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DEFENCE GERM' TURNS NEBRASKA AGAINST BRYAN Commoner's Fellow Cit zens Enthusiastic for Preparedness. NORR1S WOULD TAX LARGE INHERITANCES Suggests Increased Income Levy to Raise Revenue for Greater Army and Navy. ' Tr. to Th? Trlt-uu? Burtau. ) Washington. No? 12. W-.'.' J. Hryan'? own state of Nebratl? ha? ?n ? -me resulting from th? ? ? ?s gone," ??espite the Come ?m. and the people are ? r of '.ncrease? army sad Bavy, so? Norria Proigresilvi B ??7. S? BBt? r \ - ? ? * " ? He confesses is feels virj lonely Ifl hit oppoail th? dent's progl SSI The Beaatoi :s i*peeeed to a.: sic ?': -.- ?*-... m tlti ?ition of extra tax?? pos?? la t lie '?? come a revu.? \ ' | I seal ? on this qf.?* -' of this r? Bit! II m ?'.??ht. ?o that th? praeeat ?? win 'as*, loaf -ch ks ean*j PlOOidoat's program^-. :? le 1 eaact? ment. "There seerrs to be s pespal perm." sal IM N that ha? ? wept I See? everyb 'y ha? I ??? ??? - ? people are divided, hat *.h?ra ? a branch sf the Saej '.<??.?:.. rosny hor.??? tr.?n tatas a true- | a I don't wish, to ill them, but I admit tkat '- fsoJ lonely in my oppoi'.t'.or. to the BS increase?. C. S. Str.-ngeet Nstion After Ws7 "There is lei? reasc- fei - defence? r.ow laaSl st ?-;?' UsM - ' last forty yesr? WhOB the war ? th?re ?will rot be a loaatf] I ' ss ?tron?? a? tal "????? ???-.-? would be tr--i ? j-eace eaSBl I oakaastion Y ad rai th? war is fought to an end. *.t wtll be that the Oaitod t?**.*.-.?? And itself eith the s'.: -?es: -svy :*?. the world. "A ilng'.e day's work rr.ght s-7 strength of the British c: trie QeiB - f?ets to the bottom af '.he ?ea ar. i leave us lr. a pre-emir.e:-.*. poeitioi in any case, this n no tiavs to b? a?r. tatlr.g the (jnestioi; W| have l?ai*ned the \ iue of th? lut from thil ?var Th?re may be !es?on? to ?earn that w%] rau--? _,? ? change our programm? cause for hurry or, our part, Bl ahoald ?? ait till I m e. "If ' ? it's proc-'.- - be adopted, SI BOW see- - are two ways by which I'd reJM the needed revenue. I wouid ir.crea ineome tax on large incomes ?ssv thoie above $Ju,('<''? - ar. -I I would im? pose an ?a? like the ai -r.*-7.- ; ro] ossd to the I'r.derwood bill. In thii?. I -.*. ?ritance o* proi/r? - ?? at, tul ai lartfe bequests it would be half th? inheritance. 1 rge-? V. S. Arms Plants. i vanee tha? r el ? '. hi inlergi ? pay for thai n? oace. ft ? nlate were removed, the tentlment for larger defence?, which is largely arti? ficial, aroald collapse, and if the Bevy is 1o be increased I think BOVeral -' f* eminent plantt thould bt constructed to make the material, to keep tho profit? from individua'.? latoroBted In the propaganda. A tax on manuiuctur tri of munitions would BOt ?!?> much good, a? the tax would ultimately be Bald by the government, which would be compelled to pay higher prices for supplie?." Sir. N'orris admitted that the adop? tion of a larger defence programme m ear mgo might have made Germany Isten more attentively to the earlier communication? of the American gov? ernment, bat added that more probably it would have influenced tho I'nited Stetes and mad? it pu?h matter? doter to a wurlike declaration. Norrls for Ship Bill. Senator Norri? al?o found him?elf In a minority in Nebraska, he ?au!, on the question of the government OWB* erthip of thip?, a? embodied in the letratioa bill. With a f*\? ?I Senator Norri? ?rould hov? voted for tl ? I II 'a?; ?roar, bat he ?at.! he do - ? but 1 -. t ti o Interoet in the sabjest out Wett Work of drafting the army appro : ? lane? with th? n.l '? aatioaa '? fei .->? ral by Sena toi ? e Hay, I ' t.vt K'St ?? ? .... res? ? ? i ? ? gel ? - FL.AaMFS DESTROY WATE1 GAT HOUSE ? ? . '? . 'X a ith Loss *> ' ? ? " ? ... -, '.'. * ?? ? ? . - * - .- e- ... alar he te '. i -. *t|T S FLYNN TO LE\D BIG PLOT HUNT -*---? a_* ' ties Mid that th? . ? ? '. : ? I '.??? _? ? - . .?i B ?- ' ? - ' ? - ? ? (.I Kooatg - ? i .::. >-fs:?r.ay _7*.*. Juliui csoi - ? - '? ' - ? Poweri inythmg concerning - ? Appended apa i : a bo? for I I ..? ml plot -- 7i*. from ' - . I I ? fore:.: ? ? ' ... ? th.. y I eg ???! him to b< ? ' ? itioi y S S. i r\rmt from Hmnparimm Dane?, No t?Joh. Brah*n?. (Copyrlfht by Olivar Dllaon Co) In thrse competitive times whrn Art no often Is sacrifie??! t?> Commercialism it is assuring to know that it is yet ?possible to obtain a piano <>r player piam manufactured ander ?i policy that lias for its .?mienta] aim the permanent tatitfoction of the telligeni baver. Originally designed to excel In lUc quality the traditions of the founders of the Kranich ?***' Bach Piano have been folloared for fifty wars with a steadfastness of purpose that has won for I, is Sttperfa instrument its recognition be master musicians as the lead?r of the world in real musical excellence. L^RANICH*ff*BACH ?ra?fcf:^t?m-Quality PIANOS X ^?-w and Player Pianos ".*?'/'/ OntS a real piano Jaitory and mike tiv/r chi'ne." 233 ?Ea.t 23d St. w"?. 16 W. 125th St. ??? i?* m_m. r 1 9 % % 4 I i fi In actual evcry-day appearance and per? formance, our clothes take precedence. They never have failed to come up to the expectations of our customers or of our? selves. They have developed a following to whom their enduring qualities always are a source of complete gratification. Sack Suits *?i8 to -?48 Fall Overcoats **i6 to *4o Winter Overcoats *i8 to '75 Brokaw Brothers Astor Place ?tV I-ourth Av?*,*ni<* ?..jifvwv 'ji??????*? ?? Draw ?i-vTyy? ^Sr'irf '-?rp~rT-':7 UNDERSEA TEST EDISON SUCCESS Rivals Started Rumors of Battery's Failure, Says Dr. Hutchison. TELLS OF TRIALS BY NAVAL BOARD Electrical Class of Na\y Yard Inspects Submarine (ells at West OleMgC Plant Pr. Miller Ueeae HotchleOO, l'bomt? A. Rdlsoa's shtef BBgiaeor, e*l ? atoa re ?m U] abosen ? membei el <>*? n???i Adviaory \<,-t.:.\. ? Ighi denied ?? mora ?-? ths ?ff?*'* thai Ihs ' ?'?? iea ???" ?w.. betlerj i?.i '??<??? foaad defeellve ?rhea tried ?" United State? aavi ??! .?, ', :??..?> .'.."<-??* had told hear a leet mad? ? - ? i ?,*????? . i v ? ' ? ... ta ? ? '? u .. . . . .. ? ? ? ? " ? . ? . ? I ? ? - t ? ? ? - ? ? - ' r bail I ' frost ' ' ? ? ? ; 11 tori in the An ? K .-I." I ? .... ?;...-.? | that I ar.y truth in Dr. Goricar - that he was in the Austriaa Consulat? ..... ... barge? ? him. -ney's ... - . ? ? , Jeracy ? ? ? . i ... . ... t ? s . caused by ?.. tugar to the \ . here in COnnoCtiOB with theft? fiem the sugar ?hip?. Austrians, in Denial. Call Goricar Traitor Washington, Nov. 12. Tht Austro Huagaiiaa Kmbassy issued the follow? ing Ftatcmenti "bv-Consui Or Coerienr, formerly at San Francien?, ha? been on l?BV? of sbsencs slaea the tim? of th? outbreah ..f th? war, and has been temporal ly attached for a time to the tustro Hungarian Consulate Oeneral in Mer? lin, Germany. Three, eery loon afterward, be ob talned knowledge that the Au tro H ib earinn authorities received In* fonaation abou! his ?ecre* ? with the aaemloa of Anatria*Hungarv, ami evidently fearing d?tection, he lud denly left hi? post without permission, and dleappearod. Later on it wai learaed tba* he had gone to Italy a'.d was staying in Koine, from where he tender..! hi? resignation, thereby pre VentiBH his dismissal. "Win!,, he was in Home it was n?rer tair.ed tint h." was in doe? tt with Ruo?iafl and Berblafl Bgenl . eh VioUSly With th?. pulp?se o!" going to the I's- "".i! St,.ten to BM hi? ItUOWl of th? renlres of Slavic in,' tiofl e?lining from the moaarehy service ?>f the Paa Slavic propaaanda, an?! with th" m'eut of diaaeminating disloyalty among our immigrant? ? t their country of birth. "ihe Austro HuBgarlaa Embassy has ! ? ? informel thai q lite a number ??f southern Slavs from ?he monarch l.en enlisted l.y the agent? of the Al iad hav? left this country to fight against the Auttro-Huagarian It is very probable that 1 >r. Qoricars ?ubveraiv? activity contributed t< ths very NgTOttObl? BCtl ?,!' tien on, which, rer tainly v Ithout changing tl.u'com? war, will be of the (i M I Il IL' -i ??';.. ! ? f war. "The Austro Hungarian Kmba IJ was informed several month? .,?,. ,,i Pr. Qoriear'a agiutory ? roj.?. anda car rlod SB m th'? COUnl ' ] . I II I bas refrained until now from taking .'??un ri r m?.: are i, ' eing an 11 ?? ? th.- ,i ? gra. ?? brought about by the fact that a former consular officer had brOBOfl iri ?uch a maanei the faith aad allegiance to his fatherland. "In view, however, ?.f his ?tatemrnf? to the press, whiil. cr.'i. r, the BtTOBg* e?t aocusotion? against th? reproaeata tr.e? of Auitiia*Hunaar* the bb s..'i?*y m?)?' emphatically .Whire these nr eolation? a? false and absolut, ly base i. Austrian F.mbassy Aids Spies Here, Is Charge Providi bob, '??.'? 12. Chargea 'h.i? lb? Austro*Hangarian r?mbatty in Washington ?Ir?.'. ? ? ? ? r,ry >,f ? I ? - , Ik? (Jailed States will !,?? rea? *? d to moi row moi "The i ?. .i . ..i,?. " i v.... i,< pi? ?ii.ted that (?iiniun and books often, jotting down point? which iBterssted thess, ?nd thuy also wruto -, i> itli Bl regarding thing? which pur !.??! them. These were later aniwered. At noon a lunch wai served la the ?torais'o battery baildiag, and to lerve rposs of s seaveais and an obj?-ct for ?tudy each visitor re? ceived a cross section of the new alka? line battery. The afternoon was de? voted to an eatertaiaaieBtt in which Miss K'.i/.abeth Spencer in rerion lang a duet with the voice of Ifisi Spencer si reproduced on a phonograph. Mo? tion picture novelties also were shown. NATIVE CHRISTIANS GET JAPAN HONORS One Woman Amont?, Those D?"C I orated with Order of the Sncred Treasure. Kiel??, N'.-r 11 IstOBg the persons decorated hj ?in* Kmperei i" honor of hie loraastlofl ?i? ?????i??; Ispe?is? Chrlsllans, iBeludlns Itorohw Khsra, ?? i i??iiiiiitiiii ?ilueater; l?auap llara?ls adltoi el " ib?. ? hi lei Isa w.*?i.i". ?in?, Neteda hoe lataetei **f H r?ni . ?..liego ?i i able, ?n af wh <"? ??-. I ,.',. 1 .il. I 'I-..I. ?. ?M I . ... ..... Ki.i'1... \?M...? |,??l.l .. I ' .. !..| ? ? ?. ? '..lailaa.. SJ . * l I . I : . ? . * . . i ??? ? 4|. ? ..... I ? > ? . ? ? ? L ... i ? , ? ' ? - ? ' - ... I Wsdaeada?| |i ? i \ ?sier?Ja lead a , . i ? i ... ?i Hi? , .< .? the hV ? ?-? ' ? I ir ma 1er ta? s to the it ?An laulate ? ? - ? it f a ssrisi ' : lets . - ? - |BSSt garian :.i7 a.t? si - . . ? i : ? ?. I - . - ? ? . ? ? .. : ra . . . ? ; . '??.rrying m Dr. ' Gera D '-"ko. a tor with a ' ? 1 ? irt bl Pial i army a:.-! :? r '. ? - ? : ? ?rian Cool i Ooo? ral ... '?? a York, is the ftnt of I - I ' ? * ? I 111 rt, it is said. ?? i ? i i y Captain Csissar ob Ortober 14, 191*?, on the Italian itesaiahip StaraneliB, as : thi Department of .'u*tice ? If * - nirn. Berko'i Inqoiiition b?* ?he Pennrt I" Will ?-?'y, ? . -.r ? . ? i from C \ in*.-. *h??r ? *? ? ??. .s ,,( pre log ti i ?i!i?n!u'.s. tin? eoasolati ." ir^ a?**' 1IW*!*?.? V*->Xr Sai\ Francisco Expo? sition closes Dec. 4. Sar\ Diego Exposition closes Dec. 31. Low-fare excursion tickets or. sale until Nov. 30 ? o?oO? for return until Dec. 31. Onyourwaythere visit the CnirtJ Canyon o? Arizona. A Pullman to tne rim. lrsvrl liij?,inou?Iy on trie ?-?lif?.rni'.t 1.,'nn'tcJ or eco? nomically n, a tnuriat sleeper. FrcJ Harvey meal? rerved. Y,?., will aaiey rsa?Ita?J our ??????IssiiJ \eUen skout tie ' Laliiornjt trip. Writs for ? Car, f nilt?r.| r.,r, Kaa?.?r P,? A,? I lion?. I raukiiD CJiu ai,r? ?hni BRYAN SCHEMING FOR MISSISSIPPI Seeks Dry and Suffrage Aid to Control State Against Wilson. [Bj T.: aerar h to IBs T*1* ?;-.?' Meridian, Mits., Nov. 12.?Informa tion received of the elYorta of Williart J. Hryan to control the Mississippi dele gation to the Democratic Nati.nii Convention tend? to ?how that the cam paign hat been in progrets for the pas! tlx monthi and has gained koodwa) The plan is taid to havu the ?ippr.vitl of 'be pnihthttlonii!? nn?l woman ?uffrage advocates, who hip pini mg llielr f?ilb on Hryaii t?. BMBmOVr? th? delegatloaa se iimt aatloaal prohib? Hen and aromas suffrage will be adopted in ib? national platform, and In in?.i r>.? ii. .a aaivii'o will tupport Hi an In I... ?A 111 pa I gn BgB I n ? I I'. ? a ?teiil un. r., ,..,,.?.i?.?,.,,, i? .. said o.?! h.? plan he? pre f *.....,I .,, in, ?i,?? .r.i ..,,,,.. I,m o . ,. I.. II ... ,1 .1.1 . ? ?. .. ? I I .. I (a ?- -I I l,?,? ... Iva. I ., ..,,., I .. .... II . ... .... ,. ...... I.Ii. , ? .. 'i.?? ?? ? f ? .*. .i.. I II. . ?. . . , . a .?.. M| ? ? . >*| ?. . ? , . I I II.. . I. | ? i. s-ll , . , . . ..... U ? ? . .? ? I ., , . . I . ?. ., . ... I ..... . .... - ? I ... ... I . . . . l_. U ? , . ... . . I WERNER SUES WIFE AGAIN Ex-Pollceman Demands Another 110,000 on Ante-Nuptial Agreement. Giulia Mcrosir.i Werner la the de? fendant la a new tuit for $lr?,00"0 be? gun yesterday by Arthur M. Werner. the former policeman, based on an al? leged agr?eraient under which he wns to receive that turn from hit wife BBBUally for remaining off the police force. A like ?uit is r.ow pending. Werner alleging non-paymer.t of instalments ? rs i fue before April IS, ItlA Mr? Werner, who i? separated from her husband, has declared that ?ho tipied the Bgroemoat believing he could go back on the force if he saw fit. OSBORNE'S FACE GUIDES EX-CONVICT < ....?tnn?<l from |.a|s I ?indrr the wall whore V'aher ptrehed ?etching t?r wild briiii ?apalsed A i-iii ?n.i .1 boy floundered la the tratei V. .?I, ,.. though! nt < f ?pa, Paboi !.?i,.,i from Ihe "?!l M* re?i ?"l b??th Thareeflei lb? tiaa was ?lien! Pebei I ?i r,,,,,.) himself i mad? .." ?'<...p? '?? ??'?(.?," hs ?eplelned "I had i.???... ?.? ? ? '.., ?a / . ... ... ),a 't.. ???.. ; i ... ?i | .? .... . <) ... ' ? ? ' '. ?? . ? , ' - ' .... ? THE OLD RELIABLE ROYAL Baking Powder ?AbsolutelyPure Avoid All Substitutes anything In the world for him. As most of the other convicts and they' say the ssme. "I'm going to Detroit because I can flr.d any work her?. Th?y ask you fo r?ferenc?s, snd when you hsv?n't an? they don't even look at you. I don' know whether I'll get s 1<^> in Detroi without Warden Osborne t recomm?nd Btion, but I hate to bother him sgsir I'll have to shift for mytelf, I guett." FIVE AT SING SING INDICTED^ISRUMOF District Attorney Refuses tr Confirm Report and Inquiry Goes Over Until Monday. Frederick E. Week?, District Attor ney of Westchester County and direct? ing the inquiry of the grand Jury at Whit? Plain? Into condition? at Sing fling, became yesterday, after a week of illanco, almost ?lo?|?i?nt, and added two whole words to hit utual it- tylla bls ?taiernent of the progreil of th? Inquiry "/ have nothing to ?ay" "I lirav?- BOtklng to ?ay at all," an Booaoed Mr rToebc. in reeeeeet leaos h.? lalheslvs ??r??* aedod right thoeo, ),,, eit ie I Whan ??>???) fot am opinion ??n ?rltl ? - 1.4 ' a,/?. ? a- i ?? Thursday by ' ' ? ? ? ?-. ? ' j*r, it .1 '..- _"?' ??./?? .? ?. ? . v ? Attorney - I / ?? ; ? / SBf a"- ? "' . a > ' ? / ? ? a ?? ? a , : . .'...-? a '. I ' ??? '. -?".-?; ..??.?? When Owen J o hnson writes about youth, love and ambition you arc sure of a good novd and you .get it, uA?j? some, romantic and ex. citing, in MAKING MONEY rabilaba?! b* isTOKKS "No" The gran?1 Jury s'Joari,?? m ?a. JrOSterdsjr u? "I M-.?!;,.. ?, l> ?ores' 'i.?' ? ;..,*? >??" "? '??. " ? ' < M!nVi!5i| Irr. Diluted lr ?..?.'. ran, , prioon. The Dlitrlet eturaaraasa to cool Ins ? ? r ? v? ardsn Oil in i ell] ?? -^ ' '' ? ueenl ? Prta ? ? a- '.r ' ???'*.!' ' ' ' - II - - - - ' ' ? ''? ?esst >!tr't I '?-??- r tabs na ... ?a -s '.'>/., / ;t fift/tri?ht Year? a Heal Leader. 1*57 ^^^^ 1918 ?CeU/, t?cmjfoe+Xe E, A bG. L-* E CONDENSED MILK THE ORIGINAL l.-i __MBBSS?_i -f* >.*n?r,-ji-, heBBBBS ?a?*!? Brand r__t _?<__rr.e s tr.e*d arid ceper.cer/.e ttaple. At a c.l.nar-/ adjunct it provides m ready help ?In t-.e production of :nn_mer?.',le daintiet. M?r*y prefer it fcr tee, c-.ff?e, cocoa or eh?>c o?ate. It mtkmm Ice uauni of delicioua teiture. As en infant foo-i -when mother?' milk feilt, It effordt a valuable tubetitute. Bebte? like it. E-aiy to prepare. i V '? H** VT,rr~rr,^:^lT-?'T,r ' Ju?'sXe,:- V?. -, z M i ! i r-.-i i- / ? ? f : *?? ?ei _* y Fr?Wai //. Simonas Author of 'The Great War" In to-morrow's Tribune Frank II. Simonds tells how the same sort of campaign of attrition that won for Grant is being used against the Kaiser. It ?s a elear and comprehensive exposition of the argu? ments which form the basis of Allied expectations that the war is approaching a turn. It shows the appalling butcher's bill the warring nations must pay?and how it will be harder for Ger? many to make the payment. If you are not getting these masterly reviews of the war that appear every Sunday the fault is your own. A word to your newsdealer will re? serve a copy for you. Sill* Hmnuag Qfribimp First to Last?The Truth: News? Edito ri a s? A a! ve rtise men ta