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FIRST AND THIRD FOR BOBBY BURNS Clarence H.Mackay's Pony Surprises Second Day Horse Showgoers? iARJORIE HUBBS I\ DASHING RIDF? fgmmsa ! I?. 01 Wildflower and ??ocond <^n Fantasy Irv llgtOl Wodel Win?;. National Horse Show Whs sat In their jT-ictur | after s cor.y ?:RKe, to vie*? the ?S Show at Mad ?grssd that no could boost of such BS wae displayed Isy. M -?.da*? crowd *?*??? . ??ion, and nearly sll - tv ere ponulsi g HI! Bchis-vsd en ahe - ..-. WlldfloWST to . II. Fleisch i was ': '' on,1!i S fa?? which sccoonts for the added idred her lecoi ex** ritmes in ?hat c?: I ? highly ?cored rl field for hich. Miss ! with Kusto, am of the ? rath m and six ? ! her -....; by Aviation, ?7 I startling ?peed, winning - - .'. ter Hsi Lansdowne, the bis ireld ?nt Gerald T. Hanley, cere' jump n est? I again la.n rtj * '.tries. Shy Krtp?' won first f nd i ? randa of "The Little ?." as the mem their 1 x, Veer. . ? th? WSSt end of th the obbie Bur rar .???nce ? i ? . th? bins in PIANOS To Rent At Minimum Ralei KNABE ?th Av., at 39th St. M, pavo Mr. Macka? hl.? firs, | OB a? a hackr* ? . Barni ? . ' ? Vagabond ? ? - i third in hs ? Held sf ? M inner Iter-t Pony In Fn?land. Tisaington Amity, winnsr of thij cla?? I when < ? - ? ? ? ?? old, r? to be trie . ? '?' ? " as h ? ins t.? th? f war al Borna wa i sire.l il a,, ..;.,( ; ? er <> ? ? il ? . . The return in the ladies' saddle h. Mr.?. Herbert I . I .?:,: '- mare, n si ? <?ur If war?. WBI an occasion of eomi rticul irly the i i fsahion in which the hi ra? to? - rri7c. With Mrs. tamp up. the old tins? hampii acored an ens\ i. . ? ng in th? same brill .?? I irumhed h? r ce? at the Long Island show | tr, took tin last, G -? V Beyl, president of the American Shetla' i ! | ition, ? i ? rect froi the Pat.un- P fiMir ?s and SSVS1 <ons. In th?; n han?l *'?'7 ? . 1'.??..'? Coast champion t? am, eompoasd of ?th I'ii'. Dlnsrtfe Gsm, Dii rtl Maglfl and Trillo ' rer* psrformsnc? \ martial.?e four wn? si I ird S Marrett's quart?ttc. K* '. Bsb) I Ii tit h and Jewel, the ? . m the vorl.!, nil being inches, Whstn they enter? ?hey looked *' -all the m: . Cinderells'i c Judge Moore (,etn More Blue?. K.r'c Lsrigo, grand ehsn ? on i ' I Puke I.anco, Princes? Lsrigo si defeated Punch.. ? ? three of the ponies i '.onc'n, Rath, G n.'''' and Jewi class f? r '7is shown with thre? Jodge \S il im H, Moore add? :.rne?l blues to his collection in I ' tnumph?ii In a field for r maro? or | .m or vi( ? -.'i and Marlboro ? :*. 1 inch. judjrc drove both, and in ?he evening Marlboro :. I led ..'.'??/? i bine to his strintr il 121, f'r ? hunt *is from one hui I form, pav? .. *.?" th. ' con? trast ? scheme of th? G Lover* o? good ' ? on hand when tl call sounded, e'videnc? i n ore the differi than on ti da I ? . ? shown to halter, and a total of I ?arned their night'i I The second c I ? tuation. Mrs. I!. N. Ball not, Tie Beau Ideal. Jr. ?.von th' and Arley McKsrron, Mur TRI BUNiT Y?"?y?"?*.V. U\RECTORr Notr?The following New York City hotels are advertisers in The New ^ ork I ribune. As such they offer to their -??-ts protection from undesirable surroundings, since sat? lion in accommodations and service is fully guaran teed. See The Tribune Graphic Section every Sunday for complete Hotel an'.iouncements. A?A fl- :u B?Eu. C?Pes. & Bach. D?Family. I?Women Exclusively Dist-ict No. 1, 14th to 42d St., bet. Fourth Ave. ?nd Seventh Ave. Hotel. A H ??' Arlington. Mlole! Ptr?l,n. B-Cisr I HoM Hrrmilage. A H tal l'?inr. - V M.-.rqui?. <~ I' ??' M? fa -i Square. E Mi" s *?J.???,ington. S ?' '?' Navarre, B H tri Pnn a C.eorge, B 11 t.! SevsV D !! 'ri Touraine, B H tal Y? -k. District No. 2, A H ?? Il ? A H tel I irfa AH DUtrict No. 3, 42d A Hstsl Br.tol. B 11 "I B ..?.ingliam. '?! l-TOpiie. r i4 ??u t.Hh St. B H "' -"-?' N rlher^ B?Holrl utm{ B-Hotel Lautcllon. B H ?ici Leonori, I H ?s! Longacre. B H te? I.? r?a ne, 0 H tel Nsw Virstol?, 1 i al Ns't.dlanA B Hstsl Ri ' B H? ?fl v rrrrsft, B-H Id k Junei, memmm No. 4, 63d St ke I. - B Hstsl Addreti. ?8 Writ 25th St. Broacrway and 29th St. llsl Si. and Broadway Iron Square, al 42d St. 26 G'amercy P??k. 12-16 Eau 31.1 St. 37 M?(Jis?'n Ave. 29 Ea.t 29th Si. 7th Ave. and 38th S' 28th St. and Fifth Avr. 29th St. and Madi.-?n Ave. 9 11 Eau 39th St. 7th Ave., cor. 36th ?t. Washington Square Section, 11th St. and University PL 103 IOS Vvavrrly Place. 36 Vl'aihmgton SqMfS, 3? Vlashini/ton Squaie. 3-5 Wen 8th St. Rate?. $9wk.F.u.$J4uk.Am.fc.r2 $ I a day and up. J. I per day up $1.50 per day em) up. $30 per week up. 2 pe?.pie. $1.30 per dty up. On apj Ii ittOB, $1.50 per day up. $1 per day up $1 30 per day up. $1.50 10 $r'.0O per day. On appl < ahon. $1.50 up. below 14th St. $1 per day an*l up. SO ??k E? $16 *-*k. Am. On BMM? Bit? n. $1 Fu.. $230 Am. On applical'cn. SL to 63d St., bet. Mud?on Ave. and Broadway. 122 24 Vieil 49th St. Fifth Ave. and 30th St. 63d Si. and Broadway. Lager ?V Batbcock. |!8 Weit 57th St. Fifth Ave and 56th St 147-149 Wen 55?h St. 63d St. and msSara A??*? 137 Weil 47th Si. Fifth Ave. and 45lh St. Mad.ion Ave. and 49|1. St 39ih St. and Fifth Ave. 70 Vieil ?16th St. 130 We.i 47th Si. 109-11-13 Vlem 45th St. On application. $2 per day up. $1 per day and up. On application. $2 [ er day up On app!;ralinn. 12 psi dsy i',-' |2 ; '?. Jay " ? $1 ?#t day ?:p. On a; pi ralicn. On appl.rati'ifc $2 per day up. $1.50 per day up. On application. $!.5U per day up. to HOth SL, bet. Central Park W. and Broadway. B H?*! B?Hotel I li ? A-Hotel ?Mi,.?! ?V-Holel B~-Hotel 6-Hotel Mi.lel B-lfctel Ml,,,! Mioiti I -H?lel Miot.J fr-Hcid Ander?? n, Maclaaw, i ? a Nairanganictt Bretlon Hall, beikeley. Clendemig ( 1 na!. Lnd.<ott. Lucerne, Majettic, Manhatlaa Square. Mane Antoinette. Massasse, Mcnlicello, ?n -,???. Vial ion, ?VifWrst i 2 Vle.t ?30th St. 77th Si. and Br?>a?)w?y. Broadway at 94th St Broadway. 85th Is 86'h Su 170 Vieil 74th St. 202 Vleit 103d Si, Mil Si. tt Columbui Ava. 81 il St. and G.lumbu? Ave. 201 Weal 79th Si, (entrai Pa.k W.. 72d St ?0 38 Vieil 77th St 66th St. and Broadway. Broadway al 103d Si. 35 37 Vieil 64th Si. Broadway, 70lh lo 71?! St 104 Vieil 70th St. Broadway and 76th St On application. $J per ?!"ay 114?. $1.30 ^. $2.50 up, I or 2 penon?. On application. $30 up for I wo. On application. $1 pei day up Room and bath. $2 up. $2 per day up. $2 |>er day up. $1.50 per day up. $1.50 per day up. $1.50 up. $1.50 per day up. Ob application R,.?m and Lalh. $2.00 up. BROOKLYN HOTELS. P?^l miaieeiee, -.__ W ?"..?..-.t..?. 11?.ai??i? S0i uex -.. reeereed the re?i i ' *. Jr , third. Old Ismer? recall ? ? th? alone ? r, the lal meat ? ? be had erer bred, srai to Sir Robbina, lire " . ? V. . ? . lin the r airea, for Mr. nnin ? The H. an Ideal soma ysei , ' . ?bins ?re in t!... ' rrn. ?"Id Timer Bad In Saddle. ... .... the ring, _t the of t Oil I .? ima'.s wai ? ib by an eld? gentlei many of the railbird I ? Mi .,! the on, mi irtin'a . Iding. The I this Down n- i w inel ? tei ? :, and Charl* e "lettei The cIhss for BOTiee harness horses. limited t?. 16 I.?m.Is, one inch m -. brought out eighteen likely - much (!?? ? ? . . I? .1 the blue \ i brown gelding by John manager of ? late, with Ml I Hamilton I ur: ? ? ... ?? I Boabnell' G paj Maid, fourth. ; ace m.der her skilful i BPper tuti., ? . and fell. Mi-s Loag alway? ' ? ' I : v , ?uni th? m, evidently hoi rifled ?? . . - . taaberk, to be reaeved by a ring ?.?room. Toda? is Military and Mounted i Day, B7ul the programme f?.l ? ? .? , tam an -. ??- lent ? aaa 1 ?' a . , ? ?;.s pony I " ? -a*? 713. ? .-',? I Bw ha-V: ? . ? ? ? ? ?a? 11 ? ? ? ? . . palil . ? ? ? ?' -s In _?m?_?, v ;. s la,, h-,:.?? ,.,;?.,: r ? . . . ? . si. am or ... . a 114 , . . I road '?? . a?, ?? ; ? ? latidla l'laaa I . . s.? lu liar..?al, ? ? ? ? ? aw ?' . . ??,-?. . , In ?fl ,-.' c'.inriiTi (?inn ... rr hanMM t.nrsui ?.ti.san to ? ? . . - irtaM li.llei' ??.Ma ht?r?i?. i erren roidiien (r.orlc?) ? ?? I ? tuer t?-one effl.-er?' h ?r?.i. ti I? a. .-?a?-. i>cr the cutir?? ? a, i lultable for - I Oai I L-, landein?, > .a?. ? i . . . . "a, Claal . | ? ., ?'? for th? ?. . , " "? ' ? . ' . ?-? '-'?? The Day's Awards, 1 5 ... t si ; . ? I. la, N. Ill a-." Ullli J ? l"rtn ?? M irrou. ' ' ! * ? I . ? , , M rd. II : i.- - -? ??? is ? bin* Jr. ' . i: i ii ?? . ? ' ? ? : librae Farm'e ch i a . '. i . I ? ? .- :?. r.rst : y .s lui? i ? I 1'" la, . r?r - ' I K I I'? ? '? in,I ' ? j, < --i ?. mai A. s a t ...... M reu (?Id, or | ,s . . ? - , ' . ' . . - I I. - "a. i i . s. um .... i 1 ann'i ch. i. Ir?.:.?;'..n Km . ! | i . - ? . ind I ' ?? S Bieritui ?? ? ? |? . A. Hi - - ? I ' ... I . ... i; linra? - 1 I : ail. IMri, i ? . . I ? ; 1. ni. ? i ?.. i -il ? a'!:.I . ? a ? ? -I 1 | ".?..-, ?. | a-. ' ? ? . . Mall. baas \ a i * - ihlrd. Martl I to. ?. ? ? ... :-.irn "r ? a . lern <n -a and take a ? ? ? Hi an a . -. lb -l n- ? a ; . ?... i r.'l ? a ?I'ant ? ? ; " '?? ? ? - a . . ? - ? .is , . : . . ? ?? ? ?i ! ... . r f???r. ? I? I ; - ato ? trli yua.'i?. l > .. aUi a <; !? v ... s-. ? ii-, ? ? a ' ???? .1' 1" '? 1 I I of Ute t ? i Uni i ? - ! ! ! ' ??? ..'? 1? uih i.*m I.' ? ? . a I KelU Sai : Jewel. Clan I ... i . . ? . pe' '"' - ? . . I I ? ? -? \|ra ? ? . - Hani?; m '. Met third I. m ?,- ?.' s ,... ? ;?.., ' g ,.., , , ? a BIC ifl am ?? i ' ? ' ? .. -, I ' : ' I . a , : H .?- A I ?? I - , las.-. ? . - .-a'.-'?. ? a ' .... ,.,., I I id?. I? ' ' ? Imilj ? , M-i H Ma aa, , , I I ?? la.... If __ | i . .Many Cities Represented in Boxes at Horse Show ? . .?? .v. ? wore seen at the ??. In atadlaon Bojaare Oar? and most of those who were in sttend aaee < s Batnrdhy were also present ? ley, making a lar?_er jratheruiit - of society than on the tirst ?? . .-?ambition. PorsOBI t'Toininent in Washington, _, Baltimore, Ilo.ston and - were in the boxe?. Lady _"r?. -. 1 much atten , afternoon Ifl Boa 1 '.. An . h much interest ?hi . ,| ua* that of Mr?. Josenh W. Harriman, Whs had with her in th? Mri Olivet Harriman. Mr?. , ? ? aad Mr.*. Gar Ifl the bote? or the arena "Aere Mr?. Henry B. I _ Mr a. Walter B. Brook?, jr., I Ma- meu*Mr* * mtmnw WU_eU and L-aM little ??? Urs. <'har!??? ccr bner. r . Ill Edwin H. herbe??. I?r. and Mi and Mr?. W. U'l ???. ? ? ?(hi ' .lumen ?> ?,re??n, t?lea ir M Grssn, Mr*. Chsrlsi ? Rsbi ? .;?'., ?son Boiland, II ' ? rdin. Mr. and Mr? rnear M. < Ir.and Mr?. , . M i . U . ?:. K I? oodfood, Wilbur A. BloodSOOd, Misi Knsalie Blood,?...? 1. W im li Krhiirt, Mm. Stephen P< body, jr, Etienne ?i?* Markowski, ?. Btl r p, VVsIti r Phslpt '? ?? .?>. S''ine y Dillon ?? -ut'! Kurie and I. .Stuart 9 . jr. \ t: r Pinehot, m?" Gibney, Mias it Koto Carr? ?rats, lira. 1 Aabross , ... ?? ? leward Morton Behwarts, I I .-? -. Mn Lewi? Nixon, Mr* Das I W .. I r. leriek Kohl, of San i Mi i. 1- rodsi ek ll. Child?, I Msrcedea Crianains? Mra. Charles' '? .'??..?? -, Misa Looiss Isslin, Bsmael W lleta, Mn Aldcn B. Bloilsst, Marion T ffsny, Henry w. .?"ace, W. Carson Ksne, E. Dsnny Boardman, ' Jsnsa Me Vichar, Ju?lice and Mr?. Will lain Moors, Mr?. Psnl Moore. Miss' Rene? ?Vssssrmsnn, Misa Manon V. K. ' Kennedy, '. Lonis Boisssvsis, Mr.?. i Karl sob Msyhoff, E, Von der Horst K Hem. B. Renwick, Frank L ! 1 thei and John MeE Bo*wflsan. F:?.i,?..4 eoatnme wm of ?isrV ?.-i'.i, talTeta, with the skirt bavin,*, a dei bord? r of sabls. Bhs wore a lar??? picture hat of jrreen tulle. R? Imond ??.'?" in black tnt*"' ta. over " arore ? Ions east ?>' ?lark brown velvet, with collar of v*. ! '.? ! ? t Of blsck fsll was ; ?? Joseph W. Harr,tiiar.. tailored i as ? of H. Igiaa bins vslvst, with larire ? :"??!?. toppsd with plumes of' the asm? shads. 11. ?le Bsrkslsy Parsons, costume ! of black broadcloth, with to?|iie of Mark felt, trimmed with card.nal feathers. Mrs. W. Whitewr ght Watson, mouse- ! eolored walkinj: suit ?>.' cloth, trimmed brown fur; .?mall brown vslvst toi|iie. Mr?. Ftifrene 8. Itevnal. eostOSSS of wine-colored velvet, with small hat to eorrei pond. Mr... (liarles A. Van P.cns?e!acr, broadcloth, trimmed with bl ich fur; larrcs hat of black felt, trimmed Mn Psnl Moore, tailored nuit of tan-colored cloth, with email hat .tch. Aldsn S. Hlodfjet, costume of deep purple velvet, with larue hat of purple velvet. Mrs. ii rsr Hnrriman. pearl (trav cloth eostnms, with large hat of kiav felt. Mrs. Samuel Milhank, co?tume of blBCk cloth, With long coat of black, trimme?) with white fox; small hat of black bolt General and Mrs. Leonard Wood WSrs present at the SVSniBS M and sat in tor ' bos. Nearby, in E, T Stotesbnry's box. No. 48, were Mra. Hermann Oelrieha, Misa Lota I oh ? ?? imsry Roossvslt and B, In the adjo nine l?ox. No. i?, w?rc Mrs. Btotssbory'a son?in* ? I daughter. Mr. anil Mrs. Walter II. Brooks, jr.. Miss Susan Hruc?* and M isa Psulii In snol hsr boa nesrby were Mr. Rtotesborv's son-in law and dsnirhter, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Kmlen Hutchinaon, and Mr. and Mrs. I!.. owell ?. Mi.rear. Ofl the opposite* i ?arden, ifl Hox No. 17, wert? Mr. and Mra. Alexander I?. B. Pratt and Mr.. tVill am E, Benjamin. Another hox party consisted of Mrs. Cornelina H. Time? mann, Mrs. .1. ?4or doti Jiouiilns atnl W. Khinelander Stew? art, jr !n Hox No. '?' with John MeE. Bow fti'.n were Mrs. Myron D, PstSISOB and ' iterson. Mr. and Mrs B. Francis Hyde ha?l a* theii e :? il In Box No. .'<'?* I?r. and Mr.*. Thomas Heed Bridges Others sen were Mi?? Su^an Kiiih Dresser. Olivar Hsrrinsn, Mr. and Mr-, Julian Gsrsrd, Mr. and Mrs, I.ouis Haich?, T. De Witt C'uyler and Colonel Daniel Appl? I BOOKS ON BIRDS BRING $335 J. V. Painter Bays Auduhon Volumes at Anderson (?allerie??. Hook lovers and collectors from this ? and other eiti? d the Anderson galleries yeaterday afternoon at the g is Ion of the sale ?if the first division of Par! .'t of the John K. Hur-. ton library. J. v. Painter gave the top price $S36 for .1 tall copy of Au?lu "Tl.i- Birds of America." from drswin**i nade In the Hnitsd States, and their territories-. The work II m aeven volumes and is lllnstrstsd BOO full pan plstss in color.-. This is1 an original subscriber's copy that of al Rofn 1 Kinfr;. The bighssl : rie? S( the evening ses lion waa $1S5, pa. i bl J P. Horn for i the writing! of John Hurroui7,hs, a lim? ited aotogrspl edition in fifteen vol? ume?). For $100 flahriel Wei* obtained whst Is said to be the rarest of all the ?o:7i??ns of the poems of Robert Hurn.l, ehiefly in the Scottiah dialsct, with an aval portrait of Bun 1 by Patrick llal pin, for some year, the onlj tiat'Ve line ? Dnblin, where the volume vas printed ifl 1787. Mr. Wei.? also cave tie for the very rnre first issue of th? ? ? Edinbnivh edition of Hurns's ntee for I he ssthor in l7i*7. ? . s Heartman 17av?? jr?s for a unique eopy of Big*, ilon 's "A Poem Suitable for th? Present Day, In Pive Psrts." The \er*'s are warnings to the American? to eschew sin, hh?! entreaties to the Al? mighty *" SSVa An.erira. J. P, Drake, Inc., sbt?insd for $41 an autograph 1st-I *???? from Benedict Arnold to bis first' wife, Mart-are? Mans!:? M. The total Of th? two sssi sna was 13,282.11. The' sale eontinnel this af?ernoon and SVSn? ' Ing, ?nd in: .with Wednesday after? noon's !? ??sinn. WOODS TO GUIDE WALKERS Asks Hardy If Police Tan Re-rulste I'edns'rians as Vehicle?. ? WHITMAN TO GIVE S?FFRAGE FETE Western Envoys To Be Greeted by Governor at Reception in Mansion. WORKERS HERE LAY OUT NEW CAMPAIGN Plans for Appeal to Congres*. Formed- Many Oppose An? other Referendum. Mr?. Charle? _, Whitman ?rlilted the headquarters of the Congressional I'nion yesterday to tal'- over with Mrs. 0. H. P. Belmont plan? for a suffrage reception at the Governor'? maniior. ?n November 19. In the morning C.n? ernor Whitman will receive the two Oaeeyi from the West. Mrs. Sara Hard Field and Miss Frances JolifTe, who are bearing the {.OO.OOO-name petition from the San Francisco Fair to I'r??-. dent Wilson. Afterward Mrs. H_il man will entertain them at luncheon, to be followed by a reception. The envoys will be welcomed to New York on November M. Mrs. William Pren dergn-if. Mrs. Kobert Adamson, Mrs. Marcu? M. Marks and Mrs. ?William I.. i'olt were appointed yesterday to at range for the reception at Sheriy'-i Plans for the Congressional l'n,?r. work In New York 4vere taken up at a meeting yesterday. Permanent coii. mittees and officers will he elected or. November 2?, after which the work of con vert i nu New York Congressmen will he tahoa up. The "Pussyfoot methods" of the campaign just ended will b? discussed by Oeorge Orel at the open? ing meeting of the Union, winter pro? gramme. Professor Charles Beard, of Colombia I'n-.vfT?:"/, aad Mr?. Harriet Stanton Blateh Mil] alao ?.peak. This does not mean that Mrs. Blateh ha? "gone over" to the t'nioti. A story to this effect ?he contradicted flatly last nitrht "I ?aid I wa? going to devote myself to CeagreeaieaaJ ??ork, but I did not say to the Congressional 'I'nion,'" ?he t aid last night Immediate Trial Debated. The ?uffrige world has two guessing eoBtestl with vshich to while away the dull day?. One is this question of "how Mrs. Blateh will jump," and the other is the date for the new referen? dum. Shall 'he slogan be "Victory Ifl 1917" or "Victory in 1910"? The Empire State Campaign Committee Is said to he of two minds about the ad rieabillty of entering upon a new cam? paign at once. Younger women are urging 'hat the Imeni he introduced ?it this win? ter's session of the Legislatare. If passed by the present Legislature and the next one, it could be referred !o the voters in the fall of 1017. Others favor waiting until 1917 before intro? ducing the bill. By that time new States in the West are hoped for, and improved public opinion everywhere woald make victory more certain. In both Michigan and Ohio, where refer endnmi followed within a few years of each other, the ?second also was de? feated. Eeerythiag was ne4v at the local headquarters yesterday. With new campaign district.? throughout the state, a new home for the Women'.1 P tieal I'nion and new vigor and en? thusiasm and confidence everywhere. th" new crusade for woman suffrage gives every promise of ending in a brand new victory. "Well k"?; ai ?** 11 every asi f?as( a? w. * i \ tinker t, only more si." Such wi.s '\r rsss .:.' n of ?he rub licitj council at a land MMI at the Park ? .' 1: ??' rssterds) All the ardent worker? of th- COnM Q were there, plat.s were t ?he year ami th? ,? rj?? confident ? tnsr'.?d by the lefragieta tumid Into a pean of v.c-.' ry Th? Woman Suffraf*? Tarty Will work for ano'her referendum, for Presiden tial ?uifrage and for a F?d?ral amend? ment wa? the announcement at the eity com m i Me? mooting of the Woman 7- i:Trni<?- I'ar f at IH Fast Thirty-fo-irtr, Miae Mary drrett Hay pr?-, ?i ?le*. Campa4rn ?!i?trtet? throughout the ?t?te sie I ring changed, with th? Csagrsssional di?tr.eta for th? new Bg unit?. Mr? William Grant Brown will b? eha.rman of aional work, and evrry ? iTragiat in th? ? t?te will concentrate upon getting th? Federal amendment parsed on Novem bst M Hupmobile Sedan?$1365 An Aristocrat in any Company The Mark mf Superior Motor Cor S, PI |V< These Dealers Sell Hupmobiles ? ??n m.? m i r. Si un'.'! ! V- ? I it r I 'ar l'o. ' ? s ? 'oh, l'?liti?r BeOS '(??;?? :? 1 "'- ) Au!0 <-o. s ? . i 'uk Motor ?'ar Oeeapani Mert?SS", I! ? H.-ilnaul .??? * Haven, J. J I.averly CO ngtea ? ;i?rag? Witurt.irv. a _M V..--!lnf ?1, I ? W M ?. : - m w ras-SKi \<"wark. 1'??( <ii?>n _ Kl??? Kllrahotr?. Stanley I, R??d ?'? ! Strjrker Motor Car ', i:ip.?ny .-. HO-OkM ?lar??? :.* i. k. BarBarea* * Bynae J?r?..y city R?fln?r Sal?? <"o. irj l's.rk. Mai I In? - ? ,n. 1 K MTIlaon _ ???' Saw Biiuiewtek, OersMe a smith Pa ??ale. Brown'i Bportlns Ooo?_ ? ..i,i|..4n> ! ? ! Bank, ?><>rK- H P.?tt?r?on Trenton. Tren'^n Am"? H?>s ? 'i. n'aablact? a, W ... i M.j..r \k\v rou QUHBS. W I, ft J T ( - Met ... i: b mi ? i <y*?rnon, Bchllact*??r*i ?'?*r-e? Ptalna, B S H?aa?i? >r ?area* ? (ton, I'-'-v I.:??,'.??>'. Inc. : . .-.. if ? ' M ??? alf Central Valley, Central Valley ?Lira*. a, William Kembi? ?i.'-, r ?. ?? Auto Ce. I'ernnl?'. W It Wh !? ekakl :. Law?on Motor ?'.-?r Ce. Porl JaOermtm Priai ft f.* Wich Poufhkecpel?, Bead .v Forman ? ii tpblc i'y ;?? ft lute w? rl?s rKNNSVI.VAMA ?'.,i??"r. s. a Ted . m, ? ' I. Hoch HUPMOBILB COMPANY ()F NEW VORK Wholesale Warehouse. 17ii? n'wajr ?the stand-up car on every read "?Ahether you ride leisurely in the 1916 Hupmobsle Sedan on locial ?x canons, or roll up hfth Avenue, where the world ? finest carl ??ooner or later come on dren parad? -or ??hf'her pea mar\rl at Hi vs.nderful p<r formince on the ileep ilo(xi of Abbey Hill You have the latufird elilton of knowing you are m the . ir that I ?ok? the i?irf at thoroughly ai ih? other thoroughbred? ?oiling up It. ihou ?andi more the car thai in ilt luxury and ?onvemrn? ?, ill | ovs'r and flexibility and running, n the lupreme a? hirvemenl in Hupmubilei. "It il a wonderful car. ideal in its luxury" -not our vaotdi but the ex preued opinion of thoie who ov?-n the I'Hl? Hu|im?i!>.le Sedan men and women who have owned other liupmobilr? and who b.rmerly ?nanr.i <.lh?r can. The 1916 Hupmobile Sedan n just ai remark?b!e in ill price ai il il I? iti beaulif'il make-up and iti wonderful road ability and ?nuurari. r. We will gladly demonstrate the 1016 Hupmobile Sedan, which n built on the standard Hupmobile chasm; demonstrate ill BBVOM [ owr and su penor ?performance ; dcmor.slrite its luxury and comfort ; demonstrate why and how at $H6) it n the fineit rar ihn company hai p-oduied. See and ride in the 1916 Hupmobile Sedan as loon as you can you may have lo wait a little v?hi!e !ur fOtrntO. 5a the looncr you ge! ?Iowa lo it (he sooner you will be able to put your 1916 Hupmob le Sedan through ill pares. Thr WayioXle Orea .Yafi-anl Ban rt tyetetn ?he I'.V? af is hlc'l lyou o" " tth n,< f**_M . ' ? .? a>> "lia. h .;? . ?o the ammer, th.n (,???. ?it.mid i,,ir. ail it? motmUt befcirv vou buy ?iisy ..n. Cell anil a?>c u? nl/t/vt ?'. 1916 Hupmobile Prices A-paMienaer Tourina ? ?r StOaS Tiear-Kounil r...irln| ( ?r . Ills* 7 |i.??*i?ngrr Tourlnx < ar I "'i.*. \...r l(. und CoOpB . . . IIH4 ?-p?*?enc?*r R???lst-r I0H7? B-pMaaaag-S Ncliu? . . um T-paitaenger l.lm?u*lne t!Sn.\ Uire wheels optional at small additional coil All prices f. o. h. Detroit Chas. E. Riess & Co., Inc. 1690 Broadway, at 53d Street. ?noM Circu m6 ST?NDARD 0ILC0.2EN.Y The Sign ofa ReliableDealer andtheWorlds Best Gasoline ACCENT THE SECOND SYLLABLE When you go to your garage don't say "Ten gallons of gas"?say ten gallons of SOCONY (pronounced SO-KO-NY). Come out good and strong on that second syllable so that there can be no mistake ?so that your dealer cannot by any trick of his imagination give you anything but the Standard Oil Company of New York's clear, homogeneous motor fuel. Wherever you see the Red, White and Blue SOCONY Sign you are sure of getting SOCONY Motor Gasoline. It is the sign of a reliable dealer and of the world's best gasoline. That is why motorists who know are buying gasoline by name. They ask for SOCONY? and in a way that can't be mis? understood?by a big strong accent on the second syllable. Look for the SOCONY Sign you will find it on first-class gar? ages and supply stations. STANDARD OIL CO. OF NEW YORK I'riocipal Dfticci NEW YORK ALBANY BUFFALO BOSTON