sent to th?* training table. Van Orman said that McCor mick's showing this afternoon whs? ex ? ipl ? i.l and that he bids fair for -ui.stitute on the 'varsity. i'4'.u mure practices are in order be? fore the sqood ?leparts tor Ann Arbor The coaches fee| none too sur?1 over the outcome of the game with the Wol? verines, :.s thev have a team which outweighs f'ornell by a goo?i margin. HOLDS MANUAL TEAM TO SCORELESS TIE \ The football eleven of Erusmn* Hal! High School showed at its best and held the Manual Training Hi?,'h School team to a scoreless tie in the annual '.'ame at Ehbota Field, Brooklyn, yes? terday. At one time during the con- ' test Manual Training battered it-' araj ??? the 1-yard line, but in four thrusts at th,- Buff and Blue line it fa.led I i . :: an inch. Both e'evens played at their top form. Martial Training execu'e?! a number of forward pass?.? for small The game Wai marked by nil nteroui exchanges of punts betwee i Aachterlonie, of Kia?mu?. and Titus, of Manual Truiotug. Auchterlonie got off the better and longer spirals, and, along with Narasch, did the hulk of the ground gaining against the Man? ual ?iefence. Klaiber played a strong defensiv? game for Manual Training. Tl I ''.no up follows) Btoamee Half 1.1 Fsafcisa Haaoal ISI Uln .la. ? . lL.r'v . I? T . K.?|vir :. ', ? - ?? ? . ? . i ? - . 1.7' . I' - uviii? . n .'.? ? ..... . .. . ?. ?I 1? H?-rry l'. li B, [' ..?i;r,sirt?n ?-........r i tltUlaa for Tlllli-r W II ' Knut il?.- I ? '???? ???.??.? '?? i ' n.. in v: rarrter ? 7 Dai ! -i-.?ni..n Sn._r?r. <.f t>;.kln-. u Tim* ' ;?? Two of MU a!,?l two "f IWlIVS mlavta? -a Bell New Quarter of Quaker Eleven [B? T??,_r?|.h H TM Tr kB-? I Philadelphia, Nov. -.'. The I'niversity of P.BOSyrra. a football coaches defi? nitely pick?.! lieit Bell to-day as th? quarterback for the Qooketl n th?' Dartmouth gome. It'?- wUl |ac*eed Howard Berry, deposed :'"i his poor work in the Lafayette gome. Bell ?will have a.? ..derstudioa taoaeha, the for* Tiiei ?ctu1? Quarterback, and Graut, ?t ? played thil position with the freshmen last year. The practice to-day was devot? d U the Dartmouth formations which the scrub? used against the 'varsity. All j if the regulara, with the exception of Ros?, ?rot into the came. Ross was in football tog?, but he will rest until Saturday. Ball took part only in th?; , signal dxiiis. TIGERS SCORE ON SCRUB AFTE1 LONG SCRMMAG Rush Pits His 'Varsi Team Against Stronge Eleven Me Can Muster B i ? mi ' ? t?..? m ? i ' PriBeotOa, H. J.. Nov. 2. The best Princeton's ineligible playera and number of old toi tball Stars who back to help in ceochiag were BtuU into a team to-day and sent agai th? 'varsity. Rash decided that regular scrub did not l'ive the tean hard enough :ci:rr.*nnge, so he cal on Jim McConnicit. n;im Andre Hluethenth ?'. ?ad K'P .""Tienk to j some ineligible-i and second string rr against the regulars. Jim McCormick was at halfback, s ploughad through the line just as Th" i_'no(? old daya. Hum Andre playing it qtuuterbaek, rnadi Is iroon 1 the satis from fi formatioi -, .-. 1 Bluethenthal kept t Princeton lii down about h Jack Eddy, the ib* . d o:i,l ttrisg be? , t'"t away '? twisting run? that kept th? first t?. ?tu uing. Thi? kind of milli?me was just wi? the t"imi Beetled, and when the scr took the field the 'varsity, led by Da Tibbott, carried the ball the length the gridiron for a touchdown. All the regulars were not in the tin up. (iennert wat ?till absent, and Bl terworth played the pivot riositie Highley and BlWWB started at trie en? but Lamberton and Wilson played tl greater part of the time. McLean ai Noam are still out of the scrimmai ar?d watched th?? play from the si< lines. They ore two of the best men the line, and Rush is not taking at chances of bavlag them in poor cond tion on Saturday. The backfloM combination it the ot that started th.? Dartmouth game, II they will be usei against Harvard. Ti* line-up was : Highley, left end; Parisette, le tackle; Love, left guard; Butterwortl centre; Hogg, right guard; Halse; right tackle; Hrown. right end; 011*9 quarterback; Shea, left halfback; Til bott, right halfback; Drigtrs, fullback. Williams 'Varsity Plays Fiercely Against Scrub WilUaautosra, Mas-.. Nor. f, Th William? ?leven ?agaged in a haT tcrimmage vvilli the fr? <htnai: team thi .?;?' rnoon, a rnaddy field teverely hand (capping the players. The 'varsity'- at tack, in ?pite of the slow fielt, WS ?i,ove th?? ordinary, as the backs ?oi through their opponent's lin? at will. (iariUld, who has played practicall; every position on the team during tin sea?on, ha? been shifted to left end 11 place of Rloodgett, who is temporaril; out of the gam?. A? Laplant did no take part in the scrimmage, O'l'riet took his positif? ?? right end. Week: wa* at left guard in place of Kicser and Jon?? played quarter. Th?- 'varsity displayed considerable ?grgrosslveaosa to day, both on the of fi me ami defoBce. This has been dm in part to the excellent work of Hub I and Parmelaa, the tackles. A ?iajaa drill in the cage concluded this ai' r> i.oon's workout. Cndet Regiment Cheers On the Annapolis Team Annapolis, Nov. 2. In order to arouse more of the fighting spirit which i? so necessary m the team for its suc? cess against West Point, the regiment of midshipmen assembled on the ?tand yesterday and to-day and tried to in? ject gome spirit by continual exhorta? tion? to the playirs. There wa? not much to encourage the root?-rs for the first twenty minutes of play, but after | eri'i'i the regalar?! began to car tloBg Starting on their own ten-yard line, th?- ha' ??.i- ?'.'iri'icil on straight to the ???rub?' (treaty tive yard from which a forward pass from ?tilei to Kloodirett resulted in a touchdown. Westphal aroused the crow?! to en thusiasiri again by getting the k;ck off and rurfning baek forty yard? ?Veet? phal, l?avi? and Mile? gained at will and carried the ball to the scrub?' fif? teen-yard line, but another forward pa?a wa? a failure. Erickson and Hene fee did ?peeiBlly good work at tcrub lack? tbia afternoon. FROH STEVENS BY SMALL SCORE Game Thrilling and Spec bacalar, but Lacking in Real Football. Colun.' a defeat? 1 I ? o-?r. whelm *he ?vea ?s !??-!'..? ?? aus thrillii ? i lag In real fo >1 .... . th? Heighta 1 over the Techno by a u-?r? of 10 ' * It s t that 1 imbia w?? feeling il .. ? rrora of om .- | . ' e .irnbia ma?'. I touchdown in th? . that ' punt ?.???-.?? ? the eog tiui ., ' ?ver, !?: ?! apte i point Tfca ; ? ?i Li.?' :'? i had ' ? i ? from M : ?I?l li li- Ural touchdown to nar the Ce . ? by M ','? '? -OT ? r? ? the '?' -j ? - ? r ? - for 'hi ? ?re. En1 th F ?!?t a? ?i u crowd of m? re tha ?usand jammed the rait Bad wes! end i of th? rowi and ' ?i? -p. The ? riWir.g one when the o] ; bia clad in dark blue an?! ' ?carlet, t with the hug?' gi . '?ow Library standing ' . . ?? clear nor' Columbia wa havin : as guest ? ? WhitBua and Maj ?r Mitehel, p ?a ' Nicholas Murray linter, pr.-ui.nt ?f ('(.'.umhin, and Pr? lent A!? . r B. Humphn ys, of Si i. to? gether ? itb a host of i (listing 'aniii were I lied with Columbia u: dergraeV .? , and there arere io man} of thta that they swarm??! over to the north lids ? :' the Bold a:.J invaded th? ?tev BBI ?' ' Captain Simond*. who plavcl hi* tint game f? r Columbia, wa.? outpunted by Webb, of Stevens, although he sot hi? kicks "tf better. In running with the 3imooda did not ihoa ,< imprei ,\.ilj n? his "?? rk in | ties had mad? Columbia follower! xpect hhB to. It was evld nt, however, that h? was saving h: ? lore I? g T; ?. to'.,rn.'y have accounted fur hi? mediocre p'-nt ing. ? i-..- Columbia end Reeder and Buermeyer, and I Heelerasd Wilber. outplayed p?on ents on the off? ? ? wert was of brilliant order through??*. Buermeyer in particular proved his worth in the second half when he ?hot in like a ?Sash on Webb, blocked ont ?f his kicks an?! never losing hii stride sprinted forwi i?i and fell on th? bill, liea'.e tacl ord?r and wilber m i- quick to ?i ?gnees a play in the makii g a '>'? th? few ihining itan on the B i?* and Whit., defer. . Beeder i did n..- |l let hui: Th.- ' th* gam?' w,.- ? .Hill defence in the !.. iUVCSS ma?!?- :!? touchdowi ?vine ? down from ? ;.oat . On the defence the foi .vard? a yard ?>r mor?' back from '; ? line </ scrimmage ar?.i waited for tl I attach to form before attempting to ?msia through and break :t up. I*. I ?' ? defence based on watchful w.itinf and it diil not work. Columbia's attack seemed to b? ?o far in advance of its '?? fence 'hat it 44,is hard to reconcile the fad that were both part of the sime teso. Simondi and Healey worked ? *erie? of well-conceived an.: ???? cuted forward passes toi big i?1?' and M .11 star in rum ' .' toll punts and skirting th? : oh? got away for a coup'e of l?.: .' run?, one for thirty-five yards. It was Miller's dashing return of s punt early in the t r that gave Columbia it? Hrsl ? inc.. I caught the ball on his o.?- SO yard line arid was not itopped until he had advanced to Steven?' t"> yard line A forward pass from Simonda to Millet netted Columbia M yard?, m.?! I1 .-.oho. Monroe and Simonds got a first ??j?*11 o Steven.?' I sard line, Hen I *??*? that Columbia lacked a punch ar. 1 w?! held for downs. Miller, however, was undaunted and trried w eh Bold again, a'.; ? ' ? ; ... on h ?. ? and . -''-P* through Stevens, four, ? enht yards at a time for a ? Columbia's second tosefidowa was not long il com? ? in the third perle?? Bteveai was saable te the ball an inch and Webb fell b?c< '.or s punt. Buerme\er ami Wilber broke through, the former block rig the punt and then falling on the I? BJS Stevens' K yar?! line Donehe m ?de only two yards at left end, M 11.1 t0* o f yard and then Littauer, on tw? rtraight line bucks, got over for S SOI S? Miller fumbled Webb's puni it ??alo1 Bold is ?the last period and II ' '?- ?"?" covered for Stevei ?? :n** Webb tore through I defence. Some one <?n the ColuraWB bench blundered a )' th? ?? ??d V. hite ws ? e . bavins ? ?? men on the field while the ba 1 ???? in play. That brought the l-rathei JJ Columbia's 25 yard line a' ?I it too? Stevens only .?even p.?>? to c?rrjr '? BCI >SS th.- go?! 1 ne Webb m?de the touchdown, but he fai'.eJ to the | i". Hmhia ? IS) Position Btrvani 1? It-.- i?r ..... .. i ? 'l i -"" K?nn?-al</ . !.. ?'.. . "*?_ . ?m . it ?. sl -_r Uu* - ? ,Vl ? ' I ' ' -M.ll.-r I . ? .-???al fro? ^ hni..titut?? (Columbia) i '?'? *' '"' ?0"*~ K?Mk*a '*f ;.,-,?n?> ?I?*' 4S ? <shr?i4 f.?r H i. 'inr??r \\Hll?ion. C?lt?r for MIIUi si' r,.r !>.. 44nlr?*j. ||. "nkla f?v ?_-_,,, An1?raon f.?i IVn-ra VUr.h?: ' " ?**'*:'_? H?'f?r??-w k Crevtas <>r ?**4mo ?_7 ??. i??- E s i_n4. of *??>?: *'?__. i.lrraman ?I Hanrr. "f ?Hi???? A_kJ*^' Tint? ?ai ?atiaU?t?ritimaa a-Bul?? ?MM*