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' ' cperatir.i S ' I The Trench ^?.- mStST I iks n-..i west I Thema Rivsi A ' ?'?i n ? ? ?.rcur.ed Kesjsk Plstver Psat roes the s . \;ier'e ' soon to sffsd a ? . rpe of "ve BsbuBS range. The ' reinf : fortt to I ? l'as?. \> ? far have | ? Thermopyl-e, a handful of Serb? have valia* ? e?aau.* ^?.r attack in the K lak region has alto been rspulssd AeeetdJag to Cetttnje ad? ice?, the Vonter.egr at ?? . lite all ? ?n ad'. ar.c??s In ?he region aroiir..! ?,rahi'\?. u'tr. aaOltBoaa lossc? I hrough ? tarde*/, day and ???*. the fight eon tin usa, until the Auatrlana flnslly ceased through tx haus* GERMAN OFF? The official lepcrt of ths opera* HI n Serbia, at itsued II I 7..?ht, la a? ; ws: r'.an troop, reached Ivar.jica twsBty seve?i nailst eoeth east sf Krali? ?ever. Ivsnjies. an troop? are at'.?.-k;r.c i . Sad KrueSVM the we?tern ? ?ssed at several Krasevaa was occupied during the ? ? . . ? . . Jsrl ? ?? made pri.? a? " ? an MX) wounded The ? iBtltlei rial and lm . ,:e?. In the va aaassd through ?vce. lAl? The Consul General it sued the I .: statement to-day : ? ? ? a ller*ego ? . - .- ? ? ? ? .?? ? ea an ...??<?? ? ? front r.g official ' War Thestrc The ? ? ?? Moreva V roi rth of 1 nnjica. i?.'nrral von ? ? ? ? ights i ? Down the river. our forces crossed the ? to the re are in the nsnda of The Bul l .vanc itlett into the ?aCZ. WHITLOCK EXPECTS RETURN TO BELGIUM (.rnian lioverr.nient Tells State Department it Hopes He Will Con? Back. ? rand Wh.t te Belgium, irr.v- ytsterday or his way to the ' itei on Isava to Rotterdam to ? ? asil for New ".. Mr. Wl ' .parture fi ected with ? ? :i or with : tlcsl ques "1 v . by my physician two .. ? ? ..king a ? the leave of ahaSBOa to ? legula i, aft? r fifteen months ol unbroken at my hem? - v i return to Brua iambi r. My jour what \'. -lock, who was accompanied .?? trip from I The Hague ..; de .?. Bel* ? have .o Dr. lien.' . .? M Hi? re?*, ?.f th? making calls. Perla? I ; apers pay COI ? . to the de || Wl ti"ck. ? r| ' h:m na pro si,;. * the II leeution sf M:*? < i.vel! ? fr??ni Wll* Exprssaieaa of - SStSSB* for Bra- . to Belgium, Deportment ? rs that I IB behalf of all eaas, had I ?? rmany were ear : A s's de . i Iciona ron ! him. m! The Germa', ? ? TURKS HILT ALLIF?S IN GALLIPOLI FIGHT Claim to Have Clucked F.ncmy's Attempted Offensive. CeaoteatInopia, Nov. 8 The Allie? on Gallipoli Peninaula attempted jrea? ? an attack nea | assault?, ?ay? the War Office, Seal Ai.ati.rta the barded an anem) ' transport Bsv? rs ar.d the trSl ? oke, fled. ??e bombarded a la transport of th? 1 ht? were ob?erve,l ' ', envelo?' Os 8 ' the enemy's aeroplanes, damaged by our fin mt r Kul An Burr | bi nib '?, ? ' Italian Chamber Meets Dpi ember 1 Rome, * i# Chamb- ? ef Deput ? ' I ??:? Dsssn Isal foi i The Chamber probahl] the go. ? ni?/.'? ' ?'or a further ; full ponera to carry ?m th?; war. U.S. WILL NEXT PROTEST BRITI COTTON STA1 Plans ?Supplementary N Dealing with List ol Contraband. LONDON'S ANSWER NOT DUE FOR WEI Argument Will Declare Bloc!. Effective and In Accord wl Law's Spirit. ; r-? t* ? - ? i Washington. Nov. 8. Ar. ani'v? the late*' American note to Creat am is not expected for '?-veral w a:.d orina*.? month?. Whl I to? ? . reply, however, ths '?>'? ? ?;,! ?ill prepare and traasfl ? snentary i ting CCI res of the Britiih conirabar.d arij !he InelasiOB Of ct in th?. ? .osolate contraband. ?I ? g? i.eral right of llgeres ? ? |el for what is contraband, the State Dej ment he'.ie\e? that ii.*? certain prlncil must be obserre??. dieai ! he reminded that h-?is??ia, In ri ?s from neutrals, removed en from the contraband list in the vtith Japan, and that '.he British ernmer.t itself has held tiiat co must be kept on the free list. The British view of the recent r a.? it i? onderStOOd here, is that S? t;?r\ Lansing's argument Is techr than logical. As to the effect ; i -? of !he British blockade, G declared to have den ted tha? the blockade Ii erTec ? irtic . ur, and that the ceptlons pointed out by Secretary I.; ir.g are voluntary. "Exception? Are Valid." The British government Is expoi to argue that the relaxation of its r blockade laws In favor of neutrals < hf? v 1 to invalidate the blochl ut d.ere Is no impropriety g exceptions in favor of I '? r i - merchants along \?'7h those of neu countries. Gredt Britain, it Is beiieved, also - reply that her submarines ?.per?! I German shipping In the Bn .Sea have removed th.? objection t '? is discriminai: i lie between Germany an?l Sei ? :? d. has aim ? i-.sed. Search in j.iirt. to which ths Am? can government object? san greater than ?n any I ? ir. owing to Germa, lubmar . the present il alloc? - rexatfoai to mutral sh causs '? I all kinds of co. Ired merely to call ... . ? quick search and veriflcatioi of pap ' Britain. II recogni; .if the American blocki in the opening month? of the CI War, when only a ? ? ihlpi patrol the long c?.ia?t line of the ( o 11 ? the 1 ? ? effect .i, but the Br-.tish gove: ? eognised that II v.-.. ably effective? within the meaning .' ional law. ? ces of the I'nited Sta? tion, it is vexatio ?lr.-?t Bl ? were Bril 'er'ra! vessel? sriZe,i mth ?ing to run the blockade prop t . In ii..- Irish Sea, .. squall : ale <?f reason maat be appll in ihis case a? in all Others ' tradict 1 ling i ?.; obi nt cf t "l! ciinnt.t ?hat m principle netit iiiust not be blockaded Bui sucii : de a ? ' ? l '-.! to protect n< Bot to ban rants, ai much less to null in.ncd by a sujici iority ol i *\ .th. "Wei.' Great r.ntairi to aeceds to tl in full, h :? Reel would bs IS, "r would have at BSOSt on a defensiva value. Germany would l ? tu trade us extensively wii America and the rest of the world ? I -,' c had boI rl? an d I he Germi ilcet from the seven seas and B I the fr. a! German merchant m i ?il??'?i Spirit of I_w. "All that Great Britain is doing no is to enforce Bgaii I G many tl thai would be enforc? ? ? ? any controlled H We would be complotai] m: e from commerce. It merely happi i - IpOltl is, BOI and we are th? obliged to violate the letlir ol ihe la er to preserve 1 "It bus !.. ! In r, .?.",(,\4 | thai legit mate neutral trade has sufTei cause o? in? blockade. Ameritan si p.irts have innen?? ! ? ? rmoil y cear Bold. Qsrmsny, on th i hand, i? undoubted -? fool We .ire hining our lag our mends. I hu should be the test of the iustice o our war mrasur? - " U. S. ASKS GERMANY TO FREE COTTON SHII flerard Told to Combat Plea 0 illegal Registry. Washlagton, Nov. S. Ambassade ?id, at Berlin, has been instruct? tt? proteat to the German govcrnmen against detention of the American ?ail lag ?t. ; i'-?a of Halmaha, which, afts being ?eized by a British wars!, p. BTB captured with the pme crew aboard b; a submarine. Germany re v ol i? i? ?I the vessel bald for pri?? nur*, proceeding! at Hamburg ol ground i?:h! her transfer from Cam? ? ? \ ? in registry after tl began was illegal. The I'ass of Halmsha carried a carr;? 'ion for Archil" ; .. Bu' !or ?he gaestion of registry, Germany 'inder the Prusslaa*American treaty ol 1829, woul.l be obligad to relea?"" th? il, even inougn ?hi had been ?-ar . contraband when taken from tin British prue crew, lt., GrOI-tafl gov? ernment, however, doe? not recognize ?? i. of flag by ballig?: renl m? r thaatmea during hostilities, und holdi the ?hip ?til! is Canadian MRS. MARIA HODSON DEAD Sons Are Member? of American Km has*> suff in London. Bj ? ?I ? I Tl* tr{ B, NOV. I The death has just occurred ter." of Mrs Maria H ? ? of Charlas W. Hudson sad a daughter of th? late Lieutenant < olonel C F Hobart. }{i-r Mns. Francis ?ml 1. ?ward J ?.. e lien nomboi s of t! ? of t ht Amrr.ciii Kinbassy for many und ar? knot*,, to thousand? of Am? i nWns THREE BRITISH SHIPS SI l ?Bead I and? Crew of Neulral V It Torp?*d?????t. ?vnan auhmei three r? ' tltl : Bi ths 1 ?. u '? ? -. nf the ?hips is i. fourth ?bip. ?? , | either of 1 ? ;>. were lai ? T'l ' ? th? BI ?, ? .. . *>.! a crew of thirty nn FINDS NOTE TOO MILE Hague Caper I alls I . S. Weak I I pion of Neutral Kights. The ling?. the Amei ?? an n "T ? ? \" ?? ?.: ? ? ? ? thS lea Bewapaper of The II .. "If the extraes of the Ar' ? ?: ?five a correct r?'r: In,- - t the Washing!, r; , te ' na, America h'.s tsketl up ' ] champion of the right ? CALLS U.S. NOTE UNANSWERABI. International ?Lawyer London Agrees with ?Lansing View. :n? ? tait in tm tin I,r?n?lot:, Nov. R. -London genen ? - '.i.e view that the ! nitsd Sta in its latest note fails to grasp the r situation and that for Britain to yi would be suic dal. Among lawyers the view i? held t a-.', precedeata introd.icc.1 by Bnt into international law only follow tepa of America In 'he ? hrll W a far lesa drastic fashion. .1. Arthur B rrstt, . ? ted iBtem tional lawyer and a member of b. American and Eaglish bar?-. this view in a eoi a ? baai.rsspoad? d< to mo una- i ei .? ... . muile it will be tantamount I 'ruction of i i'Utral I It no argument to say thai t arta becaus? other h No neutral can .. ? moat si liai its o? law of t other. Am? upholdi -hed principles . I itisi they have Mood hundreds "In-: ? inderfullf able ju?' ?. praaldent of the Ft. ? s-, the fact i ?nal law ?bi?: the rij-'h: of tearch of neutral ship grounds of mere -uepicion. Furth? ibis foi a ee trsl If of purely nuaici] Orden Is I _?hts. "Britein : ow is atto- pi ng to 1 iSBta which isly in fatal ? ssi i s h? .?? r."Utral. N t ill-feeling betwei ments. but this is a Ca I ' I ' th? British government nui.-t rsali that the Amsriesn pop? 11..m the pure '. I? gal ' ...'ion. T! r.t retarding 11 ? ly large fe'leeioua, bul it Igncr? ths fact th the S ifTering hea? loaaea becsuae grest volumet of goo. which are normally exported, eapcelal to South Americe, ar? a idle b ? a ???H bet rendered ordiaei ... while there must inevitably be i anormoot ... ta to a neutral COUOtrlet bsCSUSe of the BBSS "f arrival. "The note is an admirable picor I work, which o ich! to eommsad a rep from the Brit??h government. I do 111 it that the United States will nisi on tl ? i baon Howie?, one of Kii land's best known writer ? on BU law, :.. i to day that in ma he regarded ths Am? i aa "ui .. unganeroua und unfair." Mi. Howies a ii* i-q . his atristaros sn ? ? ? Bi Office, which, h?- dsclsrsd, ba i "Invita and propounded now rules ? I BOS wai ? ? n< pie . ?vithni warn ? . ? !0*rnited la of rations or fr<>m any nit?million? amenta." ii tentiofl of the t'nite.l Btate Oreel Britain bed sot satabliahe an effective blockade ',? regarded i? let, and tl ? ?? fcui? wort I y of ration, witl the c, ? na dt ? i thlpt a uI the intior, , .,r ?h This. Mr. Bowie ;?h he thought th matter a small one a< COmpBr? ? ? ? ea tl "Th,- United Btatei i remember, Mr. Bowles said, "that we are for our livi s ami the 111 world, and that this it nol i? time fo WHITE STAR LINE BAR5 MEN OF MILITARY AGE Denies Passage to Emigrants I'i for British Army. Leaeoa, Nov. B, Following the ex ample of the Cunard Steamship om . the White Star Lisa saasaaet? , to-day that no furth? r bookings on it "f milita-; age weals! be penalti A riih-A msst iag a a bald at L ???? peel t.- ?lay ts protest agalasl contin BBBCS Of ' scandalous att. | ? ? . . | gov? rarasi I rdei Dsfsaci the Realm Act, thai British aabjeCi of militar) ace weald not b? mitt? rj ? ? leavi the United K; . . duriog ths prstei.? rr.-:? without spe. tial permission sf the Home ?.' I 14-f.rr.rig ts the rofaaal sf the Cu? nard eoaaeaj t?. permit MM Jriih inen if military age to >a.l from Liv? erpool oa Setardey, the "Maaehaater Goerdlaa" ?.. ? "For a country whose population he.? hah cd by miei 11 England' bai doul ad, tl of Ireland '?. th- ?. clor hat been creditable. Many m? n who laterdai wer?- taunted at Liver? pool miiAt ?t 'he front. "Of the Cii'huO? men of m tary ?g s.vd to be left in Ireland, fuly tw.? are sr:gag?"l in sgriculture, frorii which enllatment has been diteonr | aged; ar.d when allowance i? made 1 for munitions workers and the -nfl?, the recrultable margin is not grei.' TEUTON OFFICERS STRIVE TO GAIN HELP OF GREECE Discarding Army Dress, They Appear in Athens ?Allies Alarmed. CABINET'S EARLY FALL PREDICTED Spineless Policy Annoys liber? als, and VenixelOf May Rebel Hint df Dictatorship. , i ? I Ion. Nov. H. The arrival of nu? merous German officers in Athen? dur? ing the lust few days, reported In dis? patches from BaflSO, has aroused no little disquietude here, despita Premier Skouloudis's assurance- thai th" policy of the i. ? Greek Miaistry wen ?l 1?? benevolent neutrality tewai i ? ? \ For, while there is no mind to din? iii.jii-- fen IS, it is I i-calleil that, on the day of King Constantino's di Veal '?? --s Ministry, .i German military mission arrived at .theni fi"in Bolla. Without appai jit. it has remaiaed ever ?ine?. nr.d it? headquarters have hein th. ource of the utmoit artivity. The coming of these Teilten officer?, ii ho, although they are not in uniform, sccognized, bear? too close ? re?emblance to development? .?i Bulgaria preceding that country'* ths B ?: IS he taken eaailv here. Public opinion ?till i? too mind ' the bungling diplomacy of 'h? Allies then to feel sure that the sat*." ? be repeated it. Greee? now. Baron von Schenk Active. Since !he fall of Venizelos the pro GermaB propaganda in Greece has a?. ; alarming proportions, thank? to Baron TOB Schenk'? money hags and' the powerful political influence radi from the Qaeen'a entourig.?. ' even oui of lixteea Athei inn dallies have bean sran over by Oar man interests, ami pubh?h with kOOB any news of Serbian or Allied si and Gerssan saccsssai ? th lesdlag articles on the lavtoeibii* GermaB arm?. . ida has also been in? augurated in the army in favor of G?r? ai"! her allies, including Bui g?ra and Turkey, with the BBBilstak* . v of preparing the way for the. opei ition ?>f a great army at a give moment with the victorious in? vader. Of Serb:!? From army h? iidqsiarter?. where the royal Influence is paramount, a strong pn.-Gi . .liai?ng ou! to the ? ? whole. Divisions! and regimental commanders are I ? \ ; Hounded, younger officen ??ho look to crown favor for future advancement i-ve being selected to Influence their eoui ad? -, s.i .1 a? officers who are found to lend a sympathetic ear to such ad? vances being instructed to impress upon ti ? t men II ?? great cardinal prin? cipe thai ihc Bliay must ?it any given moment blindly obey orders nn<l act at aay direction the King as supreme war lord may ehoOBO. To counteracl ',.?1 new proposal' which the B tars hi rs Brs credited with havin.* made t?. the Greek government, tlie Germaa Minlater bai made a definite offer of Southern Albania and th. I tricta of Monnstir. Ghovgholl und Uo - ran. which Greek troops are to be s\ lowed to occupy Immediately. That thii offer Ii aaotaer clum?? trap to embitter Greece with Italy, S.? bia and the Entente generally is evi dent on the face of i!, even to thO?1 who do not know that Bulgaria woul l sooner relinquish Sofia than Monai'ir to Greece. Ministry IMeaaea Berlin. Neither is Berlin's apparent satis* ? \t:*i, the n.w Greek ministry calculated to orla eoafldeacs for it in Allied capitals. German newspapers applaud th?- choice of M. SkOUlOF.dil Premier, end dwell with satisfac? tion on th?< oppointment of M. Michel? former lead of the Cretan gov? ernment, and an avowed appeal ? I ' i'enttelos, as Minister o*" Public Instruction? The retention of the Minister of Wir. Who WBI responsible for the fall of the last Cabinet, n!tn 1? looked on . i* !he \'enizelos group Hints of the establishment of n mil* ? iv dictatorship, should 'he new Cab* ? be r. lected by the Chambrr, hive received from diplomatic sources In the Greek eapital. While it is not ?.?! here thai King Constantine woubl dar" go SO f,-r. yet it is pointed ? thai hi? dismissal of Venlselos, /fr 'he Premier had obtained a fre-h verdict from the people, involved IS risk and was entirely ?uc eetsful. Meanwhile, the rea??emhling of th? (?reek Chamber, which \4-as scheduled for to-day, bul d d not occur, is awaited th? - Steel interest. Th" Bkou* - miaistry has not vet received ?s vn*e of confidence, and, while the ral Opll "ii is that It will be ?c ccp'.ed by VsniselaS to preven' a dis ' '?n, an BnceBSOred ??'.?patch from . Via ll"ir.e, ?ay? that the ex Premior will no* support I?, ar. i will ?? the of the War, the dispute with whom lad !o the full of the Zaimi? Cabinet. Th" prevailiag impression <n the ICCOrdiag to the dis? patch. .? thai the BOW Cabinet will be lived, owing to the grnwng im ? ce of the ?berall with its ipine illcy BAVARIA DECORATES CONSUL U. S. RECALLED Honors T. St. John Oaffney, Who Criticised Wilson. Berlin, Nov. 'i by wireles? to Bag* ville, N. Y T. St. John Gaffney, who recently resigned a? American Con?ul General SI Munich, ha? been decorated by King Ludwig of Bavaria with the of Honor, which is bestowed on civilians for voluntary ?ervice? in nurs ? The medal w_. forwarded to Mr. Gaffney. in the name of Kir.z Ludwig, by C.uss' v. ?,. ?OB Hertlir.g, Ba Premier. At the ?ame time Count von HerCing ?ent to Mr Gsfftiev a letter thanking him for his work la caring for the wounded. The letter also expre???? appreciation for Mr. Gaffaey's nativities "in fo?t?nng excei laai relationi between American and German auihoritie?." irrras TN? Trisan? B,i-*io 1 WashingtOB, Nov. h. How far the decoration of ex-Coniul General T. Bl Jo| n Oaffaoy b> the Bavarian gov Srnmeal will go toward "fostering ex ? relations" is not apparent to of bere. Mr Gaffney was recently ramoved for alleged improper refer? ences to Grent Brttaifl and to th? V. son policies, aii'l administration officials feel that for U*\aria to bestow such ?igral honors on him as are ii:dicat??l ?h' ? ? .1 I ich of tact. Mr Gaffney has been a thorn in j President Wilson's side for some month?, and hi? decoration will ba sslt i initaad of ba-m in the wound. RUMANIA LEGIST ATORS STAND FOR NEUTRALITY Pari?. N?i\. 8? Premier Bra?ano of Raatsaia, iselreaa of ??blaming the ?.i?'?*.? ?if irnniher? ?>f parlin ?n?nl on the ml? ? nut ItStaal sitaal 01 I.. (he opening sf the rSSSlag ?essii.n. i? beldlag ladlvldaal coa* feri-n. < s ?.th Hum. BBya a lima* dispat.h frum llu? hare?!. Ml ihe meiiib' IS ????'" Ihns far h? the Prime Minister, it is reported, ha?e agreed ??th bun Ibst the go? - ernment i? following the ??i?est rour?e In maintaining neutrality, at least for Ihe present. RUSSIANS STRIKE HARD ON DVINA Drive at Qermans from Dvinsk to Riga?(inns Are Active. Hi i all. in Tr.? Trll attt '. Loadea, Nov. B, '?caring the way with their heavy guns, for which am? munition is now plentiful, the Real B an pre i ng the advantage thej geined ;.?? iterds) "n the Dvlas froat, Bsi ^ou'h and aeuthssal of Riga, weet of Jacob ttadl and bsf m Dvii - Api the Czar'a troopa are betteriog il anemy't line-; wit I th" aaaaaltai aye the Germen Wei utti.-". were rspalssd with bssvj Hut sloag the whole Raaaieaa who ar<? on the ofTeaaive. The (iermans, for the rn?merit St least, esn not renew their thru-'- st Dviaas and Kiga. They have all thsj can do to hold the trenches they have already won. Further south, where the Aaetrient hohl the lin??, ?he RuaaleBt an- alee at* tacking III reoly. In Gelicis an I i the Stjrr, where Ctartorysh ii the < tart objective, the i.attle ragos, with the La ?un? ?Packing. (ieneral VOS Lir?sir.gcn's forces are no mor?? ah'.'? to b.-gir. an offsi are ron II?.: d, t.i.i..'g'*. As for Prince Leopold'a rmy, holding ths poeitioaa between the two, Berlin reports, sa usual, that there la nothing t" report GERMAN OFFICIAL. The statement iMUcd at Herlin ?ay*i Arm) gi sap of i i Id liar hal von H :. lei I iirg: South an?l son of Rigs ar.d also west of Jacohsta I: arid befi're Dvlaak. the RussIbbb, if ter sXtOBSive artillery pi N ipsnttSB, n't.-i? bad rit! troag for?a i, _ The at '.,<-ks were repulsed and in places the eril... ? re losses. Army group "t OsBSral von Lia* . lagon : Ru , iccsaafaL Three . i-, ' tad 171 men fell into our heads. AUSTRIAN OFFICIAL. The following official commun:. I ' was issued at Vil BBBI Near Bepaaow, on ths Ikwa, on the Kolmin ; ilet end weat sf l ?ai tofj '.,. ! eka have beer?. 1*0* pulseo. RJ S8IAN OFFICIAL The following official comtnuni was iaaued by the Petrograd Wat Olli ce: On the left bank of the River A in Courlsnd our fore? ' 11, as* aisted by srtillsry Ars, In sccupyingl the region of Frankendorf and Pavas* ?ern, ami made a alight advaace to ths south Of Lake Halute. In the region of Mitau, our troops, advincing toward the aouth, occupied the Zala;-olai line, while to the west ?>f Ik.-kul they eerried ths rillega sf Babe. Nesr the west? m ahora of Lake Sveaten near aagagsmsata are going on. in ?ome aecrera our troopt broke into tl..' i;rv lins of the enemy trenehea. In the sector of *l ikulischLi and lanoulichki, west of Lake Hem? men, th' re Wat a violent artillen By a furiou? attack we succeeded in occupying severe! Hi ea ..f the eoemy position aeer the villegs of Gutaliaho* vikaje, etipturing tOO men an?l some ma.' . ?? of which has not y? tied. North of the Okonko River, in the region of Kilki, we broke through the enemy's front and occupied a line of fortified poaitioaa, eepturing 400 men and ftva machine gUBS. Stubborn lighting continues. LORDS WARNED OF REVOLUTION Oessaaaad from paga i hoped Karl Kitchener's absence would be brief. Viscouri? MllflSr, who recently ,;ug ir.?st...| th?. withdrawal of the troop? from G iad deoeuneed the Brit* iah policy of ?HT.?.?'.', declared thai the publiehed In England ??..* atia? leading from Brat to leaf and hud Seea eonataatli "doctorad." I be Gorman repu?'?. .... asserted, were more trust wort I ' -AM. Paralyzed In Cri?i<.. Viscount inalatsd tha? if ?he gevsrameBt bed made preperations to mi et the ,'y, v. |..?-h fot month* hr.d appear?'?! a likel bla Could have been givsi a, itaaea als wseka ago to enable her to rc.-i.-t the combine?! attach of -e Central Powers an.I Pulgar:;?. the Greek erieia came. It would have been posaiblo, bad the governmen. acted With the greatest iiiaer.t'. Bad '!" termina?;.,!', for SI leaal .? portio i of the Serbian army to fall back allies and man.? liai II ?? ndefl* nite period ':. iti rj of th ?' Great i'*-.'., .i. ' ?? declared, teemed to be sl, ?"]>; paralyz."1 The i ffsi *he goverameat ?o come to leclaiea '.?. ,th re? gard to the Dsrdaasllss. If then were military reasons for bang ng on, noth? ing more could be laid, bat if there ?ere military reasons against the ?-ri terprihe it ihould net ted in. Pelay and indecision lu,i been the be? setting ?in of the government all along "The war new? published in this country 'rom fir--', to lut ha? rn?, ?t Maioaely mlsleediag," he ?aid, ??peaking of the been ?'"ftored In an op- m -?:<* tense " In defence of his minist? ; IsssTuei Eerl I arson Maid the l'? on l'uni.." '? der?." sad thai those sn .-'.r Edward ?.rev, -he !.. with ".? lignsl LEUTSCH HEADS LUXEMBURG Minitter of State As.umet Presidency of New (?overnment. Amsterdum. Nov. R a telegram from Luxemburg ?ays that Dr Leutseh, o lawyer, ahs ..?? appoints?. Minitter ft Bt*t?3 by Orand Puches.? Marie, ha? sstumsd the prssi* dsacy if the new Luxemburg ?/"??rr. ment. A session of the Chamber has been called for tO?morros A ?ler.eva dlapetcfa OS Sa'..' , ?. .:J ?hat (Irand Puches- >s*ar|a i.^,. U(_. cepted the rssiaaatlai of the Lusses? burg Cabinet. Pr Leutseh will aeceed .1 M;:.uter of State the late i'remier Pyichen, who was credited for veart ???Ith being the real ruler of the rrafld ?luchy, and who bequeathed hi? entire ', fortune to the ttate to promote educa-1 tion. GERMANS SEIZE VOSGES CUTER Claim Capture of Trench in Fieri e I iu'nt with Grenade*. \VIN(i BRITISH AERO CARRYING 3 GUNS Mr.iv> Artillery Duel Continues in the Artois and In the Champagne Sector*?. IBV CaMal London. Nov. B. While the big guns keep up the fierce d'iel in Artol? and < hampagne, the sir? -.:?-, of ths Infantry has Shifted again, this time to the Al? satian fn In the Vosge?, where many furiom flghis were staged In Bfl earlier period of the war, the Germans have assum?d the offoaalve in ?ev< ra; lectors North? east of Celles, Berlin soys, the g?t mans occupied a she!', crater after a lively flghl at doss Sjaartsrs with gren I mines. On the tlilgenfli I the Germans claim . ? is.n B irench from the French. Paria, de icribiag thii battle i ti. \ thai It w?i ? ' 'h : ? and bomb? s vei i d of I i n" ?I ' An English blplane, ... wil machine guns. BeHlB ?By?, was shot doWB west of Poiuu by Lieutenant [ngelmaaa, who has already winged Ave enemy machines. Preach batten? i deatroved an anti-aircraft gun north of St. MihieL GERMAN OFFICIAL. Gonnan Army Boadqnarten gave out this statement: In the Vosge?. northeast of Cell.'?, occupation by our trops of an enemy .-? r was coupled with a . .? ? i q lartei i with hand aad mines. 0b the Hilgen a | or! :..n of a trench w?l -*p.i from t ? Lie itei si ? lagelmann yes*, i shot d?*nrn h:? six* h enemy aero plane west of Douai. The machine was an Eogliah Bi. il ?1 bipl h s, i mod I three machine guns. FRUNCE! OFFICIAL. The otlicial communication issued by the War Ofl.CS in Paris follOWl: Violent artillery ;u.Bl continued during the day in several region? along the front, notably in Artois, In the lectors of Loos and the Glvenchy wood, to the north of the Avre, la the neighborhood of Andeehy, and in Champiigne, to the east of Tahure. us ?roll a? to the Berth Of Massige?. Our batteries destroyed to the north < Seinl Mihiel n German anti? aircraft ran. In the \osge? the struggle at close quarters, with md bombs, was agaia very iplrited la tl" neigh* borhood of Chapelotte. SOUTH FOR BRYAN AND PROHIBITION Democrats to Support the Ne? braska, i at the National Convention. I i .nra?>!i -.o Ti ? TVltiins ; Mobile, Nov. S. Additional informa? tion concerning the efforts of a coterie of Alabama politicians to elect ?? dele gation to the Democratic National Con Iged to ?ote for nation-wide prohibition and to support William Jennings Bryan in any strategical move thiit ho might ir.:?ke on the floor of the convention was mado public to-day. This inform?t! rtl shows that already there bave been eoaferenees of Bryan prohibition leaders her" and in i boring ?tatos, at which Alabama m.'ii were present. The most recent conference WBI held at Atlanta, and was attended by r?-p tatives of the pro-Bryan, atiti '?\ I son wing of the Democratic part) in this state. According to the pro* gramma mapped oui at this eoaference. the Alabama delegation la to be .. Bry? an one "from A to Lzu.l." The pian of Bryan to dominate the iti ill convention with the prohibi? tion idea is practically aatioa-wide In Its ICOpt. It la learned that the same plan that is being worked in Alcham is being followed in other Southern itate. I!.?' names of Biehmoad I'ear ?OB HobsoB aad ex-Governor Raaley of Indiana ?ire being mentioned a? the men whom the ex-Secretary of State will preaeal to th? convention as op? ponent* of President Wilson. is. T-tn-iph lo TTi??> Trlt,uri? ] Lincoln, Neb , Nov. B, The announi'e ment o? William J. Bryan, made through bii brothi r, Mayor Brj Lincoln, that he would BSS hll B influence to defeat Democratic i ?late? for the Legislature who ?lid not tsik.- a direct stand for prohibition, be? stirred r>;< :i big row in the party. Newspapers identified with the aati? Bryan faction are calling Bryan a dic? tator and a party ?p?tter. The-, that ho is turning his buck on .i?-n who helped him in every one of hll Ii ntial campaigns an I that it nil] ipell eertaia defeat for nil Democtati next year, l.esi.les Imperilliag the on* tional ticket. ? ? I.pie are 'o have an opportunity next year to \i,'e for a prohibition '-ii? nt. It is geoerally believed they will adopt it. Hut ?.' constitu siniendment is of little without law? to carry it into ?.'icet, and ?'?..? l.i'uor Interests are ninking then plans to control ths Legislature. The discovery by Mayor Bryan of these pluns eras followed by the an? nouncement that the as-Sec rotary of State would take the stump and ?'.ght ;i!l wi-o ?pposed prohibition. GERMANS STORE FOOD BOUGHT IN HOLLAND Dutch Wonder and Whisperings of Peace Arise. |: ? a . - ?,. : .? ". A loterd im, N? - .-ch to "The Dally Chroi lele . The pre? ? Holland of larger numbers, ??f than ha?, ?? i sen *?* n for a ?-ne ia eaasiag much speculation. The Germsins are bu>ing large quanti ? ? ??!" goods, including food supplies, but mast of their purchases are such SS the Dutch government doe? not al !ow to be exported. GemUB buyers seem to ?how nu in? clination, a* hitherto, to try to get their roods over the frontier. Instead, the] are making arrangement? for the ?."mmo.iitics to r> itiair. in Dutch ware* ? for the time being. Many I? r, i ?.- ?i .i thoae proci ? id* ii dicating th? i| preach of s >me ? armistice, during which savarl b*i Blight temporarily be r. (?"hers eve.-?, ?uiige.t the en '' rl ! ?' B B] mein that pesie is leaked |or- ai , ?palatinas already are n a le to cope with the tremen? dous rush to buy foodituff?, which would ante in such an exei.t. In any caie, the circumstance? are unusual, mtu\ th,. i^utch are convinced that ?om,, extraordinary object i? in view. J ?? *? --???-?*???? ta an ? L The Pans Shop of America %TZf?ntttm$c<$a. KtmJ tAArttA um ?06 Vxt?tJKot nUt.*P* At ^ ame ?V7'J ?T* announce jla ^tremiere (Dxpcj/?cn of ?curiousjurs anc9 Jur- trimm a a ^Jor?ocial i ?hvi?r in foi?n A>r at the fashionable ^??itcr??lcsorts ITALIANS STORM THEN LOSE PEAK IN TYROI Col di Lana Taken, bul Austriat Counter Wins It Back. Pari*, Nov. 8. A furious battle is il I log???? on the Col di Lana, in thi Tyrol, protecting one of the roads t< th? Pastherthal railway. Visaaa ad that the Italians succeeded ir i. .i hing the summit of the peak, bu Baya that the invader was driven oui again in thi .; by counter at tacks. AUSTRIAN OFFICIAL. Vienna gave out this statement: On the southwest fror* ??...* gai i rally continu?e. In the northern ?riet of the plateau of Doberda our troop? again repulsed several ? my attacks. Bevsre ting for the Col di Lana ?n progres!. The summit sf I mountain fell into the hands of the ? asmy during the 'ourse of the af? ternoon, but was recaptured in the evening by tho counter attacks of our troops. The enemy artillery opened fire Sgaiaat ths lOOth Hiva front. BERLIN PAPER SUSPENDED "\ <?rv>aerts," Organ of Socialists, Had Criticized i.overnincnt. London, Nov. 8. "The Kvening News'' publishes a diapatck from The Hague ig that the Berlin "Vore/aetta been laapeaded temporarily. The "Vorwaerts" is one of the lcai ing Socialist newspapers of Germa:.v EXHIBITION 1 .'i' Napoleoniana From November 6tJi to the 20th Bonaventure Galleries 601 Fifth Avenue. (AbOVS 4H;h St) and i? the organ of the Social-Demi cratic party. It has been in colli.i?* w th the government on several otxt sions, haa bten iusp?n?i?i It publ- i Socialist vrt nunciamento criticizing adversely the ? eni measure? for regul?tion ?f -? ributioa of food. SILVER Sterling & Plate Sterling ?utoer Canblesttcfes? Z\)t ?aituap? acceptable 0-tU For Wedding or Anniversary', a pair of Candlesticks, or a half dozen for 1 table set? ting, provides an eminently acceptable gift. The International Store presents a fasci? nating variety of classic and modern designs, ranging from a simple pattern at $4.r>0, up to the largest, heaviest ?and most elaborate patterns at $35.00. Throughout the entire stocks, composed of every article for household or personal use, in Sterling Silver and Silver Plate, there will be found the broadest varieties of shapes and designs to be found anywhere in New York City; for here are gathered a complete assort? ment from the many great factories operated by this company. International Silver Company Succeed.Eg The UERIOIM Co. Established 1852 49-51 West 34th Street through to 68-70 West 35th Street. New York