Newspaper Page Text
I ?a_a ? ?.. ?,, Nuj?l A PV __ TU.VERUOa INSTEAD O. grrringthe n Ul '.av.r-ve habit, k?-ci, \ ??iir l'.nvc!* m r.oriv. ? ondhion With Nil)??!, .. ;- r.r mechan? ical lubfi? I aVuateeik Odeeteae, h. pre ? Malei ??? S. antv ? u m e ! ? ' ? i ? The ; i of ' *"'r*t ? . ? Troy, .? 'clod i ? ? ? - ' ' ' ' ' . ( s gBv? ai ! tea for women by at - ? Qneena ?howed ?? dealt with ? I ' ? ?? ' ? ' - ? ? . showed ,? ill? of '. ? -"??hing hoped that 'he ad the lead -?.cry. ?. ijority i ?-.- a disas { ' ? ' CROPSEY WINS IN BROOKLYN BY BIG MAJORITY Republican Margin May Reach More than 25.000. DEMOCRATIC VICTORY FOR KINGS JUDICIARY 0*1 ongftllfl Defeats MacCrate Democrats Carry Queens and Richmond. Distr! ? Attoraoy Crop??>- ?i? re ??/oi Howard p \':?*h ? v i, 1 r; mi ' 7" .4 ? Hstl '.? ICO gave ley i. majoi v of M ?72 At -1 it aid ?vvi-??;i the b'ir iafh ? ? ? ? ff? 000. ?tl ?-irrte 1 King? County r n th.- . .,-.-. ; .'. hn F H-. In a- d J idrn R( bsrt il ? if Bl t? I-ste return? Indicated the i?-eleetio?i . Demo Loaf i? ? a ed t h at Po ?ti ; U 1 i i ? I. ' ? ? ' ? I ? over Charier S. n-. nnd present incum najonty. The i- oil tstj their ? - ? ' ? . . lican. . Demoersti? ? . ? ne ?tat on irl boi h. ? m? by . and ?he li s- the election ? In it i i.motni ' ? election diitrieti In Den ocrat.c 1,077, ai d . 1,221 VOTE FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY Brookl) n. "v Naah I F I) A.T' M?| 1 . 2 . i ' . ' ? 1 ...... - 1! ' . 1 . 1 ?. 2,220 1 ,-. 7 7 10. ; II l . -i,'- ?'?.. . . . i . 2,979 3.5'.' - 16. 1,890 ??'--' 7 17. 1,177 2.511 . I 907 8 . 2,89-1 2 " 1 20. ' "1 . i 1,441 1 . . 1,147 Total . 64 Nasn. ??..<>n diitrieti missing ' VOTE FOR REGISTER Brooklv n. M,"( r?f? OXeafhllii Hep A Den ?*J Ceiaght 1'rof , lad i V l Tota'.a . . I8,? ?! Fiftv thr?? aleetlea di?trl?tti mi*?ln,r i,nt of a total of 771 VOTE FOR MUNICIr-AL COURT It h lllalriit?(|u?en* I I' \ ?'. ralee*. Hn,n C. Tr?V uLla. 8,471 Kennedy iIV? ? -' John P. Strieker (Pre..) ; iira.ity over frey So election districts m'.s?mg out of a total of 177 VOTE FOR bHF.RIFF Qti4?en?. Btlaf Mr' ardei' Dem. I'm?- F. I1 A.D. ?Rep >. ?v Inri I. v?c 1. 8.4m ; 1 2. 8,993 ? .? 8. 8,129 R.ftSa 1 4. 7,?4?8 4 Intnl. 29,02n ?.711 ? S.x r?er!.on Olstrict.* missing nut af a total of 177. VOTE FOR COUNTY CLERK. tjucens. _ n Vote, mlas'g. (ieorge T. Goeta (R.) . l I' ? 11 Alex. DeJat D . l'rojr >. ,'ii Plurality over Goeta, 1 ?',.?.?-1 Eleven Election Iiistricts missing out of a total of 177. ELECT SIX JUSTICES IN FIRST DISTRICT ! Congressman Fitzgerald Defeats CallaiThan in Second Bacon Bad Third. Six Supreme Court juitices wore elect.'d in *he 1st 1 . N'ew York Co.aty, vvith practically no opposition, having received the i.orr?nations of the Republican, Democratic and Pr? I dive tickets. They ?veri- Job. Proctor I Clarke. Francis B. Delehaaty, Bdward 1; i eh, Bi ?? Greenbaurn < J ? r.rn and John H. 'I .?? rri??>*. The ? ? . e .vere re*el?aeti ,1. .:. the 2d .hniicia! Distriet i'otigre??v ' '? ii :, pen dene ? 1 lafiie. defnnted J ? ? ighl . ?nbhcan-Progres lire. ? ? . ? Strict, which i". Breo. : . ',' ? na and Richmond, with * ., i..- ? t igaield ' ClUfhM'l UHfi2H, a n-, . s ;? of 14,614. Alexander s. R;?rr>n. who riin or. the American ticket, le? ed 4.824. 1 li> vote b' l.r.rough ?n?: '. !' |.L Amer. klya.i';,.'-'.i .'?/?"" . : Richmond. .1 Total? .14S.92_ ;?.?;..'?77 iJtU HJtTICI (U THE ! H Y (OlIiT. Manhattan and The Bronx. I Lroenz _ell< ; . Dea R? p. ' Ml'Xl' IT AI- <<)! (?T JI STICKS. Eighth Ne? York. John F. ?Cowan . 11>. t-t. ? * Ninlh \??v? York. Ed.'i.r J. l.auer.? Rep.-Prog ' * .-Uth hing? (Pall Term). Lucli-t . 1 Rep. 1" Sixth King?! 'Short T?*rni). . E'ik.-i M. Doughty.? Rep.i' Seventh hing?. Charlea R. Law. (Bap. J'r?,~. Fo.rt. Queens. . Will am E. Kennedy . ? I?e:n The Store for Men Separate Building. Separate Stocks. Separate Service. Broadway at Ninth. ii /; h i: men will >?m! full itncki nf ? . rabli t. xn <ircat rti >' good aualitiet, at mod? erate jruit nutde ]>t>uii>le 1)1/ ? ttsineiS. And every m.j'i liWI be xatttfied. Suit You? We I ? IHTenni price? In suit?, I ? i 46. r? :irc ?t ir im ? fhtien t nii'dclj. mide Up !7ii tt?..jt I | atterns ?if ... ?.??ft ? kits, loms i: . . ' peiked rounded : sho.-t l : ? suits hi? orapll r-e 1*4 I | <jr il-.ive the aver.ii I'. lad ippoll ? ier ?ir I | -ead? nude Dvjrllii?-.'n Arrala loot?, Nao I 1? HI\B?I|\B?fB?a?^H Style 1097 ? ? 7i made on last; ha-;?1 Itltched; wing tit-, perforated vamp j.e sits : Me ejri in y t i Naa mo? G-O-L-F llarrv VirdOl) recently Slid America lad only ?-me Scratch man fur everv ten In (in-at Britain. "The reason," he ijectured, "i* problbly that the mijority "f Americans are mptlled by clrcumstsncii oi I ? ite to Rive up the parre for lerirsl month! each vear" And he went on? The SCHOOLS that are becoming so popular are capable of doing much to overcome this handicap." There are 9 Instructors in the , Wl skei Qoll School, headed I lohn D, Dunn, the leadme, | .her In the Unltld StStttl (?f tht* theon * ?? prictlci of golf. Plenty of driving courts, i puttv preen, s sind hunker; ? . ? I ?liower, fre?h ?ir; club . ibop Fins |Oli atmos ;liere Dola| our part to over e the hsadlcap <>f which Virtlon *?; I >?v I OflM a-id sec. HSIl '.? >ry. New Bulidlnf * * 0 Sleeping Caps \ Customer who came in to ! . silk IBK>k|a| cap asked the Salesman if he could htve t Cip made fo-r sleeping purpose!. . ?.urprii-rd, ind pleased, when the salesman handed him l COtl I cip. He was I a a are such a cip existed Ihrve sleeping caps sell for ' | aid ire imported from Lon .1 Surprising now many we till u< other stures j?e on? Hit then? llatlerie iln?i?.r v ? ? 'oor, K*a IVJ? ~T5? The Horse Show 1 ?Ni ' 'i N-i'iNM Tl, I ondon, top hats. Kl DLI ht lopcosts, glovei Spltslfieldl silk mufflers. I incy waistcoat^. V/|]kln| Sticks. Sp.uMeKis silk four-in-hindi New s?-ft plestsd boson shirts. Afternoon and evenioi clothes. i? ii llasten a r. a i- I? ? New HuilJIn? a a * Get Ready for Cold Weather Overcoats. Overcoats. OVER! OATS. Une assortments, MS.SO to #70 s-'.ii Al. ad? 7*. i '-- - I .?? Harvard-Princeton I a.h pliv, as made, will be ih?vui on iiie irv.ui icore-boird in the Auditorium o:i Saturday. I Irect wire to the Stadium. LAP ROBES In Ih? .Motor Shop for those who ire Ruing to motor to the ?came?kersev cloths, iiinhair plush, Shetland wool, 1 BfllSa. t*Ol cltifhs, furs. And iteimei rugs la thi ihi the BrOSdWSJ doOl BurllBfJI?? AIia?l? Moor. K0O 1 if JOHN WAN A MAKE R WHITMAN GRATIFIED AT BIG PARTY V01 Indorsement of Administrate Me Says Sorry for Perkin .,, irnei W\ "nan. after return freai the theatre to the St Rigl?. ? ,s. telegram i 'at?on to Ch ? H- fanner in! lh?n g?v? out , "I am of course gratified et I I hellere it I of the itati i Iminlai tion. ?n?l the -.?ork of th? A ' II be ? ' ? the Hi v.? ?, i ? rv>? rut.? ng along 1 ?spec ?tie ap-etata rel um?. and, la lae?, *h ....... not be ?urprtsed with "I da not care "> dleeoea t*-? o ?fui' ai . bat will ??v '"is' " ii i tl ?he previnca of the Legiiletara ta ? mit te the people financial pr lem? a? me deemed aeeeseery, and I proper action than be taken um sorrj tl al M i Pe? - ns was fente?!. lie v?a? a |OOd D ?trict . tiona mi h good eempo v DEMOCRATS WIN 54 ALDER1??E Only 19 of 11 Repuhlicai Fusion Members of Bo-nrd Are Left. alaeteei aal "' forty ana I s I? BB in * Democn fifty foin ?Vldermen. The 1 ! peblicani leal m tldermen . a. 1 in. my elected ii Bronx, fear to four In the preie ' beard. Henry II < urran. Bepeblleaa, pn 11 Plnani c ? ammitl of the Roari of Aldermen, wa? t I f ., Murray, ' ?m?rat I re J. I),.'; : ? ?? ican? h.i . ? be board for fears fr< , , ? ?,, , - : fi ?"?.! : ? ?.? - th? di?trict In whi Samuel .- Koenig, Republican aeon < hairman. i ? Of the B ?' .? pi he eni b >ard, wai beata, bj ? ? I tard: BOARD OF ALDERMEN. ? | H"?rri: r i I'l.iK'.. 0 Aid D i ? | Donnelly (D. 8 'Michael ipletoi D 9 Pal i ick il . . ai D. I. l ' '. I 'Joi i| ;i Ha? noi D P ?? ' . . .? *J ' i .it D " 10? Tri ? al, jr. I R P 11 *l ? .. v ndel, jr. (D ,. ' . ; Kenneally D P.). 18?* J D.). ? P.). D. I, . hnma!? A. \*. illiam lb). 18 Thomas M. Parlay I D.). lie Ii i' I? : ? ? v. Gilmore D 23 s di - ' Cram R. P.). 24 Stanley L Otii I B. I. rlei Delanay ? ?i ? .u.U. R P . P, Mullen (D.) 21 Leal P. "Fred? '?? 80 * Lauren I ar ?il R, P , 81 John McKee (D :. .i i. .i '.:.'i, -: D.). ?? son Yr.c Ils ? let D I, llnni. 14 Edward W. Crin D 86 'Peter Bel D.), M 'Roben L Motan Im. 187 'Jamei R. Pergaaon (D.). .8 Han ? Rol itsek i D P.). 89 W liliam J. Dal* D.) 4i? Clarence Y. Palita ? D. I. 41 Philip I. Ilarrv D.). Rrooklyn. 42 'Michael .1. Hogan I R.-P. I. 48 Jamei J Bi oa ni D 41 'Frank Cunningham (D.)< ?5 John E. Corriaaa ID), David Wi ii i' John Wirt. ? B. P 47 'John Dlemer B. P 4S 'Jam.'? J. Mole. D 40 'Francii P. Kenney 11 f.n t harlei W Munn D r.i Walter R. Kuhn D.I. 82 'William V? ' olne B.-P.). II 'Frederick H Stevenson (R.-P.), M *Je**e L. Moore i R P ' Prank T. DI ion 111 M ?William P. MeGarry D I 57 John 1. Byaa D ? rederick Smith i R. |. :?!' 'Arnon I.. Bq drei R P. I, ?'.orge Milk? mi er ." -I 81 "Ui?ian: II Pe? Ira R 82 Harry Rayman i D. I. 88 'Edward Eichhorn R ? 64 Be ? l ar? D.). 61 Alexander 8. Drescher ( D P . Queen?. 66 ?Samuel J. Rurden i 1? -P H7 Edward W. Coa ' I'.-P I. 68 1 tan? J. Sehmiti I> 69 ?liarles A PoBl I R . 7u "John Kacheodorfer R. P Richmond. 71 'Willlea. K Walah D P.? 71 * John .1 0*B 'orki I' P 7:i 'Charla. P. ? ?le D -P 'Benemtn.teel R.-P. Republican indorsed by I'ro ,' ? irty, II P. Democrat led >fB.d hv Progrca aive narty. lad ladepeadeai r:om;nation. JelT. Jetfersiinian paity. ?? ? VOTE FOR BOROUGH PRESI? DENT. Bit hmond. Van Name leid (Dem., Pre. A D B? , ?t- Ind I. ' 1. plarality i ver i VOTE FOR SHERIFF. Ru liinond. Pitou Dem. Pre? A.IV . Rap.). & Indi... 1. 4 ? ' 9.077 6?M plarelit) i ?? i Beel. a . ? Hobba Mayor of Concord, N. H. _ Concord. N, II , \.n | Charles J. French, ?hu has be a Mayer for aove, year?, ??? defeated for re? t? by Nathaniel W. Hobbs to d?>. Bebbe, abe la a lawyer an.I a former alderninn. r?.<-?'.v?,?; ..iiHl rotea ? ?" foi i reach Under th? present lity ?batte! i ? ??art;, liaei are ?irawn. Mt Vernon Re-elfcti Fiske. ?'?. Di ? i an re-, elected Mayut of Mour.t Ycrnon yeiur day, defeating John C Wintj.n, Repub- ? lican The City Council and all of the i minor offen a? DmucraU. 1 REPUBLICANS HOLD ASSEMBLY; MAJORITY, 45 lose Six City Districts? Upstate Firm and Demo? crats Lose Rockland. I SWEET RETURNED TO SPEAKERSHIP Smith, of Syracuse, Reaten by Pcnron After Winning D?ni? ocralic Primaries. Th? ii? ?t Assembly will l?a ft?/?! i helm?ng > Rap il.iican. It? pr< ? ? majority is |0a out thi? probably will be reduced by (i.e. In New York I l'y the Hapahlleaaa loot, it least ill dis? tricts, roi un h Indii ?ts. The upstate countio? return?-?! their Rapublleaa representative* a I h ?I ' ii ? ng-le ? ti.-..;i' ? n Hin'kliil .I ' ounty, usually ? Den strati? ttronghold Rc-pubiean, : - A ?, Dai rat? It? I ? ? - tatlv? and ?fa I Win . : root, th? 1| i ? ? ' ? many of ta? oMer R? il i who i ?? lantaatad ir? S|.? ?k?i :. it ran thla yeai las re-?iection, fw.-r-t'? re-election at ? Spaaksi nast January Is pruotloally si ? ??? i i ' 11 ?? f the fl ? ig ?'.?-hts in tiada by Ray B. Sin Sj rat to th? Canatituf il < -, ;?n?l .i? I ? . . . ?-.'.. had 'i foll?n? out arith the local Bapublieon m?ehinc e nd ran la primai it aras basi ; ! mith and l'' im " ticket he raa, but Pi doi emant, MAKE-UP OF THE NtXT ASSEMBLY \lhany. I 1?C. F. Well 1 * >ohn 11. M . 2 'William l i Rap <illf?jaaj Ism 1 . . ; ? ? mi *8 I '.i Cattaraagas 'i'.. Rail \ -. ? ? Ri i I ii-fa. 'v. 1 ' ..-. Rap l. ( liaj!iui?|ua. Ill Rap, ?. .' I Cheatuag. Nell D. ' < ii- n tag?. 'Bart L ?H Ri ; ( l.nlu.i. William R. " i???? i ? i ' ( ?lium.iia. 'William W. ? ' < .>ri land. ?COOTf? II. \\ ?;,? ' fii !.'.?? ?Kil-vii A M . ? ? ?Rap In..? he?*. i Varna? i \ I Proas i. < - p.)? Ilrie. i v.. - saaV ? ? ? |. . ' ep. ), 8 *N. -I Mill? i 'Jamci M Mend Dem.). .. j .,? A. Lynch i Dem. ? c, '!'??? i ? i ' !? 'in. 7 -*Joseph 1 Rip.). H "I.. W '. ' "1". I S?l ?-. i | R?p. '? EsMS. *B. T. Kenyon ' Bep. Fraaklla. H ...n.'ii T. n ay?i ? huil?n and Hamilton. Huit /. Ka ?os ?i? p. Lenes?-?-. '!? 11. Walls I Rap. l.reene. ?(jeorgi- H I lass R?f llorkimer. "S. C. ClobriaaTO l li**i> ?? Jv (Tenon. i *n. H. Mael "??I ' Rap I ( *W, 8. Aufsburj I Rap KiliK?. i m: ii Mi Qm ? i . Ray : ? v. illism ?' liillen Dem :t *K; or Dam. I 4 *p A. MeAi 11? Dess.). 6 *F. G Ml .' ? . ? Rap r. \\ D, SI ?pira Rep 7 *l? l- Parrell Dei ? 'Jahn -i MeKeon Dam. si 'Frederieh 8. Burr l Dam. in K T. Beamish I Dam. I. li *i?. orge R Brennan l?ep. I. 13 ' u ilusa i - >i Ri p-1? 13 Herman Krsmai D u 'John I' Ls t raa? l l?em>. li, '.! I. Pbelai l'< m. i. l?; < hsi li ? Joseph Dsm. I. it 'f A Willi Rap I. is | B Msarkl? Rep.). 12 '\. ill .?m A. Boehei !'? ml. 22 'A. I . l 51 'K-Mendel Dem I. 23 '( harli ? H Dafl i Bap 22 Dai lal J i i ??? Di ? !.e?vi?. 'Hoary L Orant Bo?. I i? ingaton. Georee F fl ' Bop M ad ??on. "M. E Tallen I Bap Monroe. 1 'Jame* A. Harris ? I Idloi Roi 7t 'John li !'"" ?rt 4 'Frar.k Dobl IS B?p I I 'F. W J n da "n ? Rep. i. ,*? Montifonir-v ?I C Dm Na?-au. "T. A Mi 11 nnej Cop. . Ne? York 1 ?John J Ryan i I>em. | P .1 llaniill 'Dem.'. | ? Il I lierre ' Pern I i 'H. S Schimmel Dem. n ?;.! McDoi ? d I" ni 0 *N. D Penman ? R?p >? 7 *p P MeElllgotl P'-m r a Goodman Dem.). I arlei D. Deaehaa I r??m.). Leon HUecker I I'.ep.i. 11 Jam?? I " ' ? ? Dem.). 12 'Jo .?is D. Kellj Dem Il *.i ' ' ampbell I i m i irt L Tudoi i""" 15 'A Ktlenbogen R?J' '? lit 'Martin Q M<-< u? I Pern.). 17 v nc? 'it Ollray Cea ). 18 ' Mai i Goldberg I Pern I, Hi p '.: Arm trong Dem). . ?jo 'Freak Arenow Deas.)., 21 T T Bel ley I Pern I. 22 'Maurice Bloch Dea?). tl 'Da C Oil "??r , Deal >? ??\ *(). M Kiern?p ( Pem.i. M R M. Harsh Rep..?. 2't Meyer Levy I Pern. I. 27 - Hoffman N'ickerson Repl. _s ?s A Cotll o Dem . tt s B Anteil P< m M T F Could Pi"n faeol G? tein Dem.). 32 'William S E< an ? Cas.). 88 *E H Miller Dem. . 84 "?! Fertig Dem It M. M. Callaban Ca? Niagara. 1 'William Bewley Bap 2 "A. Y. Pai'. er !>p I Oneida. 1 Williara D, Chaae B.p?), 2 !.. M. Martin Rep I. I George 1, Davl R?p.l. Onundng?. ! 'Edward Arati Bon.). .: "i Rincaid Bep "? i.rgi R . ? iron Rep.), Ontario. ?H F Wheeler Be] dr?nge. 1 W. T, Snider Rep. . ? nriis L M?eed Rep Orleans . "A. A. CoMMtOch Rep.?. Oiw?pgo. *T. C. Sweet | Rep.'. Otaego. Altea J. P.1 ovin fiel | 'Rep.). PnTnarn. 'Hamilton Fish, Jr, ?Pem ). Queen?. 1 *J. Nehrbeoer, jr. | Dem.). i *P, J, MeO.rry Dem 1. .1 "Will,?im il O'Hl re , Pern.). i r.? ,ri,ri" B, Pe hen as Dem.). Bi ".?-?i' i 'John F. Shannon ,-iem.). 2 Arthur Cowec Rep I. Richmond. ?8, P. St. | m.). Racklaad. \\' i 111 a m A .?erven Pep.). St. En? r.-nce. i '". L Beaker Rep >. - *\ A I Rap.). Sa rat-ya. ?Gilbert . ::?*?.). BcfcCflMCtadp. ?Wel'er S. MeN.b Rep.Y Schoharle. "F.. A. Pix Den Schuv 1er R.J.Mitchell Rep.) Sr-necn. 'Willlai ' " r Bep.) Stechen. 1 C A P" ? m.) " ?; ? " Suffolk. 'P. C TalmagC . Rap .' 'Hi ' P"P ) Balllvaa. . ? ?? . '?ep.) Ti,.g.i. ' P Wltt.i i'ep ' Tnmpkin?. ir Pean? r Rep. i 1 later. 1 'Henri R De WH Rep . 2 'A. P. I.? Fivre R< ; U irr.'ri. ?H. F. II Bl ' - Re;? \\ aablngton, ?c. o. Pratt Bep I IVt.vne. ?Ri!? ) A. Wll ion i Bep. | WeetehMter. i 'Geni ge Blakely l?ep. i 2 'William S. Coffet Rep.) .1 'Walter W. Law Jr. I Rep.) ?i 'I loyd P. Hopkins I R?p. ? Wyoming. 'John Knight ' Rep. i Ynte?. Howard B. Fullagar I Rep.) 'Present member. TIGER SWEEP LED BY SMITH I .inllnu?*?! fn.m pa?? 1 The vote in the same number of elec? tion district? for District Attorney ?hewed that Perkins (Rep.) received 100 mere than the Republican candi" f? r tariff Rig Note for Sheriff. The Pemocratic votf for Sheriff wa? almeat double that of the Republican vote in 140 election district* out of th? total, >'-'.'? The result* were: Smith, It? ,681; Mowers, 10,201; Halpin. f>S7. BoWCM ihewed I gai. i. th. count for 100 election diBtriCta, the total* being: Smith, 27."".70; Rowers. 15,150; Halpin, 1,071 Republic. Cant. Chairman Koenig at t? a, tn conceded the elcetie. o' "Al" Smith as Sheriff by ahool 40,000. Thl earlieet returns an the vote for P Itrid Attorney indicated the elee i.f Judge Swann, the Tammany I te, by nearly two to one. Dis trlel A' rnej Perkina, the Republican candidat! rar. wan running ahead of the etnei Republican candidat-?? on .'i> ti'Ket. The nrat twenty Election Diitricta eountrd in Manhat .' af a total "f lit district?, Swana 2.417, Perkina, 1,551; Moea, Perk .! ?town the Pemocratic leed - . \\ ,? count for eighty t listriete, the total? being: Bwann, l".l??; Perkins, t'iAK'7; Mois, i.,',."ii Moas appeered to be getting a iuri/er v?)t? tniti hi? -opponent? ex pacted. Th" count for 220 election di?tricta iteodi Swann, 10,001; Perkina, 17,101; 1,163. In 120 diatrieta Sam., re .'?? ved 41,-i.. . Perkil a, 2'i,247; lloa?, The aaaaplete ?ote i. A??embly di? NEW YORK CITY BOROUGHS' VOTE ON SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT E. D. Total Borough mi??ing. K. ?. Yes. No. Manhattan . 64 829 80,473 Brooklyn . 58 77* 77,373 ?ronx . 13 253 31,334 Queens. 26 177 77,339 Richmond. None 47 5,978 Total? .161 20"9 212.497 A landslide for the Equitable Thnt hniillinc pretty nearly detcribei thr tre? mentions rote polled by Hw Equitable Building in its campaign for t**nantf ?n New York's chief commercial and financial constituencies Bui there are still ionic district! to be heard from! still sfinir' lii/jr biitinesi houiei which have r it ?t yet consider the splendid ?d ranta.ges to \><- tferived from an ???quitable loca? tion. Are you one of thesef Equitable Building Corporation 120 Broadway ft %m? 66*v tataa>M e Vi? *e? .-?*r~*ra for the ? ? /S L? i Oocia? Ait nano ffonhhs Qi raps _ ^ &>atS (Stars Le toases ?Mdluiay /a e*JUXMtOU&^? 4<a.rd L Jiickjiw-trlmm&? O?'Zu?mv? // ??mi-OMfan %(ilUneru * ? display c?/ifpicuous- for ma txofte andchafticterofits prescritat?cete surpjssi/iq any Oth$tJ?n?f*CaA collection or nomen's exquisite. ?jutsr-Jljha? :! 4Xn tVTRC? :'.'7>70 NEW DESIGNS IN SKATING AND SPORTS SUITS AND COATS?OF LEATHER CLOTH AND VELVET. ycrmniaualcjtUc?ofi .cr,?& Qr?et trict* in Manhattan for Sheriff, vit! cnly '<<? tlon district' miaaia. >? il of a total of ?20, k'iv." Smith 103,40. ?ml Bowel. 62,?31, a plurality of 40, 570. The comnlet? vote for Piatrict At ?.I'll"', arith 83 ??lection diatricta miss it of the total of ISO, gsive Swan"" ?2, Perkins 52,071 ami Mo?* _i?.l?34 1 his I. . attjority for Swann over Per 1 kin? of over 46,000. , VOTE FOR DISTRICT AT TORNE1. Manhattan. Perkina Swann Moi? E. P A.D. iRep. >. (D.-LIa.) 1 Prog. ?. Mag 1.... 1.17? 2.7.53 111 ? 2- i>:>4 3,638 210 ( 3.... |M 1,704 357 1 4- MO 2.20-t 286 ? 6.... 1.060 4,136 .111 1 I...? 1.277 1,186 471 f 1- 1.390 3,142 367 I 8- 1.134 I.8815 300 f 9- l.n.'lf? 2.760 316 1 10- 1,530 1.812 672 3 11... 1,373 2.57t! SU 3 12- "?38 3.011 811 8 13- 1,105 8,023 -Ur? 1 . 14- 1.287 3,37?; 326 3 15- 4,i;?j7 .'?,016 747 . 16? IjOd 1478 44o 1 17- 1,916 3,633 ?85 1 18_ 1401 3.373 IN 3 19.... 4.551 8,033 1.471 3 20- 1401 1,421 112 o 21.... 3,3"-? 4."?:? 5"5 5 :'2.... 1,451 1406 714 2 23.... 9.1 '2 8.901 3,171 7 21_ 713 1.695 3'i3 6 Z%_ 1471 1427 101 l 26.... 2.571 2.244 l."28 4 27_ 2.7?; I 1,838 S(?5 1 28.... 1,000 1.716 454 3 29_ 2.867 2.611 HI 4 10*... 1.861 3.221 1401 3 31_ 2.128 3,6"8 1411 3 Totals .52,971 98,472 20,164 83 H3 election dUtncts missing out of a total of 821?. 'Part. _ _ VOTE FOR SHERIFF Manhattan. Bowen Smith Halpin E. P. A.D. i Rep. i. Peni. i. (Prog. I, miss'g. 1_ 1,116 2401 17 ?) 2_ 6so 4,094 31 I ..... 813 ?.'i 1 ?*? 1 4_ 942 2,ntil 3? 0 I_ 1.053 4.1 IS 99 1 6_ 2.339 I.??-..*. ? 1 7.... 1,210 8,433 189 1 8_ 1.355 1441 110 0 9_ 980 3,788 73 1 10_ 1401 1400 111 0 11_ 1.461 3.864 69 2 12_ n'jJ 3.434 M 1 13.... 1 .OT?- 3.375 114 0 14.... 1,8.2 1411 M 1 16_ 4,632 1481 224 0 16_ 1,101 3.763 70 | 17.... 3.810 4,351 276 0 it . 1401 1,700 118 2 II_ 1443 6,129 4?6 0 20_ 1,114 3.7'.'l 87 0 II_ 4.043 4.606 34.' I 22... 1.645 4,673 ?3 0 23.... 10.279 10,583 ?23 3 24_ 1,1157 1400 69 1 26... 2,964 2,995 150 0 00...? 1.844 2.769 Ml 2 27 .. 2,674 2,303 119 0 28- 1,345 MM 123 I 29_ 3.04X 8.439 210 1 30_ 2.9.0 3,691 199 0 31.... 8,845 4,643 507 0 Total? 70.825 117.263 6,006 || Twenty-one election ?liatrict? mi??ing out of a total of 829. Smith'? plurality, 46,438. -. Rep. Mayor for Cincinnati. Cincinnati, No?. 2. -Georg? Picht?, Republican, waa elected Mayor of Cm l._i.?_ tu a .luralily of about U.0O?. 1 G B. Welli-ftOB Elected to Senate. Troy, Nov. 2. 'leorg? R Welli-gCee? Bepti ilected Seaatei from the .".*tn Diatriet, ineccedlag Waiter A. v, ,.,ni, r. daeeaaedL Woman's Magazine, Dear Editor: I would like to have Infor? mation on the fdlowing arti? cles either through your mag? azine or by correspondence? and I would like the addresses of the manufacturers: Bread mixer Hand vacuum washer Water-motor for washing machine Churn Sweeper Dustless dust cloths Dish washing machine I would also like an ex? planation of the hot water attachment and system that can be used with the common range * ? ? hundreds of other housewives are wanting to learn about the new conve? niences. tfrvr* a letter 1 The moral of the fore going letter is so clear that we let it speak for itself. It should speak in particular to the manu? facturers of the various devices. The circulation o? The Woman's Maga zine is more than 250,000 copies each month. The New Wir? Pub?li*inf Cirvvy New York THEWOHAKS MAGAZINE Is one of the three niagaiine? call.t-d D7" advertising men The Hutteruk IV?. *?>d bought at an adver* tiaingiimt. Th?*4?ther member? of the Trio are The Daigner anal ___ ___ Thellelincetor. The average niontblv net rirrulatl?m of The Burteric?. Tn?> ii ffuarautccd to be u? exceca of 1,400.000.