Newspaper Page Text
The Federals Have Proved To Be a Mighty Big Asset to Baseball?Writers COLUMBIA CREW EASILY DEFEATS YALE OARSWEN Coombe. No. 7 in Blue Shell. Collapses at the One-Wile .Mark. ?even men row to thi: finish line VA Vnrk Oarsmei Lead from Start and Paddle Alone In Last Half of Course. 1 7* ? ;*., . \ li?? laabis wea :* Yal? '? M erf? on the barber th:.* iftsi f iti football battle -. | ? reitUi ?tar?. ??I | N? 7 our . re,'.:?; I * ? '? the ? Yale best ?a* ? be\o::d human ?owe: ' f* -*-???- ** ten length? be ? ? a. .v , t wsi heartb*. as in a I their I I? ? bat i ahel yer.ed mot i itreks ,< ?,- :ia? aa thl t a*-?? '* . ? gi *J ? ipreii Bi -ftrre: iem?a? I be a bit! - ? 5 ' I ieorg? St - rsci ? Cenditioni and l . re far fro? ra.r. ? - ' . - ? ? - BBS. -. ?everal thou . ? - ? its that It to -?..-?. '? tssy'i -.- ? | :-.-?. i BVay, acccr: ? - - * if thl ?as the un.y jTBCl ' ; s ^ : ? .... showing ?ter .?a? i it Hat ' e getting ??an to drill ll - (ht delay I I Va.e coaching . :..? Forbes, ? ?Yhitasy and Met? ? .. spsr, a.'.d Jia lie? . iickalls aboard, broke - rs were not long ?n being . . ths crews were ? Off to a ?er'ect start, Columbia :.r?t, with Orsttun M : i h.s oar *.hrough at thirty-nine ?<?*-? tc the ? ? Va'.e was just a rowed five point? ISSJ .&. In the ftrst min .-. Columbia had lad o? n?ariy quarter I ? latttl ara I? YalSi rowing it? at thi ?? Both? MSI ?nd irivi of ?he Columbia sr.ell, ???I alrudj* settling back for the te/S ? ? poll. m Dia stroke fell, Um ah? . forged Inch by inch ead. At the quarter ?oilc San Columbia was row.n? 84 nrd *ai loading by a f ill quarter length, let over SO, wa? keep up. MN was no letting as In that Co - tl ougb Munro '? t?0"* a seemed vl,' ' ?" ' ?.??-'.vet. ? ?as h good half length behind irk, BBS the crew ?ii lit rowing with a tenth of the lia men. The - ?a, and III between * by the tain Low *?? thi ng I mstlf unre?'ra;nedly '? lagged. B*" ? a to the mil? flagi Co ? I, and .*' ??? coxswain ?, u'" ' to lee his - Call .i ? ?etod en? a shout that .res a? I boat, re .? began to I ? I wcak M-j.cle. ? will and ? oar. It wa. - .*?. lb? ? - :* ? -? oat ? beeli is - ?r.d hung ....*' ???? in eonfad?M and ':????' r. at HEATH THlN*,?vr ALL COLLA*. *"* J?r OVAl BuTTOl^HOLf AImS^S*1 monear vues *?*????? ? VXiiiafXj . TPtOV.N V Opposing Captains in Big Game To-day CAPTAIN WILSON Off \ 4. ? Boating of the 'Vanity Cretvs coi i itmiA v<- s r \?, (e Bow. Munrc?* So.!. M>?7 No. 3. ? ; : No. 4. L?>t ? - No. 5. P'.ek*r.a*?.-i N..*5. Lahe.T *' * ? No. :. Pea h ? ? ? '.*? Stroke.Br.tton H 3 |. ?? Average? :> 4) ltd Coi. TI BUM ,|| 5 J 1)5 1 4LE. ?a* Iff '?? r i. - Ian au I ?111 IN v?. :. 6111 U I No. 3. Atkir.? . N _g 1*5 No. 4. Kositii?T . . :; S ( '.?4 No. 5. Sturte?! ?*. ; No. ?j. Mever M U ": No. 7. Coomb? . . Stroke.Low. ??d :_ ?. ' Avertjet 21 S.i) i*j Cox. McLtr.e. ;r. 2! 5.7 113 OFFICIA! Referee an.i >tar*er?W. Innet Forbe.% Penntyhsnia. Timer??Morton ? /. Bogue. < olum bla; Pa>ne Whitney. Yale. Judge at Finish?RoSert F. Her rick. Harvard. N??. B, tried *o recover th? rir a- ; put it into COOB ' Bagornoaa, however, Meyer ! - I go through the thc.e pins -' cd away. With Coombe twayir.g fron side t? ?ide, the ?even ?.'her men la tl *h?ll pulled themselves '.oge* and net off after the Columbia bov. a hopeless cha?-, and ' ... pad? dling along, s.e;.* aero?? thi The time was H':**?. '1 a.e cial time wat 11:20. The Yale crew rowe 1 out the last ?troke and then Coombe wa of the ahell, into the referee's boat, wrapped hs an overcoat, and he to the boa' He wa* aeathlj ord ?0 ill from the Mow in the stom aeh that a physician was called. In the warmth of the boathoute hn roeov* ?red rapidly. Jim Rice had little to ?ay of the \1 tory, but it was apparent to all that the Columbia eight wa? in far better physical trim than the Y'a!e oarsmen Columbia carried the fight to the Blue with the crack of the gun. and by nprinting away dlaheartened the Yale crew from the K'art Even "int. in 'he Columbia ?hell ?at up al the I nd, while Harriman at bow and StUItevanl at No. 5, in the Yale ho?..', were in bad ?bane. Tr.e Yale crew wa? BOt prepared for the kind of race Columbia rowed, and Coombe, the weakest man in the chain, gave sat when the first test cam?. That Columbia ha? one of the flnett ?-r?."?-. p..r?. i?-?? seer turned an! goes without taymg. Outweighed ?en pound? te th? rnan, it develop? ?I ?ope* tower ar d rowed In true mideea* T",T BC SOB for COLUMBIA HARRIERS WIN BY SINGLE POINT Defeat City College'Cross-Coun try Runners In Dual Race. Columbia'? slOBi SOestiy team do* footed the City College harrier? at Van Cortloadt Park yetterday ?n BBC of the clo?e?t dual rntet? of the BOSSOn, ,- set |ba C 0 H. Y team by one point by a ?core of 27 to 28. it wa?. a close cal! for ?K* Blue and White, u? both flr?t and ?erond plar-e? fell to the CitJT ( '?.leg? boy? J. Scarlet? flmthed drat over the ?1 rnile cu?? in the good tirn? of Mitt, defeatiag a teammate, s. Cehsa. by 12 teeondt Captain J. S. Lungtnorne wat th? firtt Columbia man to finish, tak? ing third place. The rar, wa? run over practically the ??me courte on which the Intercollegiate! were run two yean ago, with a few change? to eliminate or.?- or two of th? wont hilla. SeHete and < oben took the lead ?? the ?tart and were never headed, Lasnrthem? l.e.r.g outdletaacod from M.e beginning ? order of fl.nlth follow?; , . a. ?.< 1 '?ar, 'llir.. J r- ar.i'i ' ,'t ? ??' 'IS ' - ' : ? '?',.'. ?1? . M ait J-?. '"fla. '? II ? K W Ite-.e ' '. ..?.."I? . ?t 01 ? .' I ? ? I ' 'K '.. .... >? ?? f, a ai,..*.i?f ' :?.? <?....? . 11 cr ? H I II ???' ' '? "'?"? ?T ?? alt Ait. ? ? ? III) t a '..?.i ,n 11'. 1 ai-ea . 1? .? a. A. l*m ..:+. '.Its ?.?.. a_? ._.m I* >' v."' a N r 'i- l"S Personal Touches Here and There in Boxing _ By IGOF - ' .. 1 P Jsel ? ? ' ' - Here' ? ' ? ' - - ? ? ng - ? '?- g i terne?! i title heal M i'. Mtrn i ai sad ssvi .? -? ? * Mar [art for 2 Didn't Ja*-! ? ,. ? , > . .- ? ' HING' ' their., f.?-ht Jim I HING * Ar.i t Jen V ? ' ?iafht thar ; straw r* "V . ? ' - IBIBSf righl ?t W, te le? ?i c\.n\ klag ' - ? a little bas?, ' ? Ifay Thi fashion n .? for th? roai n ? to pay for ?he ?*hnnre to sheet hay ..n's blue chin. "i->? ? ib put up thoasandi U ?.vii: tha * ? from 971 i Ritchls. H Fred lis ha il tnnt dssision in Lon? don h<* wool ! i ? -?? beer In hoi lieno foi th? n I of hi? na'atr?: life. ';.?? -.?as ?lejs'otiiit iiiL' a breed th? Eaial River, bol he mad.- it, didn't bel "Vf hsie'l 'hiit fellow Mnrfin ?ret? an offer of $11,000 from the title holder, a..d all ???<? i?< t fr?.m him or ?ill mai ager, Ik?* DorCBB, i? the silent treat ment. ?Villard II rssdy when they trot ?al ti man Don't forgel that. lie's out boas? witb thi a fe and the kid? In I"- Aagsl? bal wh?n s war clou?) loom? up you'll sss ?!? - ? digging to the ?-. of hi*, old bsmper for hi* Sght 7??." Hi?,? An'lri* Anderson gets a good op Ity to bolt lato t?:?? big tirai sa November IT, whsn hi peeki a? Ml ?,' ' vi ? inesn ah Fred i lit? Rochcetof gisBt. at Milwaakaa Aridr?' iriiv?. the faBI >i eOBBidltreble il v Ran !,<? itop, ??-.' Jim Johason bars, sspeelally when .'?un..s was not in the habit of m?BS?B| thl tontb round. Andsraon bei a v > > o * i ehsnea to ?top Fulton, dssplto ths fact that the big I:?.cheiter boxer !.?*, been knocking thl neighbor'? children oal in one, two. Ihr.raer of let? Beth of thorn lemi dey may be pitted agai- ?t Jan Wlllard Naweoman sad yoeas?, aho kr".-.vs bat that tha fatara champ may bi lurking in ?Ithsi sf 11,?-?r tralalag ramp? I,at? torn?' tlmi Moaday ?.??ht the , will hav? th? fina] ?ir,?? *?? | f Ton ? owl? r. f??r earlier i?, tha evanlBg Thomas will aadeavor to . hip hepei of D?n Morgan and, particularly, little Bel tl i ru? I.evin?ky. 'lorn tin? deas '"?thing In th.* way '?f WOrkiaa at bit chosen profession ?inn* ths n!|fht hi* ou' SB third ?peed and battered poor .lark llempl? into a ??ate of r.'.n cornons Memphii Tsaassses That night fowler looked ?he 1,e?t t.tir thing ??-en sroaad th? vlllai?e in Sasse time He had ?verythlnp; ?n?l h? r- lid?- use of hi? pos?? ??ion? in a ?iian ner that ma?le Jim i'orbet faint ?I? nd iiwav wh?S bl li"' 'he new? in a |oB| dlitanei tslsphoae beetk ?lown ?t At iBtil ' ' Ii, I.eviriaky, Tom i? fOlBg to meel a pa-' msiter in 'he beslnesi ??f giant 'I h" llttls Philsdalphie Bghlei ? ?? ?i hspplei iiiari whes tormeatiss ,,i .? ?,f ?he world'i Israeli sthlstei with his rasping attack Tin?,i ? ,,i ?. . Oljrmpil ?"lui. Is Harlem. Jack ?"urley ha? m?iv?d from th? Leaa AsrstJhsstrs Bslldlng to a room in th? Fl 'jit ? ?vid iiuildlnjc. On Ua. ' ' ' ' ' - ? ? ' ;m. i I i tt 1 e o f i Ins! . ? \- , fleet i r .1 The In't I, fr'.iu .1 ..? point ' frightful ? - ? ? , a! lach? I to Jain \ great ill tie man, he i? i ? that ean'l even I has plan! v of mo ?y, but ] ?ver anougl world. TIGERS FAVORITE 01 BETTING OVER YALE Three lo One and Fen Taken in Wall Streit at That Price. SVh I? th? Pi In? iton i ?harp aaiag its claw? and polishing its teeth it ion "i .. fsaat the Yale Bulldog, it? lupporl tt are ?tretchiag their Hnai ? :eoi to mil prepariag to reap a golden I ar-.? ; from iiie . lowet oi tl Prineetoa la s strong favorite with those who arc willing to rieh a wager on sporting Hitaros, and tl..Ids i r? I te i. Evas at thl gen? Vale men are not ovei snxiou? to bet, und ?till longer odd? ... > . m de* ? led Many v. .-? . ere i ?corde I Wall Btree! at evei Pi i .. ton would win ; soin! more. Some beta wen I Da ? " would I i? '"? -? < ' 1 Hurt ar ?i o i-? Broa n ?.. tl... fed ' ' t" play b ?ni.?' I'll'?- ? let en, s ' i eh. g u i.!,.I I'.. quoted al croa moaey MISS BJURSTEDT WINS AT FRISCO San Praneteeo. Mov. IS Miss Molla L Bratedt, of Norway, bolder af the "? omen's American natloi a! cl ai *|. ;.. defeated Mr? H i sel H oten kl ? VV ightman. form? r Pa? ? I eham , . ehief m il h ol th? robin lawn tennii tournai ent, v opened here te .la*. The i 1,1 7, rt |, Mi ? tVlghtman will mee! Mrs May Button Bunds te-eiorrou, an I on , n ,, It!.'.i i ?tween Mis. Buady end M?as BJurated! SPECIAL TRAINS WILL RUN TO NEW HAVEN Sixty thousand spectator? are ex? pected to watch th?? annual battle on ?i.e gridiron between We sod Priese* ton in ths Vale Bowl, Si Men Haven, afternoon . ,.,,.,. i ? f these will ?gi New York, and the official? of the New ?.. ?. Haven i Hartford Ball ,r- mahlni BVOI lei U th? ? !?.".N?l ?rein? will b? i? ? '""i Grand Central Terminal under ten m?nate . ,?' .? until II o'clock a. m. After 11 o'clock there will he I. tiairi n! IL' o'clock noon, which I? 'he laal '?-inn aiiivlng in New Haven in lime for _f?a?eti_7?r? to ten the game. IV1YSTERY TR?P OF 'CAP' HUSTON COMES TO END Yankee Owner, Back from West, About Ready to Name Park .Site. ? TAKES A LOOK AT COMISKEY PLANT i?vi?"ii from l'.i. du t Hii?,t ?,,iV.. M"\.ill Will Nut ,\*.., N?*.t .ml* | ,-,1? l'i M IIUMI H| ?, I I , ? "i-'-.?, i i ii..??.t ,,r .,., i r. 1 ? ? .? - I ? - / A * ? ? i ?elect? - ? - ? | are ? ? ? for ! iss. i race for first . W?11 and hi ? ? tO the armed ' dix, rifled ? .. might ed to be op? i ated Bat Mam?es . 11.1 . ' : Ils Pittsbu ng ss well . . -.. r did. II? ?vei ed fi om eitii which, ? eems, prob* stomach ache ST. JOHN'S PREP. BEATS ABELPHI Academy Loses the First (iame Sinti' 1913 in Rough Struggle. Adelphl Academy laffered Its Riel ?l?.f...-.? sines 191S, sad wsi isered oa t'?.r th?? flrst tin ? hen it lost 'o 'l '? h? lohn' Proa, eleven at .t Baal New Tors, ye?t ? WS ? Il tO IS, ? ? points m the On accounl lied i th thn ? ? tel to i | ,*. Shortly befor? th? ? ' of the nd pel iod, I. . lohl BBd I loi ? . "i A'l* l| gOl I Bll'lf .'.ttl denti from St John's Prep sroto*ted . ? ??.;?, -.-. hen t i.r. ?? | >??? u! | men attempted to .-.??-r nni oi their sad .? trot foi ?li light folio ?ved ? 'i,?* ground?. Mi-h .?, a former Adelphl player, ? ;-|i 81 John's, did mach to bi - ir on hi* old teem bi itoi H? ! two III 1*1 goals from ?lu* ? - i ?? and i *??. ed - centre iu ? . ? ?.. and Court, . I fullbi ? played w? Jim Mon? bstitttted foi ' ? ? .??i ir*.-i b ???'... i"i ?delphl, pi ot ? d ? loucl . ?i n tl.' quai ti si 11 ha tal 1 ,-?i anot her one ?. f? a miaeti - iter, bat M i i.-f. rse blea ths whistle be* fore the ball wai ? ;????!. and th.? toucn deWB WBI Bet allowed. In thi feorth qaartor, with the plny ?I? And ni: dilficelty Is fellowlasj the ball In th?* dusk, Hiititins rei/i*'ere?l the seron.l Adelphl toeckdown, following a run of twenty*flve yarda by Love. The 111 S Dp followi : in J.ihn'? I'r.p ,l?i PssSBBB, AdalphlHI) l- '" Millar rollln? . .. I. T . ?, . v | !.. '" '-; - I- . . V. ' | . (V*ll<-r H i ?j i I. II ii It I! II I. . ? auri P ? Uinm?. - ? . . M ? . ? . ?Via ruid ?.... m i-.? ? ... in?? l... ???!??? ?1 S'llad'n-rs PatUrson lu h . ... - ? i? i m ?M.i m r., |?ia?r ? .????r t ?? Kia II. Il r... iah II?;,'.?.??, I' ? I l?, .11-?,!?, An.liarsl lia?.) m,..mai. J S ? n -1 a'rl s \ , rim? ?T ?u?r '.. ? i?. ?. l tlaM luli.ulaa. Tjejport'light ?yCr?ntJ?n?sQice Lines to Frank Hinkey. They have lifted you up?and have pulled you dot.* In the good old American way; They have made you a hero?and then a clown, Adrift from your ancient away; As a eOOCk you IPS I. nrvet the fine f?fst ?let. To jndi/e from the ?CO?TtttQ hlend. Hut vi// then 'in' thou? who "ill never forget Th? Hinkey thai played un end H OU) ilrmly they Im e I,, I,ft ?,,.- 1,,,/h Thou ihnij in,,, ,i?i.,, ? .n, th? pooh, Ami n,c hiahttt "/. w" )?""? trim? Is !'u. The inifir, a,,y _??/. yo? ?,?'?!?. n?i though .-.? home ??..?.f le - ?*?'"?'/ Uto? *i"" II /.r, o /.I, /../. I -, .|?r, '?, ??// lliir |S .rr th*? 004 ?? '?? ,-???:??.? .? //., f(toi ?'/ ""' /?''.."'* ?'" "'I II f. e. ...... . . , ' , . ? ? ? ,. . , . . . ... . ? .... . .,.?.. . . ? ,..-.f -.?...i ? . ',...? , . i ,?'... . . ,. . , ... . *. ?!.< . * y .-."* I . . ' ? ? ,. . . . . ' ? ? ? . se i ? ... i ... ?VI I ... ' . ..... ' ... t ... ? . . . . Tiv I - ?. ? ad Le Gort asei of Georg? ? ? ? more striking ?o? i ?? atig . - . ? sxtroiMi ? ? ? , -, . . ? . . ? - ' ? hen ' ? ? ? ?. ? | -. . ? Thr .Amateur Tangle the Le Gore ai comm." ? ? aroused, thei i to try i some general UBderstai The muddle hat la?ted long enough Rarrett and Mahan. 'What makes you think." gaeriei .T B C, '*". "that Ms .icater football player than Cluck Barrel* of ' I rncll? ?'ontinual reference te Mahar. ..? the greatest player ha? literally got our collective goat? up here at Cornell. for we are emite certain that Barrett i? the greate?t player of the year and the meet valuable? Be can outkick Mahan and he it ju?t as good carr;. ball." Dador ibes,, condition? why not split the laurel two way? and award both Chuck nr,i| Eddie their due? "Michigan," comment? a Kansa* reader, "is BBOchiag at the back door o* both the L.?*t and the West for her games." Sine?? when have Harvard, I ?>r i.? ' 1 und Pennsylvania registered in the Bach Poor League? Beating California. W,- were talking a day er two ng" with one of the best lawn tennis players ifl America and one of the keenest students of the game. lie wa? commenting upon William F. Johnston's defeat by Johns; "I won'i say," he remarked, "that Johnson will repeat. Hut I would like to have a nic?< bet on the present champion against any other BBS man fr?im the field, MeLoaghtia, William? BI any one else. Then' isn't BBOthOI player in America who plays as many different ?hot? a? well." There is no ?uch thing, BCCOrdiflg to ?c in?i?ts, as .!,?? utter .?.'?truction of matter. How ?Lout the loser of the I'enn MichigBB jamboree! I902-I9I5. We were looking back over the All American eleven of IP?'.. Her? it I? Bhevlia, Tale; Bogan, Vale; Roll, Val?", (Hats, Vale; Kinney, Yale; Rockwell Yale; i hadwick, Yale, with I>o Witt, llowditch, Hunker and C.raydon from Hur vard, Princeton and Weet Point. From sovon All American entries to 1915 teems to be a longer period than merely thirteen yean. It might be thir leen centuries. EXODUS OF FOOTBALL ENTHUSIASTS BEGIN? (iraml (cutral Station lill'i with Graduates for New Haven. The exodus of football enthusiast for New Haven began yeiterday after noon. Grand Central Station ?*ai thronged with pe?iple, milling arou.i 1 all looking for ?onu? one they promise?! to m?et by the information bureau ir time to catch th? 4 o'clock train. . b? ticket window? were besieged, and tht lellsn ?lealt otf ?turki of ticket? to ?warm? of men who merely ?aid, "There and back." Nothing else wa? nece? sary; the clerk? all Knew. Host? of graduate? returned from all over the country to ?ec the t'l.m? la action. The Yale nn?l l'ri".ceto:i ??li.'bs wars sreweed le capacity, and ??? on the eve of Waterloo, there Were loeadi "f revelry b> night. Princeton was layer by far than Yule, for ?he Tiger i.? ?macking hi? lip? over the ?ntiripated feast The gue?ti practised overtime on "Y?!e, Yale, >eu ??an't play hall," the ?ong with B-alcaj Princeton Intend? to reply to Yal?'? hated "Undertaker'? Song. SYRACUSE A MECCA FOR FOOTBALL FANS Lively Stnifft?* Expecied with F.leven from Colgate. SyrsseSS, N- Y., Nov. 12. Hundred? of football follower? arrived in Sj ra cuse to-night for the Syracuse-Colgate faaie, which will be played in the ?tudium to*m0ITew. Indication? to? night ar<* that the gridiron will be muddy. Colgate, which ha? not been ?cored upon this year, will be outweighed nearly twenty pound? to the player SB th?- lia? and nearly three pound? *o 'he player in the baekt?cld. Rsmlltoa. N Y , Nov. U, Colgate i? prepare! for Syracuse. Tin* lug gams sf the .?*!ir, the season's obj.'C Il at hand, und it finds the OB ready to face the Orange is wnat presage* to b,. the hardest f.iuH!it football game e\?*r eoBtSStod between the two institutions The three or four extra coaches have helped put on the finishing touches this week nnd are fairly well latisfled wl'J? their work. HE WILL GETAWAY DAY WINNER AT PMLICO TRACK Johnny McTaggart Car? ries Off Riding Honors with Three Firsts. 'Ill T ??..; * . , T*. y? ? ' '' " " rt U Ba ?Till rapt? ured ?h? Pia s Ft si al Headleap : il ? - - ?- ? ? a* *! a f irlOBg ?hut M ? ?*?? ' ?? ley 'it Iks ' g te BOJ .'..-? ?.? , gr??tly Improved tas H? geMieg* ? -,-av? ? ..?-,*. ig -, fas rest g eely i ?? r.? /??r ?. i, ?.-??? . . ? ? - *e Ont fot iiiiatias? ' ? ? *,??? ? > ?? -, ..*-..? ig ? -. ?i - - ..... '????'?'???-.?? ? *./ : -, v??. ? ?-i-< ? ? i ? .-.a.-, ...- ,.^ ?e-.|M ' ' ? ?tol*t__ci ru ? eixo ? ? * * ? - - . ? ? ? ? r < ? ? ? p.i ' . ? A-t?-Aj?aJV 18-20-25-30 35-40! Signal values ?n BOl'l tinter overcoati at all those price?. Satisfactory servi? e whichever you tackle. Regular overcoats; Raglans; double-breasted coats; heavy motor coats; ulsters. Suits?so many si/es and ??o many ways of cutting those sizes lint fitting's a cinch. Sleep ouraoort JfOU and thi* youngsters; we've s!?'eping suits for the whole family male and female. Union suits are one of our specialties?we even designed one of our own; has the raglan sleeve, following the natural lines of the shoulder. Hix.i.ks Pkkt Company H roadway Broadway at 13th St. "The at 34th St Four Broadway Corners" Fifth Ave. ?t Warren et 41st St,