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Non-Churchgoer Blamed for Pastors' Lost Zeal Preachers. Worn by Small Congregations, Would Experi? ence New Life if Every Man and Woman in New York Attended Service To-morrow. By i nARLES W. WELCn. "If I should go to church to-morrow! "Would I know how to act In a plac of "tvorthip? What would my friend ?ay? What affect would It have on th member, of my family"" Thu? the stranger to the art of re | ?es ns ni;aii ssiiti again hs is eoafr? s.-.e.l with hi? rea ;.nd lat? i?: il Self which crus out for at environment in which it can be best de ? i m a le v. I The atmosphere through which h? moves is impregnated with reminder; of lessons ?earned at some nltnr s'ej or chancel ruil or at the eaually sacre?, shrine of a mother's knee. Bat how full have become the sense? nn.l the day? Hnd the nights with the peevish fret tiags ai ? an,', eehemeral Aad I "'? ' BI ly has he been per? suaded by the strange, multitudinoni - ??ne of * and sel ?? week!;.' ; .-? to a ohurcl tal his ? v. hat an < ? of th fs of this r.a ':on, if every man and woman wl SI within the limits of New York ?'sty ?hou'.ti. with determined and u-?fa!ter ;ng purpose, nt'.end to-morrow a* least one of the service? in B church erstwhile religion! Effect Would Re Ystt. So revolutionary would be the up? heaval that the clergymen, ebuit cials and many of the latter have ? at , been exceedingly constant in their de votions -and all thote w-ho have beet ,is for the church's place in th? community, would stand nghast nn? man ? i? k a day bad com? si last. Since the church icienci of an) city, It ? nol difleult to se? ? ? feel tue weekly repetition o? -. iVS upon even th? Of ths most remote. a> well .. t pr? inent,of th? life hereabout. Do j on ask m? i ihould go ? Do you ask i l i wh ich 1 havs Quoted sit the beginning of this article? 1 am not sur?' you need me to BBBwei this Aral for ] ou, if you are mi i asking by a true I arp?se. In ? ?? ; '.. to, 1 believe I * . i ? : ) ??.'..! attend the ? hurch ahtch ?? near thi? t? the rule ? rrenl of thi? . w il h I . ..- . ? ? . - - ? -, . . of fait ar?. Minister? Net?.: BocooragVOteol r>s!i ?er i ? i v ? liner" in the realm of pulpit attrac tions i? very often indicative of th lark of n genuine rellffiooi ?incrrit; Bad an unwillingness; to bear an indi ridasl'i j art in the personal develop men?, (?f the parish. The encourage ? ' >hirh woald accrue to thl <"i'~-i,-y ii.en to whom burdei.-bearlag bai BS come s ? > .rksiime beCBBSe roo shirk thi task SSSie*aed to you, would make himi fnr greater and mure efficient shep herd. H il me???ge would btcomi more fraught with life, hi? life that o: a transformed friend and hi? ?ympath? a vital and virile evangel, if every mar arid WOBBBfl in New York ?hould be lr hi? or her place in the House of Got tn-morrow. The cal! of God's great out-of-doors the pleasure of domestic comfort anc the ?-ocial tie? of one'? life ?hould nol lure him into neglecttag the habit *?l ?vorship. The effect of tali non-ehnrel . and its coiise.iuent apathy tow? ard I ? worth wh:!?* thing? is - on? it ii,::-*?. v. ithoat religious rant und aa hoIler-thBB?thoo attitude, th? ' ri ? hieb are nt \???rk to-day la the domestic, social, commercial I fe of aay . tj where the sama proportionate numbei of people lesnsia as a) from th? ehorch as in N?w Yorb I'alth Will Win f>ni?i?m "What would your fiii-i'.ils ?us ?" If th?] were Impressed by the liBcerlty of \-.:ii*?'s,. ,.7 winch you are eminently rapabl?, th?] woald nsk th? privil?ge of ace? ?- ? nt ? li i; ? ? .*. * '? tnejr wer? ? a* ' :|?, It roui a? r ' ? 1? ? '?? ths ... I 1 pre ? ? ? ? ? . >?. -? ? . . S I church by Ger.'ile ?hmtians mig! alto be n led with the same force f. the attendance to*dey et ever-. Jew i the city at tho synagogue to which h ? -ves Bliegiei r? PaithlBines? t? fr.ith. whether il b? Pi ?? ?ti bI Roma Path? or J? bring hit irresistibly nearer to his God him ... re ' ' for membership ia hi family, l bettet -?n and more to b resp'-cte?! by himself and his fellows Every Geatils n New York la churc! to*morrow] Every Hebrew in th synagogue to-day! One of these wouh include you! Whs*, can you postibl; do about this? If every clergyman an. n.bhi, and every church official shouli be in hi? place the*o next two day as virile and courageous representa tivee of Jehovah, if every church ad hcren* doei ?verythiag within hii i ?.wer to ' ring all other people witl him, th.-? i '.. in MSW Vori will b? far on the way toward th? f the mise of tl." Real I un h when h? "l.u, I sm with you alway, evei the ? ? ? i -.!." rhi? woul? rorship; thi? woul?! mean t'.sii all pewholdors would wel" Com? III-' stranger; this would en courag? failli strongly to grow; and ]"?' Itenc? replir*hting >?!' vow* snd the readjustment ??f the social 11 f m of :he rlty w??ul,i uahei in the day of 1 , .?t.?. ....itent "lent und i<iv which hn? wait?,| ?.,. long for an ..pen portal in lie life ??f New Vork BIBLE RKAIiTHS CLU1 u . ,. ? , ,, ,.? ...u Bible 1 i.? of th? ''?? , .... .? ? of . i ; ? . ?,. . ?? 11,, . i , , |'. i ., ? ,.i ' ),.,. ii, i . . |. nm ll ? . i I ... . , ? ? ? i .... ?i.. . . .... |,s I ?ceiling I ? ... Indeed if ... ...... fells ??jtre toj?o to Aljuiri) fio-morr?n. PALESTINE PAGEANT and Oriental Exposition November 20 to December 3 Every Afternoon and Evening GRAND CENTRAL PALACE A true representation of the ?*:: - . ? . - ? pjs? life in the Holy Lar.z Rev. Allen Moore and a Cast of 100 Lnde" the auspices of the Board ". Religi . tion of the Diocese of New : ? . ? j Rev David H. Greer. Bishop 1 v? 1 New York Federation of Church* ' ___?__-_. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH PASTORri!w/h?LOEWIAIir.O. U \. M ?I)K II M HI M V?? HIM? "*? 11MI HI- U>DKf>?i O*. IHK I U'.IK n u i > ? iiii?ni?iii> Bi \ \mnr.i l ?>\ i :,? oi t*.u*.i i i?.: m ?m SU ? flALLY INVITKI. I ? ? \\ ._ H..M V> READ Uli BOOK ??i in \ i i \i n.N-si n n?ni i?.. BE IHK M?i- I M\ ?I I I.H.l - H.">K OF THE HIHI 1 lili*- U....K ?,I\ ES Uli hl.. III l-lll ?-1 V I (ll>UITIO>*>, 4M" -H?.U"s III! ??111?.Ml. Or Till. IHK IN Kl - Kill'! VM? \?-l \ I'KIHIV ?HUI M.\K?IHKK l'Jth. 8 U'(I?.?K HK II \I.I>I.M 4*a Will -M ??44 1.11 IHK. 1 ?II I ?>\\ IN?, l/l K-Tl'.N ?i*. THEKl \ Ki vi ? i r^ rol R Mll 4IIK IN III IM? ' II,.?. Iri.l.i? Mehl l_?ettl are -Ur-a-t Ins tre?it sedteoeee. It I? advisable lo lea pr?tent proni'itlj ut t ??'?lock. ci?T??. BAPTIST CHUBCH. * .- I I ? eta .. -i .-. ? . ? i a ? . - i i.' r rUAM. ' .... -. "isw WATTS AND HIS m S*> - ' ? AV.N'.E BAPTIST CHURCH ? ? . I ? v ? CALVARY BAPTISI CHURCH Rev. Joseph W. Kemp, Pastor n - , - MADISON AVENUI BABT? I I (. A fcATON. D. ?' l'A Dr. ( i IM IS LEE LAW S . AM t lilt tr. 1 H' e. t P. M ' ? i. . C. I . Hal?. I ?I r. mi.-.- . BCH, A ? I" A ? ? 11 Z.I- J I \N -? II N? I. 6 Christian Science Churches >???<,.. n AM and ? I'M. wat)n**<ia;a. ?P.M. rif.? tu.- ? ? a ? w s??-?i t? .? ? ? a ? ??? TMf?S Cttift?. s Ma '.??? *.??? :? Taurt?. I,...?-" , ?. Bi III?? t.. ? I ? ??. ? s r ? . ? ? . a I ? ? < on?.Khi. \ ! ihn \i. BroadwayTa form a c le ? j "PhRlLSOl- PKr.PARrllNKSS" IH-? Ml ?.- m < HK1ST iBTBAi cnubcm ... srtti lia s? ? ii ? ?? U, f'.j., 'WAS ASI, MIIMON?.'" Kl HI? AI MIM ki. TMi snciitv roa itmicai r . j. I y - ?. s-.,.-, ...... , ? ,,... ?. a ?' M mux AOLta. aja_ ? .* Chite*? AWIuli la K.|||.? ? u m i-ii BETH EL "TEMPLE, ? ?Il HALl ?.'.'.'.A 1 e ? "TMf 10NC I ? r ?ai. ci a' ? .-et s-a . i ...?, ,, H%u. OUlTAPf ? fi PAftl DM) M I I fill I- \N h pi rN( ADVINT. I . /. a . . ..-,,. Vll.lHOIfl-7 I II-? (,|\| ?Acr. r^if it, rirainTUN r H.r.if.r.m I. | ,.. - ?* H ? A ?r >??:,. M , MCTBODI?! I MADISON AVENUE CHURCH - t ?rtll C.-a;.. ' I ? CALVARY METHOD?ST; \ Rev. W. H. MORGAN. D. D. ST. PAUL'S MtTH.DIST LHUICM CHILES L. GOODELL, 0. D., Pastor OLD JOH1 STr.EET CHURCH GIFFORO PIN'. - A ARK A.EN E ?USCM MU TIMil ?.HT DIVINE SCIENCE it*??. 1 ????-. - ?i .;?*>. MRS. CHAP?N. Til UVE 7- ; IjNITV SOCIETY IOS Maines A,? n . ? SCHOOL OF THE BUILDERS 'INC. ? HARRY GAZE. ' ? M '; -. ,-.*?? ?I ? FREEDOM IRATEHMTY. Mita ?I?. A-." ? I'.?* - - ?. ? - I*KI.??I??7 i:i*l \N THEBRICKCHURCH *.??? A? Will 1AM HIERMOS Mr.HBIUa M.-?''* rtlASK I ITIMI -i ' *.' 1 \? IT [IB MfCRBIU ? ? ? ' ??. 11 . ?? ?.????a I . ? ? ? r I- M . fiF?H AVlNU? PttiBT?EHIAN CNVKfl RKV J l? JOWETT.' D. D.. Pastor. . ? : a M an.1 I P. U ? ??- . \ ?1 . ? BROAD WAY pre?iBVTEHIAN CNUBCN. ? ?? . 1 Bi fUaj Wal?.? Ou?ctn Hu* tstn D O. MM?t?r. [??ra? ?? 11 A M ?i I ? P M WEM PARK PRIHBYTiHIAN CHURCH. ?*?h ?4? ?' ? Am?l?ril??i A??. Rwr ANM7IN P ATTIRBUMY.? ?. I , R?. ANTMIlNV H. EVAN* Il II / ' " " l?r 14 A-s ; ,.? >.?, ... A M I? A 7-1 ! Ill- 11 -, ,, . | M FOURTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH W.., 1,4 A,. ?ad *,,,, h, Ull.AR WHITAKIH WORK D U pM|,r OLD FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHUPCH FIFTH AVENUE ELEV N H STREET HOWARD 0UFFIEL?-IIA.W-8P M RUTGERS "emetnV'Zna4.,* P?s liANHI RijSSIli B (i . ??..o ?I II ' I ? Hp.?.?. 1 .??.? ?? M>a?ll?t .1 M?r?.??l?? Cl..MkA?. M??7luis A.,,.,. ,r,? 1711 Nlr??t, Jla*. Wllt.r, M.rla ?mill, |> |, | . . . ? . I/'.. -. ?' II A M Sa?* Huth Blaak at t ?'? J- At -. * ? I PARK AVENUL Pre$S>teri.?n CmtcI AT 85th STREET THF RE\ CHAS ? ?n^U M i ? . ? - * .... * ? i ? - . - i ?v IfTTAl I ? ? A.L r\ W J3N :: PIESIYTEIIAII CII8CI P| |f >----- | . .... ,? Church. a .? ?? P??i>?*?na*i C'i?r*:h ? ....... .., WL-jT end 7r-I\?l Mi-'?,|-\l Charch of Zion and St. Timothy ST. JAME.?' Uli ?VCN SB^ss^^a ...... i ? i a., ?aastrl :-.?- -?- ;? St. Chom.i?-g Chinch ? A Ras ; - B?let I A M I ..'-?- Saetea ? . ? -.? ? ?, - ?-? ' t? ? ".MM NION B_____________ 1 ' ? ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH i? U :? H ... , ? \ i ?. . . ? - ? :? i- ?t ?i-tti. IWHal St. Seorgc's Church ? ka?'- REILAND i ?- ' CALVARY CHURCH 4?h A?s. ? n't _ 2 ? st ??. !:? ? TlfK"IMlBE SKIM.WI? K It?. ? r ?i. I I '?? a- ,? s ?s - | ?? M ' I'TU BV?NI E It. , l?r PJCB? V ??' KM V '.KANT I Di (?rani r- ? ? ? : Ioi'it" popular vespers, ??????: -r ??? i???-?,? -. Bf a : -*>.. ?..?.???? -???? ? t !)? M ,. ?- . i-. ? ??:? iv .i -c ; t i ?bar? - \ \ i ? not ? CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION > Rr? :.- ? , M I ?'"?in . i i i ? ALL AM.EIS CHURCH. W?l' I ni A? ? i ' ?!.? k... m : ?-.* Ki '??'????' ? ? i? i? n \ ?? ?i .- i i am? ti I:? , ii ? CHURCH Of THE HEAVENLY REST ? ? i I!.. ill ?III.HT -IIH-MA ? I v A M llolj 1! Mi r- n |-rai?r. !? ' ? 1 ?, . . I rai?r ail I Snn,?n ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST, ?.,,., .i ? !.. i ?? ? ? Il r M BlBkfM I':.- v?w \|, ,. * I '?? :r I *sl'*l I'llH ? ? ? SAINT-ESPRIT, ?.. ? ?"..?' ?; .,,,, .'????? ? li :"*? I ?? ? ? CHAPE I ?i? THE INTERCESSION. Trinlt? Pariah. ? ?,,, ..? R>< M || ..Ana I, I, \; ?, ? ? . ? i I? .. ? I II- M ? II?! THAN'-ril.llRATION I ?AST }*,|h. -A M Ml;,-. ;?!?.?. It?' I ?? . ? OLUBBIA UNIVERSITY M PAU I S IM?i:L. ? ; |.,,, , . . ,??,:?''? ? i ?? ? ? ,; . ST Si? ?'HIN ?i ?.'I'? St., 1??' H*o?rl...? r,r s .m? h ? ? ' ? i ? *- ' ?? ? II ??.'! i,. , | ... I SBACI CMUBCM llri??????/ ???? loth ?t ):., . mm.I - I.I WIN M_TTfBl l* II n. ., ?... - Omi, Bitn. HOl i ?RiNiiY CMUBCM, la...... ? ? I ?art?! II i SI? ?l"l ?. I? D Striai I. || | A 'I ? I M II II ?'? ? ' ? ' I n. MATTMIW I CMUBCM ;? w..i M?? fci lia, AM III' ? ?I 'i I",I. Jl? I? i ??rrl'M. I. 11. atli I CHURCH BELOVtD DISCIPLE ? a ?a ? ? a S S i I I I . ?. ? . . ... ? RgntBuego Tiir MIDDI i ? "i i ? ? I ? i i ' m K? ii ? ? i -in i.? ii 1 ?I? Mil I ?1.141 ii ? ? II >.i r . \ IMF -.? I -7 I M. ? '.I I I <l \ I? < III IK II. ,. , ? . ti Hamilton Grange , ' t ? ? . T ?EF0RV1E0 _H.Hr.H OF HARLFW M !? * I M. i ?? - , Ml, ?is. * I'll ?? MM I IM" I p.pyA??r mai, > i ? . , " . ?...III. Ill I Kll Nil-, p.'i,is... Se?M| .' MaeSi rOrtftaSni m t'net ? . ? .. ........ r... s.? ... . I ? ??.???. ? a "a I ? I ?t ; . p? i ... BUS ?OCII f? or ? mi ran". \i . ,. ... . ? . Man . . I ' I \l l-l i ? i i if vf,; ..... ? ' : BW I l>I SBOBOI \ s NEW CHURCH ? ? Pa? a I V ? ?? ?? A. r v. in .. MTTll I'M ' ? . ? ' ' .? " M_ I N|| Mil \N ChURCH '.' ?YiES.I?H WM'? JOHN HAYNE HCLM.S. Minister "H. G. WlLLS ai d The Upn-ar-h Mr-i?**..ficen!.'' " ei?! f BIOBGI w KlRCMWCV ??PRISON HIFI.HM ALL V?UL^ Ba Df T I' ' L Ml .?.?ar II.? ?HJ..AM I.AI II - IXIVA.-S A- lar?. II.. I'r i I - I I.I ? ' ?HI'i.N l'rl . Irai '??'a: in Cut?a will I ? M ai. .i-..i II mi\ WIM I I M MRUS CHURCH, . . ? -..,,. i ,,,, MOiVVIn "llll I \n| IXKiMA." U.? v ? . . M . tl ,.?,, i ni ? ? :i- ? i i-i THI CNUBCM ?I T ?. I IIIVINI patihnitv C.ttral Par. W ?I an,: 7MI. M I ' ? ? 'I "A I a!,?r Vuln i (l. ?I ? I.. II, rj?- .-. I M in| Arm.?la I. II ., I ' \ M < V "THE KID ?? THE CORNER" II? i I \ . I-. I'BAM Wf.t hid. y m ? a ? a ?? a. ? r m :it 8t. v. m. c. a. ?.t .-_ ,., Ne_4tj i ??. DR. I. MILKMAN RANDALL. "THI RILH.IfIN OF 1ESUS." ni ? ? i : it ssaat h ga, 8 P. M. "After ihe War A SOCIAL REVOLUTION" lulton Theatre, ?fe u way PrV. (?WIM I I Ll Im V.-'l.n,,. WERE YuU fcVcH , Uft?rtT? " - ' ? ' . ? lui i r y R...U- Sa. la?, , . , II*. i I lernt . . . ?I lu*. ??.;.? THI UNION rNIOLOfilCAl siMINAI-y "' ' ' ' ' ' ?l- ?Tl AtaeiM Is.?..i, ISMh ai, I ... I ?-.-?. || ,?,? , , it,.,, ?, '?'-.. . , III mo HAU AU IWI I I.V 1' I' I'l." a'.i. I.i.... ' .: i, ,| ,,<U|?,|, ?,.,' ? '? 11 ' I tlttaUai '. ..I ? > ,,,11?.! j Bttft? talar?a, I? Chu"h, -U, A,.,,,a. ,u I l?>l, | Usa* IU. A II Ml'.il',,,'. | a.<?_ - A? 1 ? ?O A II 11.4 t r ML ..... i.,i| .., lu. l>, ? Had a.?. Halla*?, f h into two distinct parti, the first dealing with th? Inraelitea* erotMieg the Jo?00 ami ?he conquest ni l'cnaan; the MC : riliOB .?escribes ?he pertttlOB SI pal, ? ? . amoag the trib? . with SB ? IIBf IBS in Jo?h;ia4 life: VI. JOSHUA. 1, The con?iue?t of Canaan. I ?It; mi preparations ior eroiBing the "or ,lan mu' tek?Bg of ?anaan 1-J; b eroBi Bf the Jordan ?n?i building two monura?Btl a* a memorial thereo., .>-4; ci the fall of J?r eho, I ?'. 0) battle at Ai, "H; (e) Glbeealtes rescued, 0\ (f? Southern Canaan taken, 1"; iff] Northern ?ar.aan cor.*j.u<*red, 11; (B) .?-'-.hon sad Og iotoatai SB the east Bide of Jordan an.i thirty-one kinR-i killed BBBer Joshua on the west side of the Jonlar., U. 2. The nartition of the land, 13-1. S. Aitar of Witneis erected, closing nddn-sses of Jo,hua and his burial, as weil as that of Joseph's bones, at Shechrm. ami the death and barial ?1 Elcsssr J-'-Ji. CHURCH NEWS AND NOTES. New Thought Lecturer Helurns. Mrs. Mary Kthcrldge Thompson Cha? pia, who lectures on constructive think iBg, has retiirii?d from a ?easiin in Call furnia Shi reopened her work in this Bits last Sunday Bl thl BUtfliere, ?"'1 ?rill spfiik thsrs sgals te-aierroe morning at I I : IS SB thl IBbjeCt, " I '" l.iv.* Twice." she leys: "A unitta*r ?.r duration "f liais is boI neeat, bul of , twic? n , reach in a gtv?n tim* " tin Nor? rakei II ?'"I b??i in?,mini' thl Mill'* ' ? hi Will IB? ll ?i,,, i i . ?,. i , ,. . . . It? i . * i. . '11"-? ' I.,,,,'I .',..'. rat 11:4 ' '.e* ' udio " .I I I ?...,,, -, s .. I . ? ? ? ? \, v? .. heel i"i I N I ? ?? " Isrles n.... , . ?.. i. I? mai ! ' . ...... ? \ \l ? \ .-i II ?t ???> .....t .*... :. ' ? . ? ? . ? ' *? . ? ? ?*.... ? ? i ? A ... ? * ? * ? ? ? * ' \ I I... ??(I - )??? ? ? net ? ?? .. . - - * ? (?a? I ... t .. ? . ? ? I . ?* .. I || ' ,, . ' ? ' I? ' ? . ll * ?. ' ' The -, ? v onfer purr wa? ?h? devotional ?tm???phere, in ? 'ire at , ? ? Palestlas Is Wee *i erh l'Ile land ? i ? I ? and thi by living ; ?>????? of I ** in ?i?. ? ? ,..-?? i',,;, . . ? . m in ?Ii?' ?.ran?) ?en ? nil Pi '???. >"i !?? i 20, tmiier ?lie Buspiesi i'f thi l piMopal H???ril of R? Union? Educal on sna th? New Y,??k i. rration ?*f Church?! The pefseat continu? for t?n dayi, ??!??? i n k on U .'?'.' i* i, \ lhara is ? ? ? .1 th? ; -, ral direct? \ *',.,,, of th? tine ti ? ? i ? f I'aleitini .: ?h?* d? the bustle of ntal coloring of ]i, Moor? I moving picture? ? rant ? am ot All Pro! th? city ar? inter? ? the i .-ir? ..??? Th? leading peri In the picturing of th? Bedouin encampia?Bt will I.* '?? ' d bj tl ? R?v. ,- r d Mr?, v.. v.. Caver li'.v, n riei Mum A rabia ?", " SERMON TOPICS FOR TO-MORROW llantisi. Pint, Broadwaj aad Seveaty n irh Street, ths Use. I. M. Haldemsn, D, I?. il a. m? continuation "i hii addreai "?! "Tin- 1 a!?? 11 ,???:??': s p. ?i , "lloej ?o r.i'i,,! thi Bool of ReesIstioB**? Pride?, I p. m . "I? Then a Reel City h'??*ir Square In ?eavea f Mn.iisi.ri Aeeaae, ?*?>rner Thirtv-tirst Street. I>r. i urtia l.<-?> Lewa, ?diter '?f "i h?* N?*w *i.. r k Watchman Examiner.' will preach at 1 1 a tu SB "The Chris? tian at,,I ths World" sad si I p m. on "Ihr i hriil an aad Vietorj Over SIb." North, '-"it VV? ? Eleventh Street, ?he R? ? R??b? ti ?- v. Pierce, D, D., 11 a pllfti .1 < In i ??"; " ?i m . "I roth rhrou ; ,; ? l -, ?.. the Heart"; i I, .?t ? p, m . hr Pi? n ?-. who i ?centI) accepted the oai ???mi.. . ?|| be formally nducti ! nto ofllc? ?SVsshiBRten Heights, 146th Street aad Convenl Aveaue, the annual dinner sf ths Msa'a ?Tub ,.ii Nevembei Id Arthur Gleaion, the Bather, sad l'r. Kr?-,1 Lynch will laeas ( . ? n i- r r x.? 11 ? ? n a I Trinity. Washington Avenue and l.-'.th Street, the Rev. William Milt,m H?aa, 11 a. m. "Mure on the Kelii/ious A i ? i-t of the ?iary l'Un"; I p m , "The Renias Cesseeks" * illustrated with mot ion pistar?? I. i hriatlan Srleine. '1 ho labjeel of th>- Isisoa s?rmon in ?ll church? ? t?. morree will be \|,., . . Immorti i." ? ullure. MfMting HOBM ? entrai Part West .in.I Sixty-foBrth Street, Il a m, |ir i.,.| x Ailler on "A ? kaaged Alt tu,le .t, |;. I igion Lpisropal. All Angel?', West Bad Avenue and Eighty first Str.*et Da i Ing - HECTOR'S l?SI:;".:;^. lays in Advent, November 28, Peeem .*>. 12 an?! It, the Rev. Stuart L Tysoa, of Priaeetoa, N. J., will preach. His labjcel will be "?-?'. Paul'i Trtat ment of thi ProblOB ? of Llf? la ? si '. Its Applieatioa to th? Soma Problai City Lif? of To-?laj Calvary, Pourth Avenue a:-.?! Twenty* Street, ths Bar. Theodore Sadg wiek. Il a. m.. "The Gift und ?a diver"; 8 p. m.. "Fellow Laborers with <iod." A thorough canvas? of the par? ish will be made to-morrow by a com? mittee of savant*/ member?. Beloved Disciple. Kiffhty-ninth Street, near Madison Avoaae. H a. m.. the Rev. Dr. William T. Manning; 4 p. m., popu? lar vespers, the Rev. Henry M. Har? bour; 8 p. m., the Rev. Joseph Durant C. Wilson. At the popular vespers the m.uilcal programme is exceptionally fine. Methodist. Metropolitan Temple. Fourteenth Street and Bovanth Avenue. 8 p. m., the Bov. C. C. Marshall on "Why Was? Man Created?*' Special music furnished by th? Edna Whits Trumpet Quartet. Park Ave,me. at ?igntr-sixth Street. 10 a. in., Mr. Gilford Ptachot on "<>u*-ht Ws to Car? Who Wins the War?" At 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., the Rev. Dr. Ar? thur Jamiemin will preach. St. Andrew's, West Seventy-sixth Street. The Rev. Fred WlosloW Adams, 11 n. in., "'Mr PatTOfl Saint" !'.?? union l; 8 p. in., "The Si?.ry of Filial Lore, .Ihc.Ii aad -foeoph " 1 his svaalng topi? is ons of a SOriei Of sermon? on ?i....... Stories of th? Bible " N?"\v I liouichl Academy Hall, i II W? I .,,.,?I. tre? ' ii.." colt, i i ? Meaeori of ? ? . ? loi ? \ ; t Mr. Herbert II II. ? i r? lervlee ?: '?* ''??? ' ? I. .? . ? ? / ' ' ? 4 a It - ' ? ' I ? ? ? -rr?*< > - - , trill oing ? - . ? ? - - 8w? rah -c?an - a, m- the 1 - .... 7 the I 1 nll.inan All s. ni*' 11 a the Ko? 7U? ?if Dr 's r Bgli ill Mar . . . Park Av? snd ? ? i:..\ John Heynes vil ?, v.. ?s . ? 1 Blvereellat. ! ? m.' F.ii. mit] , Ci Irai i'..: Il iHTcal and Si treet, 11 a. m., ths Rev. ; . ? r Hall, D. D . \ Labor Saving Di net foi Overburdened ? 1:30 n m., the Rev. II. t. Benneyan and Mi?s Emily Wheeler ob "Suffering Armai ib " Mioeollaaooaa. l i..- Synagogue, Carnegie Hall, 11 ;i. m., . hanceTlo; David Starr Jordan,of Stanford Uaiveraity, on "l he Long < "?i of ths War." and Rabbi W ? ?.'i "Peace Preparedness rs. Mili ? B? ? ? 1 . Fifth Avenus and ? 'lia. ni., Dr Sum Schulman a II ?peak on "A Re* \ and \V,.men." I ample Emanu i I, I fth Avenue and Forty-third s t r ? ?. L, in the library, 10:80 Joseph I. ? ohei . of ? .... ?.n "England, the Land of Jao Frei dorn." New 'ii.Ta. Federation of Charehea, aaaembly hall, Metropolitan Life Build? ing, Monday, Novemoet 16, 2:30 p. m., Dr. Andrew w. Edaon, "Th* Gary Sy?> ten*.*** Dr Wall ' 1 aidlat?, " rho Free* ??lit Situation " METROPOLITAN V.V.Y??* <? . NIN?. Nil.III. MON . NO?, |g, \r ?. -1? .i?..i ? 1 H,thi . Haiti i.ioei 1 ? . 1 , . M ? 1 11 ?i It :.i.?? ?. . ... leunol?; . , >tt .. ? I. II ??.. 11. i.l.lriiini. 1 nni?. Is.1.1 .;?? ., 1 rlua ?mi , , ? Boh? ???? ..-lui.. Ill 1 ,., 1 ?s , . ? 11 . - .1. Mel I I'..-, ?ita.l?.itl.T. . It) ilebul ..?..i-.-. V. ? 1 . A II ., :. ? *?.?i. a. ?.. to ID, \ 1.1 a. i?,i?i?''i. Maison. ii'i-r. \| .1 Uii.'Ui. Aiu?'.,., ;? ...n.1 ?S_awi_2.Sfi? PARSIFAL I ?_IIAHliMAN PIANO 1 1 U PHILHARMONIC SOCtRTT Ol '? ,IOSt t -I It \"?-K\ . ??.MU I IHK 1 T. narr..? tastet) AU, al ' ? ar-r|l. Hall. ,,. . f inn ill ?l it M M I - I 1 . |.\?i|? XI? II 'I 4?.N| I?. I ?1 Ii..1!...n ?I.. ..Uli?. . I I-/I. I lllfl ? . !.. opera .;;;:;? cakuso Tlf.CTQ I" -SAMtON A "LA BOMlaU" l|t-l\l_l_l Kaliwr.0? Op?, Tl-k*? ' ? .. ? Itmee. IJJ W 4DII. 81.. -?'?1 1?-i,i I 1 ttoot I ' I" ?"* M,??ln?\:lll..ll Thetlre. Mini **?"? II, ?? ?. PIANO KKi'lT %!.---<'ll.4UI.K-s Mac MICHAEL 300 SUFFRAGISTS TO VISIT WILSON President to Receive En? voys of Congressional Uniop December 6. SUTHERLAND WILL SPEAK AT CAPITOL Convention Delegates to Hear Anthony Amendment Placed Before Senate. Iks TriMiii? Ueetm l Washington, Nov. 12. Details of the programme of the convention of tho Congressional (Jalea for Woman .Suf? frage were completed today at local hsadqaartere Begiaaiag sa Monday, Deesaiaet ?*, Hfl ?lay the congres? convenes, th? first BVSBt will BS ths W?leOIB?Bg two ?r.-.'jys, Mr? Sura II I .?? 'i ? f-ranret .!',' ?'. . ?/.,.', i.|v? , .,, , . /;?''-.? s ... -,' ? if ? ? , - - ' ? I ' | < ? ?? ? ? . tee* .-.-?- ' ... ? ???>- >*? ? . -'-.:.-? ? a. . . >. : A - . ..???./. a ? ? . a ???? ? ? . . . ? .y.-m' .... . . .. .."?./.. ? ? , . . , . . ... ? , . . . . . .-. . ... . , ? ? , ... . , , ? ... , ?. ? , * :* I , . ? . . \' i '?'?,? ? , ? , / ? , ? ? ... V ? 11 chairman of the committee on t?_. I ments. ' rf*?|_ | The convention will beipn _, I ne?? ?e-'ion? on December 9 mMxT' Paul as chairman. A dinner f * delegate- will be given tt con? __*? ?i- a.lquarters on the ?v.niiii 0f t!**-l I?. r 10. at which Frank P. .V.l,."?**? of the Committion on t-_ !_*? Relations, will be op, 0f th* __5* | The big fight over the election|!5_l I ficers will come to s climax on _?_( lowing day. ** "*? The convention will end Is Susan B. Anthony pageant *0 ?V**? at Convention Hall, on the nia-?? .7? cember 18. Mis. Har.el 11,1 '* direct this spectacle, at ?hir? ** rlghteoutne?? of the eaust will ?. *? pressed on all of the Senatort L___ rjjejtBtive. . car. h. p,?-^ | MORE WORK THIS Wl^ l'n?'mpl?j)m?nt BltBOtioB To R. Than lor Year*, Sa\s I lurlty St?.r!_", T'"' sn?mployra?Bt s-ituttion iB 5 l York v.. ill not BO as -J ?'..?. j0 '.'} with this winter, at U?t y?.,, '* lag to a statement issued ynurdi.. i the Charity Orgaaisatioa Society,?iT' announced that "unom?,:..ymin*. _ I ?pid?mie had apparently tbtte?!*? !.'iin\,eT ?t fbr;.; r, .V.k? ?pp';^', society t',r durtr.j t)^4 wat practh ? M l.?r. Kl 12, ar.d || ?"[... . ? ? , *'" tt man *| 'ot -- 1 Frank ?tr* ' ?f ths -.-i',! * tt-t-a ... ?fin . - * ?->.;?. ?i ' . SIARWOOD ?_*?!?'.' O .^ ?? ! i "' ^s*r^JiTi??_i_i m r - a---?r-?- ? wmm -SB [_________! g?.. ?^^a*?fJ'fa?gj?| il ,"*lii?Ts? -^V"'" _4_** Uc 3 S -?u EEmm^SSSSS__EEES?????????EW ____?. ELSIE jamS ^mmmmy, . ???? v ??; . I iLi.T? h.:i ^*mJS _? LO&GACRE . ? UK TV UnifT99 ?-KO DlTFICHSTEIl Da-iiLrV nU.'ll. 7as (aftMl Lo-en' ? ? > ? ? ! ' ? . ? r ? -* v ? : ?ETI . "t-:R AND iVAM?J "YOUNG AM t RICA" ,i-:; ?g__j____j_?j ??-??^? 0F GU* KLLASCO ' | .-..?.-?-- ? ? - THE BOOMERANG*- LADA GLOBI ' F * R K ? MONTGOMERY* 4 STONE :; E-x-opeiFifb.-_jF.TCB! Iljjili];li|ZN ?* ?; HIP HIP HOORAY . v.. ? . ? S, tSA ?NT? ?*,S BAN. MSS*T"7?N?L ICI BtlLET SUNDAY SOUSA ?TABU i ? t LI ANOR PAINTER. LtXitNGTON , "A Pair of Six?" i Patron In I" ?? Ba*l II " , ,, , , It .aj - .... ?? 1 '?- -' 10 11 li??.ii_f/4KI- ?*? POTASH a. i ?? (.? 71- PERLMUTTER" TRIANGLE PLAYS This greek i A lav^r'i Wlfr'i T-n.; ' ." ? ? I i ird Mia \ . O-, ' Raiment Mil??Ji? ' I ?? t . ? - . 1 Lll.ian GUfi In *T I ? Mat? as . teat tt ? Prl ' > ? . 1 KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE. ! . .v ' ?' - II a... I Bffliffl C7.\ //AM l:r Si NDAY Codowsky CAHNtfilt HALL TH IS AF TE RNOON AT I # ALL CHOPIN PRO-RAM. Papular Mat?, M .*.? I? ILS''. ? '? ?a* ?I l??l ,,? . i I? I -i K .'?? Plan? [DEN World In 44 ax I - . War Umtmtt \'i. ?'".? ? '.- I... -r ni I ' -0 '.. 10 mum VITAGKAPH ' .. ' THi: BATTLE CRY OF PEACE *..,. ... linn. Till. \fi.rii....ii. at ;?. *l"??m Gabrilowitsch o?h ?i ? ? a ii. GARDEN T"-;a.A?r"K1..-::.",M M""n 1 Bas n H NOT II IMAM __' nitirHBB aim s nu i?.i n.. \im bumims ?? |t.., ..??? e \ ??? Itpm ?. |2 ?1 '.. t. ;-.- My. Loew's American Roof '?'?*, ,*? ".. *'," IMPTRIAL MANCHU TROUPE. ALL II * it 10 ? * I.-' A..I A Ma I . lb? KL.M Ht . i . .-.I II. . I . i,.'... .1 I? 75 >" I!? F KIIT1I"? LILLIAN RUSSELL. PALACE ?Mo a Man Mar 1 r****1 r?***fc I?. WMIItt . Burl. I... ? ?' M ? I I ? , I . . , Hal ft lo II l . ill ASMINI.TON SU PLAV?HS. H\\|?|i,,x V.y ? ? A i . . ; i. | ?s? of IV.** . ? ?? .??;.. an... (,?..,..!!,- um 11 I IS. KilMIAI? II. . . I?.... ii i , IRVING PL. THEATRE |J i . 'i'i el I II BOH1 . r TAStft WAJ D ii COLUMBIA T..' e Oat I IMS |] l'.pl".|,-i " " ?? ; " I'"?* S?.'"ll A Lan.laa Ball* OTllMIl A ' ??A.?", I'll Kf i HO \IKAiiU v '?? " ' "??*i>*mc O I? I BUTTIRfLV" Niai Watt. I a,...,. 1 a !.. "Billa l'anaa. ' PLAYHOl.-F -i;.?;. GRACE GEORGE : ? aBaBJL HOBSON'SCHO? ?TH ST.-' [tLTii ?r?:: ? IT It iss THE ETERNAL MAGDALENE - IK?BEST . ?* ALONE AT LAS i BAXIMI !.. *" QUINNEYS' ? HARRY LA?OEI ' ^ - , \ov. isc;.: s V ? ? a LYRIJ , '? ? Cm^a1^Ti_0!S a . ' '??? atea a "POTASH A?. ItBUTTCS ? TH ST. i ? '? ! THE ?NOUSTENEO W0.M.O booth i . 5 SOTHtR.N CASINO ' . ? ' * THE BLUE PARADISE -, MANHATTAKi s -a/?'*. 2ND INTERNATIONAL VKSTUM TOURNA??? ' Now Playing ! 6ERAI0IR FARRII CARMEN I?, a??? a - ?' * '"' " PRENS'ESS I'll I ATKt ???? ?' ' '"*' Continuous UW (Including Sunday) Noon toi IP* M? PRICIS. Ott ANt) *"' ZTWiUGHTSisf Wi-a? i ?mil?. : JO. I A I U? ?' I