Newspaper Page Text
Steel Rising Tide in Demand, Output and Prices Semi fes Out ?pecwl Lette* "?o?" Renskorf, Lyon & Co, ?. ?ni? ? . r.g?. I Hos.:! . f Ti 33 New St. ( New York WORLD FILM ;"??'? id* ?1 with nn . ? letting Best ea* ? i.r ?; I m? f?.r th? future. a ?, WIM I I 111? I I AK no. Int. Mercantil? M??rliie kennerott M l<l? Mr ??"?el -??'I ? ? ?'' < eneOO I handler M?.?"r ?err., (le l'use, ar.*. -a. ... Pesa mire* ?? ???' ' "/ ? ftqaast, HarveyA.Willis&Co. (I.tahll.hed ISS1 i St B-w?; >. *? 'Phone? ISl-S-S Broaal. " BOUGHT-SOLD-QUOTED Republic R*. ft Lt. Co?, ft Pref. Utah Secnritiei Stock Cities Service Corn, ft Pref. Williams, Troth & Coleman lu' ? tern ; ??? ?? r.n V\ ,11 M. I'bone .MIS i er. N T. Kathodion Bronze Pfd. MAX B. BORG & CO. 20 Broad St. New York ?? \l: l I 1.1 n '** ? Union Trust Co. of New fork BO BROADWAY gtftftA? ?MUM l ?'..-. Av. a cothS?. Allow! Iul??re.t SO U'i*o?lt?. /ctsas \tK\iiv. Guardian. Trustai, etc. All WALL STREET reads DOW, IONES BULLETINS & TICKERS Investors read THE WALL STREET JOURNAL I buy and sell a Kathodion Bronze Pfd. T. A. COOK, 20 Broad St. New York DODGE SELLING MIDVALE? Wall Street H.-art? IIis? Attitude Ma? Ilepressed. Stork. According to well founded reports in Wall stre.-t, Marcelina Hartley Dsdg? I? the "insider" whoss selling has been responsible for the r??cpiit weakness in the stock f.f the Mldvek Steel and Ord nance ? ompany, the new combine of which William E. lorry is the head. Mr. Dodge is one sf the Miilvale di? rectors, sad obtained for his interett in th** RemiflgtOB Arms I "mpany, when it was ehsoroed hjr th? Midvals, stock of the latter company at jiar. Mr. Podge's holding? ?if Ifidvals are said to have totalled 120,000 ?-hare?, which if sold between K6 and 95 should have fiven him ? profit well in excess of 4,000,000. It was understood that Mr. I'odge was advised to aell his Midvale stock by the trustees of the Dodge estate and that the money be reinvested in high grade bonds and dividend pa;, h g stocks. m SHORT TEEM NOTTS. Nam? an*?, maturity. .? , . ? ? Am ....... , . A- . . > i??l' A-??'!?'-,-. Jfelt * ???lo 14?. Jun? nuiMi it.i. Tu, J 'Till? S Ol.l.? s J :?;? , , ?hi?; A \v lud ta. bepl , , ? ? ? > ?hi?; & ?IV Utd I*. b?l ' , , I>l S Hud 4*. Jun? -, ? t *f".rl. IUUio??! I?. Ar ? . irjoU *?>l?*?! i.-,?. Al r. . ? j? . :.t ?16 ?l??i I T?utl>?.r ta. Vec, Ml -, ? ,. ?i?? V?l H, f. Nov. iji* jr.? j01 ? ,.. JBI Ilirvra to. K.b 16. 7 ?s 1 .. J. i?;,?, , ? **?*??? l:n> Nav to. M?>. ".-, . a.? w? . f,5 M.SH? lit. May. mi ' . ? ?r;iro v** ,}u'" "? ':i ? ?*? ""?* ? ? aouth?rtA. Il, to r*b. lili IMA. ;.. .1 ? ? South?, i? It. to. Mr?, :. 1K.7 l.s.U itil ?'hl I ..1UJ ?Wull to. M.? ,17.101?, ^ J |? r?T. ifti (idirrnment Issues. >'t r>.n'-h to'?-? It, :?r-0 y, m. , Ar??.*?!.:.? ?,.. tx , ,?.? , Ais??? ?'??? ?7a. 1'?. II. || A ,. -?? V?. ?n ?vi to. a ? * .V . . .r> s?? to. A ? ,,??* ! u K r ? ii C h to. A; ? , ?,J ! 77*, to. January. )i?i?j , yt\ . ! . a??lti*r'.ai>4 to. M?i.r, l?*ls . <-*?4 ltw * , ., Swlti.rl.ii'l to. Ma? ? , ?-u ?-t, h?l'i?!.?i.J l*s. "?!??? f^U. f ?? Hai.?i ; . . N?'i?a ? . , Mer**?? t? " ? . I ? . , I'll isui Ml sro< ks ??:-? I i I . I ?..: I ? i I , ??? a i . . ? .'??'? ... i?*t '??? mi : I ? !.. Bell. I * I- * ?J M M ?'. Jo IT.11? lit? H? II? ' i Mfii I.t SHt?. ? ? ?? IS I7u ,N*l ?1r?*|r<v.r.nt l'>\ '1 V ; ? ? ? s* la f> I? a t-4 ' 40 On !?: H 11 1 I 111 III 11) 111 I . . ? Mats ??v-j? 1 MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT Wide Brc.ik Toward Close When Short Interest Ap? plies Pressure EARLY RISi; OAVE WAV TO DULNESS Opening Decline Sonn Made Up Quietest Trtdiflg in Weeks Precede* late Decline. Af'.e? at, earl", rise tra.iir?; lia? to the smallest busin? some " ;? this ft? il - ? to carry on I ? hort intere lour. Trices gave WBJ easily, ind as loclinei reached considerable proportion? of the 44.17 ' | morn? ing had gone up from - to 4 points. Lroke sharp." from 7 I | BtS from ? round the le I day. The volume of trading I In the Lite de but th? - ? the b. [ prod ? but ther? offering of ? recovered. Some ? ? ? -.?. ai contract gro .,?. such as fm c.ble Stool, Maxwell Motor, Raldwin Locomotivo and Studebakcr, advanced from 3 to 6 points. The railroads went : up from a good fraction to a point or more, v? ith Reading eh ?.rig in g hands 2 - sbo*, p the close of Saturdey. The coppers were f:im, American Smelting Refining in the load. After Boon, a-? businosa died away. -y. When sell preaaure eras applied later there the decline railroad? . ? more ? fear thnt tl ? ? ? i .. ?, Baldwin Locoi: a i ' United Statei Steel, which had risen almost :? p";.'.!, 't.nlc a s of nearv The success that attended this late bear raid indicated that readjust! was itill n? ' industrial favoritas and that appan atly the mar ? of n - ? table iesu loo secuie. When the afternoon r way i itnors wore ?ted rather decline, Among I ? i were i imong the Allies, that I ? the oppoai* ? ? ? programme for ght reduce ? ordere. Our explanation to Oteat Britain as lie of (jern.i Baltie eoaal eg i aa of little cr no ! market influence aitcr the opening While anything that threatened the a: ee of our friendly relations ? I ? ? hoi i we ai ing auch an imm< nao Blight well be co: ? .us moment, our the for? mal i tat poi '.?.n necea* f-aiy for an claim, bul not at. all likely to s ai tion. Ths unpatf. ' conduct ? it has taken cent i i form. We ? allow ?-urh ehangei to effect our Interest without making some objec? tion, but w! lost rather t'ian .cerned our pro '.ought, may be allowed to run the usual course of diplomatic con? tri.", et Monet?r* conditions here at the he weak w?re marked by oven ,-r.ater ease. Mercantile paper eras so scare? it I ere was some talk of further i ne 1 lendin* ititutioi Call . ! th" bow enetomary of r"-.? per cent, ? ipply on tei . from of the weel bef? ? rig ex- : ? ending a - le be low Saturdnj 'a ? of our I anl ng cri t to London ' I, amount to 000,000 and be in the form of M anea and direct loan. A*n_-%__ ?IK TIIK. TKIIMM.s I I-T OV riri not kail*. N..?rnil.rr ?. ? eatrr?lu>'? ?lose . 1I9.I.S? N",r,,i|"r ,; . uasss ?Ulf ?ark l|l . isaass "'"' atam?n .?o . **-i :<". I?M . 111!.I!.-, n,.i. t..r Oeaabee .leasts i on r..r Oeaefeee. IS94SS II Ik I? tor Krptrmlier.I r?.?t|?1 ten* f..r September. It>7.:?m High for Align?t. 111?. I'll i ??i? for \u_iist.iseaei m?h f?r My.isaass ???w tor .inly.ie_eis III a- r? for June .In?." 17 I.?ii? for June. lit?, >? g High for Ma-.j j |_g| I ot? for Mat . UM .,.? n ni. fur omtM.itaess l.nt? for April . I?I7V:?I7 Ugh f'?r March . IUB.ISS I?i?u for Miirrli .ISSJSS iiiich for WOnmamn.Mates 11,?* for Pasewaey .IS1.19I lll?h for January .lll.S.0*.'? Lo?? f >r Januar? .I'M v,; High. Ihu? far, 1915.1-1.47H3 Low, UMS far. ISIS.101.Ill* High, full ?ear, 1914. I.'fl 191 Low. full year, lull.. In.-.??..? ATu-MAI or I_n flBRilfi i ivr or TWBLTI iMii "?rui us. S. jeaterilay'a OMmto 91.710 *?o?ri?il.rr ?1 . !?7,.?ill? ???ie ?aerk ago . SSUMS ??lie month as? .B3.'''9 July SO. ' . ?7.I?7 High f?ir llitolier . 99.700 Low for OaBBBOB . 91.IIS High f.?r ;. ; fm? ,-ow ,or BaaS-B-feas. ... ., ? High f.i August . M,, ..(), ?*? ,,,r SUSSBBl . M m II.?I, fur .lui, . HHIWt Low fur .lui? . S 1 '|a lll.h f?.r June . . ,," I..4? l..r Inn? . :a 3)S l.iw f..r May.[[' u\;9 High fur May. ?.?.,, "'???'?' --es? . ?,l:{., I.>4 for April . High f'.r M ,r. h L#a les Maeefe .1 .?ii :*. i.'.s 7(1 (ill High f?r r'rhruary. -, . ,,( I -.?a IM l'rhriiar, . am -,, , High for Januar? .?j ,,|(i | ?w for Januar.? .70.779 High. Ihn? BSr, teil . 09.700 I ..ta Huis far. 191"..6S..M? High, ft II ?rar. 19)4 || a,.? I..... r*.-i t-eoi 1914 07.1.7 THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1911 ratal ssIm ef stock Monday, 7M IM, isjalnel 14 - I Satareej sad l.ll ? Mg ? ?<?k age "-'??k i irhang? ? u age raes laaaerj I le ?tm?-. 11?.. ??? sgaia i :?.! I IM x ?car , ? . ? ? 4 \i ?... | Min? ? ? pr. . en -.Til.. . ? *>?.ral pr A in. Am. Am. '? Am. ' I.:'"' ? *fs | 1 ?I' ?M'A. It B. S < h ri ? Cut A- i \- Cai * Foei ? ; Am. Coal Ii???!?; ; \ tton Oil ? i i - ii ' v : . . 1 Leather. ? Hide A Lea! \ ? iriti? Am. 1 ? .' . Am. I ' *.i:i. tl I i"tiv e . i mol is? pr.. Am. Malt . tint. Mall pr. Am. Smelting. Am. Smelting pr A.. . Am. Sm< Iting pr B.... ) oundry. Am. S ngsr. Am. Stags; pr. Am. TsT. <*-? Tsl. 1 ohaccs . Am. v." ill n etfi Am. Woolen pr ctf?. . \*. Woolen . W oolen pr. - '?- iconda . ?? . pr. . ?' Atlantic ? oas? 1 ? Bald? I.", omotivs.... 6 Hhltimore <? Oh ??nnre & l?hio pr.. Bstopilss Mining. Bethlehem StseJ. Brooklyn Rapid Transit Brown Shoe pr. ?a ick. Burns Hros. I'.utte & Superior ? op.. eh Co. i nl. Pstrolsem. <"al. Petroleum pr. Canadian Pacific. 7 Case, .1. I, pr. ?i i ?entrai Lestl ? r. 7 iVntra! Leather pr. ? hesapeake & Ohio... . i In. (irea?: Western. . .. *?rest Wi stem rr 4 ? hi., Mil. & St Paul... t Chi., Mil. <y St Paul pr 7 Chi. &? North Western. ' I . R. I .<.? Pscifle_ : Chi., St. P., M. f. 0 I , I , C. ?ft Bt I. pr.. 60 I ? ' oppcr. l * ' ??- Peabod). I- ?)?'! | Iron. i ..;... ? > luthera 2 ' 7 T 8 20 1 7 Su a 4 10 Consolidate 1 Gsi. Continental ?an -n Product?. ZJtOC 5 Corn Products pr. Cripple ?reek. i ructbl? Steel. Crucible Steel pf. Cuba American Sugar D? lasrare k Hudson.. !'. I . & W. Hing Securities. . L'O Dome Mir.? s. I>. S. S. ?t At. pr. 4 Electric Storage. Erie . ? let pi. ? 'Jd pr. -1 Med. M. & S. pr. ? Chemical Co. pr. 8 General Electric Co.. eral Motors. 7 Gem ral Motors pr.... Goodrich, B. F. 7 Great Northern pr... '?i (it. Nor. Ore, subs.... 16 Guggenheim Expl.... Greens Copper 9 1" Int. Agriculture. 1 .'.*"?? ? Int. Agriculture, pr.. Inspiration Copper.. lnt?'rborough-Con. 6 Interbotough-Con. pr Int.-Met. In?.-Met. pr. Int. Harv. of N". J.... h.ternational Taper. Inter. Paper pr. Int. Nickel. Kayeer, J. Kansas City A So I i ?* ? n. ? ? -. ,?. I La? ? Ste? !.. B. ft ?'* pi I.." ? ?'? , ? . I iggstl .v Loi i I iland . HTili l ? ? i ' ??!. P ' Mackay I os. pr.... Mar hatten Elev.,., ? Il Motor. Mi -, Motor ' ?? pr Maxwell Motor 2d pr. Petrol. Miami Coa, Copper... Min. & Bt I.??in M. & St L pr. M.. 8. P. ? B. Bt M.. Mo., Kan. ?< r?v. Mo . Kar. | T. pr. ... ? ? l'acuir. Moi tai i Power. Power r,r ? ? Nal .m d Biscoit.. ... .- mal < loah I \n*. < ?oak ft Suit pr. . Nat. Enam. ft Stpd. Mat Enam. ft Stpd. pr. Na?ion il Load . N'a?. Lead r,r. Nat R. R. of M. ?td pr Sessds Coa. Copper., N. V. Air Brake. New York Central ... N. Y., ChC ft St I. N. Y. f. f. St L M pr. V Y.. V. HA H. M. Y., ?In*, f: W. Norf. ft West. * ?.i ? h Amsriesn. ? ? ? ; . : . . R : . PI ? Co . i ' C. ?ft St L. Pitt ? sal. pr. IT. I i. a .,..1 Steel Or. Pal ?..'.' ?'ar. dlser . Kj . Steal Spring. .. . Ky. Stssl Spring pr. Ray ?Un. Coppsr Rsadiag . Rep. Iron ?t Steel.... ' Rep. Iron <v St"cl pr Rock Island. Roc'-: Island pr Ruine! y . Rumely pr. Rumelv pr. etfs. St ?. i S. F. St L ?t- S. F. 1st pr.. St. L ?- :;. F. Id pr... S ?board Air Liai. hosrd Air Line pr. . Sssrs Rosbueh. Sloss-Sheff .-'?. ft Iron So at hern Pscifle. Southern Railway. Southern Railway pr... baker . Studebaker or. Tennssssa Copper Texas & Pacific. Texas Ce. Third Avenas R. I. Tobacco I'roduct-s pr... Toi.. St. L ft Western.. Twin City R. T. Union Bag ft Paper.... Union Pacific . I nion Pac ? ? i"-. United Fruit . United Cigar Mfg. United ' ig. oi Am, United ' ig. si Am. |>r.. I'nited By, Invest. United By. Invest, pr.. I. S. C. I. P. & F. U. >'. C. I. P. & V. pr.. U. 8. Ind. Aleono. U. S. Red. ? Ref. U. B. Rubber . I . S. Rubber 1st pr... U. S. Steel'. P.S. Steel pr. l'tah Ceppsr. Ya.-Car. Chemical. Ya.-Car. Chemical pr... Virginia Iroa, C ? C... Wsbssh, w. i. Wsbssh pr A. Wsbssh i>r B. WellS'Fsrgo Fxpress... Msrylsnd. Western Union Tel.... Bghoass Mfg. v.. ting. Mfg. i it pr... Woolworth . Wheeling &. Lake Krie. Wheel, ft U K. Ist pr... Wheel. A L K. 2d pr... . Willys-? ?verbind . Willys-Overland pr r.-m Central..._.. '.?.ion 74?, I L'rtO 1(KH4 111;.', non 67 1,600 16?4 1,700 47-e 4 200 : .m 130*. 180*i 130 1,000 34 34 33' 1,600 Bfl 1,600 69 100 80 7 I | M 1,000 HT-, 113', 112*4 112% 8.000 t". .'.', t% .'.?, '.'" 11?. 14\ 18*1 13*4 1,400 r,\ i *??* . ? )' 0 242 24:.' 2M 2M ?ici' im?! u-?1. mm no1? 89 89 89 89 CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS War Specialties Drop Toward the Close? Petroleum but ^Little Changed. An irregular trend in prices wa? manifested in yesterday's curb trading, some of the more promir.ent war speci al'ies showing heavy recessions at th? close. Midvsla Steel made a decline o< ? pon.t', ? anadian ? ar and Foundry eommofl loat 4 and the preferred I point?. International Mercantile Ma? tine coiiiiii'iii was dealt in more than _ points above Saturday's close, but ended with a fractional loss. The pre ferred advanced over a point, but later reacted, to close 2\ point? lower on the day. Atlantic (iulf and West In lie ?1.otved further strength, the common advancing 1 % and the preferred "J:a pom??. Kathodion Bronse preferred actively traded in and gained '?'?'. pointa Bath Chandler and Peerless Hoton loat over a point. The petroleum group was fairly ac? tive, with pri-e variation.? small, aside from m Prairie Oil and (?as, which re Ceded I pointa. Illinois Pipe Line went op a point. A fan ! ,'in ipotl appeared in the copper stock?, (?no de Paaco, I (.-?..ver, declined .'I points and Chili t 'opper lost a fraction. INOUB1BU1A Fetal ?????. u gb. Low, t_** 1.1 ? ? (In Writing P | ?-, , toi W l ?a H , .*.? ? ? I pref........ ?M * -, ' ?, ?r A FrtvlC?. tto 17 ?7 i " f : : ? r, ISlf. fan Nat ?;a?4 C i\ is i\ S i"o ?? ?? i.i.n Btaei v. m * y, ? ?' ?r I.t ti l'iiw "i s1. 7\ *?. : ? ? haulier M?.? !>1 ' i ?* .. r,. ?' h?? M ? I 13 ?ri ? ', s A ? n ,.,| ,7 7 .?4 fm ......... i Dries? s..iL . . |M ' let ' llOdO 1? 1 J I 1 ? il., a i ' * M Mlf... M , j_i ? , .'. \ ? rnu ..? ? . ?lleueton CM ? ???'?-. Hi 11 . ? . ? tr> " ion lian B pf S 14 |i_ ? ? a ...... 1.11 !' Il 11 ?Lok? Vi r BMI M*. "? MB* ? - , i ? ? 1 ? v : ? ???'?'?? v ..? - , , ?, 1,?, ? Mai ??rsi et Km * , ??* ?s ?*. . ?MlSval? Sie? ' I ? 7? a Motors ITU ? , < , ?? '.ik ? 11 Omrv . ? '?. i 1 I ?M :* tes ? ? . ? ? . Bul B v 1 ta toU 1 \ < ?? ? , .,!._? ... f-- , ? I .1 I ? 1 ? ?:.". !'. : ?> S I.' .< Il . *. ????:?* '. -'. '?? 111% - M ?Worte ri''.' ?'. IS i . ?. STAMlAHIl OIL 81 BSIDIAKIES. ' ' * ?na-PIg ??II . IM 117 1ST m Illinois I- I. "'* ? n '? .Nat 1 ...nal? .* - . 'il . . PratrtM Oll 1 ?? a ??? 14 Sta-i '.ii of .1 I 1 - M . XI SUa Uli ex .N J. - 4M 4M Ml 1 ISM ? I . ? ? 4 Ml : ?? IM 1 .... 4.IKVI ? ? ? I.MI I.MI ? ? - 7*vi IM ' 1 ...4 J |1,tin MINING ? t,\!ta-?"tin Mln ??An, . ?tA?arisa . nia U Ig I ? '? ? . ?.. Min... .'. v t efa M , i Cop.. ? P (Jop. - ? ? ? Bntet t. ; ? U . -l'tali.. ..." Cop.. ?? . .lol.l Hill. Id Con . I ? M. r y, IHecla Mln. IU 1 (| ... It*. *?k. ? anea S'. 71 1.'? ? ? 17. ?A 1'. % i: a I lt .*? B . :i 1H A ? . ?' ? . Lo Koa? ?'on.. ?M. Kl: In: ? Mln ? Itli.l! . ? . 'Ame A Butta !? - | Mln . ? ? ? . ??!!?x ' ?I I? in K 1 ? : BH-U l'A ? . ?. .. '." M :-" A ' ' ' I'? , ?Si M?rg J?? Mining M. ? ? fWeal i s: I ? n '1 ?Wh K '' ?;? s ' BONDS. ~>?t r?'. la . ?-?'-j do r?-. ? M '?'. ?'? 1?. ? ? ? "s 17, >".. r. H t? a ?2 II :? Ht - ? M -?? II a ?'a A *? ? a ta A itk u A 1? ? . ?? .'??. Ils. R S A no a :* :? . ?_? M 'a M ?'?> a !" :s *. 3 ?'s. ??A ?a fS ** 0*4 (4^ ?*> s II '? '-*?? I"\ ? . ? t ?A i? IA s il ' a 8 s t? 83 'a 1.1 W ?? ? ! ? IS i ''s .rt ri. -i 12 ?I nrijtcl. ?Krlla r??iU fur ?l.arr. |__ ?llrl irr ! INACTIVE YESTERDAY. INDl'-TRlatU Bl. I Atn n Mfg. H ' I ai'an ?I Kl 124 ? ?? BU pf M ? !?? 7 ? - ??vnt rdrj M a ; . ' < ? p 8h. M M'. 1 ? tAtii r-in t Mayes? le M M ?Kell s'a- , t N ?.. ?lit N ' ' '-"i Il ?Urne t ??' H i M Mut P S .S ? . ' 7 '- .... | SI ?S ai M - U , M Sterling Oum '-H ? IV, Way U A ?I ? Hanna ? Ne? i nfi n ... . . mm g? nn COO ?a 1 >>\ ? ?? M 11 106 ?? ?? un . ii t% :*. i Bradm ? ?? ? ?I M M ? ? ? * '-- .... m:w TOMB CITY BONUS. il - M . ? ? ? a, ?l -t '?! ? kl * . I irv.t, ? ? . ? , i' ? ?a ? ;-. * * , 17 *'"? ' 'I ' ' * ?I ?r Ms laaili. * l?_va_.-a ? I - ? 4 ? - i failli f. <tt tllalyut. ?l . IMtt Il 14 ? I . LONDON UNMOVED BY OUR PROTEST Americans Hesitate, but New War Loan Improves and Home Rails Make Some (Jain. London. Nov. 8. The Am rican note scarcely affected the stock mar? ket to-?lay, beyond causing some he< ? tancy in the dealings in the America;, section, where moderate sales were re? corded at fractionally easier prices International Mercantile Marine dropped two points, but the rest of the markets were inclined to firmness. Argentine an?l home rail?, Peruvian issues and Kaftka all advanced mod? erately, and the war loan hsfOOBSd I frae'!?in. Consols were unehang''?) at i'?."?. The BOW war loan clo.s.'l '?, higher at '."'.. The Bank of Kngland to-day ear niat-.'?(! (160,000 m sovereigns for tin estlansoua purpose?. Monsy was In good demand and discount rates were iteadlly maintained. American It ehsnge Sra? a friction easier at .i*.5vs to IC',. Money loaned at t*i to I per ,-erit. Discount rates for short :ree months' bills were 4T? per cent. Cold premiums at Lisbon M DO Pari?. Nov. t, Prices were lt?M i on the Bourse to-day. Thr??e per seat rsntes closed unchanged at ?"? friri-? ExehaagS on London, 27 franc* M . centimes. LONDON CLOBOCG PRICKS. i a Nov. ??. !?i?t. { . ? . , . ? Bl tl.h 4>4i . **SS -? 4 ...111 10.4 1 - , la'/.- ' "'-. i'anadian Facll ? 3 -. . ? ?.' WtMt .. 1? Is ? ? , , 14 Denver . :i . . ?, 1 Kr!? lit pr ? ? . -- % ? ? lit ral .. 1 . l ? ? 1 v Na.h .17? i.-', M... Ka: .?.-?? 'U N V rentrai ..'??. 14 31'. . i, ? ? ? '4 ... . ?.. . ? . - ? ': ?4 . . ?4 Il S ?, Mil ? . - S m i BICAGO mot bs. s. -a ? i-. Urn i m i ??? 1J A?. ?? IpbMs Pr M , ... t , I -? : .'? :t "?? ' : ?? Pnaii Toei ?i . ? ?v?. ' Mr 1 , , 1T? i .-? i 'i ? ? ? i lot i -v, i , . ii?:?, - ? H*i ? 71 II ,i ' ;? I I..ii?.a?i Uffa*.? S 4 -, f.<4 IS Mont Want pr 1!:', 1!.? 11:4 ||| 1 ? u atMet ' i?i? ? 1 ' ..tM ' ? IM MS Swift 4 ? S 1 m CSfSMs .i-i !?>: i?i mi?, i*. ??? rjMMChle R?. *?? t' N I.?**) Ceta i-:4irnn r. ?' r, i???? . ; oo> >!?? ei??v ?oil i* :i ;i , j I UM ern-M m Ce ?av.. ? ??' M I) ITTAITIVE STOCKS. - The fallowing table pives the closing bid and eaked prices for stocks which are listed but which were not dealt in on ths Stock Exchange Monday: III 1 A- '., 1 Bo?! Asked ! An I? Bus pf '- "I LmtUnS ?la? I?? In.?. 4 . . I_| E I V. II I? Am i I- |.f V" I. w II M ft. Il M - - 4 IM I S? : ! pr*f . I'O 17 ll.)'..|. l.Uil I* pfll-i II' -a ? ... . I ill ? N IM 130 4m W |-?i> pf 11 Mis M.i, IWa.-h .' ? \?, i : ,.' 1 V M ?4 lWl't S' i ? i prat ... loo1, mi ? .. ? 1 . Ma BMrt M', >i" Buff 11 .> r 'lo prrf ? 10 4 110 Hei r? r*-.. si S? 11 . ? Kiioa || ?i , . IOS . . 14 MStPASBtMLL 71 M ? ? \ I - .. IM M. -ri.. * Is SI ?0 C A H A Tal. 13.1 V- N'igh A Chati 111 13* I Ii & .4 i,,. I 1."- N f;,. A Ht pf .?11? Pa'_ 10 ifl NYCAsitl.N' pf SO S*> ? . i ,\ ?' ! Is M \ V I. A W. Ill), - A Plttl ? , .. MImi 'i ? ?,,1-S.. Ill ,,f ??? "? I'a?,i llrr? r' M PC? A st I, pf M N ?i ? ? Pit.Mul Va .. ,;'> i. i lit M M IM i. aad : ? ii ir s?r ? ?t m no iu ? r ..20 :0\.l?ju|,l4?l!?s.r pf. . 5S D I : 130 13 .- I. A HtVWt. II la i?.? i it ii. ? : ri ?ta pre-r . . ;?< 40 i. I ? - lt., '? ?? .*vir? I".. .?'. pf 114*4 r. I ?I S H M Bun I Mill. ... '7-, IIM U'rten BF p* 117 IV do rr?"?? "'?". fl I! I.. lit !_l ?? ill' Id TV lei - ?. I ?i U? rfi -, S? H ? l'at-q 117 Twin c II T pf M X 1 ?Ood Tl?>- . M 1-0 I ' ? ! ?a IM da ;>r> f .111 M7 i n .? M pf H7 li? i j. Drj (load? 2i M i ? II . .. p t7 IS da pr?f .. M 70 ?lo prrf 11? I,' 8 K??.-.?. ?014 ?4 ? 117 IOsI*, l M I I AI |f Ml MS I ? i . ' 7 II H Kt-al A I M ?0 . tat II .'. r ? It a II pf IM 4 K?t<?- i pf : .- ill ?'? K| A l- rf so h s A I? M ? 7 We.- M I pf . ?* ?I -??' \\ i n-,i . a II ? : ?' .111 120 I tat . Ulli 111 it ,, ?..???, pf.,12.' ittUj PUBLIC UTILITY SKiTRITlF.S. In l Ask Hid Ask. An. T, A T.M? SM 1'. ! I. * T pf 45 55 -, ?-,i? \ _ Sec no ;?> V.ilr ? POW I-' 1? !o prrf. t? 7& ? ? Une O a El IS .70 ?Am . : ? .. !. I I- 10 16 ?4o v ' So seel . ?i M Am PAL H Ni r Bts P..? ?3 It. ......... M S? Am I r* P* W 11 M .!o prvf. .. .,? it |pi A .I) M O If |. |{t \ I, .' V7N ?o | !? f -.. . ,i ,: ?:- . 7i M ? t ? i ?aten O a B Mi ? '?. : . ? . peel ?? r R i i. v i; i. ... |. i? n do pr-f ? . , i prof "? ?. I. . '?. I . : I ?. ! ' v K ?- <7 'I lid I. pf. 0 ' > , -0 ISl I " f M Tl .' I? . I? : . I ..? !.. 1? : 1 I .lo pr. f ... ?3 {?* j I I Lt 4 T. 1 II I roloe I BAILBOAD BQUIPMBNT BONDS. <U. ''1 o', a p^r, i.lag? t?a._ ) Rale, ? , ? ? t ? iv Aa ? ? v?ast l.ln- :i. _ It'- ? ? ? | ?', 4 ? ? . i??.- h .? ri".* : ?'? < ? i ? ? . i , ? ? ? .,-. ? i j i - ? . ?Us? ??. ? .?,!<. . ? . . I - ? <v h*l?V7_ ?W, ... i !? i - ?,?-.i re ? la. Il? .a. S - ? ? I 4 ? ? . ? v a. !.,?. . ? ? ? ? - a ; i i i?i .. ? ? ? , . ? ? ? ? Rathrea 9 ??? I < - i ? H... ?sing Vail? - ?.- i ? - ? . llllr.o!? Control . It1?-'a ?'>-7,.. ?7? ISO ? i*iim-'a i im i Missouri Kai . ? nil Mlaaourl Paclfk I-'IS- ?73 6 .... tW i N Y .-??ntrBl Uaea IMS-*M 4S-? 1.1 M Norfnlk A Waatern .ISIS-'M ?'i ?40 ??? N Y N H A Ilartf ? ? .. ? 75 4 W? I'rnn ijuti'Lii rrvlgl ' ??? a ?-('? ??? I '?"" I " ? ? ? i ? I Air Un' IS|I-'*1 I,... ? 1 'I' .1 t'A^.. ? ?? i i ?? : l#V IM I I ?ixoiuati Hallway-_m*. II V.__ *>M 4.4w| If Your are inadequate for the handling Present of y?ur South American or Facilities other foreign business, we invite you to consult us. Our Forei-gn Department is fully equipped to meet every requirement and to give prompt service. The Mechanics & Metals National Bank OP THE CIT\ OP NIW YORK I? HAMAV STBKET Ca-sttaJ, Surplus and Profits $14,000,000 AMERICAN WOOLEN COMPANY Proposed Transfer of Charter from .\>-? Jersee to Massachusetts Stockholders of the American Woolen Company ar? reminded that th??*. three months fixed in the agreement for the deposit of stock to approve and make effective the transfer of charter from New Jersey to ?Massachusetts expires November 14, 1915. To insure the success of the plan, you are urged to deposit your stock before that day with either the Guar? anty Trust Company of New York or the Old Colony Trust Company of Boston. FREDERICK AYER. WILLIAM M. WOOD, GEORGE K. nil.I.ARD, ANDREW G. PIERCE, Jr, WH EATON KITTREDGE, PHILIP STOCKTON', EUGENE V. R. THAYER, HENRY P. BINNEY, ALEXANDER J. HEMPHILL, ALBERT H. WIGGIN, f Commun? of Dlr.c'ir? A4?1ki?t eommltte? STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES BOSTON STOCKS. MININO. ?it?". Hlih. W ISg mem ?. aju ?u .? RO A*??ntar? . -? '"? ?09 ?,,1, WAhmeek . ?7 ,.. ?, ' |ai 3.-.S Arizona ?'oni ... JH ? ? X 30 ?.itr? A i-. ???t.. -?i _ ! J 611 B...U & Bai.... ?4 SO ?" M? Butt? & Supw. * , 9 ,. gg 1.410'7ali...?et A Arlz. W*l SS? **? . ?-*?? BlUIBSt A Hi-: I? ?*?> -?i1 60 ,,r0'oi: r Bange... olH ?*? ? b, ?** .,? J um _ ??N Bast Butt? . ;"? '? "II r??, ' 'Uncork . i'Jk ?? *514 jg <s. nii?n? .?jh .?.** ?r: IM Birt?S^S P S f 1 T ? Fail. SallC. ",, La Su }U mMtra valley.- M ?H ?? JB 31'. Mass ("on .?S ?> "J 44 IS Mayflo?er . JH ? J* .J? ? M.*hawk . ?_ *_ fit 52 ;?>, New Ar-allan . JJH ?M jJJJ g? roO North Butte .. ? S? H 3-** ??* ??**? 1'X) North Talks ..?? 1*? ,.*? ?J .a ?i.M ''ol-ny . ?H .Sj ,'2 .?,* ? ' I I*???*?*"??? ?1* ',",* ,?S S" l?S i-.tiI rjnsk .... i? I ? J* ?s'>, -' IS TO . ?'? ? La ?au 3?i. Shannon . f% > ?" .-^ 6.?'?1 ShattU'-k . 3-S g * ?;ff ?"v . Boath Dis* ..??? 'r?.' BE ?-v. Su H Mary'. I?an<t. 5.4 VT% &;H HJ ; . - :,.?r i Boston. * f% ?J ?J SHPN i-opper.. -S'sj ? g ?J - *? S.77M Tamaraok . M Hg M *? 1 ?ini-v . ? ?? liu 444, I|4| r -? ?melters... ?M 43?? ?M MJJ U pr . <T1-?. 4:> 4?> 4,> M? Utah Ap.x . Vm *_ S\ J? UlUtali CSa . "34 "?**? 13 *? " ? BA?LBnADS. 10Bo?ton * Alb.1? I? 1?? mW ' i:1*V - ' )? a" IT 45 . l'.t.-hhUlK l*r ... M '4 ?? ** IS Main? ?entrai.. 101 IM I? "? ihm n?o . ? ? ? J ,;?>..?>.io".on?;:::::i4i .3 il ? li?) Rutlari'l ir . ... R -.; ?* g 7 W K St By pr-- >3 M ? ? MISCELLANEOUS?. lMiii1-rr -TTI S_ *_ 100> , MF-.ll.on .3*J4 ? ?JL ?? i IOMsm Osa . Wk tgk ?H S?a s^&wWjj^S 8 i? & lK.NVw En? Telep.13?'?. l?H 1^*4 l}? ?,neei* >..i?l.ole. 1.74 Io4 Ui Wk mswifl a os?.* ??'-'* 43 aL au! IsTorrlnston . MV? W? ?? 3?-i I.UI I'nlte.1 l-*rult 14*1 IM l?'i IJJI 1.143 in.t Sho? Mai'h ?%t 60H 494 M ai Ss HL ?v> R8 $3.? Ventura nu .... ll*i IM IH ?J IM Wollaston Land. 1'4 IS IH ?* BOND?. ULSUAtt, <; * w i ta ?Mt ;?S J* " 1.DH0 Mis? ltlv r?*r 5i .. .? ? _m 1 ?X? N lin? Telep Bs 101 HtM M ??? K.SNNCW Hl? er IS... W S S M 1.0t/OI?or,.l ?'reek 6?-. M ?4 IS em 2fc.000-S.ilft * ?'o Bs... J.4 ?;H ?;J? ? t? ".'?Saw?.! Klec ta.-?S?? 1?< WH MH U.SM Wast "1st SS. a"8** ?H * ?*? BOrROM CfRB ClaOSlNO. m?! Aik BM A?k. na ?;, turn 11? j5 I Mas Metals.. K f* Majestic .... I?-' WO I_ PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. Op?n. Hl?tL Ix?*?. Laut. ?A-c^-r ? f r ma"'V".::<fi| m m _ ?-?fi^rJ i? ?? ?? 4 2? ?i H Buff * Seen t c **} g B B ?l'?S*^! L L I T.^??"?? S S g? g sMK^rBa?::;" W ?M fi |WDul. S s 4 A pr : ?S U i* Bl# CtaM AU'hiaH .. W gBj "j? "J**** MSUaka Bun Oorp* J% t? .'H J? Uhtati Nav ? ?_ g. **? HL S. . J.-, l.?li V,l Tranl'tS,?? JH ?> _W\ .??i v.,r ?Vnlral .... *?.? SI .*? ^reUnni-itMf.l.': M IM tg | ?P*nn .-?eel . M S Sm m m ?t? pr-.? ^ ss , * puits '" ? ? ? 4 s? fia "I PhllS r'Arr . ITJS W ?T? T 1 lhlla H Tr t C U* 1*H Wk W% il l'hlU Kl*??: . ? ?J? S? :.'. " 5 * ? Sa 9* &w ii? ? Tint?.) ????? n ' as --3 -:3 "?a M h ? I A ?. 10'i WH ISH 1JH ? W J.r.ev A S i? ?H 4s', 4*H SM l'ai.nrk H?. . y,? *'. ,V** .. l.'i ?i*. pr.I " ? ? BONI'??. - .???.." ivj -??JA m m m ? 'hiu Bl?e ta. ? MS M4 ?H .' -;an-Am 1.1 ??i 10.' ll? US Ut ? ? i i,U Rys Inv fc? 744 .44 .4 ?? _ i ?-> BALTIMORE STOCKS. Ki _ ?>p?n. HHh. Ixx?. la* ' i? ?'?>, ''. ,)! ,)! JJ ? Bank "f ii?U. I"'* IM IM Bj 1, lui* l'r l'k ir *. ?... -?? i ??.im .... ?1*4 ??',. 'A ' *? -'??irnion? .... *. ;<0 ?j | arm A M !tk . ??; M M I ? ?.-, Ml V *'o? Mill?. H 1? !??', !? ,?' .? .,, . ... .'.IS us US Ni H*r<7 . a Min Tr ?74 ??'?? 474 ?.'?? N. .- ' ?trial m, M ?v ? tei nlpa "r. i ? ? ?4 *l* ''? ? ? nu h?. St M MH -44 -'4 -?4 1>?.NI??> > HSCIll? ?"Ity By &* *??? iWH "4 I 4 i ?iso.-itv Bau 4? i?: W4 -s', -4 Mi I.SM iio 4. ifMi. Um -i-, :-', ??'.'si ? WS Elkhorn lAiel ta ?S 't?*? ***?S ?H ? ? "?ir * i'IKT *?. mm :**>S ?s ?S I 1 u?M Mil ?Jm I.t ta., ?l'i ?I', ?14 ?14 IflMl' Ri?KI lue Sill', ?14 Ml ?14 i ??? do im la. us *r? us us DIVIDENDS DECLARED. Reoor'l | :. mu ?:?i? i jiim? Jai?. ?".'?naiL-? l'a . ? W \"a THio hem U|< I I? D?s. 1 :?'??. I The Curb Feature To-day KATHODION BRONZE PREFERRED Write for our analytical letter. C. R. BERGMANN & CO., Invettment Securitiea. 66 Broadway New York Telephon* Rector jjj^ ANDREW J McCORMACK. Auc'lonear RE.JT-LAR At*rT!"N BALE "F STOCKS AMI IK.Mi? BT AHK1AN II. Ml I.I.ER O *?ON, OFTICE NO 65 WILLIAM ST *AEDNr>I>.\Y. WOV. UITH. 1918. at 1" 1 ) O'clock, at f Tia ?EXCHAKOE SALESR. ?? M, KOS. H AM? IS Y_MKT STREET. BY ?Irder of Executor?. 4*) ?ha. German ?s*?.':riange Banks. ISO aha. ?'entrai lark, Nor'h O l.aal Rlrar R. K Ce 111 ?h?. Unites Btatee Finlahlng ?Ta corn? il,801 Mutual Fir? Ins r0 of N T. Scrip. 1 ?hare Helana/er? Incorporated. Tor Account of it lu.m It May Con??*r_. 75 ?ha. '?'?rnmer'-lal Trust C of N. T 15 uh?. N-vt-Yorker rs-?.at?!ung 111.000 i'liattar.ooga 1'nlr.n It ?ay Co. let M'tt". * p a Bd? . 111?. J?n'>, lilt, Coupon? on. i 111 ?ha Cltjr Ir.'.eating Co. common. ? 1 ?hare American Uniform Co ?.500 aha I'ln"!a?tn Cemetery. ! 100 ?ha. International Textbook Co 272 ih?. Aaurtcaa Addren'.ng a Mailing I Oa 101 aha (Jalea Ferry Co. 15 ?ha N Y . Not? Haven A HartfoM R R 14.000 Stat? of North Carolin? Cnlte.j 8',it?s Tru?t Co. Ctf. of Dapoa't for Railroad Bond? known a? Claaa 1. 110.?II Blata of North Carolina Cntta-1 Statea Tru?t Co. Ctf. of Dapoall for Bonds to pro? id* for funding of matured Intariat on pubilo d?bt known a? '?is I. I1T.I0? State of North Carolina TJnlta4 State? Tru?t Co. Ctf of Dapoalt for Bond? to provide for payment of Stat? Debt contract?, .?tor? war, known aa Class I. ON THE CONSOLIDATED. From early firmness the msrket en i the Consolidated Exchange shifted to extreme weakness at the close. Untted ?States Steal common early got ud to 87 and did not fall below 84*4. Cru? cible Steel rose to 70 and closed at 7314, its lowest. Weatinghouae Else trie did not go below AS. Maxwell i Motors' high was 72*4 and its low ?8*. Ansconda early In the day went up to 861.. STOCKS. Sharo?. (?pen. Blab. I,mi Lag?. iMAiaass <;o!d.?lit Eh ii iiw 1.MS Alii? C-SM-MB.... .V."*, itfij n\ ms 7 7. Am l?>o?; Kiigar .. tft\ s'i t?\ 17 2. >!'< Ai-erti-aii I'aJi. 7.? M M MV toto 1.140 Am iir A Fdry ? ?"? ?? , 7? T?S lo Am lit to A L IIS 1!S US US IM Am I.lrilaau.1. 27S 7??* ?*?? 2??? ; IM Am IxwraiXt??.... ??'S ?7S MS ? :.'i?"' Ain Mmelting.. . u'S S?S M% ?_ lOAma.agar .!1?S 1!?S 1'IS IKS :.?70 Anacs.d? fop ?'?', *?>'?, ?4?* *IW uo At. Top a s r. ..loss losv uff ?,???, tAt KaJiltaln Ia?co : V- IV , 111 III 27'. liait A 'Hi!.' . . ?IS '?>??? 14 ?4 ?:0 ?n?* Rap Tr. ?a?. K0?{ S?u s?t, TO < ajlfomla Pet... Hi 21 20 || lACtm l'a. ill. . t'i IS1 111 1*1 13? ?'entrai leather ?', ?? IM I'liea A OMs , ?IS HI 10 Chi.' Ii! We?. MS '">*? !*S ?o 11.. m a st p ?-% . >*? *?> ?Ml -Me l? I * i'?- - ' -'S '? I' .??0 rhli.o ?'.^.prr . ?? I', It? ? *. :.... ? .1 Kurl A Ir < , I%_ MS .. Can l"r.-l.i.'.a 1 ?'- . " ? I ? 7 ? . . Mi.MMe S'wl. 7 ??-, ? '? 7H? ." Sei-urltlii . 4 r?. ? ?'', 2.f??-J Krl? .... 11% 4 S 4P* 41S ?> ,|.i la' pref H ?90 <*.,.?>? Ir!? h ?.. ....II 7. s '. a 2?0?Jt Northern Ore Mit II 4?S ? ? 50 .!?. pref l-SS 1-1S US'* I-*'? JM taUgge I. Ill Kip . '.'. 7-4, 71 SM Ir.plriilm ? jp . ?I?. 4*-S U I 7".o Ii ". ? . ? '? . , . . IM Ka . < r? ?-?? ... 14? I-.-f.tgii "TalWl ?'? II?* to to ? Ma.? ? M ? ? ? , . ?? , ??', . Muai . i- ? - . II" Miami < ?,p,s-r ? . ? -, I-, 'a I? l'a ".. ? ?'???' ; M Nat K.iaaiel . . ? , , ? , |M Nat leal . ' ? -.. \,....... i? i. r.s i ?'? 110 N V ?'?- ?ral ;?? >, p.s IMS 10?S t."i N 1. N h A H ?''S ?IS ?*? ?*?*? ?ON V <" ' AM . - , M l'ent ?t ?ai :a ". ?'I ? ' M v?. its.. Cm , MS '' ?? * ? I'maatd KM ?ar .??, >.s?a M " ? I" Kaj I'.xpper . MS M% .... 4 M0 Roadlos -, ?< . Il i ?IS lla?l? Ir A ts'-al II8 M 4? ? - ..t',?rt. l'a.' lOlk, 1" IMS ????? l.'O ?Wi'liuni Itwi) . ..'S -*l% - -. ?' ? ? .l*a.?r i .. la? !" '-, 1*'S ?; > 540 Teen I'.ipiwr . 7?\ ?", U* 'i ?0T*ilr.l A?n- i? ?-S ' -'? "-' 1.41?) I llM fa.- ?* 1 , ? I a 1 - 1*4 ! IM I S Kus.t*T . .".S '"? - ??? MS .??IS Sleel . . ?".'. ?7 ??S MS . r"-' !i ?. IH *. 111?? ?I'-*? ?>*. lus . ammat :??. ' \ '?:'* ' ' ?'Nal ?M ' .??... ?? <? '? ?" 1 ?1? V4>.igh?o K A M ?9S 4?'a ?4 ? aJ 115 total ?alea ? BONDS. :j)# Allan?a .n M 41 ? ?? Virginia I |M Ml--* ! Il B HS 0*S '*>*. .HS i i ? > .? ;* .? I?. * ?Id ? ? , . , ! -S 1 W*l ,n-;i M.T?.s v, |>S |?S i?s ?..? If.ii rlo4.nn . . 7s 7. 74 :? ,?M Juint-. tto 1 ???? 1 *? I M ! j M M a a . . .?S .?* tt .tt ?MOphlr ,, 400 rsl.ita Ne? . 7'l 7? fl tl 100 T's.r?p*h RSI I 7-. : *? 2?5 IB 10?) T?v,??!-I. I.S1H IMS *?*? ?*!" 5.?o) tiKal ?alea U. S. Treasury Finances. IVaahl? i- i N , a Tli? .-.? <?/ tha I'nltm? Mate? Trraaury a! the tloae of Nianeaa to day ?aa Net ball ,?? t- aei.r?. f.ii.,1 |! Is ?II i-, ?? eu|u?. |l ?II ?S. ?.,ral pa.wei I. |??*\.Osa Tfh? leA.!! 'In. Bacal t?-.r I 14?' '? ?ai agalla? ? ,le8.'ii ,! ti' ?e? ?'? a.' ??ar t\ ?1.44 - P| _"