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The Conning Tower Wl Stedwe <* tir.preparedness nasssi " ? ? B) er\'t. I A . .. . ? N v BEHIND IT. - ? 'crhtid." .'. i.le '. I ? ' M8HIP LINES. ?< tastwise" - \ > LINES i la ; ? ? ? i. ? SHOULD BE USED MORE, I in the fut ? ? the? I .vf been. RY YOU AND YOUR BUSINESS. llir BRAYS BONGS OP AN ELDEB DAY. p,-r '.INT.." by r?. J MrOr??*. ?"npr ? tl bind or sea, : 1 n r? \dmiral ', remain, - .?ens know how to re Vf?, a r Pr* ?: and mother ? r a| \\.- iber - ? ? China ? ? . .-.rray ; ! - ? - i.llW " ' a heard hi inced 'he . ? ports: ? In i ter the boys who < I col was. '"?all." ? ? from . | ake the s. I sound ?is thouirh i1 ale, ' until ; bad ? ." And then ?*. ipon an old M r. i M. E Mel ? "dfi | ?'. l : HE HAPPY PHRASI ." B*l D?l ?'!M \ ? ? . v serve?. I take my pan in ban gratification, a re. . , ?impact !. my ! .?? ' ting with..ut fear iful contradictioi Happy l'b' and arr;r who lias la indomitabl as mus? all B m- 11111111;' the rostrun the boob will be belli all, yea, the best among us, the apt phraae, tin? mai s, pi . come in small packages. The 1.k contains r can utilize with advantage, . it w ay, S lamp unto the feel 0? many such Not ? of . "?-?' entitled "Tactful He? lper, ? | 1 ..'il poignant* n grel that .sprinting it in tote D food for r? R? ? ?to ' : not 1 BB I ' i-'ii iltho ."b it saj "i part?.. I? was wri"? ? , i '!>' Certain, 7'/*? bono publico and is su : ? ... pardoned for ad ling in m, a long-lelt want. ? ? , eontrih gain. Berten Bra1.?- ant; and Brand Whitiock i??- eonj ?ng bun | t ir a Wsi i i World ; Gay. I in: ? (?Mil Fit: ?UETTII WBITBB. ???i i ? *.??? b? It I .?'H Making an Arch Sup POTUr v. saech inter? Arch may be WOl ?*" ' not? by w)Xm\t. grttrws up psrsoB? iTian Bn<* ? ?once ft I ?idie. I ?? and I will show you um? | Old He;. ... t):l. pr: ? ; ?if last Sunday'.-? T?!c ?*Tfcrr? adline from the Bveaiing T. h with: HUMANITYS PLEA IS HEARD; ALLIES PUT STOP TO BLOODSHED A going to abolish the ??r's lunch libre. I sat d'iwi) In a vacant chair, Irviti S. CsM) Ifl the Salcve |ssi And then it srut about a ,.? \ a'.?:.! h a chair can i'?\ "Ru?"-ia" the r?'?vort crimes, "lia "'.??Ted 10.000 Pullman ca? ." ^, Who'.l naoie cm: F. i'. A, ARNOLD DALY IN UNWORTHY PLAY "The Angel in the House" Proves To Be of No Value. OCCASIONAL WIT IS ONLY MERIT | Decadent I ittle .Drama at the 1 ulton llita'.re Succi-ctls Only in Boring its Audience. ? farce, by M '. B Irving i . !?? HEYWOOD BROl V It ? Ed? -. Phillpotta ami D Bgs had BB? to 1 II "I :i I.ucy," in which , ?pp. arc?!, ? for A i v. ' ?el in . ich is st. Al'lu.ugh the ? ikei his final curt riannel ? at and a woman's opera cloak, It I that ha is not yet the equal of M BgS in the art of wear? ing fsminiSS apparel. Thl Of 'he play, between a raliant womnn and this virtuous man, end the I yoadi Ai Mr. Charles long, be part ? young oui the ?thou. ciash, bnt el? ? ? Mr. Daly moving ] : ? ? ? ? ? ? , .'. wretel It is i ? ? ? .*? ? up as queen Hyucinl ? . ? i ?.. ponds . "Her ? H' r two ? uil In igh to The by Mr. l's., grew I the ? NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSES "Potash and r?'.-!niul!i-r." '??inners" and "Pair ??'. Sixes*1 tppear, rigina? cloak ind I ? ?th Phil '-? Harry I uari ? lull is "A bed as BOB Broni ?. | i. u s ng i ?i ion at the York. . Andrew Hack m Brooklyn. Andrew M. tan debut in "Th. for him by I tro, Brook* ?? roatisat in tic novel, ?s four IK".?. the 1 liara1 Club wem ? ' ? enti?re. u WHAT 18 GOING ON TO-DAY. 4 ? ? ?? k'arl . ' ? ? IL _. i'.'ih v ' , ' - . 4 r .- \-_ ri| ar. 1 A 4 V ' - ... i I " llutul : A , ? a -.? 1 ? - . 1 P 111 1 * ' ? :. ? II . . . ?. ? ' ' 4 . t t4 I' ? . ? . 41. - I ' - . ?la: . .. . _? .' t at "?'alun . s i amuml i as? . . ? I I- ? ? I . ' .... 4. ?. ?. - ?-??? rr_ ? ? ? , a,. An M i ' . tiutt.ufD I i I... 1 teats. l_a ?tama. I. MARRI KD YESTERDAY IN ST. GEORGE'S, STUYVESANT SQUARE. Mrs. William A. Prime, jr., n?o Miss Ruth Shaw Kennedy, daughter of Mrs. John G. Bergqot-t, of Brookville, Lone Island. W. A. PRIME WEI IN ST. GEORGE Marriage to Miss R. Sha Kennedy a Surprise to Relatives. l. ith Shaw Kennedy, daupl of Mr?. .lohn G. !'< rj:quist, of Brc ?rille, 1- l. aras marrie yeater mornin?. in St. ?George's Church, St vesant Square, to William A. Pri jr.. i ? . ?f the coi: wa? BBBOoneed last month, but no d had i" m announced for the wodid Very few of their friends knew it I :? ? tarda?. The ?.? ' Bi ]?? rtt rased l.y the Rev. Karl Bel and The church was Sat sat ? d wit n inthemuraa i autur.ii: I? .. v. ride, who was givofl away ither, waa la a gowa -s?*in brocada, awdo in the c . ?! hoon skirt fashion, with loag court train. She wore n ti v. il fastened with orange blossoi arried white orchids ami lili ?.-Ilie.valley. She ha?l no attendur Theodore Knapp was Mr. Prime's b num. mu? there waa oae u?her, Us,-ii.don. After theii weddiag trip Mr. i Mrs. l'riin.- M i!) ! . ity. M of the Vaeatio., w ..:' t\ h < h .'?' ovia pros Ideal sad Miss \'i m. treasurer. Mr. and Mrs, W. K. Vanderhilt, w are bow ifl Paria, will return to N? .: the ' ii'l of liie month. Th trill apead tat part of t winter it. Kowp? Mr. and Mrs. Colgate Hoyt motor into t?..tii ..? ?in their cou ; .< i ?it < lyator Bai. and are the H tal Gothaai for the winter. Amone the . ' ?? gave small luti? RitS-t s.r.s ,.ii Koilaoa. who hi Mr?. Hoii's. II. Huanowall with he Mrs. Frederick W, \'an?ierbilt, Mr Alexander Brown, Mrs. Hamilton \ i? Insoat and Kici aid H. T? I Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Angler it. l>uke ha? bo? -?? a! 1001 Fifth Avenu , y will occupy on their r? in a f.-vv .lay.? from Philadelphia Mr. aad Mr?. Josiah Copley Tha | '.?.? ,r country place i too, 1-. I . and are at th . ?"or the winter. |l A ell K. Stratton, t I.awni.i'i Park, Broaavilla, annourc their slater. Mu Dorothy B. Strattoa, ?laughter of *.i. ? '.t. aad Mr?. Thomas C. Strattoi , ? to William P. May, o BO, Wyo. _ Sir Arthur and Lady Herbert ar (?u.sts ... Colonel anii Mrs. Stephe I.. n :. Washington. I ..-n ?will give a dinn? for then ia evening. Mr. an.i Mrs Karriik BiggS, am nave returned I? :*.?? the ??? inter sad are at th Hotel Gothaas. Mr. aad Mrs. Joseph W. BatrrtaMI will entertain a hou.-?e part> ?>ve: Thaakagisring at their villa at New port far their ?on?, Joseph, jr., an< t. harle.? McLaaS Harriman. T. He Witt Cuvtat and Mr. and Mr? In? ?? 1. Hntehinooa have arrived in the city frora Philadelphia and are a: the Waldorf-Astoria. Mrs. John King Van Rensselaer, cf |S4 East N met?.-fifth Stree", has -.o?. e to Philadelphia, where she is the guest of Mrs. Thedore W. (ramp. Robert W. (ioe'.et gave a dinner la?t night at the Kit'-Carlton and after* , ? ? took i * gnaats to the ?i - ?? Sh-.w. _ Mr? II II r.rown. of .0*7 Fifth Av ?nue. at a lunche-m Civen yesterda* . ar.rounre.l the er? rudement of her daughter, Mies Th? ?wora Brown. to ?-, Augu?tine 0' nor. The w?d dil i7 will take piece in June. ' James J. Van Alen will return to town from Hot Springs, Va., on No rember 20. Mr. sad Nr: Percy Hall Jei Bins have rinsed their eountry place - 1! irbsr, I. I., mil are ifl riatsi Mr. nr 1 Mrs. I To?vn-end Burden have retan the elty from their eeaatry pises ?t Grssnwieh, I and ar?. ai ?h?- Rotel Placa f'ir I ?lav? bsfors opening th? i !isuss, it Bast reatj sighth Street, for tb i ? A MATURE SINGER AND AN UNRIPE VIOLINIST Contrastin)? Recitals in Aeolian Hall Yesterday. A ripe artist sang songs, in Aeolian Hall yesterday afternoon, nnd a r?u?l ?linir violinist played music on her in? strument in the same room in the even? ir.!*. The ripe arC-t was Mr. Kmilio rie ? ?a, who provided an entertain? ment for the delectation of the ?lis eriatiaatiBg ami ex-erienced; the player, who has the mak.njr of nn artist in her bet Blade appeal chiefly to an auilii'nre ?if jrond wisher-, was Miss HsaristtS Bach. Mr. ?ie Cogorza has been wi?h us manv year*, during which he baa assreised a wise discretion in that he has never ehsapsasd bis gifts by a too profuse of tliem and never attempted a proclamation with? out having somi-thing to say. Pew of our men singers sing ao well from a Brely technical point of view as he; ; ilnni is m?r?? latciestittg when he makes his essay. His programme ysatsrday, far from uniformly excel? lent as far as its content- were con? cerned, was provocative of interest; and even its least Valuable elements were made to challenge SSI?OBS SttSB* tion by tiie manner m which they were prsseated Mr. J. Aides Carpsatsr*? "The Cock Shall Crow," Mr. Bsgsrs's "U iad SoBg," Sidasy Borner*! "The y ni.lier o:' Uooney" .? I ? "Why Bo Pals sad ?Van '." ior iflBtSOC ?. HU singing of th?m alas ra.A,.,i thrss songs by r.nnqui; Granuiios into a l?g? une? which an ai dinary v i v...h..1 i...?T ha-.e r/sn fer than. If..- ??|iai..-r.; ii-tT BBS bl ? IB "dis? covered" ? for advertising parpoaea) only tins Maaoa? though bis WSt opera ?as psrfora?sd with a itaccas? arbieb attract?*?! attsBtioB in Madrid ?? ago as 1090, a portion sf B second was produced in Barcelona in Uli:; and a third had rspressntation in the sane city la 1911. "Goyesca." his fourth opera, is on the Metropolitan i ? as son ??? hi rstor? bs li iadastrioasl) kspt la th? public eye. To judge by the three songs sung yesterday, de Granudo?, is a vintner wh??-< product assds as bash, rhsy ar.. far fron the Kind of nasi? which It ticLsod dsscribsd a* "a bol ... ?? - tarbsd by a guitar." They are iast as far froM music of the modern Pi interprstsr o: musical Spsin eh? tempts to evoke "stssssphsre" sad is* produce local color rave 'title?! .Spanish meicly an?l left Spanish rhythm B? ly dist ngaisbable. And Is ? Imb? iih nasie without nslody sad rhythm 1 Qransdos sacrificss no nasical slsssnt native to his people to the sentiment of the poetry which he ?.tunipts ta . ft to a 1. ?fier power, a ' II I .'..? longs are as admirable as they are de? lightful. Neither these songs, nor the two set sf lines by Tagore by Mr. i ar; enter, could h.iv BOSS bsttsi ?iinj? than they were by Mr. de Cogorza. They ..:'? ipec nens sf blgb .irt. sad high art w-as ?nplsysd their inter? pretation, espec.aiiy elo.iuent diction, distinct enunciation, appealing timbre 'meaning ?motional uuality of teas) apprscistisn ..f And these were th? virtues, virtuel of Reel ?ii??inction, whi'-h marke?! all of Mr. de Gogorza's singing. If Miss Bach w?-re not a young wom? an of large artistic ideals she would not have attempted to play such com? portions as rn.i'!e up the bulk of her programme Sardinas concerto in K, the adagio and fugue from Hach's >a:ti :n Q m.nor an?! th? concerto in I? by Yieux'.cmps; if she had no?, had an ex? cellent training sh? would not hive put so good ar. account to her credit in playing them as ?lie did. Hut it is to r..- ''ared that -h?* ha* put aside a ma.'' rl superv?:on much too ?arly. Sh- :- set ??? ???''' ?nth grounded is technique or taste or know!e?ige lo venture deeply into tb?ft reaims of the ClsillCS. ?L?m, NEWS OF PLAYS A.ND PLAYEB "Treasure Island" Po: poned Until First of December. "Treasure Island" ?rill not have premier at the Punch and J' Theatre on Thursday. The out 'own try-OUt of ihe piece has ser to (?" ? ..?.. ? Manager l barias Hopk i that the play corilain.s po.ssihilitie ' mechanical aad atherwiae that h, I "??' be in thoroughly realized. promising have been the out-of-to perfomaaces, furthermore, that I Hopkins is unwilling to jeopardize ' ? of th.- play by offering it in ; ,.,? ttate, The ?lute of the premier has t?. changed to the tiiglu of December and in the interim the production w remain in New York ami submit I ? ihad oh*. "F''.rini." with George Irl - the part. WBS produced for the lii Ri toi last night. F.dwa author? The pi Will have :t run in Chicago before co lag i" New York. The Drama League will fi.r-ga'h .-it the Hudson Th? ;30 ?.'clo ? ?.i Itory OB 'hat ve ?ag ?object, "Putting a Play Ovoi Dorothy Donnelly, Rita Jolivet, W; lam Gillette, James K. Hack? < Hi ? I Howard Kyle will a de ror to tell now the dead Is accoi pli lied. Sir Herbert Beerbohn Tree's co tract with the TriiuigU', it is announ ???I, is for a period of ten months. Harry !.. Davis, 7he mayor-elect ??!, made William Raymond SI B lifelong Republican by attendit last night's performance of "Tow Toj ic "Very (iood, Kildie" will have i premier at SchcBOCtady to-night b. the appndaiag eve of Mi? th Marl.ury. In the cast Ui Ada Lewis, Ernai True?-, Carl Gaatvoort, Anna Orr, Fv ? on ?Ion, John lla/./.urd ami mat, !t will be the next BttTBCtie at the I'riTicess. The elimination contest now und? way to the ideatity of th mysterious Khyva s*. Albaaa, fertl cming Juliet, nas brought out the fac - ? ? ? the ?i soghtar of wealthy New York merchant. More i ? 1 .it an early date. "The Ware Case." with Lou Tellegei feat arc.1, begBI laut nigh at th? Theatre, Cleveland. AMERICAN COMPOSERS PLEASE IN CARNEGIE Percy Hemus Recital Receive? by F.nthusiastic Throng. Percy Hemus, whose appearance las , ifl -or.g recital is pleasantly re memhered. gave aaother concert de Voted entirely to Ming? by America! rompo? r? in Caraegie Hall last night i ireal** be sssarted that oui BStivS lOBg writers Bad themselves un represented on the programme? of th? concert fa ills, but productions usuallj are rel? I to '-he la-' place, and ar? very often ?riven after the singer's voice is ai*.og?ther too tired to do them ties. A venture such as last night's is much to be commended, especially 44 h?n attempted by a singer of Mr. .1 bra S? me of the songs were well known, such as ?adman's "From the Land of the Sky-['lue Water," MacDowell's . ' Huhn'? "Invictua." and Damrosch 1 "Danny Deever."Of the t. kno??n number? Ward-Stt ph.-iis's "Hour of Dreams," to word? of Charles Henry MoltS-T, proved to have at-Boaphere and not a little melodic ia* n. while Horatio Parker's "Love !? ., Sieknesi Full of Woei" i? a co.n noeitioa well worthy of Professor I''s reputation. The songs as a whoie gave a very favorable idea of our native composer?, even though there "*?* often the lack of any distinct iBdivtduality or style. Mr. Beasaa possesses a, resonant voice which in mezzo voce he un beautifully. His tendency to force his upp.-r tones is not ?o praiseworthy, but all in all. he prove?! himself ?\ ? . ? ? . -... common VOOal equipment The audience waa large and entnusias tic* FOUR NEW PLAYS AT THE BANDBOX Comedy Only on Bill of Washington Square Players. LYDIA LOPOKOVA CHARMS IN "WHIMS" Miss Gcrstenberg's "Overtones" Only Novelty on Imagina tive Programme. Th? Waahlagtea ajuare Pleyei four one-act comedie? ut the Theatre. " by 4 Behaitslsi. "( is? ? stsnbsrg; "The Honorsbl? : Konen Ura. M asset. The ( asia unes Mt,-iir?jt. II. ?n v . , '? ? . a .M..J . j?? - ? STUD '? ? HsttT . ?larrim. . A. M?s.-i.> . M?.i?rK. the n?'N u -K Ml- ' * A. . ? all ' ? . . . > . - M ? A touch of realism would havo helped considerably at the Bandbox Theatre last night. As their second of? fering of the season the Washington Square Players staged four highly imaginative comedies in four highly imaginative ways, the result being a tendency on the part of each play to merg? itself more or less with the bal? ance of ?he programme. The Flayers acquired one of their plays at home and went to Austria, Italy sad PraaOS for the others, but it was rot difficult to maintain one's neutrally Which is not to say that there is not much that is thoroughly delightful in the new nrogiatnn?*' at the Bel Por OB? thing, one may see Lydia l.o pokoTs In ? . ire so ?'harming that It la well worth a jeer* t . ?'? points SVSB more retno'e than Eaat Fifty-sesentb Street And, for ? ? are ars * ? of all four of the eottsdlss, bat partie ulsrly the last of them. "Whim*." Not even Joseph I'rhan has coatrlisd i t aw acsna than thai formed by th ? solf pink draperies sad Mm what-yoo? call-ems and jellow thingunbobs 'hat ; a bsekgroand for this play of ?i? Ifasset's. it iteed set even at ? time when the ey<* was. SSrfsitsd with beauty, for "Whims" was last on the programme. I'rior to that one ha?l fssstsd upon symphonies of lavenders. esriSSS? purples and all of th?* dallcats and one or two of the indelicate ? Separately considered, too much not be said in favor of the settings. Whsa one judges the ensemble, th? lack of contrast is the onlv ?TS It gives one a feeling of complacence, in these days of talk about prspsrsd* ness, to record that it was th?* Ameri? can play which came 'he elossst to rtaaolag out for its own lake. Alies Cerstenberg dramatized "Alice in Wonderland," which was not a remark? able success. In "Overtones" she offsrs a novelty, although it must be sdnittsd that the idea has been worked out none too sxpertly. ii Ihrer Uenilell Holmes, if memory .a. rv? i, arr?ts a verse called "Truth in ParSBthssss." It told Sf the visit of a ventilan to the home of a friend, and recorded the eoavsrsstioa. Bet in the parentheses ?me learned what w?.? really passing through the minds of the two wemen at ?he time. There is nothing particularly novel in the idea, but Ifiss Gsrstenbsrg achieved aevsltj by putting the parentheses on th. as a psrsoa. While the "ovirtones" talked politsl) sad' eireaitously, the ? icters, lurking bshiad then, expresse?! the actual thoughts of the women. GrSCS GrlsWOld, SI o::e of the m< -." did excellent work. "Whims," admirably acted b] Lopokova an?i Balsa Wsstlsy, ws utter. . ? i'jeiitial bul quite tV lightful play from the l-'r.-. ? ?<.. sf ea . C" I ' an ago. It is said to be the f.rst of ?!?? Hnaast'l plays te rasch th.? American ?tag? , ai..t one cannot but SSSDSCt that it was place?! in the Bandbox pro granns chieBy te exhibit Miss I.opo koea in an attractive frame. Schnitzler's "Literature" contains a elfjvsr idea, but its careless handltag th? law of probsbilitlsi will un? doubtedly inflict gr?a? pain on I mathematically incline?!. Margare* aad G hrsrt, drawn together by a conn Ml Interest iti literature, have had an af? fair in which restraint did BOt ftguri a? a particularly prominent I They SSpaiatS. am! Margari't b? com? I eagsgod ts Clssssat, who does riot ap? preciate matters literary. Following 'i.eir scparution, boih Mar garst sad Gilbsrt make their liaison the subject of a novel, although lag the idsatitiss of all concerned. But both elect to print in full I -p?.tulenco that has passed bstWSSB them, and it is obvious that the un llterary Clsnsat will no-, bs required to do much guessing if he resdl l?"'-h volume*. Th?* play contains some witty lines, m addition to a tedious il of exposition. Frank Conroy, as 011-1 lid some af the best work of the svsaiag laeaasd rather a mistake to ex? hibit "Literature" sad Robert Brases'sl "The Honorable I...ver" upon the same programme, ths play? being SSSSSWBSl ,n theme and in treatment. In the P.n.cco play Florence Enrighl excellent as Manina, and Frank Ceero) added to the laurels won in the Scnnitzler coinciv. Although the presentation of an en? tire bill of corneily may appear to be an attempt on the part of the Wash? ington Square Players to cater to the popular taste, such is ?n reality not the c*?-. No one of the plays would have be.-n considered a second time by the kind of manager.- soiled commercial, end throughout their progarmme the player? preserve the high art itandards that have brought them fame. ( Assus EEAD. Os?eles Read, for many year ager of the Hoffman House, Broadway and Twenty-fourth Street, died yever ?iay at the home of a friend, Mr?. Kve ime C. Daly, 110 Lexington Avenue. Mr. Real was eighty-three years aid Mrs. Daly left Mr. Read yesterday morn:ng to ?o > hopping. When she rstarasd ?h? foui <1 him ill. She sum? moned Dr. S. G. Xghian. but when the physlcisB arrived Mr. Read was ?lead. Mr. Read's sister has had the body taken to her home, Shelbume, \ ?. IMIBKRT.-ON ROIM.KRS. Robertson Ro?!gers, a broker and member of the ':rm of R. Rodger? A ? o , 42 Rroa.lway died laat night at hia home, HI West T-eventy-seventh Street. He was a member of the New York Stock Kxchanre. The funeral ?ill b? held to-morrow a? 10 a m at Vie West Bad Collegiate Church, West ?nd Ave? nu? sod ?tvemv-teventh Street. T. W. M. LRi-PIR DEAD Lngineer and S'.'dicr Succumb* in Ht? ^i\l> drat ?tear. ? ilonel I dergaa Dra? per. m?nin,\ . engi. ? -"r. r day at hi? home, ??*! ? Thirteenth -v.reet, in h.? sixt. f.rst, year. Born in this city in l*.'.'?. he went abroad in i -., study in (irr n.any end Switzerland, ari wa? frad* 1 I- ri.'.ro-Prusstaa ? red in the _d Saxon : to this country in la?6. ary career began n the Doavss m became colonel of the :r. the ? e tempo* rary garrison in the Hawaiian Islande proceeding? In T?ao years later he wa? appoint? ed a I ilonel an.l chief engi? ' ?? national guard of Cali? fornia. II. mr-rrie?! Jeanne loji?? Grabara V? an su* ?'?.?; ? :. ?lone? ( BABLES P. HAGCBBTT. ? ? paper -i toa, ?J W.i.e Ave 4 i ?. d he had .? hile covering a Williamahurg tire a week lineas which caused his death, but despite his con- ' ?iition he insisted Saturday upon visit? ' the Diamond cardy l.igrat ion. bora in Scotland . agi an?l came nere be was ten. He esa after mes " hie lyed by i SIC'," . .. -o former Mr BajLgUllf a tu the "I'-ven ing World," "Brooklyn Eogio" and twe i-'.d a- the time of his death was BSBBSCti ? ? Tribune. "The American'' and "The Standard Lnion." ? es a wife and three ?laughters. u LIEITENANT JAMES J. MCARTBY. Police Lieutenant James J. Me? Carthy died last aight in the Coney [aland Hospital fron, an attack of pa ? which seized him at his desk in th.. Sheenahoad Hay station a few re. He t.-lt ?;ck and called to I itenaal Lake te gel a physician. Dr, Mensch then removed him to the h ?vas the third attack he nad laffered in a year. Lieutenm I McCarthy was bom in 1841, and was appointed to the police fiirc?. la I".??. Be had i.een a Deuten* aal for too years, meet of the un? der Inspector Harkina. H.? lived at 33 Shertaaa Street, Brooklyn. Hi? wife ? m. .MKS. ADELE L ( HESMAN. Mn M le I. I h.'sman, sixty ?evin, widow ol Nalaofl Chesman. hea?i of the advorl Bg com pao y which bear? hie i..ins?', die ! .ii ber borne, M Morning? ilde Aveoue, yeatarday morning. She ??i- i founder and active member of ?ore thaa a score of clubs in this city, ? and Si Lou s Mrs. ( h.?man had held otfici- in and was a member at the time of her death of the Round Table, Mosart, Women's D?mocratie Nationsl Opera, Theatregoers', Playgoers', ? ..rial Theatre clubs, th?- D? ?.rim and the liar mony i lab. The funeral will be held to-morrow evening. Burial will be st istar, N. H. ? MARRIED WINNF BAWLET Ob Sotardav, No vember 6, a*, Staatsburg, \. Y. Mar* raret Bead, daughter or Dr. and Mrs. H. Reed Haw ley. to Mr. Lewis Fine beut Winne, of Cherry Valley, N? Y. Xotlre* nf marriage, anil rieatbl malt b? .?.. < i- ;.ani. .1 I.- IBM mm? and -'*i_ 1)1 ED. De Cou, Ftnma. Rodgers. Robertson. Draper,T. Wall M. Roda?, Janet H. Falk, Mill** F. Weed, John St. Jenkins. M.ii'hewC. Writ-ht, Hertha S. !:?? s, De Etta M. Young, Frieds M. Richmond, Cornelia. DE CoC 41 Tr.-nfon, V. J., on the 7'h inst., Kmma. daughter of the lato ? h and Mary Clark Pc Cou. *?l i .Is invited to attend funeral servirai fn.n? SI Mlchsel's P F Church, Wednesday afternoon, h' 2 o'clock. Interment ti.rrview Cometer) Prieadi swi view remaine ..n Tu? da) avei iBgi ? ? ?' ?id ?ick. DBAPE1 "n Monday, N'.ivcmber ?, ! US, Colonel T. Wall Morgan Draper, sob of Theo.lure Sedgewick and Elizabeth Morgan, in the Slit Mar "f Ins ag. Noisre of funeral hereafter. PALI In Boston, on November m. In ar of her age, Mil.y K. Falk, wife of Myron S Falk and daughter of Henry L and ?'?cilia Emitem. Fun. ral servico St her late r>?idenee, 4 1 Wool ISd st., on Taesday morning at 10 o'clock. JENKINS At '.he Hotel Wood<*ard. on Not ember 7. of pneumonia, Matthew C. Jenkins, aged 4s? years, ?on of the late Francis and Mary E. Jenkin?. Fun.ral private. Friends kindly omit lau er?. REESE Novemhof -, !?< EtSa M., ?hier of Thomas Kee?e. jr., 311 Belleville av., ."??"?ark, N. J. Funeral ???rvire.s Wednesday morning, 10 o'clock, at reeideaea. RICHMOND On November 7, rornelia. widow of Lewis Richmond, in her TSth year. Funeral ?ervice? at the ? hapel of the Home, 104th at. and Amsterdam ave., Tuesday, November '.i, at - p. m. BODGERfl On Monday. November S, 1915, Robertson Redners, of ILi West 77th st.. New York City. Funeral services will be held at the Wist Bad Collegiate Church. W?-it Knd av. and 77th st., on Wednesday, No vember 10, at 10 a. m Relative? and fI loads are invited to the ?enrices. BODIE At Kingston, N. Y, November 8, 19IS, Janet Heron, wife of the Isto James Rodte, kj her ltd year. Fu? neral from the residence of her il?ugh'i-r, Mrs. Fran* Powley, 49 Wi it ? beetnut ?t., on Thursday, at 8* p. torn WEED At Flushing, N. Y? Sunday, November 7, 1.16. J..h:i W. Weed, I 70 years. Funeral ser*.ice at St. Luke's church, Norotou, Conn., Wednesday, November 10, at 3:30 o'clock. Carriages will meet 2:04 train from <_r_nd Central at Stam? ford. WEIGHT On Sunday morning. No vember 7, In Suffer** 'loipital, ^ 'itn, N. Y? Berth.? S ward, wife of Robert H. Wright Fu ral Wednesday noon at the reiidence of her father, Dr. Fredrick W. Se - ard, (ioihen. N. V. Erie train, Jer? v '.? ::i0 a m. By courtesy of the officials of the Erie road train 4. ??astbound, will stop at (?oshea M ma YOl'N'G On November ?, 1911, at her residence, 471 Park av Friids Marsh Young, Funeral ?erviees at Chaiuh of the Holy Comforter. Rahwe?*, N. J, on Tueaday. November 9. at i B. aa. Carriages at Rahway will meet train leaving Penn. station. 7Ui av.. al 12:34 p. m. Interment Rahaay Came. tery._ rKMBT-JUS-L riir. woo? strti rp.M?**r_aT. , jij.i m i m Train and by Tralla*. Lola et amal. .la?- lor mal? 1 OSia, IS *U?I lid St, H. g.