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Shevlin Made a Speedy R_vish from the West-Will It Have Been irv Vain? Yale Likely to Give Princeton a Bitter Battle on Gridiron Tigers Should Win by Every Rule of Football Logic, but This Par? ticular C?ame Has Angles All Its Own, By HERBERT. 'You don't want a slow rented/ when your Ills are perious," sayeth 'he "cure-all" nils. The Shevlin tonic is noted for its speed in giving re? lief. El, ". Vale can le counted on to give Princeton a desperate battis whei ' n.t to grips over their yearly football tussle in a real living i?.\?1 m N'.'w Haven to-day. Yale i-? the under dog, heaten iti four out of seven pames this year, i'-- ?? ? v by every rule of football logk is the natural favorite, although iiaidiv a*, the odds quoted, and the Timers should win ?m the game they played against Harvard, hut there ;s a feeling which amounts almost to a eoavietion that something will happen in the Howl this afternoon which .vil make for gs Impressions are not easy to analyze, and impressions oftentimes lead astray, tut once formed they aie hard to eradicate, althoutrh perchance equally hr.r?i t<? explain. My impressions formed on seeing the Yale men in practice on We In? ?lay lea?! to the conclusion that Princeton has no .'! to 1 cnatice to urin- m tact, that the Titrers may have to he satisfied with a nie-htv small march) on which to base a victory. The Talc ?loi ?n, with a ? inK season behind it, with four 1 who have not been play il 17 togeth? it", than eight or ten ?lny*. with eleventh-hour chantres in the line. I faee what Percy D. Hauphton call? heal eleven which Harvard ha? pi ?ine?? he begaa coachiag in 1908. Yale Men l{?.u?ed. Inder tr.e circumstance?, then, case look? Impeles?, hut Yale I? rou and Yale once v.used is a hard fo beat. Further thnn that, the Yale el? has been equipped with ? playa and formation? in which t have learned to have tne greatest ? leace. sad with these new weap mental attitude then IB telling how far a man Shevlin. Freak Hinkey and the ot ichei ?-an bring an earnest, ?rill 'of of men even in the short ?pact ten day.?. It teem? almost useless to make analysis of game and style or to pc out degre?-? of potsible strength Y or apparent weakness there. The c. pariton on the whole would be odi to Yale, because PriBCOtOB ha? b wiaaing, except against Harvard, i Yale has been losing. This parties .ame ha? passed beyor.d any cru.r. me'.hod? f< i deduesiea. A artas? team always looks better than a los team more dependable, more ;. better ;.nished. This game la fact has reashsd aha the dream stage, at was the case 190".. f O til brain pictured Yale beat Bg Pi the week following Yale's defeat -*. I hand? of Brown by a ?7 I I a dream which led to a - The Tribua? which carr.e I Aaothi waii I ? ig aing u - cor... outplaying Yale by a wide ma v .sing by a score : " I It ... this on ' .*e. The Strength al Princeton. ?k ag ' ? of 1 ? . - - . in Eddie Drigga, kicker, secoad ooli to i ley, perhapo, la Dav? Tibboti substitute for both DUBtiag ?? kicking 11. Buz Law, *.:.?? 1 . . ' - raaaat h? evoroetia il Princeton hat a lino frei tackle 'ackle which at a Ualt bulwark against the I I lunnmg attar?:. BI ? ? hard and sharply, hot and on the Pi strong and weil orga in Captai i Glick, I il ? ti i - Driggl are par equipped for either . - ? ng. - Mar qaalitiei . pared favoral th any ?een years; there ?as a - the ?i fence, except for fats which even ths ?her? was a genera! f.r.isr to tl ? me of attar* and defer." marked the master hand of Puth. The Tiger? were woi a ith c.'[y weapon needed foi i ..... ? ? rying t.r . -I ernv's COUBtl | VII ? ?? ?.I, except a bil time? la handling the ?*?*! to make th technics?!'y perf? ' The experience of that game, tl leeoeei lea raed, should raaka 'or svs greater sAciency, a- tee of a! ?hi? fooling down that Princ ton ha? a real battle on its has Where Yale May He Weak. Yale'a chief eaute for ur,ea?ine?a li?i in what may be called the newnea? oi the bar.?.?ild and the danger <,t mi? handling the ball, beeaoee of the facl thet the men have played leget! ittlt. The offence for that reason may lack the drive and eon! nuitj to neeei ?try for ground ga.n Bg pui-j other-ne thtre may be a ?urprise in Mor? I ram tackle to taekle the y?: i* ?trong, while ths ead?, < horch and ?eidemtn, tr? ?n;".. likely ??, great height? They ?bowed ?? ' ' te? ? ? * ?M-,- in feet, p:_y, ?, . i ?< od '? seed he aakod Th? la ur. ability te ' iBder tl stroes nrnl ????.?r. '.f n r?fs| gai 'i;"' ? l Prieeoton wip ?r.g or f Ot Guernsey ran ? thowtd last til thi ' "r I d.'xp ' ? ' " ' ' f Cole tant. It ii are l ; ' Yale Leads in Games Played Vale and Princeton first met on the gridiron In 1S73, and since that time fortv frame? have been plaved. Vale ha? won twenty-one and Princeton ten. while nine ended In a tie. The record aince 1883 fol? low?: Prlnr-i?. I telnet Yn? Yal?. ???. vtar. YaJt. ten. 1<?S3. ... fi 0 1?99.... 10 11 i*?*4 ?s 4 1900 .29 :? 1885. 5 6 1901 12 8 1*>86. ... 1 0 1902_ 12 0 1**?: .12 0 1903. 6 11 ISM If 8 1901 i: o 1**9 0 1?? 1905 23 I 1890 ,.. 32 0 190?? 0 0 1891.19 0 190T . 12 || 1892 .12 0 1908 h | 1*93 0 6 1009 ....II 0 1894.24 0 1910 5 I 1895 20 10 1911 3 6 IIM | 24 1912 ?i I ISMl .60 ; J ? ? ? * : - : i ? - .? ? reuse v - -:s. . rice . . ? ? ?? - ? -.---?-. ? ? ? - < - : I Aaetaei . *? ? . i. - - ? ? ? ? ? ? I - ? ? re? . ? .'.'*?' * ? . .-??????. -?-?-? . i - ? ? ? ? i ? . ? -. -?.??-.. . , ..*'??? ? --. - , . ? - ' ? * > ?? * ? ? ? ? * ? ..... ?? ., ? - Ya!? ?' - -?? ? '. . . . ? ? ? .-???-.-?'?? thing .?. trong ?'? - ? If Tom - ? - - ? . -?>???? '-..< ?v?. - ? ??s?? ? plot ' f 11 to 1 '.> 11 ? ' three a * i The Driver.*BWGCS HARVARD SUBS TO DO BATTLE WITH BROWN All but T.*. o of the 'Varsity Players to See the Yale Game. ? ? - ? . .. ' i ?".? ! / ? . ? , , r , ? ? ? ? / / ? ' / / ? ? ' rig! / . How Princeton Will Take Field Against Yale Eleven Princeton. v",p Wt. Ht. .Age- Player.. Position. Plejror. Age. lit. \\i. III .'.ill -") Highly Left?end?right VA iedeman 21 .'if)'? |gj ||] i,:00 M McLean Left? tackle? right ?fa* 21 6:00 |g| IM ?.:00 20 Neerae Left?guard?right J. Sheldon 22 6:00 |g| IM ti-.Wl II CSBBIll ?entre WbHe 22 ?. : 00 19.1 I9H r,:02 21 Hogg Kight?guard?left lilack 21 ||M -II 190 ?soi || Perteette Bight??arkls left (?ate? 20 ??:oo 172 17.1 ?MIO 22 l.ambrrton Itight?end?left Church.. 21 5:10 162 im) r.:0?) 22 <?u?k . Quarterback Ve?Neetraadtl '?:io ifiti 170 .1:10 22 Shea Left?h'fback?right Uil??.ii U 6:00 111 172 :,:ll 19 Tlbbott Ulght?h'fba? k- left Hlngham 21 .*? : 10 16.1 170 6:00 20 Mrlgg? I ullbark. (?ui"rn?e> 22 6:00 1H9 Average weight ?,f Princeton line III pounil?; a? ?rage weight of Yale line, 1M7> pound?; ?tirage weight of Prln?et?m harkflrld, 171 pound?; ver age weight ?if Vale backlield. 171 -mund?; a\erage ?eight of Princeton ?let en. 17?? pounds; average WOtgM ?if Vale el?-*.en. IHI pound?. Probable substitute? fur Prince) on line?Hrovtn. Wilson. Kaufman, Hut lorworth, I ?raen. Heutiger and LOVO. I'or Princeton back In Irl?*une?, L?l?lj, Moore and La?. Probable BB?bB.HSJtSS f??r "??le lin???WoldOO, Kent. H iggilibol han?. Mote l?\. Mien. Hlodgett, Hell?. I Micldon, Hailing?-. Van Holt, Miller, 'aft. lor I ale h.iria.leld?Jaique?. Walle. Smith, Ne? lile. Siovll and Sa.agc lime of gaine? T*.o ?i'i Iim k |fl *iale lio? I, al Ne? lluin Tlrm ef periods?Fifteen minute? e??h. Offl'IaU?V V TeftO, Brews] umpire, Carl Marshall. Hartar.I. held ledge, ?ntrph Pendlelon, Howtloln, linetman, William Morir?, Prnni) Ivanla. AMHFaRST STUDENTS HOLD MASS MEETING Undergraduate l'ian t?> storm VVIlliamitowR To-day. -i? ; \. I Am ?. ? ?? (?ai ? I ? ? ? /.. . for V) Si en an en todent bed - tng at i * ? ' ' ... i T ? ng* MICHIGAN AND PENN. MEN ?READY lilil? I i< vi'ir. M?vf Signal Dull i<? Round Oui i in.ii i'i .i< i< ?? i ii ? . , . . ? ...... '., a.,,, .i, ?ii on I , , , ? ? , ,. ' ? . .mill ? . .. ? ni'iri , . ?ral ' Irnl lirhlgan I mlenl ? cam? In thl? .?.'?nun* on ? ipeelal train, and ? in- \l i< higan ' ii? ? .?i will . lied to two hundri d ??? h? n thi hundred? of bIhinbI throeghoal tea .. r i lv? to r?,.. r roe l b?y will Ii? oil ed bj tl i ofllecri and lallon ?>f ths Michigan, now tatioBsd si 1.1-111? i?- lalaad Th? Michigan atedenta bava breaghl th?-ir famoaa baad with them nii'l ? he bi i ? em 'ha I'. K S M ehigan will do their par! to In-lp tha Weiterneri win Th? Paar ylvaaiB at?ldente, who have had .-i bard time to aroBse ? nth isiasn of bbi kind thii fall, triad again to nigh I wits .-? mass mset? ormitory triangl? The coach?i to day severely criticised ?he itndenti for their apathy. The Anal raaki ap of thi Pennsylvania backfleld arill !.?,' be koewn antil te-nserrow ?."on, bol ? ? II probably reat?is Bell ut quarterback, Roekafefler and I?.-rr ind either Miller ?>r Will? inn? at fullback, w bother Williams or Mill?i tari ? fallhach ?ill d?p?nd upon ?Williami'i phyiieal condition Miller, though, la r? aoy to bIbj if is leetsd Ro i, th? ragular rear half bach, ? ?il i...t itert, beeao?? he ha? net ??' i? o ? red ?ii.. ii.-H?.., w.ii i, he had '?? ?'??? ? th? T) irtmouth gam? lasl ?iik I ??ht Work for Stevens Before R. I >. I. (iamr 1 ki SU ? ? ? slaves bad light work rasterday, Rodgera desiring thai thl ""-'? bava h? mu-ii rest ?? posaibi? he fore ths semi a Ufa l: p I *,. ,i,., 11..- apatat? eegin? .-r ? in, . Improi I ???I mstly m ?-hi- I??? few wssks, M Ihnt n hnr?! ij?iie is SSJSSfasai Ham Fish and His All-Stars Battle Rutgers at Polo Grounds Fast Brown Team May Spring Surprise on Har? vard Eleven in Stadium at Cambridge. ' ? ? ' ? 11 , I, IV I 1 I . , . ' . ,.?..?, I ... . ,' .... . . ??? , . . in. . . i...... 11 .. ? ? ? .1 .. . \ I...t r I Mil?. '. nuhl? m brii ?.... I ? la .-m'h h ?i...?, I.?- thai ? i del ?al threaten II?.i,-hi.m ?till ruth "".i hi : i ?' ??? i Ing mi ? nto th? light, fot ? i hil? 'I In' Las! ?t ill Meet lb? Sta I "ii lb? gridiron al I rsnkl n I- leid, ... Phil edel pi.u?, tin? afternoon Neither Michigan nor I'eiin Inn in. I with ?BecOB? tall sens, ,n, hut both are Ci.nll.leli t of win nine; today. I'.-l n feels thai it will have to wipe onl the stain of last year''? defeat .-it the bund? .?f the Wolverines, and there al? ? ?re beating? !.;. La fayettc and Dtttir.cuth ??> i>.- avenged v ? ' men are . <-k ? tig torn? eon toi ? lion f..r the maulinga they received from the M ich i g kggh end Cornell. Local eut busl i -t i ?rill im?! much t?i ? ? tain th. m Neu Vork Uaiversitj, ? bos ita i i of it? !??'-' team? ??!' recent years, will take ths Held against tVeeleyaa al 0 r i\,.\,\ Pia) will begin at 2:M ?'? < ck. New York 1ms i.e.-ii beaten oni) once thi ?eaaoB by Haverford Bad ?al defeal I? aeeribed '.. , .lump rather than to lUDeriority ..n the part ..f the Wealeyan iiv '? .en Improving the nio menta and will pul s team on ths Held which i* e\pe,.i t.. equal the record .. ., ' toe ion1 1? ??i??. ? i Ich Leu; Neo York bj the ?.*" ?I un?".I teore of "?.? t.? II. The much abused William? ?l?V?*l v ill ?Bdeavoi ta re?ei tabliah itself n den it me? ' ? Amber?! si HHIIiai ? too n I he re eatabliahmenl mai d postponed fei soase little time, for the Amheral team la going greal gun? heal Brown and held Dartaaonth f throe p?riode, whoa fresh men wore rushed in on the linen t?.|im n ml .tun. the balance Colgate and Byra eaaa will li.i.t their aaaual battle m the Syracuse itadlua*., sad the Orange item ho-et te ring th? cbim.t tu night. t Leading Football Games on Card I sal Baa - > ? ? ? i . ' . , . ...... . ? n ? ?~ ? ? . . , ?. ?? , . a ? ? ? -. ? ' ? ? ? - s . ? M ... ? .... ? ??....,. * -. - , . - . *? ? ... . . ... ? ? , . . ? . . . ? as ...\, ?, a .a... - ,, 1 , .. ., Williams and Amherst Clash in Their Annual Game? N. Y. ?. Mee's We* levan at Ohio Field. .?*?! ?'. en StaU - ? ro nms eailt ; . * t ? 7 . *.: : .' . ? ? ? ? ? *? s 1 s a ." ?-.* ? N ? ( it Nn Record o? Ihr Princeton and Yale Elevens This Season PRINCETON Hate I ?-?ni?? s??pt. 2.1?GssnTgetoe n Oct. 2?Ratsjsrs . ?III. |-S> I I.I!??' . . ???i. U lafsTstts Oct. 2.1?i ?a11 i)i?iiii Ii . ?I, I. 3(1? \\ IIHSBSS ?. N?i>. ?i?Hart aril Sepl. ?I.I. Ost, llrt. ?><t. ?1.1. r?stals . Y A IK. 2.1?1 ni. of Maine 2?\ l r um In .... !>?I ehls-h ...... II?Springfield TM?Wash. X Jeff .10?< ols??ite iS?Urns? n H 5 ?al ? c ti ?r -s -, r. t 0.-? ?I et 3 C 75 C * 7 S3 S'? il, 11 II 10 I 10 30 W. ? W. ? \v. ? ?V. ? V?. ? w. ? ? !.. il I2'.l || W. - ? L w. ? w. - I ? H 21 1>S .10 H N n is M 20 2.1 18 ?.'Il 21 ratais . *? ? i - :<' ?? ?? t Prtacetea ha? teaeai slsteee lea?ra??Win?e talo year aa fallaeisi Ame?..,; Shea, 2; Tlhholl. 2; l.l?l>. 2; In?, 2; Moore. 2; llngg?. Il Clfafc? I; II??rb, I. Tihbntt ha? klrked ?l\ g?ial" fieeS H??* loM ???<! Il? ??ne. ?ni,, ha? ?.?reil ni???? leSBBSasBWBS thi? >ear a? folio???: Wilson, 3, Thompson. 2; l.e l.?ire, 2; Halilrlgr, I; V?tille. I; Srovll. 1. Uni? une tielil goal Im? been made anil that by Savage again?! Springlirld. opranswAT i YALEONEVEOF PRINCETON GA1 ! Team Runs Through Final Signal Drill, Then Goes to Infirmary. COACHES PLEASED WITH SHOWING Prospects of Wet Weather M_? L'pset All Calculations?Few Shifts Planned for Eleven. New Haven, Nov. i_. Tom Shi,!, and his BSsiataata put the Yale t?, throejrj ?'ractic* bifora the Priaeotofl game here thi? ift.N t the men tr? r???t r. at the Yale infirmary, h mt'.e from U? campus. They will not return to ?ta college environment until they im ready to trot out on the gridiron U meet the rigors. This afternoon'? practice gate *,? coaches added cause for optimiim bt, eaess th,. plays weal better than they have at any time this week. Thrra was ?nap and SBthnsiasm to the work. ??ml every man on lbs eleven ii tnit '.,, moo! Princeton. Th,. <.ptfc___,??<?? conl donee, ?"'pu? tr-M no jus' ,?; ,. p,r. left on", it iiie caleulatioa?, There i? COn?done? 1rs the coii"?:??. and i:i the pis? r?-e hacai* galore in soaaofli ron? bi andtadsj raoeofl why the Bui dog inould trhaajti t.. morrow. It doesi '? do any roo-l ?| try to reason the thing out; .ale it oaf to win over Prii . ur.'i the player? and their iiipporters are eonfldest las) the eleven will turn th? trick. All 'v ? in the ? .- ,l e earn ;nt| ?xa'.t'r. T| I ?m. Th<" . -,i ?om? r,{ the best r ? ? .- V ' ? ; . -, - ? t j .'? "I '. ? | If - , !-* . ?" "' ? ? ? I s.:; i*t . - ? . ' r -: ? ; i-ai ??:.- ? a ! . i ? ' - i- . - I ?? H . ? 7? el * 7f> J i i-* SSfS-Sl -.??? 7??* ? ? ?d tone ? ?i?? yt ..mi'' -?. ni? .1- ?J ;-7II?'4 li? M ... 1 ss sels w ippsssel ?** ff'.: m ? ' ?' wet!???**} ? *??'-*^ ithorisBj f-4?" I IfS? ? J feet s '"??? -y I ' a-SSgS _ rhs Ya t*i '-?'y" p . wh le * favorable to Y? '? * ?** ''i?*! hall probabl) ? . bots vr-tv and Guernsey. The latter ?i deeaaw? apofl t.. ?core tor Yale, fer e|S ,r? kicking* ha? improve; ??.??!:."/ ? * ! Princeton'? goal will he In daasaTaw time Yale get? within th? ^T__H for Oaoraeey can drop kick SU ,,' over from that distsaee wi,h r"M' able accuracy. . .1 Reterniag Vale gradaste? ??? g witness the ?rame poure?! into N?* . ven to-night, and the V?l? r'r,.0,J? Club, the Quinnlpiac Club ?r.-! t" " tel Taft were centres of f.'On?11 ? euBBion. It i? believed thet ?P.P? raately sixty thou?and perso?".? *"*_rf the spectacle to morrow, the J*J crowd by several thoutendi ?mSSia witnessed a Yale PriBCOtOS ?**?* ?-' Schoolboys in Big Run at Colufflb* Columbia Uaivereity will ht ?"^S by a host of ?choolboy? thi? "^????p when the annual intertcholutw ^ country race fur the r*u*t*v0V?-dli trophy will be held ?.ver the 1*"H(>i. Drive course. With twenty*jwe^*? represented by a total of -'?- JJJ.'J te.e.1. the race will be th? -?22 its km.I that ha? ever i?? ?*'? ? "ToBik?? The ?chool? enter.'.! ?nd the "V,; of boy? on the respective team? ? .. M ?- ? ' ;'V"m*^ ? i, . ? x ? . ?It lll|l? Ml? 1