Newspaper Page Text
%ssy^j^ fmu9^SSnn% sksX Ihn department n devoted to ?eparattng the iheep ol ? dvertiamg from the goats-and hanging a bell on the goat?. It deal? with a ?rery ?eriou? topic in a way that is not too ?eriou?. It? honeat endeavor will be to antwer with fairneti, either in print, or, where that il inexpedient, by privat? letter, all fair queitior.i ?brut advertiiementi. while reserving the right to plead ignorance when that i? the right aniwer. It a?W? nothing for it? ? ervC-ei -xcept the lOiifidrnce ol it? correspondent? in giving their nan-iei snd adJroaeoO. * confidence which W_l never be vio? late?? i' "*.-- clearly *. h.ther you pr?ler to have your name ?? ith held from ariwcis p-inte?4 h-re No ?iniigned communiealion? will be Addre??: The Ad-V i?or. Ihe Tribune, New York. vce ? .' - -. m . ?ought, tiade by crvmg it I tor "attempt? i atioa" of the Proie.?:' Ir.'?- ?.. ? . i and A v but *he;. there m three times pe? '' ? *? thing n i ty for all tl ? ' ..."-'..- ,u extra '; ?c morning ? two a ... ?tra'? ' our Pre - ? 11. II. ?. fu ? ? iffered fi?sn the methed ell 'ho Sunday edition of "The Kvrninir :? -?ram.*' T not unnatural, for it is difficult to sec now 'his ,,;??? r could eVpect to sell on any other basis. I aproo with ihe eon] ? lay evening" pap? r Meins utterly worth* ho morninc: papers. In an article some timo I quoi ? .. furniture tra?io concerning "The Tolepram*' ad? ven pink, it's punk." The same appears t" I egard :? of tin arrant fakery ernployed in se!',n ,- t, one Sunday pinklet 'ying to s ..i?, "i'ii t i-? I asl ;< Fake: 1 ? r.r.ia\ I aoticed comment urn?!: certain chain ? b\ Mr. Mark Ki?ner. of 1233 Madisoi . , '....? ', ? the Mark K.srer in question, but am likely !r> set .,...,.r r? . ,. .... . ,, r hr.,rle nl?y pive rise to heran?! raes, I respectfully request that you publish in same prominence that was given to the letter of r. Mark Eisi er I tatel ? that 1 nrn in no wise connected to. Which, Bl a matter of far!, I ... '. ..nnoya- MARK EISNER, rith plea Hie commi n( refei red to was published ?i dealt with an endless chaii oper ?v - - - ? ? of ?Belgian relief by a Mark Eisner who y reoopniml Belgian relief organiza rh? Mai . ,; ? e is Into rna Ri venue Col 1 ors District. What -oll?ecting ho does is strictly _ ? ? United States government, and ??<?'.. hemi to make it effective. The ?\d-Viaor regrets that I bin inconvenii 11 ??. pie of f kery, and in such ;. ':. gh toned i iper, e the une trusivi "spurmnx" and "canthrox" without their Should th? re not he Adv. ?v. the bottom of " ? What kind of Bsh will ' . bs ' csitch? PRANK P, POLET publiahii g this patent medicine advertis* ting tl e law, providing the \? r.f-v. ?papers do n?ot commonly prinl nostrum ads ? not hi up, it il s fair futas that The I I publishing thit it's bealtb or anybody else's, \? for Mr. Foley'i final query, he will find the ti?h technically catalogued under the term, catostomui ten i ?f old, a 7?iv. n crier brought news arid his common! upon it to the d<? 'rue comment on these to i factors depended his reputation, Tl." .volved noden ther fad mg. entertainment, pol?tica, owners! p, etc.. thrust theme? nto a column ahead of kind of columi gui - lolve to write the < how, ? ? ' ?????.II 1 bought It. Por a long - n In r, a proof t . ? ? e. I say it to the Ad \ rather I toi is! column', t.? topi ent our papei I bought. I bell? ? . ?elf Fink ... to the fraudulent 1 ? ?? ?? n Willard ..f purchase oi 1 he Tribune won' : . '.t -, ? \, ? ? ?? markabl? truthful; more thai ordinarily variable, How ? \\ . ? al.irh was cknou li M ?? and ? Hoe about .? compariaoi ?>? that hi .- !;mia ? ? . bluff"? M nd you, I ? ? rtised : 11 ? editoria ad ertisei gliti. rii le may I '. ? ? irr ?, . . iver I estij that ? ? W. he Can I "buj th?- window". I may add that I objected thro umns vi it!, BSCKIBEIt. It tant .. suit that i? m the srindow, Mr. Subscriber; it's a mirro . A newspapei ? noon in its news columns, opinion in iti editorial col* ? advertising columns It Is not flawless. No surface is, times t ? pr?t tort es even ( ucti ii the unreck* nabl? I) par's inf? rmanti contrit <? falso pictures ...i n !?? ? ,'???? public is m \> ? '?.. ?! such a manne ai I theii i ? ? est new ipapar will say so, ai i be i Lierhai ' - Edil and are ao presented. Few readers rument opinions as uriqualinad facts. Thay at th? bead of '*.? editorial pug? standi the unwritten rvwsks "Th.? .- our belief." What UM ?-?iitor of The Tribune believes to iay abssit ?i.? Pi es may be quite dilTarent from what he bo tissred two or three Th? trend of srewnts may have changad ms risse/point, or !.<??>?. taforaatkm may have tl?r..w:? mw lighl upon the prnbinu. i ibted wbethar a man of the type o? critical ,,lU'1; i;' ' "Subrci ? '" lettei would get his money's ' ?' ? ? ? whether ho ?would derive ' ?? variably . ? ith his -? "" ' ' 'u may buy the article offered in the window. Bdrw that you aie buying, M truthful a miner as lort can make it. That doesn't mean that it will ho in* ' ,ill"K >?" ? ? no. at least It Ig ?loan. v \ -r Department COBtiauee a source of lea I - that ..ted the p.- '"?? ? | aae of the column for securin* indorsement tory treat?, who ? t romotioi Such ? ?- -"..luv bai indeed sent ?os far, all tin " "me- ;!'-'" '"" ?? ;'r* ' ' '' itli thom will appear ;v ?taten.. I ted" and i ii explana* tion of th?- niant.? i :n ". li v th?. ? | -t!?? combinat -.?-. The ? o alt will ?loiii.: ? legists, bul riot precis?)* of the kind ?i;-.sir?-?i. Nothing of thiii ?trf cow ? to merchante who sand exampl? of their own a-ivertisinj' <?r business methods on thoir own letter head.-. While fUfh matter 11 not always available for print, the A?) Yis.,r is ,r):il\ to receive *j as information. ? . BROKER STRANGELY KILLED' T. M. ?Vat??.?*, - 'kail ! -a. ? ir? .1. I'minil in Hit M ?s .. Mi? Home. I ? , ? ?. brok? Broa ng in tli" ? ?\ . ? . ' : ? .-' . da? ? kail, belle*, ? d le received '.?hen he stumbled taira. Oa the possi et the broker having play, the police began ? . hk?*y la hi? hfiiid i|Dnbltd icros? hit tx ... . i, rcon' cheeks, i boa ? i ttended a ? ? th? ?111 to toar WIRF. DOG MUZZLES URGED Strapped Jaw? Bad Leash? Still 1'er iiut Attacks on l*?*??|>U?. ? and "figure V contrivances placel an bj relaetaat i ? noi n' I he ? ? luggest? ? '-?y by the C ?? ' Health. An order '?. thai expected. Dui - ir en led 'he II.TU1 of .? showed soil to ?ink their parti of eitiiea? de their mn I also toe ? . ? ended 2,070 ?.,.?,, . with 213 an . ? i 'log rners were ; -o were released on ?us - ?? 'BUS LINES OPPOSED BY INTERBOROUGH Representative Tells Estimate^ Hoard Competition \\.*ill Cause Bankruptcy. reteatatires ol thi Interboi ransit I mpany ?nd ihe New ,. ays i lompany ?| p? ?r? d o\ the p ? ' ing y lerda ? before the Hoard of Estimate on the question . tablishing now motor ?bus i ? Manhattan, and rigoroasl** opposed ting i on "? ground that it would seriously affect the profit! of hot); the lubway and ele? vated' committee of the of Estimate 1ms already reportad ? '.]>- on the application of the New any. Th.- applies ? ' oaeh <"om .? h ich "i * rai es ?h? pr< -eut ' >u?. ?' th?? Inter i mpai >. w s - n * approved. I to p? r cent of el eompany, ae W ? n I' G ithrie, counsel for ?in former coo | "If you pul these 'busses along the Iroadi ? i ?aill bankruptcy," de? ared ithrie. "The Interborough ?>m epresents ai lent of I1S7, 1)00,000 and the New York Railways ? ompany represent! an nvestment of 0,000. We arc conviaced tnat ? ? ? will be pal in Jeopardy if now 'hus route? are put in operation. ? n . ir? pai tnei - of I be eltj in 'he of th? subiray i nd "bus *-?>' '. ? I . i? menace to the profit? aod to thi hies of the eitiseas, ; . . ty'i good faith pledged to ? j? .- v. th 'a i art ?er, The 1 take the cr??nm ? haul trad c from the sur ? ? I h'ifth Avenue ("larh ? ompa . Mi. Guthrie said 'hat if the ?? for new ?bui routes was "f that eompa >? l he Interbor . i not aci epl it ? ?. m ? gi eat ery a few veirs ? i *? Fifiy ii nth Street erees* ne wanting to charge five eenta m\ r ?. short ri?i towa. The ?. > ? otnpeU? ?I ? i to gii ?? ," ss ..I Mi Guthi... "Now . ou to i ey "mi.? a ri? ite eet, thus rat? ing ?rit fair to ? 1 Street 1 in?? <>r to ? !.? . ... , The Weal End Avenue Associai on filed ? bri? f with the Board .?? Estim?t? ? lay protesting against establish bus I i i? on Weal Ead Avi> ? ????! ?oit that special i exemi t. ?I this thor t lines of *?-.? ry and building improvements on no? i .i? i been made in the belief Bl "Ii '?:? ? .. ? ?-# SHERIFF SEEKS PROOF OF EXTORTION CHARGE \\ n l ry to Compel Citizens Union Head to dive I acts. took the nr?it to compel vl I im Jaj ' ' ? . president oi the I I ? to fi.i:iiAh information which ittei said he had of a i is? el es> bj ? depat) ihei ifl Mr. Schief? eharge was made after Sheriff Grifenhagen m-k? : i| had made ? - tioi loi ? Alfred G . ? . ? :? candidate for . oi ?? ?-a-. i ere i n ? ' led, and re 126 not : dr. Schief* dot? ged '???-?? and the i ame ol th? deput . thai be ih him. .Mi. -r ?i f.-iui did . - and de PRINCE CHASES FINGERPRINT 11 ?.iihft/ko> Valalj Pareaea Laaspblach Kt'?ord of His Arrest. '.'? ; -.????? ret al gerpi :it ?. ?? hi? h ? en ?mated ? . ? . ? ? - ttacl ater rel? ? ? . . panied ? ! ? d? i o ? ? twici ? eooii aft? ? ond Branch ? .:. au. rat ti a al .u . . Ilule later, and Magistrat? Barril loara?td that ? earl be laid them that if they wished t?> see him th?*y would have to -.?.. ' after ai!iournm?nt. bey would not .i". M they left. the) Would appeal 'o the l'o ?ioneror th? Supreme Court gh th?:r friendi i" recover ?he ? ? Fined $1 for tepeetoratiaf. f. I v o men Into Yi esU?i in ned II ? ? Ma Tarn*. I'll?*? fimi been round .1 up for expectorating en the i.ran.t I ? i .. ? i lurteenth Street iuh*way platform* and ef thi Tl ??I A?.nn.' "I." Ki'? "i'? iirs !'"?M, iMr"?'''*?'' Ia?v 1 t /U a! MM. S(. IV?'CALL ADMITS INTEREST STILL IN WIFE'S STOCK Statement Before Thomp? son Committee May Be Cause for Removal. WITNEsSS IN TILTS WITH LEGISLATORS Testimony Colorett Public Ser tice Chairman Says To Show Shares To?day. < hainaan Edward r:. Mci'ali of the ? ? ? ? 'i ' " i ommi ? loa admitted on the itand tostar?s* at the T'.omp ativa committee heariag at ISIS It ?? rent in the ;,-7 shares <?f Kings County Electric : I ' och new In Mn ' ? list ai :.rea; ;? If h? rere the on ner rhi* "con on" | robably ? ?I 'oe OHO of '< in the rerom mendal oi foi M r. MeCall'i n i which it i? ai?l the rhompeon commit? fee will draw un nt the elo?e of the hearing?. Thi? -to?k pai?l ISjON an nually In dis ideada ? bairman M?*? all ami l'ninmi??mn?r Robert ? Wood wore the only wi? ?ie??e? yeeterday. Mr. McCall left thi ?'ami after ahoul one hour'? testimony on the demand by the committee thai i??? produce the atoeh eertlfleatei He went n?? n;. promising to prodoce them. ;.t .t o'clock n the ?fterneoi ? ? imittee ? aited until ) ?'dock, a? .1 en the failure of the Public Ser vire chairman t?i reveal whal pragroai h? I ??.I made in hi ? seareh for th ? stock Mertoi r Lewi a, Deput) Attor ? i . General, counsel for ?he com ?re, telephoned to him. Mr. Mr? all rr sponded thai he would not be tl C77I11 posaosaion of the certifleates be? fore 10:80 o'cloeh this morning, when he will again take the surd. Sn?. s Testimony Is Colored. Seemingly convinced that the com mittee ?i OUI te fore his removal. Mr ! McCall accepted every opportunity toi buttle ?Mth his questioners, assertingI thai be would eritldtc the member?? of the committee when he fell justifie?! in ?o doing, and chnrging ihi*. hil las timony wa? being colorea. H?> began his testimony with the statement thai Mr?. McCall was no*? the owaer of the R ng? Caaatji stork which he ha?l owned prior- to hecomin/ a member of the eommiaeioB, but h?? diiln't kno?,v where 'he certificate?? W 're Mr. Lewis suggested that Mrs McCall might be culled to clear thi? up, but Mr. MeCall said that it would not b? necessary to summon her that he would produce ?hem. It. was ?leni??d by the Public Servie* chairman thnt he had bought the Mock from Andrew Freedman. "It was ifl 1901 or r.?"t that I gol the Stock," he said; "I bought it through J. S. Hache Si Co.. brokers " ?'Mow di?l the name of .lohn .1 Mackin i'et on 'ne eertiftcatea, and that of Preedman a- the ruar, who had turneil the stock over to Mackin'"' "Now le? me tell you .-.bou? thai * i be eleai " Mr. McCall exclaimed "You know what position Mackin held; he wai merely my confidential officer. I just had the stach put in his name There was a l?.?n on the stock a' ne time from Preedman, and the stock wa? give?) to Preedmai as security for th'? loan. V. "neu the loan was paid off Preedman turned back the eertifieatoj That is all there is te it. Mackin didn't know aaythiag about the transar? hi ?.; he didn't know any more about it than voir rhi'iii.'' \sks Purpose ?if tjuestitin. i be tranafei t?. Mr?. MeCall, the wi?V i?.-" aaid, was mad? p*-'''* to hi.? -n tranee lato the Public Service Commis? a.,.n n. Pebruary, " IS, Aft.i Mr. Mci i,l! had testified a? the quarterly dividend- en the stock amounted te |TM Beaator Georg F. Thompson. chair ?mm. said: "You had just a* much .r.terest in it if it was Mrs. McCall'l as you nuld have ha.l ii it ha?l been yours, ?lulu t you*" ".lust as much; just as much." the Witness replied. Then he suddenly said: "I don't know what the purpose of that question is. What ?in vou meant" "Well." Senator Thompson answered, "l haveal anj particular deflaition of it." "I want t?' lay," Mr Ml Ca ? : .??r*-.???i. in an unfriend ? tone, "that this idea thai I bought the stock from Preedman gives 'he transaction a bad ?olor, an?? I ,iIa?, ??Hut to say that whoever gives ? ??pression in i|uestioBi sbool il is v. rang." "This committee," Chairman Thomp? son said sternly, "stan?|-> back of every question that Mr. Lewis asks, i won't have what he ha? done criticized or anything that tii.s committee does criticized." "Well, I ihall eritidsc snybe?dy who *a\s thai I bought the stock from Preedman." MeCall retorted, "I didn't iay yon I a l bough) the stock trmu Preedman," Mr. !.. srii and thai till . ? But, later on, in diacuesiag the examin itio ? of impl une l thai that questio ng ha? ?? en unfair. ( '?mmis loner Wood Testifies. 1 ' mmisi onei M end w? ? i ,.,-. wi,rn ai reautaod following ?'? H? ?> d that before ha be* came a Public Servie.manias oner I? ?aA ;?. th? |.ro,;erage business a-, l - 7 nn handled public utilities stocks along With others. We and h ? pa "innig tins tmie owiiH.i shares in t ,??1 ? ... ! rro '....?? . I? e?l or M ,...,i ? ehe i i lion he ,.. iga old an] '"' k i New ?i ork > ? Intel ? ? igh .'" bat not i Ba I became a P t ( mmissioi er " "Have fa i awas I an:- CensalU <?as sloe'-'"' ??I don't recall owning sny - ? 'What abo.ji Kings i'ounty Ele Light und Power?" "I don't recall ever having an ? ? tee. " Mr Wood was asked to describe ad ; ? ? it bii werking hours week. i?.- gave a detailed aceoua ovement . evaa to the pom ho? be wall ed de ? : . it?? a). " ? ked i and ev< -, ? ?? s ed up. 'i. | ttail all cot? r.'d ? i., i ' .:..< ba tui m ?l i i"in ?ii reel ion to i ot i r After he id describe? ,:. .,..,.? T'lesd: "' ;i.a;,< (I golf," he Bfl . ? d had anl 1 the tv.tne , minded lb? committee that be also rotod Bfl Tuesday. Baaiaeaa Policy QaeafWacd, lv questloaa Mr. Lewi. brought ihat ? ... . on the lubwa, i in ob m| ? ? '.o:, is apparently paahed ?? ,? great deal more fares b;. the Pu Ben ce I ammisaiofl than '.fork in congest? ?i i ??? ' ?>b - of I to eitj. ?? it .? ei(v laaei laten it monej cause contracts fai a or* in 'he hi of ib? ? ty ar? out lot until a wel '. under " sy : '? ' he to open -??> : mi- ." said ">I ? . I." "Well, I would bardl; -?? th Mr Woo.' remarkod. "Aad v.? regard I ?a; a? ? good bt Bi ?s poiic) "" "YaSi you BBS WS are pushing work a? hard a? we can " "Does your wife own any stock the Interborough ?" "I have never been fortunate eno; to be married.'' Mr. Wood replied, i everybody laughed. PEACE TOEN OPE U. S. POLICY FORU: After Lecture on National Riv; ry Wilson Is Ur>.od to Call Neutral Conference. \ foruB on America's future forel policy was I...gun v..?!.-: day afi?rn? under the directiea of the Woma Peace party, when the spaaing lecti of the eourae -ir? given by Profeai Edward St. Kri"-ii,v;. ?,:' beland Bti ford Junior University, on th? of "The Did Idea National III val ry.' One hundred women and a few m gathered at TO Fifth Avenu? foi I meeting. Professor Kn-hbiel attack the proaoBl natioaal system aad extreme form, in which every niili believes Itself to have ;? special m - on, to 1"' superior n many, if no! ? s. pecta to other nations, and T" pi , . the r ghl eiow on any question, Quoting ths .:"!.'. ',.:i of a nation a body whicb exists when its eomp tient units believe it to be a nation, a??, ii Whether such beliefs were n artificial, and whether, since man's r liofa differ, the presen: national sy t. ? could not be altered in favor something better. This afternoon at 4:.''<) o'clock I Norman Angell Will speak OB "Tl <?reat Illusion," referring to the jdi that nations compete with one anoth ?a the economic world much a-- lad ? iduHls do. hr. Angel! will lec'ure . Wednesday and Thursday efterao? also, and Professor Krohblol ?'ti Pridl will complet.- the lir-t half of the I.? weeks' eoura?, fader the joint direction of ti People'l Institute and the Woman Peace party three evening BMOtinf will In held each week at s : 1,". ? Cooper l'nion. A', a meeting of the Woman's Peac party immediately following the lee ure yesterday afternoon a resolutio was passed urging President Wilson t co-operate w:"h neutral government.? i ?ailing a conference of neutral nation to sit as a court of mediation and sur mit reasciniib'.e proposals for peace t all the warring nations. Mrs. Crystal Eastauu. Benedict i chairman of the committee OB arrange ments. and BBaOUg thoM working wit hi are Mr?. AmOS Pinchot, Mrs. ?'bar lotte Perkins Oilman, Miss Alice t'.ir v Mrs, laei Milhollaad Bo ? vain. Mrs. Richard Aldrieh, Mrs \ mir Simkhovitch, Mrs. Henrv Hru? r? Mrs. Marcui M. Marks, Mrs Chai as I Tiffany and I ? r. S. Jos?phine Haker. DISCUSS WIDENER PICTUHE! Art I.o? er?, W onderin? What Will He come nf I annul? Collection. Uly M'irai'h la Th?* 1H-WM ! Philadelphia. Mow. s, Art lovers wh? never had an opportunity to visit th? famaua Widenei galleries ;.t Lynni Bood, Elkl s p.irk. are woodering to r|ae whether Petar A. B. Widen lied Saturday, made good in h ? his half prom -<? to gil i his eol I? e ??. thi city. The consensus ol op among friends of the dead financier i? tl'i.i be h.came displeased at th? tivity and shorteightednesa of 'he eity s.nd made other provision for disposing of the colled ion Many of the pictures in the Widener Collection are worth many times their "?"?.khi n g'.Id, ar.d some ot *he old masters are representeil more com? i letely than in any other collection in the world Oae of the gema, Ram? bran.It's "The Mill," was acquired by Mr. Widener at the CBflt of 1500,000. -? a Buried as Earth Wall Falls. Several ton - Bf f.,Xing earth ; ? - 1!..| Michael Masxarano, ??? I ? ! , ? |i5tfa St ?? ??'. while aoi ?? ng excavation for a HOW building a! Wal id Tremont ?\venuea, The Bronte. Mazxaraaa ---.i fifteen feet below th ?idewslk when the ".-11 of earth erum bled aad buried bisa. He was pinned ?lovvn by a bowlder and not dug out for Bfl hour. mi-i i m ? t t r mxnxnxnsra I Unequlled ?n popularity for Di-incr and Supper. W u "More than a Restaurant?A Broadway Institution" M Brcadway at Forty-ninth Street Also held in high favor for its Special Luncheon at 75c and for its Afternoon Tee Dances P**? Eta 1111111 j 11 ; t t t t tu mm nx OSBORNE URGES JURORS TO VISIT SING SING CELLS I'nvtation Issued as In? quiry Begins at White Plains. TEST OF SYSTFM, COUNSEL ASSERTS Principal Keeper f irst VVitn^s Called Welfare league Rec? ords Reported Missing. Themas Matt Osbernc ?Hll throw Sing Sir?,? upen to ?rhatever inveaUgationi the cr:.i,.| iiiv of Wi s'rhester ?'ounty te make nto any or all of it*? de? partment?. I rod yesterdnv by . '.', Mardi th? urden's .-.? toi ne ; o accomi anied him ' ? VVhil ? en 'h?? praiui jui ? .i ? ?> the pi ?ras fur'her in. dor ???I b] ?? letter ?'.Inch Mr, 0 borne c.-. to Pred? rieh ?I. vYeeka, the D 1 'net attorney, formally Maun?* his pro* poaal. "We have ??kcl for and expect to got .. full Investigation Of affairs at S.n;? Sing," said Mr. Merchant, speak'nir for the ?rartien. "We do not recognize any ? es or porsoaalitiea in the graad . i -. invest gal :<>n. "The question is simply this whether th? prison has improved since Mr. Os borne took charge, or not 1 It is merely a teal ? ' pn-"i, govern? ment. Mr, Osborne ii ?rilling to furnish u .. . ? .. ? i ill the facts ;ind ? ?imand, and bus :is'?cd t.? go i. fore ; "?n. !(?? ??.ill write Mr. IVeeki to night, inviting a'l th? jurms, ? ?r n. mai ? .. deaire te come, tu vieil Sing Sing ??i d itaj as long as they like, ?n whatever eapaeitj they chooee to -? '-tit. themselves. Says < ?imparisiins Must Be Made. "The biK <|u?'stion which the investiga? tion mus? a.,K,. ;. whether conditions have improved liaee Mr. ?lAborne took charge at Sing Sing. To determine this conditions under previous wardens and systems must be examined, as well as ? i '.ni: under the pr?sent war? den. The question eunno! be determinad a comparison." Before the doee o? the investigation the warden will hpp??ar before the jury, l'iAirict Attorney Week? ml I yesterday aft ern? i "1 ba\" obtained the consent of ?he grand jury to have U arde i ??sborne fore them," he said. "I have nothing further to give out." "U ill you aecepl the invitation of the warden to visit Sing Sine?" he was naked. "1 have nothing further to give out," the i'i -tr:?*. Attorn? ? repeated. Little work was ?lone yesterilay by the jury, which occupieil most of the morning in listening to instructions de? livered by Justice Morsehnaaer. Me pointed out in his charge that the public records and all institutional buildings in ?Vestcheeter ?ounty were open to theii investigation, and laid stre?? nn the neeeeelty of secrecy in the pi-oceed nge. Me also emphaeised the necesaity of guardii g agaiast care* ? dictmenta. (.rand Jury Begin* Work. Following their cliarpe, the grand adjourned to the District Attorney's office, where the investigation was of !'cially begun. Andrew H. Buchanan, a retired oil? cloth manufacturer, of ?'ortland, was chosen foreman. Three of the twenty? three other members are from Ossin ing. Before the jury convened Mr O? borne, accompanied by Mr. Merchant and James Y. Bgnn, of 20 Vesey Street, h:< other counsel, iront to White Plains itomobllo. The warden appeared cheerful, al though he looked rather drawn and haggard. ? \i the re?sjuea1 of my friends," he said, with a laugh, when questioned, "I haw placed myself m the hands of my lawyers. The only trouble with them is that they want to do all the talking. You'll have to a... them." George W, Kirchwey, Mr. ?isborne's present deputy. ?1 ??I no*, appear, although the warden said Sunday night that he uns * |.,?'cd to meet the party at Whit.- Pinina Frederick Dorner, !"? bronsed faeed, white-haired "P. K." of Sing Bing, was, . ..;.'i itoo I? Irai wilnesa called i,. the |urj .Hep ' .'?.. recordi of the in n ??*??? ?i?.;\l\?. Ml?HT, '?UN., \<t\. IB, ?, r S. ? ? nana ?*? I'iiIiIii. latienauer; Cm .... Rothi? i ?on? i- . lUil. Huri? ?.ml.>?.?. * o r DelaUBOi? [M.lui A. I tho i.e Kothlor l*ond Polacce ?lmr. I ?.'??tirril.iMiinieriinic. Kurt. Mali n inri? h ?.i. bul i. Crina Braun. \? ?il ? ond Rodanskr Id? bal ? in. it,, hau, r. ?Ida, Cajattl (debut); : I.?' ??."?oil I ?l.-tlut I >*j|. Mat ?t I KosrnUa?aller, iil-r. Hem? pel. W ' ? ? '. ?SVtll, aitbouM R Bodaask; **??' a' kids, Rappel?], Ma'ieii iu?r. Uartli ? tt ?'..ini. . s.,?...-,. m?i. Mu?', m i. 1 AKSIrAL a V i.l ? H' . ?I - \?>V 1 1. i ?..-..., i , ? , I ? I* I a ? i ; !-* SC0T? NEARING "THE HUMAN ELEMENT IN ECONOMICS" Wednesday Eves.?8:15 P.M. ^'M,ii/U WASMINt.TON IRVING HIGH ij^nO-J'. Intni ;?.? i and ITU? .--.r??:. ?:?.?'?? ' ? U.mbmhlp ? aid i ' ? ?ii'.) la it?. BAND Si 111 MIL II? I i . . 1023 Qnmtrej PHILHARMONIC sOCIl .'? ? '? \i:v. ron ? ? l?i-H -li;\\-K*?. inviui Iiik I?. ? - -? ? A' tl . ?? ?l?t. ?Ill, II IlilN, 111 I I ||? ? N K.N. C m h A L :. -1" ? ? ?:m ?.II is xI r ; t? at Bo j 'ft.. - W.oi.l *,\ HALL. 1st I ?,n,?*rt lo-oitln at Itli nil al? r i i Lriturt??! In'l.l i? I ARTET .; Ar* a* ( \|{| | I'.n HHKKl. ???S3 .. . I H..10. II- ??. I....?, ; u- 3lth SL ? ariifjla* Hall, fhl? Iflrrnoon at S. "* SONG RECITAL MME. FRANCES ''.?k La renn ? ?LDA VESGE! UlllltV HAM. THIS AFTERNOON. (Tue..) ?I 3 P. M. Mi **<.\ki\n ! |.K|( |> l'l\\l?-l - >; ?Ms ??? OOJSO. \?-??Ii.?ii II ill. |? inorro?. (WinL) al II IV M ?um. H K< ITA! POVLA FRISGH OmtU II. i ..-? . |,.r v|... , . , . .... m4. AEOLIAN MALL THgr?. A??.. N... II. ?t J. KK? ITAf. HY GUIOMAR NOVAES llaUr.I'.Uv IUMST ?l-t. M ,1? Hissa, ' Mutual Welfare League's ?rial? of vari 001 offenres committed by the prison "t * League Ke.-ord? Reported Miaaing. ? aa repei tod after th? jiiry that "he rOOOrd I of :' I forty trials CO ? ? tad II III " tit Biiaaing. This ;s in aecor?iaaee ?'? ith former reports which bava ?hat part of the file, of the league had ? ither been destroyed or mislaid. I'unng the course at the investiga ? "s District Attorney Weeks tried to :,e warden. It was said later that 1 this was merely to confer with him eoacoraiag the niaeing record? Mr. Oa* liorne wa ? at this time in the Wes'che? ?er Club witb bis counsel, and Mr Weeks could rot find h'm Pol lowing the principal keeper I ? r. E ! Parr, j?ri?ot. physician, te?tified, and the j ii ;, ? . ?rned. The report of !>r. Rudolph D^dling, of the NI '?'?' \'?ir'K Pr: ion ' ? has been received by th.? District At* . d will he read by him to ' ?? ? re convicta, now held in the White Plaim jail, probably will be called i?. testify ''??lay Among these 1 is William WiHett, formerl) a United Statei Reareaeatativa and more receat* ly a jiidg. m the Mutual Welfare . League's Court. HARE OPERATION PERFORMED Nurgeona Watch Attempt to Cure Wom? an's Hour (.la???? Stomach. A operation for "hour g!a?s . !" was performed yestei day at ? Luki '?> Mo ? tal by Ur. William A. i."-. i.? Ii ?? i the Ural earn of tl ? ???r *.. be 'i? ated bj Mew York City 1 ml ?Many doctors are ? ? ? .?. ome of -,, ,'",r.n> PhC ?,,.',er'' IS ;. W .111 - an ftf? ylnn yai .. ,| The malformation, in which there are really two stomar-hs, ?a eauaod by 'he drawing in of th? ? ? at the organ, producing two sac; dilated above an! below in the shape of an hour glass. Digestion il delayed, and irwiv CUriOUl symptoms, difficult of diagnosi-, appear. When 'he malady is suspected, the patient is made to swallow bismuth. The outline of the stomach may then he seaa with the X-ray. Jenks to Tell D. U.'s of War. The fall imoker and annual meeting of the New York f>e'tn Cpsilon ' lub ! will be held tO'Bight at the room? of the Aldine Club, MO Piftb Avenue, a ? o'clock. Pr. Jeremiah W Jenks Michigan. *78, will ?peak on "The Real Significance of the War.-' A feature if the evening will he aWardlag the club'? recognition shield to an alumnu? for achieving prominence in his partieclar spheie. CHIHUAHUA SAaED BY VILLA TROOPS Unpaid. They Seize German Con? lu?ate- ?ought Off with Forced Loan. r? Trlt*,.? | El Taso. Tex., Nov. | taSBSJWl be csuse they hsd retener] n0 pi_ . months. Villa ?oldiers ra,ded the (*,. man Consulate in Ch.huahua City burned the c:ty market hooa?. tni ? tacked the confi?cat:on agency of ?_ aecordiag to srrlrsi, to-day from Chihuahua. ? de?nandin_ p_. ,? 1 ? started o?jt ?? ... "' 'be tar it, which atan ?pread i ?-. section ?t liste the mob fortai an entran? ? ? , ,j the bull? which the Chihuahua M.mrg C0Bpt' officials had put under th? proteetui of the consulate. Ihe mob next went to the mark?? house and seising ail goodi <>- u. re '?i the building, A i (,. . -in?! office of the Villa tottrr ment was about to be looted, (iorirnor who ha?i forced a loan of lie*). ?)00 in Amer car money from bum*,," men wh;!e the rioting was m pro?*??, announce?! that ?- ??- ' . r? would be pa -i .' he ? ; ., '? ., the no"- . .?d - / .pa'?'. |rTr - '?tegrsti.-,? ? -us reeetv'ia igeoey. C#?. aral P ?bio ? I reh r.g threat, ? ?rge fort?, i| '? reslstasa. STARWOOD MEN OF (?000 TASTE AND REFINEMENT ' , WILL WEAR. Ni:? VORK'N I I SIMM. TIIK.tTKr'S \M? M <( I ????>. EMPIRE. n?i I":, ?t Mat* T" Mull I - ? TTITI. SECRET SERVICE. ' LYCEl'M. VV ? '?.- ?? Ma' m V ETHEL BARRYMORE,,,; HUDSON v\, Trnummofj bV * " D_____a___ia HARRIS il:; ?L** V. ,?V ! ??COHAN'S ' ELSIE JANIS r ,? .?.??? . ;* LAST 7 TIMtS In "M S3 INFORMATION.'" MONDAY. NOV. U. SSSSI 1" meat BACK HOME .'^'tl^y I- ssi Irrln . ?-.',-? Jl DOS PKIMT s . BELASco m^;,,?^'^r.K'""?;-" ' ? THE BOOMERANG LONGACRE ? , , r " BEGINNING TO-MORROW NIGHT LEUDli^l.. HSi'LlN i,,.?,: M THE GREAT LOVER republic wm.".*v. c.?...';?"': *?.:' : NEW AMSTERDAM"'"4"?; ;0UND5MA: H , o ? ?? . . ?? :??-Ufiaet. S. at? S.lllai Elgtl me.,, Is Alna?. TAIPTV I "* "? ?f Ulli- I I tl,,.. r, , \;,,|-, . ,, .SU.j.H ENGAGEMENT EXTENDE? I "??T.. SSV.*; "YOUNG AMERICA" i !>?"''"-__?_ AfTI I" TilF I'l.AY V ?SIT OANSE OE fOUItt 2IEGFELD FROLIC ,S3 A . - > - III ??.IB* FIHTY.*. ' 'ii-.. m?a r UL 1 KJLV t|,,|t ? ?_ .? ARNOLD HA! V n-T-iANGtt ?" UALI ?aTHEHOUJT All New York Sayt Emphahiuily "S ,SH" k_;i-m;?h*t_V LIBERTY aV;t. T\M?K IMII.V IM I. BCT?'S Lait 3 Weeks ?Vrmiri Cljastlo PS??? SsKetail"". I.? _ t?a' Ma' BM V II 17 tFt!,.r Ma'? We. ?'"'?? * Il '"> T?. MOR s Sa? m : B "FAIR AND WARMERM A 1 ..--'-' ? .. I ..?.?, H^V*14 ?CT/vn ItUA? ?'. RT I r? ? T? B-lr.? *. AO I -TV .... Gra. M. Coria.-. ? ' ' ?"? HIT-THE-TRAIL HOLUDAY ..'. I'llli Ml'.!.?, a. l.l.l.l HoLLlUT" CANDLER . \.'. '?,, ti.'u'ii-?.'.'" THE HOUSE OF GLASS ,t Mar. H,an I .:-? ,i Al Ana-*? Cal ?ir. !. I-' II '-?I - '*'. *W H Tl "^Rf i ? ? rm.!_l? 111 U ? 4.D ? Mj. f. M..KII ? : Sal. ? U MONTGOMERY & STONE _?S ?sa a vu ri ice ' BEGINNING TO NIGHT GRACE GEORGE THE LI HS ??iwaaians TTn '?- *-ni "T??* ten von? m?.." coMEOY. i??* ? : II.M Um t la* - ? | ? HOBSON'S CHOICE 48TH st. Th-vr:-; r&E nnTAS "EVERY MINISTER IN NE A' YORK OUGHT TO SEE THIS PLAY." 'THE ETERNAL MAGDALENE' with JULIA ARTHUR. ?.HUBERT tarn III- ?*? ! mmfe II - ' ALONEAILASi MAXINt ?cLITlTTS. ?'?? ' r QUINNEYiV LYRIC r - i,-M?* " " ' ! A 11. ..I... V I .s iMTf .'f ?POTASH AND PERLM U TTER." ?ITH ST. I? 1:1 ?tS '????'? t :: ?? ?1 "**? THE UNCHASTENED WOMAN booth. i'T?. a r Malinw T.? m'a $i r,?. H soTHERN .asr CASINO. I ?*i 1:1 '1 .' ' ? Te m? I! 7.0 THE BLUE PARADISE ?r^,1* ! HA?...; littOSI " 44th - n , ; .: ?. .. \ftV f| Be? ' ai i?" We so ? .. , NEW ?..ill-. nil.ATKK HI.1*1. . It. A l???>. manhatian ; ' ,A *' 2ND INTERNATIONAL WRES?LING TOURNAMENT T??-M?.HI> Bill.: jDHNMiN ?s. et ma ?jweiJ.n America lilMXK va. S? HUI IN?. Ifol'.an.l ?i'Tinany DKIIMK ... ro?*.?l<sll. ?i ' sir:? Bohemio M ?.?-.?I I v.. I.I Kl? Il l.irkey A'i.'rla IIK\oM'\l ??. I I I Hsi Pintead a ?.?*??.\l ?.. LUPO Ba? er ?> Italy lu? It? ?f I.IK va. lltl.MK America ti.-ni..:,. \ a i .- St I IL.uts a* '? ?UTH "nT TIIIATHK X*. at?; Aim ? woea si. Mou i .... ,.,i i,,.,ir, Ml TWILIGHT SLEEP Wmmm ???..>. '? to* 4 i* m Ute ?ii.^.s* ti r. i \i B V Kl.irila LILIAN RUSSELL. " PA LACE >4r" CM* * OSOS Mar r-i-ibnvb bl, WMtlB| 4 -,ur, Kl, ? nvsAY. i? sr i?.i * ? ??s*??) i^.?)-. Pall? Mat J5 !? II . H-... haj Tu.??. L III Ian Ru???ll i.u???lr? prrsri.t?.| t, _ rart} ?i. W?d?Mda> COLONIAL A?. >? y ?I !'?.? -?? I . I. ni. . * CEN?1 ?VV '' ? ' v' r ??'???> ,**> ? VL.? ?? Kl Ml, i Hiui? O Bal T_H ' H O MONTM-MOST FUN IN N V PROfCSSIO JAL MAT. TO DAY 23? TO ?1.00 WASHINGTON SO. PLAYERS HA M'H.i.V ' A ni A? I'A/a III !.. s I M.L !??t \? T? a Tt 1 .. I ...s *i? l...?.?la, SIA I I - Bl Sol ?I A ? ? ll?l? ? ? llllahtl..! ?el IRVING PL. THEATRE TV.r II 1*1'. T.I.Il W.l?a-f ??.1 ?, U I..?I* COLUMBIA. Tai ? XmStp, .' 1 ?*. II I'.pl'rl .. l. ?? * 17th , Baaa ?,?jaii ? L.alaa B.H?a. PL.\Cli-Jl?YTi1E.?Tlt? I ? - ? ??!-??, ? ti \ki *-:**? ikh'Kin? niKi:nss j TREASURE ISLAND Postponed \\\\ ?V? Positively Dec?a -i3lil*lul3 _^_^_^_^_^_^_?e' "* r?a?-.v r'.'S?5 HIP HIP H0H4T M! It VI... . '???**_*. _.N??HN U - Hf.Bp* SOU SA ANO MIS ?'??'. SENSATIONAL ICI S*UI? MiVU.TUS Uta,. ' BSfl-Sfll HELP -_? STOP * " "*"* THE SPECULATORS . . ,'"*.?'aflVl m \i,4v? -? ? * ? ?'A"1-* MadisonSquareffartb I ,ii,i.ili?s To-Day mm ir\K. ??fiL Mill M l-l? P01*" lit? tl.MI**-U)* ** . , , ?v.?. **??, ; ?i , oi>- rtmm [y|j|fivs.r?vir*si THE _ ????.,!.{r.!".4U-*gi LEXINGTON ;.A ?^ |J $-* Mat 1 .\ ?**??**? ? MAhUAKUB*wA> ' '?'$'%!? Mat. To .1.) a Pl*l"u ^ TRIANGLE PUV$ mi. *"k:lU.. ?I* A Ja? ?? ? ? I'':"??*. |?_g?l* lar? Mata In A ? "? J3C HltiKcuc? *** rSilS? uid Lllllaa (.??? i r* ,,_?!__ '_?__?? KNICKERBOCKER TMlATRt. H *?> * ?*?* V'TAGKAPH taW-? THE BATTLE CRY OF P?A<* Loew's American Roof *,;?* '-?/r?' BUSS.l. 4 CALMO.N .,li|Vtf GARDEN T'\\?\. .'AflE i-, ti i.s m.\ i. m/iviii ?'_? ?AUKS THK T.iINO ?I*?? "J ? vT ?*** ? ??- . v.. lip., |.. Il 115- ?' *g3j STRANDS :?-"?5s8G Kaal nwa. latiU-a ?r????rl'*A - "***