Newspaper Page Text
GUARANTEE Your Money Back If You Want It. v., 1 rlitoti?! PlSJOi First Column. Bark _T__!U ffiribunt WEATHER l\lll W \l:?UH TO l?\T. TO MOR. BOW, Ivi in 1-141, ? mu i?i\j>> \'. Tam|.ar.t.iraa: iiigii. Mi ia.w. *,:. lull r.pnrt on I'ag. 1.. First to Laut the Truth: News - Editorials -Advertisements v, ]XM V. ..ULI i ?i. \-- , ilion M()\l)\\. NOVEMBER s. 1915. PRICE ONE CENT \ . r!a S.MnrU. .It*.? ? It. an,I If..?.--.?. I -I \? III Kl tlllMIM? BOLTED DOOR HELD VICTIM: PENNED IN FIR Two Employer! Shirtwaist Fac? tor) Arrested. FACTORY PERIL IS WIDESPREA Disasters -ire Tempted Buildings by I): !\ - ? ? i _____ Orders. or i:, t where ei| ' t!i?" i .. ion of t The ' ? : ?? .! w.i- il at the buildii ? y .if r.?' iie deni ? ' ? '? ? ?t am;. Fin Depai ' ? ? n to the I?iamoi ' ? ? ?rould li?. impns? ? ?ation with ? ar th? ? ? : . .- | :. I ? ? ? . ? .is Ml -.ion of tl ' njC to I-hift Ttlnme. tend? ? ?.? Involved t ? o upon th?' respons la turn, wer "?eady with explanations fixir.?* tl tangibls noaentH vil FtatTi-. Jam?*? triet Attora? ?v. was much incensed i of the Bta Ubor Department-, and Issued sal .?I?? to appear t< nor Era? il Wagner, t Trots. .... tl ? District A' ? ?? Jume?? ?? Lyat Lai ? : ?? ? s-.rtmen .'.um, attorney ta that Aa Ko? ... .... ' triet i mbraeing th ? ? i ataoad ;any. 'riet At toi-aey ?- ? on of tl, *oii -??? tanta. Rabil ? , oa Battu raond factor** wa an-isiu i ?[?.anation fron ? they permittc am? nil factory t? r orders to com tor O? safe ? Its entirety ? mnri, Vino Months Ago. ' ?ray they P'-r . lapas aftoi or.loro?! to mak - an.l Improve ? | ??-?-? ?? ? ? his own em ( | , ? s ? lay that ;?, filod -v. and the ? viai day, two ? ? ? ira? d He ? that dur *'? ? Stut?" I.ah??r the power to el??ss the ? ?? rsrht * put In meat of the Jaw. Said the investigation ? existiag at .the Aro, ami .. 1 until the ? ? It on ? ..... , ... - of auu loot rhoi ? ? ?' hr.,1 unb? ,- ? ? terday tiiHt It : lay !?> th* o*1 ? I Wagner, of Brook* rred the arrest . : klyn, pany. "*th m,r,- hold ? ? ? .- ? to th? deal I d the Hin Its mud.- 44ho'i ? M that ' he deaths '""' of the r lern!,.],,, f, .,, the t? Chief Brooby af i Tr ? always o?poa. 11 t.4.aiiiiur,| Wll pa(. ?_ (.?alaaiau? - Tilt: TRAT THAT i AUGHT TWELVE LIVES riiA'..... ('harr? ?! remains of tho bolted tri | l"' seen at the head of the wooden staircase. Cut <">fT by flames found this emer**enty sta ? ; The door wa? remo*? ? .1 ; - ? the fire. MANY FACTORIES INVITE DISASTER Rece rais of 'lie Btarcea < I'reientii.n imam th?'rc ara scorcsel factory building?, in this cltj sim? ilar in eeaatrsctloB ;irui occeaaac?* t?> that destroyed Saturday, in ??hi. h a repetition sf Hi;?! diSBStrout tir<? is jHissihle. The rcm<-?)y i> *pied\ eeaspltaace by the ..?hita ?ith the Orden ?if the Fire Department, par? ticularly tor iacleeiag \ ? rt ical ?-hafts, ami the order- sf th<> State | Department of Labor l?,r prototf ion I of ?"?.it fa? ililicA.? 1 a ?lalenitnt by Joseph (?. Haaaasttt, I Mel <.f the llur??au ?if I ire l'rc\, nti?>n. TMfl threatening Bitsstloa cannot be r??m?died within ten ?car-.. ?\ ? haven't enough men for the work, for one thing, ami rlolatOTS of fee? lory and fire-pre? cut inn la?? s an- ??? loeoasiderate ?>f iif<- that the) ass ?????rv <l??i<?', lacladlas the influence <>f pawerfal orgaelxatlea^ to light the Instsllstlos ol life*saving im provstsestB.?Prosi a statement in \ ire CeasaalsslaHser Robert \datn SOl?. We acceptsd the BlattenII, of the owner of ths building on September 29 that he v?oul?l tir? proof the atalrwaya, our laspectora didn't have time to go around aller thai to see that this? work was ?Inn?-.? From a Maternent b> I hairman Jain?'s M. I.ynrh of the Mato De? partment of Labor. I p to October I thcre wore re- I frrr??d to our legal depart nient 1 ..",00 complaint? against factor] ??piploy er? who persiste?! in dlsregSldisg our OSoete.? From B Stetl i'iciit h\ John Cunningham. BttOIBCJ fur the lit-part ment of Labor. CARRIAGE TURNS LOOP; BABE INSIDE UNHURT Automobile Tosses (art Into Air and Child Is Thrown Gently Out. A bobs earrlajja was s-.ruck by an automobile at weal End Avrtiua N in? *?? ttfth Street La eompl? lull and, -.'? ?!:.^ right Bide up <". th?' a ? ? .rr iagS BBl 7?i the povssasat, trhsrs It fell In a posture. Witnesses asid that had the t.iil'V dropped wheri the earrings wa ? roi s sida up it un--. ? d hevs struck on its hsed and beei The cirrage belor-.j-id '.? Mr I . nni-r, who was trhesliai I a in it. It trsi I an ami.m? bile otrned and opersted b* R Hay? ?.'.?. ??'. a* lii?' ?ar BSSl avoid snothsr machine. The bsby ?si Bttsnd? 'I to ..' .' ? of tl'ii \\ ? ? i : id Avenue, '.?ho Bold o?!v ?i slight braise bad b? aed WOMAN WITH GUN ARRESTED I'olicemai? Sav? She \dmitted lincnd ing t?> Kill Berself. A woman foend toying i ? ? ?? ' : .? Bhors ferry boess, si the foot at ' ? ? . ... ..''?I noon. WH.? taken t.. I teventl Street i ?rolinaii Gisl. SB? Howard ( K. nue. 'lt.? Brei ' The patMilniai, ? i i . : to kill hsrself. Sha said her mother ?lied a few da) sad thi with f ri?? i.? ; - bought ?I.? r. ?".?. i la ??id. Bba ?vea asol i?. ?. ? ? j?- foi ob ?MTva?ea? AUTO E?.LS G?RI HER CHUM HUF. Miss Heimsoth, Victi Was Graduated from ?School Saturday. J ? ? in) from DOl '.I G ; " '? the twenl ?!_). :<-r : ? Nicholas > . lawyer, of ?a 1 led b* i her hoi I - 1 ? th'a chum, II twenty yeai M Street, who accompanl .?he recels injurs' , ? rrioai bi t ? i ; . toriam, 8 I tWO we I agbtei of Heneen na, pi '.? lianes Au ' day called <>ri Hiss Heimaoth I ?.'railuation. Th? talk? I? , and th? ? ?nil on Mi . ?I north on 5 ? . ? . : \t,?7 : : ba street host , v. ?de ! i . ? rani ta tl ? ?, ??'. tin- loadwaj set .'.sa cmi?ii tr ? an ! bar ' le of the i I ? northboaad trafile, when a sont. l oai in at >i fai thci ? ' back a bea th? ? ? '. ? Man i ?r. ur fur A... 1 ?:i? . ?. iad sad Ifisi Sarah V kOM ?iililre? s i?,- nortl ero? ,49 th 8tre? ? '? bol forward ach from th?. ? ?-?I diroetl) m fi ear. I ,. , tat hi* I rs.'n? heavy ;. ? ?" the impact and ? n and ? would . been run . I the Lloyd Sana t 11 s. ! ' ! . i i I ; ' Col ? . ' ? l ta t died r. few ired ? bull ? ? ? ? ?- ' ! ?. ?? Th.m. si. be ? ?rttiun on a I :tii us?, I Shortly bel ? ' ! ?????land William Conk* I in, pi and i | L *!.'-- A??.--?. 1 8 HURT AS AUTOS (TRASH Three lajared Ma) Die?Headligl Glare Caaaed Icddeat. Spring Lake, K, J., Mot. 7 I'.i?.) pai ? near here to-n | bile?, (sich CO ?' together bead no. Three ?,f tli rt I may ?lie. re yoan ... I aortl from Lak? a ?""1 to A il in** Pa ? i N'niie -.vus ?erionsly hur!. All of thus in the other eai ? ere b i I 'l wo were opei ited on upon ft aching Sj i ing I ike H? l.ut little hop? E. A Tridham, who m i ??;ir. aaid he was blinded i?\ the rlar of the headlight i -hin? ENDS LIFE AS WFE IS VISITING BSOTKEF T. Storcr. of M. B. Brown Co. Despondent After Operation. filen Ce i ! land. Mot. 7, Taking edrantaga si fe4, ah. : ?'nine year? ?if age, a membei of the K. B. Brows Priai fork l ity I his life th ..??.'? {?a 1 on H s.! He shot h im >.'ll the right temple. 11- was found bath i p.,? fas I ? - ??'. aorvoos depn , ? resaltlag from a recent operat . i.iui. ndicitis. ca'. ? *. ?i on i ?? . month? are, and ? i morose I not re* ., rer nc eery rapi.llv. Shortly before dinner time h. tod her brother, Ms or Bennett Tobey, ? earn? : niaanfactarer of l rool boms is abe i ? ? ? fmm the Storer I - v. i? "'in- aboat ? " ? nutec '? ? ? i li nahend ? Him. Rae no anawei i arched the i room floor Mrs -tores ? NEWPORT "AH! QUIET SPOT iticid Hlue la?? \N ill hrvp One from Laatssj lleep ss Money. Newport, K. I , '????. 7 Any one wlsh injr to pass an absolutely quiet SunJay Will now And Newpor' . at fur the week end. "hvi'iy ?amber af the police force is de bis duty in eaforeiag ob? is ?n (ay by Mayer Hur 1'iitrame to the Newpoi Bciala. "No parson lias any ! . prevea! th.' [. ,- Bg !he du'. ". and I that thoy ?re prOVOated Will be but proof that they " ...-.on. their VENIZELOS WILL ACCEPT CABINET TO AVERT CRISIS London Believes Chamber Will Approve New Ministry. PLEDGED TO GUARD GREEK NEUTRALITY King it ?s Reporte?! V-iii Not Dare to Dissolve the Parlitnietit. ! ... ,,;,. ?,,,. . a _\j s:,,niloudi?. the ?i?'?. Grseh Pretraler, ha? declare?) hi* Intention of abaarvlag an attitude of hi ncvolenl new! i ?: il \ to\?.ard the Entente power i? ? . Cal.ii.. ? fora ad K B * - 'B into office the Premise, a i i t -?-? ? AtT-i r? red In the Z?imi? Cabinet try will can;. ?4 pol? . ? illty, I ' sill I?.? presi ed to the chamber for np n-oval to-morrow. 1 lie .1 . it the saercy if : ' ..... . . ... I'?, ?I '? the reault ?f bed while th ? ? announced ?71 A'h.-?n* to-ni.h- I 1 ? of the follow ag ? ? inl ?".?: - !' '. ? ?I ? ,; ?I Ti~.T.kt? .' - '.-,'-, 'I only changa be?ide thai Premiar i- tie appointmsnt sf M. Thso Minister <.f Nations] Economy, The post he ?formerly held la takes by M. Miehcl . Pel! 1 I? Prsbleeutic With the month it* mind, there It little inclina? tion here to attempt ?? fon i of . 1 with the Allies a*. Saloniea or to 1 [ority in tl Chang ' ' 1 are t?,.> kaleidoscopic to offer an; for pred lion, stps ? em? moer? '1 that Veni? ? .- ? man, has through under-estimating t. e tion, lost dil eel ion of affslrs. That ' ?? Kinz will nut risk a ? i.. . a aeaur .'.. Not only hsve ; ente aowsr . Ministsr, frews 1 v auch proesdurs, l>ut the i-zi 1? too much peril to the The plea BOW, arc? rding to advice? from Ath?es, whsthsr the new Csbinc? Bpprovsd "i not, la r?* prorogue the Chsmber withii th? ? ? ? ' 'en deys. a hea ' required ilttlng of thrr.' mont!'. I will have . ipirsd St;r>i a plan ha for bol A und the ehief one, partieulailv emphasize?! In the Greek pi .?ment of any internsl erisl 1 til for? " . ' . : ? r "?? ri'?.'.? ?l from Grseh doors. Gis? month <>r two, it is hoped that there aaring of the an? rtsinti? with which the whole lltUStlOD Bl .?m la turroundsd. V. ( onflict of Hopes. While the King and the pro-tierm-in .'.? enl hops thnt before ?h?jn Ten tonic Bupremaey will be established la Serbia, sad Greece 'hu; freed sf th? Bg an expsnslve B, the Vsnissloe jri"up i.? counting no less that the Allies' plan? .-.:.l itrsngth in the Balkaaa will in? i ill?.! tu remove all of their ultimate victory. Thus sgsin Ah;? d policy, I ? ref ..opor t an oppor two I the .' the ' ' 1hii<1 ? . : 10,000 1 " nch snd 1, but si .. ? ? m ? the rs? .like. W hilo M no?, taken ?n ?.. ' '..'?? war or aeal i movei the L'itente power? 1! .- rem? mbsrsd hero 1 inference follow ? ?'. r- :n the Rhaih* ? ? - ? i that G??n cral '1 ? ? ? 1 ! u:th '?f the .' . wh?j eon tr' It a majority la the cii mb??. ? '.on to a statement by the War gy wi * ai ? timing broeght ?oout the ea in the government. Francis W. Hirst i ,i tor of the ! ! ? When a boy gets big enough to get the better of hi? father in a tussle, it's interesting to bear what the father thinks. Whatever happens after th.* war, the fact remains that for the piesent the world ii paying its bills in dol? lars instead of pound? Mr. Hirst has the confidence of British bankers and reflects their opinions. He cables regularly to I he Tribune what they think?and what he thinks. Turn this morning to Page 10. ?he ?Tribune I irst to huih: \.t* s ?/ dito* ,.i/<? t?/? e rtisements -a_ I Wilson Warns England Illegal Seizures Must Stop; U. S. to Ignore Blockade FRENCH REPUL? BULGAR ATT?C SERBS IN PE Teutons Capture 130 ( at Kralievo?May Cut Retreat. KINC* NICHOLAS WORSTS AUSTRI. Montenegrin* Tak - Eight ' airl Prisoners in Satjak Nisli Stores Saved. rtj Cal ? t ? r l.ondon, Nov. 7 .',-..? continue 1 iheir pursuit o Serbs in the valley of the W? MoraTa alaaoat to Kruaerae, ihe gariana hatre ? ici s ! a n? Freud in A di v i si m trying to envelop the French fore Valaadori regie .... the B< tala, near whic's | Serb b?.r.|i ri Join. I!? '? ' i ifle !'.re have been I post i -ni .?.is. ! rer, re th? repulse <>f all the attacha Preparations for an Allied It is belie trad bore, ?. completed, and ihe o| ersil attach i? looked for wi?h th? rival of Lord Kitchener. Besidei tioi l '????' from Krivolak to Doiran, the A have b foreem? ami by arranging additioi faeilitlea at Sal?nica they are get ready for still heavier contingent So far, howerer, no attemi nada to relioT? ihe Serbs deepen fighting at ilnhuna Pas-. All Bs assaults have fallad to dislodge t! an.l the pass is reported to be ! deep artth Bnlgariaa ?'.ea?l. At point more than 1,000 Bulgars * caught between crossfire sad anr lated. Serbs May He Cut Off* That the Germaaa have intercept? pHrt of the Serbian retreatiag cohn in the Ibar Valley is the construe! pli'ceil here on the capture of 180 gl p | or*, d bj Bai lia 1 I No ? nomber bad previously fallen into of the im v the al donment of any such large fraction Serb artillery can only mean that S. rba are in the ?, llty. How ?trongly the passait - ttred Serbian force- l? being pre ?? Berlin's am Grapina Height, ? ".' Ivanijea, ??us; of Kraliero, baa been taken bj I toas. This | ? tu., ibar ? ? than two Another German fores moved down the Western Moi ? il. ached Kruse - the at tant bum ., ..i i ha lai i'? ' on I Caatah lateral of the Orient ? I? .. iiMi-ii that ' t haa i been already. Serbs Beta Nlah Supplies. The Serbs in?.I? d In i ??? ? . ? fi tion, a it ? ? lid from K ? ag ij et at saya th?? Berlin ' ' geh itt'a" o.rr nt at the Aaatrian It? , JUSt lu! enough to permit the withdrawal ? irgafl i ainniunitiori train ? .? c??ri?..ben il ? :: up and the retrei ? ?. began. Ever) opp for the ?treating an dent, an?l " ,.. net the are mal ictically i oluatarily ; lei . ? rb' rig at ? : ? ? ad men ;n 1!.got i an ' th Sanjak. So far the AuatriaBi ? ' ? been nm ble I Th? opening of th? Denabc ta ravi Central i with their 1 I Tu is, wa ait i ??? ' i great eel? ral an li ..... aeeoi ling ? I dis ? night. With the arr ? :>.inub< ? ? m ther>- . ? -ear ol rtai of muail for ? The reopening of the Daaobe ?... ? dered so mon event thai King i si linai s at,?! Premier i i I - the arrival of the from li ing?i? Danube Trafli?- Resumed. ( ages i on . ??? i ??- alee eat ? ' '? Humar.iar. railway?. Several t? ? ' r tra? irai po\4er?. Bulgaria ai The opening of the 1'anub? -? reagthi ? 1 arkey, a* It ? raw ma'.eriai? fol uerSMS SI und ammunition. It ' carload? ? ? .?tward and westvtar.; faw d I . ?natch from Atkeai layi that by agr? ? ? the th- Kntente Allies ?rill construct * jetty and make a new road ;.t Sal?n? ica to facilitate com twees the wharves aad ths ra ill ,| ? si?. The authont r? a!-o ?he Eateata Allies pen .rt of the wharves to la lo-Unue?! sa i???? _. ?._:_..,_ i KITCHENER IN PARIS: TALKS WITH JOFFRE l'an?, Nov. ",.?Farl kitchener, British Secretary for V? ar. before le.i?ing for the Near F.a?t, conferred wi;h Premier Hriand. Minister of War l.allienl and Joffre. the French commander in chief. Th!? dispatch contain.? the fir?t hint of the route taken by Lord Kitchener In proceeding to the Orient. It apparentlv bear? out the rcjxirt in London that hi? mission include* an effort ?o co-ordinate the work of the general staff?, of the \llied armies. SAZONOFF WILL STAY IN RUSSIAN MINISTRY Foreign Secretary to Remain at Post, Duma Is Told. ?? la ?.? no *>" ma] Patiegtad, Nov. 7. Sergiu? Sazonoff will r?'ta:n hi? post a? Foreign M.n i?ter. The Duma Commission wa? authori? tatively Informed sf th-it deei?ion pee* t? rday. It comes after n week of th?? : -t rumors, which w-ent so far a? ?. ?hat another Cabinet lhslrO?Ttf waa contemplated. * a week a.M these IspSStB le (Tai to crop up. They were ?tarte?! bs th?? rumor that Premier Gorernykin WOOtd l ? appointe?! ChsBcellor of the Empire, with supreme con'rol of foreign %' To make po???bl<> .?ucn an orgar.i*? tion of the miniatry,tM. Beaoaetf would Une. report had it ?hat t!;o Foreign Mil letal bed Hlrea?!y v.i?h drawn nn.l ?hat the Czar had BCCeptsd .t n.n. To-dny's announcement will ?et ?t ? i? .. . atnof i > JAPANESE STEAMER SUNK BY SUBMARINE The Yasakuni Victim of U-Boat Near Gibraltar. Tokio, Nov. 7. The Japan??? steamer Yasakuni Msru, 5,118 ton? gTO??. wat ?unk by a German submarine near Gih raltar on Wednesday. The captain ?ml crew rrnched shore safely. The Yasakuni M.iru evidently wa? the victim of one of the German suhma ??h'ch have passsd safely through the Strait of Gibraltar into the Modi* terreasen Sea to unilertake a campaign Bgstnat the merchant shippin,; of the Allie?, and already have sunk several vessel.?. Pasahanl ?fare sailed from Ne?v York on October ?'? for Oran, Algsrta end srrived at ?iibraltar on October 23 SEES U. S. BANKRUPT IF GERMANS WIN WAR Harvard Professor Says Allies Cannot Then Pay Debts. I 1 iS "> T'a Trt'.iin? 1 Boston, Nov. 7. In reply to the . *... "W hat would be th.- - ?" 'h" United States if Gsrmsay won an overwhelming victory'"' 1'ro ? 0. M Bf. Sprague, of Harvard Univsralty, ?aid: "A panic, swift an?! csrtain; probably the greateat in our history A vsritable tinanciul ehaoa. "The t'nited Statei." ProfeaOOff ..-BS WSat on, "would be in exactly the ?urn?' position a? any manufacturer who suddenly found himself unabb- to collect his bills, unable to raise the funda te carry on his business, and with th?? reaeltent los? of crc.Lt and eonfidenee la the business. His baai* mschlnerj would itop, be himself : bscoms bash rapt I he thrown out of work and hi? own creditor? would suffer a? a conse? quence. "If Gsrmany win? and, of cour?e, I ? ? ??? ?.?' ;or: l.i-r t.rst act woul I tiiand an enormous in demnitj eno i!.-h t<> pay nil the 11 ir and more from the the Alii? ?oui.i have '.? eoi ' would be no alterna 1 iny occupied their ter? I lioS would be forced te ?,r ?let'.-r indefinitely inta of their debts to the tinted ?? "Those merchant? and manufartur 'oing besiessa on ?rith the Allies woul?! bs in a similar poi tion Pll Boclsl depr? ver the co'i'itry WOOld ' ?.?u!d halt und th.' WOI ? WOUld be out of emp!o> me'lt. "To effeei the panic would be the re? r <-wai of but ???', rsletione erlth Ger* Supplied with the gotil of the ? rmai soold ? !>? trade heavily with us. ami la ird relief." LABOR AIDS ENLISTMENTS I nion? Join in Harking KerruiGng Campaign in London. London. Kov, ". A remarkable dem tratiOB la furtherance of Lord Derby's rscmiting campaign ami Tra '??.:?' bv th?? of London. A s ? i sf voung msi ' ipham . pendent Label i iasd ?? . ! the ? i t representativa! n ?she ? IM Sdsptsd at the meeting :..-'i U'r'or'? eonviction that the voluntary iv*tem of ? ? Intent would ?he r.e?*d* of the cour.ttv Bad ? i devote?) support to I ?>r.l l>?ri.\ ? campaign, "in or?ier to bring >.ir te u seeeesafaJ issu? aad te i r-'.?-i t tl'.e satablishmsat la this aoea* rtptieaiat injury ami resal ?>?t.ea." ? Law, Not Expediency, To Rule the Seas, Note Insists. SEARCH IN PORT CALLED ILLI.OAL Protest Charges Vessels Are Meld Pending Quest for Quilt COURT RELIEF DENIED Neutrals Harassed by OrJ ?rs in Council Which Hind Prize Tribunals. T~?r-, T*.? T ' ? Washington, Nov. 7. AtnetiCM diplomacy, fresh fl*OM wha* the ad? ministration 1. ? ? ? >tiiplot? vii-tury over CaillMllf. his l ,-?n di? rected ai-nins* Great Britain. The long-awaited not British interf?rer.?-.- with Ami-ricnri trade sres ?asilTsrinl at ths Foreign Office l?y AlwheSSeiVtr Pegs >?n Fri? day and sres made public nt the Stats Depei. Interr.ati.mal law i ?In? ?..'?? basis of SYcritary I I argument. Without floweri .v. t'x.'rpt f?>r a paragraph Bff tWO HSI ' srhieh are anderetood to heirs ben BSOdeiled :if the Whit?' !i?>;is." - the long document ?." . ? reel Brit? ain's position on legal groun?is, hut with a clarity of du-. tion that muk the Inynian, a? we!! ns t?i the law? yer. The three chief points of Secre? tary Lansing's argument aret First ?Tl:?' ssizars of neutral ves? sels on the high gees wi'hout immo . iliate evidence ?>f improper character ?.r il"st:nation of car;'?i ;? ...n'rnry to international law. It is allege?! that the British practice has lern to i ?? ? ? then into p'.rt lir>t mu? to stell grounds of BSiswe afterward. Second -The British "blockade"Il illegal, in that it is neithi r sflsettte ii?.r impartial, and because it ports. Thir.l The United State.? is not bound to withhold diplomatic pi"" tests until the prias and saperief courts ha\" j? i -'?! ?.'i ?-i ?- .if si?i7.. uro. Prise ?arts ha-.?? no .uriedie? , tion over ?rassois iUegs-lj seised. Cotton Proteat Held Hark. A protest against the British or? der piecing cotton on the absoluta rentrai end li?t. which was ex| ! tu he contained In this i ?erv'l fee a la'. By quotations fron its own crs on Inten al un al la ??? a- ! I ? tions of its own practice In pr? wars. Secretary I . points out Ine ?'? of the British government. What this gorernmeat will ??? ca?e of a rejection of Its pont? s I by firent Britain Is r.ot in i .-?.??? ! F' is made plain, however, that th.. t'nitrl the !'?* ? <h iroveri.m?nl , imm?diat.'.. ? .? injuiti ? ?,f i - . and to refrain frort i such praetiei ? Is future. "Relying upon !he regard of ' ' ? ?." says the ote. "for ihe j ' justice ?o tr< i qaeatly and uniformly manif??tc.i to the present war, this governm??-' anticipa'e? that 'he British gov rr nient will iaatruet its officer? to r> frain from these vexatious and llle<al ? s " Am?? .- official? of the admintstta however, 'here is no serious h. rut Great llritain is ready I?? ?/ument airain .i it? in ? i ?? as a belligerent .Many official? it the Hritish . p' i will i. ? at refutation of th? ? one. I his. ? ailmitted. would fore. I I'i to arbitration a? th? Die present note 1.1? ? "id 'he itr?>ngeit possible of the pos ition of th ? I . ted v'?'????. and its failure to cot arill h? an un that dip'.oni? r. pe 4?. 'h ?he . itoatto * th (iermany, as th.? : tratioi ' It 1'ies I '?man lif* may i ? it ran? cor Search Made Imperative. <>i. the ! rat ?.f h - Ihre? retarv l*:i-.sin>/ pon la oui at tttO their inttru? ? l to 1 lei ir.'?ent war, maki ? lliger* ??it? ?, arel ' s tl ?easel? ?t. ai .1 t*?at the ? .-a be de (ticte?! from her ron ? -rily. It ii that the i led State? follow?-?! the practice of i t. s... reb du?* us* the t'ivil War. Insti ici on. to naval commander? issued in I At? of the Secrelarv of the N'as y. ?i'd****** i 1 heae vesoel i ? .?-arer. . i.Ue ' and D x ? tl it ? appear it? >t?? la-.uiactioa