Newspaper Page Text
o KS AND VENIZELOS a llllea and ?rcure the reward in :*.? A;. ' Sir Edward ?vi? *" ligarla h? would !" 5'over Ki-vH ? ? iW?wl *???? mad. -.t u r--"- d compensa ? .?a.* "1 ,,,? ? it that evi "?!.? '?* V? ; Km . w ' t.h* ? '*.' i ?ai *;..,.. ? larpHssd arSrtmc ,,, - a-.- .. lie. N .v?, read? ? ' MfBBieBtl ?? *" fJmofGre? ?ehall . ratT.r ' V ? lait breas ??!?!?. K si OBI IG VTORY BOOK9 Th!? " . ... the ii ii' ihnen ? tU || ? ajtasl itory ' ? ? harp.* >' ?' ' co*" I not ..... '?ised '? aasferti h?d a.?**: ii ty lecrets of or.7 771?-' l ' m 9* ' ' *cr'a ; I . - - - >*.??? n * resdy .- ?ir ? ' AMUSEMENTS m HOR-ROMASCE?LOVE HIS ARVEST i?, r> ?i ' LES mi i i?r?. - ' ".-?.. 1. 3 s. --. ? traaet? cf * 7s- - .-. ?- - ? ?auo?K*i l ? ? ? . Franco1* Villon Again THE GLORIOUS RASCAL R? Jl-TIV m \?n T *?!.< \KTHT ???' - Clot*?, 17 5 -. : : a .. N ? ?t?rr oil m 77 a I ?T?u7 i ia?t?l a ftmm 9|>kt?r in i i Sotar? St s PArfffs THE PEARL FISHERS Bt II. in. \ ? :;i ST \? I'uoi.E tat'. - T\4 **V?.?? .- | ?)ft |1 10 n't. A ?t ?- - s I Si ? wiih .-r ? ? **? ? ? a te.? .' / ? -.'.. a'- Latest 11.?? MOONBEAMS fmTOXKm -?ahtat LARGER LUNACY ST??KlaNLjaa?aCOCK "*? "?sag ? i<i?.u? ? - | .??'O'ly ' al? u.. ~, ? - AT ALL Ht,<ih i nui.S JOHN LAf? ? ?, mgem yoRk HAV? VOL) READ The Junior Parish By H.rlw? W Lull.-. AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY, Yatk A?? ar.d 40th St. '*?? I?Hits ,; a, ' '? ..u, ?.,.,? Books Bought ?*> r? ? ? i meets mu s M v... ., - M **??_ ?A-L-OLl.?,?.,.^,,,,.,.^,,.?^.. ? ? ? ??.,?,. ..." ' ' * I a ?"> *?i??>,,n. 1 jUtiirt *? * 'At.n r **?--Um. -n'a U ? l. a r? \ l\'.' t'I -.. retory t ' ? i -? ? ? a > ?.?? ta . ? ? ? ? ? I VIEWS AND REVIEWS OF CURRES T FICTION A Gee-1 Novel of 1 : - i Landed Ai racy?S Mod rn ^ ? ? ' - I ? ag of ... - ? - ? ? and ? ? : r? ther ? . BSh* ? If r. Maral of hia advai ?ten further. I: ? ? ft- | 'like I)?;. . ? I 11 EL it. :. Hi Bat It i . dar "if In the . ?. ' the . 'Ho had acquired the * ? pel ?? min 1 ? This time il ' ?? moaey, w*< Bred ? ? - . jot t ., satirical r.ovtl ' ? it th? Katirc I? four .??iu*e keep up the ; " ' jERi ? ii ra ? 1 U I . I ?? I ??' Kl"v1 ? ? ? . . . \ lie will add to Its It is s booh ,71 / '/ By Dort't'.y Canlie 5? ri?r BOUIBRll CAOI ? V I ' ' Ol ,l in ?? Of anv w ? / .;' Ji ifj?i,'l? .? ter / / .?>?. ? fe /e HENRY HOLT ft CO. ? ? ? ir of * - - usages 1 ke el t U ? ..... - I , I i.ame ' ? f th? ' " . '. - 1 Lagai -hould ? ? :' - : isant ..... . . ... ... . <-om i?e In Jei In tho ?Jr.** Bat 'hen, - 'ivated to I 1111. I ICitt ?! HI I I! 11. 7 try tu ?,--?. ? .. ; ,-?,-.? ?'nce more the modern American *rir 1. .... , ? ? the < mo? tional one Mr ?Smith provid th a modi it eomj her in the 1 ' ' - leb an American ..v. strive? She ii born In the inner eirele of If assaehnsetts Hrahmln ?, tl ?? )','.?t..ri radias, und tar! , at 1 '.v.'.. ihoch, not tl... ? ? ? r .inn,. Btly ?well-bred ?s atinis. she is sxtrsmoly BB tl bei own worldly wisdom, but Withal n as . ? ? o. ?.r IO, ' ? g ol trim? th j oung m?-n ? In? 1 at Harvard "> ? |uenee, aad ran about it. v. ju?t to gel All 1 " e K'rl 1 '? . ? 1 ' : for In r fun. In far?, n " ? 1 seape from un n. aad then ! ranee, Ruth Bollworthy, moro unc?>n-? ' ? ? 1 I y contrant wltl i .t? her Brat real ' II ? WOI hip? anil is IB?? her dot In t"" B ?" .v.-1 of life ng her il the bund? of the ma "ly wntchf-d brr waiting f'.r ezperieaee to open hot eye? a deeidedly philosophi* ? tory well t. :.i the ?si \M) or snti'i'isK. R 1 ? , : . ? .11 I ?-, Wa ?? T1,.. . I. . ? - . .1 At Wat us a < , nul ? of Baaaee, hi? private ?*<? ???"man of excuptloi. .1 i handsome and .! withal, ih<" millionaire'? ?on, i i. loeiato, and thl? daughter, a crui??? in th? yoaag man I * "?'. m. uncharted end w? .?r?- off. H? . ? ?ecr?t , ? . f th? worn? r., th< oth? i ? to b.- hi? wife, ai d i,?- htmi? ? i m. mory, W'hi.-h of the the ' i utl. .' Tboy both are with Mr. Itradv ? ? meal ef the plot ?.?! ? us of sir,-,. ,,' .i la kind cea i oa ilbly ?i? .sir-. An?l they aueceed Then come tha Papuaaa I.ipoa ?laughter and r I? saoital to rend I th? two ?ei BB nobly do their ?i.i st th? i?i?t memeal reeoue . .i o 1 .. pui. |be oll., r ...r i ?. the yogng bm . ? ,,,.., ... : hl m? moi : ap t?. tha aeret mai riage, . nient ... fui i,* iba laland ,,,.. raed Ami his v.\t? I , . ,,,,,h.iy refuaea to enlighten him i |-1 iwlog u i"l Uly .. thai we ha ?? hi r< ., ?.ii oomplete for a movlag iMi i i*?' ? "Silly eti a a c a ? ' ' - ' ? . " The I '?' and far; We th i ? ? ? - ' - ^ >.u away, ? ? ? I thouli "Hut!. ,; ? "Thit ia th? -, ..? " t this i : Arid little pilgrim, up * town, . trat a| up si I "They mur. I, aadaiagandasarehagain, ?. mindiag ah tha ? They go ? God ,-i int ma i nun! > Forward, boeaase they n- . "Mother, I want t?> go to ?leep." "No, darilagl Here la br. ad U ? I 1, If thou eould ' lei ma -.?.eap, Or lual my brok? n 'eetl h rom Noi i mber "!'". ' ? " BOOKS AT AUCTION \ Miscoliaru'Diis Collection, with Some Prizes. The ?econ?! pari of tha of John rS. Burton, of Milwaukee, will tooth bb d? r i i.e hammei at th? In a Oal lei Is ' ??si the i of Noven-!., r i, sod II i.ii'l ob the . isning ??i .'. ?.? 'ni,? r IB. Th< littls "i* ?? : BOW, lateral ? of Joeophua and of Jam? hlatory, travel and ? ut bio boI , '. ..... old j ? ? Johfl li i? ,i l Pa; ' I th? \ Ictim i,' : adactioa." s melodi ama pi eed In 'l.iK civ in t-v '; Plato'i Plutarch'? I.iv.s, the work? Allan Poe '??'? d Theodora Room - i I a _er,rral collection, In ?lvrt, rnnv maay taste?. In addition there are son'?' tenlly valuable Itemi lu h ngtoniana and Napoloaaa, foi Instance; a copy I I rat? "Lettei from the Jaekaon I om mittae of Naal i aubject of General Jackson1 tfarrlagi ? -,.. oi th.- far ?eaic? r il,. Hon, Thoma? Jrffersonj containing n Boaeii s histoi the aehaonledgm? nt of their [nd anea, with a view ef the Biee aad Prog* reit of Prench Influence I I rench I'riric?I I??" id by th? publiahers for fi I th? I iw <?! Iii"'i; n number of interesting John Paul ; i ? Items, in? .: a copy of th? firs I n ? tt I'r-*? i.k, th.- "History al Go I? fray <-f B ilojne", a yen ?'inly repi nl of ?|.Ing Henry VIIIs Pi ?: ; a ??? mpleta "Repet? of the ?' ? ommlttoe to Inquir? Into I he I audi? tion of Atfuir? in the late In. urn ?tioii Lhe Ku-I.lonepiraey 1871 .,?!,. | Engliah ?ditioa of Lather'? Table 1 elk London. It ?<-' I n tirst adlttoa "f ths Book <?f Mormon; Henry ?'. Murphy'? "Jacob Bteeadami a demol? ??f n?? Piral Pool la >?<??** Motherland" The Hegoa: IMDs 'II. .m.* l'aine'? scare? "Additions t . ommoa ?' enea London . I .' 14 I, 'ne . ' "i i ?? p< ople? Al end Jus) I Ibertl? ? Asserted I i . ...! of u llllam P? i.o ?nd William I ?sad" 1ST?. . ? magalfleeni sel sfl pironeel e platas, and ? eopy ??f the Massachusetts ft Broad January IS, 11 "; punted at ? Mown by Benjamin Ed? . MITCHIL ASaKED TO DRILL May Appear with I'lsttahurg Rookie? St Militer) T iiirnument. Ma; ha? been inv;t?d. by ths BU ' .?i charee of th tary 1 t Ma ? it ??? sa, to ap pear ? in the m t thi t thi ttil arg last iuat* ' tooh part in the i. ? Map? - I lej Maleas, Joi in ? and Truvis II. Whit rai ?f ths rii?julars who are to ? the tournament an; n ?" ?n fron Pensseola, Fla. Anmng thsai are m 'unk part .- ? ' . ii. 80th : n. t.* I Statea In'antry *?\?-;i froBJ Plsttaborg to-i ntlngant Ii d ie fro? F.iit Mper, Virginia, h roe aftei noon. JOHN DE KAY AGAIN IN LAWS CLUTCHES Ne* Vorttei Held In I ondon f i I ? nuil it? < min. ? ti?,?i a tilt Rid i-. || ,.,,? i , .. '. . 1 . . . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? : by ?? ! ? ' " . ' * i : ' LEARY'S HEIRS GET GREENE'S $40,000 United Stairs Denied Sec? Put Up by Contractor Who Fled. ? Blehi thi* G ? ? andar I f,,r to . heard in tl??? ! ? ' ' it t Court ? ??nient er 4 ?hares ? ' ?folk ,Y V. ? ? ?a hen ' Im I.?.: | ? : lnw??r ? . . ? ?4 An II ? ' K. 1 li./ii, a New York lawyer, from tun i ? . I ..:*... " ? I.?, ?? the ease eras pend 1 ' C. Leal Jlor two ? ? ? ' ? ? and to them I the 1 I i ??e tal ? ntljr. WARD AIDS RIVALS SON IN CAKE BRIBE CHARGE Offen Bail for Youth Accused i I in Ing t?> Buy Recipes. OrsBge, N ?'. '?' II " ;'' !'rnk<\ nf 17 Beeoad war?.. to 'in-, waive i i ? ;.??>?) briber** whoa v' t??*f?.r<* g acordar Prend? A Nott, j Hi? ca?? n.iu goei before the irrnnd j';ry I*rnk<* arsi srreeted es '?'? i.. r i at the i me of B b? ?? VV a for ? ?? raei| ?? for i Drahi the I rsk? .???? '? ? ? . ri? . to i ave de? Il wasted ths for ? bal Ing i * ncei n I I m R rhmond, Va. I ? v., d, of the Win ?I bn ?h?? posai ? but he was d It ? ? ?? ? Mr. Wnr,| iaj ? ha kaoi ? *, oong in.iri'* famllj i mai A. I!.i poaag Drake ?-??? Inkowas to Greet Indians. Th? Irai <*.*u ?fil neetlag ?t the In r....*.M Clab, the * r orgaalsa* ti'.n fur rooag t"tr. sad ?temen i ,--i i bv Mill Aii?* IJotgeB, a HI !.. hi o clock ?; ? ? i ib 1b Vbb Co 1'nrk. BbmIbI RUeltl Brill hi* I>r. Chnrle? A. I-?? ?tnnri. who il a Bii II Indian, and M i Oah? I of the Mohawk nation. Thi publie i? laviti !. Eighty Aliens Become Citizens. Jastise Vi ipreiBi Com t. Loi I City, jrail I'niiii???! M of III applleal ??"? f..r ? iti *hii*!,i|i RbbbIbB ami lufa ii rt ? lad th?* liai ??ir*? alaeteos sash. ? ;,?? IIIIIII-. ? im? ' . ?i Mtk ilU '-u, ami I iiatii? l?>ur 11? wiili UMlva UNRULY BOYS KISS YOUNG TEACHER Court Scores Education Board for Giving Back? ward Class to Girl. ATTACKED AT DESK, SHE FIGHTS OFF THREE Arrested Lads Blame Mysterious "Six Footer*' for Inspiring Insult to Miss Wclll. ???sties ' ?? Bi ef 'he ' bildrsa's Coort r-vr.-u sd th? ;. srd of ?du i resterd ly for pen ttlng Mit? Mathilde ! Welll, b slei take el , i Raat I ? ? I ? ? ? - I this ?tart _? .? ? ? ? i '? ? - ? . ? ? .? mental do ?? and un .. I i . R ? ?? ' .'. - ?? ilemnly hi t tal fr. -n I ? bruary l "JOHN DOE'S" CHUM MAY BE ADOPTED Still ?it s?n part. Home, and Re? por! He'i to Remaia Is Not Denied. The little playmat? ??f Plaloy Jay ?I, jr., who was takoB te Lynd* ?:?. i ?? i ?? n Do? 10. . : ' I Mr?. I . ||p of ; I ! ' ! member. 1 hi? I ? ' bom.? inard I W ? ? ??? '. ?. ... i ? boy' ? l"' ? !. ."?? '' ??'i ..? ? that Mr. ami Mr?. I | ?rt." topher1 Home, ?n '" ?m orphan la whom lire '.1 i..i? bi i foi ?ome t im H ? ' res il cm.'I tell ' I ? neigh* boi i of i it 1 . "i on i . '? ihei . ". t Is said, ? ! nley wore a . . b red oai i rat aatate. Is Mr. mi.i " I were re '? '? 1 on Surrogate .lawyer last W? DESERTED YOUTH ENDS LIFE Aban.l..inn.nt by Bappoood Wife Held Reepoaelble for Cobaa's Art. i. i i light j ira old, son i who 11 h wealth*- ? abaa al Ha ii ,; ,tv;il rtoi sf t!?1". ? -, the admiBlatrotioB ef G?n?ral ,r,l U .I, i'" tarder at 18 Weil Niaetj fourth 8 reel I v Inhaling gas. Ths net. it Is be .. ?bi due to deepoi ' being abaadoned by ?? yaono woman? known ' and o*ith whom ? >.r iii? a oeeuniod the rooass f?.r ? | SOBO. Carian reatad the miarttrs ? III ? sirini igham. Tl . I e ft h t m i ' r.-xris mi , ? ? ? ther m Havana The . iddn -i lo Mri Ethel Kirby, m a he ??? irtn ?nl he It? ? ?l. requ thel hi? ?holograph be sent to hi? i uiuiLvx. RABBI FAVORS GARY PLAN Ke?flou? Instructu?n Ils Best Feature ???Tags Dr. Harri?. Pr. M H Bsrrii, presides! of the Eastsni Council of Reformed i ired ?ii the Torn?is Ii fa?-!, in Har om, that persons who op : th? l'..-.ry | |fl | l _,'0t?d only to riaios sf thi work? Itadj |ti m. I hese, h? said, OVirll - ???a* uro o? t:-.?? pVoJe? t raining. Dr, Harn?'? subject was "Shoubl We l oui Pastares of the Qarv SjrstsaiT" Hi* answer wa? an ampaatie "Ves" It our children had ?BON reliifiou? trainir.??, ho aMerted. WS '???ou'..i bav? ?.*-.v(t reformatories and lest cr'minali. "I fini la favor of thi? ?yitern beinf* [BStsllsd throoghoflt the country." I>r. Harr'? eon ti I "!'-... i/'iv??rnni?!iit i? ?ivina? tSOfiOOjOOO for pssgeredaoas. Whv can't It giva a ?mall par?, of that for iiioraJ InproVSBISBtsT" QUEENS SCOUTS TO RALLY PrlSSS '?iT??r.*.| I?, ? ?riijuslltor? In Vart oii? ( ?intrata. The first i its of tmerlea In K ? -,? ?a . - A . a s - / - * ? ' I / RED CROSS TO AID WAR'S DISFIGURED ?i I ?- ' ? ' ? .' '.X i ? I ? t I . I - ? ? ? ? I r ?-? ? - .. ? ' . . * ? :? ?-...- - - si ? ' the - .. .. ' ?.- - - - ?I' ? 1 ? _ TRIAL FOR MISS FLYNN ON OLD RIOT CHARGES Her Patereon Free Speech Carr* pai^n Rencwi Strike Case. ? toa. N". J . ?abeth ?itatoi la BBlWi " ?i?rent that ion to l:ve. ! *. ??ter . brooght to rkere* strike i m'o November 2 ? .Tu Iga Klelnert as t'ne I unman ?.?ill be brought loto court to anawtr tho in - ? r Pirn, however, did not ???.uM tnk. ? trad ii lid Bet ral ace un ? ? itrtke" Mlsi ? ai charged s ith i? a not. * i ton foi ? ir day?, hut ths jury whs BOt ablo tn iiii?90. !.. wii* no attempt t?? br i ,.* Miss i ? ?.* trial sgala, and it was - ted that the pr isseator would i.' the Indi ?tow I ? ?ral Ne.v Tort - t?, eompel the police to let Mi*?? Pljrnn PatersoB Itioraday nu/ht ritisa to 1st htivi* BBothsr day in eoert. i': -. utor Donn conten I -t Mi*? ? In rii?. ci??? or' Patrick Quintan aad William 8. Boyd, r getting ?tato prison ? ?_ ?TTH GETS "IRONSIDES' " FLAO Rarvleers ?f Civil War R? ciment Preaeal C?lere to Ai>i?l?*t?.n*?. Ceauaaaa. ng metahers sf ths . , Iron I. i?" ? I which ? I I irlei T lint, i ted i flag i . Wnr to ths ?iimors lait i by Colossi Daniel Aj> li ? *n of the "th. . nted to th.* I7i*th .!; m ilee, Loag Islsi d, in the fall of 1862, aad was I?*1 l* ths ? -.. La . In .I':??*?. . .... tel t ?rea i i by l? miel 0. Gilletl the rido 'a Conf.-d ? ??.-, , ? ... lowed it to be brooght bask ??> N? ? Perk, rhe ?' um? pressa - ? "sas of th? ? .rga II. Olasy. si N ,.,.,- ? it, ai. '. Mr? ' .. ? , .- ii Columl is Hi sal Queen Anne Chairs BriSf $200. i?* wnn b large iter* th? I Ifth A ? ? ' tab? ? the t 200 fur s set of 1 i n burr walnat. carved, ai ibU of criai* . iny library -??!*? lll'.l ?II ?? ta ? . ?try of ? !.?.? ? ? I Sad QUSSI ?.??? p rtods, a!#o Chissss DOrC? It .ire? an?l ..; i groopa. latt En^avinp Magi $27. r, sftei Kei \ ?tory ?'n 1 ? ? I rare tss* '? i.: IS7, th? to?, pri?e, ? ??lu ?t the Anderses ? : r utotinti, .-u* i Hi ? ingi a? Tue totnl an omit <?t' the ??le ??a? i:l7l. '.is l II pull? * rev? ?10| ior Wheel* ?ay'? "?' laa of Loadoa," llv<Prera erig llial inulta. SONGSMITHS WML OVER LOST NOTES Sorrow ful Chorus Accus.s Music Dealer of Using Sharp Tactics. DUPED BY MAIL, SAY LILT WRITERS Ditties Inspired by Forge and Way Station Went with Jingle. but RetWMd Plat Op? i th? m irtroom 'i1.'-?. \sy a r-opy of the ?or.-*, a Philadelphia blaehamiUI tool the BUS ! ? told how wrong iS wat ?O | -,-..,.. 4 then I r . - f when -aaar I ? ? , -, ?Ismea ' itp-Av? rears eld ? - a?t ? I ? ' | s I ? . **i ? ? ? y -a - ? I - .' ?% ? '?"? ? 7 ?7. -, t e gr tea i < ? ?_ ??*? < f IT S ' a ' 1 ? ' .?>.,??, ?? ' ?* - / ? - | , .\ a - ' .i -1 ? ?? ? i / 7 - ?*? 1 ' ? ? - * T-r ?_? ? y-v i ... ..... | ? - - ? ? | ?? i ' ? ; ? I !. ??.????.? i , i i >. i ? ? - ?-"*? ad, 7 ? .- -, ? | . - f . ' ? ? | _ - V ? , I) ? - - . 1 ? - . ? - ? - - 7 ._..... |. -, * - i; t- : * ? H BtSb i - ? 7 n .: :?? ? ii . - -- ? mat - * deter the trail - rd .' .- ?.? irted v a? tr?.a raslj *.o a i*..-, g ... . Be? f:rt - v! den? ?d to riatmas Is a ? ' BgOS on the ' red c ver ; a i th? genera :' J. -.:. 1 ?: tl aaiaoai All I ?Hit 1m iTirl.-" ?? <? a carl frr-n ?/on. i .too. ? Bui a 1 ?. I It I rarl fr tn m It !? usually OOBeidered tOOgb tr.'.uzh lurk l'or a man to be '?cher and 1 ? t fat? M eine.i to have a grudge ?gall Town? sand. Hi? ? m t forth in his .: ..'.?*. > longer thinking of tho man he paid for publish r?i; hi* ?or.?;, lisri only returni oers fron the httf ? r |Q cell's K copy, seeording to his testimony. I; il.i. - Song ?.f Sorrnw. Then Gs m 11. Babh h!a frleii'l? ?just call him Bul . te the J'iry hii ; upur, " ! !..? i iprra Heu itaOT? .... Iowa, at the ru?.) of |1I.2Q ? page. Th.. - ? . gad, h? t ? ' irculatiosj of P.0O0, ?I itributi llj ai or.g . .\.l.ra?ka, Dakotas. "I? ?. ... a theat? rlcal orgBfl .'" -<?-" '? Ut? Mat* ... I for 1 ?!? , rtod the proprl. "v. Roas, ?ho i? a tort of : for th? , letor Talkiag Ma? I its to the 1 Bumbei of songs sol mitted to hi? nom? . 1 te the watte? lia?, hi thecaso be. . ,, ?? th? i ad ornad ontil Mon ? sa?f, si , , arM ?.. 1*11 ell want to b? lh?M wherr, y,,u hear that the tong P?pe'? Birdie f, |ikl .... .... in th. proceedlBga. If this were BOl 'he end oj thil ?*"ry wo SOUld print more than tie first lire?: Ml I U.? r ?a- :."? '? taajA ||. ,. . I r ' - la?/ So, be or. ? ".ornlng If y,,|. VOUld - '" '";,1 ?Ut ABOUT TO WED, RICH YOUTH ENDS LIFE Tenportrtl) Insane, Writes Fi? ancee, Then Drit'ks Poison. i i?/o, Nov. i Warroa M. I'ea , twenty-one ; I ?nd a mill iona.r.', ohoee body ?was found In his home heal la s rial whieh had contained) t? h lia a_SB" liag t" th? ver ,iay. Bot ' the young rnati, who al ? ?i'?i earn? into i ? ? ? '.tiher's ? si, .?.I ut the inquest Indicating thai hs was deeaoaj* tat l er the cenditioB of bis t..-lib. Peabod) ? ? ? ei ig? I to b<< m.irritd on November IS to M ?* Loolee ?-. Ideraea, daughter of T. Corey Amirrton, of Memphi . renn. The >>>ung woman ! la prot rated. Mra. Anderson said to? ?lay there l id boob bo ?lisaifroement v?f any kind 1.? twees the twe. A lettei i irporting t.? be tht young man's I.ial ?..rd to hi? fitnc?e w?l Liten th?. Deputy ?oronor by the police It lead?: "I have pone. Yon must not look foe ma. tor it will be Melees. I love yoa. Yog must be brave H ???n't be long. I will k?ep you warm itii.1 hippy In the land of this gr?at ior??t anil the lolling prairies. I W,H e-wajn thiak <>f yon and j on will know. ?WARHUN ?.l'leaa? daStlSgJ "