Newspaper Page Text
Another Jewel in the Crown of the King of the Speedway j)at-/o Resta Out speeds the Wind in Race for Harkness Trophy at Sheepshead Bay rfar|essPi!<'t Within Half Minute of One-Hundftd Mile Record. un|) BOB BURMAN ' ,\ SECOND PUCE l Was 10 | ci . Pliso? i . - . ... ?UM ? ? ?? net ? Harm after ' ' ' - * i di ?va la rate u - ? ?--ribeaTi ? ' ' ; ? vion on " than ? ?. agement, u - ? ' Ml - t.earn and Borm r. n hit Bam Bur- ' ? ? ?tit ?1 ? ,n by ti ? - eer of the - - - lac) .4- - year. ? ? ? ? teed for a ??A fir. - th? ? - mileo. Ralph ? Pi'rr? It Wl ?ta??! ortii lot? :?v night that ??art. Bat li? ntrt it ? . t? til ?te?. R?it?, In hit r. bn ay k i ti i ?i Ucktal rv?r. Mtxwel ?"ourth; Hob ^tt-.i-. 1 - . Ralpb Mai? . - ' fTsrybciiy '?.?i .va* probably n J'ttjtwt i < ta long hope tvafl ? i great {?Tor;*? with the racing faut. rasii had already PSS i ?ari formanee and 'he infl ?Id. ' "? ??i i .;? the ??SSdlUl tl I setting. f doll ' ? ? tr.nK a flvirig ?**?**. o? or? laj ?i ?rooeed the line ?'?1*/tbrsp. Wagner dtoppod fhey ? foi th? ?*?'???????- ' % ? ..IB, who ? ? defeat well as ?t >!?j".i \.. , 1(.Kri r:ir * the b .?,-?. and - thi Mercede?. ? .m ?nd ???*??? " initial Up Jesd tocl prafl but ?I Mogtl ? ? ; ' him. ?5. * " ** ,f"?""nti- ??"?? ;'irman and htktiibat ? n? in ?S? l?.rrs ? , twelfth ),.,_ ?)Vlt ftft,r ? s lap lie Palm I '? ' earbarator, . . ??*'*' " Rest? and * thi? lap ? ? mak OaS** ' ' ? '??1?v ?"?? )?* *"? " t fooi-teonth ?ft it ?bid " . ?*. rd eontiBaod to ** '' -\* ?he close "?turns can be mude any ??tftc! *eback everything w, ?sell P your money back'any P" slioiiid anything go /Jvercoat s, suits, hats, 7e?- nirniahinga and sport \?w0Otlt. tvrrythiriK men and boys ***** Pert Compan. ?nSV/ Kro?dw?y ^St The ?t 34th St. "????I? Pour Wm Corner?" Fifth Ave ren at 41 st St. ^ Killer of Auto Speed Records *< Dario 100-mile leepsbead pe< Iws) yesl '.. . i : Fred McCarthy, his mechsnle. Times ana Speed In Big Auto Race THE THPEI riNISHCO. CARS H? v I ?tla-io llo?ta 5?:H5 71 ??Boti Burma? S?EJol? Rukinbaihsr II TIME OF LEADERS AT PERIODS. Mllr? 2 i . 10 . ?f I I Sa* M M . ?*? . S- ......... *0 . 1 n *??. a ?s IM Pr?v1?ii? Awarlra? Sr?.?a<i? , .--.ard fsr 100 -lit? B-o?Hind? ( England i riro-d for I no ?illa? Se 2| 11 I 1 D?ATE I ? -. I a ? lia ?? fifth nothing ).n? pon? i te i Mu? ford, Bui man an,! K'ckenbacher. of the four' through a tire ehang? requiring 21 aeeonoa, end Reate took thi tion in the lifte. nth. Resta'? til the thirty . ; .. the rate of li'5.3t5 miles per hour, ??"rom the twe ? Mul Tl.i-y ground II out without th BriaUon ?n their espeel ee ?peed?, twenty-four sec? In the fort* ft. lap Mulford mado hla fourth tire change. It was de? perate luck, particularly ainee neither Rest.? "r H.ckenbacher had stopp? I foi any es Si foUl ?top?, Mulford innnaged to hold third place in the forty-sixth lap. Rest. Wa :ng ard Vliirman eras second. The Americsn cat was coming ?King nicely in fourth place, there being no car? in the race for him to get behln I. I'nfoitui.ately, Mulford now went nut with a broken oil pump, and s ?lere.l third position to the faithful American car. Kickci.barher had ; hie game well Mid was within the prise Oolj Roots n:..i Baratee won left to defeat him ?OI the urst place at I ? fth? 100 :s. "Wild Boh" gave Brat, i men y chase at the b?^i' ? 'm: of the forty-s? lap. Ilut Dario w-as a lap and a ??.unr UT ah? ad ?>f hll Sim man had lost only th >':? ? ? ouds In the race, it wa? evident 'hr.t Rosto could h"M him duiin? the ratai three lap?. Hob wa? rheere?! as he tried t.. make up a little of hi? loat ground, but 1.? a had only to pl.y with him to keep him down. Vtickenbacher was chasing him ?olf around and arooad, bat never eaught up. Be I poeition and ivas not a movi.g ihn,g t.. rob h i m o? it. Beat, and Burnian were driving side by each, a? the GeruMoi iav, ai d wh le the la?" throe lope looked some ,: like a race, the eoutol t was ull over and Reeta? tho winner of the ? ice. Jogged home leieuraly. H,s the ?I'O ? b<\:V>::\ at the rate of M.S.':. .r. Had he gone only twenl B'conds faster he would nave his BW. time fol 100 T-.i'e? .1 Brook len?l?. but he ha?! the ltuknes? trophy ar <! tie Urges', ?lice of the * ' i ' ey. i bus i.'- ' ' he Am?-! icai of 1911 it was quite ?? ? his radiator H and the grand |I y.;ir lie was second at Indianapolis, where hi came Within an ace of defeat* lag Ralph De Folmo. Re ?was fiwi ?' the OpOl ruf race of on the ( i eago Speedway, an?l ? ?->\* he !,.??! de 'an'fl tl I Stars who have been aft-r i him all year In thi? the Una! rare of the rear, S match lace for chain; ?t.? ???. rig the year he wns eliminated k. thfOC race?. The She?p?h?ad Bo? Speedway is M , hi c ?i ? atulatod "? t1 e iura.i * ?econu meeting at the BOW trac aviation fen'ure was quite an The alrasoi .- ? ? the ep? i ' i fs ?' i" ? H lima., wh.? wn? ?. eduli ' mi???? ? trip from ??arden ? i"y ' d Und aaeeeagors f.r? wa? unable to I'v. 'r ..,oi,a ?f hi* own, which WOIO not eaploiued, bu* DoiuBOOJOl f_,*S a wonderful exhibition, and it v.-a I ju*t '??Mg enough to All out the bill fof u.u a-t?r_oon. Clinton Pounds Way to Victory Over Stuyvesant Scores Five Touchdowns Wh Holding Opjjone&ts Well i Check?Ritiner and Bt??wn Stars. navy ?lever ?.f I ..nton 11: School administered a uecisive defi in from Stuwrsnnt Hi School yesterday tfternooi ?1 I??'. ? Avf iv. . i. sct'Tt "f H2 '.' ?..ere mid? by the plun nton back?, and ?IthOUgh ' I Ott i?mtSS will oft' m i fumble? were froqoeat, tl - .school gave evidence of gre " >. ?' 'n. ? ton firat-strini?' fu\ '?::.??.. rand Brotn?, who Ailed the po? th? latter part of the lecoi i a'f, were easily the ?tars of the da hi ? to iiiOi?e be'- ? two, and ultnoujrh R.t'.nei '-vat quick? ?et and at finding the opening Brown, ? ?( .i iy, blond haired your . '. vva? a! nOSt irre?l?t:t?le in h thrOBgh the line. ? | Stiv vesant, ?luarterbac proved a tower of .?tren/ih to h an ! repeatedly cra*he 1 throun ton*? iaterfereaee, nailing tr man v.-ith the ball in hi? track.?. <?reb" i.*. left em!, alto did excellent Wgrl ? ,;i man) p'.aya by hi? ?-juici .i. getting dovvn tlie field aft< .'. made u?e of the forwar -, d amber of times m both halve ?, ?lmo?l ?'very instance a Clinto 111 arc?] ted th? ball for a lost. th? r>.r.?t to ?core, harr fui mi: bis way throug-h the lin between right ?mari! and tackle, afte . raahing had hroutrht the ball t Stuyveeant't three yard line. Rittne kirke.l a pretty goal. The ?"Unto fullback added another toachdowi before the drat half ?ad? crashing through the line from th Ova yar i mark and then kiekiag ti. tk Qg the score 14-0 In tie (ir?t quarter of the BOCOBI half Rittner took the ball on Stuyv? flfteei roi I line and dodged h: ' re Opposing tean or the th .-1 toaehdotrn, dragging twi Stuyv? ant iner. with him n? he cro?* cd the line He failed on hit attetnp k '.!??? goal. reseat reaorted to kickinj ? ' ? n?s, but Rittner, wr.o did th? punting for Clinton, held a cUai ?uperiority over hi? opponent. *ome 01 coi ?i lag if | arda Thi inf fallback va? re?pon?ibl? foi th? four'.h touchdown, heaving a for ward pea? ta Quirk fi ?sant'i ? ???? ;,!?rl ! ne to th.- three yur? Qalrk carried the ball ITtr IBi ii i mi? " i th? goal '! i,- tiiiir'i.'lovvn .va? made b) BlOWB. who took th? ball on the line? up and fonj-ht his way behind the g>al from thi twenty yard line ii liking the ?core II to 0, and a fe*. -, . ? Is later the gam? ended. ??? |p f.. >-l .-. .???r:-. ?01 .?'. .f? K ???.Or?.?-?! /. . . U T. ....... 1 '? '? . f-*?-t ' 1 tr-t I , ? , i ? llarnl.l.'ii M ar? I ? M 11 T'. ?I II V rtaya I ? - - . t . i' -., treme Olttari . . ? ; I'. . fof H ?!?>??!. i rT lUt.nsv , ? ;?-?.???.? t??i?s. PETER SCOTT WINS A $20,000 PURSE San Kranci?c?>, Nov. 2 l'eter Scott, owned and driven bv Thoata? Murphy. . .. ISO/MO ?taa? trot at the Kx trael ier? toifav in thr?e ra >? t hi ?ta The ft ret mor..'. Hmoont? Mis.? Porfectioi was ?ec md Spriggai third -?a .Manual Training Soccer Team in Tie Game M u . Training'? champ...B ? .rrrr and the ?OCOBd te?m ... the rent Athletic Club played te a ti? t.t 3 to 3 yesterday afternoon at I Ray Rnig?. I Only 22 Minor Leagues Surviv ( hicagn. Nov. _.?T?ert)-tv ' miner league?, e? comoared oil fort y-?et en laut "ear. arc no? ! ex?Ntenct", according to ollicer? i Iht minor haschall organ i.'a! loi wh?> are mnklng plnn? to-day f? ?he trip of the owaers to San 1'rai cl?co. where next week the annul meeting uf the National \ of Professional BOMboH I eagiic ? ill bo held. , L'arh of the leagues wi'l he reprr ?er.ted. It la expected. S? m?. dlaeW ?Ion of relreni bment may tak place at the, but i.iost o the leagu?*? which ?leathered th storm of la?! aummcr already en force their ?alary limit rule strictly, it m? ?aid. POLY PREP FALLS BEFORE ADELPH Haight Fumbles Ball Aftc ?50-Yard Run and Loses a Sure Touchdown. Adelphi Academy defeated the Pol Prep football eleven in their annui game a'. Washington Park, Brooklyi yesterday, by a score of 12 to I, <?<>c ?se of th. forward pn?s and the clo? following of the ball by the Ade'.pl players helped them on ro ic'... \. Fumbling marred the , Pol l'rep suffering most heavily Each .ear was guilty f much loose handln.g 0 the ball, an?! Pol] Prep loot a ?ur touchdown who. Height. \4?'h an ou? Ac] ! before | ped the ball ?/'? :. ran of list, yards. Leyaer racevere 'he bau for Adelphi. Hank I'oblin registered the fir? Adelphi touchdown m the latter par of the second ijuar'?"-. va? -f. a pint "n the threc-vord lioe, roeov Bred the ball an?l rr>','.e<\ over t!. . D for a touch?!, v a. 1*1 ?? other toi in the cloa ?7 miautea ? f the .Ina period, when Leyaer ?kitted left ?n? ?nd was forced um t. the edge of th? pla lag ; eld j'l-t ?s he crosa.d th?- l.rie Adelphi i ???Mr,I to open pla. to eil fuocc the bell, beee lid ma?. no eonaistent gains ??gainst the ht-av) P i Prop def? nee by .'ra:gh' footb.ll Tea forward ??-ses v an attempt.ol bi phi, and three were smcocsibI Moneypenny and Higsrins .ere ad?pti ? |] P? Prop trie?; pas???, on? of ?which was uacompleted Pol ' opening ? in irt- .? Bg the ball t.. I yard lin? I when t?cale ! M, ? ' 14 i". did g for Ad y Prep, bebt? d thi boll ou: of in the eeeeud riuarter. with the hall in midrteld. e!?.v,: foiled M f. the forward pass, when .'?? I em ? ?eut one to lggin? that l t\?..pty-five yards. (in the ? ? ? '. ??...". i' l?i' *-?c'-: ?, inter C?ptod the bul!. Reji?ol..! thei -I ? i b?ck to punt out of deagol a: ! I brake taraogh, blocking the kick nd .?coring the touchdown ? 1- ; . i '. y. I ?t'.-?..|, ,.. I?. r i. ?; . ? ? i lia l: - La? . ?i 7 i larva v|.| la H. H ll*?l . . ? - *?;.*? I p v I ... i \I '? a ' ?.i.-, i I I-* ? ? II.I , ?. I ;?)..? i a ?l il? I Tim? of i- .._:... N. Y. U. BATTLES TO TIE WITH TEAM FROM BUCXIIEiL Field Goal Apiece limits tlie Day's Scoring on Ohio Field. Ilv IERONB BEAI TV. t.iVr ' ?- t> t atril? York i'"' . . . ' i at < ... . ? :' ? ' . The 1 their 1 Ha? th? ?toeka le, ?.: ?1 although i plnve-l they held i - ? ? ireity ? . ire was s ' I goal thai ' i ? - ' rarda oi ? Cap ta i n Soi ited the til ? ' ' ? ? - ! ? ? : ' ' ?vent back ni * ! '? ' B i . f tl period ? '? ? i yei only fivr forward paooa?, two of ? ? '? ' ? ? ... - ! ?want ' I ? I ? c Ne.v York - . , r ? ' of Bu C? Schaffner, Btrontc ';? . v: - ? mosl ll'a d? :' n raachine. Bei i? itein, ? 'ann, Eg I i wer.- th? ' ' . mer. who rattled r led th? ball ' im? and * a few ?topi ? thi was creased Spott?, Mangan aad Hca? ?iron wi re the obI I pea?. tti ?te th? Viol?l defenee. The I ? ?? ?rame with New York U ? twenty? four hour*' notice, Ailing in ti. ?Aft open ? boa New Iforl led the trame - with Trinity becau*e of the professionalism ?i' i .....i.',- Bi Ickley. The violet '" oae ! th? ?rame with a ru-1, thai ? ?ftei nell took th? kirk an gain, i ?. jfl n> 1 ;' wat Y ' ball, wltl -, s ? ? ?van to go. Bei i. i and Brwig i J .u 'N. mi ! r >eki ? .i-iil. A forward peat failed and < - - ' field? ! I y ?Vtkin?, ' I. ?ch twi aty-flv? an I v f tiampe.I down tl the I Backaell held and l .? drop kick VV? I.t -A'de. Backneil eoaldB*! psln from ?? ? ? If. T. U'? oi In ' rter the N. Y. u mo thai . ? ? ? - ' : -' the Brat til fney mad? I but bol : for ward ? n s at? torn] ? ' . - ? ' "n'? ?, \ ? - ? ? . H I '? ' ? iv ' ' I ? ' ' ' ' ' . .*?.?? , ? ? //im/ ring. & Gr?ntlan? Dice On the Firing Line. i*5Vl>> raited a qu>''er from th* rrowd And torrad his patAurag to sasasssj At each new blow h? wailed aloud And foltorod in the tttif? and etren?; \><l r'ie;i hy H'eri Pat? dtTOCCod \?Ot low I paooine day. ! ?.'/ ... - - - infoi 6/oir ' '?? 9\ ' ,. ??' ? ?< ?y. ?he coned th? Fntm ?"'''?' I te SMoA u r, tot* d at ate. Fate picked a F ;.?'?'rr from th? throng And b'vrcd kU pathwaa to the gool? I' r ick nrv blow, toith l'Urpote strong, //? ' 'h tOOT brtver soul; ind Mtep /-/ ctep ko '??._,,, t Fate hack ? i ri- .* ?*?-1 ?i./ day, at fa? end A okim I' ? . '- ' >' ' ' I '? TrotWOOd Moore's immortal NfrOtai ih s vim up **re?m." I | ' -, the c ?-*??? I? *h? gr.ate?', ?o't?n?r In th? gam?. Walking w,th ? ' ' rassiss I SM at the greatect ?f all disasters. The f.r.lsh c?n or,?7 he a degemrtt.on note pur? .'at, for both tl a henrt and th? brain. Nerve and Efficiency Again. - th'. r.i ' i ..... "V.'p BOerage" ind Tol. spirit" wer? ?mor.g the Uadtr.g . icar Tal. elghiag for th. eld ?days of "Yale right" Hut taking " lie ' ? -her year*, it wasn't M much a matter of courar I cr ' ' ' ?played It ?a? Tale "efl-cteoey" tha Mr. ago Y??!e had m,,re rS.HgU and ?plr?t th?e Bthei rivals hod, averaly because Tale had more eflUieney. ?T. koot his doctrine bef- -e, the id.? that efficiency r.-.ake? for n?rve Bl I en? were the mo?t ntfieient eloveM ?h.-.r took to the flel I. ?Ode up of mur. any t -sve- ir n-.or? couragcoua than tne ? l. Of the nr?.?< ? day. H ?it heeauae. they were far mor? ?ttlc er.t up-vi the field, V .!". to-d.y, in feoth.ll Is laedMent And Inefficiency and aplrit or cour?*? rarely travo! th?) ?ame paih*. Th ! SiTiciii College Rise. ?hanged state ihewu b> imallee unlvereitf?? in m?,t?n(, ?-ger ones. Lb the old dayi the imailer universities k7i*w ?itt!? footha'.l, comnarativeiy. Thoy had not r?e?lve,l th I I I ccachi.'.g they have In late year?. When they . gainst S bi/ Y or a big H they were b-*?ten before? hand, knowing :'.iey were ln?vfleient In treotf way. ?ho big Y and ti-.e big it were moral? embleSM ?>'. greatly i'iperior To-day these amnlW college e'.e-ens, cr mer.y o*" them, know they ?re about a? eiliccpt a* the ?arger on?.' And with this knowledge haa com.? th? r.ew nerv? or confidence ?o often commented upon. Th. bravest m.1 ? rarld is op against a tough p ropo sit 'on and i? often to braoh wh.. h ? gavtnet a rival that he knows is a better BO. s.- th. ?.'."ne Th? ans".'T II 'o forget h 1 ?le of this n?rv? or courage bunk und go out for ? ' ncy. 1 o ?Scoffers. \C . : igou Aggies are not the only football player? along t'.i?i W.Stori COM? "? PSII .r'.gton I'tiiversity ha? almost forgotten how to loa?. *.n.i there are others. Maxims of the Fourth Down. The best foot hall generalship in the v.orld I? to hand the other fellow exact l> v. he ??n't looking for. The only way to sivr yourself on a tackle is to hit the other ?guy harder than lie hit . you. Wo only hope that Hr. loh. Franklin rtak?*r, of Trappe, Md , ?Ign? a new contract ?oon. or else tha' he will kindly dig himself in ?o deeply upon his Mary? land farm that not even Winter League excavators can lift him out again. "Football Is entirely too brutal," ?ays Ty Cobb, who evidently never had to play third base aod attempt to i ?dge h!s own whirling spike?, gle?ming in ?he summer aun. ? at Yale. What good can Shevlln do at Yale? W?l!, for one thing, he can at leaat furniah som? mental inspiration and help Yale to make a better battle. For even in a ahort time he can a?ld a certain amount of team efficiency. Also Shevlin ha* the tradition of 1010 back of hi? work. Harvard Bod Pri"ceton should both beat Yale and both probably will but both will meat a b.r Yale team th IS they BOW exp?-ct to face. 0 ir advice to Coaeh FtoMlag EL Yost is to pu*. Maulbets.-h back upon a die*. ??f pi.r again -,g from pies to beefsteak the Wolverine ?tat BOS never been his true ?elf. Maha" may out-?lrop-kick Dave Tibbo'.t and out-punt Dngg?. but we ?till trail with the old ?ayir.g that "Two toe? are better than one " ?ir \?.'.i might i.y we wouldn't that if he can out-kick these two TigerS ?t will rabie feet Or foot. DAT?S 0? "GOLD CUP'" RACE! i?n September -, t oad .'? Bsaiwd Baal WIH M?vt un Iletrult < ourse. Albert '.. Judaon, preeideat of th? ? ii .;it v modalioa, m noane i -..?--.? rd ? r ,;.?? the dat?e fei , tr? ?'i-p . . BBd ". ' \\ I "' h? race? ?vr* t I troit ao s n 4ult ol I Cup 1 Mi-? i ??-.? ? elation .m M taha ? ?*... 'l n. firsi tnger for nexl -ear's eoatoet ii 'i,- .? gatte ? a boal g foi ? ? - ? . bip race n '. 101<*. -? ? St. Francis Prep Plays Tie Game St. Praai ? I'rep and Lincoln \l\\i". , 'ie. ?) te o. football game at ..'? -? - ..- Park. Jeriey City, The .fame was :."v?;.rd pas? rig-linn?? Lincoln tallieil t? -.ou.-". , larter, while the Brtx ? . I thi floate ?at? in i I tl ' Ugh tarkl? for a nan far Ltaeeli Kail, nan ha.l twice made it nr?t it.,??n iv rivi-, og II the final alerter ? 1-ranci* baekfloltl, wur*?,' in reia>* in ,-arr-, '.iiif th? ba i .?r>.ii:..l the v?ir.g poai :?wene> takini? it over un a rif- ? ' Ut-i.-iard run around ?eft end. WILLARD READY TO FIGHT Will Meet Moran, Fulton or 4 ?iff?) a New Orleana Club In March. New Orleaaa? Nov. 2. Je*.? <*/l?tlard world'? heavyweight champion, an?! tail manager. Tom Jonei, ?aid to-day they I id u?treed with Dominick Tortorick iir.l Tommy Rum?, local Bght promot? or*, to ?lifr. r. contract for Willard to ? d hi? title In a twenty-round bou*. ? ?'?'?.', .11 'he firat week in March, Affamit an opponent to be ?elect?.''! by the pi em? tO?l on or be.'ore [>??<? ?-.!, -r ? t. Terteric ? itati .1 v, ilUreVi ?ppaaaat weaid be ei"'..r Frank Moral. Predi Faitea M lim CmEsf. MORRIS BEATS COMMERCE HIGH IN CLOSE GAME Fumble, Following Long Punt, Accounts for Only Score. ... -he turn In the long Ina? of defeel ..? i -.round? ??s-.'iav site i'"'. kfl t e>?en Mar? of fl * - 'lorn' ,.,,.. -rfcool ' lo 0. ? . ?ar loin I W07, .- c'-?rc? I | -r Mor ita? bad been ? c?t?d o:T on the ?rateb when Jack .Vein heinier drova ?'? I I in*. Pin* '*..? ball Foster. tt-?, . . i astead tyf at th ? ? ? ? fall ?a ? , - ? ? . " ? ' ' ? '? ? war,I pa??- - ;'- tka gi m fury a' ..... <?? i I no? b? bac' '-ne? H?le?tier wa? clear, but h? fumbl? l ? ' ???? ???' th? u??rt? - ' ?were? re?,-?re -?? Oataral pi??^t ih? : ..-i ma ?Staek o| th? 'lorri? ? Ing th? -?: tire gam l:r?r ,;. -v ? s . ? riieir lurmations were lue. ? ?d and tro i ?f >re they ? l.u' ' ? . '? ? - ' With ?????h. . g tk 'm with J. .lid h* sert them whlssl ? hard o?'?r I '7'i'ii ;h?n no', ? ran I ?ck. ? iah CoHIn? i on ?tvery exeh? . nn-\ th ? Mi rrl? eaart?rbe?h nade emtm ' bli i Ivae - ? r. tree loot ?el ?e aaaah ?hrnjgh ?ny physical weehaeo? ?or lick o, ?ti? teare. Th. re wer? half ? .i. t i?y beck? oned, bal ? glaring lack of ?? I ? ? ...i 'hin la the Se? 14.1c.i ?I ? .1 yard line of m ???? ..-'.v, * f?rst ??awn, bal Fetvoor, ? : field ? that were boxed and < thift? I Hi rr' t brseed brave n.? ? ??? ge? f th? v .? 1 v ? ? . . -i '.v. .n - holmer punted ???'. ? ?????.?. Net Hv.ui?. -? scti *i th? . lowd *vi"h balf a dorsin loag run? ?io?v-v j broken "? L ?Vi ?t il I rot ? he ??? r of otosj Bee* abarnos, rh? ? '. "r.?.i y.,unsfs-..r br?; iniiL , ii : m to aai th with a? on 1 ice? ' th ? ?...ri ?i 13 Ar:h.? ' \>m mere? e?*otre. He was !n tho < '? ?? . . eruml ? / K ch i r.ew r i? ? . !?>nc. . 1 .in . . -..-? the II : 71 411 BIIV ? ?h', l.aifbai?. Hlue. ?.? ?houl.l tun. H- ,, , ?r|(j 'u.4'- ' I h I ?need. . When he WOl tai '.'"I .?vr h? IOOO extra mclie? ;... raade In tin? fashion eoaatej I in the i'.rit d..wn? made by hi? loom 1 Mi.rm-, and Lawresteo were in ?h? thick f '...' light, too "?? ui? follow?: 1 ? ?? ? i< -s??n. r t.. B, I. . ' . ? iti . La a ??.. 1.-?in 1 in 1. ir-.i n?r ?? ; 1 ...??in ? Carney .H ' I ... H K I'luivl al#r .... ; . liner v??h?n . tv-li?h?iin?>r ' . u?h . ? M.,.r!?i 1 w ' >t*.pa .- ?? . - ? ' '" i ? ' -|,r ? g?oM ' . ? ALK/-n2 4 Cars and Islondcs-Oiirear ii Wee the nirl Eiho tea* such a perfect blonde thai .sume j eoph wouldn't believe ii. It ii hard to believe tliut such a perfect "Six" can be wade and sold at $1696. Have a Triai Hunt <n\m? Mm IA/T?HN DlXTtaiBUTCB/ 1875 BROADWAY NEW YORK PKOMi ?:0?Ul?ABU/ 102.O 1% Per MONTH ON PLEDGE OF PERSONAL PROPE?TST THE PROVIDENT LOAN ?SOCIETY OF NEW YOKK M \Mnrr?,v fourth Avenue, cor 25th Street. LIJr.d?,e St.. cor. Kivington St. -?eve: th Av . bet. 4Hth ? 4'vih Sts I - . on Av , cor 124th St. ?,:i ?i SI . ?or. GIIoUm St. 1 " 2d>t.. bet. Lexington fc Jd Avs. ! Bsst Houston St., cur. tsscx St. I?I4II>\. Courtlsndl Av., cor. 148th St. nation i ? ? . c?r Livingston St ?i i .it As cur ?i'l-i'su'tc St Pitkln Av , cur. i;i>. ? r. ?? Av. Phi?1 CENT i HAROtD ON LOANS REPAID WITHIN IV.?? Wl Ik*? PROM l>Af_. h