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BOOiiS AND AUTHORS ??? REVIEWS AND COMMENT LITERARY CRITICISM AND BOOK NEWS The Book of the Week for All Americans - Frederick Louis Huidekoper's "Military Un preparedness of the United States.' Olli HISTORIC UXPBEPABEDNES9 Ti'!' Ml V I ? It-, t I II map? "I- ! maxim, that the rare ? to bt v.. I :>? t | . . keg . . .'. to thi- . war. H veil : i offene? pted .t ? .. ? rov( No militia will hab ? foro the to be attaii of discipline ami terriee." Be i ? ??v. of ri the fatm in the r ' ' I army, nor jrel upon a reeei but upon | eastomed to ..???' ? The ; ? t he i - ' ' vincin?: that ha<> the ml expre??.'! Ig th< - terar.C' - ind;."-.' ? ;? .: ha? bet >n :'?.? : in the ja?; upo?- I I The Tribune ?ays of G iwroithy'l novel. "The Free ? "It is his best book ' * npest also in t? be artistry." The Freelands By John Galiwcrthy |1 Si v: CHARLES SCRIBNER? SONS BETWEEN THE LINES By BO YD CABLE. The naked terror and splendor of war brought ho?ne to the reader's heart and mind. At ail eeaheeateOi v> '?" - '' L P. DUTTON k CO., 681 Stk At. N. Y. UNDYING STORY By W. DOUGLAS NEWTON A ?,t'>r\ uhlih tn/ik'-s ?(:-? mind thrill and the blood run instar In the reln.i. "Whi-n I had read thin," ?ays T. P. O'Onnor, "I kii'-w that I had found thr man who eoilld bed write a ?tory of battit?" II.U n?-t AM Rrx>k? E. P. DUTTON & COMPANY am rift h 4ve . s?-w reel TSC ? )fy U\<?. v,fw k...v,~-' 77? LOG of Um AWpC by **JUU-< t U\ r.n >ei rP mtri ?if* "" ?*? *. Mr , ? ? ?in-- te, ' ' ? ' ti ? ?rere ei ? o Quotations, di ? are from ? ? nljF s depart bot s rev? real of oui ? -1 Pe? ? ? ? mn i ? ? i - ? it - ? ...... i ... the i >n ?'. ' - ? . ? i ' i :>wer thar ; ritish regalar men sga 180, got ? ??.-.-.?., o eed 1 ? ? . ? - Aaseo at Detroit li y ? toric. Bat what shall ?re ?ay of Hamp ten 1 ? t Ohal i'hv ? Wilkinson's 1,000 r? I y Ju?t one-tenth thell tier's Fields ! At I.un T si ?> v o foofht a splei '."?:'h men who alter twi t in thai ?. ??? tiaem I ta arnn" for ' ? Hay, Ws the raa i than 1 Ml of our v-, oas militia being inslgi beeaas4 of the proi ptn< thi r i ea1 of ? erar i men, while th* " I No ?rendar the of t t I ? -men of tiU dec?s <??'.: [1 proves mor?- forcibly the ne .-. Ity of obliging every ritzen to be n soldier This v.m the ca?a Il ? Qreeki ind Romana, and must be that of every fr?-e t*n** We B nil train and elaatlfy the <* of our male ei( teni nnl make mi'itary Instl 'a regu? lar part of eollefiate edueation. We ' ? fe until this 1*1 Thone were th<' word?, of Th'imm ? ho had been the foremost ? of hli ' ?? - '. man srhoi Maybe the title should have been "Pat sic," for Owen Johnson's heroine is the fi|rurr every reader loves. But what i in a tit!*- when ? novel :? ai ex< ?tingand whole MAKING MONEY,??! k, ?innri *'?&rf' te re? * * -, "m v? ?L^awsa?' . nu |i i gffllfflflffffffgggglgggggg^^^^^H - ?sry. * ' ? ?r than two ? ? war. I ? ras *'> be' ? ? led Its ti canee. There is no s in .; that to our le un g ?. hi f! ie our and anspeakal deplorable re ' ?? moral ? ? the physical of? erely felt, come I' May 1 that 1 the Spai t at M It more than r, thai tar) ??? againet t!.. tboril i ? ! ? ' eome I ? of seam e ] , ai ' ' r ?? circumstances, that oar rule t would never be estab .that ?re were unable to si i .1 sn hi ? ? thei ? I st if ever Dew< . ts to ?? (| and ?! ? ? ?? to be c ? polled ? mo ?? ?? by h Others, i | ? delay, and it: what they largely I as our ii ? ambitions, The i.? cii cum I I ti'ut a hen, in n I ..? ;., | i . ;, ,i, dou ; have be. ? : r force of 1 ti i ? op n entering ? hi? h we ' oemed onabli ? at We had ? ? ? itraosl ? | ? . i i on THE SCHOOL OF ARMS By Ascott R. Hope '1 hi tiling h wi iii ' shoe Ing Imw war stimulate i the rooragr, r? soarri end determination <>f tin h ol .ill land Vet, li '.o a< aae a* I Her? t P. DU II ON A CO., 6KI 5lk A?.. N. Y. . \ tit U??\l Ml i ? ?' | || I Ml III I ? I ? . I II I I !? I l.i I' ? ? NEWS AND GOSSIP OF HOOKS AND AUTHORS rhe I ? ? : lew / I , r ai - ? ? ? ? i ai r thi i ? ? ? ' tratioi >? ? ? The Literary BeaSBOM The unusual run of literary tal?n' In fam?es Benaen family has often noted, but few, perhaps, realise that H has 1 no means aonflned te the '? rate i ' brothcra, rae of whom, Monsignor li ugh Bensea, has so recent]) died ' I be ; i id ee ?f author ' ship has run In my family to a quit? extraordinary Beg ? ?? i A.C. Ben? son, !? his ni me, "E iape and l ?ther '? see] s" 1 ! ? Cent?n ''" '. "in four generations, I believe that seme I i tions have writ I bool ' : Dm my cou I In, Adelaidi Anna P to mj i .." Refer? ? i "f Canter ?i sir- that "though hi bad great d rifts of or, , 11< n an ! adrj li ' I Si OH, he ? ;i much of an artist a' heart, iind would liked te i i ;t ;?? i 'f?en. Leonard Weed's Book. ??The Military I lion of ( Ititen ? I ?? ral 1 eonard We d, it announced f^T November 20 by thi Princeton Unlvenlty Presa It will in' trated with ? portrait of the au I thor and pictures of the l'lattsburi) ?Military Camp, West Peint, c,.:vit de ? . . ? Praga redness. D. Appleten ? Co. annoonce n<'w e.ii ! tlon -, tnoi i id broogh i up -.i dati . ' iklln Matthew i'i ?"nur Navy In Time of War" anil Osea ' P. Austin'-? "I'nrli' Sam t Soldiers." Ht Mina von Multen. A nee novel by the anther of "l'?m,' I "Sharrow" ai ! "Our Lady of th< ; Beeehi " is aaaoaaced by the hteasn Appli ton I ? ? publications It i ? i "Bird's Poui ta n " | Old CeacardL Among the ? irly holiday books o \ Little, Brawn ft Co I "I ?Id < oncerd,' by Allen Ki nch. ? historic ami hr<-r tn the I ? .r:- ? Wai f-T li < il, and where, later, I mi ? on, Thon ai , and the ? | ,- | ; low. . i ? olume is adorn? i r Lea) Hornby, one of which Is reproduce! ? An American Cypej foiebelaij. i he 11? toi or ii rae of the Bulletin o fort Public Library contain a voeabalary of the American Roman ? language i omp I? d from the M ? ? Mberl l in mat Sinclair, of All . Penn., neu th< I ? I ? I Ins m ' I. ?. ; ies ' 'l.'fi ? ! :,|| i, them 'i . h birth or d< scent. 'i ail th .? seme knew nearly all s I of the \ oungi i gem > nt i? ? | bora la Un- U|ited States, bewever( un I (i,-r steed onl? '?rty fuw. T ben i? on I I ? I ? \ i'. in. e nf Old l rait or? ? i. ? ? I -. ? ?. ? furniture, ? . ; .' H"' ? cher oth ft' m fancy a:-. I rae ? raton ?? ?! ? ? ' i m the Ei and Ch in? se pel ich of ' ? mi full-page Illustrations Mi Gaj has provided a critical or do ? .? ? to of the ? :!lus ti .?. i. s feature of special Interact te the connoisseur. 'Ihe edition is limited te 1,060 Copies, of which 1,000 are for ? ale. Mara Hart?n. i'> n j II. Epier*! "Ufe of ciara Rar Macmillan I i? tho first full- , h ngtfc . of this j?r<:it Ameri ean philanthropist to be published. The g Miss Be ? ' i. bee illaboration of her family, o ii?-r correspondence, m wh ?; ? ? I) ebeot i er p ' ut. Thus she is mad? to her own story as s le in her own words. 1 lie b. ? ? . . ireer through all fi ora inl ' ? chool ti schii i rni n ni pc h Ions in Washinrtoi to her services in the Civil ? i i aneo Pru i ian snd Spanish ?? irs. It desei Ibi s In detail ,?' ? ' ?? Ri d i roi s, the which the movemanl f i | nu t and the later surr, ?s which at tended ?'?' ? Barton's endeavors ti'mly \..,i |{ pas ,;-,,. t., her that the wort Of the society was estended to othi l ban ? of arar. Rot share In these ac tivlties forms ne small part "'' n,'r 'a ben, fur she superintended the relief ?ii'ik in the yellow fever ?pid?mie of . - . after the Jol Roe I, in th.i n famine of IB91 end among the Armenians five veai Ethel Barrymore *4 Kr <AVSi ? r.mni? afcChesney praved her? self a i'?rfr. t model for fine weeaaaheod when th? ?old Any ?..Ik is a woman's work that a woman onn de wetL* " Tht n?u' l/'i'.i'??y hoot, i.i.i >><? ., |,i > ?i. ni' >ii kewet EMMA McCMESNEY & CO. By EJna Ferbor fiiMUhr.l (?/ nl'lhll 6<4MMr Al'tMi n PfOKflKR . ?.? ... ?. util din ? I ..... ? , ? ? i> eallM '.o war * - - ? .... or.e ? ? . ? . i ? ?? ? fee? io with ? hii;h. ? human*, ? holj pa ? ?? -, e o { :he gTOOteOi htv CM :<> th? lio wi< . pon ir li.- know! tdfN "f the - . t II ? ? C Hi ? logic II Imprvgnoblf. nr.,1 ;rrr lii^ fact? un i ? fond controversy. Then is scarcely h itatOBUnt in the hook tor which he does not cite chapter and vcr^e of in<! ipotabli authority. For BM POJMI of text he supplies no fewer than Loi crowded p?k"es of confirmatory references. Wt could wish that every American citizen who la Intellectually eapohla of thouofet anil reason and who is morn'iiy rupahle of patriotism tnlpht carefully rood Mid pondot every word of thii hook. We could have no better wish for the welfare of the United Mates ?han that all those, to whom the authority of the people ha-? beeil del? gated, in romp-ess and in the admittiv tration, might read, comprehend and he guided by its eogont presentation of raeti tn>! its sane und lucid counsels; BVel li' the expense of shock me; ti. soul of Mr. Bryan by a revent?n to those tradition! and policies o( Wash Inirton and Jeftereon which ho m ana? terely proles let to rieles*. See what "F. P. A." says of 'THE HAPPY PHRASE' By all who wield ihr pen or mount the rostrum, the hook will he hailed with delight. 1 lie l;me comet Io all, yea, the he?t am'>ng in. when we mutt hentate for the apt pluate. the rn>t jwtt, at our Gallie , outint lay. ? ? ? Thi? book cnnlami ,-\<vv phrata the tpeakcr or writer can utdiia with advantage, and it will Ix, 1 Jare lay. a lump unlo the leel of many tuch an one." FRANKLIN P. ADAMS, m I hi 1 ri^unt. "The honk it a ?M<i/iii m <<f<ut, although il lavi mu/'uni in pun o. It wat written, I leel morally certain, ?''" POM |W6M 9, and it *i/l ?/. kV n'.c /.'<,'.? ;><, r/'i fi/<i." - /'. P. A. The Happy Phrase A Handbook of Fipremon for th? F.nri, hmenl of Convertation. Writing and Puhlic .Speaking. Compiled and Arranged hy Filwin Mamlin Carr Imm Prioe, fljOO mA By Jfofl, fl.lQc All IhuAtol'fr, C. P. PUTNAM'S SONS Naw York London VENIZELOS A Greek estimate of the States man and His Work. Under th< title of "Eleuthcrios \ . ? ? i',-. C. Kerafllaa has writ? ten a stu.iy of the prtat Cretan's career, which John Murray i London i publishes with an introduction from ? ? Romanian statesman, Take Joneeco. Mr. JeaaOfB, ?ays the London "Out? look." edm rably lammariaee the four aspects from which Veniselec ie ra? garded bj Dr Keroftlas. These are the ?tetl -mail, the patriot, the Cretan, the ? -.?? edingl) eonvi nient t j have ? record ef the poblie rawer of In a connected form, and < much in l?r. Korafilas's hoe* whn-h serves as ?> neefnl reminder el tly or indirectly leadii j. np ? ? but the vol ime Is net tory. A subject sach a? Venn is does m pre eat itaelf for HI. career has ? ? ... '? leadei id Mie f. iropeai tight yean ?? I ... . ? -.' I rete ... . ? ' ' | ? ? ? ? i . ? ? ? ? > ?. . ?? ? ' i ? ? (f.~ if 1> .7. -, p ? IS ?y ' ? ?. .1 .'z * . ' J ? -. Beltane the Smith The great big Romantic Story of the year by the author ol The Broad Highway LITTLE. BROWN A CO.. Paaaaaen God's Man who is entitled to tk? sublime name? Reej George Bronson-How&rd' Impressive New Nov.] Ceres Itmo, rfofl II i i n,< ,,,,,,. THE BOBBS MERRIU CO, pj^T* pense of Gre< ee i ? | -,,. w# ? ? ??* ' ? ' r . .. ' li? hsa ' ' .">?ree< ? ' . ? < ? ,. ? 4 " ? ? '''as ??M ? -, , .... ?'-l-ii I f ?1 . ? ...,. | ?.i?? "lYi ItiftDffart.Cm' The | Golden Slipper ?j?t *??? "??.??? fa* -.--2 ?-?.--- Gr*r_ ? ; . . . . . - . ; ( : M Oat - ni Tit 7?e ?-aw? v? r^ ... ? ? ; ? Fea - ?--?-. - ._?:>? ;?? . '? ?? ? .- ? Baammi -. Jen u ? ? re - enyi ? a? ? ... . . ? ] | (tents il u the moat d I forcefit r.purei in dieted ':nc< tht ad\ent of Shei It H satJ The mysteries \ -t ?rsnfe ? et to iol\e .ire ro 'ttUgcj together m to offer the <u tuning inter?s: of one !or:: -' dUI Bookt?iUr$. C. P. PUTNAM'S 80KS New York Loasoi THE TORRENS SYSTEM OF LAND TITLE REGISTRATION ITS SIMPLICITY, SERVICEABILITY AND SUCCESS BY A. Guyot Cameron OF THF. WALL STREET JOURNAL Thil hook discusses, in non tc-hrilr?! limpiare, one 01 the BSflsl '?' portant eeoooak and legal petedpset now before the epantn Eiplelni a realty reform of the highest value. Shows the reason* for eonfaig Isgislatlva action la saaay proves the need >->i simplified transfer? of,i; "No o? tin- re of the expenses attached to property d'-alinpv (?Ivrs the artffcpj and world wide growth of this economic . Invaliiatde fo every pfOBClly owner, to hankers, to lawyer?, and ? ererj one Interested hi real estate. I.und \.dues. Simplified MBvryandng, Henitv as a boas. ?tatrti dllCtiflS tvjtrtt MOUCMTON MIFFLIN CO., Publiai?., a At all bookie!!?" PKKE. SI 00 aet AND FOR SALE BY THE WALL STREET JOURNAL 44 Broad StTSStb New York