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The Tigers Were Not Speedy Enough to Rush Through the Haughtor. System Comment and Gossip On Sports of the Day By HERBERT -*-***?>--_?--?m-J Y\l | met ? ? prepared for the worst in thrir football same ?with i New Haven next Satui . but bo, may it be ??ai?), arc the Tigere, Th.? Vale ah | its of a rnosl ?ii--?pi>?>;r11-.ii*?r see* eon. i? still I.? Id ?i high reaped bj I apta lr:?.t.k (Hick and hi-? men. They know v. * it- ? .. ? things .??tirn?'! t?> the depths at Now Haven. They remen.!'! an al B to 8 score of 1910, ?whi I red Daly's team, after go tsnt down beion Bi uddenlj found itself. There i? m ?. | ither miracle can be worked f?.r miracle it was thai year. But Princeton an?! Harvard do well to take nothing for granted. I he Case of Yale. Dr 11-AT brea ??' critics faster than a salt water rhe Yale i even, in my opinion, hi ten so ] ich ha ? been lacking; it is true, also, thai lint of confidence was losl through the unfoii unate oach an'! . but all this nOU 1:-. -?trfti,.- en only if the players can absorb inough i- "? . w<aekt to put the-- ch well ?Irill.-'l lean Princeton ami Harvard, It is not only ] bu1 quite prol s ?le. ? il is not overburde eld material, but otherwise there i- plenty rrhich t.. ! trongly. What mai lias- ?l?.iie man can do, pertkularl] m Shevlin ia that man. He saved the situation in 1910. He, with the he ? H nkej and others, ii quite likelj I it again. Yale'i gam? Princ toi and Harvara this yeai have not losl ?heir inters I p ???? r. Rathi r hi I ? tensil Brown Growing in Power. BKi ?.' \ .. v.! ha ?? ' y but surely growing t>> . development, caughl the Yale eleven still short won a well deserved victory, from all ac? counts, The men from Providence will now go oi to Harvard nexl Sat ? all glory in full confidence. This game arill i ? ? ? ? ? Yale and Harvard. I ?gen on Kiglit Road. PRINCETON m?-'; have to be proud of their eleven and <>f ? "Speedy" Rush has accomplished in building a powerful, balanced s bed team. Honors were divided with Harvard on Saturday, although this may be poor solace for d feat, and Percy ' aughton put a mighty strong te;'.m <n the field Victory is ....,.? ? ichors system. The Tigers are on the right PENNSYLVANIA made a great stand against Dartmouth, ? though starting without her captain, and will now aim for Cornell, which i ??? rough shot* ?ver Michigan. Pittsburgh east Washington and Jefferson in the lade before a erowd which compare?! in numbers to the th* !.. ? I!' ONLi ?- could be arranged between Cornell, Pittsburgh, Colgal . Harvard and Princeton, what thrill.-- would be enjoyed' Once More "Summer Baseball.' Till-, action of the undergraduatei of the "Big Nine" conference col? leges in the Middle Weal in expressing then,?elves against the ?'summer baseball" rule and in favor of its repeal is in striking -bntrast to the general gentiment of the undergraduates at the majority ..f the New 1 . -get On my recent rip. The tendency appeared '?. ?can stroi I : higher rather than lower standards in the ?"ii duct of intercollegiate ?porte The general approval of Yale'- stand in disqualifying five prominent athletes and resentment against Trinity's extreme stand in playing George Brickley were marked, Undergradu atea, a- g rule, are nol in sympathy with restrictions which limit or cur? tail ?hat they consider their liberty in vacation tune, but when they to face and get thinking or discussing the tendency it upward. Amateur Question loo Broad. UNKORT1 NATELY for all wrieerned, the amateur question is to?. broad. There U ;? disposition to make light of some ease, end over* emphasi e other . Selfishness, prejudice or indilference are too .ft.-i behind this case or that. What is lij-ht for one ii wrong for an? other; wha1 i fail under on< condition i? unfair under anothev; one side harp upoi hypocri y and deceit and the other on purity of purpose. I h? r? i- just ?me waj to bring about a general settiement one clear, ? rule oi, eligibility which could l?e framed by the National Col Vthletic Association and adopted by such colleges a- cared t?. lake part m intercollegiate contest until ?ach other. Money al?.lie is the dividing line between the amateur and the professional. There ?'an be no distinction between th? Twm City League, a feeding ground for college players in tin summer, and the New England League, simply because the la'ti-r i?? m organised baseball and the former i not. \ Question ol Degree So MANY letters have corns t?? my ?i.--!? asking why th?- George Bricl roe oi any differenl than a hundred and I thai it i? impossible t>> answer all. of com ??..:? I take .-loo a month for playing baseball openly than it i- for taking $10X1 foi .... ping ? '.<? a chair, or winning a mock ?MM of billiards or pool m playing baseball surreptitiously. It i- quite g| ; .? d '?' violate the pint as ?1 II to violate the letter of a rule. \ college man prostitutes hi.- athletic ability quite as brazenly b) accepting the position a- counaelloi at a -1,'niner camp because of his standing in :p.?rt- as suniy a- th- ont plays m organized baseball. It is unly a question ".' degree; it is only a question <>f what can be tolerated and .?? hat ? a : not. Some Rule* loo Drastic. THERE are rs itiv? .????;. community, whether ??parta, social, civic not, G stavui T. Kirby, onetime pieel.? ' sur At! I loi -a radical on t1'?- ques tion ef amateui standing, and 1 back of the New York University' actioi CS ? f the gam?? with Trinity. It ?ink.-- me that the rule on win. h he based bi gry and far too drastic Th. question, tant a- it is. could better be handled without the breaking ??!' centrad ? iption of athletic friendships. and the dang? i ..f unfair discrimination. Rule* are Important, rulei are -. ? -?try fee the propei ? ... sports; but these rulei should be framed in a ? . , .. ... working an is- . hard ship and v. ? I except College sport? can he kept reason* *bl>' cl,i,! ? -r ?'an !-? an.I i? being t" a large extent eonl "Simn' aU" ?an be stopped when DttdergraduaU sentira? t***n properly nsouldcd through edueational measures along these hue?. The tiass iv ceeaiag, too. M ich bas bese accomplished in the last four weeks. Where Brown Dr.iws Line Jl MING by letters received a number of Brown men feel that the following words written in U raimase worked an injustice: -Brown _ '''"' ? '?'""'^ ' ? the undergraduatei absolute freedom and baaii eligibiltt) for it- athletic fairs purely oi ******* ' ;' .... ma-much a- Brown _?*" f,r,,,"ili' ,?' ? ?"? bavi played on an) team in organii d baaabalL No rt ....,.- bajgball" apart from this, hut Bl? Wl B feel tha* I . ., . , -? JJ '? correct what D_a* , w.? though, from my point ef visa ts? ?difference. TI he aside.), heure van The ,.>?..? ents al Ehrown are as itriel as at ar.y eollagl in the tuur.try, and the rulas laid dSWn art enforced to tie letter. CALLS FOR AID IN SETTLING THE AMATEURSTATUS I. C. A. A. A. A. Would Set Down Rules for Han? dling Problem. . ?, \. \ ?, with th? i ; men a tern pet! in (he ... . ? ]??... ; lie. the ? ? ? . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ' ; i -i .; ? ..i ..... . ? ? . . ? ? ' . rnh oni rbai from litioi ' r ;i vi n i? ? ; ? organl wl si ? xsmple : ild th? I?ma1 ir ?.( etii Vi ion \ \ \ \ leur I ? ' ., erst m' had be? :. .? pro? !?... ? ' Golf a ? . ? to I petil ..r bad in . n s prof? . . ? ?. 01 .. profei Ira What diatinetioa, if any, ? i ? m hm athletic esei .?i receiving remunerstio ?? ?? rend? . ervic? ? ? .. '"r ?it .'i playground oi n i', ni tli?' like . I say, thou i ompetition ?"i ? g for money or si* ? ?."11 for II: ? ? ? ..i. period of a iniverait] when ?!?'in' m pel foi med ??? It" m? orgsi ::. ?r y tpoli '"?. n though .t !.. that auch orga ? of bul inch ha. foi example, ? ? ? haa eligi? permittini on by . Ahi.uld or should i."- .? ?ont i'"'. ' othei iporti continue to conaidsi ai amsteurt thote ?vim have Ihn peted "? 'ii oi age ? I | HAHN WINS*COAST LAWN TENNIS TITLE [?cats Conqueror of Johnston After F our Slashing Sets. San Franc eo, Not ! H Vai i>yV ? Johns. wh<> defested ?.Villain .1..!, the ionsl ehsmpion, in thi ? i.a "?" the Psciflc ? osai tennia chsm hip, which it being p win hii ? ii ? ? ' ' i ! '. ?? I hi day by Herbert lian. ''. l. ?'. I. '?'. ?.. ?; I. itnpioi I'nivcr-it '. man. lonf* recoffl : plsyer. lira. Hazel Hot? I I .. . ' . l..i'M. ..' \ Iyer*, Pai I Expo ? A a irpi,.? to da) '* pli defest of M.aa M tional somsn't .lian:; ion, - . Bmpion. m the : i -' iound of the nix? by Helen Bskei snd Roland R? b? ?? LOW AND CORDIER WIN AT SQUASH Bull Has a Hard Struggle u ith Keeler on Courts of Columbia Club. I. ii Loa . ? a' -.?'i of I ? ? \ i ? ? . ? ?.'? it rook ?) ? ? ' tournsi i N!. en .i Yale Club, '..,. -;,. . .]?, .,, \ the Columbia I i \ ;.r.l \i Putnam, of th? i . ? . f of J '?? Kn??l? ?? mitt thsl ? th? ? hslf of teven mst r? t,t ? , ... ; .... ? ? I di from Fi etei . ? 21. 21 15. 21 H theii ? . ?? . ? ? " >nd In Ih? ? - i. tire, and I I ? . ? title ist L W. Rid Pi ? ?. ton, . i.ent . i ' , ' i K ? ? ? . ? ? ' ' . ? . i H ' II !.. 1. ? I ... When a relict Needs a Friend : B* mX0GS Travers Off to Winning Start in Fourball Match With Hunter as Partner .?'.?? iti Marslon and Low in a Lively Contec! on - sex Club Links. it flying I rat. i ? ? pen i ntry < ? ,'. 1 ' won ill?- mat? The end o t? I Hunt " ' ? an.! Low' tarting with t ?? f t ?? r ? ? ? I at rat attei ? to gel . '. ? ill.. .-, ' ton " l'i recorde I tenth, bal 1 im? ei i'i !"?' ? r ? kept the op ig !?..> rjangi ro I - until the eighteenth ? wsa Travers who ? ?. -i give hi i aida a ? tl ' einl of the ed a? if Travera and Hunter the match wh n ?i: B fine so thin a fea feel of the ptn . . i .1 ?ng hunker, v. '. ? a inur on the long fourth, i. il I "?? ' , three i i ? ? ? r r:.* - I ? ? u II made oni approach on the for hit aide, aftee ? th, snd thla up',! ?vhn.i d Hunter wsat ?vide ?>f Thll ?he ??iari?in w.v? I to two ? for rravera an'1 ,'.. Hnlahsd s'a thai the home ? ? . Huntei made ?? . < ? 4 I ? ? ? ? I ? ? I I ? ? ( I ? l < ' .?'.?. Kill \|> ?' I ? I 5 ft?M II I || 7 ? ? ? ? 143 ' ? ? ? ? ? ? ? l in SPOTTS TO FORE IN CLUB SHOOT Former Champion (Capt? ures Scratch Trophy? Berner Also Wins. g, L. Spott*?, a former national champion, ?lid the best work in the areek*end shoet of the Maw York Aih Club yesterday, ?le took the lerateh trophy with a total if 93 out of I possible 100 day pigeon?, lioiir^" ?l. Corbett, chairman at the shooting eommittee, end w*. H. Yu!<?, who -ii I l on Saturday, were bis Beeren com petiters. Both returned cards f M ImI led. lue race for the high handicap pr:,7.?? ."mied in h tie between ('. W. Herncr and K. M. Leeatelll. Hoth had in .1? of 100 target* The shoot-off at '_?'. target? weal tu the former gunner b h ?core af -'t i" 23. '?. J. (orbett eras e Me Bg te the leaders, ?nifhin-j thirl u it h a car? I ?if '.''.*. The regular 44eek-en?l program?r? staiteil yesterday. In addition to th' -??latch and handicap ?hoots, ther? ?? i i .? prize- ulTeri'?! for each s!rinf? ??! irgeta. The Ural string wa-< fai the Haslin Cup? 11 was taken by ? . .1 Stein with a straight ser- of -5 idiip rocks. Then earns the tourna* . '?p ihat eaded srith ?i\- ,*'iii .ei ? tied for the (1rs! leg. They ?rere fl i:. Williamsoa, Q. H. Martin, <l. ?I ? orbett, I? s MeMahea, C. W. Berner and i onrsd Stela. All received a leg . on the cup. TO T.?Y UNGLI! I HORSES AT BOWIE I.? w isohn Strl ig in I '..if ?? o! Joh i Whala-i for Fall Me ; Ba ' \- I ? r. tui . . I t r. ' ' ? ' H i.., ' ? ' ? ' ? ' : ' ..i the 1 ' ? ? i ? ? ' ' ' ? I ;?.i a i Yearlings from France To Go Under the Hammer Royally :lre? Baby Racers From Mackay Stud To Be So!d in the Garden Next Month. ?! Macka* ? ? - i snd ? ded to t of h Ir -nch I i .? ? ' ? : ? . ? tioi ? ' " ' York ' ' ?aunt ? ' ' that will l-l . ? ?' 1 rsaeh, Cng* j.,11.1 ? ? Sand, i trock, Rock View feai olda ferrad l . ? ? ? ? i ' ra Mr. ,. ..! ? ? ? ! . ? ' ? ? _ A.J 0?| ?ho 1st? Charlea Kehlsr. Sasdndgs, . int, Gingal and PkaeBix srs Ebbt* ind Ftench ?tsllion of high srtn 'l ' n- sad ci ? d tab ? d rscord i. iriminating judgst of bedding ? ? at pronounce their yearling repraaentative youngaten of quslity, rid pi .' they will attract the of American buyers. Ths ea? st Mr. Macka] U) asll tl ass year ?? ?? - eount i?> i oni of the bsae Acial rosultl of the war to ths Ameri? can thoroughbred breeding Industry, for if I mi war in Rurops a ? msrkst for them ??"'.iM l ?? found ; brosd Most of the ma:' repW ? ?.'. .1 in thi ?.ilk. Lut teversl ?>f thoss of for? eign hi?". I. at Isast bava had racing in thia country. One ?f th? foraign mar? - I - as Issa a ihsd Btatros than Ballantrae, brad t.. Meddler at Mr. Mackay't King ton Stud, in Kentucky, produced ?. ? footsd Mi'iliHMt, ?.?fansr al ? ? i Hay of" the Graal 1 II indicsp of lOOi Jtswsrds1 <'uj> at Gosdwssd. ??untiro, ths grsatSSl mar?- Ha-it in,:". Bl tS 'I.?- ran- , w ? nt itt?, th?' ?th a Matrass I ?tas sad ? Ma? il Handicap t?. ner ?? r<?.lit She ?a.? from ti,.- royal :? ti?-?l English mar?? Royal Gva. Trigger, ths dam sf Baa* n ? 11? - ? aad ol i.> i ? i ? wst ? 11 "f Royal Gaa'a daraghtsra. Flacarlias, ? Aral rat.? raes maro in lor tints, ??a* a ?laii"ht.-r ?>f 8t Florian Carline snd the dam "f Mastsr !:<>i> .n. eonqueror sf Fsii Play 'r? ths B I i'.irk autumn weight ( >r BgS rac Kaiiinrii. a Isughtsr ?f Caa Balakla*. t I bssn s ttsrling ? ' I icei t??r ?>".era ??*> on . a.? havi also B?UTiks*a*Lifht umi MIm Dia. Yale Hopes On, Despite Defeat by Brown Eleven BROWN LENIENT WITH ATHLETE! ?Summer Baseball Meet Approval, Says Col? lege Paiper. Trovidence, Nov. 7 T'r.? wide Intel cut called f'.r'ii by the suspension r ].e (lore at Ya!e, the dispute BVS ?.?' George Briekley, ? ' l I rinity eleven, id te , rliglhi! ity ' perm its summer 1 ? . i Brown l 'nivtraity nth ? rhe sent r all Brown ne ed ii ? ? ? ' ' ?? i "!?;i y Herald" Browi ? ? has been brc ight -.? on result of an o never be ? ?reed. "'1 ? ? aid" assert land on th ? ageou i step in s which other colleges and univ? are tryi; g '?. n lintalB. i .... ? -?rd? th?.* th gradual ither onirersities are a', present a vain at 'iinn*. to maint ? ire in f s I ths Bra 11 loin, ;?n.l are ling I I , step a! their oa n - In ?.peaking of the summer be problem, a;-, slamnu? of Hr day: "A ulea seem?? to | ?1 :.? Broa n ba its the ? ??????? mg. further from tl Broa baseb imm? with . Wl organised ball or la si ? uri.i/.- I prof? "Up ??? within s few ? . the presei ? ? van!. Yale and other New ! I in 1904 pra ' : baseball el ib wa i d of ? ? ? new rule, and bi ?pring of 1914, on?. i -, and one of the m? ? tionalism. "r I - a matter of Inter? I I it sine idoption of the [ ; I ? Broa .-i. and pea avaslon and 1 sit an? falsehood? which every college mai hint'.i are being praclised." a FOOTBALL VICTORY PLEASES COLUMBIA Loss of Dal Cochrane. However Will Weaken Eleven. ??mhia wa? jabl ter lay a the victory over the Connecticut \. gie? on Saturday, despite the fact! It en-' ? an I White ti i vices of I>al Cochrane, the on the ?.?iua,i and a brilliai ? back. II.' most pleasing feature of the '" tter d? nf the forward line. .- to have discarded, to lome ex? tent at lee ' . foi th?? line, inst? for the attach to form and char. right in and smashed ,-t "... I the hacks. Amp given by the fact that the \. . able 'o make only OBB Aral dOWB b] straight rushinir tac.ics. Bealef was badly missed st tackle for Donaldson, who played the r for him. was alow and never seei get into the play until the lased < aptain Simonis in hll two game? with trresit br h - res are hi ? eoolni ? h is de!, nsii.' work, ll.- is poor rj ing the ball, for tl reason 1 ?lowly and fail lags. When Met ilf gel ? regu? lars in the baekfleld ag i.e aurpriaiag te ?es Slmondi n the line. FISH ROUNDS UP ALL-STAR ELEVEN former football Stars to Play Rutgers at Polo Grounds. Hamilton Fish, Harvard's former captain and All-America tackle, was th?. bui ?-st man OB the s:.!.'! Ine s at 'H* llarvanl Princeton game on Bal rounding up former football players for his all-star eleven, whieh will play Foster Saaford's big Rutgers ' i ?it? team al the Pol ? Ground? oi B ? urday afternoon, While the Crimson undergrad ..ttes were doing thru ?lance after the vic'ory. Fish BOB? I that he had corralled about \^]t>, Princeton mul Harvard veterans fr??m which he expected to pick ? tha* will beat Ratgera handily. The players wo ',, have Biet giah at Bill Bream's jhvaleal eulture farm at Harrison on-llu?ison yesterday, and remain there all week for tram signal practice. Some of !he tin ? expect? to have in his line-?;; Charles Briekley, the famous dr?n kicker; Iloliey Maker, Prine.'oil's e\ captain and brilliant open Bold i i Tack Harda ek, la it ?? eai 'a A einl from Harvard; Crawford Bis former Harvard tackle; Vie _< Harvard fullback whoa? drop ?ink beat "i ale, sad ? reral former iale Including Steve Philbin, halfback \ Howe, quarterback, and John h nek, who le rate?! with Hiakej Sherlia as one of the best e.-i-r repreaeated Yale TIGERS TAKE REST AT ATLANTIC CITY .Members of Squad in Good Con? dition FollOW.Bg Harvard (iatr.?-. ... r ?.-. Prii toa. IS u . N?.? " -i members of the Pi . for Atlantic City immediately after the 1 Thev will most | real od all a I retas n i?."i. a ;!h the exception ol Highley and I ?? i irton, who re? n m Sai ! ? ?it for the nan ?rsi a game sud? ?.. all the ?!" ? in exc.'ll. el physical .-' ? red a f? w m-.nor in [urii - ?' nill be bach ia the line an i>\ 1 ? ? ? ,.i -r n\ -,. I . .-'it 7>ractiee \4 || t. held ob Moi on a? ... ., ; the men " th student body feel ? k.i dis?, i. eau ia of Hir. iher? log as deep gloom in I ?inee feeling of confidence la ths pou i ? .... . i,!??tl. Undergraduates FeelNew Coaching Regime Has Not Had fair Test. SCOWL MAY BE OUT OF PRINCETON GAME fullback Has Broken Thumb Work of "Back" Church Wins Praise of ( -aches. Ytle V' < ?'? uns, <'??""?? to-nor '??? Basa, f coach? their .Att ? litfsa a? -t ttx\ ? ' ? * I? ; >'im? wi, '?'lb:.. ' ? '? be per . NdaahB ? l'en m I the m. * ' eja> -. i?. :,?? ? ? laara aai Bell ?*:; ? .. ' rr.irht re ?'?:??: ' ? l? ??' ' . ' hs i? : ? ' M f'.rif ? hu IE ? the n ? ttta. | td t MB .mb slSt r?iri - :? oettrtti ha? ?r?..? ' 1m? i-i Scovil i ??j ?kit irytt?? ikta ir? ? ? ? rht n?*. I ?r.r* ?* i vfore am ? been rivsl ? ' - It bat ban 7-?>?J'? ?jperier ?its' I'M be plttt - tt fall *> ?7*i In dtt Jsfht- Oe, ltirii?!::." v ?ttltfti ???Tidtrv ?h? ?trowa | ft ?? 'b f?*??*?l ' ;,SoOt 'tis Hint bti :h this i*? ? Watet'1 ? iltt ?I '?" ' etettiU Sktld**. ' be it th? ne. I ? act ? ? ?:" '-; slightly, 'tillar Saturday an?l probaMv ? plsitfeM ???.tied. h??( over, o .- ? ? ' ?h tel H ?? ('hurch n?;.. McGrath, ? In tk? frer man Hi be ?et'.tre elijrib!? thla w< ? Hit? w^1' a num'oer of the eoachoi will work ?It; the for?.?- irds t ? ' * defeaat.11 is plai re ??.tentita ? . :? to asja* make test *:tf?"t . va traed?** Harvard ?????? ? '??rdt* ?' ftbatw nr I ? qua! A Minor ?League Elects President Evam " ?? m-J??? tor "f t ?.*tn?l wo ''??US? 1 \tm< '" i ??V of the < S? club ?.'* ' ? ??*t*. ?, of re? to ? **"!: ' r,prj5 Civet from Y u ? ??* V*2, :*j p?*? i ?* The - rema? J chnnK?": ?V?S the ?]**"? ? When ordering $*y* urms GUINNESS! ; lost piare?, serve it exclusively Bottled by-c.?J.SURKE] Billiards *?" - T Bo* Prices i .'? _mt ??PAIRS B. ?XPERI ? ?<V. II.. Ilrunae I aZflO* ,. ....???I l. lu?.u -+mv+