The Conning Tower
Illustrators' Anthology.
U m..?? ? g inderful t.? I? fi
i ?: man* picture makcrsi
'uni atmosf't,, ?
and M> man) mon
I'n tlic four a iiuk.
You have ' ' ' Idea of lllustl I
- mai < isilj r ????<? .?t \ .?ut
' ;
- .
-gate?. ? ? number of mea. Ans"
t. whet
the ??*??
? -
r contes
w? i. ' the 1 this
nor?? - That ough! i
t for m?
Joh:*. T. ':'
f the gent i mod*
ern -? than the authors of the bran -
of a ? ?' . ? ther Mr. Ha'i >-. -
perhaps i -monody a
i iiiinir on ?he vai
take h
lili: Hi: Wi BONGS OP an FI DII l>\.
?.y Frank 1
7?latform let's stand Bl
r tS reach a foreign shore.
I, and others from the law.
.- | i I dowi
? =lip, hut ah! il . ight? he ei
Ht i? a breaker of baahi an?! hearts murd'rer of hsppinssi,
? ms behind by the m sight < ipress,
faced ?? man and he who'l by her side,
H* Il it lover, and ?he's another's bride;
She's .?n old. old tale, of co- ?
1 i i ?hs f sw ?i fee.i:.g ti? . remei
Hta?.* I is i ' ' -:.? ?caree c? c ?U.7.C.
Hsr'a' ?? i ; ;ri * re!'r> back, deuit by a hoibend'l hand,
ai hs well deiervai yet treat with tenderness
H?r I ? aad t-hame by tho midnight e\pn
Hirk' thunder, the train now iwi
? terror and won.'
?.he train'? eaten hsv?
A era?
hs l - and child aad wife,
shatter.-./ Ii i b?erai rot* many than
? morning ?hall dawn apon
A MBB? its of tho??* ?B tl
1 bra and popular song occurs in the
sor.g? I W ? int them pi ettj
lb asen ? we shall pul llsh the best ol I Ths I .
Tin ar. : ths I.* ?wer Five."
Ease ? rlO -Toa fine lur:cheon, which M. Glass the t*iyl?--writer
fire : r Will and Sally White; and I did flavour i vast amount of
?-eint. ? * thing. Thence with Will and
?esty ' Alii* and M aw rus. " again, an 1
'*? that I ?! ? ''? ?'? Id break. And Will
? to Mr. W. Howells the g
. bow he did always rand hi piesCea, and that
his wa.? Burely. Mr. Howells
and I did love greatly his: manner, and
? all his open mil d. He hath dono
?"rest *. and I did *.*?; ni to 'hank him
' ? . / hs did, ?nan ago, of Mr. A
Horr,** as w. ... ::?'.-> Mr. Adu ?. ring him
?'? *>''???' i s shoii Btoriea.
11- ? ., ! with my wife and H. Davil to
Bee, and home./ Bend St Luke and
tnedy of Karrjuhar'
and ribald.
where til! evenim/, when to I?. Eton ?
?hi ? ;.a.i a . Is of rare dish?
! soup v. ?th hand-made
...?I what not all; and yet e*M 1 loth to go,
? ? th<* pliiyi."-,!.??-. l.i. .,.)?/. until
?*at?t, c.
? ? i'.'.'.h, t',r all he was a tra ? ma.-., eras a man
: Imodnra I ? "The
. ? ? that hs ? ?
1 ? I inf."
A. T. I... ? ma wli?, caught Mr. Jireiser'a
ai In'l toar I i ?
barata ? ?dngls jreai Thg Harbor'and
? ? '
:-j ?i .n ?, )
mtrs, I ...,.,, ,n,. seTenth Street
g that a 1 tab waa itolen from
r . ? ashy wee aet la
?, ?. : : ?
? itrosasly i "
tl h? r?- ?,r?< ?. 4 en
te add Rai s AI
"et fori
? - ? - ? sen? body so eoratad ovi I
l?anla gam?* i'?-?!iiy that he ?jthle them.
thig f01 '?? I ? ' ?"? -"'?mmlsHion. BttsM
?S? Il the subway,
? BJ . ? | '- ,? ?:',' '. .'. r;,r
? i p t pmpamjn te bi m ?? toetory ?
< ?V
.a? .?''.' ?. r.-r?-r,d'jm, but. not. f?,r M? lull.
K. P. A.
.Many \c\\ \ 01 'Kits AttCIld \ll.iir iti
\cw Jersey
MISS ikmit ro Wl H
CI il i ORl) Ml WIHIH i
Hi ind Mi-" ?i i iM'.m.i i.
\i t K'i'i cl> 'f i .'s'?-1 a Hi I 11
.1 P.u
' . V "
" -
i Mis?
? 1 Mr?.
? ''.?It.
d has ai i
Sown from Baltn nd II ? I
rboi ough, on
? r? eently of
!.. ? ? ? I?,
? ?
Albert Spalding and William
Enderlin \pp?, ar.
? ????..
. ? t pot
? lament "t
- ?
? r, eompo -i
? ifforded th?
\ loh.?. tunity to
: < wer?
minor, ? ? ???
' I.?i i Tartini'i "Devi
1 r:ll " ? ?...??
in t! ? irasie't
bl ii'l violinist'?,
In ? ? ?I i I
?? ?! modarata
? Fugue, the
? i, [ha H? a
r, Op.
Misa Florence Reed, l .im Heroine,
.m? s Bride i ! Malcolm ?\
;v i to be I h?. heroine
? 1 :?.f
, , :
. raaee*
Vt I,o ? ? ? . ? I ..
tieth Street
? | M i.? ? i
. ? ? .
- ?." In whii )i
e. An eai liei
? ?
- .. :
. ? I . .
? ', le
... ? Bi
? ". 101 !
M" '?' POM for more pic
Sujijin-ssfid TTiPHtres EftOpen.
11... ' .i ? Hympi? ihoati ?
mi '?". da ?
? .,
......i .,,
reopei aftoraooB < emm ?
;;. re 1er? ?! ?
? si nis'iri .1 by ' lie
? thai
Uitte would be no ?.Ut-Uia.
? .
? t pot, h?? kos saat?-? and knows hou t ? * ugg ti.?m.
\\ ? , .? r, \ ? 11 n Beresford, a'.?l Pekoe, Miss * .? r ion v.iit?d
? - lay.
.Miss Wilson Honor (iuest at
I uncheOfl uith Library for
Blind Committee.
i *
tVaahiagton, Nov. 12. The President
? attend th? Army-Navy football
>? November 17, as
Cabinet ?Secretary >?f
I Mrs. Gai s ion ai d Attor*
m ?! M i s Gregory and
Mis? Jana G (ici ave a
M is ?? ?? v
Mr? Gait, Miss Margaret ?
Helen V*i*bodrow Hones and Dr.
? n the Pn tidei ''s box.
< Margaret Wilton waa th? ie?l
i t? y by
? W. Roberte, former pr.-^i
ef th? I lab. Mrs.
1 ? ' I pi t Of th? hour.) of
i ? |
Itl WOO "net Miss Wil
ara aleo member? ef the board.
In t?, rere Mr * hump
Clark, M Helen Keller Ifisi I i
Dora? rlea H. T.
I.own.!..-, Mi i.- | latcher.
mas P '.""?. M? * Hor ice
rowner, Mro, William K. Clark,
Mr?. Murraj Gal! Mollei Mn \ ? '.
lohi ?' Hamilton, Mrs,
Mrs. R< t? '
?on, Mi Mia? Edith l
of pir.K rose formed
. ' . left to- ?
v N i ', *.. ittend ' '
? ? ?- Mrs. r > ii ? i ' ? ? I s went
, it Saturday. 1 hey will
:,? st \? '
Mrs Stephan B. I returned
ng th? urn
mer al tha White Su n nd Hot
'. her
? ? ? ? ? Elkiaa, \V. \ a
? ??? a of
Ludio? r, Mrs.
a] of,
I not ? i
i this
i eld al the
Womei ?ho m ere there
... Itend the ? i ..-Mon-:
well as tl .' the
v, i ??! M ' ? eluded
ark. Mi tephen B
Mi lohi ' h 'A'lil?
il? nei ar.<i
.,., i ?? Ban ett. Mrs Hugh !..
chief of
t the a ?tins*,
by Anna Case, of
? ? . m! the
afteri eon, the Ser-!
Mrs?. I.ane,
? , -, ? .? ?, ..' /, and Mrs.
iinck. Mr?.
Ipoi th Ambaa?
': Ime. de I ???*. the
11 kti?
I society were pree? I
? In? ? riv? i from
New York .' torda? b) motor, is ?tty
Manabais Still Insist on IickW
R turn fir Boycott.
The theatre tickel itreggle took a
?L-e it? ?>n the
the 1 ? ? * Brtaogef
t they could not
. ? tickets beeaase
... d ni! bei iol? rhl? report
' !'>n. of the
,1 I.e.-n r,,in
' . ,|em,in?l
? ' araa laid
al men
i ? r. nclin?
? .-? ? ? . I have been
-',.>rt a
? . e tid that the iiRU? re
Snd thnt the man
their threat to
. . mi !?!. to account for
. ' tickets
thei ?lev? iuprnent? are ex
antil Mondar, when the mail?
s'? is ?rill meet to take action on the
m' ,?,ri.
Benefit for Stage Children.
A honofil performanes aad roeoptlea
foi the Stag? Children's Fund, Inc.,
of wliirh Mr.? Millie Tborne i? presj.
dent ....?I Lee Rhubert honorary proal*
dent, was i/iv?ri i??t ni^ht ?t Alham*
I ? , Hall, I ev? nth Avenue and I2ith
Prof? "?r .1 ?? I Small'?,
?Ing doll " gava Imitai leas of I
a'viI known deiictri.
Kliy-.ii St. Albans Proves fo
lie the Daughter of an
Operatic Coach.
Khyva St. Albans, the erstwhsl?
my?t?irluu? your.?,' woman who will do
a little julietm?/ a week from Mnn
day, is Khyva S?ender. Also, she It
the daughter r>f Oscar Saenger, "oper?
atic coach," which i? taken to mean
that he is a nin-j-inf* teacher. Mi??
Saoager ha? done a llttl? amateur mid
stml-pro work, and is now desirous of
getting into fast eempaay.
The f.ilirial ?'utement announces that
thing i*. aoa eieared up except
the reason why there ever was uny
in', 'ivy.
"Twin" "Kirk In." "I'n.ler
in.." and "The Eaeiesl Way" are to
be shows in Australia, New Zealand
?ml South Africa by tha I C Wll
?on Company. The deal was mad? ?? is
tcrday by Sauger i Jordan.
Kitty Gorilon, according to a 100
word statement from the publicity de
partaient of St Nicholas Rink, , ill
latest poraofl to atartle th? dramatic
? ?rid by goini skating ..i that institu
Mr?. Lily Laagtry, who cam? h< re ?,
few week? a?<o t.? o-Ter a
"Mrs Thompson," will compromise by
beginning a vaudeville tour at the
Orpheum .?n November ... Shu will
aee a tkcl
hi hundred student? from Julia
Richmond High School, in ?..binon to
J. Stuart Blackton. will -<??? a special
performance of "The Battle fry of
Peace," a! the Vltagraph, ii...i morning.
Mme. Emma Calv? ?rill i?e the I'alnce
. i tl.?- week
Roy ttwolt'l IB g, "Alone at
Last, :? 'he latee! thing to be sold to
i i ondea manager, ;?? a late hour
leal Bight '??' - a ! thm the
Elks' Club and 'be _ ghty lixth Street
ero itowa Im?' would remaia in this
Max Ragera, ut one time half of the
Roger? Brothers, will slip into vaude
. .,' the Royal ??n November 2". A
musical omedy by Edgar Smith will be
hi* me.hum.
There are ?o few French actor? in
America, it i? announc? ?I. that 'he di?
re,'...i of "goggles, ??f Red Oap," i*.
reheareiag American actors for the
Montmartre tcene in the lir.t act How?
aver, directora reneareing English plays
bars Bet yet reported say diftcultlea
"What lUppened to Mnry." by Mary
Roberte Riaehart, hat i.e. p Blm?id with
Fraak Daniela in the ?tar part.
The discovery wa? minie on Novem?
ber m 'hat "Bobeon's Choice" contains
Keen letter., an.! that ?"> ?b"'s
"< ..uif.iy Thea'iv." BB '? thai 'her?, are
thirteen in the convat. y, an?! Si SB uv!
s?, forth. It wa? also discovered, quit?
Bccidentally, that tha same ef Frank
Wilatach, who is s pree? agoat, alto
ha? the inyttic r.unibi r.
Get $5,549 for Negro Y M. C. A.
Within three minotea leal night ?''??
148 wat plegad by IM Brooklyn negroea
toward building a HOODOO Y. M. 0. A.
buildui-. -oeterdaj was the Brat sf s
ten da)s' sampoiga for 111,000. If this
is raised, Jullu Roeei wald. si
cage? ha? promised t.. give ?-'
Brooklyn, aegroe? regard this offer a* a
.. gs und aie determined to obto'a
?I.- smoual I.a?t aigbt'i pledaei were
mi?lo ?at a dinner given at 7m. Fultoa
Street, Brooklya,
rr?* ___?!?? m Um Amtatieaa Mama ,?* Mai rtl
i llrtropol la?. M ??? ? s, i ? t vu. ? ?
. H I',.. M ?? II ? N?W 1 "Ik -t. .?I. a lark
. ? M .m
?unir.? _ Um lamea Osa H Wta IBMyH?MB
afr^i'.rv r,
|.?i..l,. ., ?. '',.-' ,f -dlMtlUe, ? Il
n. Ma:.hallan Att-WVM 11* "iaii,l/?r ?f
V, ,r.,l l>a.*,'' I-, AUtn I Bail l'i !>. ? n
?M Illlh S?r^t *?.' n' li'sl, A.??iua. Mua
lraf.1 Tl.a Nal ' II.' a, .1 Co,,.?"' r
i . ? n \ on Kard ri tn-rVin ll.ia.?m ,,f
.? uaJ Uli" r. ? Si -?? u.,1
,, ira l'a-a Wat? (....?r.:?-' I';. I ?a
.:. An ? l .. J""- ?'.I-ii I? ? i ' ?' ' I ? '. rot
i.. , l'a>' i < aopat I a- l . r i i .?? m,... . |
I .,,r(li A.aiia. '.',1'.,. Art' I*. Im. a T
Alla... .Set? V.r. l'.l.l l.lran rifl? al|l,th
atraa? H"...h 111 I >?? II" al|h?h eir.r?. I,iua
ira?*- . i .- ?. M i> <?? '?.,,.,.. r Mr.
l'i, !" S???. T..? 1*>." lia- l.'.iarj Su? W-.<
I , ??..?, a,,,,i p, . . ' I ' lalrial CM,., "
I ?,..,. i. , . t?. ?-. li -a > t
11-, ? l '1,'l.tlin \ I . ?*?( I HI
^.r-ri w-.ii.i <nt du l'uSi." '? rtotoaeaa
K.t.u.1 C actimarktr. 1' ? >'?. ?? ?n ?-..a.?,
aast et MU-t a???. ??
i it.?.i to 11? ? i Rertoi ai
I'tnufi* ii?-puly loOcnci?'I
? ?iiivriilion f ?nl'*.
Ml Ml'.M''. l.\,( I.".'.
<?AI'/ V il-f >** M l'l A'.
t? at ?, i* .?;*.., ??. I??.- *.? ?: (.?.-?.. ?.
?lull,., ;?t, .,.- r-a *.?:./ H *>r
.k,?..j *"*i,:. l**.?. ?v.?
?. . .- . .?
11. . ? . . . .
" .
. ? . '
. . ? * ? a? . ?
. , a
? I ..? I ' ? . ?.
?.'?.,.?' , ' . ,
? ;
l?, ? - ?? *
I -i '?'? ' ?
loi. arn?,r./ r. ?.f tl
?l.a'., saowiag , *
? ? ?
Church party, hi? 1 ran
<M?-h'. as a ?:??; .'>;.
? :n a? an alternate, In whicl I
he mighl
' B of thl 7 - ir r?-?jr?alar'.y ? ?
;?-i -.'?es wa? unable I I
Th? four men frorr. tl
?*h'i -.-? .
time were the i'.ev Dr. Hun-, I'.
Nicho!?, the Rev, Dr William H. Pot1
the Rev. Theodore Sedgewtek sod the
Rev. Dr. Charle? I.. Blat
The other elections of thl By ?rers
these of Jastiee Venios M Davis, of
?he Supreme ?Durt, and Kdmumi !..
Baylies, to complete the lay del?-.
of four to the General COBV?
The I'.ev. Dr. II P. Nichols. BSSSideBt
of the Hoard <>i Rellgioei Edoc
met with opposition v.l.on he Aimi/ht t<?
Introduce a resolution whieh
ha', e placed the eOBVBntiOB on
recur?! a*? favoring the Gary edoea*
tiona! plan. Hishnp Greet ordere! the
resolution stricken out, hut the report
of the boar?! WBI received un?! the Gary
plan explain?-.! ??> the member? sf the
soBvsatioB. Bishop Predsrieh Court
My lecoadsd the r? solution npprovini?*;
the i?l?n before the convention ruled
against it.
In adjournintr the convention Bishop
Greer told the BOO clerical and lay dele?
gatea who Mut through three ?lay* of it
that in that time th? gathering bad
concerned itaelf with matters of more
religieai sad ? ractleal importune,
Miy GeBeral Convention covering three
weeki time In hi* memory.
As the la?; prayer v.n ? ipoken and
th<* delegate? died from Synod Hall ?
woman sross in the deserted gel er*
an?l spok?' Incoherently on the dearth
of reUgioni knowledge and pray?
be fooad among ?cii?>nl children. She
??...?. . i ? ? hen the hall ????
emit and left the Cathedral k'ro'i idl i"
fuaiag to i-"-?? her name
"Medical Review of Reviews"
Presents Problem of Heredity
in Dramatic Pom?
The BBpleasant story of a 7
moiher loathed * iBty ?year ?old
son she ha?! HI *.*. Ilingl) !
the world ??-i? i't.ted In "The Un
horn,'- u three set tragedy, at the Uax?
i . El Hot! I isatre .-. i il ei .?...-.
an invite?! aedieace a? ? plea for hinh
control. It WBI a ?'ro^; plea, so II
:n Fpots that it versed ss :*"' terrible
and niiiiie the saditori feel thankful
at the end at th,. performance thai the
unreal thing, llhe Beat] io'i ghost, I BO
The play, which is by Beuiah PoyB
ter, a veteran melodramatic net-? .?.
wai eresented ur.'i.-r the a up *'? - of
"The Medical Review <>f Reviews," bj a
east of able playera un,1er the direction
,?t" Edward E
The Story Ix-i-an with the mar
of JcfterMin Hartman to a : .'
aomss with B taitc for drink ind
a family tainted wttb ??? ?? tad la?
?anity. It wai a cas?* of mid love OB
both ?ide?, the wife (Civ?n? little ,.r tiS
heed to eeassoaeaesa
Her ?on kill? himself after twenty
vears of itTBggte BgBlBSt a Crashing
ban Heap * t h? ri dits
Mis? l'cynter di?4 not suirirest celi?
bacy a? a leejedy. Let the Taw? be -*
.um *,,led, ihi arg?id, *?< u> p'-rr-m de?
fect ivsi to contract childless n an
They theald ?lilt In* <!? 11 ri''? ? ? 1 ??*' ! I ??
sad marriaga merely to et?
?m? of th* ir forsbeers,
i ? i play s .i? eel| i r. lented sad as*
thasiastic '.'*. rerei? ? I Everett Rut
tertiebl, m LoBBOl Hartman, thl
?<?n. gave :, aptei did, en perl
h:? work in iwpees !.. ng ? r. ? g, lili
laterpretatioi of fr?*i ? wa never i-u
'\f'. to melodramatic stremes. Emily
Ann Wellinan wa? roo,! us the ?inh.ippy
mo? her.
The play, while pUin in ?nrech
not otTennive. hut it win not Brightened
by the slightest hit ?if remedy, it ??;??
?i i rhid theme. It may lastrast It
??an Ii anil?, ???"? rts It
lalrls Will Attend Kach Other al Mont
clalr Ceremonies.
Montclair. N. J. No? II Invita?
tion? were IssBSd to-?lay for the i ir?
ri?i?e of Mill Helen Ball, of thl? town,
BBS Harold W?at? of Akr.m. Ohio, and
Ml?? Catherine Cook, of MonUlalr. and
Richard <?pie Ue?/itr, of Clifton.
Th? first ceremony will he performed
at ' o'clock, ThaBBSgiviBg Day. at ?h?
horn? of MISS Bell'l parent??. Mr. and
Mr?. Charle? S. Hell. r?4 I'Hrk Street,
?ad a; I o'clock th.? sthsr ceremony
will he performed at the home of Mi??
Cook'* par.mta, Mr ?'n'l Mrs. William
Howard Coal*? tS North Ptsllertea Ave?
At the lira?- ceremony the ; ? ; ? ?
hnit? and bridagvwem of th.? Mcend
eoresssay will se th? only attei. ti
At th? weddieg of Mis? I ook an?l Mr.
Uei(er the other coupl? will b? in at
Rally Under Stole o ?m
rnlttec Congressional
Union Independent
0JMN?I fj F- / CAREW
n*. ? ". I ? ; .-:'* ',' / r?.*.*!
? ? ? '. ?.*?":
..,, -
...... i ... ? , . ?
? ? ?
* . ?
? .
, . , . .... . | ,
? ?????.?
er? ? ??????? -? i ? ?
' . ' ..? a
? ?
' Ig . '
? .
? ? ...
r thi
- ? - ?.
gn coi -
I'.. : resentat
? ? ? persa
a hearing
OB the qu?
1 ? ? r - f<jT the h?..-. |
"I thought 'he ma'-.-r was entirely
. th? elect n, r? monitrated
Representa! ve <lar? .?? al I
"It is very far from ???"...'. Il
? ?"?? r be H "I? d until the worn? i .
the vot?.," he wai
not until after a loag sad clever
ment thai ? ? ? tod His de?
is regarded as one of the utmoal
portance, aa he la " Tammany leader
?..?;. 1 baa been eoaaldered strong.)
auffraga In hi convict loi ?,
A ? . i dl ipatel ed laet nisht
to K?, ? tativ? Webb, of North flare*
. rig him "f to?- date of the
that called upon
Represen! il ited of '?! i i,
Henry Bruere, Mr?. Charit - Beard, Mi i.
John Rogers, Mr- John Printers Br-n*
nen, Mrs. Corden Drawer and
Dor!? Stevei
His Party Occupies Box After
Motor Ride with Mrs. Gait
in the Afternoon.
?r- ?? r - ' ?
Waahiagton, Nor, IS. Pr? lideal "?
?on oceupiod a box at Keith's Tl
tO*aight, where Lubowska, a Russian
dancer, wns the chief feature. With
him were ghtei 111 Mai
Wilson; his eouaiu, Mus Il?"len R
row Hones, and Mrs. Gait A
party at the White Hoaee preceded 'le
theatre, and before that the Pre
und Mr? Gait went for a motor ride in
' rain.
Mis- Edith Heriham. the White H" i ??
social secretary, ?pent the morning
with Mrs. Gait, attending t?~. her pri*
I .??? - BOB a' ?1 7
the winter'? social campaign. Th?
enormous number of cards loft at Mrs.
?. si ! - "s home ?lace the aanouacement ? '
her engagement, and her r?gulai
: form the huela I.
ona vt h?; are to be
whit? Houb? dui
mad? up n the era.
Set ??! ,.i " ?
of Mr. ?it.' ;.? atordo) sad ;" i
I to eoi tain the parcha
hopping tour la Neu York
Detroit, Nov. !". Dr. Wayne Smith.
superintendent of Harper H?
widely known as ?n authority Bfl ' I
igement, ?f ? I lets to-day
from apoplex) Dr. ? ?- thirty
? ?, rears eld. He saw te D? ti
two * age ' ? m BI ! suis, *'h> re
?ras euperinl ' the St l.oui?*v
? itv H lapitel. H.' ?U the auti i
hoepital a?aaagesssat
Troy. N. V.. NOV. U wferd wa? re
eoivod from te_M Pleeld to-alght aa*
Bouncing the deoth of Henry W. Hot..
noun? a. ? ?? ".
H,. bad been editor of "The Lake
"..???? .inee May laet pH?? '
meging editor o
in Troy ami other New York i
Joseph Berakard. f< rty-sla, s well
known lawyr ef Yonk.r?, is .|. sd
his borne. Id Bighia '?
city, i" yes He
born m Rome, N, Y. He moved to
Yonkera nftoefl years see, and had
pracl "? lea-n -
?rife and ther, *t
Liverpool, N'ov 12. Robert Wnolfen
den, head of Woolf enden, Thompson ?t
'?)., cotton merchant*. d:< ?I here '
He WBI formerly In the Cotton hi.
m Memphie, Galveston and New Y?.rk.
lATllliu liVMI) FLEMING.
r. r .
London, Nov. 1. Fa'he*- David
Fleming, a aoted Irieh Francieeaa aad
Consulter <*f the Boly office at the
Vatlcaa, died la Londun tu day.
Ulleaes Will Open Exhibit at Blak??.
lee (?allerie? November 2S.
The Art Alliance of America i* or
?/anizine; an exhibition of art aaaoct
thlld which will be
: Si the former Hlake?lee Gal
Une? on Monday. November 29, and
- ' ? M BBtll December 13
? a?lm:t ?v?ry?.h!ng of
SB ?riittie rh?r?c?er which In any way
N't paint
? bat assay of
*?*???'? .a ?tnted. Th?r?
? irfsttl, photo*
turn '.??. coi*
?? ay *.l4aln ap
' ntetlea at
1 anee, t?? ?-"eat
? *',r?a will
urn ?4.
y Uila
? *- I M ar?
?ig th? eiViib!
'-'?:* imaOEsmE?mmga 111
. '.????. MM
? ???', ett"?,.?? la
:?>..?? i? int-?
??? ?.',??? '.'?? Ira.
flat BSSBSejata
r-ee ? ?itrrr
?.-?:? .'???., a
' ' ? ' *.>. c*r
I '. ? ? r ?
? ??tadle ? 1
?? ?? a ?. sa
? - ??;??* to b? a
. ?? ?.?.at ta*
? ? . > ? ? y^reet
l ? .j th?
' ? ? ??*??.*.?? ..'-.ra-^TBL*
. n i ts a*aee '?
? y a rh ibowi a
rsa oa
: ' a -r la
Bg ? croaa
I ? s7 ?*?; Oth?rs
? ? ' -.?'pful*
? ??? ? ' MM, won
' Sew York, li a
I ia brig eelets three
???? -ta, on a
? 'h th?y
.? sai ser?n
- ?4
-,of Trer.?
1100, with
. . ? ? ' Hope"
- h?. currying
? ? ? be Vi e?t_
winner i? F.van T.
. who ?how? an
? ; i '.e poster
? ? f, < BsmbstBi of
Fenlly ? ?? Were f ?rty-seven
petit ion.
?ha? won the tlOO priza
for t i ... ... drewiag.
r werh from
California, thl ? it"" k| >, on?
i New
if ?1 will he
? ? for the
. xhibition period.
M ARK ?Ti?
LANG8TR01 !! WRIGHT 0? Friday,
mber '.'-'. at the chapel of the
in Charch,
ter of Mr.
right, te Mr.
\,,?i.?. . < ?? ?iii-i*:;? *?" I 'l.-nlh? mast
?a ?? ?. r [?anted i,i r inline .ml adilreaat.
Bailey, Mary Jane Btratton, Samuel II.
iarel I., g
Denn it J. O Valentine, Th?o. F.
i gens
. -, Hcni B
ill?, N. T- He
lane, wife of
.. :?. her
. at the
lay, No?
il m.
- KERHOFP Uethee MePartea,
I? Bcs In
'.. H In?' ? ? at 10:41
:i ? | ? .lame?
the I t
IISTON Sudden!*.- in New Yor<
City, ? ? ? mber 12, tl ?? B?sv. Jsme?
Otis Dem Sgsd W, Funeral at
? ; ? r. Aufcu?
gl ? ? lllO, N.
*! ? M ? I
LAND: ly'l Station,
. N'.vember
11, ? . ! ?'..Irin.*, in
? "' i.'lay. No?
ven; . ' Csri igSS will
I,,. ?? titing at 1 Bl SB on ar?
id Central
?ii a Bi '1 irrytewB paper*
pleas?.* copy.
?.WOOD <?n ThOl la] evening
? H, I'..*- r-, nediel l.?,?k
1 Irar.d and
rood, and be
? 1 1. 1916, . ? o''?!".-k, at
hi, -, W< it 57th ?t,
. Haitimor?
toe, M?l . papen p'.ea?e copy.
Samuel Hathawey, hu?
? "on, on
, m9( . ; ; . ? thl l-riend?
? 15th it, corner
, ' j. . I] ..... . on November 1?,
at 11. 'i a. m. An) one de?iring to
?end flowers will plea?e address
thtm ' C. A. R.-nedict st 160
We.?t 13tB It Interment private.
TOBBEY Ifl Florence. Italy, on No
vember ~. 10U, Sareh Lincoln Spin?
ney, w.fe of the late Franklin Tor
, : .'.'is Ddward J.
?1t.,A, ?aw York, aad ? harlei
j.. i orrey, ef I ? k i *?' ?'?nd.
VALENTINE Aftsr a brief ?Une??, at
? h.' I New Y'lrlt?
,,n Tl ember 11, 1911,Theo?
V alentine, husband of
\ ? ? ?? d s?m of ?he ?ate My
i Valentine. a?red ?1
s. rviee? ?a ill be held
?d Charch sf Harlem,
1 Lobos Avenue, on
? n ooB. a? 2 o'clock. In
? nience of *.he family.
WELLS ? .r.'o r? ?t ?t F.lmwood,
Rhlnebeck, N. V.. November 10. Ba*>
id <>f Mary
iti Rlehara
Na??. iaria Wells, of Hu l?
St h?S lets resl
I ss Saturday, November 13, al
?i. m.
Till: \Wl??l?l \\\~*T I IMITIRT.
:?,! II I . ?? Troll?*?,
toi ta ??
? ? . ? ? I ?I NT
Kare Book Catalogue
Just Ready
Seanfl on Request
681 Fifth Avenu?