Newspaper Page Text
WHO TOLD THE TRUTH ABOUT CRUCIBLE STEEL WAR ORDERS? SEND FOR CIRCULAR NEW YORK NEWS BUREAU FINANCIAL AMERICA ?Out? Broad 3383 26 B-.v.r Sir?-.?. Sat York TOPICS OF DAY IN WAIL STREET Market's Trend Obscured bv Cross Currents of ljustmen.. COPPERS LOSE WOS1 OF THEIR GOOD GAIN Saetten Crossei Tar Ipr ! Tim* Slace 1910 - Prices of Metali Ulvanced. trade b;. I . .. aril ? ? - ' - i in all i ?rit . 1 .it :.' againet a wii i ? Smel'' ? Par. - T h a ? . ' i_y for the Jan ? -nett price ; M been a -1 | seord -? i .ni i.. Hold Galas sao* for a ym* ' aral they Until re? lave leen . ? '? . t^-ptnies wer? ti . -- When ?? raporaril*/ ? .r.ed with ? .71 a new, and were ???- .? ? ??udttior. ? ? ? ?. . ... ? ? .. '?**?-' ' - ? f*.h? of ' p ' ........ f*r M r 1 and, which was a ?tntd ?.:. ? . . , : .., r, I iay, and at mtUmm '." | sag left. Brlgh* i' Foretren. ?Satij tx- ?? long the war S .???., ??J t. ? ? ay, the l ?MM '** ? build.r.i{ ajMSM '?at 'lar;. I'- ? '?' v bardie all j?. ?? ?* "' it ;:; war that a big 'iemar.d ;'r *ssl -? -<-'l for arhon S ?ir ... >,, ?, hn BOW. If ?Ml I S | ? . . a ' ? then, ".-re w?:: ? ? tr at I ......... a the onlv ?'.a tO giV? ..* *'"' ' ' at least no . " ' ' ? eonntrv ha? ?' ; many ?' After th?, War. ....'' " ' bt as to ?-tr it .- ? . ef -, ? of re. ^mrtae ...... ? pro .* see, f?, ' ' 1? '??? ? 'I \Mi ??,\||"\NY l*ri frff.rt N|?m k In ?I I ?....[.?...? .... . - I?"| ? ??2" ? ? ?* i??i - *? ." ? -' . ? -?.?. _, ?- ? . .*'-., -, ' ?M? . -^*e*S fV' "*??- ' ? ' 'I"* ?a.l.l \\ ri? \,,i m i in i Kim xsre itai .?I l il 1 i i v m .u ?> s.,?....?.. i : ...t.?,,??. eeeea liasse ? u US ??s Omt week age ISOSSS ?>n,. i... et h ?tu ii* ci ' J. . i ? : i i I 1?,.h (,.i Qrlefc?? I t. f r ?. tel rr liV 44> II au le? >r,'ieni'.?-r . . Ill III i -.i tat s,,, Il ai? tae \ a ?s i??e ??S i, it ta? ?*???* *' I, . ' . i am f ? ? I. a Ii 1er Jtuie ?. II..h 1er ?I .? 1 t? I. - M i? ii.ii i s v liases l ..? f. ? V,?.-il I? ?,!, -. M.r. Il Match | . s ! . ? < ' l . ?-. lli.I: fer Januar. | ? I 11. kI? lOoa f?- IS II ? lam II - I lli.h fuli >r_ Isrm, tu.. - ? . | UIKti.l ..Filii 1 Kir.I M" ?? HI l *.\ ? I \ I 1M ? V ? Ni'it-n ? ? ? ?? se. *?.i N? t. nt'.rr 11 (BBS ?irk ?(?. One aaeoth __? !.. Il ?i" ta? ?<??'. '"-f l..? ta? ??? leba? Il >c 1. f. r *?. ?' I ,t% fer "*r????v lll.h f??r \us?i?t I m ?? r \? I sst ... Il.cli f.?r .ill? I ,? fer I ;V ? II ?h f..r Jsiri- ? -s - .lune H'?!: f,.r >!.> Maj :? vj lltli f..r \mtU I . ? tat \pril Hi.ii fr Man h ?-, im Ina f..r M.?r. h .? lli.1i fi.r l'.r.r.i ?n || t .??> t ..t? fi.r I >l nur) Hush f..r Jans;.try 1 .... f?r . III.Ii. thu? fur. IR15 . Lett, Ihtis f:?r. 191J.*!.. 3?i HlCh full year. l'Jll .Sl.*?i4 1 ..w. full ?ear 1.14. v 117 ? i able to cornnete successfully I'nlest ? ? ? .it our means of pr' I ' ? to our mea-- Increase in pr ? an, nothing intry is !? forward to a bi? business abroad a ; at home. And ws are increas? ing both production and the means of produ " GREAT COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY FORECAST I rade Reports Tell of Progress with a Rush Basis of Prosperity. Some delay in retail beging is noted by the commercial agencies' report? of SS conditions, but merchants arts freely, and a great commcr .--. ;s predicted. The lumber tiadc is reported improving in the I'a ? ?s ?roll as the I < olleetion? improve with freer market I winter wheat. Busy fad I ? are ealliac for increased supply of ... at real. "Iiui.'s Reviee ' ?ays: "Is. spits of ?h?, rapidity of the movement, there is I ? ? . , mee thai ? eommer? reloptaent in the history of the coun? try. Following many month"? of ??rail nal recovery and adjustment i condition?, progress has eoas? such a rush that feared IB some quarters; yet tin- economic po?i ? on steadily utisi la strength und sel? dom, if ?ver. has the situation ?o fa ?..,i.,I eontlnoed expansion. Business is no longer wholly dependent upon the t?ar demand?, the h'imper crops, the arideapread increase la production, In the working force ?n?l la the power of sople to purehaee having es! ib liahed Tt''' t.;.-.s for sa ara of unexaav r ity. Commercial failures thii weel in the rj States i.r? 881 againal 359 laat '.?... reek and 413 .? ... ? year. I If ;>,?'. were in the East, 101 In ths '.-. ? ? bi 'I ?''-'?' in the States, ?".?I 12S r? |".rte.| ?, a b 11 v ? 11,000 or more, sgaiast IM ia*?t . ?' ' baa ths followiagi ??r and d< i*v in cr.,|. rnar I tend '.. <- -su.i retail hu-j Roods as I,?it nv' thi? .*>.,, ? croaae i demand? ob Is dealers and mana Mini i?. a ?? i ? tr_?l<- grow ?ch at v. : Ike ]'<).', |us< before e i I., and ia the II ,.f IMM The fact see aas to be tic demand ... ! Stocka in ... depicted, at eagei ng, which hae ordera for iasms ' ? .'JI|II)S ... sde Improvem? at, flr?t v ? oath, ha? reached the Northweel /.t.fie pri?e? bave ... advanced Demand 'or coal i? . ??? r, activity .r, ateam grade? test!" trial opera ' Elb tmSS? mmmtmta $400,000 I ' I.', 11 I'. ' .,,,.? , dated No r I, 1911, er.'l maturing 110/100 annually, Kov?rmber I, 1010*19.11 Ib* r luaive The cerl fleatoc cover tb< re . r," purehaai by tr.? sonoaay of 000 ?'.???I aaderframe boa rn,e Th? ?. r t ? *. r??et are being offered si pi frOM Mo j??r ctnt to Ml am? SSMij STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES BOSTON slot Ks m i m s 11 Mi ?. . . ? ? ?. ? ii? I I At*in??li ?? Alaomala .... ISj ? ? \ ,. * ?in i Ual .*. S ? I ? V llr ?im?? i . . I ?4 "4 '??t . .?. ?al S ? > ? v ? I Lail O n. . Ii.-:.??.* I? ,ii.| ,Vak ? ? \ ... \; ,,? . \.? ? Htet : h? ?* lie ? a . ??S - US ? ? ?S? ? . ? . IS ? ?4 * ?IS J ? . * ? - ? ? l A I . I IS . ?1 i '?S 's *. ? v ? ?'till Vl'H I'M! V ? - * s ? la >*i ?? ? : ? ? - I - - ? - ? I 4 * ? . ? 4- ? : > - hit a ? Si 4 j ? : .at ? -. ? .1 I ' lal?a : ? it i ? t ?? . ? . ? 7? - ? BICAGO ST??( K?. HaSB. I 4 - i '?' k ... 71 .. i>S pi ? ?? I ? .:.? - ? - ? I ?H? ? . ? 114 - i . I ? ? I . ? , IMS ? ? . - :? . H .* : ? . ? BALTIMORE STOCKS. <?l-rn. AiKtj <?, U pr. | i . .is ' '..l! ...... KlV? , ,-,a Power i r. |j i., 4 I ? rn 1 .-: ? . Ml '. ' ?.t Mills .7 ?entra ? . la ?Vat A l'wr. >t% : ... a i l:i.l ?r i?* IN Da ?? ? -? ? '. ? i'v h l? '?1 ? - ' '. ? ? ? . ? . ? i. i. a r ? - ? . Hill ill's* 1*4-, Is ?s I'll ? I. a StO '. 17 ?? wti Ms ? , ? 1"-'? i- . ?4. * 'S ?is PITTSBURGH STOCKS. ?ait? Opaa IN Am \v 01 Mael -.. i,r ?? Mfi ?:.*.-. 'i* ? ? . ? ? - , '-, IIS I'll ill|l.. ;? , ? . i , ? 1 a ? . 117 I? BRIEE WALL STREET NEWS A gain of sbOBl $10,000l00<) by ihr beat i ndicated bj the rspoii Bsoieiasati "i ' ii.?' BCj thi? ??rali There aas ? rum from ?he laterler of 11,682,000, ?hipmoBti lacladlag 81^49, 000 n nt i ?.ii i?l bank notai *?-nt ti? Wash Ington for redemption Gold si ii.,: to 112.550,. -.-.,,? received from London BBd 1250,000 in,m Coba, 'I lu? lu on Bab-Treasurj trsBiaetleni wai ii.i.'i.*"*" 'I h<? Toledo, Peor?a I We t. , ? Rail way Compon*? repoi ? gro op? ratii | amounl ing to $120,85 i foi October, eoaipered with 8110,498 Is thai iBOBth i? year aeo, Nat asi in ,-,, ased ItO?*,".?? t?, U2.790, Mini after dedostiBf iBteiesI tssrges, ate., thsrs ?aus a surplus ?,f |11,894, againsl ? defl cit <?f $ll,i?<> Is 1914. Experts <if Beeper free? Atleatic perti tor the eeel ended November il totalled f?.*-*;! ton?, lu-aiiist 2.'.'.'.\ ton? |n ?i,,. week prwcediag Bhlpmenta ?,,,???? tin In-' of ?thl iii'.i.M, totelli 'I teaa _ j. m Willi?, ?? ? retai, le H? president ?*f *>??- New Y?,,< Ne? Haven * Hartford Railroad Com p?u?y. hoi been sppolated assistas! to Mr Elliott, with sflesi m th? Booth Biatlon, Boitoo. Mi ?Vlllii whs i Ittsnl ? blef sierl te Mi Elliott eh? n IB? latter "'"a prSSlOOBt Of the North ? in 1'aCill? PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES W heal Market Is Firm and Higher ?il ( lost' ( tun \ll\ ?III! (*S. .. , 1 ...... I .1 ? M ... ? I . s CHICAGO PROVISIONS. ?I.V. ... .17-1 - 1.11 ? V ? ' I ' I. i ?I \ ' - . 1 . ila> I ? ? ? ? SIM.* ' ? i II r 1 ' . up as. ? a -. 1er Um I ... 1 . 'rr I M| _?I ? - I i ., i ? ... 311 tMiruil-f ....... ? ' ? . ? cm rOMSI i D on i ? ? ? i I ?? ? ' 7 ? ? vt rate. . ? V ' V , . ? I ? : . -?e i ill VIK, PRODI ( Il M M'KHTS. . V ITU' II . . I ' I ' ' ? I'M ' CMSI i ., . a - ,,.......? 1 I ? . ? ? fr. ?I. ? ??.lulu. , toes HI r| M ? ' ? ntra flf.i . . i ? | ? a || I ? ? : ? ? ? l . . ?It? AND BlrlAW , . A ? I . . ? , ?i. ? a I. . : ., a, I III I Ha'. ..a ?< II,.1,h,a 141 ?>-? ..a ? I .UM *?? I .**a . III*-.?? . 1 ' ' '.?I '.M ISUITk "I''?' I I au'. | _ ? a ? . . H ? I ,, 1 ' . I ' ' ? ' I. ; i . . ? Ln tSTOt h m\i:kk.t. ? l.liVES. ' ? ? .' 11,4 ? ? CALVIS. ..s ? . ... ' ? SHEEP AND LAMBS. . ? i i? ' s . - ? ' ? BOSS i -o - IHM WOOl M\l:M ' i ? P . ? , . ? ith America and \ . tralia have resulted in holders <>t' foreign woo eounti . prie? - i??r their wool. Buy? : - ? . .1 interest, and I II'. e I . i .-i eted by ths rising ?lews ef h??l?t er?. The ?liyv.!? trade . mors en* toarai ?mand being ?special I) f.,i spot |.i . and prices ari firm. Mannfacl irai ' luppliei m., beginning to rua low, hh?I th? lookii | ? ?. ? ... . . . v : ? ... ? , i ? ?? i FRISCO LEVY MAY NOT EXCEED $5 Remainder ?if IM Assessment .May Be Paid by Underwriters. Baal . i - familiar B the reorgan Loui - t San I i tenl draft of which w? ? tted to tl iri Pub Coi i ? lay, m explanal ?bar? n- ?.??m. ru. as ' ?? '? rda toekl i Isi will .'. \e,| had ihej paid th? full a ment Te carrj oui thia fi atui a ?at- ? il will sl " be ? ekholdera te d? their eld ?toeh sad ??? - i pledge th? bi ? .i h ich tki j are givea again?! th? men) I be eommitt ......lei!? a? i i i ,'? ? ?'?? .-.. .,,,. ,. meat. If they de thej will be given tiie new bead? al pat New Rumely Co. Named. Th? ?aial rae rgaa i sat ion coma tl ..f u,.- M Hu?,i. v Compel ?? el .. meet' lag ?? ' toi da) d? cid? d to nam? the ii.w corporation the Advaacc Bumely i 'ompanj About II per ??? i i>. r cenl convertible note? have been da i ted a nli th? United I its Mori t and Truel ? ?ompan-j ? ?.r.? t m?.re than . i cent of i hi it ? fai ' ? i ?toeh and * ' per reu? of the i eaiiaoB with ths New V"ik Trust i ompany, A ?abatan* tint unrulier af th? general ? bava alas assigned th? ? claims to the i oiniiiiltet. COTTON UNEXCITED AT BULL REPORTS I .lsis Off After Slit-ht Advance Bated ?in Weither News ?uni Cibles? i i,. ? .,".,*. i, mi kel wii? influ? ' . , Uttle 1 lather BBd ? ibl? Mu r n i,i*..|?rii '?? ? ... I .... . I I ?1 I I I ?'. ' .... | ? ? t 1 I , . . . . - and. Ei ? ? ? - .... ? ? . - ... - rn i ? ? ? . ? ? ? rooght into , : ?ainsi 801, ? 27,467 friand i I Can ? fear; ? ' taking! ? ? of August, 1,61 ; ? - '* ist year; bi : ' - ? -? *. ear. ? . i ?-? ? *?: ii < . l float it, 11. i 1 i II ?I II II 11.M I II DO 11? II II It II Uli ? M.? 17 .'1 11 51 11(11 I'll " .. ? ? I ? II ?I -i IIII . ? ? - ? - I * I.??t irai 11 ,. . I . ? I I.I' ' ? ? I . I . ? . ? ?i rl . I --. i III ill? ? III V?r: ??:? " '? ? - :: - | T ??'. I?t m ?01 1*7 ?I 17- ?!?, (lit \ . I,HI IMS! I4.ITI 1?. as , - M.rii ri.ii Sparli ? ? an tait battl ? . I a Pel ?all M I- Mai ?. - - i ?? j i ? STEEL PRICES RECALLED Jadge ?lar?. Sai*? Tonnage Is All Sold Up, Chairn m E H. Garjr, of tin. United i pe? al lea, anno i vest? rdi ' thi United Stet? - Products 1 ii" ib forced to on steal nr??i!-.i.-* ? in Frasca, as toBaags foi the Bear ? . ;, ! been sold sp to maximum of ( ? iBti Jad? Garp*! ? ? confirm? ?! r? <*.-r,t dlspi 1 - -.. the lame elf? et. Ha laid : . , i nited Statei Ste? '? Pi i. ? : temporarily quo l ? ? .-?. marke! . ? e< pt ? ? ?.. pipe, im plate sad lome ipecieltlsi ? ? ;. iiaall tOBnsge, t'*ir th.? i i, lucti >r delivei ? in the m sr fotun sr? sold wall up t?? maximum ea| scltj I tl the gei eral quoi ef lapplji sad d< are carefully eonaidered il i- impo il tell ho? niii<-li lUrplui Wl shall ... RYE PROPERTY WILL BE AN ENGLISH PARK George ?VrsBt r., ha - bough) tws .... of Rye. We?t ? , , ? ? ... ?..,?' h? plan? to ? ,i 1260,000 hooss sad Istsr turn thi property mt?. an English park. ill ...reel? ,.! |ai ;!. ..; i a triaagulai pises on l.m ,-,,ln Avenue, comistiag of t*.?-.*uty-tivo .i, own? -I by il.?hart J. Pera, sad ?h.-r immediately ?djolBlag, con aisting of tit't-, fear aerss, seras I bj [erritt '?' tats, at hu a?**B*r<if,at? pries of 11X6,000. .. jh'- pi ? srtj beoaded ?n one iiaa by Line?la av. ??*?l ?e ?he other by Itlm.l Hrook. , ,., Mr ??renta ha? enirag?d I*??" Mor... wl o ??II hsvs foil ehi i srchl .. ,i ,,?,! lands? ipe worb coi i with ths prepertj Heckschar i da Saullei wars tas ths I ? '""'? BRITISH BANkYhANGES RATE l.oii.|.?i*. Hev, It. Th? Hank of Beg? inn ?1 hi*.*? tint. ?un<*?'il thst thl rate sf in? terest o" Tr.'inurv lull? sold ov,?r th?? eountir will be *r> per ?*?'iit for all date?, Instead of f ??et coat for loni* dito? | l i ?alea rec? ntly bave averaged ?8.000 7 daily, but the demand has bien ; rincip.illy for Ion?/ dated issues, asid the new departure la intended to attract more funds for purposes. Th? in? nay market ?ee? the likell* . i Boating ?applies la ihe and has raised the , three m n ths' discount rate to 5'a and ? - ?? . BUYS WKSTCHESTER TRACT A. v. Cottloi in Brad |?MM Maaea In ? *..>.I.? r Kill.?- fserllon. An ? ris es* late pi ? . , . : ?? . / ? ti ? I K ITEW/.P1 GET! <<e?ill>< r't*0?r.yiY " I-.,? ;/ . ... ? ? LEASING SPACE FROM THE PLANS Tenu I :; i u '* I j Found ? . low i ? . ? ? i i i -, - - r at ? . i th? re i ? ? ? , - . - ?'roen* -? ? . ? s ." ' Ire . have ? ? .- I ; \.. |1 Waist and <J_r ? ? ? I!? I I Stern have leased for the I houte th? ninth loft In the I Hag 10 We?* 14th lt., for a term of five years. Baatinc ? Co.? as agents of II West ?_ 71 h tl . !???? ?lean ' er to I. il- ! ? Wolf I P NEWARK LEASEHOLD SOLD FOR $800,000 S. S. Kresse Company Becomes Owner of Jacksoa Leasehold. Louis Klimm, Inc., has ?old to the .*?. S. Krssg? Company ths Jackson lease* hold a! Ill to Ho Market it About ?0 u;is Involved in the deal. i he ? ropei ty fronti et en Mar? ke- it and has s depth of 19 - i ?? we? nisi.!.' ft>r the Goerke ' mpai y, whieh three years sge eroel e,l a ? i ' ?? re ami loft building oi ' ir the S. B. Kreege ? uni; .r '. The negotiations for th? purchase of this leasehold have been earried on for i? pei .? ! nearly s year by Mr. Kamm. Judge Stake Sells Plot. Moffatl & Schwab have sold for Judge George W ?--tike, of Stapleton, Btaten Island, a plot ob St. Paal ? av., running through i" Vm Dusor it., t.. Erneal W. Zentgraf, of Bt, Paul's av.; also sold -. eonnei.n with Horatio .1 Sharretl to J.'hn II. Lingo, two lota <>n i'elton av., West N. w Brightoa, Owners Elect Oflicers. At - - lay ef t1" i'p per Manhattai Propertj I iwi srs' \ :. b! 1249 Bi .?? d ing olHci i - "? ? ii ? . :.t; \\ illiam ii sbel. vice*presidei I. Jol n Bob? rte, urer; T. Ward w aasoi . ie?r? ?.,? | Edward C rats r ? of Krank B Lasette, kuh?? B. regel, Aleaaader Great, Jera I.. Murphy, Htr rv Goodatein, Alexander McDonald and Donald Robertsoa. Brokers in 17th St. Sale. Pea?e ?<? Elliman were th? broken In the tale of -S3 t... Hi??' 17th il . fas . :,-. told for the Saint .Juhii the Bapti ' l- lundatioa. te v raky. The property a be need f<>r . ! ? the Busslan Or* th? !?? Greek Catholic Church In North Am? rica, after ? ?toi i altei I from plan.? prooorod by .lohn Rergesen, Iti ct, -? - Realty Meeting Monday. A meeting ef the Real Batate O-wn .?r?' Protective Aaaoeiatioa will I"' held ,? | o'clock Monday Bight al the Hotel \I , ?,. ? ,-. .,. T.'.l It BBd Central Park ?,s til 'I he annual slectlon of i II :,. i hoard of direetora will take pluce then. _ Apartment Rentals. Doaglai Bobinson, Charlea B. Browa Companj hav? rented al ?.. ?-,,, th? Corn E-ehanga Bank, apart* menta to George H lu M re. St >ppeni, M;.s Beet i . ?' Ma I bala, ... i' '? I, II. K M . Noeee, '' ' '?'- ? oaey and 1. t CI? laoa Site for Big Warehouse. A II. Howe I Bob have leased fer the est?te? i'f Sarah A, Hadle-j for s tenu al um'? -i,.- aorthweat eoraer "f Amity sad Columbia ita., Brooklyn, te J. W. Gaetetger <fc Boa. The property will he ?niprov.'il with a large ware? house. Sale of Mountain Property. Martin T. Plaaagaa, of Montclair, has , ? .1 from the . state of Mertena ths tract et lead <m the weet Id? of Afterglow a-i , opposite After? glow War. rae property h:i? a fr?.nt sgs ??f NO feet on Afterglow nv , aad asteada le a <iei?th >.f o\er IM feet. He contemple!?? the Imprevemeal af the property bj the sreetioa ?>f l?verai liens,., f M Crawley * Beee. w*re th? brokers m the tramadlo.i. FRICK BUYS A 7IST ST. PARCEL Property Fronts 50 Feet and Adjoins Mis Fifth Av. A.ansion. HAROLD B. THORNE, BANKER, THF SELLER I ?tl?- lrai)sf?rrt?J to a Seven Story Strudun* in Walk? r Str?*?t ,*? .". ?hi ' '.it, ? Reg? *?..?, . : . .*. * ??ra - - ? <i ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . v?r* ? et ' ? ment '?? LI ...... ry.., 7| t ? ? ? - ? ?; I . ? '.a Leona 1 root ? ??> ?t .. - ? ? ao'.d ? ... ... '??'???' -..?IT ? ?: ? n lallocl ? - ....... ... . r Hiit ter. Th? Mel Vln 4 We?t 88th It . a ? ? j ?-knir. on lot 20x tl ?vs. SARD .c-: ? I B-tasall ipsrd to Will :nrr. !? K l four story and and rear building at 16 l> - ard at. FIFTH AV The Baron de BIrstrh ? ? ? icd ? tsk ths Gainshi r?. apartment Iioua,.. s?,uthweat under . u..Ir, has i Id thi? property |o th* Hal -, Com ? m?y, ire, Sh? Idos v De< t* t, ?-.- wai p?jrebasad by ???ii d? nil ich ! sas SB a bl I si ?7!."T..r?oo. in connection with the Lraaa* fir af the property to the Hardwich 1 Company, <? first mortgats sf 8210,1000 !? taken hark bv thi Bsrss da Hirach Fund. Ths GalBsboro apart* ment I? BBS of the finest in Hurlrm, with a free! es sf Bvsr 100 test <m Fifth sv sfld 121 fsel ss vVsst l'-'Oth st , faciag Hoant tforrli Park. Rents City Dwelling. DOBglai I El 'infin A Co hsvi lensed for Mrs. I! II II - t 61 I ?t., a 1er) ituaeriesn baiemeat dwelling, on a 1??? 20x100, ??> H. It. Win throp, of Han?, ?jTiathrop I <"o, banker?. New Building Plans. I BS liront. I8I8T 8r. t ?af I'aiv ?? ' .? BJf I ??y hrk ? . ? ? .* Um la BaaJtf f.rp, ? ?r Jir?Tml??ri ? i ?? 1 ? V. i a ?\ ?? ?' '. ?? ' Alterations. Ihi? linmi. Ainus st. *.?: o-, a I ??? art ??????? sad t-rr*, r?i? . a-..r: S ri i <;??? .? i. ? ??? ?? ? i * i ?? ? Sales at Auction. at 14 vti*-?- ? I ? ? I1TH ST I ?? ? .,.*. . ? ? ii i aa , !*?. I l?VM a! ' t ? ?? I? ,? ?? 1? 14a . i I I'? I- - .ran.-? I'o ,,?? h i- -?? * * ? i: si'i IB.I?M sr. - i ? i * .. :????? ! ?t? I. ?'! II? ,1 a 111 ??? i ii . Bra lav II2TM ST ?! ? a ? ? I.. ? ?? ?-. a? 2"?1?*-? II. a,,, at hMBJ ?.Ml .??:?* fit WOJWt Br M ' - - ' ? I7ITM ST ? ;? W. S I S B N'iVaa a? IT? IM j ? ? |M ?i ?I Brooks ??? tl tft *? V Oroaa f. aj T., , i, i .... . ..r, i., aiasaauae ? I-.v .1. I If Mai??. IJ0TM ST * I ? ?' W *?'">}?* ? I liirla an '?'??? ? ll> Sair '. aa? 25TH IT III m B ?. III ? I .*.?'?? I 4 tl, "'a, I. V Buillrai. est H , r plaintiff fr |1 IM SI MSI SS si , , _ , Hr H??irT llr? I? ii?o st. *:? ; ? ?? -*? . ?4*1 Wriatii - - - is <m ANiHuNY *?? I? tl * . af Wi.Hin S- IS fr ItiJ.MO llr ? . -? ?. | -rtan. U'D ST. IM I ? ? : ? I ?? t?- a? 15il?H; ??ai- I. (. Unlit ? ai ?? T. ? . a i*?.".i*!?i A4 H? Jam?? J I'. ? ?si-. MEHSCHEL SI ? , Il Kt??7 pi. Il 4? * . . ??t N.)p??j?wi ?-? Si To th? ' ' |3.}00 I?y ?? WESTCHEST1R AV. S . I I ll??r:n?)sr a?. .ii ..? i, . i ? I ?trt!i?s 11?- k ttt ? :i ?t ? ? r ? - ? ? io f?."? _ RIAL ESTATE. .MV? JI.K-sl.l. FRUIT ORCHARD ? m -r ?Uarad 1 ? . ? Ura i. sjw?. lai a l |ara?? s '. ' t ?lili-kao 1 la? Ka* futur? ' r ,l???!?jp niur H.i.ii.n IM li miets. M Y_ I.1IM. IMAM?. K?'l? l??W COST IIH?H-?JMADK HINOA | ? ?U ? \ l?-l I IIKICIITWATKIIH. lU'OK I.ET II ??N I- *." V i? A? KKHSON Va'l -I ? ' Il ?T NKW Y?il?K_ IOIMK. l'lt??l?BKTY. C?,intr? M??>? ????'???n?? I???? I? ?rota??????? !????? ?.?t l.i.i ? ?*rs ??:.? ? au. ?nia N'n ???"?? ???*>*?? ?o?Tir, Il . *.?.?.-? J? ? "?' ?' tel ?Ml ??S. Fl'RMSHEI) APARTMENTS WANTED. \\ANT>|i r??H isM'ABI Vu?!? ?uriil.liM li.t?as?. k.-?|.|r| ?lAii-iu? ' ' ?' ;*-?' ?I ?? ' i?*?r>s?m? la-l,*.. '?'Hi ?ir?*?? f.? ??" B,.?il? "?t?t? |HI.?? an<1 / ?.A???? m aaaa*arti u . ?. ? i? Ml, TiI?ium lluililliiat.