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vernation. A ?hell entered the through the porthole and k?!l? maid. I took rnv ralis? und ?.?null bag aoataiaiag valuahloa, after i Bg on my bat and coat, and Bg to th? drck with a lifebelt. Twice Refusixl a Seat. "Boats wore bel?g loworedL all pletolj hi :?. got lot ai.?I was told there was no m??r?' re went to BBOthSI and roOSivad th? i. not aam a lauaob afloat Thia coal the chict engineer, i arla I ? doctora, sind other : ?.<rs, sonn? of th? women and mei of the erew. I ashed Lemberti allowed to get in. " '? BBM n.' b? laid, at the ?amo grasping th? side 0< th? prevoBl tb? luiall boat from m of. Jumped for lasunch. "I gauged ?all th? height which '? ; nu- t'rorn th.. boat, und 1 . landing a*, th? place desig "Duriag all hml not eeai \ ? 'he v. Idren and men ti to gel BWi V : . m'oincnt the marin? lifted anil we eould alear! ? "The Ancona n wi IL atorad a the water tb? holes ci. by others ?,?. lall to admit n water, ,.s th? SOB Was v?'iv ?ii'l'i. finish th,- ?.?':?. ths sabaaarias charg?.?! a torpedo, and 'i.' ?easel -, k. Took Others Aboard. aftenrard wo aac lered a hi leaking. W? took aboard See ma ? ..ur ebildrea to took it. m tow, BOt mitting mere passengers v our boat. "Lssshertl did his best to r? asi :hc aafortuaates andar his cha most of whom were in teal them ail would ho well If thap he? hi? advieo. His aaergotic attitude raated a paai? aa?. fluallp broi about ord-r. 1 did all 1 could to cearag? tl womea sad chr.dr.n ? iaued their erl?s of m, Rescued by Steamer. "Whoa ths ?un disappeared we ? black saoi ob th. hoi - i . ? era booam? greatly ? aoV 1* wii-r'; ..'.?'! ?r . . guala, aad roaeuod u.- about 7 o'el i ; it beaded I /.n.. ? , ..; ? ; ,? when ths Ancona ? ?sen i-urvivor. who wore m boa ton' i the crc. n Ivors to .... .-I did averrth ? ? rera bring ? All thoa? a ? \ C..I.H and w? ? th? P aeiag their cab-, the a? ? . Ai I'a?as. where a temporary he for us. Here ? ' . Ancona pas?cnger_ Mai ?. 9eerra n the foot by a pro U-Boat Sinks Steamer Firenze; 21 AVissin 12. The Italian ?team on?, ha? been sunk by .v.rrir.c. Tvienty-aeven Dsssenge gad ninety . ix members of th? ere . . i. Six paK-scnyer? Bad ftftei : ?? crew ar? missing. There were i Americem aboard tha voi ? to the botto lr : ? I th? which whs the bei , n ? r belonging to 'he Cornpagn Mariti.-na and I .''00. loft hei on Tuesday for Alexaadria. Per! ? off ths Egyptian coast she W1 iuatriaa ?ubmarin and was obliged to halt when 7. Y e boats were lowered. Meanwhil the sabmaria? continued to bombar ?? ? !? ranze until .?.he sank. The passer comprised 19 Italians, 11 Egyr. and 1 French. The Bavas Ageaey sends the follow ? ling the sinking of the Italia -.mer P?rense: "The Kirenze was ?teaming along i r.?nu*.iful weather and a calm ?e i iriea slowly rose near th nip's course and fired a gun. All th eagars und the crew, which wa mailo up largely of Hast Indian; crowded to the duck. ?'TV,?, lab] howintr the Aus train flag, came close to the steame and destroy?.'! the Bhip'a steering BOO bv a ?hot. Th; commander of tho sub marine ordered that every one take ti the boata. as the vessel was about ta !" H unk. His boats were launch''.! urn in these every person found a place ''pon the f:rat boat arriving in Svra cuse an ltnlian destroyer was sent ii search of the others All the boat: have now been found except one witl ?;x passengers, one of whom Is i woman, an'! fourteen of the rr?>w. Th? weather continues fine." Submarines Sink Three British Ships in Da\ London, Nov. 13. Be?irli?M theFsror.z. two British ships anil the ?ubmarin? E-_0 were sunk by U-bool in the Mediterranean, during the las! twenty-four hours. An oficial Admiralty statement to? day taid: "Th'- British submarine F. 20 has been sunk in the Dardanelles. Nine mem? ber? of her crew aro prisoners. The British steamship Sir Richard Awf'ry, of '?,'Z?,\ tons gross, has been sunk The vessel wat 275 foot long, lit feet bear and II feet deep, She was et Tort Glasgow in 1912 and owi the Pektag Syndicate, Ltd., of London. I Torpedoing of the ?tOOmshlp Den of 'roir.bie, i.'jij tons, owi th? Bar rie ?Shipping Company, wa? announced to-day. The crew was save!. ITALY MAY WAR ON KAISER OVER LOSS OF ANCONA Washington Hears Italian Cabinet Member Blames U-Boat. WILSON FACING DELICATE PROBLEM Failure to Make U. S. Position Identical with Rome's Mtft.1 Weaken 'Humanity' Doctrine. ? T!ir M une ltur?aii ! Wsahiagtea, Nov. II It trot reaeil e,l hei? ? al| ' tkat aa Italian Cabinet official hm) deslared la Resss the! ? **Qeratas lubiaarlas ?ank las aaeoas ??*? ael ?roald On seeetreed by Italy ?s an set si srai The reeeii , iiatioB m oArlal s be re 01 ???'.** -??<?? m ?m *?? rjaaa attecli ? belli againil G?l i ? ?? bs placed Ib bi !-. i eei cials that As v . ,- . ? last .-. ? i I ? in ca?i ? I ? ? - leaL If. ; ? ? . . - I Bl thl anee? I ' HaefS attack, ? . IB IM I 1 -' ? all ?tests si tl I - under -.?-??? - Am-, ' and America ? ? ? - nan. ai ' Has In . , are . ? ? for ti .... ? ? tho.= f flict'ng and h ?. au ? fors i It is BSSfl warre'i. ifl view r>r press - mer char.???'.????. bad ?torred. or wa? persist? to escape when thi Th" fii'.ure to rece. ths circumstances of the attic zling the State Dapaii been no hints that the Italian | ? or ii ?,<!or Page* The d?*?!art-rent adll tak?? BO action in th? is reeiirsd. Offlelsli aaderstsnd the -.ont is pri paring i ' ' ?-it. wbiek ?s <-7*]?ected here - tare, nil is e\I to furr.i?h a ba?is for ir.fiuiries of the ment. The American <"on?u! at Malta cabled Secretar-.- Laasiag to-day that forty? one of th? ??-?-'.v and four pail of the Ane-'? had been landed at Malta by th" Br ? ish steamer Prod? a. LINTR RISKS ANCONA'S FATE Taormina Carries l.COO Italian Peser vUts and Aero Instructor. The Italian liner Taormina, sister ?hip of the torpedoed Ancona, sailed for Italy late yesterday afternoon. More than 1,100 Italian reservists, their enthusias-ni unilainpene?l by tl.?* Ancona'? fate, liaed the rail, singing patriotic songs and waving farewell to relatives nn?l friends on the pier as the ?hip ?wung out into the river. C?ptala Mombello refused t?. discuss any phase of the war. "I will do my he-* to bring ir?y ship and charges I saf?*ly to Italy," was his only response to questions concerning th?; activity of GsnflSB submarine? in thl Mediter ranean. Among the six first cabin passengers was Davij H. M?-? ulloch, Instructor In th?* Cartiaa Aviation School, at Ilam ?aoadaport, who is going to th? It.-ilian naval BBS?, at Taranto, to teach Italian naval officers hoe to fly. The Taor mina's car,*-?? laeladsd fifty cases of I aeroplane parts. -. Officers Take "Movie" While L'-Boat Shells Transport i . ? ?i,,? 'i |B? Tr Turin, Nov. It, Among the cynical incidents attending the torpedoing of the steamship France, from Marseilles, the "Sec?lo" tennis that while the enemy submarine was busy shelling the transport, thl officers aboard the , submarine calmly took n camera film t.f the whole proceeding. The silent and effortless action of the TWIN" S11X tw**lv?*-? yliri?l?*r motor in any errvirft ha? an CCODOtaictl ?gnifiCMICfl ?initi? aji.irt from it*. olrTaOUI advantag??-* in .i?hImv uta] rtsnossskftsutssm PAC? \l<f) motoh car company ?,/ NEW VOHK ffrieifirSJ "t t.Ut Street UNSURPASSED MIN ERAL WATER U.S. TO FREE SEA SAYS DERNB?R? Will Make Britain Yield i All costs. Predicts Friendly Review. IN ?'..'?,? | I . .. ? | I it pegs a, - * I tptr; ?? . Dr. Demburg . ? - | ?. troven ? . ? I . r Coloi ?s ii ild prose I i aettlem? it Britaifl a , ..? , ? i .-- .?? r itfe Amer.can satic traditioi : vcau.e of tb? | I Ms n'a cnarac.ti'. with it? trat?: mm i, and the imminen i ; eagres? ?. ,r.. Deecribee Wilson's Motive. I y tow.iri ' . I ? .' ? : ... ssS Ib y? Dr. Ilern ourg, "iv s de force the bel >? to resi ect the Bate*b?ll-B* principle of maritime law, particu'...r v Declara and to regard alteration? !>>? h. It the content of the bei a ?a trail as not i?.'.?l ing. "Apart from the fact that che il ar America's considerations for human vy, Germany appereatly gava Ib . r.n cipally for the reason thai B BBtloi ?if freedom of the tea ?houid not eoatributa to shatt? r Us? principle? which hither:? had be-i maintained even ?n an In? em form, and that she had BO i. v ? | ect the United S.uf s Would h il Or? ?- Britain to an eheervaacs of tb me law without alto followiii ? , Hep toward ??? rut iay." Taking up me question whether th? ? ! state? will sadeavoi -.<. foic? 1 ?? : Britain to comply with bel le manda, Dr. Deraburg thinki ".here 1 reasofl te believa this will h ... ? sit all costs." 'It to m et i mes ha? taken rather |0B| the Alhhama case took tifte. n pean but here interests are Bl Si lb wbieh <io not permit of del?**," hi adds, "and, however ur.'.vill; g th?. Proaideat is ta nah? difficult es f,,i Great Britain ior Germany cither), l.? as has recently been said, s lis gis 'tack mind in which there ther tuning out nor going hack. "The Presid ial ial ?1? el oi ? will com?. next year, when the President must account to the nation for hi? ailmini? tration, and the convening of Coagroai In December add? further emphasis. "While only miool measure? of com pult.on were available against Ger? many because of suppression of trad.' far more powerful measures are avail? able against (ireat Hritain and tier Ai lus lor example, the refusal of credit prohibiting national banks to d acourn lilies note?, an embargo on BfOI sfttl to the Aille?, und. finally, the pro! v on of ths export tioi "Great Hrtnin," naya I>r. Dernburg, "has a keen nose for eventualities, and ? g that she mu.?t g t, <? in, is taking i?, meet th.. situation, among other thing? prohibiting British shin ping tia.lf between neutral ports an.! attempting to buy nsutral steamers and charier American steumers fur long periods. A free .?ea i? of little use t'i - I,at on WithOOt fchips." Dr. Dernhurg, in conclusion, advises the adoption of h dignified attitude of reserva during the negotiations as th.? BOSt aid to their BBCCOSSful BOapletiOB. Note Impreaaea Editor?. Some of the newtpapers give evl lenc? Of being more deeply Impressed by the American note to (?rent Britain ?hnn in their earlier ?I seuaaioai of it ?, "Koelnischa Volks Zeitung" ?av. ?hat it "does justice to the Importan? of the matter in hand with scientific profundity." The "Frankfurter Zeitung" a??ert? that "the Prosideat cannot recede from tho beaorabls reis winch he ha? a? humed of protector of 'he rights of rals without darogatioB te hi?, OWB reputation and thai sf hi? coun? try." _ RECRUIT CALL IN S. AFRICA llrilith Issue Plea for 10.000 (?> Fight In i.ermaii < iili.n> . ' BfS Town, Nov. IS. Th? govern? ment recruiting commit!.- ha? ?ollod for another len thousand BIBB for ?er Me? in Germafl F.a?t Africa. It i? ?aid thai ths ?all wa? marie al ths request , of ths Uritith government. whOOS a'.nil inhle tror.j,? pxa now ?o fully occupied that .1 GOUld BOl be expected to provnl? m?n for csmpslgn? ths world over. KOCH CHORUS iWElaLI cvi1 U i it it m M i nu t.?-. u?. n.*? 11 ? n?i?ai* i. ??> i be ?tuinua? I'.'?? I .*i..l"??i ??'? BVBB >.)? i,a] ,.? n I l.r .lr*l I W H"H <>' ? pettlea i*r Hi? lui m. i?>.i. Nssl aeree laatlaaes ?? ui?..??? BBeAseseal Haie BMSJB >?f bca-i li???r besrii ?liunU IB iflebrnlc llilit <-?,<l?ll UaM ??ri an? re, ?nl militai ? ? I? l<>? * In l.ennaii? SB I ??si na ll i? ,., *, b.i4?t.-,l ?bal I III- lltrsllu. In?.? nl \iiierl,*ii ainiituiillii'i? aetlU '? aalj ?" |IbbsIb| i bs ?"'?'l i ?? ?-??si run ?m ...r la's, n m?-, ?u, i sseBSssasts ???? tas Dstblsbsi In ?ball b?* ?cr> guarde?! ITALIANS CAPTURE GORIZIA TRENCHES lake Redottbl ?in Carso Platean, Also Atistrians ("heck I'ierc ! Attack?, on IsOllXO. Paris, Noe. IS. The hea-. ? ???.-?.???.,? bati the Gorilla region of the Austm Italian front. Vienna rep?irts d? ? ? by the Italian : ? reii'ir.? ?',,. Aaatrian poBitioas, al ounce? the capture of enemy tr?-n?-h?s on the rthwest of ?ioribia and the t.-ir. ag of a redeebl ss the Ca? .-.i. The failars of an Italiaa st ?.. I ? |0 ?A .ill heavy Is mi Ii rspertsd by Vienna. at the -? ' ..;' th? Cam? d ths Adig?, srb ? h n rait? .1 Ib the d< I ;.:. iaipertaat railread I were reported by Koine. TWO ITALIAN LINERS HELD \meri?-a and Palermo Canrel Sailings f??r War Service. Two itSSnshipfl of the Italian I,ine, the America and the PalsnBO, have cancelled their sailing- for Near York, aeeordlag to sihris? rec?iv?d by eabla rday it ?! i ofles of Hsrtl lari & Ce., local ageii's. It is believed that the ships are to be used bv thl Italien government as traasi rti The America, a peeseeaet ihip, srei to h-i\f lailed fiom here on Doceaibor 7, ?,: i ths Pal? rate, lately 11.- ? ? ? i as a freighter, ?vas te have left B B???l la'er. All itfforti to sbtaifl sflleial d< taili of th?- siiiking of the AbCBBS ?Ten un availiag yastsrday, Mr. Hartfisld ?aid , that one cable tnessag.- that had SSi liently been lent ?m still unaccounted lor. Tbsrs is a h.;.' tiiani'e that it contains th?* BS*B?I *.-..?ated. ? - SKINNER RETURNS TO ENGLISH POST United Slates Consul General Starts Back to London. Washington, Nov. l.'l I'.ohert IV Skinner, the American COBSal (ieneral te Loados, said goedby t?? state Depart men*, officials to-day preparatory to re turn'ng to his post. He left for a few days' visit at his horn?-, in Maasillon, Oh ?-, ?nul will suil .Novemher tl fer England. Vt'lun Mr. Skinner was ?-iimniotied horn? for a consultation on the trade situation thsri were raners thai his ! . ; - au? thorities and that he wotiM not ret OH) to London. The fact that be will do so is regarded bare a.? iadicatiag that whatever friction may hail dsvslopod la connection with his status has been removed. a BAR PACKAGES TO GERMANY Pastel Hans Also Put on Austria and Hungary. Waahington, Nov. l.'l A formal nr ?l?T was issue?) tu-.liiy by the PestefleS J'cpartment directing postmasters here Sfter t<? refuse tu SeCSpt parcel post peckagei for (?ermany, Austria and Hungary. The order was BSCSSI ' I by the refu-al of the steamship seal? puny wheh ha? lieeli carrying parcel PS I mails for the?? countries to accept : such mails. -# TROUSERS FOR WOMEN Herlm Paetaej Workers Who Have Men's PtaeeS Want Men's (loilies. S* Hi'., Kei II, I rous.'i? fur r? eomaanded by thi Nom? foi ??.me ?f t|1(. ne? tradii ?rhich th?y ha-.,* recently ? n '??" i Ib pises ?f men rasas t?> thi ; i,.i ? ( '? bi B? irstary flu.u that in c, rt-n*, ?actorl? , thi ordln u -, ?esssa'i ?kin and blouss are ?n? n i, ????, owiBg te thali llkollheed <-t rat? h ng m th? autchii try and causing accident!. VON ..IKDENBUa G DOIES KAISEI? l im* item i?? Ri lign ?l ( ipturc of Rig ? Is !n sis'? il i pon. ? rad ta>a thai i .. i ? to < ' bur? th? ' I ' s ' ' ' ? ' ? r ? capta i and ! ' : : I . ' wood? in ? . In an ?f ficulties th? every energy to which they aie bui'ulir.i? .'. ' our \ . i '?h r? ; or? ' Rus* moftT and i . FRENCH GUNS QUIET FCE IN BELGIUM "Steam Mill" Near Boetinghe Demolished---Germans Quit f ?riiij,r, Is Report. Paris, Nov. IS. Prcnch report? of sd armies a western fron! SBVJ artil | , ! of Bot il , ' . Belgium; to ths i orth of t h? Rit ? ? ? ths reg th? Batte du Moanil, Champagaa, with fill the 'I in se followed up battles with hand grenade? in ths ? hampagne ragioB and heavy artillery fln ? ? . tru-t of H? botwei ' i Mi ? '? and Mo ella. i . .'ir OFFICIAL. 'l he I ranch s?tati msnt ?a In Balg im, in th? region i linghe, our artill? ? heavy fli the "i loam null," waich . . bom bei d ??? ? f. h ich a lea? ious, ill? ac? ?I . - tnde? .1 ; l.'i. . '.o the Borth of th?- Aisne, near Villa an Bota, and In < hampa ?. in lb? region of tau du Meant!. Ni ir i. our art llery n ol the Si,? ,.f . ? \ violen! bombai dmenl on both irrad in the i etor of Fl do of lome artillery en age ment ? in th? Arti ?n-iti.-t and in iith <>f ? ? ..i '. i la ?t Bight lively i, ? band gre? Bad? "', ? haulmss, as wall . . rams Pi s ?! in the ?.,, ButtS de Sou? am. Artillery battle? of unuaual vio? lence war? reported during th? day in B? Igium. m ih?. region <>f Bus, in lbs An.iv aiatriet, m th? set-t..r of tha I ' i ..i ill ..f the Bomms, mar Dompierra between the Menas and th. Moselle, and m the redoubt of Apremoat. Thar? war? ae Infant] The bill providing for a bow French l"..ti ?d I the < hamber <?f 1 '? ? . ? . ion by Pinance Minister I ? mid th? obj?. ? .v. ? '.. si Bid incres Ing indefi? nitely ih?. short '? rm debt Ths rate of lateros! 'I sit .'. per eont, and the goverumeul renounce? th? right of payment until aller Januar, I, i.?||, KAISER REPORTED OFF FOR CONSTANTINOPLE Will Visit Kin^ Ferdinand at Sofia, ?Says Copenhagen. Ii. ? .' e ? , rt.i Trll.uni | London, Nov. IS. According ?.. aj dispatch received t" nighl from Copea* hag? h, ih. h.,. .r t,. tarda] | through Or lava, ob In- way t?. Bol i wh? r? he trill riait Klag I ?rd t I f??r two dags, After th? v '. the Kni?er will la* laect Oeaeral Macksasoa. anales, and then leavg for LontUiiliiiupls. 7 Vi/. OPPENHEIM.gli.INS &? ?34th Street-New York Announce for To-Morrow (Monday) Sale of Women's Tailored Suits At Reduced Prices m from the regular Stock in a wide range of this season's mosf fashionable material? and colors; fur, velvet and braid trimmed. 25.00 Will He Ottered at 29.75 35.00 I ur inmm? (I Velveteen Suits 39.70 4H.00 68.00 75.00 t ?<?-.../ ? Oppenheim. ?llihs& S CtsejafjaJ I."*..-, 's*mt> as-meit /:,V.'. \'it>t'. ? Sew Ydrfc 5 /?v a | V jrmmc i / uftgoUiL i h Women's ?:ash onab'e Tpats and Wraps .Models suitable for afternoon. evening, street, motor, sport and central wear. 29.75 35.00 55.00 75.00 : Women's Smart Street Coats in pleated, belted and other models of Broadcloth, Zibeline, Wool Velour and Novelty 22.59 fabrics; half and full lined. Sped?) Women's Dressy Coats of Chiffor Bro-idcloth, Recortr m_ mat Cloth, Davetyne and Seal Pljsh, fur trimme?., superior ?5?b.(,U silk lined throughout. Sp Women's Velveteen Separate Skirts New and striking models with shirring and wide separate / ( belt of superior black and checked velveteen. Special ) 9.75 Women's Afternoon and Evening Gowns A magnificent collection of handsome gowns suitable for Theatre, Restaurant, Afternoon Calling, Dancing, lormal or Informal Afiairs and Street Wear 39.75 55.00 65.00 95.00 ,, ?il upward Important for To-Morrow [ Monday ) Sale of Afternoon and Street Dresses From the Regular Stock and Greatly Reduced Combinations of Georgette Crepe with Satin, Velvet and Plaids; many trimmed with silver, gold and fur; also com- 1 25.00 binations of Serge and Satin in Navy and Black. ~ Misses' Talored Suits Several models of Broadcloth and (iabar? dine; various coat lengths, trimmings of 20.00 iur, velvet and braid. Spe?**ia] Misses' Dressy and Tailored Suits of (iabardine, Broadcloth and Whipcord; 25.00 fur trimmed. Special Misses' Velveteen Suits, braid and fur trimmed belted models, superior silk 29.75 lined and wool interlined. SpeeUlJ Misses' Smart Coats Of Corduroy, Mixtures, Velour Checks ^ and Zibelines, suitable for general wear; 15.00 some fur trimmed. SpnklJ Misse??' Dre.ssy Coats of Broadcloth, ^ Velour Cloth, Duvetyne and Corduroy,[^9.75 full silk lined and interlined. BpaalalJ? Misses' Seal Plush Coats; smart belted! ~ model, with trimmings of fur; silk lined 35*0" throughout. Sp??t-i?l J