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STOCK AT 130, N. H. PAID 185 Also Offered Brokers S9.2? I Share?Windsor Line Would Sell ?il 150. "FRIENDLY" LETTER SENT TO COMPANY "Just Want You to Lose Money in Our Interest." ?Mellen Wrote Officials ?.her history of the activities of th.? New Haven in the acquisition of iteeaih -a? Hoes esada ?:;i the evidence B< trial yesterday of the roa 14 formar directors on u.i).nr?rv ut g to nionop; '.. | *\. ? I.:.gland land *n.l water transportation. Yester? day's evidence hi . ratei dealing? doerB te the pi riod of the fight with Charle? W -..en he was working ' ? balld op hi? coa???.? ? t Pile. ? if course ere know that it ptesaes s man (arhen he bayi I ill . t., be tnlil "that it is ?jvarth every bH of ?*??". Y? t \ib.n roa buj s WO nil -.. ? ,\ 't hi?, ?nit, sir. Brill for **'.'". arid la wotrth rvery l>it of ?-SO." i ial that bat it works lik?- i \ -?? Belling more nun ? a.,its .-mil overcoati at 918, sj*aj ind >-.'"? than ever before \ll?l th" fili.-.iA < ? ?I il i II iT imiling for more! .ftfomin?du?S ',, ?on, s? rS l?ei u> iii ?. .-.7>i?\ YOU and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK or ?/OS may set a cheap substitute and pay the saxe bsIob ihoul ?.he leaiion, t1 ? ? ? : b R Ha'ts. r the gov ment, ? lai 'ie,l a j;: th? tint* toward th?- . ,r> bos O ? A- . . dellen, who ai reai i mon y i erne leldoifl sddreiaed lo 11 ? f the .- more In th? of almost inaudil Mr liatt?. jurymen plaint] il erad I fee of then even pretei dins to i?a> -.. the man ? ?lene?*, la the fora? <>f lei ' 'meet . telling th? complica?1 Of the S'?*?*. Ilu?cn. DeLaacey Nicoii, of counsel for Objected to the detail w which the government atton ? ihi? matter, exclaiming thai oi*. being made whether this trial or th- ?? I Brat." Tai moil imporl ? ter pul yeaterd \\ indaor I ? Peabody A Co., of Bo tere fr ? t ti ant th? i . iibm?y it- ? t!-..- ?loci t 110 .. hot and Preaidei i VVii ; , BC? ??' ' SB also ? the brokt rs II ? i-are coi ?Vindaor and thi lierchanta ai i, ?he evidei ec ihowi l. ??? * '. ! ar.d run ander tl 1.control of th? Sea Haven, until final : Bfl the hue OpOBl) ? New Haven holding, in t tion Mallen i rote to the pi Iferchaati an.l atinara' Lin? laatiai os our pa the management line. 0? rolStiOBI are I. glily friendly, and we i Bot dot i ?? anything ? ? epl the pee i te dictate that yos ihall lose moi our interest." At the close of the leealOB thi dene? dealt with the negotiation? f< th ?a!?- of the Harvard sad ? | of the N'?- ? i . ? r\ Ce into > ___-?> DENTIFRICES "FAKES," IS CHEMISTS CHARGI Professor dies Says Deca; Prevention Claims Are False. Dr. W, .i 01? i, prof? ? cal chemistry al < olumb addrvaaing the ? ? v ? last night, said frice m. ?hat what its maker* claim 0:1 : 1 r ?r p per?. manufao'-.-. - prevent " - . Dr '. - "As a I enr?- I ..... s ha! parti? i si get the teeth. A dentifrice car no m?rt - ? bod - - ?' ? - ? * - - . ? a h'.n 11.111 11 > y ? ?. ? * i i ? ? 9 TRlBUWf / A Note-The following New >. ork Citj in I he New ^ ork Tribun** '? ? ? . -.- - guests protection from undesirable - ? 'faction in accommodations an rice is fu teed. See The Tribune Graph. ? complete Hotel announcements. A?Ana. & Eu. B?Eu. C?Pet. & Bacl l?'-i- I'?- - - DisHct No. 1, 14th to 42d St., bat Foorth Ave. rod 5 ??*????.???. t. -.. Hotel. A-ldr??? "????? A-Hotel Arlinstnn >81m2M c ''??'*-?' B- Hotel Breilm. Broa-T-vay ?.-?'? ?S , B- Grand Hotel. 3'?i St sad Brei B--H*-tel H?7mit?ge. . m?? SaJBBfe Il 42 .... A- Hotel Irving. M Greasorcy Pa-k ' B-H ?el le Marciu-.,. 12-16 Fa.? ?tel :' ? r H ??1 Mtditon Square. 37 mmmtmU '- * il E Martha WsaV?sgSssj. 29 ?Eaet 2a I ' me dot B HeSl* Navarre. 7* Av. ?-: " ? - ? B H 'el Pnnre (aeorje. ; aal FrJA A*t I B H tel Seville. 29?h St. ar,: '? , ' I ? ' ????.. D H tel Touraine. 9-11 Ea?i 19 B -H .tel York. 7?h Ave., mtt. Mal I Diitric. No. 2, WsihiB?*ton Square Section, b*iow 14lr, Id A- Hotel A?Sert. 11 ?h St. a-a l- .?*.?. ? ?... A Hotel Ear'.e. 105 U.verly Plat? ? : * ' , ' , A-Hotel Holley. ' ?th.ngtor. S-.-.a-? rV- Hotel Judton J3 W* A--Hotel M.rltoti. 3 ', Uett M M. District No. 3, 42d Si to 63d St., b?t. Mediton Av?. in.d Broad?, y. ,\ HoOd a?lltil 122-24 ?*.'eti 49?h S? - . . -,. B H-4-1 BuckinRham Fifth Ave. an 1 V \? -At day up B -Hotel Fa*op:re 63d Si an i BjIBBBJBy. SI pa*? ?i*r C?14 Fji?t (iOih Si. Eagei b Bsfvk. On ? ? ? B H' tel f.r*-at Noftli-ra. 118 Ueit 57il? St. | ?r dey i? B Hotel Ungdon RM, Av? and MA Si 0| ?. , ?. ? B Hotel laaiihna '47 149 Wesl ^th St. S3 pei dsy ap B Hstel Lssasii &3d St. ead Madaaa Ave .2 peu day bs f ?l?,?el Unga? re. I*>7 ?*>?? 47th S?. S! pa? day up. B llilll llll?BBI. Fifth Ave. and 45?h S?. D- Hotel v"*w v?e?l??o, Maditon Ave. ?nd 40il, St. Or, a;.;.l * a? m?. B H?.??*! Netheiland. ''-0lh S?, ?nd Fifth Ave. *,a' per ?iay up. B Hotel PiillBB-Bll 0 Waal 46th Si. $1.50 per ?iay ?p. B---H't'l - ' '*?**' ^7?h St. On ?[ ;.|,?a?.'.n. BU*,??! |aaaia i -1 i Wet? 45th Si % 1.30 per day up. District No 4, b?il St to 110th St., bet. Centra? Park W. sod Broadway. A Haad Us - ? vVeoi BOA St. Oe ?i?!?aii'.n. B H'.isl BeBaclaai s?. ?id asee?ewey 12 pei >uy j... B laaeel Busls fhnsegeaiiil Busda-ey at -MA Si IIJO ea, B Hbbb. Bsjatssa Hall Biubbsbbj. 85ih is B6A Su S2J0 up. I Cr 2 ssissaa f Hotel Biiisliy, '?-?? 74?h Si. Ob BBsasjaaesj, \ Hattal CleaBsBsaaj 202 We.? 103d Si? |30 ap km two. B H'."l ' sIbSBSI Mil Si. A CbSBbAsB Ave. On application. B Ho ?el El llnSl ?nd C'jlumbut Ave. $1 dsy up j ?hsal l-u- ?l llesl 79?h St.. |<\?,m ,m| half,, 02 up. ". \\re\ BBBJSSSa. ? entrai P??k W.. Uti Sl |2 *.?, thy up. B H'.t'l M?nh???an IpSSB M M ^??1 77?h 5i ?7 ps, ,|,v up B HsSel MbM Ant-,.ne"?. MA Sl and Br"?lwai| JI.V) per ?lay up. B HsadJ M.'t'.lk BreeeVwg et I0M ft II.? ger day sa? B H'.iel IsBBSsMias). ?"' ''7 vVeal M?l, St. $IJ0 rp B H/?lel ' BfBSja f?r?.?'i?vay TOA ?o 7lil Si. $1 V) ?.e, ,t?v ?,,. B II? ?el Wali-n. If>4 Ue.i 70ir, Sl. On a,m\% BSsSSj, g H,,tr| ?A . Broadway tad 7f?li?t St. f?''.'.!?, ?nd haih. $. B SB? BROOKLYN HOTELS. ^BSja%Bj ?MtVlill1? Hi mtJOmjaO iit-il.t. ?Ha Jyll ?tauaiii, i rmtaitOm, LYNCH WILL HOLD FIRE CONFERENCE Orders Commission Meet? ing to Take Up Five Story Building Problem. FREE LUNCHES COST DEPARTMENT $12,000 Supervising Inspector Admits .Men "Could Throw Reports in River" Without Detection. District Attorn? I the In* ? l'.amond Candi l'.f.'t.irv Ore that coal twelve the . t I . ..i y powers. Hv also anggeated that the eemmiaaiofl could i ne r? ?a ? . - ??..' Ua| tion i. re I 112,000 I in? il ' napei tor.? to pa] 'or their . ::, toad el charging ? . .i? ;? bow i!? no, <_ agner op? nod l ? ? fourth the inquiry ha eatling Janet M. . chairman ?.f the State Induatrial ? ommiaaion. The Diatrie! Attorney las? took BB ?? laniaation i ended wedn? day afternoon king lynch n" he I led la . ? ? ? | .??,,?! B? : tor G? "i : ? A. Rosqui s, la ? h ich i , i,, i.. ..m ai criminal action s n for fallare to comply with h't ? i?, fireproof the stairwaj, of th?> ? Lynch'? only answer w*_? that he hud ordered tin- .?.-.?.rch for ihe raisaing ?loeu ? . be continued He had mad? no personal search, he said. Mr. ( i ? ? i?s*ey ?nay thai the report ?how ?here ?(..? reepoaaibility tor fail* ?afore? the law lav. Fof Blrs'.o't an hour Mr ?'roj.?ey t the < Bimiai I I lean why he and I - aaaociat? '..??1 aol tved the discretionary power vested in them ?a to lard their ?tair? l.y inclosing pat ? ? I .*? rial. : . that before tl comn lasion t would b? ? ? ' :,- th.- Indu-' ? ' .;? of ten members? ? ? ? sctur* i ? n. ?i ? Nesting. ry thai ? s ?i ad* ? ? .. . He ?i! tha mat* ? ? - ? ? ? a I . - * ' . ? Marks Denies He Pu( f ire Blame on MI ten el Mai ' Marks ' ' ? the del g of ! ? .' ? ? Pi ? H'.hm r.f Alderman all ?Sic!, he ?vu. ,, ;?>t?s.1 a? Baying tha the Mayor ????? respontible for hlnckin the I.?x:k-.oo?l-K;ienhoe*n bill lait April which woald have "cr?atif limj Bed i'actory lasparties ami wonld have pre roated tha t? rn'.le Diamoad 'trtory ,-atastroph?. " Th? Horcugh PVeeideal rapad a*.??! the part of the later* lew from ?h:cn it be laferrod thai he held 'he Mayor roaponsible for tl ? factory rrt A BfOwd ha?l jra'here i : 'he chamber ?>f the Board ef Estia. vcipa "..n of an exciting time. Prendergoa! i?.-.' *.. a p?j al of "high personal privil?ge" in bringing the sub ? to the n"r-.' lOB of '?? ? ? BBSOCiateS. "When I Sad 'ha' memh.r? of the [ of Estimate Apportieaaaent are the objec'. of malic ? .-. WBI '?m and unjustifiable auack," said the Con? troller, "I fool it my ?luiy t?. pr?tent the ma"?'r n.>-??''" ?' ;? si -..rr.hle re? sponsibility President Marks placet at the door of Mayor Mitchel if he was quoted eorreetly la tha puera." "I am ir'.a.i indeed te reiterate what in a meeeage te the Mayor," ?an! Hon.ugh Preeideal Marks "The nm paper iaterview wai given ever the telephone. In 'he mala, OUtaid? of the la?t phrr.?e -huh bla-nes -he Mavi.r fof responsibility for the !;r?\ It correctiv reported 1 still believe the Mayor acted wrongly by v. ? he Loekwo. d-f.ll? . bill." "Then you repu -..??ment?" a?ked tb?. i'..: t : .,11er. "Thn- par! '. ? ?at ii'n.i- to blasse the Mayor," Mi Mark? replied. l.ouis Gold t? \ itanl District Attoraey, of Brookljn, ??ii" hai i i.r the .T?ll ;n:i | r? itigBtiOB " Diamoad factory fire, -a:.I las', muht 'hat he con.? .Irr. . er any cae to attempt '?? use the Diamoad ?l -- aster a* a mean? ?.'' cril May... wood-Ellenhogen bill, i* created .?nt and diverted the at?t*ntioB of tha public from ? mti?0:1, ha . 'The trouble ha? been thai th? inter* ? ??? ? ,.'- fa -..r 1 1 rnei dominated to a lar/.- eaten! th? official! who had charge of i 11 ?peculiar ' th? Department ef tabor, aad eery lit? tle attention hau been rives t?> the la* torOBta ??'" thoaa who ?:?.?? ?? te earn a mere exit!?" loymeal Ifl these factories," he declared. Fire Risk in Schools Due to Lack of Funds Fire Commissioner Adamson laat ni(jht denied ? statement atti bat? 1 te him that a disaster ?Uch as rO tooh place la a Peabody, Masa., school, it. which a Bomber of childaen loat their livoe, 1 lid Bol hat.?corred in the public schools of New York. In an m ?!.:?? h h? ' reei ? ? ? immii sioaei - 1 I I t thirty* viols that had ardai proof ih?.ta 1 .?. s had riot been ol eyed reason a aed for l tei ? ? ? - 11. J. Snyder, ol the ? f Ed ication l??i ling bureau, laat .... I ? ? _ ? been I Mi 1 ? would cert ' 1 ild 1 ? CHINAMAN ACCUSES POLICE Sergcaal ?n.i l??,. Patrolaaea <?" Trial on \s-_ult ? barge, I P . N l- n ' . ' I ?for? 1 Vu?-. . ? . 1 . " - ? I ? t To Be S y :'? v ! OR? I a.l I . a ? ' I , il > I . ? . I ? 1 -? . ? I ' . Batet*iiu n.a.ii.ja * ? ". '?' "? 1 1 ? i. i? H?-I,|ll. ' I flL m I Laral iarMi.l ? ?,?',.?, ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS: MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS I ?-??'- ?- ...... ? -r || ABM?, I ? i s' ? I ????1:1 ?. - -?? BUS. ? ? a .-?,.. , ju? .y *? Ar ? ? tall lof ? ?! i: t "M ? Uli I --fi int . t., - ? ??? n ?a?:? ~l 1?.>i ? ? ?I ? \ I ? > I ' ? |.| Il M Ml rni llll I I ' i. ? I Ai M -Ill-Ill . ? ? l l . I | , . . I ? i i?a ? ? ?a i ?...i ?ti H ?.?. ? - ? . ? _?.._, ?a,.??. - L-. I iULvk S. I ri.* 1 I ? ? - ? ?.:'?' l-r-in B a. 1er lla-..| ?,? ?rai II ? MAI 1 i. -i ? ?? ? ... ? T L A. TOTTI l li-?rtaj??; ?.. S?! ..ta '?IT?? Uni '.r l? UOYi Ml T aVBBII ? l> Miarla 1-a.r" . l-ifl ?u I ? 1 ??' l|?.'nr |l .????. ?? . . a? liai . ' ?i ?. ? ? i ? , . ???u ? D ...... . . i i ' . ? ? I ' ?. *. a? ? Btatlaa? U? r ?-.?..?.,, a, ? M is ?sa Shipping Information and Marine ?\ews of the World Vessels Arriving at and De? parting from Port of New York. WrVUTT ?IE AIMA*-A'' I ? ? ?I ?, <i . 1*. !7 S??? mvmwsrm g ,f f v - - - - ? . INCOMING BTBAMaOtS. fD-nai V??.?;. trim. N"*'M?n? .. OmitttStm . -? '*'I? . . ? ? ?..? i -1 - . ??a I!?-.:?? '- ? ?m ' i* r* .?.-:? ? me '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. Batr? . .... A ?.I??*-?? Soetteet P raib I ? M..|i?wk ??I M'AI Hill II I : 1 I- * . ? a.- - ? . ' ? . r ? a - I " ? . I . Ma-, I " ? ?a. II ?. MO.XDA1 *- B '-i *? ? I..i ? . -. ..." .a ? . ? . I: . i M??..l?k '? ' - ,. ?? .. id \ i ?an Juan i ? * i i S .*? .Insn I.-? . Hot i ?i. naja ?m'i. 01 TGOING ?TEAMBBB, lu DAI *..??. I ? a- I 11 . .? * ii.,a: . H?ta? s .............. ? ? t . H, II?.?:.? Jamal ? \. . .- A . ? ? ' am ir?, i ? '. ?a ?. ? . ? ? . am \| man. I ??? II . . . - . - a Ja i....rirlII? . I Mont? l ?a*. ? ? ' A * i liait?? Bl N'DAT, KO*. I.?HI.I: il ? BlfBae An-'.?:.?! Il M MB M"N!'.\'i !*01 I.Mm Ii Ii ??re?!*?. It???T?.l . TI'ANSPA? II I? MAILS. a I N V .... . . - Tar-ana M * * ' '.. ? ? . lia* all. , ? ?uattaJla ..a . . ,....? U I. .an. ? : i il ! t (?la Han Sri . . . ''?"' ' .... . .... ' Dm I ? I i i .. , ? "???... i. ..? ami m a r " Ha.-' er A Kir it 7 j?> a m 71 tr. ' H Win-! ? ,._ " ? 11, to r*_ - a n. ?" *. ? ?-. IWvr * O ? ,. ? ??? ? . ?.,!-: la 1? i .? ? .? - , N .- .? I'ta a ? ?.. .a V - ' - ' ? . . * ? . * . . .. a'.J ?Ifra.?-. ... I.- ., i?r il I I! I m. -. . ? t ?, r? l .? ? * a m. . ?j . ? ? . 0 T O am. -. ' ? .. ?? . ? a? B p m ? . .1. "n J .. . -talker St ? Oat ' , ? Q| ? ~ '? . > ? I IS t m . , ? ? radie S . Bar al . .? ? . i taita 0*1 il. t?> Bait? S ' i ??.-?.' .. m ?. Kl? da... ? 1 . t i , ? tu t ? ?,.,., il |. I s, . ' lia.." ' STKAMKKS AT FOKKK.N l'OUTS. Aliiil?. I i. Il| ' a; I N-w Tjrk ar.< ? ? Sam York I \r. V.rk 1 * :?? ?-??? a ? ? ' ?iar.o? , ? \ ra l - '? a Y fk Hi i ,.?.-.. ? II? ,1a la K< l S't < \ ra . \ r? i ?.-t. Tot* I s ? -.? ? Harm i -a I !_t_QD I i Totti ? ? New \,.rk Bl S? t Y-rk. I a | ? . V-rk ? . 7 , . ? ? V ' ? . I ? h - ? ? American Embassy's Courier Keeps London Linked to Berlin I ribune Man, Vi -. ? utrith 11 Se rosi the ( L'.iiii?!. Geta \X but I rtrilli i n Nighl foi /? ? ? ? ? ? I ? I I.I? I. . '. ?I 111. I I I.. ? ' .,? Il- I....I .. . ! ,.,?? i . |.l . . i ?.' inn? 'i .i lala eher? rut? . ?i i. ? i i.' i.i ?i? . ?. .u i..i, . .1 . laten *, *.ur mlth'a ml i" i ii i r. >r foi it ???.?? hardl] . ? | -..t ii m ?.. , . plain ?rhj I VI ..I'M ...I . '?. i.ill off ? ? . pp *.?. hen I was irouied . muffled "hu 11 111 n it " I mighty I '?>?'' ? "i i' .1 ? i.. ii.ii.?? * i ,i .'.. , pelin engine and thi ? ? naj of bora i.? and hrapm ? oui ?.. trou extremel) ??. i,.. . .?? i .? 'm ?? \ '., .? . . - " i ? t, iiiiii through nu mind ? nil the itoriea I hail and baa 'i ? the (Cast Coi o,i.?-i. ni eu ii* ??r tin* a..u. . .. ? ? . ? . i? maku- ?)-.?- im . la i? ti laetaal l ?ra? peering ob) i i I ?Ai?? iA ging froei tin- por hole a? m ?se, iadieatiBg that our Yo ? ? ?i. A noc?a).rii nd hadi l ahoyad Sflilth'i idiaonltion t*> k?-,-,> *i ,. porthole ?haded I he i ? ?grewatrong ??r, th?- ,i.i .i 1.1 ,'ise Bolder "Hu rni rri i i 111." n cam? h*-i.,ss ?lie black aatere be Thi i It -? ? m? -i ? i leald ??? ?eh sal sad . i.i whatever ?? Eepaelis ha? n eking oui from 4s i-iKHr iheaed body However, I SOBbl VBSther I ?vas pin.* IBOUgh ni just thai munit,* ?.. st?i|, || "H?i rinrrnr" iitht un?ler ?he par! bul?, "l'ut that light outl" i ho?? ? ? ? ? ... ? .1 !?v i ,? ? M 0 :? .. Ranking Marine Retired. ml Mi or 1. Deal or, 'h?' h larhi it rank ? t? i States M ? "i i ?. H .. i .'t : i ? d ? n full I'. ,i. ? he Put ??? ' ?und Mav) 1 ? i .1 ? . of continu* .orded h im . C ''SI ? ? I \l ington, I), r.. m IBM PIBE RECORD ll P. I. WilH I ? i . . h . l|? ' r m ' ' ______ ? . .. ? i . " ?? * . . i ? A V? IM r.i n NOTH i;?? I ?.till S,,t Bl Kl ?I ?v-ll'l S r.lB A*sY i ,. n|.^ u.a . II -?' U.I.I ?tIKJ. j.-k-'U I. _?__J_..?vU . RESORT*. Galen Hall in tue Mountains * RNaKNVItU. PA Where WUSm ?tyJ are f?ll af Csira* MBiara **.?.,---? Hotal wt?famtertal comfort a."..! f-od cheer Kxcepli.ntl y <iry air ?nr. ? ...ry t_**_Mtrt an? ?he tered fr.? '? rtr. ?ai-td? H-aa'if I ???!-? ??-roL'iii ??cedan. R?a.?i-..l l'hyu-'ian. '. ? n, eben Cur tlv??n_ Took t? int. ,Tr*a..:..?ni?. M.* ?_# BM s ad 0 ?' .'.ir* Na* Booklet. J-.'-ihour? v n: N i tir. ii|h F'lv-ra?, via ?. *n ral R. R t N J. ?W h,ur? from Phila. '(. n,- K R I. trra'ur?- and Wssirer .. .-.-? N \ ?.fi.'*. M .'th A?a flume, Mad. Be. 1? *J ... \\ .> V WING. Mar. li.4I.KN >l??l NI VIN t?t. F I. Yeui ..-. Ceoeeal Manair'r. tilt ItA.tN. HtSORI HOTPI Of THf WCRID ooanDoroin^KnMm VTIAMII OIT. . Ni J. i...?i?.> ma?aiMi?T JOSIAH WHITE a SONS COMPANY TRAYMOREa_r?, INSTRUCTION. M ? I'lKK- Manhsllan The Berlitz School ot Langua?*ci, l ? K-M W?Sr 14tb STRtET. - \ l _ U -UM* J I'. .. I. ... . . 1 -t. _. ??? ?t I Sti. iBlkei -11*.). ??. II? r. ?? 1 e.- ? a !??> IS, I I'lTl'l ' ??? -n I. i?7?. B.BB.VB SCHOOL if LANGUAGES f. 1 ? ?? \V 721 St s, i,,?,| f?r >tHinnierln(. tble ..: r... 1. _? rat lilt II W um .-?t l?AN< IM.. -LOUIS H. CHALIF_ Crz-uatB Russian Imperial Ballot S h.a ivr?vi..'i? teat-fee? leoefeecg aad -ma teere, laterprotlve, eel feet le, rarwl ?ml >,?I:,,..m itttni log In dull) and ?serial? ?uil'se? Hr..? luir. 7 U>s( IM -S., M. V. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. INSTITUTE of .MUSICAL ART of th* CBtjr of New York An Wm?mm t? Sr*ir,?i frank DoeireeeAeOmrmmtme fa? i Ir? f? ?,???.? s ariril t-Bllf is,<1 -arrest pun?"?? .-a-i ?:rr. rtcdn a th-roufb and nnpraheiaiiaa . - a ?dijcttloi ? r t.? ut f ?:?.? at.r.a I Kn? I . --t ?HI oat tl.uutl.t . I ;r '? , Ii il i ?.-?,?. . | , ?? iriTi'? tcrmi ?ouIII be pi . ..- ".:. lira'- ? I ??.?r.irni EUglblf . . rt. *!?.?.! i? ti .:.. ;.. . eeui >rin ?.ir.?, I?.,? ftS, It? < lar.iiinnt A?..NY. MAI ItfllM UV?U M IMHII ?IK N. Y. lVla-\l_r_lll 10 ?. |'"''n.l M. SCHOOL AGENCIES. Irru-ri. i?n uiul I'lr.-l-.-i. Tr?? feeeo' A|rnr).? Bupi i Pro) ... . ? to Mr.- m j r<?i s?a !? i I -, .?rt. BUSINESS CARDS. ?."V T ? I > A' ISO CO ? ? .* ' ? ? a -? (.<?_? , [Mi T ? ; i ? .-? ?. ? v, ?VSTED ? - i . -- I tllili I IKSt I? I ?Vll.s ? -. r* ?? t .. a ? ?a . i.?ti|. . ? r ? i ? ? ..i ladament ,, , W ?'?i J MrPhlllamy ? > ...... Bi k | Real ?K at Street, ? ' ? r Kli ? I '? ? -i llll ..? v , atreoaal ?,.r..p ..r rh< -'? i-" ? ina ? '"? ? Baturea and rtarnallo iiaed la tbt beewlna Suet* ' s i ? '.-.:.. ??? >n, bound? .1 by Buah* ? Html i 7 irhal ? ??? k Roed TI ? tntlrety i pei eaa Be I ad ?a ???v p intlfTi ?t. ? -r ?rh l.lll lAi'KMl \ r>TKMAN u-f.... OK? IROB * B. I nff'i tt?orne>, ?? S Y ro ?\ROM II M\V CONCERN. Kli II M.?- 11 II MIN, ?lit III?? HIM i- Nil \\ Is, l.i u ? i v\: antl r?>v DBi'RABKD . . II ?un ??< I la . ? .1 ?. |.|,?tv ?if |h. ?? i u hi :am .*?? in . .in ... ? ??i in ih. ?i) of \..i. m mi ? h.. . h v ? tun? i?.? an i ? ,ii ?...i ? ?i, t. ai i? 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