Newspaper Page Text
GERMANS SEIZE CACAK; CUT LAST LINE FROM NISH Onlv Serb Avenue of Re? treat Is Non Over? land Up l bar. Ullis MAY LAND Ml A AT KAVALLA Trans- r?a RepOftttJ Off Greek porl il Wovf Against ' itch. ? ? ? raptare of 'day, ?t rail ? < i uron tht K in .: ?" they are ti ean aave them I mi'.i reel al and ? ' ? on to? Ger It la pointed ? isiblllty of i north : or at ^ Bp the leer si i -o&d i't ' mmn line st UssaY Te twetti " unloa the . ni ?'?n. up ? - passes it I ? ... i ractieally '? In i.rhVf I'eril. igl mountain ? retirement of the S< to be i m and hi?* " rallies I - ir.|t rehr-c-Jkrd set - ..' ? saieguard ? _- c tlumn A?.ce from the . menace at rti, e Ibur roati ? stod sriti the cii-p?: - ' ? :n the Aus? trian! ? ? ?. ? : s can Drina, ? . rim er, cf A ?vert - indi n\- m the At lag ' ? wire cs] to the. re? port, ? than 400 dead were nft c The ? ? ' "^rtirip by u?r!- .. n was eta' ? at the eWef :he 1 rOOOOl til Catak-8 dway be :twr ? 'nter '?? ? iftnce ' ?? Kat a ?sj te l ? h of Mils ?f- taken ? ? how ftfr. that I ?.* are ll?fic;. Md ?t : d the Ibar. Rulicari?in-? Neaflag N'ixh. The V A*o continue to ? prori'. | . ? ! here l?at the] ted within ssbj i ? as was reported from lefti The hills both ildi ? ?a Pirot, m ?? | la nr.d are only lurrfr severos! 1 gating BeK.r that a new exped?> : the Allies ;? about : j l hlgti . er, line i B *? here is no ?i A. - still none tHitror.c Util a, rather than *erkia( can occupj the Entente atten BBS, I r-::?h a ba<-e for optr?* oi D< da ighatch and the r?i)r. It nith Bol t no? the an ?sing t??-?.l is tin* :? the Serbs. U1 RMAN OFFICIAL ? i ,1 rman tioni |n tha Ballsm n? cm n i ? ? ; N.<>th tod r.?rtl.I ? :' i nr; V V conquered ?n exit from the ? oae eoantn south o? ? ? . . f th.- v ? ? . '? \ . ! by <>U The h< ith of Krai 11 ? eral Boyad, el .her .11 ca? i . ? t, weit of Sla \ obatija h :. as well lis the billa on m l'i" ? ri jig, and ci AUSTRIAN OFFICIAL Fron-. Vienna ti.e fellowiag it i at WS! if?-u^i : ni am atl ,! Orlovac I , ? the V : I .:i'i eael IEGRIN OFFICIAL in th< ? lure ? On i tlnui sont h of Vishei of tl ? i ? .?my wc On thi remainder of I be front w< have k?-pt OB ? v , IS WR an . rapid ft i nd, ai aa art I ER1 IN OFFN I AT.. An < ? i Man cornmunicatior H ? ? 1 '!l ? '. hwf ist ? . fore ana of tht !za, and b th on the rijiht bank of tl ? hi t Me rctitr.' the ? BCfOy ? II thrown back, with or? it loases, eftei having :,\e handled n ree of 1 ? icveri ei (>:i tl there ere ? - mporti re sooth the weit i Greece .May Demobilize; Rumania Veering to \\ ar i Reme, 1 News," Folkenheim, at At I; ens, who went to ? ? itely before a? the ' of ;.ri ! letter from the na i I, has unex id to Athi : of the German -, i to be introsti The ? ? - ? openly . Is bound to fol? low. :? Greeci ' I tor the paymi talment of the ? ; loan, I half of which bai adva:. In oficial Groes C rcles an attitude more I apparently been assumed. I; correspondent at At] ? nial o? reports ox Greeci I toward the Ki t< ehangi ..?tides ? ably i red. ? will be adher? bio. The correspondent loyi thtte are lodicationa that a:.y ?.ttempt to change the policy of the gOTCI would Romania a!?o has underpono a quick change of sentiment, to >>ri interview in the M lun "Corriere della erith M. Filipeaea, leader of the ...?.-.. an action in ha.? hr-'Ujrht aboot a opinion n mont!. I Bill . ' . ? . ' tioni.?t in../ ? sion of the will of the ei which does not want to a bi stifled by Bulgarians atid Hun? garians." 1865 j?c 1915 C. C. SHAYNE & CO. IMPOBTEM AND MANTFACT' KEBfl "F STRICTLY RELIABLE FURS EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS FOR EVENING WEAR IN Coats, Wraps, Neckwear and Muffs 126 West 42nd Street "I New York City |ZZ ??{$8&% SPECIAL SUITS & OVERCOATS AT $15, $20 & $25, c:,m,mrc quohli!. style nml wrkmMMp uilli any g?rmente at *'?"<' I1"''1" **?*"*? IWfl tee everf reato* then fer '"'//'";/ ??v. Good Silk-lined Suils, $20 a,K? Jg Silk-lined Fall Overcoats. $15 and ?ZU t^KS. # ?' 'Mi Ave Bmldmg Broadway (or 24th St RUSSIANS ATTACK FIERCELY AS FOE MOVES ON RIGA Hindenburg Reports Gain South of Tukum Railway. CZAR FORCES BACK ENEMY IN GALICIA Storms Tronches and Village, but Is Driven Out by Counter Thrust. - Ion, Nor. 2. Field Marshal von ich In ?i B| '.s to tahc I. go from th aootl ?eat, ?loe ly ahead In the m the i i ; the i a im I ,. woy, ? I of the nw r. ? icnt Gel man r>o ? . irshy g Hen ? .?,*?? the ? ? ? in ifl! Meai ttaek I the rest ol th< arith a riew of diverting ?on Hindei e nori Bi , Bei ting contit" ng the off?:. Mont he 8tyr ???? i ..;'? forcea arc offering a stiff mi e. In Galicia the Rneaiani are putting fort greatest efforts, for von ? ? weaken?d vithdi ? ? ' ' ' . ?:. Merlin ad m I . . ? man ; ? ? i trenehei and mo I of the \ ?1 etaki Tha Ruisiana s< logo. Gen eral 1 greop ander Field Mat H nden? barg has b< en placed in e dicament Hlong the Hiver M to the withdrawal of .1 largi aamber of guns for the Balkan can pa gn, ac g to "The I ';.:'.;?? Ml I at r. Tipiad. ? ? Gei ? i liai, sooths ? been rendered untenable, he GERMAN OFFICIAL taten I I ; Army groop < fur on both sii i .' ? tine tinued resterd ka were n pnli ed with si ? -, The battlei and l'-'. B I iki i are still prori ? Five hundred prisoners fell into hand*. Army group of dineral von I I ?:.- rhe R ted to ha!; onr advance erect of I sartorvek by n counter attaeh on a wi la with dense ma driven back w Our at1 It I ? m Bothn . . :. . . ? count, i attach and I more than 600 | '1 he ige of Sien i I If was for the greater pat: recaptured bi early this morning, after bitter ng daring the night, a.".d 2,000 : onei ere I TURKS ARM ALBANIAN BANDS Plan to Aid Bulgarin in Dooccnl OO Durazzo. B] ? Atl.. ? teh to "The ' l am In? formed '? band e Sei bo Moi tit,, gi ?no. Eoaod Pasl ai to i eilitate Bul gai ..' ? dei coi ' t .1 Du ri. YANKEE CONSUL RESCUED TWO Turks Had Marked American and His Wife for Death. That an American woman and her . id v.ere subjected to atr ? ? ? b) Michael J. . when he ? i on tin S. ? Line Hi I an American eiti? cen, and until .-. fen go was the oe nei ond a ite ni ar Smyrna, Aaia M BOr. Tin if | rOJ . !, their servants murdered and themeelvee loo jeeted to brutal indignities and of death, Malamanl ?nia an I wife escaped with then lirai ooly by , the Intervention of United I ; ml Horten at Sa Malamantinie returned to Turkey with his Amer.,- ? ago and boni I l an s itote Ahoot fooi month.- ago, be sold ; ? ? In ghl v til to hii hi a ? dm Root I ? th ej needed i i ? and they left, eui log her. ? eident the Tori ih Govoroor of the province, four geaorals of the Turkish ormj and tif teen policemen doocended BPOn tLa <s late with the accnaation that Mala montinla was maintaining a roadOsVOOl for rebels. His pleas of innocence and assertion of his American cm zenshin ave i g. Hastily i ting m rope from the well, the Turks bound Malamanl ? ?. and bea .ed him il fora I said, the (joven.o i i l ii%; ,- !. into the A ana I m it. WI he recovered coneeiou on tbe floor near him, bli numeroui eati aad ten Ibly bi . Both ?ere ink.'; ?., Smyrna and thro.? into fall. After several days an itai . rations they were SOOteoei d I i death. Ceacol Horton intervened and pre ? reatad UM carrying out of the ?en tence. With the coaoal's help Mala ! mantiaii and his wife reached Voorli on the eoaal where there were othei refugee!. They leearad m small and cran diag II ? Its ISO fallo? ?... mo tlj women and children : Bfty milei Aftei ? throe ?aya' trip, durm ? ihey wen i t food, 4 . island aad found shi U ? ...: hot, where -tale days mer,-, unti SAYS GERMANS OUTDID BELGIUM IN SERBIA ? T?i? Trlh'in? 1 London, No?. L?I'etailn are be Kiiinnir to COfJM in ?if (.erman atro eltlos after the tahtag of Hrlfrade. The Berhlaa archJaaswewite Mi<-hael haa r? s ?-? i ?-il frees Prefaaaat Brotan* ?vich, ? ?<ll knni?;i Serl?. a letter ioocrihiag the iir-i ihre* day* of the Gorasaa ate neat ien. He ?ays thai ever) one ?a* nias-acred with? out rsejard ta sore <>r ees. The chil? dren, ?omen and old men were ?hot down, Stobhod In bayonet or ?word. A rertala nanahei ?if BoUsati ?ere ?ent out in parties to complete the work of extermination of Serbs left in iio- i.iv. after nativo troops ?ere farced to aithelraw. Praea Ma let? ter the s<rne<4 ?ere ?orse than in B?ig!? ?n the a*rlj lays of the ? iir. Berilo, No\. 2 i|,\ ?ircles?, to Tackertoa, N. j.i.?"Raparte that Balear?an traope had bohoroa1 in a barbaroaa iraj dariag thaii isrraoloa ol Serbia, and that lurksh troop* had been seal into Macedonia te 00 tap) I shah Bad I ele*, are denied bj Bolgarlaa saaV lala," the Oveeeena N<"s ?ajenej declared la day ITALIANS HALTED; LOST 150,000 MEN Vienna Says Third Great Offensive Has Begun to Decline. Vienna, Nor, ? The third Italian lanchad by 100,000 treopi on October 18 and renewed with frash : 28, ha I 1" ? . ? ' ??? ? mi ed i" d ? ? ? ? whole f root, a i ' i Ian le? ' Skened and tue assaults . art as '.. || hita.'iff nur ? egal 0 i I wai renewed with frech troopi on Oetober UK, begins to fail. i i enemy advanced on Sunday ? or bora edfre of the ? m with strong however, were areas a' -? rhe attack wm ? gel gl ncral. BMj again npted snTeneivo ???i ? front, with ;?' i ? ? ions l SOU - ths Italian com th brave word-, aahabh i i ' troops. ? the battle of a fortnight's duration reprosoated a | . .? ai m-, dur fron*. throughout is unchanged. Likewise the i????'? den of the 1 yrol and Car inthia.'i fronts retained tirmly the positions thes have heroically h?ld nine; of the war. The Italians used their ntnsosl of forts to brcah ?ur front in Gorisie, !<?:: fighting troops with bi g lei Von thi Tyrol an?! otb> All the attacks failli, ..-. !.i MS were heavier ? ecesaei our arm; has prove : OW idle and lUi i be claim i of our to the MBthweet froi - terril ?ry which he thoutr'u he eras sbls to eon |uer by a treaeh eraos attack in the nur. In the battles of the second half of October the enemy lost at least 160,000 more men. BUEL0W REPORTED ON PEACE MISSION Said To ?i? ?-i Switzerland to Initiate Negotiation! with Aid of Pope. Ki !<?(.-11 ?. Italy, Nov. 2. Prince von Buelow, reported !" have been sent to suit7< Hand by tin German government to Initiate peace negotiotioao, will re? main at Lucerne three or four weeks. Berne Borreepoadent of tho "I ? ?' '.. collaborate with Monsipnor Marchetti, Papal Dcl , . . . ? I . : a'A lag up Pi pa Benedict to tho Entente powers. paper a serta thai the Por. ? ?? f is i on engagi d In com into one sad definite plan ' promising features of vario i for mediation which have b ? ?' revives I -i;,c \-? ?<-. ?. ti .. MB tu act simul islr with him m intervention in i ace. Come. Nov. Information '.?lillV i Marchetti, Papal l>i legate to eut at ? i in to-daj nntion arm is that Mon 01 | by the Vatican to arrange for ? -? ' ? i .?r.? and civilians tn the two groopc of belligoroots ice. that Prince von ? vrrn ? i : 11 to Spa i a. N ext time, i hen! i , m one ?h' has Meo Ih li ,!,, ' lose .nid ? ho know - . kwm of the fil M few see? ,it( r knows m|-ii Um m ,ction tint m qukkh follow-' ? \\ lit." we say,"tul not than.' \. ,, st ,re ui (?in take, M side (for or against) <>" hag question if naTragr. We ar.- in the position of Sir Roger tie (ovrrlcv, ?no lowed both Ml trit tul- to.? well to clc , id? which of theoa was righi .( ie in rcr m argunacnl aroee. Bui we are ? Vd tot the things I. itore oa rs to > ; ? rg woman i ovrtco i- 'i ru. e. ajooa, fr? ah iierchaii.lise ..I t iir ?ml /,< truth thi H o ? ? 1?1.? Man ?? mw lea asoe a? BRITAIN IS ASKED FOR EXPLANATION Lansing Directs Page to Gel Reasons for Seizure of Hocking. II fun Tl.? TM.,.. - H ir-i-: ' Washington, Nov. 2 Onteinll ad- i mitteil to-day that the transfer of the Hocking to American registry lust July wa> so irregular that this government would be seriously embarrassed .n protecting to the British government against- the seisoro of the VOOOOl rotary Lansing directed Ambaaeador Tage ta day t.. ens f..i thi .?ei/.'tre, hut he las aotdetermined whal action trill be taken. Hocking arid ten other veisels owned hv t> e AM-riran Transatlantic f'om party were p'nced under American rag :stry solely to obtain th?! protection of the United States government In 0000 of seizure. The Hocking wsi h ship, but was placed under the Swedish flair early in the war through aile to Albert .Jensen, who WOS later Imprisoned in Sweden for violating Swedish neutrality in ?and trade with Germany. Officiais of the Dennrtment of Com? merce believe that the Amerfan Trana atlantil Company is American in name only, nrd is. in fact, owned by Hugo rho is well known in ship? ping circles in Hamburg and lives at ?". iiermary, not far from the ere..? K mm works. British government, It Is under? stood, seised the ship under the Order in Council of October 20, which r.n ? euneod that the article n( the Dejla of London prov;dlng that the ?I or enemy character of a ship shou'd be determined by the flag ?he wai entitled 'n flv. shnu'd be suspend? ed, and that the "rule* and rrirciples formerly observed" in the pme courts ?hoold govern. NO GERMAN PLEDGE GIVEN TO WHITLOCK Minister Says Report on Cavell Case Was Not Meant for Publication. Washington, Nov. 2. Bran I Whit lock, American Minister to Belgium, has tteaomitted a long report to \Va#h ington, reviewing in detail the steps taken by him and members of his le? gation staff In connection with the execution of MlM t.Jith Cnvell. The minister declares that h i -t re? port? constituted merely a recital of facts without expression of opinion, and that he had submitted them to Ambassador Page, at London, for his information, but not for publication. In the natural course the ambassador, reporting on the care of British sub by American diplomatie ofticrs, ?ransmltted ,v".e dorum"-.?* to the Mii? ?sh Foreign Office, which made them public. Publication of the letter?, Mr. Whit .ock say?, greatly embarra????! htm in Bnisiel? with ?he German authorities. ..'though he add? that the latter now ?tern *ati?fted his explanation and ?hat there is no indication of further difficulty. Referring to reports from I .on don that there was evidence of bad faith bv the (?erman authorities before the execution too? place, th? minuter lays that the legation officially received ne pledge or promise that it would be kept informed of the disposition of the case. There were no conversation? of a diplomatic character, he explain?, the only remarks poosiag between sn em? ploye of the legation and a subordinate German official. With the exception of the plea for mercy which Mr. Whitlock himself ao drcssed to the German military gov? ernor, there was no step ir. which the German authorities showed ?ay dii courtesy. Official? here look on the incident as closed. They do not believe Mr. Whit? lock'? usefulness in Belgium will be impaired, although they realise ht ha* been plsced :n an uncomfortable posi? tion. siness is booming 1 f Dayton, Ohio. Merchants everywhere tell our 800 salesmen that business is booming. Farmers have had two record crops, at big prices, with big demand at home and abroad. Stocks of manufactured material are short, and labor is in great demand. Exports largely exceed imports. Factories are busy, many work' ing overtime. More freight cars are needed, and steamers are taxed to capacity. People are living better, and spending their money more freely. This country has the best money in the world, and more of it than ever before. Such a combination of favorable circumstances never has occurred before, and probably will never occur again. Billions of dollars are passing over the merchants9 counters. The people who spend this money want the best service. They demand it in all kinds of stores, from the smallest to the largest. They get it in stores which use our up^to-date Cash Registers, which quicken service, stop mis? takes, satisfy customers, and increase profits. Over a million me ^hants have proved our Cash Registers to be a business necessity. [Signed] ?uttrffrvtfo*?^ Write for booklet to^yz^.^ The National Cash Register Company, Dayton, Ohio.^^'l *<???**