Newspaper Page Text
RUSSIANS FORCE ENEMY FARTHER FROM THE DVINA p^ Germans Back from Oh. i. Southwest of Riga. Si ( OND 1-INK TRENCH. S M DVINSK PIERCE m^ i;ar'> Troops B a. Ofl Foor | ? ' \".,i ks .It it Swentoa ? ? ? ? ! reach the ? ' ' ? from I ? ? ? ? I fon ? A ? ' I ' ' ' the < from n ?'f ' in cavalry -, ' ? ' rth, where ' S. out ? I the left ? ? ? fully. a^aaHa^^Ha.'.'HL'^HH^hf' the " K ? ' ? OLD BLACK WATCH NEARLY WIPED OUT Brigades Mowed Down ?n Battl of I ?i?"?. W ht re " lohnny" Po v .'? Killed. ? ? : : ? ? ? ' - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ' lip !:? BRINGS REPORT ON RELIEF Mrv Whitae*, Warren ? Ils foi v ?i . Ifter I ??.ir <d i ras ? ? 1er, ited worksl ' . ? ich i h?. i ' CURTAIN OF FIR] CHICKS GERMAI Attacks Between Som and Oise Halted by French Cannon? JOFFRE'S MEN WIN POSTS AT ANDECI I i. in it duns Active in Bt I: i German teros Drop Boml Near Dunkirk. i..... ? ? . ' ? curt Bi \ cap? ? . '. ...h poal ? ? ? I pi ... ', ? , to nil. Tl I;, i ting ? ?? .. Vrtoii \ i"i-.' ? lie I ? ? ? ii the . ? ? Gen . ? ? ? ? . ' OFFICIAI ? Betw? , . i ? ?.. i ? ? i ?? es * ? *,'. ? ? ? ' ' . ..... .. .?? : ' ? '? ? , I in Belgian ' line In Ari ims nni ' i ". and ' ?? d ? ? ? ???.! and and m the neighboi I . si ?lil! 235 the Ar* i nan tsp, n JAMAICA PREPARES TROOPS Will Seed Big < <>ntin??cnt !.. 1' In ?.newer t.? Kine**a ?npsal. i . 6 to the Kit I ? i the ? ? _ ????"? ^^Tniinn.iTi? "?Tara-, THE SUPERIOR SERVICE OF THE NEW JERSEY CENTRAL To PHILADELPHIA combines with it'? new all steel equipment, its splendid roadbed and dependable regu larity o? operation, a delightfully pu tut esque scenic panorama al o dining i ,.r and general train facilities o? exceptional excel ence. Il \?>u do not know tin*, b) experience Try This Route Next Time! J YOUR WATCH IS YOUR TIME TABLE FOR Every hour en the Hour I as! I rains I? sv< ! ?I i rtj Si froi 7 A M t.. 10 p. \! 44,,:.,I .... s \ M. t.. li P. \l. .v. dayi Mid nigh! train ?1 ? -? d* 10 P. M I i aei \\ 'j.'iil Si 10 mil : ?" ?H trains. Superior ?dining t'ar ? rviii .it dining liuurs. ARMS PLENTIFUI SAYSMLERA? I \ Minister Defends I Conducl of Muni? tions Plants. SUPPLIES RAISED MEET ALL NEEI Medical and Siin?ical Requl ments Increased Seventeen l old Since War Began. ?? ? . '.' War /;. . '. ? ? ? ? ttacka i ' ) ? ? ? . ? ? ... ? ? ? many bi ? ? . ? I I " ?? r .mil ' ' ? then jut v. . . ? ? '..?... i each ?I i. but o i . ? ter; thai ? ?? "in Helped Maanfa? ? nur-. ? ndusti ? ? : eld of a ? ? of the d fire eos I oi ?'? ii ''h e let '?'? ? ? i '? ,. -, ? i ? . ,: ? ' ? ? ' and ' 1 tell 11 . ddr? l ? I ?.->? of Germany. tfl ibably th< ? ritioi thing in war ? "\\ ? re in 1 ? ?v a ? bl*ok< OUt," . ? I . ii tel : ?A It II .. ' ? im ? ? ? ? .... ? ? tsl sup . p i ? ? rhsse ted, aiul ? ? . ? I |tr ? ' ? ? ' " ' ? t ? I to whe ? ?? ' ' \v. . D| ting i ? ? ? ? - ? B * "I I ? ' ? I . ? . ? ? .?? ? set H Re??! and ! :;?'. , re* Jesse i imchWUliams's Back to the Town; or The 1 ??? H N I - i ?,?>-. \ ., . ttm ? >.-/ ? , 'S I ? - ?* 1 ! 1 a Ihe *> ' November __?_ Scribner ?. ... . ? . ? ..... res. ? ? pel ? . ? ? . ' r li r> ? ranks. might v,-..ii men n:\<\ to b? bi bach ? ? ? ? ? ? ? in th? at mj ? ? : they will ,. ? tnd i i injuri? ? ? ? ? made ? i ? ? ! a ter whi? then th? lera i ? ' i ;. of V. . i io s. ? ?.-. ' ? lowe I ' a! th . 11 w i ! I i ? ? : FRENCH REPULSE BULGAR ATTACK ? f..i jmaoa I I n ? ports. _AN OFFIl '? The foil? ring led in i ? \ have driv? . ? ?>' hack from Gri Hei rht (eig ? I Slatina, ii he tvesl Vail? On b ? . tt Krali? ' ? rhting ?., -? ? ? R \ tro-Hungarii i captured railroad, thirtj '. ih). , ?? , ; . 'i.ii ;?i Serbi in ? * Kngli h | munil d a larga quantity of war ? BI LGARIAN OFFICIAL \,i , ? itement iaaa? 8ol ing the "i" ratioi tlong ? the defeat ? ' the G? ? '?' ' . ? ? ' ? ? ? The . fol " ? i tustn ' In ? '? ' ! * tured 1 ? . ' ? 1 ?? -. ? ? ? ? ? - - aSaks & Company I'.r.'.i.l'.v.?y ,?t Mtli Strcrt. "Phone Grcelcy 2626 Announce, beginning today, an important Sale of 1200 Pure Silk SHIRTS for Men ai $?.65 each /'?? /?// high-grade s?ks, with satin siripi* of various colon on ichih grounds,or till white with satin ttripeo of various widths tailored carefully and skilfully by one of the best makers of men s shirts. Buill not only for appearance, but for SERVICE. Superior to any Shirts of which wo know, available at the price. ?'anicular attention is directed to these special Offerintfs In the Luggage Shop 1 l t for Men and Wewten't Fitted Sail Cases, White Women, at.. . $4.75 Persian Iverg Fittingt . $15.00 Men't Fitted Travel Bags, Fittingt of ' ' r,i<" ''' ' *? n"" Ebons.:.... $20.00 " "'"' "? "' . $4.95 Hartmann Wardrobe Trunk, at $32.?50 '' ??'?'? ' ?/ Begs, White Drets Tranks, two traps, alt sises, ai $10.00 Fittingt . $11.50 Street? Tranks, all sises, at. $9.00 ?.LUES TRICKED BY BULGAR Ministers Deceived Words While Armies Wt Preparing for War. I; GORDON-GORDON SMITH hour . ? ? ?? po~en I th? 4V : eonsp ? ? Th? ?.'.!:? red? ? tare in : ituat on is that to I ? :ul the sai .... ? German*1 .?.:;? Isriiil? ' : ? ? ? B ' . i (in mi I do i ? ? ' ..i infoi n m ins-'. ?.? o? mind of th? I Ei ten! powers, were not . "man ... ,'Y ..! V !? of the peoples with erer groe ich has ii"-.?- ?.'i? the bands of i risible Balk ? ? and 1 of th? ?.???? i . befoi l ? ? ? ? ? her tei to Serb i. ? .-s Athei i roug I I :,ir: pre 1 l ? ? - ? ' : ? ? . . ,. ? ; da) I-?; thai ? -i ig? ? .m ,. I. agen throughout I it? ' ihe rnii Quadi uni ?'?' ?real on n? ? ??. ernmen ,, ?? . i - .... ? the Alii? -, th? Balkan ? f thai ilivui?. It m. ? . Me min privatel; ettii but ? \ ? * - ? ? . ? A i -. . ? ?.f th? s. th? ? ? tfl nui. ? ? ? A PETROGRAD DRUGGISTS FIND COLOGNE DEMAND Hi?-: Saii-s After Enforcement ?f Ant: Liqnor Decree. i. ?. ? . t ,i City i' ?. f< ? . ? ! dru;; ston j in " ....-.- ,.,? tu^ ai 216,.I gallon ici the antl llquoi :,' the beginn ng ' th? tome of thia ,ii -.'?i i bal ? i iainly eon- ... to | "'soils \4 th? -?? alcoholic pi ?' Furtl ? tated, thi drugg ? tl? of sun . ? has been i rid mi s.r? snsi!lc -???? I-. roe ii .1 leav? if or ? irrp'.y doctored up with aailia? imrr ? tore 1 rade, in tat Fried oa ? to the pan os? ? ? ,?, i B ? bj th? i It) Council. eater proportions than tl !.. drug preparation? has pe. . ?? of denatured il? ahol .. i a h in of ?'.? natal alcohol ii to a palatab I if n>! a whol ? .??? foi vodka l_s ta llj i..i i. itriel v? neesarss ASSERT LUSrTAKlA WAS LEGALLY SUN! Twenty-one German Law E' perts Agite Submarine Cap tain's Act Was Juslitied. Brealaa, ' hrt. BO. Op i twenty-one of th? noel prominent Go - ..- tiei mi internatloaal la ? , ? i, .,. . ion, on the t?;."il gueationa involved -. iv of th? Lusitanla, hav?. h<?< published in a volume ;?nd hailed a-- tl ?I rrun opinion. In ?li langoage, hut arith iinaaimit th? autiiorities agree that tl.? I ?" ? ibmarin? w.-i? Justified, \ ', pre . ntal It? at all, I;"' ' ?ad !.-i ta for puhlnat.o and approving eomment th? '?;>?i "i. i .r Max F'.e.-i'iimiiiin. ?.f th h.ig i arg, si 'I bj from i he opinion of Dr. Km ' Strupp, of i> inkfori os 4h? Man.. Dr. Btrupp quot? ? from satral order W.,. ,,. i ng, iaaaed, reap? ? ? i eutenaal Allan, of th? Am .?:i,p ArgUS, and to Captain Stewart, th 1 . >f the advanl ig? o i ibi i tacking tl.nan ? . ? eond dir? el ng th? i si . hen ' i'<?' e . ? an) 11 ? ? ?ir being resetted while on I ?? i port i | ? ? "i" eannot be t-presaed more clearly. Dr. Strupp, "that th? North ' i? "i government oi 1er? th? deetructio of enemy ?hip? when they cannot b< safely brought te a friendly port." Dr. stmpp then ?ska th? queatioi ... - the duty of ?? ?rar ?esas i'.,. thi passenger? and crow of a ng in doing so tha ng mal lav a;> ply to anl H toba regarded m suspended whei ?;.. ..r . von when ?en ? The commander of h v?ase!, h?? ?ays ? neigh !he cireur?.-lani'i's-, aid '!?' in the Luaitaaia ca?.\ and decide? I did exist ior hii before i giant vassal ??t ight at any time 1.1*1, h * ai '. ?rhieh probably han cao? va t.i.sirii, aad perhapi ? laiiliai lor, eoatiaaea I'r. Strupp, ?lid BOt lukT? te ?rail until i?." !n asee the ? ? ? ruei ..i' of th? Lneitai ?? rae jos) i....I. h? w.i- ii :? . .i aeceaeity te take i ? ...| ?if tl pre ? i ???? of sea combat? ? f i.? itral.s. Th? Amaricen contention that th? eommaader sboald has*? varead tbs Lusit? ? Hr. Strupp character!/. * H rioOl " In Nuppor* ,.f l I t.on lie ?gain quote? from Arne? , precedent. an?l reproduce* m or der of Secretary of state Bayand of ? : ??-. re?.i,njr: "It is th? duty of foreigaan 11 vttb* id risks, aad ft ? .? _? io, ..i if -t .. roluntai '?. .?>. risk, they rnu' t take . ? rices." The anther ??No doaie? that a? ? datai ild be paid fei ? i ? ;. lost ?..-i th? Lasitania - _ _ CHURCHMEN IN THE RANKS Vatican Kepa.rt? 60,000 IcdSSSaatlcB rinhtin. for ilalv. Home, ',, :'?..'.?. ? th? *". a!, re l'" tha' '?' ? etti, Papal D ag .?? ta sv4 itaer ? i i met Prtne? v.n Boelon. es Germ?n i haacellor, to discus? p?.ac? i.. ?a lapplemaatad in i?rtera ?rita the -?ta" ? ? -? rag ?rti lead ta mialead tha ? eoacerniaa the real attitad? of th? Hol) Bee, which leaToa th? ?pisco ? ?i.'V of each l.eill?*. r.nt s fr??- '?> amaifeet their gl I his course ha* ? deh followed la Italy that .-? ea are nerving- in the I ... 1', ?a the other hartti, n ?b . iv neutral. lie ?idea wit* neither Saks ?venini? T Clothes I )lt *?s '_? : 11 ' i i i ? lit* !i;.\ <? neither color nor ?\ tremea of stj 1? to divi i i attention from Ihe mi preme consideration of draughtsmanship. ? Ami thai is a In Saki evening clothes are the best possible teal <>! our superiority in the He public o? Clot lu n a ml all its provinces. Any bod?, ?vho can baled the rays "t' distinc? tion into ili?' for m a 1 black garb of i \ ?(1111^ is an artist, and not <m artisan! And that's what we have done VVc have literalh re ci't ated m? us ? \ etiing . styles we have lifted [ tluiii oui of their im- I memorial stupidity tud breathed mw life mi?? I their lines tve ha. <? ?.<? signed a Tuxedo thai is fairly alive with festi.ity and spirit -,,?? have cut a full dress ?nil thai is as r? silicnl ?&?* .-in , ,,,. brace and we hat c sill, - faced ti ml piped the high s ?Kit s su superbly us /,? make these garmt nts in the fullest sense Evening Clothes of polish and distinction! Full Drett & Trousm $23 lo $15 Tuxedo Coat & Trousers $25 to $38 Dress Vettt, in black and white, $3.50 to $12 ?alv5 Iffnmj?at?t} Broadway at 34th Street. irreun of '?? llis*er?nta, 4 I ??rr'.r * of WSr l>> i.?>-' SVSt ? : ..he?' ', the Pontifl effort? hit d rrc 'n?:i ?re t.? .. r. v, thoul I ? RIFLES TO BF. TAKEN FROM PANAMA POLICE Cau.ecl Riots, So Only Rovtilvcrs and Batons Will It?? [\ei\. I'uianii.. Nee : t of th.- lv. , . , 'r>' mTXii '-'?? I' .nifii beseeltet ?rill ??.? srntsd ..r.:;. ?tith r?r "? gad beteea. U is ?sdintesd th ,? r. ,?? ?, con ''M'? J/'.V.- |f ?(..? 1; ;.-, ,,??,., rifll-A after protni . with tea l'?.it.ii s?.?,., ?..ti, | , ,.,_ w(10 je. ?ir?. ?o pcesaat furth.r hots in tOtWAm P??rts of Peasnte Cli Colsn, ?vh??*?' huv? brrn V.ill.d and \vcun<l?ii. I>.*armami*nt of th? Panama police i recom? ?? l b) General <.??<-.hal?. Governor of :h?- Canal Zone; UeusteJ Edwsrde, cummuiiili'r o? th?1 I'ri.trd State! fore?*? in th?- Csnsl Zon?\ and Minister Price, ?11 of ?a hum ?r? .aid to I have drclarrd in r?p??r'. t.> Wnshinr | ton that th? po'.in? ussd???aeir 11 ti ?r j on the khghlcat provjial iuii.