Newspaper Page Text
GERMANY DENIES ADMIRALTY AIDED PASSPORT FRAUD Vote to l' S. Says British forced Spies to Invent Confessions. UilES CHAROED WITH FORGERIES Bpriin Declare- FataMen' Den rvistcd in Antuorp Before German Occupation. - - * ? ' *? ???- -V A '* fron' t. admiralty ? ? ? ,, ;-.- ??? : seaports wa? re?-. The - ntra ?-? but _ ? f f l.rr base,!. ? -., v ?rnment after re Page ?worn ?unseat- -r ' si and i?*orr?* T. Bred ?.ed a? spies .,_? - irded an inquiry regarded ..,??- ? ? i.c ? g, Rasenthal .,.,-. th? i.erman Ad . ., ? ,_(? of paaiporl Admiralty ? aal?. ' ' ? ' Ameri* . .?-por!? ?: by a , , . ?1 to Am ? ' ?? referred to ? ? o hia at? i the Inited ??laies Will prop (?ne. I sod tna* th.? .<? ;he to . although of Bl the BOt refuted '? r i by Herr tary of Stale itted follows: !he honor to. - excellency i ? rard in re] ? concerning s Am? Robert Ko England a? ;? had been I the BUSUS A iff; 1 tat Corve Uyta via s?ock of Usaflsd A ipoii blank ?ni Adl '' cos, and that the a"r ? .?atermarks ;? :ier stamps for ? ? ?.-s Eation of false passports, one ?dm an r ie. Accuse Neutral? and Knemy. ? ' 'ifo-fj- arho was arrested an i jpplie?l ? ' . ? ? - .i ', ? l ? s fact, hot?' ? lation of thi als in the occupied In neutral ...? !ra?ie ? | ? nation i' >m for a good price. . h passport falsifier's ?.len ??? raided IB Antwerp, 4vh'.ch v ,. ce when Antwerp tocay < b Gern an I roope. I- may ... ? . from ? I ? ? i. i ? pars? I a ? ?rtub .. mual Be iccuaed were in ?? .? nation to ia v nit th?? th? far the * i ? 11? i iva hi ped to ?Mala i ? f the impending lie Ml ? '-,- by placing the re? ihe fal?e passport? on ! not on tbemaelvee. ere, however, aa ''? ahetb? ? .?? I test imony was he as governmenl of ? ?horities, bad ; r, ??:??? ! l?e euer* POLICEMAN IS INDICTED ^???allant of I nt.une Reporter To He Wiigned in General ??e?aion?. To-da> . !'?*.'* le? Moran, of the ?. ? yes t*rd?y for aaaeult ng >..i\4hrd J. Dent?e, ? Tribune re; .-'. r. <?? I Ictober -" after ? f.?r an ' H i badly turned .?.; \4lth .??' the T*f " ' I most of .????_ rai mice, but '"' IfSad Moran, *?? i? sal ai 11 . be ?!'?i?-r..,-j to-d? o before uns m ? - on?, ?fault in the sec ?"* 4*ff ? . , , , ?? ? peniten ? """J ?!.?', h ' n? WOMAN KILLED IN BUI Singer'? Wife Fall? Hel??een Tr. Plfitform at Fuitrn Slreet Mr? Helen II " calare? sinrer. of ?r? Van : nne. .Tr?srv ? ?? ,?M. ; 'r,i ,, mort ?lag < Street *-.ih???, atetien and felll ???een a train nnd ?he , ?,.?? r'c WM tied up oi? hour, ?hile fl rhopprd holet In tht ear sad eati ?. > Mr? Mitchell, wltt bei 0 , ? ? . ? retel a party uptown, and from F Street to rn'ti.n Street thsj daaced la ?he car alais for the ta'nment of ,v-r DBBsengera. In g i-f Mi? ^: ' : . ! h'd ?lr to the track?. Bhs WBB to???,I feet before 'he motormar. I ear? to a halt Dr. Ridgewsy, t Hudl pn'r? I - ; ? ? -p.. w until ?he rsr whs rn<-e.l remove | y.? Wright fail U. S. TRADE WITH TEUTONS SMA Gains in I \ports Shown in : tomber, hut Total Is Very Low. ? - - . i .ij ? \"> ashing*. ? ! por' . tral ] '.'...?'.. ga. :", Bepteiaber ?a*1 over the <? spending month in 1914, ? ?' very low levr', Trade tl th the r:e powers shows a substantial incr I trade with the Kr.tente po show? a gain of nearly 2"'? per ce Exporta to the rentrai powers in tether were valued at $166,964, ?? ? o the Fntente powers, exclu \t - a, which is buying hei ?n the American marke:, an at 6187,163,479. Fxports to Kurope ?.? . tember wire vslosd St 6211,218 nearly two trid oas-hslf 7 rasi ft* than in the same montn la.-' : car, v. ? mports wolf valued at ; approximately $l"'i)..h'i).Oi"io le?s thai September, 1914 The export trade of the United St; with Aastria-Haafary, (li-rrniny, '. glum, France. Italy. Ku*?;a in Eut the inited Kingdom, ma rlothorlai N'l.rway and Sweden ahowed ft Bt each instance ove . 1914. September imp trica 1 i.port Trade between th? ' t. and the i powei ? ahowed a decrease 'rum 62,61 942 in ?September, 1914, to H,519,731 I ... whclly in the ;n,<l.' ??. h G import? from Auatria-Hungar*) creased in value from $119,640 to ?1 891. While the export trade with the } tente powers increased froi ?-.'.T m September, 1914, :.? SI B7.16?.4 or nearly L'OO per cent, trade decreased from 642,673,663 277. Ths export trsdt tentent'? powers - r^a-es port tra ereaai ? ? I Kingdom i . TRIANGLE GIRL A FIRE MARTY! Four Years Sick. She Hopes Su vivors of Latest Blaze Will Be Believed. Through a blscl cats, and up a flight of wooden tl I tiny Italian boy le.i .he way to Mi Nicolosi's flat. V girl in there." he tei ? ? ? ^?!e fire ha- n been ;????. ? . : . ? ?ai.Io, whe ? ?, m t! ? evei dey. On Fifth Av? . week horror and h few i i <?f tu ? legialation. On I Stree? .7 ?St a lick girl ?"i ?O II and a half in.'! ? nt ' he ??? il dow for all the neig iborhoed t.. -???? Josepl ? Nicoloai WSt "lie of tl ? , ' ; of th.e burning building only :." machiniat had unlocked the door fc the BBBicetricken crowd. "Never have i ?hat t re." she said ',-, I with it? pallor of i nvelid framed m Ion?; bleck I.? i h?ngin loose ?iver a flannel wrapper. "I try to work, but l tee thai ?-mok .??.i d hr;?r th?.??? , I i annul Alwa;. - thsrs la something th? with ?ne. I ?hall never bs ??ell until lesd and 1 ?an forget that ?la>. "An.! now there la another 1 An mor? | rlt deed " Onl I Well, guess that's enough tor their fath?-r ;,r.,i mothi i awora II a deei s ...]. I'd tweai it i ery d.?y, b i BfM " For tW" montht th" had u- on th? ? then the; didal believe u> They went lieve i".oi girlt It'i aaoBey thai talk In the rosrts, bol I aappeee they'll hsv. new. ??i las dav l ?-... ' r work SB? I went I ere Mi Rlanck had i'; i new fee nry. 1 dldn I ,ilM ?, the elevator He walked li . ? |, r. a|i?| .'? . ? hi* la"? ,. i whil ? ??? ,. right ??M.,?? ?f ?be girl- I osed Is ki sa hre gone i i aaeea s.nte * con \^,., i;.,s r Poaaataa ia mai ne.i and Iota "? thoai have moved awa think there are many girlt like me. bul if there were enough Who WOuldst work In places that wete no? fireproof ?i;.l BOOB pat an end to ?he fire trept i '.. .? ? eulda't I as Ihets ?? ' ' out g.r? " taita |?VfV s.* Office E i^e_^? WiW lt>mer Adopt standardized equipment and avoid the later necessity of throwing out the odds and ends of venous manufa?cturera by install in?; G-W uniform designs in the first placo. Furnished in woo?! and steel. These can be dupli cated as desired. The Globe-Wemickc Co. -M Hi- a<.WB\ Hi.'' " ' ' i" ?' I DuaU TabU. Fil_? CaVmtOf mt **?-_?? T^E?IIImmWWmM ?a? LAYS FATAL FIRE AT STATE'S DOOR Miss Dreier Blames Labor Department's Delay for Diamond Disaster. REAI TV INTI;RRST?S* ACTION DENOUNCED Demand for Ripid Insurance Measure in Etc Presented at ?idjourned Meeting To-day. I' ir-f-ird for ihe ??a!? factory Is ? g for the ;?rrproof iacloalng of ail ttalrways, inadequate SX it? ??vi ? | BCtivit? of th.' allied real , ? late interests resulting in 'i-" cha' g provisioni f? r t'.re preven lion were vcs'erd;>> given bv Mis? M l?r. . r. of fir W.imnn's Trad.? t'n'on Loagne, and Mi?? Nelle Schwar'*, of the Consumers' League, as the direct cnu^e of the loss of life ai !he Diamond . factory lire of Saturday. Roth ?omen, who have been ac''\e since ?he TV.angle disaster in obtaining :'..r fncinry I ? ? ? sited the scene of the William? burg t.!-. yesterday and spent several hour? going over the building. Late? in the afternoon they made a ?-eport !o a conference of representative? of the National l-'lre Prevention 'a?ague, the ."-'!.?!?? Labor Department, the Committee on Safety, the New York and the N'a lional Child Labor Committees, the Board of Sanitary Control and the Woman*. Trade Union League. The conference was held a! the 0_.CS of ihe Woman's Trade Union League, at S3 East Twenty-second Street, The re* poii made by Mi? Droici and Miss BOl gil en out in full. ???r the meeting wa adjourned sifternoon at :'. o'clock, ? . ? ?aid: "If the law regulating: the inclosing ?"proof inalerial 01 ?tairways ha.i ollov/ed In the Diamond factor*; ?I have been no loss of life, if i)io?e reaponsibls bad dosed the, ng when they i-aw that i! was un? safe, and nnill to house 'he number ol" peop a employed there, ?nsteail of per- I mitting an outrageous delay of nine! months. New York would BOl nave 1? pen sickened by the spectacle of twelve in-, icnt to death in ??'I :? i eason for the de'.,-?;. ? bj the state I.?.bor Department and Iti Induatrial commission, Of i ?"organisai i i s L.ooi Depai ? ? -.' twice m i wo and a bal veai hada tendency to offset the rood i bed Bl ?I returii ; the ii gat and impi ovements I under "Bui the public is face to face -.ithl the realisation thai lUirways must be: ed ii order to pi event such hor ron av thai of last Saturday. People are confronted with the knowledge .hat] building owners, if it is found im-1 practicable to inclose the Stairways,! must install fire walls, wall? which arill permit employe- to go from a threat- | ened tide of a building to one that is B.C. "The Lire and Police department? ; n '. 'he building departments BM read? ! > in?-, aad the Labor Depart* ? must be compelled to co-operate. i he department, wbic'.i 1 as in it? k p e many thousands, ba ? inder the lav. an.i I mu impslaorv f? r ll !<> ..??ne within ten dayi an order to vacate on every building the Fire Commiaaiooer and ihe Labor I>eparlment inspector.-? know to be unsafe. '?I SI Schwartz said that there were more people employed m !he Piani ?.'.d building than permitted by law, ?r.d ii(i?le?l tha' if the la%v had been enfor ed the building would 'nave been cb. cd long . . M II I''ranees Perkiai became deeply interested in the work of siiiiin? factor] p il- after ihe Aach Building tire, and one ol the most ,ici.,e member of ? mmittoc on Safet], in? excuse fot Sal urda 1er," she Mid, " W e ha? c and tin- condition! in the s a ." ? knov. n t?? exiat. We hat e TWO SUSPENDED IN FIRE INQUIRY I ontlniinl from p??r I ireet, Brooklyn. Thej directed all Bl in the employ of the Pepiiit . i of Labo'r tti.n iia.i any knowledge of the faetl te call upon the Pistrict Attorney and pUre the fun.? before I ell? of Suspension?. ? o met in execut ,\e - afternoon, and after eon* ? g all the facts that it had been -.. ascertain votad te raspead Act rviaev ? barloa B, Ash and ? ry Inspector '?corge A. Rosquist ling furiher Investigation." M ??us learned '?tor !h_t the chief n foi the saepeaeioB ??f Rosqu?t ?aus hl? negligence in reporting on the .- tl actory be februsi \ ai d tugui I of thii ll - immi diste - '?p.-s :.?r, Acting Super*, -, i Ash, ispei ded f?>r not . ? ? minion.. ? ? ? i snapen* ? rhe Inopectoi ded for I CHrd - ipeetei after his ?i- ? to th.- Diamond factory, on February ! Inatead ol liling it then be i ?i more visita to the factory, a:.?! OB August 20 filed a non Compliance car?l In the meantime hf . ! kept the card in his pocket II" i bave submitted II In ?be super ??ng il ipeCtor, ?bo would have ? - with the eounael of de commis r ,i?-* "i ng Inspect i araa ?. . i because he did boI rep r that four ?.-.??. :?? befoi ?? :i repoi * ?va? hi n< d In I ?> bl a, t, .... ?.' i g to our rule, the inipectoi ?s a stat?. ob ;? <-.. '? -h.-re. The ng nipecte thei defu , ? ?, ibmit i ' ' ?el for . or for BBOther riait Not Considered Inusual Ri?l?. "1 he iBBpOCtor told the commipsion ta. day that he did not consider the factory was an unusual n-'k. and he was con? fident Diamead ?weald ?Jo the right thing. The commission believe? the Inspector wa? entirely honest and did i ol intend to giant aay favors to Pu ,.i ll.- ?a? aimpty 'i1;.' g '" ?? I arder? earned oui nia disti Brill .i! once I"' turne.I OVOI tO o!her in ? there were lated m the . ? even if the ,?n led out. because of ?_,.? b ilted door " , , , . Regarding the pool billty of combin ,,.. ?il inspection departmeata undei on.- bead th< CammissioBor i-aid: -The city ?l"l >nt enforce ? singe order la 'h'? Dlamoad factory. I do noi kuow that .,*? order, were even iseued. "TOOTSIE" KELL, ?ar old girl who ".as h?'l?l 1 for a board bill. ha<! our leaaofla from the Triangle tire, and more lecently from the N'.i? ' fire, ihr- H.i . '.,,..' dli aater ana ,; ?? Pitl ibarf i fa loss, sfld the Bft n displny of I ??.,-. ? "In the tight lief'.re the LSS lit 11" i . ? . rapulost i ral eatel ? ? ? i..' ibo ?? s h? s ere t*.ri? ? prote ? ? ? fa? torj irk ferre.i I , .?< ai pit ? and it was clain?.;?n by tho a ?' '? ? that it wa nonaen icei to ehsrg '.at. any one CS lid he lest I building Urs. Satardsy't diaaatei It a striking, though grewsomo, aaawer tt? t bat ttatea i I Ai ?" day's meetiag, Morn? Neumann, of ills Foreat Avenee, ll.e Bronx, a ra tir?'.I ?Baaraace broker, erbe has ?nada a atady of feetOry eoaditioas, '.?ill recommerul the adoption of a reaolation ?ailing upon the Legislature to ensel .1 lew making ?I msndstory opon once compeniet to refusa to pej cic-ns IIfa baa Leen lost 01 whsi i..- been found that the iir. ori| from preventsble cau-es GEORGIA BANK CLOSED ? ?ntroller I.ays Failure lo Fxrcssiv?. l/<ians tu OEstaro and llirertors. - Il:-??; I Washington, Nov. <S. For the secoml tima witliin tu.0 weeks the doors if a .Southern bank have been cloted ? the ( 01,?roller of the furrency, bs cenas of excessive loans by the ' ?ink to its officers aid directors, The COB* day Wet the First Xa tionel Hank, of Toccoe, ?.?a., which had a ea] ? I 000, ?. aarplaa <?; 20, nun. and depeaita ame inting ?. 000. "Its feilere," aaid the 1 oatroller, "is due to continue.) mismanagement, th" tying up of its capita! utid <iep?isi's IB loaaa to its pr<- lent, 1 ? e-president, cashier and dirsctOIS, and in enter? prises in which these officers and Ji reitor.s Mere interested." SEEKS FIRE TRAP EVIDENCE Uaiea I'rges Ksaplojaa ta Tell ?>( Dangerous lailories. That employes of faclorics mav in? form the authorife- ?.1 ?he existence of Sretrsps, the Women's Trade Union League last n gh1 announced that next met . a meeting for the formation of a "fire complaint committee" would be held at the ??-ague building, 4.'] Fast Twenty-second Street Misa Aiice Dean, secretarv, also said a committee was being formed to visit the homes of those iost in the Diamond Cand] Factory are oa Saturday. If it It found necesarv. r?'lief will be given. During the week a meeting of or? ganised women workers will meet at the league building to devisa mea preventing another Are disester and to g for correel va nteasers . MOTHER REGAINS BOARD BILL BABY Court Refuses to let Woman Keep Child as Si airity for Her Meals. FRIEND GIVFIS FAMILY A TEMPORARY HOME Tootsie, Happy Drawing Papor Ducks. Awaits Thantogiving Dinner OK Riverside Drive I '..?' -in Nell, ' i" blaC eve,| ?i\ ? d heal L?'- for a board bill, wai ba ?. ng green ?' irbi 'a?? ? ? ? ? ' ; '.?. ? t Fif. i ? ? Perched up on j. couch, which creaked and ? tl rigor of hoi crayon, a ? ny p uh tongas ?^p r< I in the ? - ? ? ?" ?in i;, ig?? lon'-ir. whoso re?,i seats la Mary, sketcheil whole Pock? ,.t' .,: ? , thai tebra tti ? Uten to ?ier motl ? .1 r;? r Ne., praised each wabbly I ? " :i. s i car eand). dras n from : he di ankt f..mi ..f ten preferre.l. eonshl- nng ? ? .. ? . . ?? had not .for a wn..:. "r.ver tine ..,..;?? - | been ret | imo to .?id Mrs. Neil, "bol I 'i ?? .-.m bow." "Yea," Tootaia commented, "a aies man picked me up and ki*se?l me when I cried m the court t?, rley. and he ga? ?? me ti. my mamma, and I gel ; new doll and ?and?,!" she eric,; ':. umphsntly. "Diatricl Attorney Martin. ." her mother explained; "h? wa - '. ers good to i Ilia. < OBBOlly, ?? fricad, ??ho ha? been aiding the? in"th..r .-i rogaiaiBg her ?i ed * home ... . of bow Mr?. Yaeger. ..f i Geaveraear Place, ? 1 '?? Ici Mr?. Nell have 'I ? until a boanl bill of ???'?1 ?? ?? paid. SW I he end of the unu-unl eben Justice John I. ,n The Bronx Supreme t'ourt, reteraod rooteie to her mother after the Lcgsl A.i Bociety had oataiaed a writ of habeas corpus. "Mrs. Nell has worked out ever her baabaad deserted her with a little son and ToOteio,' said Mrs. COBBOlly. "She had to hoard the children with Mrs, Yaeger ?.vhile she ? a^ out working to keep her littltl home together. "The l'ttle boy died a '.ear ago. but lire, Neil still had Tootaia to live for. She paid ?'? a month to hsvt bar little girl .'nr-'d for. We bava as complain) about the way Mr-. Yaeger lifter her. The child \? polled. "It's n.y idea and her motl i people ?hi took cara of Tool ie fell in love wi h her. Anyway, Mr-. Nell went to see her child Tool didn't gO up t > her M usual. She stood off at a distance and looked frighteaed. "Mrs. Yaeger said, 'Why don'' VOS go and kiss pear' but Tootsie never moved. Mrs. Nell was MBViBeed that if she didn't want to lone her ?laughter's love it was up to her to get her and take care of her at any sacri? fice. "Since that da;. Mrs. Nell ha* been fighting to get hir child. D?Atrict At tur iey Martin was so kind. He turned oier ?. i office U Mis. Nell and her friends, for the hst gsined naay in ? "I'm going to ; big house on Iliver - ?!?? Drive fur I'hai.r Igiving ?linner, and I'm going to take mother and have lots , ? ? irkej *?. eat," aaid Tootsie Nell. "Mere, won't von have oae ??f ray ?lucks" You might play pretend aal It. Baron Gets Prison Term. Svracuse, Nov. H. Karon Fugene F. F. Oppenheim, of Paris, ex-Deputy State Superintendent of Public Instruc tiea Howard J. Rogers, sod as Assem? blyman Richard Murphy were sen teaeed to-day to Ove jreara la the United Statea peaitSBtiary at Atlanta by Judge Hay in 'he Federal curt. They were found goilty on obi cob* i-.mcy cunt and 200 cobbI charging ?iolatioBa of the bsnkiag ..?'. ;. \ writ of error wa* grsntsd bj Jadgs Ra> and aii appeal will I?<? taken, There ?VBI no 'ire drills, no sign 1 no sprinkler? .ill of which came un ? be ' i ? deparl ment. "The work of the commission been hampered by the teal estate ter?-'" of the City. They Bl Mai I our enforcement of the factory tend? to inaV.r factory property pr lica?y flrorthleas. They went to V.h? and through their BBSOCiatiOfl iveii ha?e the provi ?obi of the factory : p. ?? on Ian s ma |e U is dri trouble i- thai we receive ?ncoura ment only after a big disaster, . BOthing but critic,sm from the pco . in the mean time." \ "?I if he ha?! a list of the spec vi? n-'otis of the i?\4, Commiaaioi Lyach s?id ii x\.u?..1 require ah? ?la> ? to prepare a list. L > ?.'. r. be said, tnere 4iere 26,247 f orden leeaed, and only 18,us ??< com; lied '?'? ' Lawrence McGuire, president of t Rea I ' ?'?? Hoard of New York, i dared yeeterdaj thai divided aathorl ? i chief ohatacle in the way ifeguardlng build | ting life II? ?aid : i '. " leason Of this fire i? th ?? -? lb Ity i? bound to ? like that <.f Sate : ?lay last Here In New York we ha r the ir?a ?: Labor D< lartmenl and adminl te'?.? a rira Dopai ta eal Sob ??f tie ?, nuirements are ?o rigid ih man) property owaora eaanal comp ?>? 4? hole .- srit ;o\ :?c! The re?ilf is thai proper' outer? hold off as long a? th? *. reaaoaable J be made. "Rut th?. prime fa lit i? that requir?* merits and in-pections are made by th I . ? i Department and the Fire P? j.s.r' meal If Ihe ee i of ?b i tmenta and the centralisation of au thorit' adv? ted b* the I>_? ? - pect to department er bu t laat year thii ten ,? ty woub ?cdied ??"?er I.a4?s Needed, He Say?. "The gres ? ? ? for a ma* of i. ? d reo, liremeal ? - I?!. !'.?r ? Btfl tc carry out, bu! for fl tional re.?,.. ? ? that genUy and riaidlii enforced. And with this' there iBOOld be centraliza? tion of aathority. Unless rumor is largely at fault, there i? already a growing breach bctwOCB the Fire De* partmeal and the Labor Pepartmen'" rge A Rosquiat the suspended Inapeetor, ii in h-.h f?4.-?r la th' of* i Btat? l ? ?.i* of La? wn? .. ? . : i ? .? ? ? ' and who ?i - ? I ? ? Ii?ti . - . go, said b? Rosqniat a long time and that f the be?! and mo.?t r< ll l.lf" in? ii || 'ii Ml qoisi w?? nader Ira for about ii When he left his inquisitor! I be was i?sk?*d if a subpien? haj been , Served or. him by Pietrict Attorney ' ?'ropsov, and bs taid there had i He explsiaed thai h?' had to hurrv BrOOklVB to the I?istn,-t Atfoi .".' Oes and would r? ! nn to th< the State Labor Department withii few hours. It was said ?hut inasmuch as commiasion had reoehed for his pearance no BObp I ? i \. ' Takes liar to Make Rounds. Deputy Cemntiaaioner liernon s the district to v. huh l?<i?qui -? a ,'t.e,i wet an exceedingly large o and so vas' ?hat an il tpectot could ' make the complet? rosada sf iuap t :on in less ;? ?n OBS y.'.tr II' ? i thai ataeli sf tl a laspeett time wa? takes Of in Mart, declsr i r .?? each violation breoghl to eot waa credited with nn average of ah? ?rs. and all this time the m-p ! te he [.ros? nt. "We have onlv 128 inspector?." Bl , ?ho Deputy Commissioner. "I agit?t an addition to the force soin.? til age, meking t three baadred men, h I got no encouragement." He raid he thought there were I nos! tsves baadred fsetory balldin Ro 1'iit later Bl ? Mi'st said he bad ir htindr buildingi unaer h - lapervisioa. II I ,!?-.'? ? ? -, - botll ??' I 01 'he Wt i y the 11 il H ?????'. i rom Bra ? ? ?? North 1 welfth street m ion Street, sad on the eaal I Graham A\er.ue. Metropolitan -\veiii . ul ? the d ?? riet la the n from w? ' ??? ' i- . aad through It, ni i -.g north and south, are Bedfoi Street, I'rion Avenue ard Lorias St root l.irl Tell? of K.cape. Corroberstion of teetimoav of Sui lay al wiag thai < I? i ted do? fered ail the ? af many of tl employ?s during the fire wa? g 1 of the thirty ail ; ? . . ef y ir.? Itsrshi I' : ! er Ad?n Hui i : ng. \ -aid t ha k Gil ? down the ttaira O? the fourl locke ? i.. r. He ti I fei * n 1 m i i. ??' u r. otT the lock ran back to the ? ? the ttrset by the I'.re escape. J.ihn Sevelet il employed m th. ? g, was at a fun? ral OH Satur.i.s the ? ommissioner aided, hut r?-* ir? ?. a- .. o'clock to get his salary. N ?.f tir.? greeted him. but he had reache?l the thir.i flier whoa tlu were ? ' aseaba an?l flame. Fbbbj ??o'.e. k' ?-A-ex Bhin I !''!"><? teld the official ? . ? ....... ... ? ? ? ?? add? ed tl ? i ? the gn ' ? v M ?daaseoB . po? I del irtmenl. will be turn..) ...? to Diatricl Attoraet <r?.p sey ?.!..! ? .? Wa ?nt-r Whin- We have be,.;i unable a- ??? .?rn the cause of the firp. , >ur that it originated in the hallwap of the first floor." SINGLE TAX ADVOCA! AT CITY HALL HEAR Benjamin C. Marsh Tells or's Committee of Its Benc DiacnaaioB of the m*r.t? of the ? ? ? . foi Mew York City ? rrda be first of a ser: . hearings \n City Hall, und ? ? ? Cerna.i ob Tax ?i by Mayor M tudy the tas probier. Cha ng preaided. Thi arge of the hei consists ?>f i'r..'..??ir K. R. A Walt? r I.m,1er and Pelos T. ? ?>x Benjan i Marsh, executive i tary of th? ". *.? I,..wer Rent Reduce on Home?, was th* vitn? ,- ? nt the propo to trai for tax? ngl '?? ind values from B ten \rar- When he ileclared that i ? ? ? r? "?..'i.i .1 the Legislatur ?? ? B ird of Eatimate," ? yru? c. ? irmer Borongl i'rr*i,ien- of ted to the "aadigaifli ? urg??' a referendu this , , Marsh continued, people of t'r?e city hi ? We urge this ' ferring I a levied on buil ? ?. regardless o adverse i iTect upon a few ladle propertj owners of the city." Some of the reaeoa? advancer .r ?-. '?. si - ? gle tux were a? "I; ?ill reduce r. nts and mall homes; it will bring he ? nts in pla?e of ? Bcouraga indnatri \4 ? encourage the eoastrnctioi ? ?. iir.d it ?* ill prevent i. itl re lacres m la . - Th?. ng will be he',? ' ' it) Hall. WILSON ASSISTS IN BELGIAN A New Yorkers Added to Comr sion at Chairman Hoop* ers Request. Al ? ' of Herber! C. I ?uni'.il an of (he Commission Rel ? ?" in Belgium, President Wi .i number of promii American? to co-operate in the v ? eommiasiOB m the l.*ni7ed Sti Those asked by the Prealdeat ?Uto T. Rannard, S. R. Bertron, 1 l.ert S. Eldridge, A. J. Hemphill, 1 .il..? K. Stone, Oscar S. Straus .lohn Reaver White. In hi.i letters of invitation the Pi <ays: "Mr. Hoover, the chairman of Commiaaioa for Relief m Belgium. approached me v. ith regard to difli ?rhich have an.-eu ifl th" 'oik of that greai humanitarian *jik, which ii!' feels he BC00? the s ip| of an enlarged committee of ?jen men of largo experience to co-u;)ci with him in settling and condac the administration <>7 the bran7h the commission in the United Slat "I am so much impressed with importance of this institutior, which the lives of so many people dependent, that I venture to s_y you that I would personally bo v much gratitied if you could see y way to join such a committee." The committee has been infori that the reaervea of clothing amont? poorer classes in Belgium Brill be boosted bv Christmas. They . make an appeal to th'- nei ?? ihe Uaited States for clothing ?i?' destitute m Belgium and North France, ??. non number betw 3,000,000 it...; 1.0(111.000. Mr. Hoover returns to Europe to-i in th?? Nieuvv Amsterdam, after a | , wi'fks' visit to New York. Announcement was made last n*.j , that the three committees ?vbich hi ' been ministering to the ivants of ? refugees n the Turkish Umpire I consolidated their energies and wo? merge ?ato ? single organization wb would continue the work of all tni bodies Ihe !)C4v organization is to known ai the AmeriesB Committee I Armenian and Syrian Relie*', and a bava its headquarten at 70 Fifth A? . ' h v city. The Syrian committee, which h rating largely amoai m Syria i.shI Palestine, has trar ". ! ?.i l,?iii tO Syna tor rel ? ? i to ontribntiom ha ??t thr<u*??h the Preabyteri Board of Poreign Missions. OWNERS OF B??RNE FACTORY RELEASE Relatives (iive High Bail M and Mrs. Diamond in De? spair Over Disaster. Mrs. <elia Piair.on?!, wife of tj owner of the burno.i Wili.amshurg f? tor... and her husband were releasu^ . ' terday la heavy hail. A ?Itl ?? i ?? reporter found the wife, wi hands clasped and head hanging in d ?pair. Her husband, <>n ths verge of ei ? [.?iced *he kitchen of his daug ? -' Sat, a* -".'-'T We..?. Thirty-secoi Si reel, Rrooklyn. "Ich bin unschuldig!" he cried, tryir !o establish his innocence in the ey< of a crowd of red-eyed relatives ar neight i r - "Ich bin unschuldig I am innocen echoed bis wife. "Wo are bot innocent." Slonin, his young son-in-law, plead? ?j ittenth ? be paid to Piamnnd i his i? ?, ? eonditfoa. He exp?ame ths candy manufacturer ha?i n< ilepl all th.- i me he had heen in jai He was so unstrung that, he coul?! tic recognise n ? ' rel or friends; he r* gar ?led ever] one a? an enemy, "I am ruine?!, ruined!" moaned Pia mond, "He say? he is ruined," ?aid Slonir "He i?. The first mortgage on th ling amount? to $.'14.0.10. The dam age 'he !'re did, the insurance compan; ited, would be ?omewhere nea o. ile was in comfortable posi before the fire; now he i? poor. "My father-in-law bad thousand? o ? ?! <>r.I? rs from the bes la th* country They were Chr:*t mas order?. My mother-in-law, who ii better than mo?t salesmen ir trade, had solicited the?? be was^un expert at gettinj ?s'?i mother in laa .ii?! everything ,t; ifegnai I th? building There irai ? tiaamith am! carpentei fireproofing the stairway, according to . .?' lbs rime of the fire." Diamoad un 1 his wife were indignant because they had beer, kept two nights and a ?lay in the Raymond Street jail. The friends on whom they formerly re? lied w.ul'l not furnish the heavy bail demaaded. Their children went fran from place to place to get the ? aad 'id not succeed until late ? terday mom i . Mr. and Mrs Piamond have three .V i SloaiB, Mrs Ed H;,h! and Kthrl P.anon.1. Tneir ? . of nine Kyman i? i i? amond itarted in business :t laborer aad by degrees financed in of manufacturer "Ihe building, i'? '????'. mortgaged, be longed to him. H ? a fe denies having hare (a it. The manufacturing of randy, however, aras almost entirely under the iBpervlales of Mr?. Piamond The buolaeea belonged tai her. The ma? chinery wa? practically de?troy?d by I th? ftre. TEACHERS ARGUE OVER GARY PLAN Lively Opposition Met at Meeting in Boys' High School, Brooklyn. MRS. FERNANDEZ LAYS RELIGIOUS BUGABOO Feature by No Means Essential. She Says. Leaving Matter to Parents' Choice. A frrr dlscutslon of the Gary system proposed for the New York pub!: school? took place last evening at the Hi?,?' High School. Brooklyn. The sentiments of the audience, which WBB composed largely of teachers from the schools, was plainly sgain?t adopting the plan. The speakers were Mr Al.ce Harrows Fernandez. Dr. A Grady, principal of Public School fit. Manhattan; Mr?. Alice Ritter, prmcip.l of Public School 8f?. Brooklyn, wher?. the Gary plan is being tried, and Dr 'ami's Sulliran. principal of the Ho-, High Behoof. Mrs. August Drover, president of the Long I?land COBBCil o Women's ?'tubs, ?vhich arranged the raeetiag, presided The meeting ?lose?! with a nimber of arguments from member? of the ainlience. The noisy opposition sf the sadisaCS wat son.ewhat quieted by on.? man, who said '.M was neutral on the question of adopting the plan, but con lidsrsd it altogether wrong for an audience which contained so many teachers to exp-ns? its antagonism te an educational measure before it had received a fair and thorough hearing. Walter J. P'irsons, the engineer in charge of the construction of the Hell Gate bridge, who lived for three year? In Gary, Ind., whence the system got its name, spok?? for it. He based his arguments on th' results observed in the education of hit own two children. Ha denied that the parents in Gary arc ; -. .1 to the ? ? A't-.n. Mrs. Fernanden sai.l that neither de? partmental nor religious instruction was necessary in the ?.chools. She thought that ?he parents should choose the meaner in which the children would u?? their playground hour under the system, and tais that she saw no sleepy children In the schools of Gary. Thej were either too interested or too busv. 1'lan a "Panacea." Dr. Grady discussed the defect* of the system and saifi that .t* advocate consider it a panacea for all ills. He referred to a letter from Mayor Mitehel saying that the Mayor ap? proved of the system because the ?ehool buildfaga could be altered is three months to permi'. its adoption and the ?petera pat late effect :. ? i 'i ?>f five month- at a cost of only tOJOOOfiOO, He asserted that the argu menta for the adoption of the system in New York were based on an inade? quate e\perimcnt in tare schools. Re? ferring to the religious side of the qu?'.tion. >ie said: "The minute you connect the school and the Church you stir up the foulest dregs of human nature. The safety of our school system depends on a com? plete divorce between it and the Church." Mrs. Ritter ?aid her school was bet? ter than before the system was trie I there. "Altogether we are doing a good, happy, useful kind ot work." she said, "and I am glad that my tchovl was chosen iih one for the experiment." The Gary plan would have small chance of success. Dr. Sullivan aal I. If the schools hadn't auditoriums, work? shops and playgrounds. He said the plan was aiready in operation on a modified scale in the Boys' High School and had been tried la New York in 1899. Dr. .Sullivan thought Mayor Mitehel favored the plan because of it?) promise of economy. Rabis Attack Gary Plan's Religious Phase The Gary system, with the feat ?re of lelgmus instruction eliminated, found fav? r yesterday in the eye? of raoel '!?<? Jewish spiritual leailers 7ha7 met n conference at ressaie Emsnu-El, *an ?l?-; the 11 | ce- of the Fa .lern ?'oui. ci! of Reform Rabbis. The system wa? also recommande?! for use in prisons. Rabbi Harry S. Lewis. Jewish chap lain at the Tombs, who spoke on "Jews in Prisons and Hospitals," said thati the introduction of the Gary systen of "The Real Elihu Root," another of the series of "Presidential Possibilities/' and "Robert Lansing as His Friends Know Him," are two inter? esting articles about two particularly inter? esting Americans, in this week's issue of En VMt NATIONS.!. WlKtT Sf'ira riir? <? ? . ?as/J. sesee tee ?? -? n?p." Mansion Coffee Best ai 24c l? P^tttd (Makint aaiaati ?tats i asan Money Back on Request Fivo Pound? Delivered Free ALICB FOOTE MACDOUHU. "T?\? o??i?? Woman I afee taaofaer ' John M?3 |M Front Str-et. %mmsemmmmammmMmOmVBmr-*+tm le I'ine old book.?? in ? ?in temporary bindings at lowebt prices. Just re? ceived. A visit will pay you. 6St Fifth Avenue , instruc'ion into that ?triaos t u i i.. I 27.1 I' la bit talk ?m ' Ths Wots . ? Religiosa School Union," Rabb dolpn Gressaaan eommsatsd os Gary tyatsw and asid that >,;,.,. dsyJSBdsd ISiTgsly on the spirit ? ; as on the efficiency of the tes Bl supplied. Di" Boy Scout ni'iMTii'ii' came in for discussion, follow ma; a luncheon at th?? Democratic Club, rivss bl Baal iiel 1'ntermyer. I'.abbi M;?\ RatotB, of Brooklyn, t*aid: "The best resulta in the Boy Scout 1 movement can only come From ?ork directed aloag tecterien line?. Tht Jewish temple thould folie i h ?he Isatstsps of the Christian Chareto .h.d taha I ba Bei Bcool me? i atei dir its own ro.if." 'i r.n: smased sod ? ? ? ? d." i?i ?i Dr. Eaaaaasl Schreiber, "thai a rsbl should advocate aaeh a thin,? i? th.' Boj Scoot aieveaaeat, I bos?: aad traal tha' tin- movement will never In:.I .? placo in Judaism. It is a militar ?tu movement." In reply to this, Dr. Joseph Si I ?er man, of Temple h m a nu FA, emit thai lia? did not fear the hoirie of militarism a? much at the inrroduction of sectarian? ism into the Hoy BcOBl movement. "I do not want to see Jewish I'ov Scouts," he said. "I .1.. no* wair t ? see Christisa Hoy Scout?. Lst Item be just Hoy Scouts, altogether Atien? tan." New French liner Am'.' rh< La . I ., . ?? I a, S !.i?'!i !? fl I "? ''. an \ He tober ?'?' on i' maid? ?t Qaaraatiaa laat alghl The I ttte, 8t0 ?>??? long ?? th ? laeeu ??. eapecit?) of 2,000, - .? aasdrsple acres? ves?el of j:t.?'.?'.n teas II la .1 it i?, ???! on its return trip BotBfda**? YOU MUST LOOK at tht before you pay your good money for a talking-machine NO NEEDLES TO CHANGE! C\ Prices $15 to $300 ? DAILY HE( AT THE PATHE PATHEPHONE SHOP 487 FIFTH AVENUE 4 Door? South of 42nd St. ! al--A??--|iW^?|-J'JL'l.:' Intrinsic value and thorough worthiness harmonize in our Fall and Winter suits and overcoats. Above .their mere cost?always modest? rises a feeling of genuine comfort and the impression of greatest service, proper de? sign and tailoring, long after the cost has become shadowy in memory. ^> Fall Sack Suits Fall Overcoats Winter Overcoats ?18 to $40 116 to MO $18 to $75 Brokaw Brothers ?eVstor Place & Fourth Avenue Su-anray Slanmn ?' D??* ?3_________________ s_a s_a ?_a ? ?to?