Newspaper Page Text
???failli ;t m CONSTITUTION LOST BY OVER 400.000 4 ..nlliined rrofti pac* 1 nthen exe?) t ??f cour??, the woman ? urTrage ?rncr,?!m?-it. Pend?? th? thro? qaeationi *--.hmit ted by 'h?? f-n-f *ior ?nrl the otver t?*r. Btantlonod there tro? a ???.th ask? ing !f pe?-- II On thoald be glr?n the , I egis'.i ? , the ra'e of in? ter??! on ?'*?? ? l*p-?fate Rrturn? Slow. The figure* won I from ?< -?!?? ..-.-.*.???, ?r.d ewri ?n Most >'? ? be ?roll beyond di ? ?n th?? tray oi ? I courty on th? ' I : ? rr. the r ? ' i obtainable It . ?. - of 2.071 fat ? It ?va? tl I C. that or. ? yainat il Some of the ro? its seat li ' A'hii hv at )? a?* aleto), i ?au, for. 1 tog* I ' ' . for. : One: .-. two to 01 - v defeat? q ? - amei.ii ? aga.nit Retur- in ll.t?. defeat| ? 1'rh* at lea?t l.(HW . era 1 v .' ' l ? ? ? ??. for, T* two t' Bai ' ' for and *.* Naaaan, NEW YORK STATE MAYORS ELECTED Frbene-t? '? " ""'? K? v. George R. Lu?-". Ce Troj 'i ornelln? Rum? Roehi ? 'Hiram H Ed/erton I R.I. 1 l ?r?, .!- .'.-. i . R. i. Paagl w. Wilbur (B. lyraen?? w y. Btoi i B Pi | ? Johnsto? ?? R ? ? (1 M i ? Ithaca Frederick E. fi ite? R. 'er.- bolmo (R.V \. R. Rreen ( R.i. K?stt E l-v.'.-f; B, ?,rifling (R. " ? Edwli W Pike (B ). Newbargti .1 P Hileoon R Tonkeri Ji ?? - P, Lent) i D ?Reel?' ??' WOMEN WILL WIN YET, SAYS PRESS Delayed, but Not l>e feattd," Estimate of "The World." ( us.; NOT BURIED, SAYS "THE SI V "Press" Sees Ultimate Tritunpli - Revolution Will Not Turn Backward. "American." The World In ??pit? of their defeat, the VWOI \'?w York have no!: tC I ?? ?II?- i rouraged No oth?r ?uch cnmpKie-Ts wns I ever hefor? ?een in thil '.??? Oui of ? they create I ? that registered hundred! of thouaandij ? ' - icnl i ni rty t< were able to form SS tl ? rO| t???eil. They ? atlsm, us well a* in it ? ll ^ ' ?rest to aid thai their total rote :n the first test ? n lion of the i ? I not a result te d ?hearten, but' ?pire th. women te pal I ? s. N? B ^ erk lian been ! 1 it i,?.' defeat) The Sun. . su'Tiage in th.? isetti ' ? .? Penn ; i ??- i? decisive t si* by no ? - ? I to I 7 future. A go, the to? tal of the male ! foi equal mpresi ; ...iiiiivr this aerennis crank tai i ai ? . ai .. _ those political ah ch fail ?. i eentagei thai i . 1 i , . ? rer I . the ?ubjcr'. arlll .. ' - .' ? ll have been poi lihl? foi ? Oman ? ' . , or ever, tel I'll?- I'm??. g I al . ? t was del ? ? i ? i the gi ? ? ' . ' av. The | it will win. The Tim? The ??rfeat of ?rOm.fl BUfiTrag tatet yesterday '.?7 ,1? di f?al n Neat I ? ? ? ? I ? .4 rid nmpie ? ? i loped, populous, ? eomm owes f the East will h?v ? none of a tltH* ? cimpler, meagrely settled c"ti initl? ? ? \'> ? ?i have vi I U B.he. Whatever It? i ta faulte in pracl te rej? Maaaaehuaette, New V'.rk. Pi .- (i fuir: New Jersey ?? i Ineeitabfe I rot be accepted th' ire ,?Hrele??n??? of ?pr?.r?e Wes'ern ationi ehiralroui to ?eomen, and ? for Innovation* The men of; caa-T rm__________B____w_g'.. .'jBK__c-~*?7~3ai__a-BL4B??aL juui-u-u-m Chauffeurs' Outfits Special AT $43.sS0 G\ercr.**, Suit and Cup to Mutch Smut, n?*i!. prsf'ct fit? * |, an. : t; th. ? ?. othel : . .. ? ' .1 folk : with Tro ,?ers ? . Chaul ?; quality ?i ? : ?. h | , ? ? ?.'. ?.?. ? ? t*?r-- .Se out $43 , or, u fol ?s ? 'vci. Ml - $?'?"> 00 Su 1 . . $11.-50 Cap . . $ 2.00 -1 H ?witl ?two ; i ? '(?a'.' ? i ?pan r.acl S-3.S0 dC 11 SR7.60, $75.tO ind $1 - ^11^1%" i?? , intced Waterproof?-#t0 ? BROADWAY AT 49th ST. .5.00 rid $22 n .-?'" Ah ?. ?B.&V Vi I r SEE THIS WORLD WONDER M inu?acturer, Middleman, Merchant or PioUssional man--you should see the San Francisco Expositon. Through WESTERN UNION you are always within a few minutes o? home and business. Telegrama, Dny Lettera, Ni?fit Letters, Ci.tlegrama, Mur.ey Transferred by wire. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. industrial . .- ? ? f? and dot ? led. The American ft gat for i ? i | ?feel to ti i i,-, ?he r rani ! at i? ft 14';.? e ? . , "mil ?I ft;?i"?'s' weal ? th?t tin ? ?? ?affray*? rtvoluf ?ot tara hock? DEMOCRATS WIN IN WARYLAN1 Harrington Defeats Wellt1 for Governor, Proba-bl] by 5.000 Plurality. I : ? ?(?? i I ? ? ? ?, - e. N?,v. 2 Emerson C Hi r.iigton. Democrat, lia? been elect. of Maryland, defeat "?' I ' i iboBt one-l of Bait t re*t of -, . --, " len. Contre lei i . an i Alborl Ritchie, A ?ro elected ? if th.' bead i ? mated .?????..' The I'? moci.i' ? ia to eoi trol 1 day, and the ref urn? it t net Houi w , 11 i ... . . - 11 . ""> orclr atei . i i . these arc Gel mono Th : . ?i , , ? ?'.?? I te the Rep?blica ? ?: iorsi" ? v, ? i'.-? ntioi ? moerai to | ....... i -i Im? The eufl "" M bn?y ? be i I ? partj leadei be K ? -, ' one of tin .-. efer thi thern with i ? we? vviii. ? i ? irmed thi . ? hey would ? ?? ?? ? Everywhere th? ?? ?n?Truvrist. made ; ' ? ? ?nl Ihn the men "f Net and ? .? won voting on ? ?.? day. men wan? Mr.iyli.n? wom?' ? privilege? ?i e of New * in it "Do '? ) " ? ? i wire? . . - ? BILL CLEARrS AIDS LOSE IN ROCKLANE Republican Wirr. Tdu ii Clert and Sheriff fines \n fusion. ir.v isSanrtah it Ha n .? trow, No?/. '-' Follower! o ..h elei k "Billy" < leary D m? ci . i. h ? on in Haver lay thi ej ?? VV"?. : ?i ' ileman 1 f... i i i old j? b . laion candi . . for thariff, whe pi oml ? .1 to whe li ??.1 for i recnj ? ??- ?? '< rtod 11er'(7 ?.f 1 ? ? o-, r 11 ?odoi ? D<? "Ht. Ho] an ?Platt ??? i 'nhn C ifrerne lunty Set ?TO, R ? WOMAN 'WELCOMED BY OLDTiME VOTERS ? . i,-1 m?. .1 :. . ; ?. i *o tho , ' . | ' Toav ? '.ii <'arrie Chap) ' ? ? . I .at .,.-?. .ma* ciur ? ? ; I ,' v 1 ? lid one c ?urtiy At ? ??.????????! ,.;nniar.y eapta n, Humphrey Jones, ?a? .; i: ft'i ?ufl ? -. ? ?? ? ' lid? a ima ii the ??hop, w re Fifth \ ? I rote, a-, i greeted th? it porter? with ab? ng i ni 11? v. i tl .i h tre'i earry this i s?id "i.. -.. rnoi v. bitma ? u know. Really, I've bean working so h*i r I've neglect? ? I " i elle I ?.?.I", k, a i.o wa* watch ? , had her ] ' ? r, but he had foil I vote going '??> r.'irry th ? d ? ??l.e ?aid. "We'n ? O to one for :t." trattoa? a l-.o wa? ; ? Ing for M - - Paddock and hud talked w.'.i, the v. Ivv.? block? furthir down Sixth Ave? nu?- : i. injri did ? ? ul. "John D. i ? r novel Ittoked *.t me at all who) ia ta I Mri 1.1 ft th? watcher here, loo, and ' : s lip? ' "i ho)W ?-il "I lea va i - - m) dai ?? tai I ei he grinned - ? k' ' ? Maybe .... sag i mi mind ? - Ait- e ?Hmgtm Shmn presided over Tom Poley's polling place at ?Vi Maiiituii Street. Hilaritj iv.gncd bti?. ANTIS' TRIUMPH CHEERSCABARETS - "Woman's Place Home." Says Flabby Man as He Sips On. -__ BUT STREET CROWDS FEEL FOR THE CAUSE Theatres Arc Thronged Whit? man. at Hippodrome. Oetl Nous b) Press Agent And th? crowd rheered' A ? the thou?ii7ida Stood pntiet'!;. ?i' 'ir ""sirn* at Time? Siiuare, there wn? flushed on the screen theee word": "Indication? are thai win* v ;. || D ? maJorti ! tha erj spoiled sat r-'act ion. Hi* when unfavorable BOWS of 'ne Pu?Trnce question appeareil. only a feehle fluttering of b.nds, ?i"i '?cea yell broke arh.1 i.ii almost ? *i lence The fact th?'. wnman sulfra.? wn* ' go ? g ?o he defeated named ta brine a [ reeulstofl of feeling. "I wish I had 4,,',,i for 'hem." ?aid on? man. n tall, UlOU | htfUl, '?'< Ti'i ?l man. clean -cm and good looking "They worked ?o hard far i* " i'f 'he many thousand? that strolled. laughing, boIi good aetered on Bri idwaj !* ' night from Thirtv fourth I ';. -econd. not one red, i,, ,. tii emblem of the "antia," was ?een. On all sides were big fellow rnrnfl'lons, flaps fluttg bravely n the '.' ?lefeat. ??'abareis Cheered b? New?. On the ?treet?, all was enthusiasm and Boiay pleaaai try. In the res taurants along 'he (?rent W'li|?e Wny an air of Indifference seamed to brood over the isner* i.nd ?lancers. A* a table in Rector*?, *?t ? f;?r. red : faced man. The fleah on hi* flabby ; god >- he smiled. He hel?l his i;!i gee to the light and thoughtfully ?watched t'ie ;." ? - ?? surface and brepk. The ? be.sid?' him murmur?"d fome i.biiit Suffrage. IT" turned and ? ! "Suffrage! Me, I didn't vote for ;t. Woman's place is in the home." '! I., wo'iinn laugh?td quietly. "And man'a is in the cabaret," ?he At another teble ?,?t an elderly man with a young ???'?us. ' v? s." seid the I eeted mi Denver, ton. But, gee! tha womea would make ? n go dry, ai ?! [""pie eould i'l lave much fu. then, eh''' The man . forward ai ?I petted h?r hand. The imlle whicl prend over his fea? ture? wa? . ' "I ,,-,'t worry," Mid he; "I votnd t it." Hotel* I,?t Ilie upturns. At the Hotel Vanderbilt a stereopticon ?' , ns OB a screen hung in there it we l?grwemed mi n and Ityllsl ly goarned women and ?failed. "My dear," inid one, as she with 'ii" string of pearla abent I . r o. l<now a ive wanted , I'm .... ? m*t very inter rating, : ' But, ? rhl be ? ,i i-e to the | lon'l you aim th? :'i ? f? arfuliy dirty \ he ?'? joe ' d? ? man turned ? companion. "That is why amendment," ?aid the a oman. it the Waldorf Aste la ?cerned to be more enthusiasm. The grill room was decorated with yellow enrysanthe , although the management de ? fectly m ul ra!. At ?me ..- i ? lient party of two men und two women. A general ??gh >v.-nt around 'ne work 1 "Well, well i in ? Her eom| h his flasi he. lii-feaii-d. Kui Net Downed. " \, i S' e ?rill \".'.:s If O? lOSC WB Will i.?-, p on I ?; ? . we ?!?? ???. In Suffrage is a revolution tl ?t ha* nluadv'n If we lo?c tn night if II because huve nut re?l'red that the wom? en really wenl the vote, and are willing to erork, work, vork until they fret it ?\? tbe Hotel MeAlpia there w?s a sort of fever of unrest. Not the wild, rosy ?rramhle of the crowds BUtlidC, but h;i undercurrent of exnertaney. '.', n ? en and fl low were ited 'n the lobby and in the .vals In tl.. raei "a es rgi com? ? i." grinned ? " Why. I'\ " ' I I Ion? >r ag I've eomn tt? I I "? I a Joke for us," ' ? Daniel J. Rl< I. i "all ? ? i-f ' | Beat," k? al.'J i it. I going te >ou a i ? ? "8, wot tl he i pteia ? '.. Mr?. Ma rhe worn? ? ru. if the pla ? ? when ! t ws s pe : . ? ' Vi* ?" the ? ?aal ,::ip?!i7n t's ' In the i "atbeletie j oun^ man" who l._..d!ed the ballot BOB man aged to break It, Ini-pector Sweer.e. MOM around and had it pat.l.e.j g 44 itk pepei erei the ope. li?e? and Mr? Hlatch ?aid, "Oh. certainly, that wa - all right?" Beweeor, ?he announced hei Unten tie. of atar.d.r.g by whin the bellota w? re co.inted Ihi're whs a good ?;?.',! no*, when alie produced a box of sulfi r??'?- bottoni ? sw.irme.l ?.?? the polling arid big men grabbed for the button? erar th. bey?' outstretched nrm.s. Mrs. Hlatch ?ark hie." ? ? chair in the corner. If ?he had In? to an older generation she ? here fhiatoe. "This is no scene for a place," she fa?: ad '1 bey ordered the button mob out ? ??lde, and th? policeman tripped over a half dozen ?mail boy.?, and ?prawle?! ",e sidewalk. It wa? very un ' Her Smile Si-arc? Chlne?e Vnti r. Mr*. Alice I?u?r Millei Wetebed at Ch.than Bgurc where three ('hineae ri gil tere-l. ?rytk ng w.i rerj ?niel and t.," ?he reported to headquarter?. ?.i the picket! smie.i ?t . a ? ?? and he r.?n ?v?h\ hut I don't ?rua/ine wa nee?! regret hi? vote." "Our eh.??e? incident of the day." ??id Mr?. HUtrh. "wat a drunken man who for?/ot how to ap?ll hi? name, an?l | ?a.uiitd aero?? th? ?sag? with bia p?n." , ... ng t ?what' ? - . .: - What diff?t ?nc? doe? it moka ?h?*ther *.h? wesson '.. hot'? it ? > \"'i!" His ei m ponies grlnaed rathof ?h?-??p lahly, 'Why, I v???d for th* women. t ??? why the] ?hoaltta't have they wBiit ?ad I klad el w?sA le ? hr.w th?-, 're making oat " "GoshI yn'i n?" ? ' i ?" sasse 'he Y-i j ?ai le ? sel yol plea?? Go on ?>ut and ?tend alth the o that i .'.? Coteh you death ef c<-i<l. too 1'ut I'm gen? to bod." Th? wat. r hs?i been listening to 'h< eoevoreatiofl H-? ?pois t.. th? writer 'What ?lo . ,i thine? Shoal it. ll?r II? wa? tid He V??te?1 fur the H?ime. "W.'ii. ?ir, i rotod again?) 'tie woman ?nd I llwsyl will I d?.n't peo no re? rhi woman thoald vote. Wh??n th?v en th? real ?eaeli if us men laayhe 111 vote far thoos. Hut now why, ?varybody dofors to them. They I know, but they aren't (Mated Ilk? MOI are. 'I hey have a'i easy time Thay aren't e?|iial ant they . :,'- v?i'^ .1* equals No, ?ir. ?-.(.mai ? in th,. horn"," an?! b? ? . *d for hi? '? ?rboeity, Then ?'??,. th" theatre?. Every iiiiiiv. from the 'iovern.'i' of New Yolk i?> the man ?hn think? that wo.n.n.'s i . , <? if ??;?? Inline, weal tO th? theatre .? . g| i Mr, Whitman went to the Hippodrome, but h roald b? si fair to ? . ,,?..-, ? are the othi i fel - ? v ???..- ('.?side?, m the front page indicate? this morning, those were ? nough of him in New i ?>rk I Ity t., ,r toad all th? thootre? ?ad many ?,f th? pictur? t."U'??. bloat ef thi ; soal? a-ito weal to th? rheatrs laid thai they did It to iscapi ? ? ... - ? ?. At " i b? :'. ? .? i ry ef PeaeeM New York ??? destroyed by th? in?/a?1era, to the oc? eompanimenl of th? noiaa of falling ,'? and booming eaanon behind I the scene , and vet one nervni? -.? ? that it was so qalot and restful in the theatre. l.overnor. Too (,ot News. Rut f Gat/oraer Whitman honed to I.? able to r''rj,-.-' thai It ??? a? ?lection night h? did not lacceodL The ?agi? e;. | of th? Hippodrom? press agent spotted t?:'.- Governor a1 h? ?atorad the ?1 d ' oil! that ' Ira? it was all off. Mr Whitman and his party were thoom t" a Aral balcony box, and the pro?? up".' at lose mad? arrangea t?i have th? rotara? wireloeeoa to the bo? ? if a f? a minute?. An , ?. ? . ?. ,.?>.?. After ? ? .?i" ?if hundred Hippo-' . girlt had el abad up 'he ?a.l.ler of loi ' Go' ernor w tman eoi tinted to COllHiient mi the litUal " . :ticii! , litu ition. "There .s, ef course, very little that 1 inn ii..'' i.?' reniai ked. "1 g from ' ' '?'?.' ? f h.i . beoi Ri ? b out the state, and thai I? gratif] | ? Atsemblj un ?? Republican, and ! t.cliev? I m m I i -t !':<??! in eonsidaring thai ?s an ment of th? administrai on. "Nea York, it appeoro. recorded the normal Democratic vote, ' am ? cti imi Parkint ho? be? n d? footed II? mad? a good eompaign and in- wa? a Ana Di?ti l tttornoy. l ? ? ? triai? thai ba a?oul?l be .? i? ???? -? ? ben I appointed I im. . ? - from M> " I are part lar I) gratifying. I am told I i McCall .etod hi aboat 20,1 .i" " Ai.d thereupon the Governor began ne? ii growlag intoreal in the Bogann r troupe? and i tad. E.ven Movies Had Ri.Metias. In hhif a doSOa ef the important ? r-i? -...?.i. attempt? to get the audioneoa grea-ly ?xoitod ui???ut the re? turns. Sometimes the attempt? ?uc ceeded, and othar times th? y ?lidn't. Th? Hippodrom? and th? Ceetary war? the oiily two-dollar hoaaoa to disoemi? nate the nttri, Bal th? Palace, i .i lonlnl .? ? all other vaude? ville thei t re? broka I - gentil as i., tibie, and i!. th? ?mailer picture th? i a?? - ''.;. bed en the M'CALL WINS IN MASSACHUSETTS ( eatlaacd hem p??e i administration has fa!!??! to carry out its pm"v platform, "Thi? rerdicl in hfaaaaehaaetta bears witnet to this. Il i- i rebuk? to *he itral m Walah a a a thi Dei ?rata i ltd :???? ??'.' ? ,1 :'. 11 ? ? ? '..?-. B d :> tally ev.'ry Voting pro? ' ' ' Tin* ratio held ut?,? ity almo?', tbroogh th? n'a*e. An im? promptu r. COptlon wa? he'd lit the antit' headquarters, with Mrs. Clara Vc7.!n, campaign manag.T for the autts in New loroePi IS pue-t of hon-r. Mrs. J lu? Balea, who did a largo part of the financing of the antl cam paign, bad thi te "The result ??usuries our faith that the !.-? n o'' itta would itaad nutjotity ef the womea, ?ad we are hi pay II 'in- ki . . ? ? . can now turn our ?acrgti ? M eil e .?nd "(?h. Fell, you i-.iuliln't dei .-.v.- i, i'iir tha\" irr.'i merril) il ? a.? ? ? -?': on .... pai .. . ? . i tei ? after ail that ?r.'ij'.'le, just beca..'.- i in a? lay." .. ? .,, . ^ ?..,- . "S* ? ? r- ? ? . ? ? ... " ?j,;,! '?v?-r ? taffrag? os \ ? "We're all ? ? ? deal you !?? - ?r on , . I- " Negro Di?trl?t Orderly, Too. tetoi hast ' ? ? ? : ? much in ei ?.? ? Ian A .er i.. ? ;. . one yet, hut I'm '. : I g to " -1 ?? ? ltd "Fivery 'h'i.g II perfectly l"?/elv here." Min Margaret Vail, Pro? d< t Wll? ? ?ce, had t? be row .e?i by a po licem-in from a mob of n?gr .??? at Tenth Avon i? ind Sixty I ral I tro? I "! m :. o i're a Soethcreer, Mi*s.' he laid. "It must hurt your to have them rotiBf about a-heiher you , shall rots " "It did I just had to put my South en pr.'it in my pocket," she said, "but I'm glad I did ?' im >;?? eat i ? ths Itreel again to m..rrow if I thought the cause noedod me." It WS ... all over the city. The work *.?? ,, lagTeoobie, lad the women ?t-.-? v?i>, rory tires bttfore it was IflM Maty (?nrrett Hay, Mrs .-. Da It. Whitehooee, Mr> Car? 1 ...jman Catt and Mrs. Ulatch. the big beiSO? of the movement, had been1 on the job since ^ o'clock. All day l??rg decorate?! ?total c:.r? tore about th? city, carrying the ln?p?rtors to various It Katharina H :>a-. ia, of the nth Assembly Dia tr et, maile thre.? trip? over her rout - noon. M :?s I. Illaa D. Wald said that the 1 .. ? Bid? wa? ?? friendly to ?uffrag? that e'.4Ction ofllri?!? had call?-?! to her? with tears :n the'r ey?? trat they had i been neglected, there were no women watcher? ?i their pel.? The Repuhlicaa .-aptain of th? loth1 Election f istnct told Mis? Wald and Dr Davis that one eld man had ?Tied whin h? marked hi? ballot wrong for auftrage. $3*9? ^M*7 H"?i'i<l I rip BALTIMORE Th? |,, OH. WASHINGTON The Capital Bf iri? Nailon SUNDAYS Nov. 7, nnd Dec. 5. ?r*?-l?l Train ?...s V?w T ?I I"? ?,1 ?ii. ? Stallen || M A M IUI .. " ? <v?al,1, I IIP at ; I 'I'M TV???? o?n .?,. |..?~.n.. i ._->, ?,, .ir(| .,, Pennsylvania R.R. I / philnnihropir work I litle.l wo trice. "For the women who H'"" ?ngag? i ,n pel tica for a lime thai reta n permanently tha non-par ti?aii?hip necessary for theil beat ?tete and t? nbeundad I o I ? to the voters of Massachusetts, I i pars wh leh have gl rea a fair treatment in their news columna ? ? | i all wl eh? In the mm palgn we give our heartfelt thank*." fired phyaically from the hard cam? petg. they had W.ged, b i ?/rinnitig In . .. of .i '.?. ?i 'o ,? ?? |ef it, ? of Ihem put it. the suffrage part, forth a? their Boylston Streel hi ! i iring, The luffrage campaigi ?chu ? ? ..? again neal Tb.r Jus' , ne day of 11 I allow l hems? it n t all i ?. ? ' again. win Renew Fight at Oece, The Legislatura for two sueeci I e?ir* n.iisr pa., again I resolution .>r ')',.? question to be submitted te | te, ?o that it may not be ui" 1 ,'.'17 that women may vot? In M? -, chlisett?. ? is another way by which S.f ?ay b? ?s*rn"'ed IB a vear. flem D.I W. Mi C.I1, ;he next ' iovernoi. ? i edged tc ? eo lali'u'ional i eh the nffragi qooatlon shail be taken up. He probably will recommend . neural address, Tl?.- Leg? ?alature has the power to call the i ?. ? ? -."., ,? i the question m i ?' be sub mltted to popular vote. So thnt it lal e ?hat Massaehesetti will rote again on the suffrage question next; Every Candidate fur GOT? I id I? lare.! for suffrage. GiUlipoli Sick LJT-t 78.000. London, Nov. 8, in the llouae of ?is to -day. Herald I. Tonnant, p iii li m ntary under Sccratei v It ? tetad that appri oflleen and men had !?> .?n rcnn-i-il rum the liai! ; ol? i . on account Son_l3ci.s SAUi OF Women's Stockings Women's Pure Thread Silk Stoc'<in<:s, rein forced tops and soirs, l?lack only, 68c. Per Pair Women's Boot Silk Stockin??*., in Black, White and colors, 50c. Per Pair or 3 pairs for 1.40 Women's Imported Black Cotton Stockings, in three weights, 35c. Per Pair or 3 pairs for 1.00 Sale of Handkerchiefs 100 dozen l.dkfs with hand embroidered corner, Pure linen and Shamroik lawn centres, regu? larly 25c, at 15c? each Madeira Hdkfs, pure linen, hand embroidered edge. Special, at 25c. each Men's linen Hdkfs, '. and *2 inch hem, 2.00 quality, per dozen, at 1.50 BYoa?way.bftian? 9?\i Sts. '$~?k ?- ? l.'?l.?Nlli DUO AKT PIANOLA IT REPRODUCES,AUTOMATICALLY THE PLAYING OF GREAT CONCERT PIANISTS 'Through this wonderful in* Strument you may hear inyour own home such great artists as Bauer,Hambourg, Gabnlowitsch- a constantly increasing list of the most famous virtuosi o? the pianoforte * ft IT IS A PIANOLA OF THE FINEST TYPE -without question the most wonderful of all player-pianos <YOU. yourself mau play it with delightful skill* IT IS A PIANOPORTE OF SUPREME MUSICAL EXCELLENCE- a Steinway CW?ber* Steck orStroiid The DuoArt Pianola is on sale in NewYbrk onlu at Aeolian Hall* Clhe AEOLIAN'COMPANY /EOaUAN'HALL, Forty-second StrcctAVcst of Fifth Avenue