Newspaper Page Text
CAMPIONS' DAY AIDS HORSE SHOW \V. H. Moore (-arries Off Closing Honors with Four Winners. ENTRIES PRAISED AS BF?ST IN YEARS Toronto Oirl Wins Cheers at Jumps Kitty (iordon's Do?/ There on Skates. kerod and the la?t ?,' board at the lal National Bteaabera of the aad koroo-lovora o former it ?he e-itries . _. .v. aad to ;? Moore, ara?o**/!? tigti to 11 ? reatoat ?tshle of ? four -sarness and car ?-t | ..- .1 took two re ' I ..' confidence of long ?mpmtat ' ' ' -ad ahroaci. ? : rue of hi* t.rf?- ... - '?.n, to victory in ? r? ci??? fi r home? hetwee*-. 14._ and ?H 1" the next event, for ,in<ls, he directe,! Mink, t aovlee winner in this show, ?o t ?'?n over another mare of . .-.tille. Boaati?a Th*n, in th? class for pair? of har ?.?II hones at the lower height, he : ?.? Lord sad Lady Seaton, one of the ?riiteit thut ever lived, to an taayekearf ? ' ship which had been con? fided by si Win? ?ith Another 1'alr. SastS, forPS IS Bf horte? exceeding feaadi Ris? Marlboro and Pida riyri ?or., atak n? hie victory complete. The large?* ar.ti most fashionable crowd at (ha ?00- turned out to ?ee ?.he final championships awarded in the ..mpir.g ciasses, and the interest never ?tagged through the hour during which more tha*: ?iatj horse? -jumped. Hortes which did BBt place at all received the rretteit cheers, for the crowd is no ;adm of horseflesh Mc'.'v Gray, a ttoy mare owned 1>7 .V R. Coe. frith Mis? Belle Beach up, siored the tnost popular hit, while (on T-denee, the great jumper and holder of ?.-? wor. i'? i? cord for height S feet 1 inch?with D ck Donnelly, hit n?w owner, up. wa? greeted a ?hout at \i e-.tered th? riaa with hea?i erect and or.7 ? d ?tended, looking like th? grand chan.i -, that he it. But esafenaatioB counted a? well a? aad, with their saddles itr.pped fr?m their shining back?, the ;udfrei decried that the awards mutt ro to Tearaiae. the heavyweight jaatp* *r er,te-- .UBBjrbrool Farms; An ifr. ?a -,i 1 by I row & Murray, in .he -:'.>???, right cla?*. and Nancy Pansy, ?tire at Plantation?. Inc., -the ? ? v ? ?-las?. Canadian Girl Applauded. ^ Near the elote ef the afternoea Mis? B lib?" thardj eighteen year? ?Ii ?> I '?' IJOT Joseph K.lgour, of Toronto. ( a7.i. la, gave an interesting ?xhib tion ifl tai for ladies' qual *ed hunters? A-tr.-ie a dashing chest aat, Rayerdale, th? cleared the four ? 7? without a fault, and then re petted tf.e f< a* ?a Sunday World, a r*Id.r.g. Bear] roaag man in the Gar din tppltuded violeatl**. Su-. ?-? ? rred the fault .iii'.v pro; ?i ai ! 'jnemotional performi sbm? of Miaa Belle Beach and Mies ?lirpr?*. I.v. -? Thompson, who rod? ?*ro other g- ? rs, Molly Gray Sooty Paaa** Therefore Mias b? satisfied w-ith third t'i hart Vi? tor?, however. freely expre-sed admiration at the wa/ ^ m Coal! . far forward on '?7 Mje- ? -.. tool the bar? with ? ???? eat ?. ?youth. Mm Cenlthard came to New York u a her oaele'a mount?. '*-? r?1 *he Dominion to-day M?BM her work at Havregal Col* *r* ?listai ?-eraa*.- ?he ?aid '*? "oorh*. New York wa? just grand. : a- - j. ? ? - e g r.? here wore side '?-7 ? h?b.*.s Id rever have worn this." '?''?' . r a boyish frock ' ?he must have known aecentu Ut >; ? Bat at Egleston, on . '? model farm. ai _r__fi rid? astride; It'? ?o mucn ???er ' litt** Oerd.? hash Ii laeared '? !:v ? . to a tkilfu'.lv ether bit of l.i* i" hen ?h? apaoars 1 .? *er. . ' * '?' ?-arried a ?mall ? arm 'railed them garbed in a manner '**!i did aet i | rierge her hot for once ?o pro ' "? ol her arrival. *'* ' - suite rev?ale 1 attached ta hi? BSl ered to Box walked down the ? preaa boa, and .how < h?mpi?,na Made and Inmade. Hsmplon? -sere- ?? > m *,-.> on - a reeterdor, end , HORSE SHOW CHAMPIONS roMKs Maillon lr?lrtt-ton M.slrl Hamil ton farm. I iiilcr Saddle- l*,?h.?ti?uul ?. |? I. Hamilton tarn? Single Harne*?? I l??in*-??>n \n\H?. S* illi?br?H?k Farm l'air? Mimes? l???|lr Melbourne and Tiaalngton \nni?. \?. ill|?bio.?k Farm ?ACENBYI Mnri?? Ha?or, Sand? Point I aun Stallion?Winnrsimil. l??*l, ha??l?*t Farm'? Stud. HORSES BUTTABLI lo i.f.i OMB HI MFKS St. Patrick. Morton I.. Sihwnrti S\DI?I | HOUSES. I ndocketl. 1 I.'" to IM?S?nMre, Mrs. (.??nrirc II. ( hipchaae. Uadscked, bmsb than ivj?Baady M?li?m.*.M. \ IV. Vlklnm.n. l>orked. 14J to 15.2?Fantasy. Mis? Marjoric Hubbs. l><>.-k?7-d, mor?- than 15.2?l.onaip. I Ji'hn A. Hartford. KOAPSTEHS. Single?Minni?' \IWrton. 1'.. T. Slot fsl.ii r>. I'air?Kuh> and I as, a, K. T. StoU-sbury. H VKNEss AM? ( ARR1AGE I HORSF.S. Single, 11.2 to 15.2?lady Seaton, W. H. Moore. Single. ??ier 15.2?Micah. W. H. Maesa, l'air, 14.2 to 15.2?I?ord and l.ady Sealon, W. II. Moore. Pair, more than 15.2?Mis? Marl? boro and Fida Fayre. W. H. Moore. Jl MPERS. Lightweight?Nancy Pansy, Bet** mont Plantation?!, Inc. Middle?? eight?Aviator. < rot? & Murray. Heavy ? eight?Tourslne, Sunny brook Farms. ?orne title holder? who i pi into the ring, went out more meekly, shorn of their laurels. To begin the morning session, fifteen ponies under saddle, with children hav? ing the mount?, trotted on to the tan bark, and the first prize went to Lady Min?, the beautiful little bay BMTS from Hamilton Farm. Misa Katherine ?J. West) who put Lady Mine through her pace?, helped her cause materially by ?he able manner in which she handled the pony. Mis? CoBBtaaOS Sale Regan, riding her brown mar? Prom '??, won ?econd place, and Mis? Anna Ashton. on r>elch??t?r Farms Stud's Fir?t Whip, was third. In the following clan?, however, Lady Mine was not ?o successful, when thi champion cup for ponies under saddli wa? awarded. Here Pohogonut Gir!, a ?table mate, eanght the Juden?' eyes and the big cup went to her, with Lady Mine reserve. Those notable contenders TtssiagtOB Amltv, from WOHsBVOOk Farm, and IcviagtoB Model, frota Bassiltoo Pana, came together again -.r, the ha clas* for the chnmpionihlp cup I re? sented by F. Yon Ver Borst Koch. The :.-?*. BaaMd carried o*T the cup and championship from the Bold if I x. with IrriagtOB Mode', reserve B*-?rh these pon.?:?, are sf the Eagl lh hackaey type :r. brer'.-.*".g% and ?re splendid specimens of the I* aag. Th? twe greet val? heve heos eeaeisteat ariaaets a* mir.v sheen uni are repu'.ed *.c ssarkst value of each ?ledge ft. H. Moore drove his eeir I harness BOiees. the bav -.are? ". ? Marlboro ar.d Fida F a y re to B I the moraiag Campbe'.l Thompson's Sestil Boru and Noetledovni : " ' I necead, sad hlisi '*'? ? I srl Grey si I ' ike I A ? ? ? - Rare*? Ar?.und the Tan Bsrk. - - - ' '-.'? ,y ' the - - - - had beer. V'aoela hehir I Char!? eheetaal mare, Loehryi raced aro***id the tai .,.?? Sa? -?f.? ? lehghi ..... action sf tl way ' . Boeaeii s teal - - - seir the rr ce?? v ? i Th? f th? if B P " '" ? ; ? ? ??able. ?rsi th? after* '?' Bhs si of harn??? hark-? arai greater n mi.?n ai had ever seen et the 1 The e h ... won by WiHiibrooi Amity sad B< * M< a new ? II I . not ur.der '. '. I ha? II ? arre. - by Walter H. Ha? I ' ''-- Han ley ?? d .'? nr, with Shells, ridden hy Mr J. Vi Ki? .1 .!?r?-,<. reaei * M .. ?.??r or ' H ihbi " i nut mar* Fenteiy to Viet? cham;. ? ? , SI for dock? .RT DIIBITIO?l AM) SAIES. ART EXHIBITIONS AND SALEM wjf?fi "I nieatricted Public Sale of Three Intere-tlin?* Collectiois H/ At The American Art Galleries M\rita<?*< mmyVBMU ?inn, nkw yohk -BB?aj ?ad Tueidty Afteraooai of teil Ob Tbtridty, Fridty tnd Stlurdty After nooni of etit week, November 18, IS aad 20. tt 2:30 o'clock Ht fllrertlnn of UM m.II l?i,.>?a n ' /.i.ii' Dr. Pleasant Hunter ?f Semmrk. BOW .leraey Hn Very Irapr.rtint Collertioa of Old English and American China Rare Glais and Old Sheffield Plate ????. V >,-?,,, lSlk tnd Iftlk Itpiiiil emti UmmWaO? tt 2 30 o'tloxk Old and Modem Laces '*? Ciaiel'i Hur. M tad L-OS Sktwli, *.'?... aad y Fini, Lt?t tad '"*' fsaSBSk tnd Mnr?|l?n?ooi lit??? T? i.. a?,l?1 l.f ?llre'tk.T, ?f Miaa ?, .. i arte* ??.<1 H?_ B Vf K.i.'lail I.--"" Qh W?dn-id?y tflertoon IsStj Nut I7lk,*tl 2 30 Beautiful Old f\\wSM fine Antir-ue Bronzes ?td __a?_h| CsUbsI Object? ?-? r.?||?/tioa ol Mr. George Osborne Rudkin ON FREE VIEW 9 A. M. UNTIE 6 P. M ,, ".. Ma? -in he ??BMtssSsd ?-r hii rnovii- i BIBB1 _?__*_* ?'"1 M" eaeSalaaa, H' Oete h??,,.? .r "^^ AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manar-era ? r_.t IM ?!"??? " ~ 0??r Su Handrtd CkoM-e IpssSBtSSS ni Rarity tnd Briuty . -,f v I .... ?r l..|wlf, A?. '?? II? ? ? ? ' )?? . ? . . a ?; ... ,. ? ?.I.I? *^/^^,^?'Tif-r\n_/M- t\t\ I ?J. . Wjtjj -., *?,.,(?,, t.littmiite n; . i i > ?. i Ki Kii'iti \i u? ?u i ii? \\\ Miss Anna Ashtoil an?i Fi*rs1 Whip, winner ?if the pony Mddlt class for children riders. horses over 1-1.2 hands. Jessica, ?he swapper mure fron, the I.. M. N< stnbles, was reserve. John A. ll'irt ford'i Gosiip aroi the title In the ci?*? for horse? nver 15.2, with M ? Mnrion ?hi Pont'i Twoi ty-i ' ' ? ? i? rrve. Lieutenant Gerald T. Hanley'i spe? cial prize cf iL'"". f r offleen, ov< r th? Olympia course, ?a? won iif*?-r I ed coates! by ? ipte n C S Height's Obey, with Cai tain Nutchell'i S:r I sec-or.l ami ? iptain Alexander*! Trae Heart third. Ponies Under Saddle Get Horse Show Awards ?-?.? ... -? . ?... prisa. I? .- * |i ? - i. :?-?-:- ina'i I ? t? ?. ? ? - . ... . ?a.? R-i* ? ..-??? - . c a r ? ? ? a ?? . t ?? ? R?.. a . .... ??, . . . . , - ? - Tare* t 1 , a ? > I ? ? * ? I I I . ? . > - . . 4 i ... > ? . ?? i*. . ? . ? i ? . . < . atara, . - ??? .? - i -. ? ' i . .... ? . ? ? ? i .-?..?. I ? ? s . . - r*4 -- ? | ? i ti.a. ? ?aa . ??.-... - ? a i , ? : ? ?. . . . .i . . , -. ... .... ... . ? il ? i ? i ? ? ? I ? ' .... pen - ?? * ... ... ' . . .. ? ?rr rr. . rVMl I I* , .. ? ? ? I . M-?. Haraartl I : .. , ? - ? Para ? -?. ? 1? ? ? :? ? ?* . ?.?????. i ?lay Wm i lui ' ? Society at Horse Show Banishes Gay Colors There ?ra? a torga atteadaae? Bl ?he la?? day'? meotlBg sf the Bora? Bhoai yesterday, sad many new fares fr<im tli?- ranks ?if society were leen The ?art?riel display arsi boI si marked a? on ??une ?.f the previoei day i ?>f the ?how un?! there w?*re nut runny eoe tomei '?f guy desigai sad ?-"lor*. ?urn l?v ths wesisa, Mi? Payn? Whitney and her datagh* ter, Mi*? .loan Whitaey, vlaitad th? ?ho? for ? ihort time duriag ?lie morning lessloa. In !he iifti-rri'.'.ii Mrs Stnteshury'? }?,x h| n part) ?? ? , : ,,!?-.i Mr ? M .. ?? i it Brook i, |fn \ '. ? Ken lelaer, Mri ? Minn? ape . Mrs Uoavern? ui Wellman, Mi?? Pauli? ' H toi . "' Philadelphia, and Kran? I '!'" I i M? aad Mi< Henry Rokenbaugh .. ,. thi . ?? ol M?? ? fiar Ii s ?, \ ie in one ?f lb? ?ir?ni. BO ?? ? Among sth? ri i< en In the boa? ? aad ..u'? >,i ealhing arouB<a?tha areaa ?cir |fi asd Mr? Rradley Msrtln, Mr. i Klehard Trlmbl? Mri Joseph Harri | mas, Mi Richard Lswii Morris, Mr? Edaiuad Randolph, Mr. and Mr? Ilamll ton W. Carjr, Mr an?! Mrs. Matthe? istor tVilll?, Mis- Jane Akers. of I.ouil ville; kalph Bloomer, Mr?, (??car .V Borke, Ri ai d Mr. Alfred N Headl? ?ton, I Pear ?all Field, (?n?wnld A Thomp'on. J. Daviet Taiator, Un ?a De I. Oelrieh?, Mr. and Mr, Frederick T. Frelinghuyaen, Mr?. AI ?r? d 11. Dieterieh. Jol n ?'Day, Willlai A Hasard, Mist Margaret ErBart, Mia Man..n Tiffany, Mr* William Quaid Mrs. I .oui Haifht, Ms aad Urs William du l'ont Miai Marioi du Pont, Miss Elise Born? W. Goadby Loe-e M is Audrey Othurn Mr? E Fraacu Hyde, Hil'.lreth K Bl.Igood, Mr. Morria K Volek, Ml and Mr? E roa der Herat Koch, Johi r Webb. Alfred B. Maclay. Ellahl Walker, Jame? MeViekar, Dr. Charle Hitchcock, Henry W, Sage, Mi?? Marioi ird, Mr.. Timothy L Woodruff . tar rhelp? Blisa, B Orden I bii M ?? Eieai .- Greea, I' J I aeey Henry T. Fleiti ind Mra San ? M bank a B? oar ! ? arj DIVORCEE CAN SUE GUGGENHEIM HEIRS SnrrogRtC fluids Mrs. Am\ <i I urati Mas Rii*ht to Ask Accounting. . - - _?.?.. - a pf laataiaed restai \ - . 0. Lars the exeeat f the e?tat f the faat . * - Mr?. 1 ?he fr,rm rife of reed her, ? i ' . ' ? | ? ?whifh h?i I , -/ mar ?? eoreapoi lent, ?- . ?. f r .... \t . /_*?-? ' ?or for life aa remarried re . a - ' a ? ?I 1?.. ' If.f a?, - ?'.' I I'.' ? - ' . . , ., I . . ' ? . 1, .. '. ' . ? ' ? -,. ? led at ny ' | .n. .1, ,' ,,(T L . ..oV I ?!,, I -,. I . , | ' . ,, ? ' ... I I-., n ? ,, ? . , I ... ?I , I , ., I ,. r. ,... ?i,. ||i ? i ? . . ? ? ,i i ?.,,.. r., Ml I ..--? . I ?, ? ... I ?, ?(.;,,1.1 . | ? (.1- . '.f III?' I '. I ? |. I a- ' - ....... I '.. I ' gat? i ... 1.1 h? Id thai Mr* l u rati had an nier? I In th? Guggenheim ? tat? undei 'ha ..i-i11 meal and thai ?'? bad ? right I" apply foi an ?r counting The court reeerved decialon n? ?r. whether th?? aeeooatlng ihoald be ordered CAPITAL TAX BINDS TRUST COMPANIES federal Coati Upholds levy Under I in-ru? irv \ct. I'hitauelpt, .n. Not I- The collection ef tiixes ?m i|i. entire capital ai Uta l aompaai?? engaged la the bastasss af bunking, BXeepI when SUCh r?mpame? ran trace their penaaaeal iareatmeat? t.. their capital, arai upheld m the Uaited Dietricl Court here t?.-day. Jadge DickiaeOB entered a Boa-aait In the tir.? of the aumereu? >?uit? for the refund of taxes collected by the ln!.?.rriul Revenue Deportaenl aaderthe pro? laiona of th? act ef Coagroo? known ?s th.' emergency retenue act, levylaa a tax ..t $i BB arery I1.M0 >.f eapital ted .n m botiaeea, 'I bo Germante? n ! raal I ota puny, the plaintiff, claim? l thai it? capital, rar plut and undii Ided profil ? ?ere bo, taxable andei thi act, aa the? ?rare ?II m permanent invcetmenta, and that it wao th? mom '. of der .?itora la It banking department that'ora? ased te ? ondu? t 'in.' pin ? ef the baslaess 11,. roromment, however, eontoaded thai while il?.' capital night be l-jflai ?die m the raalta ?>f th? ?eatpaay, it trae algnifleaaea tan? h roeefr**? to meet any inn Hint nii_lii I.? inaile on the I ' ompaay, NAVY DI KUHN FORD'S JUNI\ ? 11 i en ts ss I y |m llrcl 'myi \?luih nl Hi mil '.jirnl' Iftg riu Miinkh ? OASTAI ( ANAi s VITAI ro DI 11 NU ' ?hipa id .ii i .m o,, oui m?j 11?.|, ' redid, OMcfi rtlli ?Viltr? ?.i .i? . I ?luv? iitlmi "> '? .,.?|i ??. i.. i. " ssh, ?.? '...i || /, ri,vy f? ''.lee Hi??? ?ill ha sasslvi ??. Iobi ?? ?aterteea iherei are ael ll > ? ,.<ei,..?i hol ?In, h will rariy II?, (,?? ,,, ,,, .,,. elhei rolle? ?aec iha? *.?, ?real ?h. atetara lt??r Admiral \ W Hi ml eommeader ?-f lbs labmarias Hol i I'l.-senied at tha rloalng ?SSliSB <?f Ibl ?atlastie i'-ep..r Waterway? Aaeoelstioi to day. Beei /\dm:ral ?;rant ?Bl si,t*nkir?tv ander the dir/ed arden ?if the fleiire tor* af ?tie Navy. ll?? spaaeh ass pre par*,I ??'ter a conference with Mr l-uriiei?, m which, it is understood, ht wa? iaitraetOd to he frank in th? mat ter ?.f preparednaei The rear admiral declared the Henrj Perd itlea of a jitney -ulimarlne wai worth les? than a snap of the finger?, and insisted that the type to be built by thi? country must be the fl?n-ton to '?'"'? ton boat now in use by Germany. 1 he canalization of the inside course has been mlvocated for some year? as a commercial proposition. Now it will he put up to the next session of Con? gress a? a matter of military nece??ity a? well, with the indorsement of th? War and Navy Hepartments. "Much has been said in newapaper? lately," said Rear Admiral (?rant, "con i-eriiing our requirement? in the ?ub nianiie line, and there ?re prominent men who advocate a large number of one-man jitney submarines, a? opposed to a medium ?ire, habitable venal, for which newspaper agitation might lead you to believe that the present canal? are deep enough "Submarines of a larger typ? than th? L-boat or O-boat must be laid down because they will be more habitable, and the first cost and upkeep of a num? ber to perform certain work are cheaper than the smaller vessels of 45'i ton?. "A well rounded programme for fu? ture ?hip? ?hould include battleahlps, battle eruuer?. scout?, ?ubmarines, tor? pedo destroyers, air craft and auxili? ar:?*, such ns fuel ?hips, supply ?hips, repair ?hip?, hospital ?hip? and mother ?hip* for submarine an?! aircraft. "Whatever naval dsfence you pro? vide will, ?hould the ITaited State? de? clare war, be used more offensively than defensively, and the war will be carried away from the coast if we are properly prepared and have a rea?*?h able chance to de*feat an enemy. Thi? mean? that we muit have larger aub marin?? than any we now have not ?mailer one?. Muat Be Offenalve 'We will be on the defensive until, ?o save our national honor, we dec ?re war It mu?t be offensive following that ilerlaratlon" In a letter to the convention Ferre ?-*. '??? ? -' - -? - ? ? ? ? ?? a .'. ... ; -?. .liai < a.l?'. i. .- I . . . .I ? - ' I ... ...? "... m 14 ' ?II. . . ... I. . - .?*? \am i . ? ? ? .?.a,? ? . ? / -I. ?? . ..... gll ??. I . . ,. , . .,'...... fi ..... i . ' ... ?? ? . ?a la. ? , ? ''*'' . a ? ? oerfSK h? an i ?y..! ' " i ? ?? . - ? . ' . , '?., a.! ? r. i "if ??. ... . infortanato aa ... -I '.. ?f . ?a, rr, , ? '?, I,, ah e '., a?r ?'. ,vi . e, poeelhle ehaanel theee dealing ? ihmarinei ste the . ... and pn ? t a foreigi r,n > lar,.i I?, i aeentai ive - Hampton Moore, '.f Phllad? i ?. ??, '?te r? elected president i.f th' association Th? ?election of ?t., 1911 mooting placa wa? left t?. the tieeotive committee Other ofHeen . acted .?ere V;re ; r m ,'!? r, ' ?. J II Srnn?. North Carolina; W 1- Herr..-'. S'.w York; F W DoBBolly, New J?l ?ey; .1 II PrOBtOB, Maryland; dele fc-at.-s Bt-larga, .1 Charles Linthirum, Maryland, and Frank F. <'rnr;e, Maesa* ehaeetta; secretary treasurer, W. II Shoff, renn?vlvania. 'PEACEMAKER' GETS 2 YEARS IN PRISON As Detective, Took Woman's Gems to Aid Domestic Recon ciliation Pawned Jewels. The final chapter <?f B marital row caused by motion picture? wa? writ? ten yesterday in General Session?, when Judire Malone sentenced Donlel N'ewmark. of 1011 Kelly Avenue. The Bronx, to Sin. Sinn for not more than two years and three months for steal? ing- $fi(l.) worth of jewelry from Mrs. Ldward A. Le Fevre, wife o?s n. do hardware merchan' of 141 Seven? teenth Avenue, Peterson, N". J. N'ewmark was at Coaoy lalan.l last August and ?aw Mrs. Le Fevre drop a purse as ?he wat hoarding a steamer for Manhattan. He haniied her the purse and kept up a conversation bv potlne as a private detective. Before the ?'earner reached New York he hu?l lenrnad from her that she had quar? relled with her husband becaaee he objected to her devotion to the movies. Well ?.roomed and suave, N'ewmark finally convinced her that h? could obtain evidence enough for her to ?ret a divorce. Mrs. Le Fevre protested th??t ?he wanted only 'o fri.hfn her h US bend Into returning to h"r N'ewmark ?zot a deter"! ??'? retainer f.f 110, and induced h<>r to eome t?i Sam York to live. Ob September it he called and eui?! he Beaded |50 mot.. Mr? Pe? r? was reluctant, in?! Newraark ther. 1 :' up ?, it 1' s.; ;?, solution of the i affiti r. Mr? I.?-' Fevre b to rel rn her val? uable jewelry which her husband bad triven her. This N'ewmark told her would ?o work on L<- Fevre'? emot that h?. -Aould cm- back ! -, un ?tayin?/ oat ?.. at'? ? -i theatre? a* ?hi ? ?-J Fhe a?rr?ed in?! *'jrr< artic ? eoi taiaing ,??.,. never delivered Newmark waa foui and tv ? (ewe i ii ? : .. ' ' ?? . W?-? ATTACKS SHIPPING BIL II? ?If 1*1 Vfl.J.1',' f J?*l' \,t I>? A? 1 ,il /..' ;i'J?-rriy u l*'j|ih' ?il ',t \gt\{ t- i>ifirir?r iM'ADOO WIRES pi ja POR NAVAL AUXILIAR ')?? ri g I 'ir (l'A/1 h l)i fen'JIn-a? f l?-rV f ??r, Say?. OppOfltloi t.'irx\f\ from "Selfish l?iler?-tH." '!er.**or |ef|| (g W??vt. of MsM ?besstte, Bttacbed "?? sjsesrasiei ihlpp llg bill, favored by ?he adm:r,? tretiOB, las?, evening at th? annual dii 'if '?.a Ae??i?rr?y af Political Herr.' at th? A?t.',r Senator ?Junran I Fletcher, of Florida, wh?. hsd charge I the bill in th? Senate laat BOSOiOB, ?1? feaded It, and Serret.ary McAdoo of th Treasury Department wired froi Washington that a naval auxiliary i 'he form of a merchant marine must h built up, regardle?? of party line?. "We need a merchant marine fo mercantile and naval purpo?e?," sal Senator Weeks. "We should repeal an legislation which, like portion? of th seamen's bill, militate against its At veleseasat We should follow the prac tice of all other nations in the develop ment of ?hipping by giving sufficien aid to overcome the difference in cot which stands a? h hau Heap against u? "Any governmental operation whie places government owned and con trolled ship? in competition with pri vately owned and operate?! ships ihoul not be countenanced." Senator Week? guaranteed that th Republican party wou'.?i ?tand witl President Wilson in hi.? national pre psrsdaasi plan?. "On the subject of preparedne?? | there should be no question of parti sansh-.p." he ?aid. "I understand tha the President is holding out the oliv? hrHneh to men of my party the Re publican and he will rtnd us ready t< d . everything in our power to put th? country in a state of preparedness." Regretting that he could not ?ttenc the dinner. Secretary McAdoo sent th? following telegram, in part: "If we are to have adequate naval preparedness we must have an ade quate naval auxiliary in the form of ? merchant marine. The government should provide such an auxiliary with? out delay and utilize if for the purpose of training an essential and efficient naval reserve sf American officer? ami seamen of unquestioned fealty to our flag. This is not a partisan question and ?hould never be treated as a par? tisan qoestioB." Senator Fletcher*! speech was lia* ten?-d to as ladicative of plans for an* icting the ship purchase bill late la I at the coming session sf Congres?. He . "We mail '??? free from dorn* r.. aad .' de sot i?.7 a boa v..s can be ?ei-.? ? by govcnuaeatal ca f the | ? -id taat tbs .... . ... 104 - ... /. _ ., .- - the mere ess of th? -. i tena] * f ,'r?*r**" er * - ? -??. fright?! I taat th? i7? -? "' ., . , . | | a ? ? . ?-?*.- ?? f th e : i -1 - ?. n *t:i*' ?... ? i thsmtmtmlM ..???.,? . * a ;..... . a a -a .' - t 0> a ? ' ? . ....... ? ? ? ?a ? . -a , m ? " "h* ? ? that *.be / a -.'.'- .f' - ?.? ??? ". '>??.'?> ..... ? : ? r : "7 '. / -???.i .. .. - - ' tfter ? ? < ! * . ? I 'j. t ;? , ... ? /?. .??'.,"" ' / ?"???? t',en I ? . . 11 .?. a i'a <? " rtato* ? . ? Ml ?.a",amp '?.?;.? '..... a a *. i ?? ? ??? ?? ? - Ife advecotod a -art ? ??- ? .? ? ' ?:*'?r7ntn? ?/?? -f . iritra tun _j_ml-__mi '-?irwoe,n Marled Oal In Front of Oer ?rid Utdly Hurt Ir. a ? I ! - vr?r Hot pltal a- ? BSpMgg com* ; %? | '? -mhif/.r. et I ? ? .?* ar.d treat J -a-, ?ir Samuel ?. Hand? lergeea, -?a? hurled : r. treat ef h ?;rf?r,. ear and a? I ?-r< . I for the | 'ompt ne?? of the ino",rn-.;?? :r. Itopplag he would [.r?.?.;. | e?B crushed to death. In th? wa? Mrt Anna McLoughlia, lixtj o'ie yean old, of .113 Baal F rtj ? \. Street, who wat beinjr taken t<. Bellevo? Hoepltal. She wa? not injured The ambulance cross?. I to 'he north? bound truck from the rear of the tur face car. BBS 'he driver of the wajron had no opportunity to ?top I'r M?ndel was taken te BolfoVQC ifl h :. .-wn am ulance, ?utTerin?.' from fracture of ribs and shock. MAYOR TESTS ILLNESS PLEAS CM) Mutt He Sick to Get Lea? es. Hereafter city employe? will have to be "?rood and su k" before th?-> can ob? tain leave ..f Bbaaaee with pas ?>n the plea of illn.'ss. Mayor Mitcael yester? day asked Health Commissioner Kmer ?on to have the Health DopsrtSBSS*. pass on all applications for llch leave. The Mayor sni.l he ? r '? i te have "more accurate information on the character ef th? ?--" idvBBOOd hf the absent employes. The rogalatiofl anTeet? all employes except those of ?',.? Police, Firs and Street Cleaning department., where consulting phyaic aa? ? > ? I) report on raaea ?f (linee? ?m th.e force Ethel Barrymore Now aetlag ?" Baaaa AYS: "t vensh o.'I ?fics's, m^tt'.f <<w I ?.?*><?, v **-# mOtf at nm mam and kotf I ? I IMS OS _"????_ _' 1'ISI?, ' P.*-*. 7_t?-t M ? a-.?' Bo??. EMMA M.CHESNEY & CO. By Eti-.s Ferber IsiliniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniHiiiMiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiii 1 Two New Inventions ! that moan convenience = and economy to smokers \ am VBLVBT SMOKAROLS ??,:... SS?OKARO. ? ?PIPE hrnvt caused men "to** nib thcii ej c<" ? r <?.?*- s pnsrl Anil the better I. quaintcd .* BmOKCI Sr\?v:*rs I with tlirsr two -jYrr .i.c.,*, the fn^rt he :v?Anclv S (ininrnicnl to t'iu.v ?*. it 1 ";'**f \ l I VET SMOK ?ROI S ira \ I : > I I" . . ? ' in nn rnlnrli ili(ln?*nl -?n.i ;ii,?if , ,??,?,. ???? ?.* . " N ? sR (?im iIhiii in jroui tge\ i?<4 i?r, >?.- m nu * ? * lliimlui limn fain iin.l line 2?! I'^r^ln B % ? ? 11 . im "li'i*?l ??mm 1*11*0 >? ?th it Z VELVE r SMOK VROI quick? ihun m jrou cm ''/,?"?' i dm oi ton? No spilling m iiiiil w.rlc nl toltiCCtl ? AI w ?i y s ( Ic-in nuil 1 irsh B Doublf p.ipn wrapping ktetpii ths ?2 t?>l'.i???' Jem ami in pruno condition. Z VELVET SMOKAROLS retch vom _ pipo as ?rcsh and smokable as a Clgtf from a humidor. Z Z No More Pipe Odors Z ? Hiere are no fine particles of tobacco to mix with ~ 5 -moisture in the pipe stem or howl ami cause pipe odor. ? Z The form of the VELVET SMOKAROL prevents this and = 2 keeps your pipe " sweet. " 2 aaaj m = The SMOKAROL PIPE Is Handy 5 5 For convenience ?/one, VELVET SMOKAROLS appeal to Z Z everv pipe smoker?but the inventor took another big step Z Z and'evolved the SMOKAROL PIPE? the pipe that is = 5 as handy as a cigar holder. B New Delight From Your Old Pipe Z You can u?e VELVET SMOKAROLS Z in SMOKAROL PIPE, or your ordinary S ?ipe. Either way,'VELVET SMOKA 5 ROLS make smoking even more enjoyable ??? than before. Start today. ? Z % ? Both VFI.VF.T SMOK AROI.g anal SMOK ARCH. PIPF are bbSBBSSSI nom une aomo? oadOmStOnJ *>r Ltsjsjssi a Majaes i<>i>????> ?.??. ^?Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllll.ffg packages yjtl^Aet) 10c TSe ?aW'sSeSfiS SfSSJBSBaB a? a ?taoJard IB?' <7?a? Drmm c/ Ti S?mame?. 3** SMOKAROLS PAT-CNTIO JVHAZ 29 1913, THF SMOKAROL PIPE Irrmh Brlar '*)??-? Solid Kubb?rr Bll ni. a? V? It your ?-teater ?annol ?uppIv ?mi. we will a*nd yo? S air..?, at VU M I SM?)KAKOIS U i??? ?*???*?, 7 J \\??"-? . ?SMOKAROL HP* WS, oa ?a?.loS of ?atli oc ?tamp? ^am?tei^(mms^?maam-Oafy Ul V iliii At?., N?w Y?mV