Newspaper Page Text
BUY RIVAL EARLY, ???ELLEN'S ADVICE Delay in Acquiring Com? peting Routes Costly to New Haven, He Says. AID OFFERED TO OFT POUOHKEEPSIE LINE Chester \V. Chap?n Testifies to His Hard Time In Operating Central of New England. Tfcs go vf mm cut r.ttorr.eys stain called to their a'.d yesterday the ap? parently Inexr.ausf.Me memory of ?har'.es | HslUl '? ^'-P -'WSt ' ' bif snd little tec'* ti N'w KngUnd ratlroad h.itor?- lots place in faUdlaf up their cuse Bgsifltt *.h?? ?'.evfn ? New Haver, director? on trial cr. ft . ? ?rp? ? : . ,? ' ' Sh??rmsn satl-trust law. Thi**-. *. tsatimoi ] ? terday by Ml MellsB time on t? ? v.l.: d ???-?? tski : 0| ' reading of letter? at.d doCOBMntl he was .?lways ready, when BSsd illuminate the mesi | ol obscure recr-r?! ro ex th the Ni ven'? dickering, tc set control i ertral et New } . which hsl . ? '?>* valuable Ponghkeep? c Bi While ? , I .. ?f ?he New li?.t B r:>? ht ' ment* showed, id the arqiK* tion of 1 en hs wen? ?m I'.i- ?'ii the M? ?? Hav? .-, sgs of shtstnii . route, ami the dent John If. H . reach in?* out to ? . Ad?, i sed to Buy Karl}. Mellen ?Tspliod "Tl.e New Hs prone to BI <?f a competitor, snd as a n - mendous pr.r? s the competition could have -topped in it , ':. very little cxp? nditure. "The road has been extremely fortu? nate in being so rich ?t c.'u'.d a'' pay the price it has for its acquisi ? "i" ? re not a Unit beyond which even a ; I Haver, esni , il it ?sis? whsB you know ?.o BQeh depends ur maintenant-* - ?? . ; take : event* ually have srhso the oppsrtonit) even at a i i. ivance v. ? above what you estimate the value of such an ar . c t.- ? "It Is ni t f desire to ,? Bridge line, " at ! tr.Hy be si a word in the direct loa i your letter thsl ? . 1 bs of s? r\'?.-??. I have reason to bclisvs that my judg? ment on such matten is rstpsctsd In the quarters referred to, ;n.d I will gladly be of *er\ ,c> .f you should de? sire." Before Mr. Meilen took the stand Chester W. Chs] n president of tho Central of NsSJ Eagland, told i purchase of the property as an invest? ment, his attempt to operate it and his fights with the New Rstsb? which made hi? lot s hard o-.?-, snd bit Ans] sale of th? road to ?, Sen Raven at a moderate pi "When I Uok th? Has." hs Ml?*, "I found the Spring! -ion ?'?com PEASE PLAYER PIANO \ p ' \ ?ii nn?l ?ill use rest ?if the fsmlh ran \ pis] ? r .iiti mi ? I otnpllcate?, snd ? ill rrsporiil t'> your ill ' il wish. If rmi hi\e n piiuio, nml don't use it, lit us ink?- II in trade f?,r a new pit* < r Ihr better \?>nr p1im<> ", more ht nil"?- f?ir it Our ??ri<?A rune?' from .??47 "i up. ami u?- hnvc ? ?"???erial free music r??ll ?.lui Wr ha\r iust a few sliphtlv n?.rd I'layrr l'rinos, frt?ni S825 up. Very coastal?.nt monthly payments. \\ ? f?>r pla.rr booklet and bar? gain list PEA5E PIANO CO., 128 W. 42d St, nr. By 34 FUtbukh At., B'lslvn 10 New St., Newark, N. J. Tlet?w- > ir i ?.. sa ?n?! la.luniliia <,????.?,<.lis?. i maammmm ??Z ... I ti the 11 I Barros iti . ol a ?<". Otherariae -v' bo **?? praetieally eeaajsl? '? We I the 1 B? ! and thei aa ere | I, J. M. Ha' of i!. Ne?? Haven, rn??* vi? the right Of way aero?? it " Defeated In Ihe Conrla. or cress . ? ? Llndabarv, ' for ti ene* ? there bud boofl ? ... iofentci Ibere the ? had been takOB ' t] er? Chapla also told of the r<?fu?al of the New Haven t.. ?rr?nij,nifr,(? with 1 liar aet he part of tl A Western and the | ? at tht other end 0? He bIho eoadart? i . . - Bporatloi sees eras sei said, by the n to d'' B ??' ? wit] ? I it 1 fork !ha. si to nisike i, haul. He sa d he com".la's ally to Pi ibout this, ! .' HELD ON BLUE LAW, RUNNER IS FREED Gorman. Arrested lor Racing on Sunday. Wins Test Case. Jeremiah tiorman. ol ' ' ' tthich ; r.-.t-e i.n the Sabbath, Krotel in the tlay. bo of the II ants la the BO! on I eld by hi? < ? " . I that if thai t or the , ere the ones to be Mimrs. ' the West Forty* ... \. v oi, ,.., summon? on (iormun, said that be bad be? n instructed to make a I of t so-called "blue law," v?hich date? bacii than n real RECORD CROPS, LED BY CORN . ?, Value of This Year's Yield Put at $500.000.000 Above 1914 Banner Mark. ?fcinftOB, NaT. _. The nation's .rm cro'.s .r are worth on Hol? lar?, ? ? | y Turn, than ii half ?? value in l'.'l '.. ' Many of the crop?? have th? r ! ? ? records, an to the Kurv . ..?. ? ..;. contributed to swell the tota! raine. anaonneed to-day by the I of Apricu'ture Bg November pnce?. Corn, with a production of 8,1 but h ? . . 100 bushels below the record tl 11,91 ,025,071, th? ? valuable ever grown. It ezceeda the former bineet value crop that of y ?r."'.""1,000. Wh?-!.!. with the largeat production ever ? -.-.y country l.OOS . or about one-fourth ? ; world's crop this \ear ?:? more than the I, ?n 1914. Thp oaf? cron also made a record, *i production and value. The bar? real ?wai 1,617,478,000 baaheli almost ishels bettei ? ? ??? rec d it?? rala? ? ?: th? i? cord ? 1?U1 crop. Bar? ?. ? ?. tatoes, hay and j pr.i .'-icco alma I i ? ?! production. The r* aere records in point of value. ? ; ' op, |87," 861.408; buckwheat, 112,864,760, pota* . 142,* "": hay, $877,054,890; ? ? ' - ? 276,684, The corn crop passed the three bill? ige] mark for the first time and i> whoa! crop crovH'd the one billion is, ark. tato pro?pect? declined O.OOfi.Onn ? r, the crop BOW placed j. les? than crop. The prospective mod lapply foi l II reflected in the ?iiiirp advance in farm from I ? ? ! on | Ictober 1 I cents on November 1. The No ? ' ? r 1 price is 8 cents hitrher than a peat at-, the North?. .te crop. The q : too, is below average. AERO CLUB BACKS NAVY Indorses I_b<ir."itnry Plan and Militar*. \? i;ii urn I '..rpH. .01 I of America laat ..... Naval Kesearrh and t'.xper.mental Lab? st ..? recommended re |.y ihe Naval Conaalting Hoar.!, of an aviation OB w th '1 ?? Vi'ional i and Natal Militia. Twelve poverr.ors v. ? ? ? r'.,-*rf! at ? Icht'i raeel A, who will ' 1919, ? ' \\ W Miller. In ClaSI H as.' II. ' iv 1!. .I"\, John I ?. Harold I ? , Sama? ' Reber, I?r. A K. /.ahm Bl i Rod-SBB Wanamaker. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Ofat' | ? W | M '. - ! | . a?, mill I? ? ... ? ? ' I I .? ? . ? ? : ? ?-?-? i?ramotlan I . ' e? Ha? | L . V -r. ?| ?>,- "-< ' ? ? ???Tl. ; ? .-. ! a ..'.?-?' 11 A 14 ? > . ;*? ' , ll I I r I - a- II .1 s ? II I: I..- la' ' . ? . 4. 1 i- ? Bus. SI; L 1 .?. :. ... u .. . , , u .' Ban l . " I. ? 1 . ? . . i s??rlal laa.M at ab???r? . ! . ? ? ? ? . irali-i 1 I- i. II * I. I. II !?. . . EEBEEmW9^r^^3twAamW^cf^^VJtmm a' , r.a?**6 Fall and Winter ?Suits and Overcoats o? a diiTercnt sort from the usual; garments which reflect m their thorough workmanship and stylish cut the literal illustration o? our trade-mark?"Correct Dress for Men." Suits $15 to $40 Overcoats $15 to $50 aemmmmmemmt-?s^Lmmfi ^^W^/^SO^egVmlggSt^ S^WSBa\mt\\\ Okm Hfl i* ? iW?Va^C ? r ii H i i tT?lBsS^SllT^Ila'sJt^ WALSH EFFECTS UNION OF UNIONS Forma Industrial Relations Committee for Work in Washington. WILL FOCUS POWER ON FEDERAL LAWS Defence Programme, Inheritance Tax Courts and Jury System to det Attention. -i committee on industrial relations. ? object of which will i?>' 'he labor, 44.-4?. formed here y? .-,, who .? commis . completed an in o? labor conditions throui untry. The c?m 11 open hi i Iq lartei i in at once and bei.-in an active >. ? ? . . chiefly by "removing governmental ob? stacles to the efforts of wage earners to organize, and insisting tha*. wags earners and their represi ntati\ es have a fair and free fli ? Seven of the twelve members of the new committee are labor leaders. Ihe others are Mr. Walsh, Amos R. E l'in chi.!, Predoiie C. Howe, Immigration ?!i ! . I?. W of th? of I'.-.roit, . 1 ;.. labor mi John B. Lennon, treasurer of the sin Federation ol Labor; James i i'i onni II, i i - ? dent of the Metal Trades Department; Austin ?i. (.urret ?on, | : r ol Railway F H h ??'. pr. ?nient of the United Mine Worker? of America; John Pitzpatrick, prealdent of the < hicago Federation o? I.ahur; Helen Marot, of the Women's Trade .e of Now \ orl tof, the Women' ? Support Walsh Findings. The BOW committee also purposes to utk-?' upon Congrei i th? adoption of the recommendations contained in the W.i ih report, which split the Federal ". and which was signed by ? ers Wal?h, Lennon, O'Con* nell uiitl tiarretson only. All of the are members of the committee in ? . the purposes of the new . s.lay Mr. Walsh ad te take an im? portant part in the subject of national | part in tho regarding the size of the ?.r the navy DJ keeping to the - nt certain fundamental pnn "We advocate that the militia system or m system of eitixen loldiery be zed on a democratic baais, with ? qua] opportunity for wage-earners and those vtithout means to obtain eommis on a merit basis, and that the use of the " confined to pur. of national defence, and that they I h -11 ? ';.?; used against workmen on strike. "The committee will urge that, if ad? ditional revenue is required for the . rernment, it shall '..e . I by the passage of nn inheri? tance tax or by n income .ax effect ve, and not by heavier taxes upon ? and small luxur ? si Bgar, .ea, ..' ?1 ths Ilka, ??r by a which insidien il] tax?e tbo ? the benefit of the bond] ? ; -? , ROSE SYDELL AT COLUMBIA Her "London Helles" Perform to Satis? faction of Audience. Rose Sydell has been many years in Bad thi- Indications are that burlesque aril] r?talo I - ...? Ion?? Hag to stay, Burroonded by her galaxy ol ' i Belles,*1 ?he ? ed s. large aodienca al the Colum? bia last night with a two-act tra? ? d "Winkle's Honeymoon." .re, bas the aaalatance it one Johnny Weber, pro-Herman comedian. ; the organization are W, S. ? ampbell, Gertruds Dudley, Kathleen Bad ChanaCOy JoBSOB, James Wilson and Harry Dudley. A profosioa of spe eialtiei occurred betwooB the acis of the main performance. VAUDEVILLE HONORS GO TO THE COLONIAL But Acts Little Known Over shadow the lleadliners. The Colaaial Theatre yrsterdav afternoon took Its place as "the offl cal head of the Keith vaudeville cir? cuit." The bill which it offered wan said to be headed by Frank Mclntyre, Bernard Granville and Lillian Kings ' was r.-it. It was Jack Don? ahue an?! Alice Marion Stewart, offer ? ? Bg h ? . . u ho took ? honors, and they were loaell fol ? by Mr. hi | III '. rdon u ilde, . ,\. :i r> mai kable sad clevei i hibition of tl '? art of ' raphy." i,. orea V, Hol , "'l he Hat ? Ifelntjrre, to -?. 1er. Lillian Kingshury red In " ' he Coward," a war piny let made af the sIulT that one would expeet in war playlota, bal well acted h\ Miss Kingshury. Bernard Gran? ville was, as alwaya, entertaining bu? he inquires a chorus behind him be? fore he can show to the best advan? tage Graaville, incidentally, is hav ii ?r a baay week, sa be II sise playin? the I ''! heuni in Brooklyn. French (i-rl?" vt?.!i umh an every ft to acrobatic it and Ota Gjrgi proved that a Violinist can m n oui In vaudeville ?ven ?f he BOt rush abo'it the stage. ? on the bill were the Seven Hor.ey Boj l and Lillian FitSgerald arsd Henry I. Marshall. Ono mor? rweet little baby-face at the I'alace this irooh would surely have gives the audience severe pains. The ire Mary Marble and the sacaba* i ? ?? Sadie Hurt, both saturated with ?? ? ? rnesi. ap i in Rurc?-ss:ve acts yr?tenlay *h a ?rgary sir.ed aloud ? p. playing "The (lock Shop," ran first in applause, but there trot OBOUgfe in addition for a dozen encore? apure for Lillian I'.iia ?ell and Whiting af.d Hurt. Haymond and Calverley's Hutch comedy also went big. They have discovered some r.ew pun? which !':' successfully into their established "What street:'' an 1 "lona mme", The entertaining off.Tings of the Wetson Sister? nrs.J Mr. and Mr?. Jim mie Harry round out a good bill, (?th ers were the Meyakoa an?! Moran ami Wiser The Hoyal Theatre, in The Bronx re ed to high-class vaudeville ye?ter day with a good bl 1 headed by F.ddie Leonard and 1. Ray Harnes. At the Al! ambra the Million Hollar Faihion is the U>^_etc_er. with William, ? ( oiirtleigh'? rketrh and the BM *1 I Lydia Harry next in line. Rrooklvn ?raadovllls has th? BCtlv at I " os nr.?i Keel? Marri? I," an? George Vai derl It si ! ? ?? rtruds Moor at (he Baebwick, and Predoi llowers's elaborate song revue at th? I's. |JM ' CANAL GUNS TO MATCH All Weapon.? Will He Ahle to n.itrearh For eign Na?ir? U iien I inisbed. Although ihe fortiflcatioas on th. i Paaama Canal are completed and read; for t] ? the chan* bei - of the n inch guns noa1 be remod .?..;? it. Garlington, who arrived yeaterda* 01 the falamnre? from Coet-I llic., ' ! nnd Havana. ntbreah of the l.urop?- n war, the lient that' the gUB I Bboai ! I ild < atreach our the alteratloi the ?.'Uis* to be BuOUl ' ' 'I1"1' o: i |B raagi tl ose of the forelgi ? Ba WAR SAVED TRADE ON PACIFIC, HE SAYS Kruttsctmitt Asserts Starni-n'? I.ill Would Have Caused Dis* aster to Corporations. It was due to an arc:,lent of war an?! not to the scanvn's bill th? 'lonmcnt of commerce on the ; by the Pacll " teai p < impany ? ? ot accompanied by dlsi ? ? in American eerporatloni and their stockholders, declared Juliui Kruttochaitt, chairman of tho board of directors i .' the stoamel ':? t i In a letter to Secretary Redneld of the ? ?? ree yest? rday. The comm-inication, which was a re i :-. to .'. itatemeal by s. ,-r.itarv Red* '. ,?? thai the I i Canal act and BOi the seamen the real tause of the I - out of buslaess, in part i follow?: 'You reiternte that the Psciflc "' wi'h'liew from :r:.;ispacific bv , because It waa unprofitable !n past years, but ron cannol dea. what ? one kn?ws, that conditions had changed at lea-* a year before the withdrawal ?and bn I become profitable aad the prospects of the future mo?t fnvora ble, If the Pacifie Mall persisted In the service during poor years it would leertaialy aoi h?." sbaadoaed It whei a good year had arrived sad Others were in sirht. except fur fonw com c reason. "Shall we look for that reason In the Panama Canal act. which did not inter? fere with the buaineea in the lea t, ? i ?pon the icamen'i bill, which imposed opes 11 the most bui lei ? se i tioasl According to ihe ni"?*, the same restrictiona have been 41 by Robert Dollar and J. J. Hill as the CBUSa of withdrawal of their ships from 11 "Are Me r end Hill fool? or knave.??'' Mr. Kruttschnitt inquired of Secretar. Bi dfleltL Th" I BCt, he a Ided, ?poke for itself. The men who advocated II and the men who made i!. he c" | worded II so .is to carry ou? their in? tention to effect a change in existing i condition. The Seamen's Union, he de? clared, woiked strenuously for Its pas* sage with that end in view, sad In hii letter Mr. Kruttsehaitl Quoted i i I marine lournala, seamen's organisation ? leaders and member? of * OBgroaB, ii - dicating similar activity. GIRLS HELD IN MADDEN CASE Indicted on Perjury Charge and Locked I p in Tomb?. Marjorie EverdCBBB nnd Frieda Horner, wl I to save ? Madden from ? ty*year term In Bing Sing by s ? ? ? mony that the '?'? esl ordered the murder of Patay Doyle last November, were indie". : for perjury and locked up in !hc , for arraignment !n-d;iy before Juii^u Wadhama la General Sessions. The girls were lo have been the chief witneaeei 1b Ma Iden'a spplicatioB for a new trial on the ground that th? Mtrjari aVtat at the first I ? : . Ige Not! in (?enera! Session? denied 'he application and simultaneously the ting j. i r ! - weie an 'e?l and heid i si $1 oon b ' FEDERATION OF LABOR FACES CHURCH ISSUE I i lili t Over Seating Delegates from Religious Bodies. San Francisco. Nov. H. The Ameri? can Federation of Labor, m\ the el O a on of it.? thirtj I the .- ? i tun venti : ous at \ harp . .was promised Bi tomorrow's ? 1 when, it 4vas BBBOttn? ed, Mils . brewery worker? STOUld Intro i . , resolution to ou^t such delegates oi the ?rrouad of thnr ? with the prohibition movement * l" i ??> was adjourned early to permit the delegates to eel, American r- of Labor Day Bl th? Panama-Pacific Expoaitioa, .v . Compers, president, received a bronze plaine. "We want to tak? th? women and children of this countrv out wort hop. The perpetuity tho i tion depends upofl the women of I ? v, and we want to do all .. . for them," said President Gomper?, in hi? BBBUal Governor Johaaoa, welcome,] the . .-. s to ' alifornla, and " Bolph, who is ? meml er of a al ipo o ii h. half of the cltj n he was in favur of the I_? 1 i seamen's law. Wssrls Arriving nt and De p.irtifi); from Port of New York. .-???? ? ? ?I*. 7 tamemWS-0 (<?rslT ??--.i S It 9 IS | 7 , |, , | 1 . ' .1 1. .. INCOMING BT1AMOS. 7" 1?AT. r?..?'. s, . ? ? \- ? - ! , ?lot SI ?' ? . ' *, . - i, Ort II ' i . , i .. ? . I. .. . , . " ? , 1 All . . > ? ? ? - .?.? ' . ..-?? . ? ? ?I : I il 1? | . ? Hat? . i ? .' i : ? ? - ? ?... lilt : \, ? i. II. ' i '???; ? , " i ? . " - i . . ... .....Mi ira i i ? San ?.-?" at John'? ? ' ? ? . Klna ' ? 6 . i ? Arthur ... .Me* I li . ? ? No? I . a .. No? ? . mill. 01 TGOING STEAMERS. TU-DAT. Mi* ? V? ??111. . : . ? ?h. .. - ? :> 10 " -i II . S MD ?m 12 m m i .? . .. i ? - H.I ? i ? . II .?III. . . . - ? ... - Tir ? " '! II ? ?.? ? ? . . . ? i . a ?. ?.. : TSAN8PACIFIC M Mis. Hoi? M T liM pi m. II?*?!!. ? : . . ? ; , ? ? ?7 a, China lili . ? 11 i ? ? . ., ? i, ? Vor U i ? ; ?.mtralli I ?it ? ? tan ' ? U ?, ? i ' \ , -?i. Ban Fran !)*fc 1 ; . ' ! m ?!. I a (-. I . ? .. I*?* 3 Alir.r fi'a?- ? I Oet :i. M Fume??. " I, Hi'. VI nn.ll. ? ? ? . ..i.. Quaran ? - . ... ;-.. ?. u uirti Um a? * *. v ? .?- ? ???.. ?, | ? ? ij-..,-. In? it Til . -, Pialen, la battait Qeiiialkii ?t I M p rr. ? Had BalttaK?? Quarantine it ? c p ??? - ' i u -?ui'in? at :.:o . ??- Ualldri s. Cs U 7am I ?4 <o, with ?? ? I -. t ?'. ?? .s? Q-iaNv ! ir ?: !? k m ? Sam fork r at I'M ? i?'. i See 1 ?! Porto 1 ' k Bar at I IJ a i.i. . g tata 'i.? ?' ' ? 'i ? : 1 ?i ... Ihere ra.~H*.e To. u ?.-????a? ? t ' ilia and Bu jt in p n .-I o 1 14 ? I ' '? . , v. ..? ? a ' Bai ?? 71 ? m. ' . I Ia^t Q ...-mtli;? at ? , to the Southern Pa q ? tin* at * ? ... .la ? ? . N i 7 t.. ? i M inaoa ? I antt Pnnu Bel 1 1 it *. i ? -. v ? . fm ? i ? tt T S m i ? ? : "???? tHan). C.ipenhai.n. Quarintin? lailUED i ? > pert tfewi r? ? ? ' ?. '? i II B i ' - I i:\MF.RS AT FOREIGN PORTS. ??. n> . See. I ? - ? . v rl . Vis? 1 ? t Lai ai ; i Br . Hem Tees nt *r?oiranla (Bi ??? * I " K.?? 1 ? rta r??r wl * Bn. ?la ri? ll il ilian), Km t.t< ?1? Kirkviall. i " ? '.-??!; ?th < ? - Bon? ] i ? . ' ? * ....... ? ? i ? - ' (I Dan). .Vie ? . ? . . i. a. New 1 a : . "? ? * S'arraai ? ? Y?-k > ?, -, ? ? I ?' met Prort ? ratant! ?? 7. ? I ;. alloa (Brl, N?w Tork. ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS: MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS [Trm, T - ' ?a'? I 4t a ? ,. - ? - ? aun M?) JOB**? H 1-AT.l * . ir, Arm? fVr . Ma ??' ? I " C. i . . a? I>~- ' .... Kijiarn t? warfutij.. fmn :7i_ u. i:?t . ? Cart Kilt* H BI ' ?? ? -' :??!?. Ta? Ut. 3d I-.'., to Walt-r I?i ' "i r - - I - . - : - i Haiti ' I*,... ? H WARINO - . '? i 1 M I ll.4KI.A44 4? .: 1 ' -- ? ' ! . I ??.??-. ,. , J h BJCH_JU>a . ". ? a . i ~ ?. t a ?- . ?? ? ? - 1> V MAMUT"' IIAMft.r* N HAI.I..A ' ?. ... :? 41 - ?; a J Ii ?MITII f: m II:, .is ... '.? ? a II T I'l.SM rT. ff la a r ? l-..*a.- ? !I ?A Ill' II ' - :. ? i. - sa' t I RlKXHOl fr :n l'-::l.ara !.. m Bina. J I- l.'.wi.; ?. rn n V. . , 44 H M LANT, fro? M s 'a a t I ? . ? - . "? ?a a a .1 ?'.?:.' ... , . .a' i.. . la A It M.K--I ' ' '?'?. < ? A'.as.'i Sail . I! I'. ' "1 I I ' -a ?I ?. lia :;?. i?, 1 > * s Dit . As Mili r-?' I . - ? ? .'.,?! II \- '? 4! " . . ? ? AM.S . I. I a ' J ? AKN'lI.I' !' M ? a !? 44 | ri?, I 44 HI H Hill ' M aal ' ? . I. I.I IN fr su ? ' ? ' ? I ? - ? M II M'Rl"?*.- ' !_!'?? ??. J ?l I AKN-U'.KTM fr-'-s. " . M man?. W J hi BI ' Il ?'? l'a si.-. - ti t ? 44 ntl.l.lN'.ITAV ? M lasa. W. VV. Jr-ir.l'K, fesn !>_ a Ml I Mi-in-Tj ?. L ?O-?-BIU*. ttmm _?___. tel . ?-. . I ... ?,? M 1 I V Iilll.l?. ' ? . a S I. II. '.' . a 'I "A - 4 ,1 ..' |. V A. ? I-WIKE. l-n I- . > M .'.. Il )l P H r? ?? . . ? ?, w ? ? " a " (I A!. F"i.. C. Bl MPI - Il I CON ' - s " , ? ? , ? t . I - 1 " " " "?'VKTIN .. ? - . ' "? !.'.?,HAI! ?M ' ? , ?I? a a , ....Urs , a? .\ -? , a ? .? ? .. al Jeta M ( ?' - ' ??? M ? n. il Sam Y < ?are; {'?raina, at Mal II ... . al 1.? t?n S'.? ? fw, M ! -.. a' J?"a Ham T"-.. at T/mp . ' ? l'ralr... il ? i.s, Hsjtlm. T?iaa. at ?a tul. i-Aiu:;. Ko?. ?V--Ar'ar"'!i. T?f.^arcpn t-m Maza'lai. .ai: n __? Stil, tun,? lu i a i u th? n S l'a-s- r?a ? an1 I?ra(?ir _a , . ? . 4 ,.!!-?- t .- . , | .. a. )la>s: :. -. ! S . t 4 . . I ?? a ? ? ,. . a r l"'iri I . ?a tot Hen I? ? ' *?' I'..? I a haj, ; . aalin? i ru? ii-. and R to im. 0 ? asi. I'.rkliu a- I ? - MU,' HaetOM *??* S?'_uiia_. Vuacaa. .Sari?;* lee lili O?- *?M-k Shipping Information and Marine News of the World .,,..?? . ? . ? * . ? r*>fk. ? ?? ? ? ? ? I H? "'*,., v.. o . mm IB '? '? ??* ? ' " ' ' ' ,?,.m) '. , 7 .. r I . ' ? Ts'lal K? ?*?"* I . s*?.fc ? , , . . . . ? * ? ' ? . . ?. || ? ? , . . 1r??k I ? I .? , , ? -????. ? , .- .. .-. - : ? I ' : s- .1. | Km Tork s_ , ?.-?-? I - ' ?, a ??? ' ? 7 1 i: ?.-???? K ,. i I l -.?,.?. ? -? Tork Head, I ... - ,- 1 <J?r). Km T->rt ?la lor Man m THE WEATHER REPORT forecasts and .'??cords for the I.aat TwS*t) four Hour*. Wad k ? ? hii paiacl i.'.-' - - i:,. a tma ? ? ii:? Pad!? Deem, mtm ' ? ???-??? ?. ". Stmtmet reset een fallen in Um . ?* i ? ?i ? rale " ? ?n.i'l. IT." mteeettsem rnntlnu?*? rsmarka' , ? markad f? ? ? ? ? i - .*.?? erallj fair. ??????? t | a i ? : f th? A. It? In th. ?er Ii ?I?? Ii. '. ? ? ? .... It Ian t?o. i ?-?'.-. ? ? - ? . . lottir , .'-...: ? ? . | rorsnit? f.r Special Localllle..?E.itsrn Ne?? York, ?hower? to-day. fi.llo*?l by fair, to-m.rmw (?Ir and roldfr. ? . . ? " . . fair. | i '?! , |f, p?t"-?'l?*1 bj EMM ? ?? ?. 'v.- ?? ? ? v.?-? ? ?'.*?' . to murro? fair. Lor.I Offrlal Rscord. ITa? M eSss "'"'?' **S ehaa?M ' i S a. m .... M ? r* m. ??am.?" ? ? ? Il ?j,.? a ' t> m. 17 in 1 I m ? ? Hlsliast ten;;. " SeOrtm ?t '? ? ?. ?i?r ? | ? : - ID - Baronrtsr Rsadlntw. S a. m M 77 I j ;?) . S p. m...SO OS Humidity. S a. m. . ?0 I S S....N I I S ? - Loral Foe?K??t I ? ri I ? let. ' the all '. ? 'nth, ?hlftlrg t . BURTON BEGINS FIGHT FOR 1916 NOMINATION Hackers Line Up Delegate* to National Convention. fBy Ttl'fr.1; ? . Columbus, Ohio, Not - ?BStcr Burton opened his camnai?n for the Rcpublican nomination for Pr. to-ii.iv. following the withdraws! from the fisld of Governor Willis, who sn | nounced his candidacy for a H trun as Governor. Mr. BartOB ipsBt mo?t of ths dsy i eonfsrring with officials and party i? sdsn from sil parti of th? After a conference with Govern *?r Willis, Mr. Barton tslhsd fur b ion.* tim? with the two RepablicsD tsl ? ehsirmsn, ?V. L, Psrmsntsr. of .h<i central committee, snd Edwin Jobs of the executive eonmlttSS. The I'.x-S?M.t'.r refrained from an? nouncing openly his candidacy. .*o.'-..-'.'ler this IB? o dif? Sed that it ? in th? msnner i?ther position! are li'iiie after," h? ?suiil. "I , th'it my fri? t..i a h? re in ?Un?? and slsswhsrs hss? b< -i ?????? wann In their expressions of go^d will." Hackers of the Burton boo?;i busy to-day trying to line up to tin* Rspubliesn Nstii I i oni ?rsness u?r?. beld 11 Repabliesn rsprssentstivsi si ' ' i mods 'n oh*;.in. th?'S ?'7' two Barton msn in ?seh ?ii tritt ko run mi Presid ntisl prtfsrsnCS primaries in April. ?-? FIRE RECORD. A ?f ? ? ? i i it Ith it., < . ? , I ?. ? ? r.ttlli?. "!? | - . ? ? tiifllna ? ,. 'I ? ? ? - i .'?i.? 1. ' ? i ?. " i ' I '.: - . ... ' ? lai . ' BUSINESS CARDS. IA'41'I ? AI IT! ?l.l?MNO i o ? Cl?ua f? ccni?r??*-! ?ir. a\e\.??. Mi.j o? en tl^ot lili . ?.I ??a: ??ti at i i'lr. A BJtAMtt t>ff|.T!?;KAI"l TYP? WTIlTT.'N I IT. Uli? Jt?. t Il 7 .. 10 ?.-" |. ?,?,l h! VM.ArilH.I?>/.. ?.a./ ?I.a.ti?... U..1I.I I ? i. VA * : ... a i iBJ?i ? . ? M ?? si i?ra rtSt BIG . ?'B> non ou? ? Anrrr**. Ir'.????. Ii??- i ill a . , T?l SSSt ?>.? M-.?-. ??tv '.'?.? ?..m ?? LEG YT. NOTK ES. HOME IM1IMMTY (?IMPANY. Puisuant t?, BfOtle? .i ut Um imun-, . ?*? ' ' ? B??l? al N?.-* ?.?j,?. w#, ,,,, ?r. :. ail l,ung nat'ii?. p. ia,,,,, ,,f fu . ???'. ??' ... Il of u. .of the l'nlieS ?Jim??, ?an?l al ,?asi on. ?jf u? ? H4U of N?-?, y0rk ?lo ... ; , . .n a? . ; , u la. Uni), o u. !? ? ? .?..iM..iir ?ataek insuranci tOip?;ratlon le tfS?M Ih? busin?ss ?jf im?. it> ?:. 1 suret) m?ur*ii ? a. ambonaed .? 1er auUllvIilon 4 ?.f 79 of t lie inauran-? l*? Th. i.ams ?f tlii iiiuis.,. i Dora . 1? HOMK INDEMNITY ''oIU'a.n f , . ? ? ?.f lu ' .ii'ltal ?tocs, la to t,r i w.j ? i ?ti i t .rt> 'i aouaan i I. : * . wo Hun In i ?i. i l-if > i ?? ind J. >0> Dol ? . por? lion u Ii Borough ol Ma ?? ?? V'ir? i'.tr L .**?>>? York , 11/1 j UUHOtC ? . ? ?.?.?'.? h. S LES JOB P WAi.u. a U BOUM A KENNEDY i H.,.u ?;, S TAV KCMPEKT ? IIAlli.t.i PHTHAB, j ' lu ?HW UU II Al.l-'KEO J WOLFF, A l.OMMKl.. M LKM BHt' H C HEHHjyOKTII. JOdEPU ba.SK CBaANGl OF NAME. NOTlrR t.s IIKItEBY OIVEN that th.1 RI? HMan HOLDINO ? 'i'MPANY IN?', a dom.etlo corporation t.??inij ?t. principal ? th? Cltjr ?'f .**?>?? ' Met? Tork, ai, 1 Mtats ?'f N-?* ?i.:? te th? Bnpram? Cosei of * New York at ? .?-ps.-ial Term thrri??.f tob? li.;?l ?t 'hr Court ll"i?.. in. ihi ' II) ..r M?** Y.tW. in t'. f Kl ? V. il. ?n th? 1st .: ,? of I ? ? o'clock f thai >!?>. '.r ?s ?*?.>n th<-r*??fifr a? ri?un?*?l ?-an ' f t. for ?u or.ln K ?.u! n?. "? corporate nain. WABHINGTON ?ATHS INC 1:1' HMAN H. .1 ?-.?, i . MF KM tNC ?y David Vr\t.\ina\A Pie.M'tit Dan?. K?v Ulli, u?f.l?*?t ti, U?t. i AMERICAN UNE AMLRICAN STEAMERS Uncler the American Flag . N. Y. Liverp'iol - Pier 62, N. R.. Nooa *H ! ?. s .? ! ' -t I' No?. SI I ? ? lelphla v..? SO 'I'liilanil **??? *>0 i ufe aa i i as. ana WHITE STAR LINE VY.?Liverpool?Pier AO. S.U.. Vn Ballll l?.< I l.lnatle lier. S Wore?.?Iiibral tar?Naples?Ocno? < -nnple, n... II. m \ M i relie. Dee. 71 ?UIIII., u nu \l. v Y 1*1 ?'.?.0 H?.lor - :?abMa be pi?*a???i BOSTON $2.65 ?,. l*?. it un.I Hull. Kill NO TKII*. I. I". PROVIDENCE '. $1.60 IK.I M> I KIT. S3 00. Colonial Line I'lrat ? .?. ? ? ?".???? ?!?>?? ?ni ?sin. I- M fr. su |->r j?. H a. f .. ".', > ill ?lui?.il? Knoma, ' 10, H'trelees equipment. l'p* ,-i .?...??/ ?r.?l IM ?t Phon?. !?!?! ___ FALL RIVER UNE TO BOSTON $3.93 I.v PIBB 1?. N IL, ft. Fulion sst. Dalljr. i" M Nrti I ?.sel. n I me: Le P!er ? reefe dB) ? only, . ? I. M. B.. f. ? .2.1 St. -II.I -I \l HtlMlM-. SI ?K>. ?I?. in? honnir Kunday, -tOB p. m. I i: : , . iwkman ? ? ? ?a*. | ?ni - : i ind "d H". ? l?. ?I MAINE ?I 1 ?M-Ull" IIM--, V?'Ci-ViiitK* PORTLAND (..???n. ,,| ? ... Ill l'oint?, l'hune MOHO! ort. i I \ I ? s si I \ ?? I -1111 ? I IM?. SHORT SFA ??"'!?". ?'hu!*?ton. li-rm?.!? 1 - > 0Y Alah.S M,r?t.r?. ;.!?: Broad??*, n ?HU IX) Ml.Ml'.*? I.I.NR lo l!l P 'a ??? l'h a ?! Weet _??>?? ?A.?! DM ? l ? ? m l'Ur ?S N U. TiL itiOO i*r_-.lil_. -Ii ?MM?tl' IK KITS? TO ANY l'OHT. otlrii.l .Acent? all Hue?. l:r.?ii?.ii?l A \\ lut. I .?.*..-> 5th A?.N.T. 1 _WOKK WANTED._ Male. CHAI PrRL'K I a ti tenidas f?r ?'??.!<? vr*'"~i as .a . ., a - 4 ?'Mh it_ , . - r?9 u". ? ;;*ir?r.o? ?nd . A ... ?:S 6tb _ ?dahM pawutrm in a ... t* of faa im? ? .- t . I x :. T-.s .:.?? ?.?. I Female. A FU ? >.?? MAKER ?:-'?? a few U ?sa ?t. |li?Mt 111 Sill VI'IO.VS WA.Mrl) Male. I !???. totoUlUa -?1 : i-f nan B-aas-aaas'i t. s _ SMd | i -,. .-i allai '. refer? aa >. ? : Murray Hill 1771. ,?. | ; ?. . ? . . ?. ! : ; . ?It? privai? ' . ' ? . luitrlom. ? Bi ?ad? ?_ ? 4 i a mputunti ?Utt B^ugn \. IT I Female A 4 [AID M ?a!''?*?: ?a-llflM i af?m ;. ? ?? i ?? ,:.Ki.p.u. I., Mill : : - . - - r ? ? ,.., . , M I Aa- j(. If H l _ i ... ' "i . 11?. Slxrt... Colllir'i i ? _ - '? IIAMI ... ? ... Mart?.? ' ? ? ? -ala: i I.i We?! ? i . ? but I _m m?fii?; ei ? " i ii ill Wart ?-1 to, i _____ ? ... K ro<?om i ,\. f. to I-. M TbSBa lld-WI II . ? - . I : ? - . ? I .- r ' .af .'.. ' I. s ?' t . . ? I . ? . . Il" S'?). La_| _ lioe? .. ?AID ?nd UAITKK-S ? Fln ? Jua I Slat ,? IW. fleas ?? , ? ? i |m! r'.'r Me.. Jl t. i - i" \| - . ' . . ' . $ lurk i ? I _ul IM ?t. Murray HlU? _ . ? a? ? , - . : a . Maitha ???.llir'i _nsn?y. ... . i ' t. . Hut ?.d _ ?'..i !?!.! ? - v "??t ref a Alen, y. US i . ... M. Plata MM ?: . ..i i'i ? , ?mil I 1 a.?", thr"' ? ? l; ? .. ? -il alivk. _1.m Saea'i A, _ ? ? ?'.il'I.i: I-:->r. m.-?, will d? '. 1 .??".-.. .4. I . . ? "? .... i ??iniaii'. > ,. 1 1 44 .-at 4-1 .'. ? . . ??? r". . ' !-. ? t\..- . I ?? H-ta t :' i ?voRK_n i'::.,, i ?ami se. .'o. ? :? .? a..." . tatmtmmeat Latt-'l mat, ? X IS .' I . S.-v ???... . . - Md efS'l-i.!. C!? A. ? .1 >i.'i a?. 'rt..?..a Sa.* I'.. t.. ? '? ?1?! ? '."nil, ttust ?f S J ' ?all at !.. ?. . '. I a;?i I MAIU -i ?. 5 1 la I A, ? . ? t. ? . '?' . -.? . A. t. It ? IM'IHI IIMAII. ? romt T-ar?- trf ... a?>'. asm i. . ? I? T-sill i-rfur; -? .*?"' r?fir ? ?la ? . . . U.-.: ?.j ,i ? ?? ."inirj. ! Call at Ik* herrr Co. * ? ' I - - ? . > ? i I'.-'. -???, 1 5 - . a . ? t a ? wtth bl v a . -,.. u . : K 4 ! ? . . , L ....... ,.. . . a_>u_M_ Miau Muca'a a. WAITV ?MhUlilA-.,? ", a, .. .?* ><s_ra' refata.? \l , Hof-iaj ?. v Laal ?Jd at.. id llwr. I?.?. . ? - . ' .: .. .< !i! . ^??_?_?_????-^??^???????_?????????^?^______> SI KBOCA-T1 NOTICES. IN l't I-..S1 A.?CE UK AN t.K iion". ?ral ? Joua P Cotillea ? Surrogat? of the ?'.?UI114 f N?-?? Y,.ri?. Dolle? la t.-ruby g'??n i * : ? a hatiii^ , ..,,.,. ,K_,l)t| abetl s . .'.. k. ,?(? of it.. Count} of N-w Volk ?aemmma? to p ? amt u.h .an,, witb 4 . Ii ?? l_?r?of to tl>. autiaatilM-ra ai i b?li alaos of tranaaclina i.uuu.u.a Ha ISS I? .du.,. M.,,,,.,,.,?; Of Nr.. Yu.k ?.. ur ,,. f?, lh? -a, *** ?J.te.l .?et. V?.rk 11,. lOttfl d?v of Mar VI I X ?M?!. II lHtr.l'..'l( edw?rd a. UAua/.a. WILLIAM GOLDSTIOKKR, AU/* !?'__. ' ecutora. ISO Broa-wajr. N?? ir?rk. FRENCH LINE ( omr??_n(? r.a-nurale Tr,?..t|.ntl< nmu. ?iKinr Sailing? for BORDEAUX ?LAFAYETTE, - * * No?. 13,3pm ESPAGNE .... Not. 20 ]l'y LA TOURAINE, - - No-. 27* 3 p y ROCHAMBEAU, ? - Dec. 4 3 p ?J THE **EYV QUADRUPLE SCREW S. S. LAFAYETTE Maiden Trip from N. Y. No*. 13 FOR WTroMMATKiN APPI COMPANY'S OFFICE, J* ":'-*??*? CUNARD r.lo'.'i.A.- inn EUROPE via LIVERPOOL ? ru?T/inia .... Fri., Nov. 26,4 P V ?CAMCROMIA VI" .1 : , . p'?' SAXO . 7A '. ||' .j _? ? ??TUSCAMA ? ? ?. , ? _? *>?:?? r ? to '. ?sro? ROrsi? -III iaukI n T?)IM T*if<-ir"i '?? <-.-,. 1. ? . a . < .k.'^-. company s ornci. . si-m stati ir* ?nj I??i "a.'y 111 r-itee ????<? ?*a '._\'u_. Ball a. I water ? .., _. ?J. u??r?. I'', ira. -atl-r.1, ?? Surprisingly Loa H-tcj. j.,.,.,, -. ,.?-?,-.?, f..'-r-.ats.)r. 'r^ California Exposition Tour Co. 1171 11 4.,? ,?t StaSUI.f. T?l Hrn-nllM BRAZIL ?gSgar ? a i.a aitiMa the 0.M.1 s7 4.! - -i- ! -1 ?? m one. ATINO SKI THAI l'A' - ?, ? '? ._?__( 8?T S.S. MINAS GERAES. Nov. litt ,?;;:. ;s. s. sao paulo, o* u f?' ' "' ' *?'-" ? ? . ?"?? M? LLOYD BRAZIL.IF.?, \\?-:^HrS RED "?)" LI..E ^?ft ' ? * './*?__! EU. PIIII.AI'l . IILA No? IT ?AHA? A.I. D- ? MAiiAi Air... . s < : -ILIA . Kn a 4 . . ?- i'aua'lM is: i?- DAI?.-TT A o.. ?7a_; Hn Ph?*ie HIS Ha ?r ?????. Be KESOKTH. i?aurrlKiause KaR?riiJo?^.Nriu3rr?ri'. GOLF, I^O.MsETr^cL?AT?l2? CVJ'lUPPHY./?/!.'-*/- ?-VJ.MURPMY.? TMf i.ADiNG Rfsottr nom or Tur wofri? Ooariiwrougii^Kniisiiii ATl.AM'll < IT*? . >. J, a ? 1 " ? - ? aiaioiiiif JOSIAH WHIT. A SONS COMFAWT HOTEl GREEN rMum CALIFORNIA y v T fee, m ? ' M .r H- M?, TR A Y.MO RE '? 4tl-_Ui(B* I\??? KK TION. NEW YORK?Maxibattaa. LANGUAGES r??3-9i '"" [?''" '".ir - :? ' ft ?-?- "sai'i ?twtM I Infulati lain e Spante-, '? < ?-- h. 1'?;.is, Yoa tu m a V. *. . s". f.-r Bnsl.4 t . call f<?r lr..?'. D?_ona_iti ? j se i tk?a >mA Till: I. A NGC AGE PHON? MrTTHOD. Su? Pu! an, Hid?.. I IV t?ia ??. .... ? lH . The Berlilz School of Lan{w*ti, t ?;? -I-30 WE,! Vit?. kTRECT.fa llari-iii Sri ? '.* 1 A'.oia. Brock- 1. r.-.0tau R PMIU.ll la. lam A ? ?'. ,i n HU?r SUM ?.II -?!,:? [ .- ? ;???.-._ IWi_| rOLMI'l) 18,?. MKKNM -( HooL ?I LANGUAGES l?l Ma?'i.?on At. V" W Tld SI DANCING. I DANCING CARNIVAl ?"!? noo?. art f re: .!? i I . : . ? '?? liras- lev irai 1'..-.?. Ui. .' .< ? j il ?ou-? M? lliju.r Sell. MUSICAL INSTRl (TION. MALKiN ^s."s?_E. INSTITUT! OF MUSICAL AIT. Be? 27). 120 Claremeet Am.. Neu tal ?S? 4(1.001. AC.ti'lU.SS._ Anirrl.un ?n.7 Foreign teaitteta *???*'_ 8upp!'.?a Profew.r?. Tea. Bare Tiv*a amaa. en- t.. Coll???? ^"??''?T Familie?. Apply lo Mr? M. J flM.***** rt'ITON IJ liilon ?-?uera j _FOKECLOsI RE SALES. I SUPRE-U " ?'./_!_ vnri? Guara - ?' ?pay to mm . Hiyl (MJ known ?? i.orothy Hoyti Plalaw SSBSa ? ? ,' ii.f.ndantA In pur?uance of ? ;u '.(?...r.t ?t <?r*r'm' t ur,. an,I Ml? * ' ?Mf?__ ,? abo?/?-?ntltl?d s n and I anea ?u_" nth .-... ? 7 . .1. uw.eesg -, In Mid J?*1?10*, 1 namtxL will Mil ?t public ?j-?"n. ?I ?a? 1 Kxchans? B ''?'* "JS, ; Street. 111 th. ' Waal ??,'??"*__' of N.?t4 Vt.r'., . :-. Ill? '"I!) di> of NO***?* US, at 11 o . aa in?? aw? PH p. DAI ' ."?? ?>*?_? ? to b? am ? 11.1 therein d?? b?d ?? folio?*?! .__. A I.I. ? r P*ret_T land, ?lu?ate. I>iiia I n '"JJT.. touch of Mi uat? ?it J_J rorlc and bounded and itattt?? u la-jtr < ,? . poli * i?n tu ae'it1?*? ?I ??? ..f Thirl ? ' ? ' '? *',ri *V m.l m !??? Tnr**J_i rmat ??-?r ? ?'V th? of Hi? 8 '""??,,l_,_i of ram * !__. Of Ttur.l A IM mmm Southerly, p irallel :,''.D0'(_. ? ;*'???_.? * u,T,^?, I Thlr.l HI ' "??*?,???-_( ;' * ? .la ! Third Avenu ?. T ? _2J s ird l?*_J' - ''n*r'3,s I of Thirty-Thi ghteea (I?^*a i,.? t.. ?!.? i lat * WOto ? tarnt ?. New V'.rk . ? ? ?1 W. ISSk i'HA '., at PTKTf " .??JeC "IT Th? foliotait!? f "ilM erty t . ? '??' " Baal Jar.i S? ? '*itr _. _ ?? 1?? J ?<* > 2 > 31_--* I The ?|?i.r. ? -,f "*'_!'?_. i '?hur,;?. -.. - *?a?m ?? r.l, 1 11 " .. II l* I aV-a*" ! ..iia* ?aa? ft.. K? l.-r ?ai-li II Of thr aaia The appr..? al? *' ^?n? Hi? tax??, lun.ii.'iii? ? '? ?? ' ' ,j te or oiher liana, ahich *" '" r* ' 1_mi? th? purehaaer out of th? VJr'n* kS__aeS> or paid by th? Itrfrrr., le T??> ?*. ?. nlnuiy-Bva 10.109 0?>llai? ll?l? ?'* am tere.t. . D?l?d. N?w T'rk. Ortoh^r 51 l??"_. CHA ' '?*?*WL AKTION SU.? _^ BT VIRTt R OK is i ? ? ' '? t:? _J?_*rf ?ell to-day >S0 a i << ??\?t0?0 at . M?nh??t.?n. a lot of ' reeem** uitlna irons ?\:fred *?' Marahal. ? LOS.. FOI'Ml AM) RE* *kD^ ?T i ??Inga ?t?Jt?a?i. a BTs-_ 1.01*4.. ro? M? an" ????""*:> '"?T ?a-kix.. s? ??" ? ? **"?"_* ! %a?t ??'Inga, r? aii.l 7a Waal ai . Ne? '-iL^aiaul in-?i a__ MM_miM aeeu??i ??? f"* ^