The Conning Tower MI ' HE FILM ?vCTOR " . - I I ? Th' ; ??. To pull a hero stunt ; ? "ont. ibor Voices A. P. W. BilK'-RT SMILLIE AS HIE PRO PHI V ??I !-!-! MON-! '. INS? RlPnOS THE KI ?tl E> ; MY?LORD ?.. i . | siONS AS BEI 1:1 ITI.NG ??G! S. ?- ! Ml . -ober 11 for ?. , means ? ? ? ? ?ni fa? ? I Wutr r. S lam; ? ??: A: un'i r ? ? nmouth ?. ' ?'lam u ? ? ' ? ? t? kit ? '' he declared, 1 ? ? ? ? . rial r< lesnas ? ?M* millie'a ' ??tl?'?., ? 'hetl ? . Javit;?^,' *??? ,, '?:? M ?, .. ? tourceful u '? ?itu ,? , B"J"' ?hen Mi Mi Ken ' from ? ? ' ? ' ? Lord I'? ? I Hi ? ' ' ' I ' ? - ' ! ? ? ? : ? (.'arm ? ? What I ahor u III D ? ' : or I ? 1 : Lord ?' ' ? The Lam Voluntar? Effort ? ? I ' ? ' ? I ' ' ' ? ? ? . an Bract! si ? , ? 0. IV, .. NEW FARCE ?S THING OF JOY ? ; Warmer/' by A. . I till -,f Wit ' Humor. DGE Kl NN ">Y FETTLE Def, al ?! ? <>. familiar Hum " Prs ? '. be is ' . ' ? Fsir and ? dramn ? . ? . , BJ I '?'? h ich ? .' I ninnce : throughout those were drama ?'?i atti* ? . ?? ..".rr-in i haa ' ! amorous ? l?e in ? ? 'or us ? .? onnd which I ir. Il IM t wife ? ? 1 ha? to kick ?-. p I ? r ? " eternal It? the : ..? rvss '. r. Hopwood ? ? ' - ' ' .1 u ?? ?. ? ? . . ile for I ? >? al mer" ' I Bl iy It ? i at in .ring "I ' ? is for ? It par brai lj i ? ! that ' . ? r the ' ? ? t that ' the ' ' ' ? will. ng honors . ? in a ? i. ? .11 part DEDICATE ST. LUCYS SCHOOL ? I ven IstM of Ne?? Mru.turc. i ' . I ? .a from MISS MADGE KENNEDY. Fhe trau Been on Saturday night at the Kltir.p*?? Theatre in A v. rj Hopwood'?' new farce, "Fair and Warmer." NEWS OF PLAYS j AND PLAYERS lilnis Booked for Sunday at 48th Street Theatre. i -ii A. Brady yesterday cracked of seeing the i .?':???' Theatre stand idle Ban* I. and the msuII Mr. Bl , ' r- and OOX-ottitt attendanta ?rill hereafter srerh ?? ai ? k. The aid of World ami been aolieiti I te keep tortor of the theatre from :?'t?l a ! i r ?. t run ; ? ?s g;.. ... iinday -ii'tei .-. ?on '1 he nrst sffsring trill be i :\ heel." ? '??>, Mr. Hraiiy srishea I in tu. way interf?re ? nation ol the run of Eternal Msgdalsns." ' ontrary to the announcements, not in its last . ' ' . Prod Ha.lard'* :?? sntinued until Isfsrring the pre until the ?tOtn. I'..rryniore, Daniel I'rohman ... ;. ? avslt trill bs Edna ? :.or at a ' at the Hotel Msjsstie tonight, aftsr ? ??' "i lai M ? Pereivsl Knight, who ???? to have . ! "I ?ew I?rop Inn," a . . , . ? 'r>hip. ia nos in a touring c?.ni| ..? : ..: "' i? ?! ling ta B. A. v.. il, be i I for the "A Bare Idea." t are b? ? . snd third eompaaii s of him? ? Producing Corporation, 'A .".,". at rdsy, aaneancea the .? ? act musical ! .. ? 1'?'.'" ?rill be Romeo in the ? : oduet ion of "Borneo and Khyva ? andsr ths man* ris a David leavor* ?)..e enough to the he ?? - ? Ire?' . now of "Hua Informa? ?ruler the BMBagl of J " .-...v The aatut? Mr I Miss Mordoni la piet het a ?haiice to pick up' some ? a of the y i tage, ?rid ti. M r. McKay, paar in s eos i "Ilohson's Choies," moving to : . I I the larger stage bsrsaftei be af e.'Uip -.*: t. .1 U il stach's imagina? tion. ick Finn and most of tl thai larl . . heree ? r ?I in !" i: the I ..ny TO URGE U.'s. PENSIONS Civil Ser? i. ?? I'niploye? lo Hold Mast Mesrting al Hippodrome. To ?rouse iatOTSSt is the proposed ? . Bors ce em . in the 1 . 'service thirl ? a rr.u?? HM ? the .lippodrome next "-. ut.o.'ial As Service Emsloyss, ?? No '2 .. . em* trnmsnt trith? reel fork D? e-cution* ? < ales will attend the . Field Malone is to ? . .ral well known men *.' . meat i? to be fnrniehed bj the K-.'e Depart? | ?.'u.riet and th Fitter Carriers' i ' Horn V'.rk ;.. .i Brooklyn. Th,- by the a rstim employes of thirty i ?:..?? k'. ?LoUl hail OS], WILL DISCUSS WAR RELIEF Speakers at Mrs. Kcid's BOOM ?" Tall <>n Preperedneas Ti?-BSorrBw. Uad Red Croai s rncetii ?* will morrow, a* 3:80 p. m., at the 1 Mrs. Whitelaw 1 ? nue, to an?! Pre; aredaeaa at Home. ' ? ? ? ? M..,.,r General Le f the United ; I ? ? that "l'i'. ? .. vi. pre pan cruiting an army. Tl a alter ti?. Apt lira K special leaa exhibition of ; Italian engraving! ? Fogg Art Museum of Harvard ; which will ?? view until B in r '?. 'I bS arraaged bj Paul J. ira, who lent from his of ihe 822 engrai ? . ? and eonpl whicl ''? I, jr., , of New fork, and M Dud* I m tha in gue, which is a work i ! ? ? ? nil ?? 01 as a ? one of ori; . ." earl?, Intag \o Italian ?ver h,-id in this cou: I An exhibition of I in I line from : ? ? In? timi, d in - h ? - ??""?' ' ' River an?i New York views . ? < i ios ot London. I to be held on I" ; bei It _ .?-.-. Lelaad Hunt? ?**s lecture ??. ? -.' ? ? ?>f Ait will berin en '? - Ha win alao g ? ? i.lar ? tion BS *trt." ry Fitch Taylor, former i.irv of the Aaaoc at on of Am? ten as.'l Se ? ? The et] rs an J Davidaon ? - Th'" 10. Weal t, from Novei It. are Va \ ? i.lheu : '?' ' . Helen Watkiaaoa. wil \T U GOOfG ON TO-DA1 i . 4 . Ian I m > ? . 4 . I STORM OR OCEAN, ffiCFS HEW FILM Fond Hearts S I liary to the Play of the ? lements. ?' TY ov 'i-n Willard Mack, as the H to, Sails the S'uith Seas and is Wrecked. !? i:. | WOOD ... ? ? As : ' ' ' h we ? picture the .... ' t ar.?l is ' ? it is ' ' ? ? ' * ? ? ? : : '? In ! ' ? r ? ! ? ? I ? ! Ha ? h '.-ir ? I n .na. - ? ' . . . I The ? i . Janil ' SOrSA MUSIC ON ICE .'? I- Teas Played ?it Weekrj Hippo? drome Concert, ' en th ? su ?! and He.?' ' ror ' ' ? The programme at 'he Centurv - ? FAMOUS PRINTS IN ART EXHIBIT :i Display at Chib Attracting Much Attention. ? ? ? m ' ? ' In the last ? from ? ? ? ? . 7>. and his ' 1 ? ? ... I . Pi ' a ? ? ssea, i HERBERT TREE TO VISIT N. \ Actor Snils Ne Friday to Supervise Two Productions. _ WILL GO WEST TO STAGE AiOVIF Si", 'eral SlMkospoar'm Pit] lactading "Henry YMI." r." Be Filmed at Los Angeles. ? Herbert Tr itet a svsi ? . ? . ' ' ? : ? VIII." C respondent I : i show r.o misgivings ths! ng pictu ? I evsr i ? ? ? ? . a th? for ' ? ? . im of tl ?...,] can :?? I re In tl se use . ?. suprem the ho feSSt. at Birth of a Nation' and .' ar?. triompha ?*?* artist . ? ? ' of movir . will ev? I ' ay kill an ; I ? ? ? . nil thi? ns or ?,i?l favorite . think th?- reaction nft. ,. produce an intellectual r ? ? tual ii ill blood? .1 ty*| , . n th? ? ? : ry IV.' ike ' * . ?'. as we :? the ru? . ? : : : ' tura b? ?. torn \ ?it fii.m t! tei ribl ly." ? CROWD HEARS MCORMACK Sunday Concert at ? amsgts Bel Plseses Typical Aadleace. /ol ? . ? - . the hail w.i- I r:?l hundred ; I [| . ? ? I the 1 ? .' ,.??,' Irish bal Mr. Mi ? ? i ? ? but Ik ? n tht of nun: '?' You Tht ? ? MANTEL! AS FILM STAR I rst Appearance of SliiiKesoeartan tvetOf in Pictures. ::o ;s and actreaaea are sure SCO of a new piet ? but lit.',.' somment ? forces, however, bave . t the ores* ri B. Mantell. ?ho was ?? the Anidemy ot ' I ' itW 'n ? ? "' Dl" lf years ut Shakesoearian .-? pla? ai ?! ? In? ??? "t :'"oti?,n" I. and ' ,h?* ? -orne esTtr? ., ? ?..? Hani! r, r. Mantel.' tags, ' ' DANCE TO AID KINDERGARTEN Bacttety (.ailiers at Bradley Ma ?n, Jr.'?. ( ??arh House. There vra*. a la:?.. gathl lil and Long Island society at a ? ? ?he co,<-h ? rstflsy '!??t ? S ? re Mrs Hi ? ' I Mrs Cl u ?' . Qi Ml 4nl W:' H " ? . 1 " ' tin Bsrrii PI and a paW ; .? p .'ar.,'?i Pratt and Mr. and John Trait. J W. WEED. IAWYER. DIES Meatos ai Ceaetttattaand Convent mi? and War V.-trran. * lawyer I a i ? . ng I. ? J -y while Of fieorgi?. '? I'-riry . ? - ? rar. At the ? . ?, re ? y, it .? gear. ?r.?l, ' . .** ' I M.-.-r?. ? ' . and ?y I Murray M lo.rrane^ AMEPIC.**N PRIEST HILLED IN TRENCH Dalnth Father Dies at Proal with ?th Army. iv Creletee. th, hi ? ranee, h? id ? <. but . ??- sit? h..?.;?. ? v Cornet si ?y view rem...r?e . . evel ' ?'. betWOOB ", ?id stock. ? B, on November it. in th. '?' | _ Kalk, -*hter of 1 . ' i. I'm '.?.nee, 4 j .. lay morning a'. : h is L sa i. Matthew ./ tha i rivata Prienda kiadly om.t ? H :i, N, Y ??. , Lydia J? s. th?* lanera, Fu . ' si ?. ' ? /ht of Friday, .",. at Dublin, N, H . . . M ?in ;.' bei la-?? . . Brook* lyn, ?? ber T, 1818. lei PRIM ' ... 1 -heai, r.?i -, ..' Anna the lata trd I'rirne, N 'i ! ? ? < Imntry, I 111 lack. BAYMO} lealy at PeekshflL N. V ? : i ' I mo* d ' ' i'sol's '''?'. ?'?? ?k. lnttrm-nt at Mid ? I B, l'enn. RICHMOND <>n November 7. Cornelia, I. in her 1 un? ral ?. i ?. ices ?t tha , of the Home, ?.'?h st. and v. . raeadey, November I p. m. STRONG At hi? n ildeaes in Msw York ..n Bat u ?y, N??*-e>_._er