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Ne' her Bond Circular V?e as,. i i be yi-frd to ?end a copy if -i C'neial Bond Circular to in\r?t< n u it queii. Tail ? it? ?-!? <lc? riost a comprehrn? ?re litt of cere h i'.y ie lexted mi- ? ?.'. ?ni pub? lie uiilit\ oorporstioa l?>n.!?which mre recommend for mveitroent. Send I. r Gene.?! Qmdm 91 Harris, Forbes & Co Sin. ?tree?. Com; Wlltlaen NEW YORK We Offer Canadian Long and Short Municipal Bonds To Yield Hi to 6?o Circulars on Application. W.L.Ooler&fo. 43 CEDAR STREET NEW YORK Victoria Oil Peerless V otor&Trnck Atlan. ?ill! ?Lv W. Ind es j Int. Mercan.lie Marine !n the ?tr-.r.? Btstmsss <f sss VessMy k'arket H??l?-?- tasst Imu.? ara f?a tur. | ?ni rea.or.? er? ?d. a:.?-.?". ?? to why profits o? ?ery .at!.factory proper? Uor.e aNiuld acini? pro?M*d purct.n??? ?r. n.?a? kt '...? n-.on.?rt Ask tor c!r So. t?l C.W. HARRIS & CO. Member? N T. Curb Market A??n. 50 RCIDST., a\l.nJ3~a* ^rj\K\KVaVi:VUe. Ordnance Stocks We Will Sell Aetna Eipiosives Atlas Powdsr Du Pent Powder Hercules Powder Ravage Arms Winchester Arms HOSMER ft WEBB Til. 6962-8 Broad. 30 Broid St., N. Y. )o?r ?n.ui'-K'? retseet/iaflb wWelled, Short Term Se<ruritie3 are now available upon a 5?i.f" to by_% bat-is. Ask for list T-420 of current offerings. Bigelow& Company ?J rinr M. rhonr 6?9f? John. ?STANDARD WE W LL BU Q WE W.LL SELL M Bue*???? PI?. Lin? J5 Indtwi? PI?. Lin. 72*? Oootlfx???.??! Oil I 25 Prm.Ha Pi?? Lin. 100 3 ?3 8* Wut Pa. P. L. ?0 8 0. ?? N?-s ?arl ???? 7] S 0. ?f fiajtf.rnla CARLH.PFORZHn?i:.i?^Ca Fi.ta.os 4M' : 3 ? i Urci.l 7' BSSSl KL. N. T II ? ? ? .? ll-?.?h?-r? I . ...a .?, ? Irrtrle ? < nil?. .. Si,. i I.!. . trtfml S.-, urlllr? lui.-i ?i.itiniiiil wives FREDER?C H. HATCH & CO. n.oni- l?-...??l ' II" !?.'i l'.r..?,l St . Ne?* fm? rrlvste i'??..?.? ?" an.i rtiii??Ji-'.v,iiiH. If you are intereitrd in Buying Stock? And Bondt Write for FREE BOOKLET X 2 I'srtlal Pay i .nn. ? hlch ? M 'i pur ?-(.??? tecurli ee '.- ? afcaee up SHELDON. MORCAN & CO. ti.miic?? ' .*??' i rtt ateea Umetmtme, t: 11?..,?.l.??s?. Nfw *?'.>rk Wm.A.Read&Co. Investment Bonds Na???u S? Ceder Street?, New York CM ?** ?"' ' ? ' :?' ? H . .. i.i i All WALL STREET readt DOW, JONES BUUET.NS & T.CKERS Invfyjnrs read THE WALL STREET JOURNAL CAPITA!, wanted icta of I Room ?v?, ||f ,_roiANCUL MEETINGS ULLI -liilMaii i j, i mi , o A flp. . ? .... I ,. *'' ' n?a ?? ?any. Ni 1| _ei I .? ?. Pi*. ?? j ? ? ?*"*. 'eesej .. , r ' ? ' *? of actlni upon ttmo letlent ?i. . _ ?s . f .a 1 I altar ai.'l < ?.anjc? U ? ' of il la Com. ' ' ?? ? i?r relu? ' ' ' ! -...??] If* eau ? .;iat at ever? ? ? i? lakrn or I ? '?. II?? I ff ?' ? Cum? all?. ? 1 ' ? voie? ? there of ? eto a? i,?i?i ?,y eu? - lock ? ?. ? ? a ' emit Con,f. ? ? ? ? ? . ? inav le?sf.j > ' ' PREOEI |il J.rary Cltj N ' ? : To nn m?i< Midi i?t:ns or mi i m fill?. K Ml 1\ \ ? till IAS? I ? ????roh ??ii??*? No?lro Is I (?,a? the am ? in?..tiiie ef the t '?r? <,f ?h? ? ; ha : ?i. \ 11 ?retios will et it.? off!, s ,?f :,',? 'i.iiipar.y, No ( itre.t. I?. the H roufta >,r alanbetta i, 1 . ? ? it? et ' 111?, ?i 4 .. fo ; ? , ...... ( fat? . .. ../o t. UOJLM. beortterw, , :.,'.v.y." : ' "?? Profita from V Not Up to I ' the ? er. RAILROAD RE GREATLY IMPROVEl More Dftcrinlaatlii D slings I Sccuriti Oil More million sh.?re ,' ar lista ef purchasing of bon ' ? - liver ' ' ? ' ? ? add? out of the war Into secur ties which, while rot promising irr n rasa speculative profit on resal? might ho held with con;; nrntive ? Warring llurop?'? .?rrat purchaa? ther' mus? lome of storlei for. During th? week rail i ' reports fo September pro-.r I er? r_i?rk-?t bad ? ee:: axp? ting. The East em line?, that are carrying th? l?rg proportion of our exporta to seaboard did particularly well, but throughou the country, Including tho South, gro? rece.pts made excellent coir.; with tha name month of 191 ? ?arninf*s showed the effect of lesion of economy learned la ' - pel SB-gll traffic and mad? sbls ?d va:.ce. Tor October ;-f th? carriers Wl rxporti were immense, and grain laovemsn Cr?ai the farm Increased. The Penn sylvaaia lines ann one? : tb t -i? re celpts were tha heaviest ever kno that month. When ? come temple! ' ab!;, show a gr from '.be s. neaa of . from the | of 1913 es well. On the Stock Ezchai en mort daily read.. the year OB gl The railroad Stocks, I eontlnaally rise rd the end I s used some reces; ' I oft'r.i ftro!.fc*er roads had reached prie? put them on an incon I undei 5 per oent, lowei Dtany l in. Wheth er it will i ? larger disbursemants, get much higbei d last week r< maim to I ? eorj ora in rel to their own? ers, but ?bou reauM in g-. hern, ??deration by regu . Beaseaed Induatriala Bought. Seat stocks were mo ? . . ? ra Ij to 1" ? ? Irregulai the metal was rcpsi'. ? ; ? | i tal a care of l brought out ' . ? . ..: I ? found ? . : found ' the gi ? I did lit ' . . I :.? i. ? ed as ? ? 111? I i.: . ; to ha vean al bow < natural ti , ? posa ?ole I have aeon a gi ?? > . Ea uin states. '?? . ? new ? ? laataeaa oa i ;? Grade. Ru? ?lence that the v ? . rsquiremsnti of I" linea. . ' ? , he full i ?' s yet conservai ? the ii ni??.:, g itaeli . ordinate v?. As ba? !.. ? ? I reduction of pig iron in I ' I : ? [ ? ? ? are b< i .<? i " ? cno and 111?. piupOMiiuu is new to our i . ' , ' , . ' ? ' 7 befo'.*? s ' ' .? ? . ' ' ? ? ? ' tl carry ? ' . ' ' ? ? ? ? , rites. M reporta of r ? ... ' ta 1 -oiiifh- . ? ' 111 ob- ' ' :.KLY CUI.3 TABLE. tl - . r a ~ - ' ' ?"? ? a "l - I ? 'a - 1 ? - ?s. - 4 ? . ? . ". ' I , ' 4 ' ' ' . I ' - ? ? - . SI ? ?? 1 \ . ?. si : ' ? ? ? ? lARIEfl - ' i L...1U I r ? - - I : - ?.. ? nh. M H MINIS . HI 4- li ? ? ? S3 ? 1 '. - ? ' ? I ' ?? 7 ' ' ? ' I tt ' ? ? I ? 'a BONI ?? ' I! INK ? Tu? Kg. i ? . I i irt ... ? ?' ? . so? .. :?> | 7 4 Sal.... I . ?. ? ? ' 4 ' ? ? .\_i. l>v -|ior_>ill.m Nil "si?* g- ;?..v?;?, BRITISH P Surplu Lai '? .ni : Prie. . S AID MARK ! ? p cted <o De! change. Ce ? J ?,. tres thi ? i in priva ??i Inst ? . ". i'1 ?'I " ;. ? upri i ? \ ? -. mrnereo. 'I treat DM o* fold for port an ? c rr?.ctiv?? ?>f exclian and also ma** IndtiM a fonorallj ! ? sport policy. tlnued rire in prfcea I 1 tr. the axotsairaly h ?s and lack o? tonna?**??, < .ireity of l fr im merchant ships Rene? the now tonnagi ai le ?ftljr. . e pew ara printl it the Gorman f<seli ' aais o? fvacuati with Pol '..'.'..'. I : ? : meat aca? l a ral riso repoi .-. ? " i V ;her tl . * will ? ? ?. '. : m. Happily our leading? mon in Pi I-r> .?. !T? n.uch more all n the M ?aitlon, which mi .in M ttei on eenaon hip and voto of credit phere rental ???! perso . ? ital : attacks, Morlej ? ? n iis.inahle r forms. ? mind rocjnii ? . and ?" ?' atlutary, at]ledally when tin ? ? . : : \ e cost of th< : I 00 ? yr.r affoi " . . ? ? ' . ?,. reeon : 1er # '. n FALL WV?H CLOTH MARKET QUIE1 . . ? ? .; . k l rie i Rule Lower. . r ? ?? tlon . . :? .;'. et . ? ai .urer II air out . - ? ? ? ? dium ?? ..... : I ' . . . : ? . ?? ' TBI ? i UTO B1 : BTl i OMPA> ? . . ? ?. - Centra ..II. - N 1 rtUe ? ' - I LtvsVerS k. 171 iX.'.a BTtMiti Ut| ? -tor ... Tr" ( ' The I ut Loan and Trust Company ? ,16,18,20 22 rVilliam Street - h offl -, 475 . th Avenue ?? ' '?'?-'?R0' BEBLIH, 50 Unter ka Liada-, V. W, 7 .-. ; ? Letters of Cr t, Foreign Excnang-, Administra or Guardian ?>7<;< ; ..Cl, ANGE ?OR THE WEEK . ' ,106 in 1 ? i ...... ? rf nil SterkS .- liighc??', lov ? I I ' ? t. k .?,'7 ... III'.,Ill,'.'??.'. ? ? ? . ? . ..--? im ? M ? - I '. ? '?a - ' I " 4', IM ' . ' 'a ? < a . - - II 111 I ? - - . . . .:. > ? a ? . ? ' . * a ' ? : ? . ? i . ?' ? : - - ? '? ? '? II r^nsMssss . ? liti 1.1 ? I ? ? '. t.ttt IB ?i-u-_rT*-..1 'tin ??'s?! 111. ? i UN V. Profes? [en and Women ?:. be relieved cf the v ;': ?' !i* '-'?' | their prop-rty by : efficient service this Companj h this car. be don? toi nsult rejjerrj! - and '?.he A c ,* of our aervice booklet icill l.e mailed on r.-quett l\.e?r'poiitan Trust Company of tilt City of New York George C. Ven Tuy' Jr., Prcsid ?.*?,? 49 Wall Street Meraatinal uT.p Company Reorganiratioi ment on \ eating i're.'erred Sua I'll'?.'. . r < ? imb ? ; r i?: ? ompaaj B<a?a?___u """?I * ? at tli P'.an ? u~~ t? ? mT ?i? Ww_ hi aauZj ?VI . s-i? I Mill ;; 17, isis ?n? _. ? ?.- ?r I tl _? '??-??;???.. .iat./i ? f ?.'J; I at th? ff.e? i?f Ciin-nnr? T kork I ?? ; . ??2? > i ? to r\jm ? . loWii, I rillHir.s H lAMV, Hi-lrmaa. J I t\ Is I < I UWE, THON XI I! I. \N??ITT. I., r ii M.i.iv 0_OBO_ 0 H'MtT, PCI'.? V JA? 1??.??S. II VVAl.Tl.i: I l-.K.H. ;i J ?ii i.A.Miv Mi.uir_, ?LUM T. U l>T. Jolut !iuor(a_l_ul<M IRTIIi'R H HATCHER, f--r?t?rr. no : ? it'Aft.a?- . ? -'-V Of NEW TCsnK, D?p?r.t_rr. AMERICAN WOOLEN COMPANY Proponed 2 '? r front New Jersey to M<uteek??eSS Stockholders of the .American Woolen Company are ! that the three months fixed in the agreement for the depo . rove and make effective the t. ?? Jersey to Ma-jsachusetts i apirea November 14, 1015. To in.suri? the success of thi* plan, you are urged to deposit your ? before that day with either the Guar? anty I Company of ?\t*w ^ ork or the Oid Colon*/ Trust Compan- ? : B?.?ton. PRED VER? wir ' : LARD, T*. WHEATON KITTR1 PHII IP S ? roN, I ! i, S'| V. I: TH \YF,R, MV. HI MPHH-U ALBERT Ii. v. HiCiIN, ? i ? ? -, ? ? laser ?rommitt?? STOCK EXCHANGE TOR Till: WEEL ! . ' < Sim? ? 4 II : I ?? a . ? : ? ? - ? I IN? I . : t ' ? ? a ' '? * ? ? ? I ' ? i ? 1 ? I . . a I )| a VI M i . , ? 4? '? 11.1:1 i.?- ina-.u mi _et . *. ' . ,., ? - . . '? ?J ' - 1\ 1 ? .'? ? . ? ' ?.1 * - - - 1 ? '? l ? ? a .1 ? I 1 - I ? 1 I ? - : -1 * 1 : ? . ?? Li||j . -'. '?> .!** . il, 2 ?? * s 11 I '. '% ? *. "I ? ? . A ?? ? Kh * ?M ?a- t m r '?? ? , ?' , ?_ ? * . V ' ". ., "**i_K_F ? * L '??i, T ? a? E ;, 8 ??' I ? ! . ? : ? . ? L ? ' * ? ., ??:?*? ! ;-? ? n , Ta? l? |*r .~ | ?va. |] ' I! ' II'?-??** CGTTON rv '?s pay HIGH DIVIDENDS Total for Last Quarter of 191 i $;, 48,417, Highetl Since Fin.' ' 'M. Pall I ? :, M-. ? . port of dividenda of the eottsa clotli ma?.'.: i for thi current qOSrtsr, the iuur'i-. ..f 1015 Ihe rop.'i' thsariag t rloua sjtaarl ? rear. Th? ? ? rats ?in? ta i tar o? 111 L ? ?ieml ' ' the? ont Four i- ?? t have i si ail | ?? ? th?' fourth qoartsr. porsl a, the , la* ' to I per i-' Mifsctariag ?'otni . rtsrly d <>f i! i"" ' ? Bad ths M? ri? ,-lared . >?' ' The ' ? ? 1? i!e elsrsd bj tl In ths Hat la $:iih,417. i' .?v. r ths I isi thia yeai . ? ? . ?? ..? rsprs ??vut???.l l>> the tl coi poi :?on-. la the hat ia |ao,a&^,oUv>. The average ,-.,r It ?.??'M.?** ?Ol^?? ?? f a ?.K ? ?"?;' *ul ' riirT?s* ?i the cof.oi ,'.i ?W '',' ?te? *n ^V'^a??*?** "l?rt?t* ' N ?ettk?*' a.,.:? ERONX Al'TER POSTAL TU***5 ^,,? ?a? llorouj?h SeekM ( !???er ( onneci.?? Manhattan l'osloffl?"?- - Fearing that money cannot * ^ taincd for a aepanue potto??* Brons Bosrd of Trade announced!^ .. fortJ?sPJ nt of pneumatic '.?!??* "^ from t!.?- 4>wer branch ?tat ?<' horou' h to *?, ..'.?? board already ha? Uf*><f|; the matter with Pottataats? St vt? ,**?*<* _? entity, out it re???*? s ?..? - ^_ . ?uld be unauccea.ful ??f {Lag i?, ?.lie lube?, which would cotias ?? ef m i Breekenridfe. ?*'??,r!,,*n1,^ii Trade and i'omni< '*?'" ? f*e ? ..terdsy: "The l'?'tc,*7 TV rnt hat hitherto itm}muM .. a t-pdaughter or ? j fin, l.ut it mu-t come to a ^ thai this is not the te-e. ^ . , ?,u. and we fesl ?*? # .'..?t? i ? ' "'?,*t0,4;,Jilr unity vl Tuv.OvH) p?rioaa tasj ?Wtkr . but it reslitet that t Ml ^^^^^H yearn atru,:gled to make The Brs?!^