Newspaper Page Text
fvHCE SPENDS NIGHT IN J.4I1 and Friem Uter Their I rip. \ ORE ?_< KED HIA Felony Chan: ?si Pair and Freedom , " ? ai i asi Imppsd M ,\ a'ter '??I to ?1 *"e telephone. ,:roway ? ' tha ? n to th. . Murant ' in a fell. -???men, all ir one of th? ie cai - ? .ce th? I ? ? games oi proper)y Is ? -?.ation I i ir, vain 0 anee or carte he ? ? d It ??? here ? ?? irted. meta**?. ? : (iemnrsHe? hie fi -1- 44-ere two men in I their ? i '!mon. ? ? ?aped. ? ? '? tatloi in th.? ? I id them ng Ia1 ' :r. in a cell?" ?er. the re* ?i n Cell ; found to be out ilumi ? ',!. where :n the had come I member of I couple was . .!:ini'!aek of ? . to the Her? they r of Satur . ?i pair ? ? ? re no mark? of violence, and had mplaint ehsnged t.? one ?? ? rderly eondaet Then ha | ' Of !li.? doubt to the ?. ged !hem. .-! th?? prinre, when ??en at ' 6S Bas 1 the Prince Trou ' ? ' hot w.s i, ?ateroaa! Bah! Ihm I said I ' "? broke 1 No A th? SO I am not a man l en? constables, I*. hat happened eras thi?! 1 h.s In- h , ? ' . and i ?nil is , . ?? ? ..f towing It ?.. ????on. ???,?; tin as'.l the dc, tOI :f cell v :ih some horrible persona ?hall tc. ? ' ? | ?,;,rk ,f I . ' to Wa | ji -tort .bout the ? who were ?rith me? Not one ?aord. 1 ilo not talk about ladiei " CENTRALPURCHASE BOARD THRIFT SEEN Penny Savings Become Large on $.1.500.000 Worth of Sup. plies. Says liniere. No newly*wed irj ? ' 'or 1 s . Mayor' | K a \ ?? ..-n*n*Tii*tee c-i' n." 47; v i. , ?' pare! mora tha i ?' '. . her ? - ? of t'ne s ? arhiel ui isere. chaii i ? com ? ? I a pound v ? ' ; . for J ' a i i It wo to omit that ?at. I day? of 1914 <?"?' * l?e. r. mat duced to I f"!" ?' Yr Bmere's report rocontm" permissent hoard of eltjr ':s ? ? ' ' i ,1 by the M a-or. Th? I t.v" ricatinir and clai ? ? .-,. ?he city'i ?. in hulk foi tl I :.. -?' t make own ' gel nd ,''' allowed !" i ? nrehaaea. __? a HERE ON SECRET MISSION I'. S. Consul to Sao Paulo Tells o?, Big Trs'.de in Brasil. Opportunities for trade with South America to Maddin Summer?, ; .-!..-.- Consul to Sao ; iterday -. Vasari, on an im* ? natura of which he v *.iy. "From Rio da Jam '-." said Mr. Summers, "the opportunities for trade are really wonderful. The city of 'aulo alone has a population of By the end of thla year 12, ? .. _? of coffee, a! |9 M a sack. exported Brazil is hound to rival Argentina as a meat icing country. "There is a preat demand for steel product? an?) textile? Of all sorts. ? ; raise il 'lue lo the National City hing a branch in Brasil. It has liiik.-d th? two eon* ? to." MIKADO ENTERS ANCIENT CAPITAL Kioto Hushed ns Throng Worships Cortege in Silence. MANY AMERICANS WATCH PROCESSION i ?rst Coronation Ceremony w .1 lie Held on Wednes? day. Kioto. Japan, N -. 7. A rhurrh Ilka enrol? i sd Kioto, the ? the empire, when I' I a goi .?? teg entry ii afternoon. Ber . be hi A seen? like It wi , ncwr 44-, ? in the \\i tern ?v?.ri.l The 1 ? The ? Althou ? ter, one of the chief roe? ?1 posing s. the multitud tain r?v?rer - monarch a ? . . ? anese point of view found sxpr? the master af eer? ? the American? and other for? points in * ? brine Bnd 'he ? ? '..r pass p'rnse remo-, c ? '? ter." A {?ray day added to the so! ? of the scene ?hi ?lie palaea grout .11 di eoral ii purely Japan'-?- - Bundred . with years, atoad be ta sad th aad? c f ?leio^Htes tha societies of the Empira ? ?* the palace portal wer? d I gO r . ? ? and leai let. The eorti ? : .csi of : ? ... ; v brine, 1 I rartaini of parale, gold a'?l r ?;. the noed * .... . . . . r.' in which t! 1 i ? .. ??<?.?-?'??? reached ?h? ? ' , - I d ' ? I th? I mirror v rent 1 1 and illumina tha Amerieani in K ... 1 riarrisoi 'e of of tl ? '??-'' ? : Mr. ??.? Waltei I Mrs, W. I!. Warner and ter, Warm r Se? G W. Rl ? ? ? '. of ' . lorado; Misi If. II. H J ' : ? : 1" ...??..? York " ! a Wurs and Ml '' sic Louder, of Pittsburgh; Miss F it ence 1< \ ? ton, of Si Mrs. Jane Estes, of Cl ittan ioga? R< \ mirai and Mrs Winterhalter. Ml ore, of Waahington; Bi hop , 1 ? d Mr. ? 'bh, of Nee Mr. and Mr?. John P Altb? 1 ?? r ai d Ir. "r-, E C. Layton, of PI .'? -.-: P K .' Y'.rk. and Mr. and Mrs. 8. G. Cha] of San Franc ?*?'-'- . *\ " - ['*""' '-1**"' "k" ' ' r***.-1' .u???"?11"?".?*?' *.mma>.\,itt< mt?i.immmmij'i.'-mt^r.e'-^rvm^m, ? r il iiiiHaiiii?iB>a niiiin lir.ihiinMli- -ItSIISiaia irnis si i?isiTiI ? Are You Giving Your Best to Your Work? Can you do your best if your mind is dulled by auto inroxic.ition ? Is it any wonder that you pet "too tired to think" if all the while your blood is bathing every nerve, every brain cell, every muscle fibre with the fermented poisons and wastes of constipation ? The only way to keep your body rid of decaying ite matter permanently is by bringing about natural, regular action of the intestines. Laxatives, purges, and cathartics bring temporary rdirf?but they bring also an inevitable reaction which leaves the machinery of evacuation weaker and l c dependent upon the repetition of the stimulation. Nujol. a tasteless, colorless and odorless mineral oil, is the natural treatment for constipation. It acts by lubricating, not irritating. Physiciani everywhere are discarding the use of violent urges in favor of the mineral oil treatment which .as the endorsement of the highest medical authorities. Write for booklet, "The Rational Treatment of Constipation." If your druggist doesn t krep Nujol, we will send a pint bottle prepaid to any point in the United States on receipt of 7. c, money order or itampt? ' STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jer?ey) Bayonne _ MARGUERITE BERIZA. who ".i sing ut the Metropolitan Opera Hoi I ht fer Fraternelle des Art! ?? /S f\ "?> ?r*? ??**. va ?***?*? 7m1'TM \ ? ?? : ? ., \- : , ;_ i t>' h^^villW ?a.\J_-_a''?? fciL_ AUTOCRACY o'i.'t^r Bourne Ac? cuses Sec re?ary of As suming Powers Not His. is ir?vi ] tary of ? :?1 is the target of an t by Bonn h Publicity , for Vr? act ?r. ;n "c n trn ?ng" ; tl eaaea's law ":?? mean ?? it ?l:d not method of ??.m-'iit he declared dangeroaa. m rreitted men, rather than law, ed tha wajr for many ." r. Bourns de? ? ? ? ? > iretary to at any time : pi . . . sa might . ?'.' American citizen " ' r. 1!, urne'.-? moni b; I coneluaive ei idenea ist by ? ? : : ; .'.?.- COI ';i H'' I ?retarj Red ,,- lunption of the ? its ' ? mean ? ? from what it say?. "Bareaaeratlc .-*?? stem." "Opinior. ?? isdom of the language provision ?>f the ea* ?.v., t il there should he no dif I o ..f opinion H* !?. tin' daager of raueratic ij item ??' adminiatra - t'. enforce ? law or not, as r pi? ..?ure. The Pacifie M ipany knows, as ererr / -, that if it s' 11 f tl i Secre? tary of Connu ree t?? interpret the si? law, nr any other law, by making il 1? i-. d< ' ami uj.'in '.i,,,?., affected, ? power oi that de? nt 'o irn'i'-p-: tha law by mak lni; !i ntoga b In otilar f ? la time that the s team . ? an ?.* Bity from ' ' .:?_; ,,f Com V that '? ,-y ex upon it ad ditioaal bordeas ?t any tiaia vacill?t "?' . might dic . I)n.4e Pacta? Mal Out. "Tl,.? 1' bip t'om pany ? represa ' ? reral millions of ? -, and 4VM1 d ng a I 'ivrst ss that lieai innu . . like any oth? r ? ?: ? I of cer that will be ? Pinne . as i! vt;n [i, r do, ihe letter <-f tha ?'. have left the r? Pmeiflc Mail ? ??"! .; ?>f unear? ned before. by tl is si* ; .. exac:' ,; with. The i ?i merce ars?: ,e the ? ??r ,*. ? .inner : ? . ? ? ' tell 7: , ,,t the inter;.? tal I conditions might be Impoeed ?j? .?.-. -:;...m. "(luv? rnniii t h? law Ended " "If It . r i.f h heed of a depart? Tunpi MS I ITS Cume to ? ? I Mr. publie to-n .'ht a com law 1 ? " Mr. 1 tl it the I'inama ? I though the m ii.? ; trade and had no Paaaau bu The Secret according t I of Pi Schwerin of 'h? c-rni'imy. its ? ?ail .rs had all the ki. 1" Eng ] ?h called f??r u-id.-r th? deeertfl con tni ? - la? ?' ? be cumpan> ?- tu qu:t i . | ?' r. traetiea to ?t ? . he r?f. rs lam, nnd at a tin till pos??I that led to rnesn .??r. ! mu?t be _ : .'?r mure Lng-j lish than ia nu* u.o rula. 1 ID BABY ELEFHAflT SPARKED TO BEB Chin Chin Refused to Quit Park After Frolic with Children. Chin ' hin, the bsby elephant from ., psdroms, received such a roya! ?ne from the boys, and girls of Krooklyn end had such a (rood time Hth thi'in :n Pro.-sncct Park rday sftsrnson Uns ehe wouldn't climb h?r automobile truck baoy carrmc?' tor the rulo hume until Harr: St. Clair, who puts Chin Chin to bel ? in her ?tall every sight, had ?panked her twice. i hia ?hin is only twelve weeks old, but ??he has us much of a will of her own sa most eb?drsn have when they are twelvs years old, ?'.???1 the is able to back up her eriahea with asvsral poanda ?>? elephant When it ?.?.-.? time tu Issvs the jrset rdsy ( Chis was ltd svsf u> the truck and a broad iiicl:r.e of boards was put in placa for h.T to ?.?;< up. Sha look?J st ?t and backed away. i:..! persusded, but Chin i ...... beaitstsd. Then four m? ?i I art.t b, ?. '..l sad pashsd, bat Chin Chm just ir.:.. ? 'I sud rsfnssd to move a fmit. Pinsllf Harry tpssksd her, as the thoasaada of ebildrsn whs wer.' looking mi thrisksd srith glse. Tue bsby ?T. ?.liant tquealed ? little, an?l, ? the biad o? en apsnksd sgsin, ?a.?,i.??I up the l.....rds us meekly u any nsaghty eh lid Chin l hin was well taken carp ,'. yeaterday <?n the ttrsl Imig j<n n. y she has i;i!?iir, for the Hippodrome sis* ? trslksd bshind bsr sutomobPe to Proa peel Park. Thsy tvsnt ss tho ; .. of "The Brooklyn Daily Esgl " I?. MS and be MSB by the thuu.ian is ?.;' ebildrsn sad frown-tape who tvsnt* nl to ersteh their trick? ami to heip ? nongh money to complete th . Proapset Park Zoo bnildinga Jennie' - ' ? | , ? bia'i mother, ar??i, o? e< urse, ihs bsd to keep the baby ,n eight. The other elephants his Bo**tsa I ? ma sad ?. much better known aj "Bsby Mine." I bs] ll '?' ths Hippodrome soon af Tnifht vest?nlay morning aril ed over the Wi lismeburg l!r dg?, up Bedford Avenue sad slong ths Eaet rrn Parkway ts ths park, Through the morning they bsld B reception, and in the sfterno*?n did their tricks for the hip erowd taat waa waiting to m ? them. They formsd a pyramid and ? ?l. and dsne id other ?la ??? fives -? ! ame. : .' ? ? . : the baby to sleep, sad thsa to shov what ? food mothsr the woald bs lit ths st? ?? ?? ??.'i imeksd s mp ?. ' M. ? .1? sale Powsr si ? M ? .Ju:?a Power rode on the elophsnts1 h-ekt, ..- '.ikMi :h>? performance end???l *h-. r ridsn up and tried them to tl ? ' ??? of 'he cr'.w.l band fol n'l H me ?.' thi in Aaylsm So?t U I \ wcrj - ? l.i'e In ?he nf'?rnoon. when the ob .? i h.n Chifl h? i he. n St l?St ted that ths mu?t po bsme ' led the way Stsl of '.he ptrh ail ?? | % ? he ts march.'?J across 'h* Man Bridge hack to New York . ttls til <??l and was more enx ious to lie down In the stre-t nn! gi to ale ? ? get back to her e.m itsll Pastor Denounc-j War Sermons. Th" - ?nyder pas- , J .:? ? a 4 ! CI nr.'h, v .- sad Ben enty-l - i minister? who are if.v- ? lug up thsif prslpitt t.j d -c;?A-:on ?f ?. ?" ?r d politics and asid rhet r i - ?!?.'?. much. I>r. BssssasayMf saiii th ?t .t was wi'h deep reprit he notta ?| ?-. ? f Krw ? ? ? ? ? ? i ??> th.? ? n^re nst Gsd'e "Th? ersn ? hurch h?? slwaya put f r ? ? el, an! whin it o-?? ip ?s-y stasr nos?? - ? ?ts sa ' ? ? ! ? .,'is aerv re?." h? "wther churches ?hou'.d do the same.** I ASK for and GET HORUCK'S TH1* ?fcl?lriai MALTED.MILK or you mu> ?et a ?.uesja subaUtuta ?v? r ?vi ras umi rstas CARRANZA WANTS HB MU OR BACK Hints Thnt He'd Welcome Money Collected by U. S. at Vera Cruz. OBREGON OBJECTS TO CARROTHERS Releves Am-rican CoTisula Agen. I'artia! to Villa, Washington Hears. Tnu Th? T-"... - r in ii ' v.'? : in ton, Nor. ". A rtr n g hint '.. ! el Baal to tun. ? .Ilion dollar? he collected while in chargS of tha eastern he is? a! ; i u g ? ba occup-.v.on o: thai c l . ? night b) ? l t the ? Con* ? .. I by I .in ?if th? ci: American report, rding to th? stal ? ment of tha agency, " Mexico I it aal on a? : Unit -i Stab ? and o I W II .it i or. ? ?? I ha Depart ? red. ".\ ' i ransa agency, which tow ; ihe rank of an ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ton *' he i i no! contempln'e preaaing for ttlei ? for ??an, to ha? been luffered bi fon gnera daring tl the new gor? n lied in the matt r ? neee." Wh.le no official word hnd been re? cete? i t the te D cial dispatches 1..? i ceiv d from ? ,'? to l inst ? ? in Mi i .? , ? , of tha '? Cai rcther to Gen? eral VIH ? n of Ce rai ia this goi .si ...... ? ? ? . \ , i ? '? | : roth? '! ? The Carransistaa have lor?/ objeeti I to Mr. Carrothers, belieTing aim to bi '? la, Many In? sinnations have bees suda ea to hlj activities, and r.ow that this govern? ment has no repreoentaiTea ar the VTila earnn the Carransa leaden, ace n to reports received here, Irish Mr Car* rothers removed m far as possible from the rebel lei Mr. Carrothera wa? sent a? ?special envoy !o Y.l'a by ex-?erretary Bryan at a time whr". the administration was believed to have hich hopes that Villa would solve the Mexican problem. MIDDLE WEST PLANS A NAVAL PLATTSBURG Daniels Asked to Establish Camp on Lake Mi chican. :??:'? i. Washington, Nov. 7. A naval camp for citisena on Lake Michigan, at the Grant Lakes naval training statioa, is projected by the Illinois diviaion of the Navy League, Buaineaa and profea lional men sf I hieago, Milwa I'eoria, Davenport U7nl other M \V.?tern cities have recommended the pinri to Secretary Daniels. The camp would be kept open throughout 'he year. In the summer buaineaa ami profeaaional men from Chicago and other Middle Western cities WOOld receive a month of train injr. Dunntr the spring an?l fall young men from the college! an?l high schools would occupy the camp, an! during the winter, when shipping is closed on the luke, seamen would he trained. FEIGNIVG ILLNESS, PRISONER ESCAPES Pfcysicfai 11 ?I After r. i tsf r fr ?' ?.' ! Haeksat ick. N. J.. ' ? | - Bar* . . who w*? tsl for rheiimafi ??n on . ! late ta ?t !ar?T" 'he fac? 11 ? ' I ? i.'l ? ?? ? I ? patii ippotsd ts ? .' \ ? ? . . ? ? ? ? ' B"-'l H, 0 ' ' ' ' '"ho .' ? - c ui-ed by -. tier? ANTHONY AMENDMENT UP FOR DISCUSSION Suffrage Battalion Seeks to E-i? ter Military Tournament There will be ny amsndmsnl ts ths F.dera! ? ? i! .".. 1 "' ' ' ? The ' ? " ' ' n Blsteh, " i and Charles cl London 71S Flftl. Avenue ?czc't il :- i.,...0-1 ol icrty O?d Etagllsli MARBLE MAM !. PIZCES A I ? rd Sii*Trajj:?t? ne of 'he ? ??-*. to the .? i to g: it lag to M?*a _ , ??er.-rsl _i ? teat ?n ..' the . , I i t<> ? .? of a? fragista to .. .- ? ? re . ? ?nd their ..'. i J sad |0 ial ol arm?. Boy Drowns in Sewer Pool. 1 ' 1511 ? rard, Jersey City, woi ptaj iRf ?ith older bojs near h-.s h?>me ? ir po ?I ' . fro-n the Cil il, f iseitets You Buy Olher Goods by Measure?Why Not Toilet Paper? Tea bv the pound, potatoes by the bushel, oil bv the gallon. Isn't it just as logical to demand toilet paper quantity ? The only way to know how much toilet papef you're jxettin-j; for your money is to find out how many sheets there are in a roll. Toilet paper, you know, can be loosely wound to look bulky. <?>*./ "-??3 ?A-V ?3? ii -^?W W7 Hjvep W Has 1000 sheets to the roll?10c We always want you to put quality first, but quality minus quantity is always a poor buy. ScotT^sue is as "sott as old linen." It is very absorbent and pure white. Ap;ain we say, "It's the Counted Sheets that Count" Sani-Tissue, a balsam treated, sanitary toilet paper, soft and clothlike. 2500 sheets in carton of 3 rolls, 25c. At dnrr, grocery, de? partment and housefurnish in^- stores. faults?* I ''5 TI?"'* H?P*r Tompany SCOTT PAPER CO. 30 Church Street New York Maker* of Abtotbent ScotTittue Toivelt -?77#^ fe-* <_-? ?*S For the Little Folks There's a delight? ful surprise in each package of Tak homa Biscuit. It's the daintiest paper doll you've ever seen. Look for it. Eight pretty costumes are to be found in many other popular varieties. See list in Takhoma package. W mg&? <0 ,_[?J.'*at_r You arm inrited to riait the, Sunahin? Bakery. To ate the Bakery to ihm bent a '? _n'_, * rorrtl at 10 A M or 2 P M. any day but Saturday. Biscuits I ???.Mu. Yo_i-Yumi. TV.? mm? t.Ki ' ? '???? T'.v ?rrrrlip. round ??bea an?pp?d with g.nger S_nihin#Oyi??r<"r?el>?r??t''?.Lit?i:? cr?c??r?, criar. C?I?V ?"?1 ?uI-!> ??it. Th? kind you ??p?ist wins ?f? !o?d !?_____? Lumoi? Snap-. Ju?t ?? ?'??," maaf. ? t 'a.'?*' ?o?p, Icmoa mi?? a .mi^si map Sunahinu I.-nrsh Biaitlit. Good with ? a ? "- with c(.r?a?.good any ?way ? ny um? T.Whom. B.acnil. T' ? a!! ?s? s'ro ?r^a 'f?ca?r-areak? evenly In th? miJ.a M.tin.? B.acuit. A briath of vani'.'.a. ? ?nggtetloa of c?a? ? ?i.a, ?u??i ac?'t?intv ?I?attataetleo Sua.-iau ( hoto!.i. !ip|.n A ??hoei/al? m?r?i- n.?' uve r?k? lo thin a ?? -. - a"# til mem it Saa-hlu. Vui. II? Wulur?. Th? or'fl ? I '?-III? .a? m?'l IIS'M Sun.-??uGr?-?m?-ruck?r?. Graham trinara ? | ?? 1 th?v ma.? you ? ?s. . ? ? ?arant m ? SumIii*? 5?!iin?i. Should b? a.rv?d en * - '??. .7 ?? ?s-.??/ d*i*rv? li. Thin. ls(h?. crup ?r. 7 ?lightly .. 'td. hast VS'ii rn Qi_c?utt (uaspmmt OmAara mt Snmakina ??.??s?.?-? Now York "