Newspaper Page Text
SILENT CROWDS MOURN FIRE DEAD Tearless Thousands Gaze at Williamsburg Factory Ruins for Hours. FATHER SAW GIRL DOOMED BY FEAR Km of Victims. Stunned by Sud den Tragedy, Bar) Blackeaed, Crushed '.\ tamal mou: th?-???? S il . >'*..'?: - " " o? horror in ?? ' ehr]. Ira; ? ' Sf B \ Yailo: lli-r "*y< ? man. ? ? "I . ?Ifs ? ? ? hut it ? '. I am - daugh/ ? ? ? ?lient people, \? lookinp u;i st the tvindosrs, *?? if o ?:iJ the i" ? ' lived a I , Mr. und .?' .\ior I Bertha Ku? = mar . t on ' burn'il tar'. }?ars, had the eai Her daughter Sarah, a re ol?l. ?aja*aassHBB?e?<aai?sssBsss*sss?s?^ 10,000 to-day The Butterick Company receives considerably more than three million letters a year. This means more than 10.0(H) letters every working day. This very hour some 1,000 people will be writing to Butterick. This, of course, refers only to American mail; nearly all foreign cor? respondence is cared for at the various European offices. Each issue of the Butterick monthly magasines is read by more women than there are in the cities of New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, St. Louis. Boston, Cleveland, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, De? troit, Buffalo. San Francisco, Milwaukee. Cincinnati, New? ark and New Orleans all together. BUTTERICK ' ' ? ' ' 1 ? I ' ? lay, ' 'ihraham Bsi ? ' ? Th ? !' ? ? ' . ? ? ? ' : ? ? ' thit '. ? ? ? ' 4 ? ? and if v oui I ' t h lent!" <n ! . ; ' ' BOLTED DOOR PENNED VICTIMS ( oattaaed Urses puc I I embei un* ? ? ' ? r of ?n, ?".?I "f ? . ? ' ? ?. : :'... h el i Som i .. . ? .... | , ?. . . , ?? t on? i I j am] I ? : it a littlf way. could ??' ? "If been ' ? flow ?Ii.I thej j?o tic.'. . pie who a "> sers on the ? ? . '.I. ? Q. . A. Always ?.; in. I.-. fa we . it would I -. it. Q.?Are ? Blocked Exits Caused Loss of Life? AU.inison ? .'??fire . i ? New Styles Added at $25 Rr? ?nt rr< ripts from for?7*i??n and domestic nulls bl?ve* t<?n?-<. up OUI $2 > Oaferinai o\ OVt mir c.irly-srason staiKJ.irtl. V? c . .in now show at ihit pn< <* .1 full rang? ?if novel? ties of ni"??l wmvc?, MM our maular fabrica Suit or Overcoat, to Order, $25 Arnlirim values haVfl never (?eeri better than this season. This the bad e-ver offered in New York. Broadway (Bl 9th St JVnthHm TRAP DOOF WHICH CA? SKI ) loss 01 LIFE AT FIRE. I Barrier in WUUamsbnrg factory bufldinff, burned tiirough, removed by authorities investigating the disaster. ?hr.c e?(;f? wan partially or entirel? ?? ! , "way on th? ? ' ' ' ' ? .ira ho fas ? coul? ? ?ray 4va?* en'.irel cut ? ' third floor by i I the ataii .? fonrtl ? ns trapping th' . floor. k*i. to resort io the over ? | the door still locked an? red it an. liters. M'-i women who ran doom from th? ? -] ? ,.,. ... ,,,",.?. ? t?. force il ri n u o i I inn! :' :?????! off one hing for i .si t?. ? in this? way. All the loss of lif? \4?j ? mployis of the fourth and ? I by '?he fire es ? I ? ? ?en b*J it through m tran ? and rau?'"il .i hold 1 r? o Reseaed by Firemen. , ' ' - ? ard ?' he :is..i l ? down fiv? .... . ? ng through tl ... n ? flamei '1 bavc ? ?? cienl "Tl 'i til : v of rnanv wit . and i ? lu partmei I I ? tl foot of th? -.. rwaj*, . ' th? Diamond ' and bj i . Sam net SI stair ' Meeting the ? ? ? ? g fr? m tlie to the ? r that ?rai ? !. and which cut ? ? from the fourth Soon b] DiM.r Found Still Linked. "When I arrive i at the i i mon . peetoi Heal) w? fonnd this ? ..;.| sectil ' I) . up all the . i .u!d li . ? Metropoli? ta? t??i> ? . ' .1 panic amoi g the occupant? of ?? . spper Boors when they fonnd th? door I? ' i!e? that as ? ah* discovered b? . may to the !?? ? nd ?um wer?- arac .? of th? I ..'i the four 1 nrely : ? ?.;' half .. ? men wer? worn? 'i ! I . I ? Kifkin and : ???? o??., r i a? .-. SI the ? e it up and ? windo ?.in ?ay.s that he and his rom I .. . .r ?ily able to ...;?? an openi foi Kifkin, ?? .ill ason, to senees? thro igh and i the floor A man i aoi lea Hoi ?i ?oldetein as . . ',? Mjueeze t__uu??_. i?fkifi sa",? be believe, these he only psrsoae who ep\ through |i?M?r I.i.l.iMl Ml Pay. ir from the ? msde "f the : . ilnor TI? ? y ... ? ? . p and Ida of the stairway. Thus the only way to open th.- di sdmit ths! . .1- their e . Barkii thai .1 th were wh? t? me it found this al!-impor ? "II OUT r.M '.r.'.- that the Fire ?I ? ? the report ?? Preven ? had the ?? ? ? fi ? :!.?? : re esta plied ? m m? ' ! have brrr? prol t SV? "y OBfl mifrht tsirs. i': . ' ' rat con . eould have IS had been ?o live up t.? ;! ts of I he law. The I as s flre 0 I ... a a - .-. into The <*on by the in? ri, nor new. their . ? - . mi ' i n bsini '*. pick from the rhsrrsd floors si l blseksnsd walls . -?? tangible evidence to Aupport the ? es, which, it was, a?. ' ??'. ry one on ? One of 'he investigators, stani?nt* he faetory, summed up the "If ' I es of (i-i 'ir? . rding of bu sel a before the to-day ','? ?.' . r i rs and ha'. : . be no need for to be out to-day working on u mortem." All the Dead Identified. . i .;. no '!? ...' yester? day. " ths Firs I '? p .7! I ? I >m . ' ?i t.. and, throa trsst In preat hummocks, but nowhere was ther" the ? .-? ion of ;. huii'. in form, ... -..-i ? ?.n : and it ia holievsd tl hsve bssn lost, toms tpeculstlon over ths disappearance f John Lschinaky. of 216 North Fifth ?. ,,r. employe of the Diamond Candy C rapsny, and his -.?ai thought to be in the r . cellar. Captain Shaw, ..7' t!..- Bedford Avenue H, who made a BSSrch with 'he flrsmsn, asid thst Lach i risky'.-, body wna not in the cellar. Evsry one known to have been in the building at the t.i!?.?' of th ;. ? '..'ir;v,t"<! for, ?''?? I injured persona taken tu boapitala wore no worse than they were on Saturday, No deaths arc expected. State Labor Department Tells Orders It Gave In a atntsm? i * si ?r. Btate I'epartmor.t of Labor the ? and had ?i? - I 'rci'd at the !' a . plant for the . onths were pre isnted. On .January 7, it tsya, the depart? ment ordered Mr*. AH re Diamond, ?. mar of the bun ttairwayt to I; a itsirwsys, provide tslf-cli and proi ids mi u i for art Phi n Rule 580 of the Industrial Board, which rco.uires that whors Are ea? ipet are FIRE ESCAPE WHERE SEVERAL DIED. TrSfjffS? ?u Uuiii Il-ur pi (-lazing factor;,', the pauicsUicken girls crowded through jt ^ ^jj {j'u? ^ "e-cane. [not s?t ?factory to 'he < ommiaii of Lab ?ed as mean ' an exi lading to 1 - ? toi Georg ? an Fear ' 1916, ...- i '? i IIS. <>n earh * tory bid work w beg ? ? , r H r i sr 17,191S, i Dian r York a i | . ti ... 'or i ' time g ? ? ? ? : ? ? ? ... ' ? ? un.'.' wit th? ? ft? ? ? itei On - ? I>:amornl called at Uli Label ? th? pl< ? did not h rk, _nd i open such an d inaiated indica t ? at to i building ? . the a I ? 7'iat it v begun at - New Victim Feared; Drug Addict Wantc : re? . .... of the K??ex Shirt Company, arhi .-teen. ? neme. Shf I ? ...... ? atai ?he circumstances, and I ,.; i raina. - ! Aven ami '-'"'?I :? correct ? ? lows: I || F.odn ? Henry Berger, forty-five, 14 Rut?? ?ai -.. r, thirty-five, IT 'ace. 1 is, twenty-ana, US Sou ' Roa? Golden, nineteen, 244 W? about Si Lena Goldfein, nineteen, 239 Sou ?Sec? Marie Neopolitaa. twrnty-one, 2 North in, le-renteee, - . Fifth Str? in, twenty-one, < I '-:, twenty-seven, 1' Ten Ey laeteea. Ml Ho] Street. . 82. Briatol Stree 'ureau < the State Labor Department were tari ? * - ? Bail? - Department, a? wall a? t'oronr ; Erne -? ? '.' mer, who la th? of his Investiga.?d inform: t:on which canned him to Instruct th police to lend out a general alarm fc a m in said to be i ddict? d to the u? and other narcotics, who i known I The Informal the O ran? ? . f this man ? ?? he had bos rd i?? otter threats sgainst the Dia company. The Coroner e> object in se? k I ir.i? "Shi"" ' him aa to his 1 I hi He was I factory whei the I tarted Th? I oroner ? i? ? ? ? : ial of th? conci power io i ? ' : Coi rai among th? ?aril ... in ? ,1 ? ? ex? re !s;ctor> occurred -n per Idinc to be ? ? |( th? I'!'?' safetj there ???! not onlv : . ? nn th" In i-'"vv" ?if th? building, bat ? n th? eontril ? \Vh"H the raer at ng for metalline the wood . :' th? hall? a ?a ?]] ga, were nor, eoi P th? 1 the ] ? i close itchmea p* trolling each one of th? stairs.*1 State Labor Officials Inspect Fire Ruins r?'?s Spence, bn Iding eagiaeer, and P. J. . ? neer, both tc Dei arts Labor, Inspected the bail-lag gestor* day, and the report of -;.? r investiga? tion will be made to day to the De? partment of Labor sad th? State In* dnstrial Commlaeion, an allied body. Later, at the regular meeting of theae commis i?in? ii; | .? at Fourth tveaaa and Twenty seventh Street, the tindinifs will be muile public. RIGID FIRE LAW URGED BY PASTOR ?Make Punishment Greater for Criminal Negligence Says Dr. Young. FACTORY BLA7E SUBJECT OF SKRMON Death from Preventable Ac cidents Rivals Those of Euro?' pean Battles. He Assert*. The fire in Williamasssg ?*M a. ' '""' ''' : " ?"? Mosern it,"! termos is the i'.. I ford "nakjuii < hurch. a?. N ?^ .? ? j?? , I aajjjajjj ? *"i ti ? mors severe law? for th, m. i*hrr.??n'. of criminal ne;.? tenet ... 1 % on I ? ? " list of fa* rivals t) ' *- ble ts tot' ? , .. labor la ? - -ct$ ?-.a r, iroti ' - ass, tot*. ?ter 't?. ifernau' - thu pro M ?lilt t - and mir ??or'' *? *. bssi. ful rieh ? M?, ,( f a ishment , ?,-?,. trophe I , sir! i? u - . , ? ??. utmost woe upon . .? - vty tf re of jttt retribution ' " rr.stfii I I ??ten . t ts I upon them v ? fhiEk for the I;re drill in A,-h.j<*i ira ? m in Saturday'i i xe RACEHORSE RUNS AWAT Jack l)i!l?,n Thr????? I?river. and b ( aught in Bslf-Mlla (haue. One thl on the yro-iTAtr.mtsm furnish? I timM nces on tl day whe -. ceidise*, ?i river I vast, at? came frrghtei A*, tht time of the acciii. .?< ,n tht 2:10 rsce r? I I htrritr. The :"? several ar.:ma!s a' . r ?, t'A, throwing ted itt flifkt, v. h ich h ten-blockt' chase by Mounted Patn i aa M.Kttt ' I IORSES J.N \\'AR 'J IML QUI ?y.MB piUENDS [ EACUl r k -ala?i a DLDI ^Ross j;lnd Mr KH' a i Oh. ; ? I. a ? Kt ma?-?r ? -- ? A ' f* (Ir'i.r ' ? ' ' ' ? ':; i ?l in.i i : ... ? I ... I ? ! ? ' M "** Vm - ' .__. ? .?un H ?:i : ULI E ?"R.ISS ll'i-i n'A' ?" "* ? - Is I'.ALt. \ ) TO HI IT!.Y 11- ?SB HnME AMI tXI'l 7'ITT ?NAHT r?'W"?*? DunaOn? to AKTIll K I '.?:, it. Vlrtona ??-'??*? ._, n4*m You arc cordially Invited hy Cbc humanitarian Cult I'll I'M? hit NOV 13. ISU To Attend th? \?\t Meeting and Conceit at Leslie Hall, *s? Street gad Broedwej, l_M P. M-, T?fl?kyi Nov.inlxr ?Jtli. I HI 5. flSIIAI. BPBAK WIi.l.IAM W.vl.LAii: TOl'NC Chairman Mi.-iiA ? APPEIaBAfJ-t The rman?tt at the C_H _ , ?* ? ueberaa Th? Mao- me TH . irly in i.i'i. CON? MARION LONDON, The Well Known Soprano Mr I '. K A I. I. I : V KNOCHg The Nole.l lUrltuii? Mi LOI IS BIBONIa, Th? faaaotta v-.?>: nut . :: g .l..liri''.i?n, Ik? ??..!"?rt i?,in?|?r wM " ?t??>r*' ttiiti Mr v.?? Uebllng, ? Pia a : ?K?.???- piano ,.*?..! un ihla occasion.I THE ONLY CULT OF ITS KIM) IN THE WOB?* it,s aa agi era u non-?..'.?run -l? inclusiva, n??t aaeleaiv* Permita IM eatrtbotlooa Mernbarab'i? rrr? ADMISSION FREE-PROGRAMS FREE- NOTHING FOR SALElH I'he ?.i.l? II.In? ??ni ?an ??|h-ii?I i? ? |ilr??_nl ?-??-um. We ?lon'l pr?-sb ?* r.i.iii un.i have ?? mm? tu ?rinii. 1.....1. ?las? at a.m .harp.