Newspaper Page Text
Intention PackaS 1 lis Trunk It is to he noticed there ?wer? no clocks and ? alrndars in th?** mut h -vaunted d.iys before the flood. It follows, of course, there were no appointments, and punctuality was not yet thought upon. To day there are calendars ?and clocks which have the face?to remind one that Christman-Shopping-T i m e is passing and that? Intention packs his trunk? hut loses the train. Boudoir Fittings ^_ Photograph Frame?(at left) Of ex?'iii?ile gUz-J . n'"?k n m color?, with a delicate border o! Irenrh. gold looting, mrai.ring 7% x 6 * and taking an ova! ?ie (abuiet uze picture J% i 5?*i ' inchei .$6. 50 Hair-Pm Box fat right) Of gl.zed <_lf?kin m pa.lel shade?, wild a dehrale ? Freaca | Four ? with lambsk.n lining, uk.nt; I.iii | n? ol all uze?. Size; i% x m 4 ? I mthei.$6.00 Fxceptional Travelling Bag -"\ Travelling Bag Of iturdy tan hid? leather, with contraiting while ititrhing. Red and blue iheck lining forming two j?oik'ti on one ude ?nd one large pocket on the other. Ibe cernen are reinforced and cooped, l?r flit hniih biaii mounting? Sue: 18 > 9*. x 12 uuhei... $ 10.00 Crystal and Silverware Cigarette \ lumidor (centre) 01 Hun ri ulver pl_le. v? lh ir\ ,!ving door. Compartment? taking SO . ignrtte?. Hie relenlivr sjuililiei ol ihn ?penally pre pared mrtal | ,rimi (be ?roma ?nd -??-?r of (be |, .,,. >i/e s S % \ 4 x 3V? ?chei.$9.50 Liquor Bottle- (at Ml and right) ?Quart uze boule. full, heavy fluled cryital. with ?!?r cut bottom. The nm ?ad Hopper are of Prince'i uKei |,Ute, the latter engr?ved in t4so deugn?. ? <c*k' with a romb ?f red enamel, or a ' bull dof, ? ?.oli.t of led aaaaaeL i ai b t?.mple!r.a A J 5 Ea-ra Stoppe.. .$l.7*> Mail OrJen V, 11 Recei?e Piom; t Attention ? ?grid's Created I either ! tores New York Boiton 404 Filth Ave. 1 45 Tremont St tot ?Ilk Lond m 253 Broadway 89 Refont St BasJaea m^tnmomant taat v??ri?j BLIND CHILDREN MAY GAIN SIGHT Dr. Richards Says It's No Longer a Miracle to Restore Vision. "SCHOOL INSPE? TION RIDK ULOUS FARCE" Children Should lie Examined Before Being IMaco? In ( lisses, He says. Don?* ago t a mir? acle ij ' ut-of-. ? been . accor,-.' in the es for : the t- . ng to 1 lr ?A ? ? i is a "If oai . ? inationi d?a? fraction of : ? ? i.ret to a r the e law compelled all i ? r cent solution of hitra to the fa '.. ?? bother ? caset where tr.ere haa been an hat been examining ???ti in classes for the bl t. . I ? ,u ck ly, he ? ? extre- I ? : to lacrosa? . -.mon trouble is, i advened to be operated upon: and another di ? i , . ? ' I n and can be cured " Jack Reada a Nenspaper. Dr. 1 ' g . method. It when were y laughed and vhat He pot | ?? on Jack if he ? d Jack, e? ewapspei I can't i.ccui- ; tomed. and ha brooght I ? aheel i ai er. "By golly, I ? ob Gladya, an?l owly from the i.e.?-paper: "Li, , nth It was - offu ? Berlin to? day thst the army of Von Von Von," sn '? a ate] pad before the mighty Hindenburfr. "How do I lo"k? How do I look?" each wool ? t ?. ????hen he returned fro.n ?. J,,? ?:: . ?? room where vision was r- ar yedra of da: ? ? Dr. Rieha with eif*ht chil? dren tting ? ? her, and 11 - a fourth. It i bal ? W. Kmr.ey n.'i ? to by cutting out at, arti? ficial : Skill and Love Can Aid. "You a/ill n-k h.v it is poaaible that such a hideous mi'-tak?' ean ba made In the cas?'?: of two-thir:- BBS chil '1 ba aaaarer is very ?imple. It all is a question of skill an?l love com? bined. Plenty of men .-. New Yorit have the skill to mai.?- theac little pa? tienta ?ee. but till now no one I ? ? me, ?kill and lova w boot out the teal factor in thi ??'i he ' throu,:?i"ut the i "(m 1 h ?? iva th: ? throogh un? ? . .... >ney in the mean time." He eoneladed thai il was cheaper to ?.per..! only (1,000,000 a yeei for medi? cal school Inapection In this city than to apead $8,<K?0,000 every yesi ?? eating tlie children not promoted de? fective children of to.lay who becoma the crimina.- O? t> mon uw. EZEKIEL INVOKED BY WILSON, TOO ? ...?...,..?,I fr .in |...iie I ?:iti\ea . ? ? per;. Then it r,-\ ivod tslh I that Mr. Kitchin't attitude will r<-?* 111 in the choice of some one else for the floor Issdershlp and (!.?? chaira i of th I Vj .?vs and urally BBCCSOd hi 'he election of Oscar \v I : ? ? ? ? ? ' i net? '? ?ral attil id ? of Repi tstlvea here lr. Kitchm swill 1 and 'hat ? ' ? ? inking h "iber of the ndact th? i a*ht. I pari .t the bet i will ? t the Preaidenl I >i beca time that the defence ? anpport of the Repablleaas. Letters t;..n. ad t.arts <.f the countrv indicate ? that the need sf greater military an?! I reslissd, even in aectioaa which heretofore ha'. I .ised expenditure i involve?! \\ ?st I older to I "nallv th?- W , i er?i e declan ?l He : it the i ? ar, ha?l im I him ss bttini ch In ' favor of i both fcrmv and n*\ y, "I a:n not pffsparttd <u diseass tl ?? ?'???a'!? of the PreeideBt'a defence pro* BJO." said the S?nato?. ".ut tlIt amoaat lavolved ?lo.-s not fi ? ? I me at all. It items to m?\ .,n ti t at one rsei . mach la ri< ? of worli 'il. ?n .... ? '.\ a ? ' it gusrsi ri ..? ? with I I Bl ' i?.uate?rmv and navv as it the Proa I uent hffnsvlt." BOMBS AND FIRES ON 17 OTHER SHIPS 1 1res ba?e broken out, ?>r bumh? have bees fourni, oa bmbj ahtpa ?ar Mipplifs to Ii:.' \Hirs ??bub ?.aile?! from New Vori* B?BCO the ?.ir befas, isaaai Ike more imp?.11 .nit i ??" 4? ? re i heee : 1114 September _>S.?< edl*k, lire li?rov ? red in held after leevtaf Sen ? ,.rk. (? tobar 1" ?DegTrid, blare in bold ?Ahile at pier In Eaal Iti*. rr. (Klobir M.?Alired Nobel, cargo of cot toa abl?se .it aea. N..?ember |?Kembnindt, al?o car Ming cargo of n.tton, afire while in Ibis port CaaeO belle?ed to have be?-n a bomb piare?! aboard ??hile at dock. Itlls January 29.?Preston, cargo at BSt ton aavarat) dassased h) lire while in Net? York harbor. March fi.?Toaiaiao, haiab dlaeov? ereil ??ftrr l?"a\ ini: thi? i???rt Nan i. .:i.?( laa Ma? KHIar, abre at Geaoa with cotton cargo from i altad Statea, March 11.?San GafHelsaa, ??ith cargo of mit.>n in.m America,die* covered abl?se before Ie.-i4ing t.eni.a. April 27?Devon City, mrgo of aogar bred 1.4 bomb. \ i?r11 .?'.?Lord Erae, tiro found on board while in this port. Ma> S.?llankdale. bomb found In hold after reaching Ma? re from thi? port. June 10.?Ilirkcnwald. nine bomb? found in hold Bl Marseilles after ?afe trip from New York. JuK 1<?.? Minnehaba, Iw.mhs sup? l??.?rd lo have hern placed on ?hip at New York ratine h lag. at '?">. July 21?hnutifor-'. Brad ??bile at Brooklra p.?r September S.? Uhlnal. BEIM at sea after lea? in. Brooklya arlth car? go of faad for tilico. September 11.?Sanl' \nn-i. ?re broke out after lenting Ne.? Y i ? r k ; convoyed t.. Azores. November I.?Kio Lape"?. CBBghl fire on 4? ay from New York to (,ueens !..??n wilb sugar CargOi put int. I'.tlif.ix. Captain believed fire Martid from bomb in sugar I ag. ROCHAMBEAU AFIRE AT SEA;651 ABOARD ? i.iitlnneil from pt??r I life saving and fire fighting apparatui are include in her ?quipaient Among the passenger? on bo,?i Henri I.o Franck, a French aviator.V/bo was wounded wh.le fighting in the Ar gonne district. He eBBse to the tinted States six weeks ago to buy ueroplune parts for the Preach 1704 ernment and took back .?-cveral ca.?es of them. Amor.? the paaaengen ob the Ro-' ehaaibeaa are several mea aad women from this c.ty. One is John Mills 3 \\'??t r was a Harvard graduate of 1902 ai ,1 married ,? Frenchwoman named Foegeli He ll Art? ? . con aulting architect <.f the bo? A year ago last '?i.? v Mis. Sawyer and her little daughter ?or 1 ranee? Her husband Intended fol ,: hei Uie m the fall, but the war started and he postponed bis pas sage until the Rochatnbeau sailed. His home la at SI 1 aal I fty-third Street. Another paaaenner ob the Rochaos* ? An hur N. Deck? r, a ? ? pr? !i\ C f'l" L A: K. Slii !.. OB Avenue. He ?a? bound ior . Bertr?n D. IVintl rop, of l?M son Avii.if . 11 snee t'< He 1? .. 1. about thirty, ii? Is a raen ind Harvard eiuba. ? nans ol Mrs. ' athorine M. Wai lace ; s director] gives a woman of that name at 14?j East Forty-ninth Street. Other probable .New York paaaeagers, and addroesea given IB the city direct? ory for them, are: Mrs (,ertru?ie B. King, a dreaamaker, ol H West. Thirty* reet; Mi 1 W Keck. ? ? St, Kick, a gla/.ier. ol -?K 1 ?Wash ing*ton Av. 1.,. .? I. l..? Witt. i Weat Sevent? 1 : eel ; J. er, Sydenham Hoai ita.1, .'<??:> Las'. 116th I \ plete 1 t of pa follow?: ...1 B I? . :.;.. so? il I. : I. I ???? la 1 ' 1 B King Mai. .1-1 Morrla J K .:,?? ?? Maatar J??n llsi llar i; K Ml.? 8 izanna Ui 1 . - ,., a Ms? I? ?? 1.! K? k V '.'.. !'? : I Hal .aa.-etslai Mri |*| irr? Hfithet Ai..!i?? v ' Bals? and 1 ? .4.11? Hi - ? ! ?. ' re II Bauer !!? ? ' ? .! . i.r. atai - ?? ? ??.;?rr ibam v ? . ?auierr ? Mia? Marl? ? - . ? _M ??._.? r? , 'oml ?S <liil!?v? Co .'.an! I.? .rai.t . -.' ?' ? A Mr? li. . Mi .? - . ? tu Mlaaa ? Mr? II? M-r<"l?r M!?? M?r> M y ai fi.? Mil I-oirent . . . M H M'K.roy Di O, Utshlr? ? r la?'a M I' l'_??a , ; , r - m?n , g? .. . M ? ?, ' ? ' l'on 1 o ni 1 U A. ?1 Ile? P. M 1 Ml"l I | Rive? .-. " ? i ? ? : i 1. ? ?. - ?le* i*_ ?n? : ? BMW? ?art ' Sa.'. ! T Bl? ?? ? I ? ? ? Bl ajnatrlo? ? . :. n ! Ma?l?r I rea 1 M ? 1 ? ' r?n 1 .. ? ? i?r '. ? 1 1 - r r.. : ? - : f SI ? 14 '. -S .r II. .... I M i*rrnar* P . il i uilpln 14a weit ? ? sratu . .... ? Cl a? ??a??.!n lia 1. F -? ?' s ..a H?.??; la -II.? Will Mis? D, B. 11). .? ??mit BOX OFFICE WAR 1??AYOPENTO-DA Brady-K. & i:. Wrang Drives Managers to Pol of Dissolving AgT-ceraen MEETING ADJOURNED TO FRAME ULTIMATU ?Demund for Erbtnger Boyc< ?rounds. Il Is Said, for $250,000 Suit by Tyson. ? fend between William A. Urn .? ,\. Erlaagor, broeghl to a re iattei ? . ' h sf the Ni Araaterdem TheHtr?' to the ticket agf to result in a retu n of rut-r : a quertcro, sky-high prices Others and jreneral CBSOa every where Al 'i meeting of the I'r;.fe?i HsaagSI ?t on at the Hoi ?? i :..'. aft? ' BOOB, called I Brady to dei iti palaioa of A. Erlanger from the ai eciatioa, mai ?< ?'?.we.i an inclination to gi up all efforts to regulate the aituatio lion will be reached this a il it expected, at a fuppl mentary meeting to be held at the Astn Neither Mr. Erleager nor his partne Marc K!aw?, was present a? :? ? meeting. The latter, howe-. rr. sent long le'ter to Sam II. Harris. of the exeeativa committee, in which y On taken by his tirr ?ter was in part as follows: "In refereac? to the meeting this a' IB, arrangements previously mar! ni" from being there, but ir .1 r Brady has seen lit th; to try the ???fairs of the thsstl ? thi aewapepera, instead r by thsir OWn committee, I really see n meetings His 1st Mr Erlaagor aad give It reached M r. El kea his motive? ojaestioflsbli I |y tal | anybody from an 01 ??r waa organize ? li?t compels me tO 'h laion that all he wanted was t hav,. - g printed, an.l the ? way to get that printed wat to take a taoe with Kla??. .?? Erlanger, "Mr. Brady arroto me a letter te BgO in which he told me that h had found out that everybody was vio latin?? ? .ment and that it ha? indeed, become a mere scrap of papet .iii'i that ?In- meeting bis committee wa eall ng would probably ba the insi i weat to that meeting, hnd wl "?: I for the ? I violations M i Bi ady produce? :' th? Wintei Garden whiel re purel ased for bun fron i lohen at $?"> api? .Mr. Kin?? then states that it was lat?: rered that the entire tirat ro\? .,' the Winter (?arden WM sold directlj to Cohen, instead of being distribute? through the Tyson Agency, as the man agcr.A' agreement stipulates. Aftei charging that Mr. Brady was aawilliai that any action should be taken in re gard to this alleged violation, Mr. Kla?x continues: "Kiaw <& Erlanger. single-handed have spent thoUMBOa of dollars to try to regul.i'e thes ale of ticheta in th? intercAt of the public. I evolved a plar ? met with thl approval of '. , be l'.ar A tocietfos for the e'.im on of all ticket agencies. Hut whai happened? When I i7ot to Albany Mr rat l op on the other tidi t 1..,!, and be ?mu backed up bj the hotel proprietors and al! the agCBCiea in town. I'nfortur.ately, thos? ? v. he write letters to the HOWS papers and cry the loudest, as usual gava ru. support. "Mr. Erlanger and I have now mad? up our minds to conduct our business ? ? we can." Mr. Klaw said later that the manager? who mel to reguate the ticket situation atemben of the I'niteil Proteel t A-sociation. bui He also a.,,., ,i the oBuly red ;.- lociation of . A--,., at;on ol lid thai Mr to that on lion. Tyson Compaay will be notifie?! to live up to their agreement, said Mr. Brady, which m the circumstances will msan that ?hey will lie asked to refu*e t?. handle Klaw ? Erlanger ticket?. In th<- event of their refusal the other igen will take advantage of a ten I In their contracts with Ty ton which gives the managers the of termination in case Tyson does Uva 00 to the agreement. be compelled to cease | the Klaw ?: Erlanger tickets ?11 Brady gava II as his ?.pinion that v would have grounds for a ? ' '"..'Hi' tuit against Klaw &. Er ?-? Halifax Prepares to Aid the Burning Rochambcai: Halifax, \. S.. Nov. 8. No v??.rd from the Kochambeau of the French, reported burning at sea, had b??en received here at a late hour to? night. \l''<?i|[is from New Yoik said she probably would put in here to? morrow. The 'ioverntnen* Marine Do purtmer.t ha.? ?eut a wirslcst mi t?i the captain of the ll'.chambeau a-lc ing if he n? ' ? ;? SSSil 'arc?. -? ? Jersey Ponds Ice Covered. Wsehiagtea, N J., Nov. 8 Th.? ice of :i... aeaeen wa? observed thit i ':> thermometer ?registered me places and some of : ?!* hid tr.i tirst coating of ice. THE OLDEST AND THE STRONGEST This Company ti not only the oldest In this line of business In this country, but It has the larg? est Capital and Surplus. Since its organization In 1892 It has guaranteed mortgages aggregating $?"84,000.000. There have been repaid to the Investor?!, who did not lose a dol? lar of their prlnci'.a! and who never had lo wall for their in? terest, mortgage*? totalling $031,000,000. There are now outstanding guarantees aggregating $253,000,000. Our Guaranteed Mortgages are the best investment for those who cannot afford to lose their principal and who wish to re? ceive their Income re_,uiariy ? 11 m? it any delay. I Any aiuui.nt inn be invested with tht protection o? our guar? antee. So mteitnr fias ever lost a dollar tynpsjf?frk (?UAftyN Jit (J capital ?-i Surplus, $10, Il.-o'wsy. Y Y 1 ff Kennen .?..->(. riaJton St.. J?mala TWO ARE SEIZED IN AIRPLANE PLOT Prisoners Accused of Trying to Obtain Plans of Machines Be? ing Made for Allies. ftoto Hrur.swick, N. J . Nov. I. War? ren S. Katon, an aviator, and Leopold Blankenburg, a die maker, are held here for the grand |nry h 11,00 ? ? , btali !? ii" ? of the a? plan? ana M inu* lecturing Company, i f Hound Bro? ? . - The 'wo wero . ? Bight 'iirough a - ' ? . Mi ft ? ? -.field, and then brought t. the jail Katon. who ?ays he is connect"! ?with ? New ?orh aviatioa company and who .vas formerly of the mechanical ataff of Lincoln Beaehey, alee faces an _ddi "ional charge oi larceny. According to the story lold by John S. Slos ii.-law of Thomas A. n i,n?l prei i I the Boon I Brook plant, Katon ha? hern ?aclin/ suspicious!; the noljr/hborhood ? lays. There 1 from thi public ' ' ; roplanes. Mr. G lid ha i Mr. Edi? son'a I irday when he lei from Charlea H. war, chief engineer of the thai Eaton sin?! offered him a place with an aeroplane concern if he could produce certain blueprints. Mr. Sloane and Jumes S. ?'IIagan then went te the plant, hid the valuable drawing? ar.d lobstitutod for them B ?Oriel of worthless plans. He learned, he declared yesterday, that Katon bad offered a bribe to learn the secrets of a' new machine. Sloane O'HagBB hid ii' ihi; wood?, and .ml to-day they lav Katoa and Blank ... i . i ducted the the factory, com? from? ?hi" ['laut. The !wo were thOB ai Big took ? ? Saturday bees I friend? ship or for a considei itiojl, Mr Sloane not know. The die maker say? d r al?n are close frirnds, and that he did nothing wronir. Mr. Sloane says EatOB made notes from some of the decoy blueprints that had been planted in the office. SIX INDICTED IN SHIP BOMB PLOT ? iiiiiiini'-.i ttatn i'iik?* i or might thereafter under".!:''' polic:? mea opon the vi -n.I their cargoea. When the iodietment was returned to Judge Howe Assistant District At* torney I C Kaoi requested the issu? ance of bench warranta for the men Bamed in the indictments. This wus grat *ed. Five of the defendants will b? ar? raigned for pleading before Judge Har land n. Howe ifl th.- rcicral Court this 1 morning. John It. S'anchtield, who ha? been retaiaed te defend Mreitung, it is understood, will act a.? counsel for all tii. d?fendante. Pa ? D eche is under arrest in New '? ? | eai be brought within I he ? only t'v loyal proceeding?. Breitung I Di ?? tie ter.- r- - |26 DM bail follow : ; tome um., ago, while the re I ? god plotters have h-en d? - in the Tasaba In default of l>_:.. -? Dinner for J. A. Stewart. John A. Stewart, chairman ai 'ht American Peace Centenary Committee, \4.,< gaeet at a complimentary dinner last night in the Hotel Plaza. Job K. Hedges presided and presented to Mr. Stewart an inaeribod gold watch, the gift of many friendo. Among tho<? present va.-ri" William Allen Hutler, Henry C'ews. Charles Stewart IBV BOB, William ?'. Uemoreat, Edward W Hatch, William Ii. Howland. Dr 1 Kunz, Ormaby MeHarg! Robert ('. Morris, Perley Mors,.. Wi' ,-m ?hurch Orbora, Alton B. Parker, Dr Albert -?hat?. laaac N Seligmaa! H A l vlrv'l? -...I ll.^a. 42 c._ 000,000 St.. U'aJya 1 ou are cordially invited by Che humanitarian Cult KOIMIKI? NOV. IS, 1914 To Attrnrl the? First Anniversary Meeting and Concert, "AiVo lutely Free." at C.irne^i?? I jail November 16th, 8:ii() P. M Sharp r H (l ?1 It A M 80LOI8T81 a daaaa Mstrspelttss Opera )i . ;?. ! ? 1 . 1 D '."I'i'WSKT. Plannt. ARTHUR I1A!'.TMAN>> TU BaW M SX I.lhUi.JNG. Accompantit. 8PE? SEES'. 1 g] !A aiMOM " keBniOSl l.r?*?r N.w Thou?h? T?mp:? et <"tn. wa! r i : 1 : m 'ham.1.1:11 rsaaiaaemaa ??-?h Dtatrl I v.]S)! ? 1; Ar'iM i.riAiM r.i. iSer . t tr.? 1 . SE ?TS \Nl> BOX] 8 M W 11 OBI \IM D PRBE OP < HARGE by letraUttg lelf-addrfasrd, itainped tnrelope to the HuinanHarian tHit, 1 in fie II ill, sL.ting iiuiinx r .nul kind-if seit* ,lrvir?-.l. m >tln rv.ij.<? n.ji.At igii.irrd). A[ rtil.-.l 111 OtaVf rr.ehril. Collcctiona, contributions or donations not permitted. We want you, not your money. SONG AIDS FRENO ARTISTS' HOME Qodowsky, Austrian, I<< fuses to Play at Recital in the Metropolitan. The artists of Prsnes, maay of who hsva bssfl la I d? the war. received a benedt la I i Ig! si the Metropolitan usera House ui 1er ( . . pieea of the Bo? ?? ?. . . \ ? ? ? ? Owing to tl non ?nil?, al of the new French Lil ,. ;...-. kfsrtho ? hsaa trho was to have sung "I.a Marsei ,:?, Her plac?. ?VI to) ?! '.?, [?OC ' r, the bass of ?I ? ...? Opera i omp in ) 1 he at ? ". though not Very Isrgs, was *ru l entnuaiaam. lb? pri'cramm,' opCBCtJ with a on? ar? i'.ay by Franco i a ? oppeo, ' i qu? d? ." ? ? i by ( laudi Bi Mado iMtTa nnd Guerarde, followed b ! Hisfham in two ?on?t? An et? ? ? ? tit, theui foi ' ? "oi, "Er.?.;.-)! S? id tO i'"i s >?'? " O? th reat litrl?. sa have see, in many a moon '?'? !,..:an ?ireui? !.. at hop?? ?he will learn English Broa her and needt .'.? I first part of the pr?i?*ramme con eluded with a recitation by faul C? i ? ..:'. ?.; 'i?'' Ci :...- ?" M an I cama ,r* ' .ii?? nod ;i?- l'-" iget '??' ?'Iila and a poeta of his own composi'ion, depict ir.K tha writiag of "l.a Marleillaise.' It wai a superb exhibition of the bsa! is ?.f elocution on the Prend utak,'??. and when a' it? ror.c.usion th? ? r.? hurst in'o th" opening bar. great hymn. t;i?> whole au I aroas and tool up tha wordi of th? BCng, At the conclusion M. Co] ipplaaded to the echo, b :.- i rat*; call."*?! before the curtain nearly B Is it too much to hope that ?h.-re were tome American BCtOra pre-= >?' If there were they learned a lea* that they aril! not soon formet. Then' waa during the evenmc only one diacordaot note. Leopold Godoweky ?va? on the prosrramme, apparently no? understanding; that the benefit was un? der tha an pie? - of the French g;overn ment. Mr. ?lodowsky is an Austrian, hen he learned of the nature of ? ? ? -1 :. * >t ' ? ' ? ? the management refusing; to sppssr, ? - himself a frrea' i.i ,!,,?? prei eh ar? V. ? ? ? Lucien BoYiheur came before the curl .'? to read Mr. ?iodowsky's note the audisnee hiaaed the announcement. EXHIBIT OF CHURCH WORK Show In St. John'a Cathedral Part of Diocesan Convention. An exhibit showinR what the Prot? estant Episcopal Church is do na; in and around New? York will be thrown open to the public to-morrow morning; In old Svnoil Hall, on the ??round.? of the Cathedral of St. John th" Invine. Twenty-five or more institutions will participate. The exhibition ? part of the programme of the I82d ?Ii?.cesan Convention, which meets at the Cath? edral this week. The Seamen'? Church Institute ha? erected a ?hip'? forecastle, showing the condition of the sailors' ill i'er? ?? sea. The BOWOOt arc ural plans fir the completion of the t athedral Brill be ibewn URGES MEN TO KNIT IN SPARE MOMENTS Minnesota Instructor Makes Mittens for Poor Boys. 111/ TsI'iti; ' M 1 Minneapolis? K?a**. I. Thadden? p Giddinga, Supervisor of munc in th? public schools of Minneapol i i? structor at the State Uaversity of Min? nesota, is a knittci of mitten? for poor Bowsboyi His chief rersles -waiting hi? meal or retting between cla.s dutie? is to ply the needle?. H? makes ail hi? gifts in nil, for he be , - >? .' ... ha? h oeychological suggestion of warmth. So pr? be assuma la the art he knit* twenty-four par., of mittens a month. Years ago Mr. '?..?ilvg* learned * these Boodles Ills mother taught him the art of turning a numb. H'- *, rould ? -.?i the air? stcur to knittini thai 4h"n he tried it once some women ? igha I at bin? He always hums a musical number ,? \ ? r t ho 1 "There m a great waate of tin il ma ? ." said M r. I?; '.dings. "If all tne rim?- that is thrown away ?,? gUfl-OI and waiting for mea ? eould I??- ?' ' i? I mak'' of I* much ? in the wo, Id mighl ed. "I make twettty-four pairs of rr, a month. If every man and woman ,n Minneapolis did ai mm h it wouM mean 06.400/100 pairs of ve-ir. Tha* B i' : take ease Of manv bands." A glorious day of Autiirrm Skies blue and air of Crystal The warmth of sunshine Flooding dovs-n upon you Below, a constant strearn-?. Well-tailored, shod ?inrj Hatted? New Yorkers to their Fingertips! You look down and know The keenest pleasure of New York's outdoors? You look down from a FIFTH AVEISHE ? BUS ? And ? . ???-. lor o' ?hik lev to pror;e .er t.ngtti Andante'?, ?m_ ^-~~ ?" '?~^ '* r-rrril ?ole! ' ?' Theme from SmXtet ? . ? .4l'i*t ?*? A well-balanced "Touch." or key action, is most essential to the rapid progress of piano students as well a? to satisfactory performance by prnfrnionilg Best playing results are insured by the special fric? tion-eliminating devices, found only in the patented action of Kranich ex Bach Piano? and Player pianos, and which permit the regulation of the "Touch" to a degree of nicety and a? < ur;*.ry Found in no othet make of instrument. l^RANICH'^BACH PSrsi^" i?tra -Quality Pi AN OS ele ^**?W and PlAYERPIANOS "Stef into a reit piano factory and m,tkf i ur ckoitt? 233 East 23d St. ?SAL. 16 W. 125th St t-jjZ- ?"?-?-1-'a?*"** tlVICir**?TTI63 - Important-? The Free Booklet is fot adults only?it will not be sent to children. m^y-rf^.f IJjrw .*??-??_< He Will Give You a Real imand of English ? _ I Your use of English proclaims you to the world. What you say tells you are. Your language largely deter? mines your place among successful men. The greater your vocabulary, the greater your power of expression and influence upon your fellowmen. Commence now?let Grenville Kleiner teach you through his Mail Course in Practical English, how to Enlarge Your Stock of Words? ?Use the Right Word in the Right Place Write Tactful, Forceful Letters, Ad vertiiements, Stories, Sermons, etc.? Become an Engaging Convenation alist? Enter Good Society? Be a Man of Culture, Power, and Influence in Your Community. It will take only some of your spare moments at home; no repellent gram? mar study; each lesson as clear as day? light, and inspiring to the highest degree. ?? Most of your thinking is done in words. It is impossible to think in words which foil do not possess Your thought must sutler for the words you lack. .1 ?united vocabulary me?ns ?muted thought, limited authority, and limited power. The idea. plan, or proposai COMPELS attention is eipWWcd m precise, convincing language-?language persuasive, forceful, and gleaming with just the suggestion you're trying to " drive home." The average man of to-day can add largely to his efficiency, influence, and income if he will give a few minutes each day to Grenville Kleiser's fasci? nating Mail Course in Practical Knglish. Many thousands of them have done so. JOHN BUKKOUGHS, basas Nssssslari tr1 Writer: "I ice valuable anj helpful hin? m the?. Iciioni Any young man or ?vornan ?bo hai an undeveloped literary talent t>u?ht to profit ?"really by (hit Courir." FREE "How To Become a Master of English " Thii lionklel ii absolutely tree It feemi with inlorma liun i.n Kniilnh, and Mr. Kleiier'i new, common-iem?* method ol teachin?} it. 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