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BOMB SUSPECT'S STOCKINGS HID $1,720 IN BILLS Bartender, Arrested as Tire Thief, Now Held in Liner Plot. \!>MITS HE KNOWS KAY AND SHOLZ George Van Horn Say?; Ho Fled to Jersey Shore Wht?n Sus? picion Foil on Him. Georg? V?n Herri, a bertarder. ar r??t?d on the charge of stealing auto? mobile tire?, ?rae y??t?id?y found to '..ave 11,710 ir. hi.i? ??i Urge und his ?eg? i.r.d?r hi? ? ? ?rv. n nrie b\ th? v fv- York, ard two ad ?-.-,- - - ? tie i] if '.e.,i und , . Bg a to ti.e All II? - ? '?-?a?,!, to the po? lice, tkat he knew Ueouooaat Kobert Fay, wo. .s held *-tti- Wal tar F. Sh ??i. Max Ures'ur.g ar.rl three other defend? ant? in the al).ged Weehawken con apiracv. N'en Horn siso admitted that he had '.:ved at 616 West Forty-eighth Stre?'. ur.ier the name o? Guabertu? Verhayk up to last Augurt. when he fled to' the Jersey shore, knowing that he wa? ur.der suspicion of being impli cated I. sugar tomb plot? on rhipa of Preach liaos To the hhrboT police Van Horn i* known as a r ver p.rate. He haa been arrested twitt before for grand larceny and hi ? ed for running a motor bout will il lights. Admitted Lmploy. ent on Barge. He admitted to the West New York police that he was employed on a aug-r barge lost sasSBBOr, whei. official! of French ?tctmir.ip line? were worried over the rinding of inoer.diary bomb? concealed la sacks of sugar .board ocean steamers. Van Horn ha? de".i?d absolutely that he know? anything about the alleged conspiracy to destroy shin? with explosive bomb?. He van? identified yesterday afternoon by a eea captain whose idCSktit? the police refuse to dlSClOS? This ?ea eat> ??;r,. it is underatoo I, .? ready to testify that he pan! $_'".r I ? 1 '? ?nek? of su? ? it i? believed, Vnn Horn had etoleii from the barge where he ?( d The police have a suspicion that Von Herr knows BOBBOtk I g about the - c ( f a t'.re borab on board the sa led from this port, arriving in Havre May 13. The bomb, placed ir, a sugar hog in the hold, ex? ploded when thi ship win at set. i .-nt.osi, in which he referred to the fact that he Fay, thi priaener proved uncom i bo-h te the West Neu _C K and the 'io?"_l pol.e*. H?. inti . :.'raid that Fraak ? ''lit . former I si .. tl s sugar bar?-e. would i-hoot h'P. if he told too much to the author Autn Arrest (?ave Clew. of how the Weft New York ; pooed to get this latest .? . ;nb conspiracy in their ? an e'l?, whan vele 1'atrolman Patrick Har.ley real Gru? ua u. cL ?i bartender, of 111 6th Street, for driving an auto mob.'? ? ? mi fence, l er ? ; Bl (?ruenwn'd's I lo some plain?- tl ?- Al n recuit of the ?leitsnonn ??nd Kenn; raide? at 45.? lay night Van I ir men ar were ale theft of He i'.ivf- hie age a? at I s was a bar tender. ? gave their narne'? as Albert ? "'lunn, forty-five, a labor? I treet, North Bergen, and William lient, twenty-four, a laborer, of -171 Hudson Avenue, Weal New ' the proprietor, ? ' e gal automo bili and six tins found in hia cellar He wai ttod to $l."W bail, charged ? the receiver of . To lltig i'her the alleged theft automohlle tire?. ncre.aed Gruenw.ld'i ? ll.f held Vai, Hon |2 00 bail. The o'her d?? fendu: - ?, ?roled. bills con? r?ale : ', Morn'? s'nckiiig?, ( aptai Gl<. ided 'hat he ?.??re than .. ordiaary bartender m th.? prii ?n.i Be he railed up the New Y??"-k pol,ce. loforUalng them that he bad a man who night be involved ? WechawV. ?lot. Further F? Idenre Sought. Acting Captain Tunney and Barnetz will seek further evidence to Conner' Van Hern with Pe? aad ?S> ?-?!z. They have Information that the three ?ere ?een dining together ?r a Weeh.wken r??tsurant several weeks ago. reach, P.bra and \' - ..;.?, cal A bomb \?an ? for Havr? When ?he KirkOBWOld. frei. Ihil port, arrived *?'. ? an la ? tor were found in sat'*? ?.if grain ; hold. Two of the BO. ' I be.OCed aro.'': the tel .?'.cu ?he ?te?tne?- \?as uni I* "-a. BOt mai .veek? hfter the?? bomb ] ei .???,. diaoovercd tha* Van Rom moved to -*i Twenty-Fourth Street ? .'?.?. N .1 ? a?! heai ??.... ?j him ? '? iw York are e man i, ? n'?T GOES TO NURSE LEPERS l.len (o?e i.lrl Will Spend Life In M'.lokal (..ei ' OVO, 1 ??rig If.and. Nov. 2. Bad friend? of Mi?? M?ry ")W?ka lade : er a tO.rful fare.?'??': ?vi.ei, ?he Itortod f??r Syra ? is to remain several ? ? g, a? a r.ovitmte :n th? to go ?s a nurse to ?he Hawaiian lala? dt - t?.' t) BOS to se? cl re!? .?-.? once men ? lokal Arts ? i she will ? ? Op il The Bronx I . ? men ?'. ... ? gun .?on ? ' ling |1<M, an tl?* gold itch FIREBUG BLAMED FOR DEATH OF .'?-?lice Think Origin Incendi; I irr Marvha! Differs. Three women and four chililren 4' | tl-, rteen victim? ??pliv xiate. ?moho in ?n overcrowded brich t< ment house at fit*. North Sixth Str Williatnsburg e?rly yeeterdsy morn Vue Marshal Brophy place? th? bb on ac?rele?? tarant WBO threw a?vi bunting match || the dark h?U? Th? police, however, think that f r? wa? the work of a firebug who *t?r'? i ?ev?r?l cellar fire? llOBf Fast River waterfront. The dead are: > ' ?t .'onda, thirty eight, laboi f?, Far??:.ka. twonty nin? tl eleven, Metre, ei, v. ? ? tki, thirty five. bit wife, Josephine, thlrtjr-th *i *' ? forty, laborer; .? | '.'la twenty-two; their son, dveiN', throe. \ r-.a-, about thlrty-flv?, known Martin, and another of thirty, knr ?.? Petar, both of whom bo?rded w tv e ' .s',.?- ?Jp?ki? An anidertifled men of thfrtv. 4 lived with thi Yatusko family. Mee that "'*...' perton? were ?le toc In *vc tare? ?tory tenement ho Intended for ?li famtliei when the wa? tliie.ivered. .?ore afte>- mtdnij " .-????. -? - era found axph ..,'*;' i ' I'M' '.er h".l? ?e famille? escaped by el mh Ire ?aeapei iplug fi ? ? ?? ?era ? omen and child ? ?? 1110.1. v SING SING GETS CY YATES AGAI Bancroft Robber, Wl Escaped in 1912, Caugh in New Orleans. Chester Yate?, who bumped n Aaron Bancroft, sr. aged broker, a relieved him of a package containi $i?5,00?, in the Produce F.xchan Building, in March, 1911, and sub: qaeatly e?cap?d from Sing by i of a woman after serviig only 105 da of his ?eotOBCO, a arrested in New Orloan? yesterday, i cording to word teceived at the pris la*t night. Vat?-., who ha? acquaintances W also tildress htm as ( harie* A. Stot Georffl Wright, Clayton ai.d i y, m d.?covered tnro?.if,h the application the Rert.lion ?7?t?m. Although was wan and pa;c and great.y ehaflg since his lait triait to New Vork, wn ir.g glasses ?n.l r. mustache, he W recognised. "lt'l the greatest system in tl world," ?a^il the ft.?it;ve, when lie W shown his picture. "You can't beat |1 Taken to the parish prison, where 1 will be held pendiai th? arrival of i officer from Sing *?.' i wh ' wl le* with a warrant lo-dey, Yutes raid: am ?rilling to ?-o back, but 1 know th I'll die in Ja;i." Yates alteady had a eriminnl reco when he gamed ui.derworid distinctll by breaking through the "del I Fulton Street and putting over the Ha croft robbery. Prom Harry Barrett, ppointed employe ?.if Mr Bancrof who was ?ighty-nv? years old. 1 ?earned that th e dcrly broker wou pa?? through one of the dusky corr dorB -f the Produce Exchange Hu?ii ? a with ? package under hi? ?r:?. eoi taining $??.{.,>".''! in securities. At tt appointed time, Yate? ran into Mr. Rai "ft, knocked the package from u.ul hi? arm, and aided by accomplices, sul u-ed another eon tain ing newapeni nga, It wa.? done so adroitly th; Mr. Bancroft was not aware of his lot until four days later. I;?-,-, tered at C H. Riese, ?/ates ?.?.s arrested on July 11 in San Diego, Cal gad With robbing guests in a loci H ? was taken to Now York, in on August 30 Judge Mulqneen, in '"7 ? -, ?entenced him te twei t v ?ni .'ter h? had been foun guilt] of first degree robbery for second tine. Hnviag previouoly bee paroled, Yates had one year, fit months and ten days in addition t ?t-rve. Un December 11 Yates did not pi: in an at breakfast, an Warden Kenne ly ordere?! the pn?o searched for him. This was unsuc? cessful, the alaim whistle was s?unde and the warden offered a reward o ??.'.O for the capture uf th? pr:~.' <r l'.evond the fact that a woman wa involved, bi? ?-?cape hat boon ;> puss] to the prison official?, (?ne of the tirs -iior? liski'll Y.-ites ,;;?,, his ?p ; rehension had t?, do with the circaffl ?taaco? o? ht? impromptu departur from Ostining thn ? ?go, but h refnoed t?> give any information ?>n th sub.iec*. "I wouldn't give you the name o gol me oui fo anything,1 wa? all h? would ?ay. All of th? sicuritie? wet,. recover?) lad Vetee'? pal* ai<- a:? ?ici.g ?. 'he robbery now, "l'.-.r." O'Reilly, th the Nan i'a'ter haw cai who ? i of having received stolen good ? he tried to cU.m the rettard fo returning part of .he stolen ?ecuri .. | toon ? ft? I |? ?-.:? .- i ri.??.n. KIN OF WArTTe?iT CROWD CATHEDRAL Class Hatred Bred Strife, Say; Mgr. I.avelle at Memorial. \V--h every pew in S? I'atrick'? fn thedra! filiad ard women in the garb o mourning kneeling In the a'.s'.e?, a higl memorial mass for the ?oldier? whl lave fallen on Barepeea battlefield! was celebrated yesterday mon.;ng A* the ?Krertion of I ar-linal Parle? Rvitatioai were ?eit to the foreigr consulate? fn the ritv, and the consulat repreaeatatlve? who losponded wer? ? . ? ?1 el the hea? O? trie centre aisle The .??.' ?:rt? were ronuticte?! by Pathei '. ? ?en! McGobb, Cardinal Farley pro. neUBCIBg the benediction. Assisting |l inlet wer? Monaignor Brudei hen Murphy, Ker.nv and i?-. Moi gnoi Let ?lie, n pi ?aching the t moi ning, : en ? . ? i th? 2 a a s a ! Day and *hat at ?<a?t four Mill -ri??.: OS I already been lo?l in tin ! war. "Those ?lain," ?aid the Mon h? l'ower ?..' the Caucasian race, th? picked ??lory of th? youth of Europe They were t?-o?e in * ?use bar..!? the fates of then C| ireh, tneir country and the world at large greatly rest?-,!. "Th? onl] explanation for the break lag lorth of ?neb m iti*ug*gU In I 1 cent' ? ?alightt ?'??-.? .s that clas? hatred and animosity havt ovei earth lb? greed for personal n?l voataga ha? r- ? Pharii? ? ? '", and . < reel " I .. ? ? .\!?V we f.e OS ? ?? ' ??? I? Ion lad hroticr? race hatred foi Ar reatare of the eei WB? "?t.ce of black clothes I ? ? worst ppere, ? ?.gn that tne war. - ??? ? ? ? < .?rer t?> rereeas ob thi? i i thai - gea> ? rhe 8.14 of th? throng m'.*o approached the numbers who rrimj tin- great cathedral? of the f.ght ing ciiuntri??. FUNSTON ASKS ! LEAVE TO CROSS MEXICAN BORDER Makes Request After Kill? ing and Wounding of U. ?S. Soldiers _ VILLA SHOTS HIT NINE AMERICANS All-Day Attack on Agua Prieta Palls?U. S. Custom House Riddled by Bullets. tOj T?lagraj>h ?o TT.? Tribu?.? 3 I'ougla?, Am., Nov. | Major 'le?? era: Funston telegraphed the War Do* portmeol thi? afternoon asking that Immediate permission be grant*.1 ir.m to Invade Mexlee it nee< larj to pre? test America lives. ? , .ira i ii toi arg I tl t 1 ? i . . .* ? ? ng for a ci,...-..! citui lev? ? ,;i> of ? fea h?.,11 ? might be He believes hie authi to reply to Mexican f.r?. ., aseiesi unless he can pursue anil punish the off end? en. In th? ?til-day a?saults by Villa on Agua l'rieta to-day t?n Amencan? were injured by stray bullets, and one, Pri? vate Harry Jones, I ompany A, 11th In? fantry, ?lied to-night of his wounds. Jones was ?hot while standing guard over an army supp:y wagon several hundred yards from the ho jndi.ry. After ?rltbstaadittg 'our violent at? tacks by Villa forces the Carthtua gar? rison at Agua Prieta remained secure in their poriticns to-night. Yi'la is re? ported to be pieparing for a fifth M eault before morn r.g. General Calle?. commander of the Agua Prieta gar . reported tO*nlgh1 tha; the num? ber of Villa dead near hid line? ex ceeded mo. Villa began his attack with artillery at 1 o'click thll morning. It was dar? mg thi? engagement, which iasted at/out an hour, that the first bailete landed on the American side. At 3 o'clock Villa launched his fiercest at ack, opening on the western trenches of Agua l'rieta, with every available ?apport ?>f a final rush by hi.< Yai'ui Indiana B?llete rained on the American town, riddling the United tatCI custom house and the American trcnche?, wounding several ??.' lier*. A* daybreak Villa drew ? ? r*r his forces .. h.s .-r,!.: i' i water, which they had been lacking for tWSfl* ly-tour hours. Lit >e ..1.11..... stai none to the defence? of Agua l'rieta by the night attack??, but many bu Idingl i'i he town were battered, and the list of ?-..i and wounded was heavy. Late this afternoon Major Genera! Punston remove,! the American troops from the.1 tremlie* on the boundary. Previosis to th... two warnings weit' by American otheers 'o General 'on the dai ger '."> Americans <>7' misdirected fire :10m the Mexican .-nie. Carransa is expected to reply '.. i to the American note regard? ing border disturbances. The i'.rst ? bief will ot armeanos the name of the Mexican Ambassador to the United State! uiitil alter In?, confer? ni?' with Arredondo, h.s persoaol repr?sent?t i, e in Washington. London, Nov. 2.- Foreign Secretary Grey informed the Houes of Common! to-day that Great Britain intend? to follow the United States in recognizing the i arianzu government In Mexico. [From Tue TlSJIia? liurri'i ! Washington, ?lev. '-'? Permission for an invasion of Mexico, su? h ai Gen? eral Funaton ha? a?ke?l of the War Department, can be given only Presi? dent Wilson. A i.; h '>:' CCI of the aimy explained to - I ??" ad on oi ? ich vital importance could be taken without the highest authority No in ? .n has been given as to Whether the President is prepared to authorize sueh a ites It is believed an attempt will be made through the S::ite Iiepartmetit 1 to obtain I'arranz.H? consent to n. invasion for the .arp?se of punishing outlaws and rebels who fire over the boundary. At the War Departmeut ?the conviction i> stroag that invaeie ? large scale will ultimately be neces? sary unless a show . ?" force cun be inside at once. The fight for Agua Prieto i* due to the large customs receipts of that city. . ? udents ??' th? tuai ion here di Congress could obviate similar tiom in tho future by empowering the i . ? denl to itep expon ? to Hexieo igh all Mexican border citl? ell neutralised by agreement ?? factions. AID DEFENDS LITTLE AT COURT MARTIAL Says Builders Agreed to Stand By K*2s Batteries. ??.r., No.- _. A eoaversstion in the course or which Rear Admiral Lit? tle (retired) refueed to accept the hat .1 submarine K 1 uni .1 ; ? r i u.'..?ers had agre? .i ti :. ?k? ;7i"'<? any efecta that might develop b/?ss de icribed at to-dav's session of the court martial. The testimony was give*-, by Lieu? tenant Warren Q, thuds, _?_i ?tant In* ?pector of machinery at the For? River Shipyards, arhile the ?abasarlas wa. construction He laid tha* Ad? miral I.'.'.tie called the attention o! 9 A. Gardner, repres? ntat i\ e of the Ki' ! trie Be.1 i ompany. builders of the .?ubmanne. to eondll BOS 'ha: might ? , ..... ? ? ?. ., ? . . ?? ? i. ? *.' 1 Gardnei igi ? ? Admiral Littl? ? .. ?.. according ? ? nant Child?, ti.iit ?..; a* | arai com 1 ? be ;.? 1 ; ,? ?'? .?- ? ? ? 1 '? r Brit. th?' ;.i,"e! Il i ? ..'? Childs said that I. excellent conditioi. ?hi reptod. ? GERMANS CUT PRISON FARE ( ?ptlve American Gets Hut Two Meal? of Bread and Soup Dall). )? . . Parts No* I A . "?r ha- just been received from Jame? Bache, the Ameri? can aviator, ?be was captured in the ( hampage offensive He soyg lie ii In laiai aad that the food for the officer prisoner! with whom he Ii quarter.-.i taere nave been bread 1 i 11 ia thi ernuig an.l I Sing. The Brs1 American member of the >??ign Legion to receivi ? i rols n? ? ?luerre i? Prank Nuegrave, wbe ha* een decorate) fr.r brav? rv on patrol in Septembi?, when his com' ??Iked into a German m?r)ir,e gun am WOULD DELAY SEAMEN'S ACT l'arlfle ( os?l Men N<?t Peadv lo Meet It? Provl?lons. San Franci*co, Nov. 2. The Pacific I ad' c?s received '.?-day. i? not In shape to meet the '.?(?? ?: ?1 ?eamrn's r.?'. which becemoi effertive ?lay after to-morio-v. Seamen And vessel ownei? alike m. .? ng a temporary suapen sion "f ?orne oi it? sections. From Seattle cam? word that not more than Inn of the estimated f>nO seamen in port will have quallfled by Thur? |fl I ?! ?i-i Ti men have BOOB fthysiealiy examined m Sen Francisco. 'our hundred ?ailnri here hsve p:i*s?'l '. ?varything bnl ??" physical te?t, ?ad v? tretary of Commerce Redfield i.;.? . ,.,i -, .,|.|., . ? more < oetoi ? , STt'K MAN SUICIDE IN TUBE I.rap? fro.n .;-rse> < it ? Platform? Train SgWfls?B Over Bod}.. Jame? Kelly, folty live year? old, of | ? Mener Street, iItuv City, committed ; ?ulcide yesterday ?ft?rnoon by throw? ing himself In front of a Hud?on A Manhattan train a* It rolled into the Fxchai ge Plate ?tatloa. Almost every: cur run ove? th? bi dv. All but a few of ! the passenger? left the station. Triff?- wa? interrupted an h??ur. Th? ! t idei lifted ?.-.- employe? of th? ; '.? ,,?(.,. .-orkeii. Kell] : ... ; had i'? ' ' ill ?overa! DAZED WHEN WED, WANTS FREEDOM Wife of Paul Lewis, Ex Yankee, Blames Drink from Flask. In n petition filed In the Chancery Court for an annulment of her mar ria-re to Paul Lewis, a baseball ployer lad former member of the New York American team. Mr?. Tessie I,ewi?, sev? enteen years old, of 514 Monroe Street, Hoboken. asserts site was in a dszed condition when the ceremony was per? formed by Mayor Mark M. Fagan, on April 21 lBit. Before being wedded, she ?ays In her petition, a woman gave her a drink from a flask and immediately she be? came so "dazed'' .?he was unable to make any objection to the proceeding. Mrs Letria say? 'he regained her nor? mal eoadltlon a few minutes after '.he eon mo IS and immediately left her hus- ? I and She never has lived with him. Aceordil ; to the record?, she ap I with Lewi? ?it the City Clerk's; In Jersey C.ty when the liCBBSO ?vas granted, but she denies she was : present. Lewi? hi? twenty day? in which to! laswer the charge?. He denle? that j ? ? was any irregularity about the marriage or that Mrs I.'-wis was' drugged, as she implies. He lives at* 17 Cei tie Street, Jersey City. Lewifl'a fathei. Philip Torlet, hoi obtai ed permission from Nice-Chancel? lor John Griffin to appetr as petitioner. BISKOP REFUSES $11,000 LEGACY Unjust for Father to Bar Chil* dren from Estate They Helper! to Earn, Says Mgr. McFaul. Trenton, N. J., Nov. 2. Rather than nccept a legacy of about $11,000 under cireum?,tances which ho believed would wotk an injustice. Pishon James A. Mc Faul, of the Roman ?"atholic Diocese of Trenton, declared to-day that he would take steps to divide 'he esta'e of John Botterhof, a farmer ?>f Egg Harbor City, g Mr. Butterhof? three sons and a daughti ' Mi. Butterhof! who ?!;ed recently at . ? . ?' :. bi ty, lefl th? bulk of his ??tat? to Bishop McFaul to be used for St. Michael's Orphanage and other charitable purpose?. He cut oft hit four chi'.ilren with $.'>, declaring he ha?i ?lone M l.eraiise of their attitude tow? ard h'.m in his old n|fe. The will, made in 1918, provided for the payment of a small legacy to Egg Harbor City, ffsvo $200 to S ??.??ter in Germany and $50 to th? i'-intor's eld eharch In Germany. On learalaa thai part of the e*tote ' pri ?' ted ?BS Ciirtimi;? of the ebil? Iren, whs had starte?! to contest th? Will, Bishop McFaul instructed hi? ??'. to prepare hu agreement un.ler thi ?state will be ?],. ided ? ? noBg them. - ? U. S. DELINQUENTS PAY UP Chicatfo, Nov 2 1 he action of the government in publishing th? name? of Chieogoaat who borrowed money of it to get out of Furope bore fruit to-day, when numeren? delinquents paid their debt? ?i* th? Sub Trearury. Many of them explained that hard times had made it difficult to pay be fore Fattot Insane. Family Needs Help With her husband hopelessly in'ane . hospital, M ic. O. i? not able to ? loui/h bv h'-r ?Owlag to meet the of hi twi if : r Is. Yvonne, If Bad I'- - --? lust Bla. Yvonne ? well il lier hiK'n school studies, . . ed b) i"'iveuiaesa lasi ? item mar, and th? doctor in cheri?e ' :ee.? thai Will b? a year before ?h.? can belp her mother, lh?; Charity Or ?tien si 108 Fast Tweaty-second Street is sapplying ?5 <? weak, :i->d this ? matt be continued for several Gift? t. ward the fund of which i? needed to help this fsm v will be acknowledged If ?ent t?i the ? ' ?. 14th Street, nesr Fourth Avenue. HI?'('TOll'S '???????? Br.*i'l?ar IVI.V I vim .4 I,?,,,,,,, ? 4a|i, ? OSBORNE BREAKS R?LES.SAYSRILE Warden Has No Right t Leave Prison Without Permission, Is Charge. SUPERINTENDENT TO IGNORE KIRCHWE Professor Scenls "Bunco" (iam in Linking Mini with Os home's Place. Albany, N'o-. 2. Sing Sing ia virti .11] without a head a* a result of tl ebienre of Warden Osborne and tr r??igriat!on of Klihu Church, Superii tendent of frisons Jonn Fl. Kite] ,?; to?d.y. H? added that th? warden hi no right to leave his post without B. mi??.on, and that he exceeded his ai therity in designating Dr. Ger.rgc V Kirchwey to act during hu sbsenc. ? ?? r. alrchwej can all sroond th prison as much as he '.vaut s during th I . ' M 11,,, . ,,..i,,.r? ' ' ic i' Supei itendenl. "bul have no BUthoritj in prl-?.?ri i pi Incipal keeper, la thi sbsenc? thp nrardea, is in charge ? I pri?e, di ne and its enforcement, t ia a \ ;? latios S? prison ru'"- for the warden t leave 11? post w.i. .it permission fc longer than twenty-four comecutiv hours. No such permission has bee granted to Warden <?--borne. No on 1 can take the warden'? plac without th i approval of the Priaon Superintend?!! 1 and I have not approved of the selec ? tlon of Dr. Kirchwey." While the action of Mr. Osborne ho ?idened the breach between him an , Superintendent Kiley, the later aal?! h I did not intend to take any furthe | step? in the matter. It wan reported at th? Prison Depart ment that in a letter from Deputy War den Johnson to Deputy Church the for mer severely criticised the administra , tion of Wurden. Osborne. The iettei it Is said, was placed on Deput; Church's desk in his ?b?encc and foun. , its way to Wurden 0?borne. This, it 1 ! declared. le?i to the belief hy Wardei Oaborne that Johnson and Church wer. ? conspiring against him. Since '.h^n bei feeling existed between Osborne an? Church it is reported. Two letters were received to-day b] Superintendent Kiley from Warden Os One announced that the war den intended to take two week.?' vaca ! tion and retjuested that Kirchwey tern porarily take his place. The seconi announced that Mr. Oaborne had up pointed Stephen Miller, jr., raflfldentis prison cierk in pince of Church Th? luperiatendent would not say whethei he would ratify Miller*! appointment. Superintendent Kiley went to Auburn thi.? afternoon to attend to ???me privati businecc. He said he did nol intend tu sec Osborne, who is also in that town. Kirchwey Sees "Bunco" Game in Sing Sing Talk "Mr. Riley misunderstand.?." raid George W. Kirchwey, whom Warden Thomas Met? Osborne left in nominal charge of Sing Sing, when told Isst Bight of Superintendent John B. Riley's comment on Mr. Oaborne taking a va? cation at th.* time. "it has been intimated," said Mr. Kirchwey, "that 1 may become v. ii.i. n of Sing Sing. If I did accept the po? sition of warden of Sing Sing pr.??m if would be the result of a bunco job. At present I can see no reason why it rniK'ht be supposed that Mr. Oaborne has any intention of resigning. It is beyond my comprehension to suppo>e that I am to be buncoed into becoming bis successor. "1 came ?lown to the city to-day to vote," Professor K..chwey continued. "On the way down, I might add, I s'opped at White Plains to confer with District Attorney Weeks, of Westehi I? ter County. 1 had a Mlisfaclory inter? view with him regarding the investiga? tion he is making of affairs at Sing Sing. I called simply to assure the Dil trlct Attorney that every co-operation would tie afforded him by the prison onVera during his investigat.on." ISAAC L RICE DEAD PetUeet Head uf FI?-trie Boat Co. Kr plres Suddenly. I?aac L Rice, i ? at .1 formerly bead ?? tl ? Bleetfil Cempoay, the Holland Torpedo Boat Company and the National Torpedo i empoay, died saddealy in hi* npart mrnt? in the AoSOaLs Hotel, Broadway BOd Seventy-fourth Street, of heart dlaeaae while dining with his family. ' Mr. Hire wr?? bom in Havana In |S>I0? ' He came to t'nis country when a boy. j , He was graduated from the Columbia] i i-.?, ici.' in 1880 with hon.r. H?* j was r> member of the Lo?toc Lawyer.? Harmony and Manhattan Chesi club.? nr i ?,?."?. kl,"-', n ?ni ally in ? boss as the invei r of 1 ? gams '? SAYS SALOONS PAY GRAFT i ..nun i base tdvecates Deeao?d on Mayaf la Stop Sunday Sale?. A delegatlo. represe:.":.g temperance organ lotions win call upon Mayor Mitch.l to demand Sunday closing of j saloons. Thi? waa decided yesterday at a meeting of the Civic League, in tho Broadway Tabernacle, Broadway ?nd Pi ft) si xi h Street Canon Chase, of the Cathedra! of Btl John the Divin?, who presided? raidi "We are not here "? i re the 'Mayor for failure to enforce the law, I .hut to demand our rights Bl eitisens. There il B. reoSOB why lie ihould SO* ? force the law irhleh forbidl the sale of ; meat ? :. Sund.y and permit liquor to be purehaeod on Suadayi ? latrary *o the law. "We are not Bccoeiag the Mayer of receiving graft, nor do we believe that! . saloonkeeper? directly pay for protec? tion, but we do believe that if the, 'grand Jury will sumnon the brewe:?; ' and the wholesale dealers it will dis? cover how the graft is collected and to ' | whom it Is pa:?]. "We ask the Mayor to refuse to be 'even an unconscious agen', in ?uch a] 1 corrupt bargain." CAPITAL RUNS CHURCH, SAYS REV. RICHMOND : Whole Philadelphia Diocese Controlled by It. He Declares. I? Tsl-tnrh la Tha TrtMma.1 Philadelphia, Nov. 2.?The question as to whether the Protestant Kpiscopal Diocese of Pennsylvania il "ruled by I capitalists" was threshed out at vea- I terday'a session of the ecclesiastical ! trial of the Kev. Georuo Ch_imt*-s i Richmond? rector of St John's Lpisco-; pal Church. On the w tness stand. Mr. Richmond reiterated his opinion, il ready expressed in a l?..'ter to B.shou ; Rhinelander, that capitalieta control tho i Episcopal Church in Philadelphia, "Wno are the capitalist*'.'' asked ? Walter C. Douglas, attorney for the ?luces?. Mr. P? chmond answered: "It is a weil known ?..?.'?: that almost every commit*I toe "'. I.; men nt the head of our ?ii>-! cesan affairs is controlled by me.i who are representatives of the capitalisticI , class. Take our standing eomm ttee? : for instance. There i? Samuel P. Hous? ton and John K. Baird (although he re* | cently left the diocese), and W. W. [ Frailer and Ed rard H. Konaall. Lav men, and el.rgy al?o, have frequently commented upon the fact that the I'll ladelphia c u i KK n t.i name any Important committal of Inyme. without havmg the capital ? ? :i it." "You wrote to the Bishop that h? t owe?! his position to the cap.taust?. What capital sts did you refer to?". asked Mr. Douglas. Mr. R ehmond -:r?! Bishop Rhine. ?lender owed his position to tw-o men, Georgs What ton Pepper and Father' Mort.mer. The latter was recently de-I posed for immorality. FAMILY OUT. HOME LOOTED _ <2.n n in Fur?., Gems and Silver Gone I'rom HesapstOOd House. Hempstead. Long Isl?n!, Nov. 2.? i Thieve3 last nicht ranaacked the hand? some country home of Townsend Pettit, a hag BUnufacturer ?)f Manhattan, .a ? '..'} edral Avenue here. While Pettit and his wife wore spending leas than two hours ot the home of his father, a couple of blocRs away, |2,000 worth of furs, silverware, watches and Jew.lry was stolen. THF. KIK?4T BILTMORE FRIDAY M RKIMG MltMLI ORANO BALISnoM. HnrEL BILTMCRE. FHI'.iAT MOHNiNI?. MlV. ?TH. It II. ???-RAPPCLO *!<To..Ni?. SCOT m. HOFMAMH I'm P n mbISS Heo m ?s? ?t ptitatai? I i 08 ? H ?r. ?|t ment II E lohniton Ki.ii-? Pial i SYMPHONY I o e I e Ir n t New g or h WAIIIR It-.iMKOM'Il. < i,niiurt?.r. It. Afi . NOV. ?' .'un Aft., Nov ;. fit 1 Kl ? A H E M PE L Wahn M-uar?. I??i bbw. ? SU??l. ?'?rpsr ???t? al Bo? OfCc? AEOLIAN HALL. C?ft? " w 4? et ri?-?? atjBBi 4" r.rt i to. i?? PB* ' *.???! ??! ?t i u PRINCESS PAT ' ?v H?-?rr Marna ?.ti t/Vto? if?rv--?? "i?oh?n?ln|. >iu ?III II ?l?ln and ajaln." ?A.?i*:..l" V.'>.. cf.. i*?in?s LEXINGTON "** '." ".?., ?? ,u..,. ... A ? Bringing Up Father ST A NI") A fin ?? ?* * ""' LA ?'*- ' ' m.! n"? ifait. "EXPERIENCE" Vi ? w .'.i laegh t m -.??': ?v ?rp fit ? ' ? Ihrtllel, startled BATTLE CRY OF PEACE 4.?..!.?., Hill i SPALDING woil?.\ H\ii m, 14?. Kov.l ?tsiJO. MARGUERITE BERIZA ????fc GEN1A D'AGARIOFF " RUSSIAN SYMPHONY i??tra 4i??i??t Ulaefcola? ? adaoler it? Il ta K M?i :: ? ? Lewis 1 ftNf.Af RE " *? ss r- ?? Sr? b*?im XTHEulILWHOSlltES ?t ?.-.?: Hi kf a--hor? m Aim?' ? isi? " at* ' Must At *-ijV l-,h ?aau ?f?,. ,rvr? LtO DiTRCdSlEit a h man?:. < on ?1; "Tn? Ortat Lrrar. .-.' r Ari'.r. a <? r Amir : ." ? : a ? BATTLE CRY OF PEACE *'M"v',r CLARA Ia:;-Iv;, CLEMEHS . QABRILOWITSCH ? *?*..?? Hall M?-i Aft. Na?. I. ?I 1 vocal 11? ? : ' v i i m i iio DeGOGORZA *??' ?a? i''?, o via- '. -. ? B ?? IRVING PL. THEATRE ,*,:. 1 la BBBBSB -?.'?a. r?i IU l princess. r?-t* ? ii mi"i.* t?i Bar, ft M HOBSON*S CHOICE ?WrU CT Thratri". V ' rCwiT K.<s *? :? 40 1 11 ?3 1. |1.M Mil ?T BK st ,??. . ?u. TIIE ETERNAL M?GOALENE' fcy MMSaT M laA.OHl IS with JULIA ARTHUR. SHijBrRT. K?|?i 1 '.<? Matt-M T? ?la- tl ?! ALONE AT LAST , .^ MAXINE tslL'OTT S. Mall I 1 I IM ? I a ? i :'.. ft QUIANEYS' ?He'uNCH?st?'nED WOMAN mMEOV. i ?,-? a || Mala Til ?? a ? ? 113 Mrs. Boltay'i Daughters *ij,c\[v_t I VDIP I'.a'r?. I-.' ST .,' I?'.?.v, K??. ? _?> LIKll. ILieMette??ta lu |:M B____331S____? ?booth. I..J, * -.j Malla?? T? tat i: H t sothekn _?JE CASINO. ' ?a. ? || Mi"?. T la $1 SO' THE BLUE PARADISE ffifc PLAYHOUS?.4 ,,!' ?jfJIjaS \as. .' .SO MATINE!-. TODAY. GRACEGEORGE":.!*" NEXT V ...Ar NICHT. THE NEW YORK IDEA Tuesday?i?t night of THE LIARS H? ptan AifJuW .i ? f.), *.. n ?1 i.,? if W.ek. _ SEATS NOW. !??"?' HARR. LA?D-R & 44th ^aKi-TTOEa-ra?. NQV j5 ?., i Oil. ', ' ? .4, :ik Bi ..: 1Kb I I MANHA1 T 4N &K? BOSTON GRAND OPERA CO.,with PAVLOWA BUS1 fca ? An?. ni*| I ????.-. ? ? a !.. a" :.'- ? i". I'?' ?i. Vflinlna H? >t T? ?l|St it ?. "T??ra." with r-ii_ita?l. _wia??!Ua. l'a . ?* ? . ! la 'a __TH ?>.T THtA til w ' Br a" 1*1 ?ii J?S. Mot I . i i ? .r.| and !-?..? ?. TWILIGHT SLEEP B a .? o- , t JO IS? I' M Man Ol -J I II I' V ?_?__ Mil. -.,:?. ii ?; S it. |i. ? A*. Ml' * \ .. HIP H!P HCOrlAY I V I II 10 M .- a I'M KVi.M S In tu.? bOLSA ANO MS IIASI" SlNSATIONAl ICE BALLIT ? .i', m ru ? ? ??cru? ?'.fat If M II I M ShAi ?ill sA ml mi'" ?' I? ) ..iir Ani?r!. ?n ? .. llilT I.,. I II ll?l-.l ? ? a fillip. ? meaial alarm BATTLE CRY OF PEACE OYSTER BAY HAS ASHOOTWGSPOOK It Smokes Big Black Cigars and Defies Con? stable's Posse. ALWAYS APPEARS IN GARB OF A WOMAN Abstenions Carpenter and Timid Children Among the Scared in CoL Roosevelt's Town. A -.vornan "*pook" who dre??e? all In black, ?mokes big black cigars and ?hoots off a revolver at lnoff?nslv? young carpenters has Oytter Ray fti the (trip of a bad scar? Rh? appear* only after nightfall, and i? credited with chasing; children to their home?, following uneicorted ?romea sad men w-i-h rharminj: impar? tiality Bti?! with disappearing-, sc?-m irir?!'.', into tliin air when, in turn, pur -uei iiv n posse of ib? laadred men and the viliaif" pollc? force. Cor - John Thompson. The woman of mystery ha? been busy for ?everal BtOBlagO. and women end children are afr6id to venture out of their hornet. Children playing in the woode that iklrt N'orthwood, the country home of Moitlmer L. Schiff, were flrat ch???d by tho aoparition. Their ?tori?? of being chsaed ware laujthed at until Tear] Corey, of Baylt? Hill, a perfectly truthful and abttemiout carpenter, ???.?ed thirty, ren in terror when he isw the woman, nttired in deep black and SPECIAL TRAINS ACCOUNT Harvard-Princeton Football At Princet n BatarrfaT, *?..i.->?.'.?r ? -??? Temm net? mmtm v?"? T-?* a '? ?? ? ' J M A M io ?1 VI j?? ?p? lai T-t -. r ? i--.-ir i '-,, wt ! ..- I,,. ? ?? . I?rmLn?. N?a i ?f. Il' AU aM \\? a M w T*n? u?? ->' ti.? ??/ '?t 'ratra !? ,:???? ?perlai I ?. n? K.iiri. if af'sr (jtmt TKtl??-' ASM I I E?? On ?hi? da'? tfl rtf, ?r 'it'.-, ???s'a? ai ?m Prtr-as-ysn Bra.-.?l? t???. ?????. 10 S4 A M tr4 |B i- \? '-?-. ? : ??i?? ?: i i. ?r ,.?i A i i"?t* '-' r<fi ?r tr?ln? ?t P-?*?-a - i ?a ?.,1 '?< ??nui>1 t'.'tt tU AU tr-A. -?fts. i- v? ^^ Pennsylvania R. R. with a e gar ?' eh ne t il ?f ker* i at a rnVi?h ang-le. aa'Vinf 'riwird hia A? r <? rar. h? heard a hoar*? '.tm\ fren * he? object oad 'ne sound of is?, volver ?hot Ile says a bullet wbitfJaJ rloti v.y hit he?d Hit ?.?'eris-l??. Mrs. Vic?or L Corey, who*? l.n???^J i* alio a carpenter, ?aw th? ??-?a*? ?r.d the tavi many othon ?ir? 4JJ \ten terrorised by the feariom? ,???. tari?. O? ?und?y even'ng ? r.o*?? of mm wa? firrr"?!. after ?aerea tente. Armed w;th club? and stlekfl ?si V?l by foRfltablfl TVomnJon. the potst at, trolle?! the road? in the reigkhorhaai of Ilerrv H II. whleh It the **??^?>olt-V favorite ?tamping ground Their Uttt? chattered BI th-*?/ wa ? I - t, ?-en?e weed? < * '-order? tht road, ba| appeared H f I i t:??. ?toe. It I? ?aid - I -?reir?a? engige-n^Ti*? oloewher? whet thrt? n? volver tbots re?. tk? AtftAt of the wood-,, while af' -r each ??tt heanl a halr-ra!?tng laugh. Frtirhter.ed re?identt advanc? tteem] ? heorie? concerning -h? m>ittn>*? ' vTomnn. One It that i? I? ?r. tctese. ; mtle lunatic, manuerad'.r.g st t w?raat , and living a? b??t he can in th? emm. - Other? belle?? it is ?Imply a prtctittt Joker. If Con?t?ble Thomp?i*.n ?nd tht dis? ten r-: of the villa?* prove -?iectiatl? : 'aying ?.he "ghott" by the heeli ?.hi?a tall of atking Colonel Theodort &?>????. ve'.t. who?* home is nesrby, to coudrai the big hunt. / Ge o. C.Flint Co. R?..J.HoRNR.3L Co. TIMELY OFFFRINGS IN DINING ROOM FURNITURE The difference between elegance and extravagance Ii clearly illustrated in our inexpensive Dining Room, Draw? ing Room and Bedroom Suites, the plainest of which pos? sesses artistic value far in excess of the low price, and that subtle distinction which bespeaks "FLINT & HORNER QUALITY." FURNITURE. DECORATIONS, RUGS. Fl?nt?HornerCoainc 20-2?West3?thSt New \ferk NKW YOKK'H I 1 Ulis?, TIII.ATKK.N \N|| Ml? KSSKO. EMPIRE, .*??? 4'"h St Nut Mit Sal.. 1. VVM. GILLETTE ?" Ki?uW '?INT MONDAT "SECRET SERVICE." LYCEUM. . 45:'i S' Mat? T'l M'11'..l'ivV A fat EThLL BARKYMORE HARRIS UK-^.v'nT:,.^Vi:' ' ?-.'? _?>iMi:wi^.gff. ACTAD SrWag, ?'. NT Km ? .'0 limit til. A51UR m , , ,.. r, a. I' ;. a lal - : POPULAR MAT. TODAY. 50c. ta 11.50. Uta M. Can NEW AMSTERDAM wt1nfA FI '-ST MATINEE TODAY, 2. 1 I. I.A.'. A I I . A '?! ? i I AROUNDeiMAP THE MUSICAL ?HOW INCOMPAIAlLt ."?Ml, M . H i u. r_* afti ii T":. n.AT mhit oanse Ul fOLlIl. 2CGFELD M: ?i FROLIC Vr.? __A ' > Am.? -tisi, T f?'r? : \4..p_0_2 r.i o. rOHAN'?* n ??? ? ? M_ POPULAR PRICE MAT. TOOAY. Li wit JAwlOlMORMATIOr ELTINGESgg* SAT. NIGHTS "FAIR AND WARMER" A I?' . f .r Lauth I>?.r. GAIETY YOUNG AMERICA LIBERTY ITO23 TWIi f. HAI1.Y IV I. icos Last? Weelii GIGANTIC PHOTO ?PICTAtU >:? v Bal Ma . ?. ?a Mm .".. A II M l.l:?ri la?.r.. -, _,?:. I ?ay* i. ?? t? St.-?' Km n ? I HIT-THE-TRAIL H0LL1D.\Y f ANni rR v.,.. ?. ? ?T. ,,, ? am raso m-i." _ ......Y OOCUDAt.- tAIHILtn__M?JlataJ,_!., ? ?. j u ?.ai ir w?a i:,i .s?r.v i;?? u ? .\_i lJL.L.1?. m?, T. .lar IMp ) A Sal ? M _g]_I____BB__1 POPULAR MAT. TO i AY S<k. I* UM THE HOUSE OF GLASS ' MAHY STAN S r? , ?irell All ARM. or? h l'a 11 ',?0 *..><> Suai? l.t Bi.c . M-\ tie. |L 4ll,i..i./v\/ in', in ,.i ?? ? .??i . a1' THE BOOMERANG GLOBL 6? .V t-:.',^,-. VMI*% * MONTGOMERY & STONE FULTON ??N? ARN^DAL? 1' i? ? 3?. I - ru h a \i;bl : ? H 01 taT BEAT SALI TO-MORSOV? PARK rHr-ATHS] '?" "' ' .?.SlS?ftV 1?R?PeVf?G..T,Nu fill? POLISH VICTIMS' RE? LIEF FUND BENEFIT Oriar.lred bj Th? Etln?r Ca-ito k Mulle Bcho?! In Huit? ?f Mr. ?ad Mri. P*<Jtr-?tkl Pancer? ?if 1'j.vlowu li.iL.-i?llniaar? I'liiertnlninenl?'1 en ?nd Kei'rptiun In ?teilt Mr mid Mr?, l'a rrrvvski?loi? <.f vimr. I* iil-revvskl? Olebralnl I'olish 11 i...- Doll*. I. I\r?.|i?l?i. of the II..?t..i? Opera? \, nol.J I'alpe allai III? tin .ii-slia BILTMORE HOTEL, 3 TO 7 P.M. NOVEMBER 5TH, 1915. aaBatwaa tvi??'?- H on aa ??'a at r-.ii.h vii inn?' Ksilsf K'nid ????l.aii 11*11. an-4 ail'.i.uf i ,..'..- < Mwi ? Bv-liDvl. 41 K ?Via au HORSE SHOW :i? it.? "tT..? ?' MAIUMiN MflfJAMI QARDBX HOW OFKN i i. - \ M in I I' M |M th* ?? ? of ??at? an.1 l.oie? for i - ? -..lir? aeeh -f th? ?how ?ml on ?r..l ,r-.r ttPi Its lot teeeeett ???t? ft oai ? - ? - ?_ "*;'. , ItllUII BECITAL -u-'-?-'BOURSTIN Tl ..-a ii OB to 12 Mamt Hti'Hl A NOW 1*4*01 LA!? II \l I., riuir?. Aft , No?. ?. al S. ?,;? VAN DRESSER Mirnj_|.si<t?n ?.bailton Ma? A R?a . I'tmo ??'. ,H ? s ?. > ?... g??.?:?! Mat ?a? WAStIIiNOTW M). PUYFRS I COLUMBIA li '..?, A ?mi OURlttaUE. THI ?POSIlNt, WIDOWS. Mal i 1?i ?f'/'YTf 'L>\ SSt? St. r.r ?war *?*??- It* Cl..t/L#r*l v... n,? T,.u., ? ., ; u H.4KHAI?. MM' il. VI. ?U .' |. 4 1 Bal _ Lila "THE ?UCCrSS Of THt CE*TUBT. B I" MU!. M LILLIAN RUM?lt * A LAtI u <r a 4V H'44 AV IT IT i ? . ? ? '?* ittT i Mat U ta II roLONiAL ? : hi rv V m.7 Da . ' " ' V TRIANGLE PLAYS II, , ?leak: ?..-i t? wi ????? ^ B**.i* B.??.- ? i? qg Watt-r A t-l-ll? -, Tf~Tr" U??.).ai r?lr?an*? r " .ni? ? l.?.,.i'<? ?' ? '? ' '._y IM?. Ma??? - ? Il a I ift- ' ? ?" ' M ?ni I . t*,a a ?si k-rMlor Th?atr?.gJt'??!??? ?'I **** "w* ?? ? ? - - M. aa l.oew'i American Roof 41 ?? ? m? ??? 6e. i.irew ? /-?i?i?i?v?i?? ?->??--?? ?.??) ?."? "?fa jAOK KSAF- S BIBS IE (.?OS t^fV?/Vl "V '. ' i '. '.'??-..? 2K ?*? ?** VI1AHAIII t' ?a, 44 MT THFBATTU TVVI? I f DAT ? I *"*? ? ?r?rf Kt. a -?? ? .' I TRY O? PEA??*1 il. i ' VIM Ul . ^ ?- . ? ' ..? - Mal I II a ? FUNCH fi JUOY s:;.?V?*t IH?RS. i?. " TREASURE ISLAND HKATt NO? ->v MALI TVI 'l'"" 9?* OflBB ri-s-r. D?J '?'?? I?" -?I??? GERALDINE FARRAR .a "CAR?J* St?t 4V????. Mar) PKtUrt ???