Newspaper Page Text
Egypt and South Africa, ?he lnsctiv ? - * e^-.ce and hi? Inabil art m th? coi ?!uct of tho ?? MBoyod Mr. Churchill. When t three! of aoaaariptioB came, it i? ?a he decided the moment had come ? him 7. go to th* Iront. Th.* ? ? ?r letters hae? between I'remier A?,-,uith and > Churchill: MWhea I left the Admiralty, 7*. months ago. I BOSS] si of f? duties at your roqueit, to taki pert the work of the Wai assist the new rail a*,? with I fcaewlodgC of current oporatiOBS? whl 1 then possessed ia a special dogr? The t 1 offered ?re up. record :-. the n tee of Imperial sad in msi 1 elrsuleted to '.he Coblaet, a? 1 draw your att?nf.on at the pteac time to these. "I am in cordial agreement with t! decision to form a small \??t .-.--.:?.? 1 appreciated th? It you e pre??ed to me ?ix Brsehl sg?? to 1 elude me among it? ra? mbetS 1 ?OI Raw then the Boreenal dlfl which you would ha?? ?.?? fac ? - t i on. Could Not Accept r???t. "I make no co~- that ?.?. ?che-- ? .- 1 work m the ?: IB! ally 1 a ??t 1 ?i ahoat ? cou. .. an ? ibai aoati Nor do 1 t like these to trem? "I ssk you to Bahe ?. mj if??: ? - ? bstt?i g that 1 regia "I have s elaai - - ? m ira - - - ? it s?riai oper 1 ' "V\ ? - -, -r-v. per* Fr? - ? MI had hop? your ? ? It jour *?. 1 heve veaden I - ? . - , 1 ?' ' and I liueei ? ? ?.? ?M ?si te take ? T. ? * per pro.?" iraaaa grour.?? ? feel ?.*.:'<?.:? the leeosai -** si our . Churchill Has Won Army Honors for His Bravery The raaigaetioa of 11 -.--- Bsssaees Church:'.' as Chance' - I I ' *?r.cas*.er to fetal 7* ? re? " the fror.? I 1 I batea rSS tai time. When the war begi- all Miwiag a? First Lord cf aha Ad? miralty, and beearr.e the targ??. '. M criticism for ?eml'.ng naval brlgad? - ? thi aefeaee sf Ant ???M Thii ? eu '.s aot sheied bs Prom ar tsqulth. however, who defend ed him b? ?. ' i House af ? asi lus?. Thai lay, saying; "Mi treat with la d ?Ti i ? , a * .on? again it him II?? has s ge * lad s be ampli ,? full itorj ? told " The Dardan elle? campaign siso pre arch upheaval '.?at o? :,-?.!? I ] ? s poi ttOB si See 1 ord I hit ???? dee <-> Lord Piihei * ,! BeroBcei .?? petate sf naval Mr Chut. "It has beea an open i ? i Church ' t'-.rm alt ,-i ti I I, \?.? i,? ? : * ?hi difference -, ? -. .... the Fur ?' . , ? ' Proa ? -.- ??" |bs R,??ral Mil ? v ? > at Beadhui it n\\ B| one I .-? ? s s s.- I ' i ? ? rat service era* ? *?*? s? an stt?. > .?.?.' ?'.-i,?? ?? . '. .? .? ? - ' ? ? .... he Nile a ? ? ? ? . ? | ? s - V V *? ? ? ? . - < A . ? V A A | ' - | , --. . a ' . ? a - ? . -1-1??? UHXa 17*1011 C?iPTlTlJ Over-s??? Jtowe kgeeatcj Pea ?*?? '? * 6t*ash Beaesl la FV - ? v - .... A I ? \ . .. a Oermsa i inoea Sewe As\ ? \ H s m ?. trow N ra- -. - itating thai I id -- - ? ? \ prisoi - 1. Altaran Se (En. Men's Overcoats ef unusually fine materials are er. Sals et the following exceedingly attractive prices? s Dress Cverccats, Chesterfield medel, cf Vicuna er hielten materials; lined through? out with MerveilSeux silk; r.r exceptionally we'.', tailored garnier.';; in black er Oxford gray.?$24,00 Men's Importe??! Overcoats, cf desirable ma? terials, warm without excessive weight; yoke arc sleeves satin-lined at . . ?S2Se00 The ?Tier's Shoe Department c'fers a ?cial se.ecticr. of Men's Bali a Lace Shoes in tan or black, at . . per pair, S5.50 These Shoes are made by expert workmen, over comfortable well-r:ttlrg lasts, and in quality are equal in every respect to the higher priced shces in the regular stock. MEN'S HOUSE SLIPPERS Insuring warmth and comfort in the Beleure hou *s at home may also be c id at mod? erate prices. Men's & Children's Imported Gloves are on sale in the f elle wing price assortments: Men's One-clasp Tar Cape Gloves, p x m sewn, '?ear poirt .... - - -j " '- "?' "re '- es- -:.-';y Efe Buch Qlovee, pxm sewn, seamless wool linirg, ?-?r pair.52.00 CHILDREN'S QLOVES (Imported) "-'- -.-.'?'//a [InfQIoves, ?per pair ?5c ver., seamless wool linirg, ''-?'"&?? .$1,2?5 ?Ftfllj Awiutr - ?Ha-ttson Annu? ?Mll? ai? 351f| l^trffifl Nrro forli DEPUTIES OUT, VENIZELOS SEES COUP BY KING Oovemmfnl Seeks Free ll.iml Miles Sllll Uppermost. BUI OAR WINISTI R PROTI sis i whin i Orce h Prcntlei Pntinlees It i i. .i, ip SHufltloti ?'f xhi.'s ?? .1 i , " 11 ! ? .1 ? ' i .... a s ? ' ' a | ? . ? ?. m! V ik? a. ? ? sags ? t - iht it cap? ? ' | * the ? ? . ? ?. ? v ?aprese? ? German? Influencing Arm? V?nU ?re faar thai with ? t i o ne h eld a mo! aoldiora ???;11 b? able to exert a much more - it tt roc? .? ' rt? of Baroi. -, ? have I .'. ;?een in th i direction of inflo .. wll - lorsing the policies of K ng" Conatantine, the Yenir.elos ad? herents assert tb i ?ntary gov* ? ?:*. would be only a farce, and ;?oint out that such a rietory . make j.ossihle a return t?. the old condition? of an ,? ' ?.., which were iwapt awaj I 1910. The conditions ?xiating then are still .- mind to create rel urn. The Hulear an and Turkish mi: I at Athi f." i.?.-- si against the continued lauding of \1 ' rOOPI at Salon rdl sia* to Budapest advi.-i ? ? ad to nieht. The protest was couched In the most friendly terms, and r< n ad ? that nich acts cnnnr.t be 11 M led ,"i ac? ?> with Greek neutrality. M. SI ??. re plied, aeeording to th?' Budapest ?li? patchee, thai ha took Botica oi the pi ? tOetl and thai I t do what was possible to clarify the situation. Reports still continue te he circu . lati'd f rom ii?'i ii.s.i -.. .1 .?? ? of BI meal between Bulgai ib and I ! The "' .. gn? ?.;.. al I >?" prlnti diapatch aayiag that Premier Shoo* loudii lias ns.-urc?! M. Passarow, Hul .- ttk , of thi Pre? mier's tineer? deeire to maintain friendly relations between Greed Bulgaria, (neu?', the Pramiei aaaarod the B-iniater, was aot planning to at? tack Bulgaria no warn?ng7says ANCONA CAPTAIN ? i.lll in,le.I Iriim |ii??i* 1 Joe? i Ii R< i nai h, wldi asa political writer, .helares thai the vic? tims of the Antona tragedy, ?lu?! as a result of "the unpunished Luaitania \ murder." President Wilson eon i ?ay. add? th? writer, that he was not ? warned thai the tragedy would be ro* BOOted "if it were BOt avenj-.'l." "Is Am? rica going to iwallow this freah Inault," M i i ba -s.?i I? d '? ? ; with explsna ? and then oith de? ? bi I? - h? going to d? A'istrla expr?s"'. ? ? of r*gl ?. ? and the puni hmenl sf th i o?_* ceis \t!.o ? ..? erirn?, and, taking up nt th? Luai? tania ? ??.Ion, inaia! on receiving the ; tame satisfaction from Qen "We hope so. not ifl our own inter ? est?, for America's neutralit? amply ' tutllces, but in the interest of the j?r?"at , Renublie, for her Independence is at i stitKe her Independence already ln lurd and dally threatened with ; lag koldi ?a? suce for s wl baa tolerated fr..m Germany wl would no* have tolerated for afl l"?ur from a nn' ih ami powerful.** President and Cabinet Discuss Anemia Sinking ? ..-aau ] Wash.r..Ion. \... |2 P?a*ei I? :" W ' ?on ar.'l hi? Cablaal met to*day for th? first tim? ? see laat July, ?hen th?' German erisls wa? acute. ti?. ..* b? fore them tO*day was i? .r ?ne the Austrian ?Inking of the Ancona. No act fifi was taken, us cans?, of the luck of deflalte .i.forma? tion. Aaothor Cabinet meeting ertll be held next Tuesday, when th? arising from the tragedy ?rill '??? gain laad 11,., tub ??''' mes! Usen ? ' I I? uaderstood te h.r. e been th? of raisii'k' money to meet I . Based ' ? lb? LTndoi i,?..i ? . pro Id? for ?' '?'??? penditur? Tb? pre ?o abandon th? boad l?t i? pi? .in. nthsi wn> to w ? aary fund? It was ?,'at?-d at the ?Whit? House that th? ? bief objeel ef the n wa? t?. briai the Presl?_eet sad bi? I ablnel togefli?! b.-fore th? opening "f ' ongree? and to ?li?cu?? hi? m????|{?- to i aomoooa -*? is aUm\ nr1-'-* m ??.*> __m. BBS departments. From now on the Cebtaet will m??t r?irularly twic? a ?1 . . H Conflicting Reports Puzzle Washington iTlin Tt.? Till ill.? It null | \v??iiiinri,,M, N..V IS. laansisd sf forts i.i i??-1 ??'in.? daflalte laformatloa *>?i ihr ilaklng af the 4aaaaa won Biade bj o?<* State Deparlmoat to-das. ? Far it has does fitti? aloag ?in? lias, lapectlag tliii fall rep-orte ?rould .?m? satomstlesll) free* Americas eonsulai ?i?.I diplomatie reprsseats in., rhros dsyi hsvlai pened elta eut th? resell I ? I BayThlng deflBlte, however? arden im?? bias seat to all aha might I???-, aa] lafermaliea oa the ?iiM...? I eoBsalei naleer bo? booa leal te TiiiiI?. an.| fi,.m then ?sill BBthei ??a'* ?n nia f...,.i ?ni. i?, i? ?,ii.. iiovf Been lauded la ?*?? Belghhnrl.I llll " port i? set lin?ete?? '??? I. Ibrei i?i . ?n. i In thi ... ? I? he v , i .... i. , 11...i. ... Nel ...,, i,.?.. .1 i ..a oiti i.. able ? ? ' ih? mi* irlelntln ? II repoit? ? ? . .i ? , ? . . . , l ? .... - ? ' a ? ? ? ?? ?ei ... - . - a. \ ? to I ???r ! \ iiiedor !'??? ANCONA MESSAGES HELD BY CENSORS Italian line (let* first Cable Dis? patch Telling Of Ves? sel's Sinking. Th? first rah!?? iBSBISgl eoncernint/ ? s? of the Ancona **?? reoshrsd lay ?t thi New York offre? <?f the Italian line. In I?? truncated form ? a ild have hern ladleroas had it not mean*. ?! led anxiety for (he doSSBS of inquiriT? Shoot the torpedoed ?hip. ? a? th?? BIOOBBSjei "7-orry to inform you Anconi? ?unk " It Ii believed the ?saaaga wai ?le ? -.- tha Itallas season, a/he, it i? thought, ii** >]? further deUill of the tragedy* Farth?rr <*fTort? wen made >?> iterdey by Hertfield, Solarl 4 Co.. local ?Kent? of the 'ine, to get ?A toucH with the Naples heedqaarters. |fl -i.. *-'i!iii? up thi'ir !:st ai c.iiilo BMS safes Mr. HartSsld mid II was dli red thnt me??af*;e No. Ufl had not I,,.,.., i? a?*'?/, ' ?|.. |...?i?*VO,l th.-" n bare el iBee that the Luiaitug ? - contain BOBtl of thl BOW! they . iBxioai to reeelve. The coin piiny Immediately nqaestsd that Ko. tS \,,. rep? ' Thonia? \V. Wentz, of Norriitown. broth? i ai Mr? I!, i '.-? Join*?, ?f Philadelphia, whe wai i t.* im? ?? < bob ?'"'?i d the Ai a th her hi ? Bed Mr. 11 resterday that a eable message trom tat? ? that ha and hi:? ..! .*. layed their d? partero. NORWAY TO TAKE OVER GRAIN TRADE liberal Victory Assures Stale Monopoly for Cereals. Chrlsttaata, Oat IS. The return ti thi Legialeten ??f a majority af thi supporter? of Premier Oaaaar Kaad* bob aad the popelet rapport si thi pieseat Liberal pelletos point to a probable fulfilment of one of the car? dinal proposal? of the I.ibi-ral pro gramme a geverameat Bioaopoly af the gnia laduitry. Advocates af this measure are certa n it i? the only wnv to avert nnnth?-r emerirencv ?imilar to tlit? ?/rain aliortajre at the beglBBlBg of th<* war. To handli' the prepoeed ?rrain monop olv the appointment of I?200 ipoclll offlcli ? mplated, si sa sapeas? sf shout 11,000,000 ? vi-iir It i. asti* - thai m lea ? 12 I 00,000 will h? i Conservative party Isedsn favored a protective tariff te eneour ai:?* home agriculture, ?vh ch th?*v he lleved would airare the Bseessery ?up I gnia. ? rvstivi plaa to strenirfhen the national defcBce alas wai lo*.t ??th tha dsfsat sf the party. The majority of voten bellevi In eaiting BBtll the v.iir SSSamsi B pham- that mak? s n ?troniri-r armameat Bieessary before committinif Norway to ?uch a pro gi amase Without affectlas* the foreiirn poli i-iis ?if the liiitioti, the election nicnifle? n decided ehange in the direction of internal ?finir? The new Lsaislstan la i ipectsd te pees levara] mh-.h1 re? form? of an important natur?* It is 1er? I likely, the government amy e sod :? gradually aaaamlag eoatnl nut only of ?he jrrairi Iflduitry, bat of ? ,-u basiassa ??.? #-.?. HAYTI ADOPTS U. S. TREATY S?*n;ilc rtOU |?. Ail mi < ?impart f?ir i Mum i.ii rial m le?ala - .: Hur?.? ) tVaehlagtea, Nov. \? The Baytlaa Senat?, after a debate of ?eversl'h?. Lbs ratified th?. treaty wl?h sited s?n??*?, tha State Depart ?eat wai advised to day Tha tr?-stv provide! f r a financial protectorate ad tend by American offlclal?. I ratified by the t'nited the ! t, | :? ,,.., ,,f ? },. afoned aadei an la? sen! with the II lytlan ?II the Havtlan custom ? ' ham af Amarles ' ? ? '*. whs will BBoreise ? Ren ? night of the aspeaditana 1 -; i ? Daniela said to day tha? U ? mi.'.'? aad blaejaehets aa i preiervlBg ardor In Maytl will b? bobI th?r< until the amemeat Ii formally rstiA*.! by Us t*,,U?d Ststas, and! iXtu UM? la?J, aw? Uaaji MS ii,- MM_J^ ' DECLARES BERLIN BANKS UNSOUND Swiss Financier SaysTheir Working Conditions Are Unsafe. I Ills OF OERMAN OFFER TO VATICAN i utter Urgid i" ( ?u Ptnci ? on ftrtnci ?if ah N.niiiii Na II.MIS I ICtpt H S .I . I... I . ? ? I ? I. fl I - ' I . I I ' ? a a . S - ? ' ' atol) i for tl ? ' ' .'.1 '? st" " . '. ? ? . i,. i ? scheme Is no! but Couth Amer ? .. ???ntion of iccunnt; ' the latter and also inlty. The I Ausl lia and Gen i? tha- thi United tatas be direct;.,- ex the latter idea i?, the bank? latee that il made by Germany, and he ha? ttaked :** perfect accuracy. GERMAN BATTERIES IN ARTOIS SILENCED Fighting with Mines Successful ?Three British .V.roplanes Brought Down. loa, Nov. 12 A ipirited bom? bardment ha? continued in the ?eetor of 1.1" . announce War Office .rtoia district ? ?..?? o certain German ;?. rll report the el noting down ef ? wi? English seroplsne? and th? land init of ??tern theatre. I . '.' ? "1 P1CIAL The Frei t? mi b! say?: Th. r.' I. ;. ? an active bombardment ... day, mi a Inch both ai?_o ? took part, in th? lectori ol Loo? and of i 111 ? ? " In the r.-K'ioll of l' ; Artel? ?listnet, our art: ?d to silence c. rtain , re Bring on ? of th.? front tho !? le? isa- COB! ?liUt',1 With . In t'? at Hill No. . deliran i si counter ? r, t?-, mean? of a small mine re tho GermaBi much ae* ? . I nor! i s . ? ?X] lo- ."ii ..f another such mine was . m a/recking certain gal? !? i ??? i . enemy an?I preventing the continuance of thi? v.'.ik. Violins Violas, Cellos Double Basses To you. the lover ol rntinlc, we offer I superb collection "f Inetnimenta and a oompleta ?tock <>f bowa, chin reata, caoee, ?.slices, ttrlngt and all ?>" er ? ,? H.! '.r-S Violine ???*?> $5 to $75 Violinii.1";';',) $50 to $750 Violai.$25 to $100 'Cellos. $10 to $250 Double Bauet.$15 to $250 Violin Lovers art tottUoi to vlatl o?ir Violin W&r.rooms whara will he f.,.,n 1 a ? i- and tinlqua "? n of riOUMf, VIOLAS CKTuLOe, nARSKS, .' ?. VIOMN W....I. \ IOUN M \K if; o r?" i .?? niajK? ?.-. iii ?w ... mari vu.i ins , . ?> ?. t .,,,,., alag te ?Be ?LTHIt-R'S Agi ir i r ? .s t?h?j' 'EST, DtTSON ? 'v M.' H H ? .M \<> 1 Violin Repairing a Specialty. M .rr?r Hill 4144 Chas. H. Ditson & Co. 8*10*12 East 34th St. -----------?--?.----_-___?___-__ INTER?TEI) SAILOR ESCAPES Another IM-itied German Let? Away from Norfolk. U'riB Thi Trl ur.? IIu-mu ] Washington, Nov. 1. A (.reman oi one of the interned (iorman auxi.iary cruller? at th? Norfolk Navy Yard ?? raps I la?t ni??ht, and hat not been ap? pr?hender!. Th? Navy department ?tatet that no branch of parole I? in reived, a? the SSOR art cr.fined to thi ?hip? and ?h?re \envm I? no long?r .ranted Ml? ?Utcriplion, furnitbed by th?. Navy Departaieat, Is a? fellosrei "Nasse, Thioryi 'm ?.?m?. unknown; r, toe* io laeeeei IM peeadsi ion* laehei Mes ?y?*?, ?p??*? Begiteh poor l>, ?I_ht forearm ii.H'.-'l B/tth Ut?tm roeembllag f-ur laverted f% ?*';',, s ?.. ...i. i,...???h " limifl HTFAMF.R ITTW1 in.i. ?i.?- ii??.i*f.r la.r..l?.i from Rhine Und. ?.f I Irorpool i ., .?.., ? ? ? ? . i In I , ,. . m\ ' I ...... i i, port o? ? -tu f i:.! km: 'A/i ?.' f.: i '. i... ? ?. . ? a ALLIES ATTACI ON BULGAR rTtOFfl O <^t le -eee. . . . . ? I ? ' ? a - . ' ,. . ' . ? I f th? lay? and all ? ? Albani ? ipatch | bbvbI porte oi kdria ? ?-. o'V.c.i'. it*'.err. es.*, ai gte? by th? Berlin War to*ntght n at folloo - Pursuit l the Sei rhe first i rite Mjuth of Kraljevo bai been ci I'he advance in the Matins Valley, southwett of Krusevac, : .. ? Kupic and, further to the east, i. ? ? Yesterday German troop? capture?! more than 1,700 pi cannon. BULGARIAN OFFICIAL. An official ?tetement ?sued to-day bv the llulgarian War Offles Is as fol? lows: ?Hir troops c??n?inue the pursuit of the defeated Serbian army on th" left bank of the Mow? Rival Fresh booty is bein,r discovered daily in cono.uere.1 towns. Along the railway In the Morara ralley we captured to-tiay four quick mtrnW 504-600 ?m 60*9 J"?fthJtSventtr.agn 44**ul4*>tR| ??*?s^_ fy/m Cftercz, Ju\\y.y/(ons sCL/u) o?/ics~Jorma/or J///orma? uccaMOnfr /<'if//.)'' ))(*?apd- r''Uf% ***** A (Sbafo ? JLMOUAC? ? Ifflluiirj 1 /<> ? ; ' -i * Uj/jcu'iouiV? JAin ?? ' I ? ? '? ? - ? ' ? I "* ' i ' ' a ' . ? ! east o? ? ?trat? it the da '.-?:?. ? t ? . at -. ? - ' ' . FFiriAL. The Mr ? ? . ? .; General ? t ? ? ? g dis* s . front Tuoeday the ?n?1 lUfT? . us loss. V. ? bine g . . : g the night of ? inrpriee us near Grahovo. but were repuleed. ?in tit 10th there was artillery lighting ? nag the San jak front. The enemy'i Infantry at? tached us at various po'.nts. but with* out affect We took more than 100 1 r: '?".its. An artillery duel i? in progresa on the Rersegovlna front. On th. fronts there is no change in the sit? u?t ion. An Austrian aeroplane fell into r ? '-" "*? *???? - . ?, - - :-.v ? ' - ? ?--.*-. t ' ' t 11 I ttW Her . , .- - :_ ?**?':* - ?-*.'-. the HMTC :7.r?'*'77T.'.nti of the met ' ?"?: plijr. And that's one of the reason? hil -porting Page ?a IC un versallyes? teemed. ??hc ?Tribune hirst to la,:- the Truth' Nan t?Bdltoriaopma \j\ ertlsernentt M end ie commis -i 7'i ti el ine war? -.en. HELP WANTED An Advertisement That Is Addressed To You When you see these words you think of two things: ?some one looking for a position and some one wanting financial o? other aid. Ihis ?advertisement is for neither one nor the other. It is for an organization that needs your help?not so much financial aid as your moral support?a little bit of your time. This organization is working for your benefit?for the benefit of your wife and children. It is working to suppress vice and crime?to m?tke thin city?the world?a better place in which to live. It is a worthy cause and deserves your support. This cause, this Organization, is the Church?organ? ized religion. What nre you doing for the Church? You give a beggar money if you think he needs it and deserves it?that is easy, for it requires little thought and t-ttention. That only helps one individual. By supporting the Church you help thousands in strengthening its good influence. And ?ill the Church re? quires of you is to go to Church?just a little while on Sunday. ".'our influence, your support will help the Chirtch, help strengthen religion?your example is a good iniiuciu e. ?*\nd no matter what your sect or belief, the Church teachings and strivings toward a better understanding, to more perfect happiness, will benefit you. So help where help is wanted. Go to Church 1 o-morrovf No. 6 of Steond Stritt Publiihed by Tkt Tribune Rrprinti oa "Tefes* -?????????????????????111