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GUARANTEE Your Money Back If You Want It. See Editorial Page, Firat Column. Nm ?lurlc aribum WEATHER TO-PA Y RAIN; TO-MOKROW. FAIR AM) ???I DTK. Y.eterda? 4 1 rmprraturn: Ht?li. 4?; Ion. ?J. Kuil report on Ta?e S. First to Last ? the Truth: News -Editorials - Advertisements :ol. LXXV....NO. 25.201 ? ..p, unlit, 11113. B* Th? THInine !?>.. iaiu.n MONDAY, NOVEMBER Id, 1915. ? ? PRICE ONE CEXT In ? It T of New York, ?warlt. Jrrwr City ?ad B Kl??MlHUtl. TWO CKNTB. FAY TO REVEAL BIG MEN IN PLOT, OFFER TO FLYNN Leader in Ship Sinking Conspiracy Seeks to Be? come State Witness. ANGERED BECAUSE HE WAS LEFT IN JAIL Marcus Braun Tells of Meeting Ooricar in Vienna, but De? nies Spy Charge. Important developments yester.iny ra?rked :h? etTuris of the United State?, government to run to earth the ring? leader? m the Teuton conspiracy to d?itr7?y factories making munition? for the Allies and ?hip? transporting the-??? mur.ition?. Robert 1 ay, S? the German ??crit Service. i.iTered :o turn state? wanes?. Fay made his offer in a two hours' conference with William J. Flynn, chief of the i'nited State? Secret. Set-vice, and, it is asserted, named men high in the diplomatic service of the Csatra) Powers anu me.-i prominent in German and Aus7ro-Hungarian circles in this city es his fellow conspirators, l'art of Fa;'s story corroborate? some of Dr. Goricar? charge? Walter E. Scholz and Engelbert Bronkhursf, who were indicted along with Fay; Max Hxeitung, nephew of B. N. Breitung, and others are reported to be ready to ioni Fay as state wit ne??e? if the government will accept them. Marcus Braun, former Immigration ? Tnmissioner, denied the IBaigS. HMds bj Dr. Goricar, that he is a secrot age?:t sl the centrnl powers. Braun declared that when he went to Europe, -oon ?fter the war .started, at the time Gori eai ?aid Braun was netinp as an agent of Germany and Austria-Hungary, he carried a letter of introduction from WtUistfl .1. Brvan, then Secretary of State. ?jnsul General von Xubcr. of the Austio-Hunganan Consulate in this when told that Dr. Garitear charged 'hat he. vori Papen and Rov-K?' ? ? hea?'s of the Teutonic secret ser? vi e in this country, said: 1 't them prove it." He added the ?plo's were not hatched by the secret service. As a result of Fay'? talk ? h.rt Flyn.n yeetas?ay. Fay will be taken to UM Federal Building this morning foi ; a conference with 11. Snowden Mar- i ?hall, i'nited State? District Attorney. Fa? Said to Feel Aggrieved. f understood that Fay. who is j ? ed because his government has ! him to remain in the Tombs '??ail has been found for two ..f irrested and indicted with him, ? ed that he would substantiate all n?s allegations if granted immunity. Whether immunity will be granted km or not depends entirely on Dlltr Attorney Marshall. Mr. Marshal! so hai made it a rule not to promise Immunity to h? y person accused of crime. Those asking for it have hern told they would have to take ?,-hances ?*.*' what might befall them in court. The visit of Chief Flynn to the Torrbs wa? in response to a mil ag? F?y sent to the head of till Secret e. Fay also sent a telegram to Joh:. C. Knox, Assistant I'nited State? l?ii* Attorney, who has aided in th? prosecution of the German bomb ?lotters. Mr Knox did not have time tS Bill on Fay. The government authorities here are ine'.r.'.d to place full faith in what Fay ay? Much that he ha? already toid - a?> been checked un by B?*SBtl government and tound to be t'U?. The government also expects aid ftoa Broakaarst, the raan-of-a'1-trades ?t Dr. Last'l N'aturopath Sanatorium. lu*, aha M* also an explosive expert IBa*?B?Mr, w tn degree? from It was Bl bar?! ??ho gave ?wen? - ? ? dvr.s ts Fay to use in making bomb?. ??" to Fay's statements. Bronk - as also been lift to lang?; .-nabs in default of $2',,000 bail. and he, too. Il b<-g':nr.g ??> feel ag -.' ? toi Fay Tell? of Factory Kay, the Secret Ser?, ice men say. ds? t!?re? th?t he va? ihain | Isttar in the ?*?' -?Imstra?-?. f>? the headquarters of *'? '??rmifi <.?<-?? II known, Dl Herbert I nd'?*trr;?r;'. -? Kien fatbsr, i ?all ?-.--turer, coBtain ? ag ??, b? d? troyed and ? '??: in New York . ? ? ? ? :! - . an circles. He ?j.roi- ? ? ;e ? ?,-???*Tier."- attrib ti?*d ?', l?r Garitear, ' j1 of I - '-.{y gar***, tl ?' Brsaa was a paid ??"?' * | Aaitra-Hangarian govern BMBt a?. had ai*??d a? a spy when he .-und on his way ta Vienna: soon ?fter the war ?tart?*') : ' g Aast! tnd Hangai who Swri not nataraltscd eitixaa?, ?nd who ir then n fV- ... h?re,' hi ?i I *.?.???.? to w| gtoi ?'. ?.-s ??"?.'aiv of S'at? Mr. Phillim th? A?*i?tant Secre'ene*? of S'a'?*. ( ?>? But? DsBsrtnenl to - rti ts tk?na, sat eooldn't, "'*???' r.? /,rir to, Am?r"-a?i ( I mat Then ! ?aid to Mr. i*h Isi tat? tern n ?n?r,r ? ? ? rr ?.* ?? I will g?, over - ' , .. . ? ^ "Mr ?- ? ,s ???? -a,?, ? ,-r ??hied if I Bi ??? **.'? ?',?.: f?Cl! ?a.-r rr? oh ret, Mr ?? i '.. . ,-' ? ',"?? , ?fft , . , Tell? ..f M**etina? ?.ornar. ' -, - I ' I ?Uy?< y f?,ur day ' ' 04 mat> Ut Gorisfai <? Wsaaa. ?' M>? P'/'? ga OAei ?, si he aay?. b??t I Had ?pi?d m ?'. a?.?I -Audi making a r?-r?<>?' ??? **??* A - .. i s ?,-iali Hurigari?? teeat' *r ?. ? | i*n *'? '?'?? . ?.'??? ? .1 by ; oe a?. ,,j Mtjgd? aHaasy, now i Ik fraila lit, sa irate a, mduma t I U. S. SECRET SERVICE TO RIVAL KAISERS i lie l nilid State*, ?ill have a Secret Sen lee to mal? h that ot any i.uroptan nation within the next ti'i'Kf month?. ! he nuil of ?._< h a branch of Ko?, eminent, in ?.hose ?*en iee would he included men in all walk? of life. actually engaged in business or the professons i.r trades, as is the cus? tom in Kurope. was made obvious by the activities of the Teutonic agents here, who are said to number .1.001?. To make possible the r real ion of surh a Secret Service Congres, will be asked to appropria: e a sum reaching into Ihe millions'. These Secret Service agents, it i? proposed, will not have an> badges, curds or other means of identifica? tion. Thej ?ill l?e carried on the pas rolls oui*, by number and their names will Ut known only to their immediate superiors. - ; . 2.677 HIT SAWDUST TRAIL I ' Billy Sunday .Makes a New Record for Conversion?. Rj IYV?r.i>h so It? : imcnss, Nov. n. what I! Ban <iay declares is the greatest number of persons ever converted t.. Christianity in one .???y lines 1,900 years ago, when St. Peter preached a? Pentecost, walked down the Bawdusl trail at eight revival meetings here to-day. Conversion? totalled 8,677 nearly three times sny prtvioas record, snd nuking n total of 3,496. Bill*/ preached 1 to 17,000 pei >ns, snd eolleetions i reache.i $2,800 msk if t< tal of 1 $lSr307._0. M'CALL SURE TO GO, POLITICIANS BELIEVE Whitman's Secretary Will Ser.e Copy of Charges To-morrow. ?William A. Orr. secretary to (?ov 1 ei nor Whitman, v. il! to-morrow serve 1 on Kdward E. Me< all. ?Iiiiirman of the Publie Servies Commission, h co | the charges of the Thompson Investi? gating committee, which allege miscon D office, neglect ;>f duty and In- [ , crriciencv. Met ail will harr 7en day? ! in which to answer the charge?. !? Is not improbable that McCall will j ?xersoaell] file no answer to the ' charge*, hut wait until a hearing is hold l?v the Governor to pre-. : defence. In an?wenr g previous charges of ?he investigating commit? tee early this year ihe members of the cemmftsion went to Albany and pe??ior.;iMv f.lod their rjitwers, and their hcarlng-B were begun the ?ame : day. I ???? the general belief In well In? formed political circles yssterday that nor Whitman, m view of the charg?"- of the Thompson committee, must remove McCall. So positive was ; ? elief that a number of person? discussed hi?1 possible successor on the Commil ? Thompson committee trill re-' sume it? investigation to-morrow. It ha? not ?ret I ? ? d who win be the next Commissioner to go <>n the grill, bat tl prohabilil -?at it GIRL TRUANT FREED FROM JAIL BY JUDGE School Meat! Criticises Jerse;, Recorder's Action. Lizzie Cassella, fifteen year? old, of N'e'cong. N. J., who wns ?-ent to the Morri?tow-n jail on Kridaj%for nor going to school, ?rot home last night ??". was freed bv Co>in*y Judge Shimon. Meanwhile rII Neteong ii up In firm*. over 'be Action of Reeorder ?.eerge P. Keech. ? ?re Rbon! being pal Into the fifth grade with ?mailer children and needed at home t.. help her mother, the girl and her father went to the Board of Education in October and ,-ssked '.hat she be B_? ISOd from school. ?? wanti ) w rhing paper?, the board told her, she could have them, but they would not ailo-.v her to ste.y ioI only to help her mother, but ?n ?pit? of their wsi I . ?? ? ad home. The truant officer ?rreated both the fathor and girl. Rad ff with a fine, which was <*?!?? ! Continued sbsenes from school led to ;, MCWnd sure.* ]s,?t Friday, h'hI ho'h ?rere ned :'" by Recorder Koeeh. Having no money, they wen entenced n lail. .1 ii ' ?? ounty Superintendent Of School-, declared Keech had ex? ceed??! hit authority and ?that he should hats notified the Children's ?Be ? s ? BABY ABANDONED IN SURF Watchmen Find Roy, Scantily (lad. at North Reach. Thors i? h pretty, healthy, foar* montht old baby baj Ir the St John's Hospi??.!, ?Leag Island Cil sg for some one to .-?sum oi adopt It. Dat?e* tive? took it to the institution after it had been turned over ". then* ?9 rial wa'.ehv I ltd '?? patrol the waterfront a' N?.rth Reach If- la walking aloi . tht bnlkhasd Saturday Right I 'ant's ... , : , : antily ering in sral inehi ?art'ef I ? ? ? snd "I ? few ? 'suit won].' I ..... e,( ** POPE GOES OUTSIDE VATICAN Violate? Papal t ustom by Visit in* t hunh Away from I?round?. . Pap? Benedict ha? ( made an Ir : p?rtele from the? cuttoro of ?he Pontiff! by visiting 1h? Chnreh of Anna, adjoining lbs Apoatatic ?petaca, i?i A thas go;.,g outside ,y,0 v." ets, seeard | ta 'h? ??i, ornai? dl ,, th. fall o( tein|,f.iiil pot '?' one , forts of Papal protaot agmntt the paw order o? thtngri ??at been the ttclution e; I'lfiaViffa tu toa Vatican, ' $40,000,000 FUND LEADS TO ALBERT AND BERNSTORFF Went for "Vicious" Work Here in Four Months. It Is Charged. WIRELESS TRAIL TO BERLIN OFFICE I$10,?000,000 Receipt by Ambas sador Exists. Says "Providence Journal" - DuRiba Accused. 'H. Tiln-ripl? to TI.? Tribu?.. 1 Providence, Nov. II. "The Provi? dence Journal" will say ' morning: V real sum of money, amounting to between 186,000,000 and $40,000,000, h-s been -?pent in this country in the la-t I four months for propa?ran?l7i work t the Allies under the immediate supervision of Count von Bernstorff, j the Cern?an Ambassador, and Dr. Hein I rich Albeit, privy councillor, who ?le? so ibes himself to a 'Journal' repre s.entative a? the 'fiscal agent' of his I government. "The Journal" has a positive ?ecord Of ths receipt by Ambassador von BernstOIaf and Dr. Albert of at least (10,000,000 in the time mentioned. A .?eat deal of this money has come lg_ the Guaranty Trust Company New York and most of it has been immediately transferred to the Chase National Bank and other banks in which Dr. Albert and Ambassador von Rernstorff keep a joint account. "The .Journal" charges that not one dollar of this money ha*, been spent for legitimate purpose?, but that all of it is going for propaganda work of the ricieus description. one item alone the maintenance of bureaus for dragging men out of munitions fac? tories amounts to many millions of dollar.?. Separate Fund for Propaganda. The cost of sustenance of the consu? lar ?ei-vice of Germany and the ex? pense-? of the embassy reach the vari OUS officials through regular channel., Which are in r,o way connected with the fund referred to. It is believed that the entire cost of propaganda wo; k conducted by Austrian contuls and consuls-general Is financed from thit German fund. Dr. Albert was interviewed in his aflea, at Room 74 of the Hamhurg American Building, New York City, last Friday by a Journal representative and vvas asked point blank to s'at? whether the financial transactions in which he has recently been involved covered legitimate operations, the char? : acter of which he could explain in gen sral 'o the public. Dr. Albert Imme? diately called in a secretary as a wit? ness to the conversation, and then re plied? "I am fiscal agent of my government in this country an?i I am handling ecr tain sums of money." "Will you tell u-." he was asked, "if yon an?l the German Ambassador have joint funds in the Chase National Rank and p. number of other banks in this country?" "What Is your purpo?e in asking me that question""' he replied. Hs WM toid ?hat the only purpose was to have him state, If he would so state, that whatever joint funds he and the am baasador were carrying and however P'f.i' the sum total of these fund? was, v, y were being expended for lawful purpose?. "Thrown (?IT HI? Balance." Dr. Albert refused to make any itato* ment whatever in regard to thi* mat lie was than asked if he would d"nv that he had received per.-nnally more than (6,000,000 from his govern ? two month?, and if he ? on September .1 receive through Guaranty Tru?t Company the sum of (2,1.,000 for "" work. A. this question Dr. Albert m> visibly thrown off balance. The question was based on a wireles? dispatch re reived by the Guaranty Trust I ompany on September f>, through Sayville, pur? porting to come from the Litmus Com? of Berlin really the Berlin For? eign Office - and which read a? follows: "Accordonica. Ray on application to Gaheimra! Heinrich Albert. New York, two Rl Ilion dollars. Notify him. Lot it?? know by wire when part of payment i able reeeipl of telegram.* "Whal ?I" you mean by asking me n in like thsit y Dr. Albert ?aid finally. "We mean," said "The Journal" rep? resentar;', e, "that 'accordonica' is a cod?? word Raed by both the German Ani bs dor and yourself in communicac !? (? .vi?:. Bsrlia and that it designates ths pail .llar account for which the monej ..- to be expended." Dr. Albert sail: "I refuse to make any staternei.' whatever to 'The Provi? dence Journal' or ta anybody else. I will make ho statem?nt, RO matter what you priai It wa? immediately after the exp?.? ?he contents of Dr. Albert'? port? folio on August 15 that he began t.. i <? ? . | rett sums of money. Government Ha? "Evidence." I'p s,( that tune most of the per? emptory for large sums from tl .? Fora?RH Office ha?! gone from Count \ ,,r? fl? v ? torIT, ??.h... within a period of ... ?US< before the breaking up of ii lerta plot, got over (8,o00,000. The ?j' vernment has Hi ita pOMOSSiofl ? of the?e innre transfers, ? in September 22 I't Dumba was also ?!?. affected with a distressing hortage, and sent the fol I . ?. message to hi? Kin* : ..f Foreign ArT?.r*. iti Vienna from I, Mas.* : Wiederholung t?l?gramme? vom f?nfzehnten wenn ich bit turn ?erh tundswsnslgstan laufenden monat? ans ihme der von hietiger ?uig beierltg von ?ech<hun ,1,-r' elftausand r.weihiindertsechtiind artig dollar fuer ungari?che ?sostvor* rnnohtigt wer.Je bin ich , gen .1 BSOfl ganzen betrag BB* . itahlen bitte he*tnetigung die?.-? telogi smms ? ." I . .? trai.ilatio.i of this metsage || ae follows. "I le.le?ate my telegram of l*^au_<*?- ou oro* * amiuma, ? B. T. WASHINGTON DEAD; HIS LAST WISH FULFILLED i Slave Child, Whose Primer Pages Were Barrel Tops, Won World Fame. (WEAK, HE JOURNEYED BACK TO DIE IN DIXIE Educator, Friend of Presidents, Leaves Tuskcgee as ?Memorial to Work for Negroes. ' B? T?!saT?ph a Tli? IHMM 1 Tuikegee. Ala., Eos 1 1. Kept alive | only by the determinatioii to see agani his beloved Btnith and :<? . r.d hi*- dajri , among the people he had M>er?t his life to lead, Booker T. Washington, nakod as the ablest negro in the I'nited States, died at hi? home ?u*re at 4:15 o'clock this morning, just after com? pleting a long trip from New York, , where he had gone in <|Ucst, of health. He had often said: "I was born in the South, have lived all my life in tiie South and expect to die and br. buried -in the South." He had hi? wish. I?r. Washington rem-hc?! hoBM but a few hours before his death. Accom? panied by hi? wife, hi? se?-r?*ary n:id :t physician, he left New York al 4 o'clock on Friday afternoon. He arrived here last midnight. His last public appeal - , anee was at the National Conference of Congregational < hurches in New York, where he delivered ?? tec'ure on Octo? ber 25. A widow, three children and four grandchildren survive. .Tohn C. ?TSSB iii^ton. a brother, is superintendent of iadastrisi at Tiiskepee Institute. The funeral will be held ofl Wednesday morning a' Id ?'i lock. The new? of Dr, Washington's death ??as received w:th the greatest sorrow at the famous negro institute which hi founded and about which centred his ?if? work. All -ne building", have been draped in noqmiog and elai I IUI | pended until after the funeral. Negro Educator. ex-Slave. Was Moses <>f His Race Huoker T. Washington's long atid stubborn struggle up from slavery ended at 4:46 o'clock yes'erday morn? ing, a few hours after he had returned, ? dying man, to hi? home at Ti:?.kege?*, Ala. Surrounded by the ?plemlid buildings of the institute which he had created, amid the hundreds of ?tu dents for ?hi??*? bet??rment he had spent his life, the great lead?-r and educator of the negro rnc? succumbed to arterio sclerosis, which had held him ailing for ?he last six month?. It was the long'ng of n weakening man to return to his home which took Dr. Washington South to die amor g his own people. For a month pa-* I health had been *n an extremely pre? carious condition. Ai*c??nipanie?l by his wife, he i*am<* to New York, and for ? several weeks was und-?r treatment at the Rockefeller Institute, "n N.I ber 8 he ??as removed to St. I.uke's i Hospital, Here for a time he MClBSd to rally, and there wa? hope of a' a temporary recover.. Early last week ; hs relapsed. Al hi v>-eak??neil the ? '. .sire to go hume bs?tSIBt stronger and, stronger. Friday he left for Tu-kegee, ; a dying man. His ?rifa an?! his p h ;. s i rian, t'r. John A. Kenny, accompanied him. Dr. K. P. Robert?, of L'42 West Fifty third Street, receiv,*,! the following telegram early yesterday from Dr. ' Kenny : "Reached her?- with patiSBt a? 12 :."? 0 o'clock this Btoraiaa*. ?ti '? tatos ?< ?.''??-en minutes of five.' Stricken with an iacarabll ailment, l>r. Washington'? c'i,?f BttSBtiofl to hil life work at Tuskegee Institute for ' Negroes hurried on his death. Physi? rians had advi**.! him ?o ?ake a long test as the only hope of prolonging his \ lif?. This h?? refused to do. For so ? ninny years his institution had bsSB a part Of himself that he could not tear! himself away frost it now. Fven in I the last stages of his illness hi? ' though? was no? on recovery for re-', , bu? ?>n rttosory fur TasMfas The |OBg*il | to gr.i-p again IBS i-o,itrol of ?h'* great I eh hi had nur turr-ii and rs mi from its Aral lowly -ta?i\ honied in an abandoatd chicken ?-??. ; . to it - *r? wat i - I tatelj building? .?n.' I2.OOO.W0 worth of prop , : ? never left him aatil lif? dill /\mbition t?i Studv. Fifty-three jroari Bfs pick? ninny stood in 'h" door of his m ? one-room cab-n. a slice of br?-ad a?id molasses in on? tiny, s'iciv hand, and asked: "What's a ?elioo!, mammy"" HU ha,I bet n the duty that dav of lugging ?he bookl of his BBBStsr*! little g:r! ??? th" "v?l itl folks's" sch'U'l. The brea?! Sad mola-?es had b? en his rr i i,m Inueil on |isi? ',. rolnmn ? French Guns Pound Day and Night Clearing Way for New Offensive Great Drive Has Not Ceased, Says Tribune Correspondent After Visi to Artois Germans Cling Desperately to Vimy Slopes. By FRED B. PITNEY. H> I'aMe :o T?.? TrtS'irs? ; Pan.-. No-r. 14.?The great French offensive has not | by high escarpments. It was these gullies that mad ceased, tin- Rtreugth of the position for the Germans and th Three ?ia>.? ago I left ?Paria, ?pm-iml-tic, doubtful of difficulty lor the French. Un the eastern side of th? the result:: attained in the lest thrust, and ?|uestioning September bottle ground ii a long, low crest colled th? i whether the attack that was to drive the German"- from "Cr?te de Vimy." which is in the form of a great ar. . France vroold be resumed. facing west, ami stretches from Givenchy, on the north I returned to-day, after three days spent on the ground routh through Givu.chy en Gohelle and Thelus, almos captured in Artois r-.m-e the offensive began. And now to AlTM. 1 am optimistic, riassuml by what 1 have seen, and Ground Rolla l'p to Great. confk? : I 'bat the enemy will be rolled back by a .?urge Krom the westerri va*-ey the ground rolls up to th? which gather? momentum every ?lay. whence it slopes slowly away to tho great plair For Joffre'.-s big guns are preparing the way. ju.-t as cl- pouai. \ve5t of trete de Vimy, and pointing toward they prepared the way for the great assault at the end it *??<<> the outstretched lingers of a huge hand, is s of September. Batteries to the right and batteries to seri?s of -massives." high, steep-sided, cliff-like hi'.ls the left. I have seen guns standing on the Artois front ?.-.-. (>ecr)i narrow valleys between. Notre Dam? d? i almost wheei to whet!, and pounding steadily at the Lorette is one of these "ma.?sives," while in the valleyi German trenches day and tight. he Ablain. St. Nazaire and Carency, and where two Soldiers Await the Order. valleys come together in front of Ablain, under :the Many time* in the course of my visit I saw the sol- C'r?te ?c Vimy, is Souchez. Further south, Neuville St dicrs run from shelters to positions in the trenches, and Vailst lies in front of La Targutte. at the debouchment poer eagerly through the crevaux or cautiously over the or another valley. : tops of the trenchos, watching the results of a particu- Givenchy. Notre Dame de Lorette, Ablain, Carency, '. larly violent cannonade, as though they. too. expected Souche.:, the Massif of Mont St. Kloi, La Targette and 1 at any minute the order to charge the German lines. Neuville St. Vaast mark the culminating points of the I returne?! to Paria more imprersed than ever by the g?re?t fight which has brought the Germans to the pre qualitias of the French soldier, convinced beyond argu- carious position in which they now are. A few months, ! ment that the offensive had not ceased and understand- In ROOM cases only a few week?, ago all these positions > ing from the study of the ground how criminal would were in the hands of the Germans. Tho French most be the warte of life in another attack on a grand scale advanced lines were in the lisi?re of the Bois de Bou I when a little patience under methods in use will achieve , vigny. well behind the spurs of Notre Dame de Lorette. the result at the expense of not one per cent in blood. One saw the German trenches creeping up over the This Artois ?ountry bears a chse resemblance to the chalk cliffs of Notre Dame and looked down on_Ablaln, Champagne district. It is of the same chalk formation Carency, Souchez, La Targette nnd Neuville. and. like the Champagne, the characteristic of the coun- Now those trenches face the other way. They are try is it? ?low, rolling hills, averaging ?something under no longer turned against the French linos on the border ?800 feet in height. But scattered among these Ulli are of the Bois de Bouvigny, but against the Germans on a lew narrow valleys cut in like deep gullies, bordered i the far side of the Cr?te de Vimy. SERBS HURL BULGARS BAG | AT KATCHANl Tetovo Retaken ?Fen nand Appeals for Aid of Teuton Guns. Ki ? a?- ? ?n IB? Trt?vi?-? Loadoa, Nov. 14. While by the sh weight of (?erman artillery the Sei have baaa forced from their strc positions south ?if the Wes'err Mots River, an official communication in the Serbian A nit y Headquarters, issu on November 1.! at.?I just received he indicate? that ?he retreat has not be as hasty a? a?serted by Berlin. Instead, the report shows ?hat the r tireinent, like ?ha? of the Rus?:;? from Galicia last spring, has bei largely at ?a ill, and only after the BBti had laflietsd the greatest possible dar age on the pursuer. In all cases it hi been in good order, and without loss? of munitions and equipment. an?l a German and Rulgar reparti to the cot trary ite brand?*?! a? fsl Thus, according to ?he Serb officti report. ' ghtiag itftl continues at Ivas ni'ra, in the lbar Valley, and in th direction of Ale\.i?-,dr?ivatz, all of whir the Gsnaaai claimed ??? in their po.? session mure than ? week ago. Th Serbs also assert that (?erman attack in the Valley of Knvareka and th WeA*??rti Morava have been repulsed. I.erman? Report Fresh < aptures. Ta-dsy'i Oonaaa ??incial report, how ever. Itill iaiistl 'hat the Serl | are be ing ''ir"\?n back -?.loniz the entire from by the armies of von Gallwitz anr aosvsss, and layi that thirteen officer? and 1.77.', m-n have been takes pris oner. Mo specific mention is mad?- S? point? reached In the advance. v ft I the R?ilgars in the south the Serl claim I havi non 'han a ?!?! their 0?m with victories in th? Katehaaih defile, tear Tc'ovo. and st Hr*r u!..? ''.? - So Itubborn has beer? the r. nee al Katchanih, which Serb retreat based on MetroriUa, thsl iriSBi have ? .... . ? ? their Aus tr?v?Gerrean allie for ?' i Iobb of heavy ? rv with Which ' ? ? ' ' r wav throueh ?he d At Tetovo, in the mountains, a few miles weil of Katehani] . tha Serb? ?cored ??'? sdd doaal ? ucee?? vesterdav and ?ucce.'iird in ocrup?,!r.g the to vn and ctpturing ore gun and a quantity ..? tares, [as rlstar** is large!?,- strat* ?..nnnii'.l nn pace ?, .?lunin 71 Big Men for Big Events With bigger Rventl happening ev.?rv day in the world of finance thai used to happen in a year of normal conditions, it takes me;' ??f bit* viewpoint to Interpret their relation to American finance in particular. Francis IV. Hirst idit??r oi -lie London "Economist," it one of these men. Hit cables t>n the English linaucial situa? tion appear regularlv in The Tribune There is one to-day on Pate?* 10. Yves Guyot Editor of l'Agence ?Economiste et Financier." Is another Me is cabling authoritative articles on conditions In Trance?one appears t.'-ni.-.rrnw. With two men like this hand? ling the foreign imincial situation. The Tribune is giving its readers . service no other r-ir-tr can offer. ?he tribun, hint tt I <nt?tht Truth ?VettJ?Editorials?Advertisement. ARMY FORMING TO Wl GERMAN EAST AFRI General Smuts to Head Ur Invading Force. Pretoria. N'ov. 1 I. General Christlas Smuts, Minister of Dcf?. has been place?! in supreme -omit i of the military expedition agi ! G erman F.ast Africa. The gorernr J of the Union of South Afri'-a ha?, ! i-ided to send 25,000 men against j German colony, if necessary. ' A recruiting campaign is bi planned m the I'nion to raise vo teers for the oversea.? armie*?. a. - as for operations in Africa. PATRIOTIC KRUPPS THANKED BY KAISI 'I ame as Armorers Brighter by Social Work." Berlin. Nov. 14 * hy wireless ta S I ville, N. V.i. Emperor William, ; thanking the Krupp Steel ?ompany | its gift of ?'..? M 000 to the relief fi i for the families of loldilM who V. ? ?lied on the battlefield, mid, icoordl I to the Overset Kssts Agency: "It i? a sea proof sf the patrio mind. It II worthy of the great a of Krupp, whole fame - I . first armorer is brightened by tl 'splendid initiative il loeial v?-.*1?, and thii willingness to "ink?? sue WILSON MAY PROTEST PURSUIT OF VINLAN Rumors That United States VVa ships Warned British Cruiser. I - -. IB? T?'*?:.? BweM I Washington, Nov. 14. The admini ' trat.on is awaiting official informad? on the steamer Vinland, which w cha?ed down the Atlantic coast yeste day by a British cruiser. The s'atu.? the ship and the exact action of tl crui'er are in doubt. Fach questir may involve an international complic II o r.. The ship has not been transferred I Ame i can registry, it i- belisTed her and if this is s?> the ?rssssl il not et titled to American protectioB, Stats I1' partmeat officials say. although appl cation for her transfer has been ma?l< There are rumors that the cruise held so close to the three-mile line th? she was warned by American war?hip of Hampton Roads. Should it prov that the cruiser actually invaded Amei icai, waters a sharp warning to Knglan is exoected. PRINCE ALBERT AGAIN ILL King George's Second Son Sufferin from i.astrn- Disorder. !/ondon, Nov. 14. Prince Albert. MC ond son of King George, is ?ufferini from an obstinate gastric disorder, an* will have to stay in London a fev weeks to undergT? special treatment. Prince Albert, who is a midshipmat in the British navy, was stricken witr appendicitis in August, 1914. Aftei undergoing an ?iperation he rejoine?; his shin in February las?. He is twenty jears old. PEACE CONGRESS PUT OFF *'['nf??orahle Ctrcumst?ne?e" Dell? Berne Conference I'ntll I*?l?i. I.urerne, Nov. 14. The International Congress called to study fundamental base, for peace, which was expected to op? n at Berne on December 11, has beet postponed until after the new year. The reason given for the postpone? ment i? that circumstance? are not yet favorable._ 5,000 I*r?w~RUSSL?N BANKS Government Opening Savings Inatita tion? in Po?toffice?. Petrograd, Nov. 14. -The Russian gov? ernment is opening five thousand new ' saving* back? in connection with poit? | offices, : AUSTRIAN AIRM] KILL 30 PERSON IN VERONA RA i _ Wound 49 Others w Bombs in Principal Squ. of Venetian City. Rome, Nov. 11. Thirty person? dead in Verona a?, n result of tl Austrian aeroplane? dropping bomb the cit.v Thirty other persons w seriously wounded snd nineteen ?li| ly injured. The bomb? of the aircraft fo moat of their victims in the princi square of the city, where citizen? i peasants from the <>u?lying distri ?rors Rttmding the market. Ninet? person? VOTS killed by one bomb. The aeroplanes visited various pt of the rity, hut none of the missi dropped by them foil near any of militar*/ buildings. This i? the second time Austro-H? ganan aeroplanes have made a raid the fortified city of Verona. Last ?T | an Austrian aviator Iropped about dozen bomb? on the city and escap notwithstanding s fue diroetod at h by the fort.? of the city. Varona is *he nearest import; ?u town to the Austrian bord being only twenty-rive miles from t frontier in the Valley of the Adii and, on account of the valuable i treasures and media-val palaces it co tain?, it has been the goal of Austri aviator? ever since Italy entered t war. Venice, richer still in treatur. is about twice as far from the Austri aeroplano base as Verona. Next to Venice, Verona is the mo important town of Venetia. It w strongly fortified by the Austrian? ear in ?be nineteenth century, when it b longed t* the central empire, and nc the Austrian?' own defences are beir uted against them. In times of pea< the Verona p-arrison consist? of 6,0( men, a force which has been augmente since the war began. To lovers of Shakespeare, Veron hold? interest a? the reputed home o Romeo and Juliet. The tomb of Julie and the supposed residence of the Cap uiets are visited yearly by thousand of tourists. The great Roman amphi theatre; the Piazza dclle Erbe, the an etent forum; the fifteenth century; Palazzo del Conuiglio, and the Piazzi dei S:?gnori and the Prefettura. for? merly the residence of the Sealigers ar" among the other chief point? ot in terist in Verona. All of these are so prominently situated that they offer tempting targets for hostile aeroplane? "NOT DYNAMITE" FRIGHTENS POLICE But Packages Sent to Lansing Were Correctly Labelled. (-,..- . t_ ..-. B ;-*|ij ' Washington. N .v. 11. The Wathing ton police had the thrill of their live? when ten small packages, addressed U Secretary of S*.te Robert Lansing and marked "not dy.-n.mite," were received at an RSpiRRfl .'tice here today. De? tective Headquarter? sent an expert in infernal Rssehlcti to examine them. Th?> were removed to the middle of a vacant lit and one of them carefully I. Th.- label proved to be correct. The bos contained nothing mora dsui of broken ?tone. I i.f other nine prove?! to be similarly , charg-d. They were tent from Balti i more, presumably by a crank anxioui I for publiait^_ SANK MONA, SAYS VIENNA; DEFENDS ACT Declares Liner Red Denies Firing on Survivors. NO WARNINQ, ROME INSISTS Note to Neutral Powers Says That Lifeboats Were Shelled. NINE AMERICANS LOST More than 200 Went Down Italian Press Demands War on Germans. Berlin (by vrireleia to Sayville, N. T?), Nov. 14.?The Austro-Hun garian Admiralty announced offi? cially to-day that th?? Italian steam i ship Ancotia attempted to escape at ' full speed after a warning shot had been fired across her b??w, an\l that the veisel only stopped after tieing shelled several t'me.?i by an Austrian submarine, say<. the Overscan News , Agency. The submarine commander, it is | further insert?*!, allowed the Au cona's passengers and crew forty i five minutes- t<> abundnn ship, after Which the veisel was torpedoed, ?inking thr-e-quartrrs of an hour later. The report that the subma? rino fired on the lifeboats is denied. The Austro-Hungarian Admiralty declares that the foreign press had spread false rumors regarding the Ancona incident, and continues: "The ?ubmarine fired one shot in front of the Ancona'? pf*. whereupon th? ' steamer fled at full ?peed, In accord j aace with the order issued by th? j Italian authoritio?, which Instruct? ?alp commander? t?> fee or to ?ink th? i ?ubmaiine. The submarine pursued the ! ?teamer and continued tiring, but th? ve??el stopped only after being hit iiv ' eral times. "The submarine ??lowed forty ft va minutes for the passenger? and crew to ?handon the iteaiaer, SB hoard of ' which pan?e reigned, hut only a ?mall ? number of boat? were lowered, and I these were occupied principally by the : crew. "A great number e>e boat?, probably sufficient to save all th? passenger?, re? mained unoccupied. "After a period of fifty minute?, and as another steamer ".-?> approaching, the submarine submerged and torpe? doed the Ancona, which sank after an additional forty-five minute?. "If any of the pa?senger? lost their . lives Ulli was due to the fault of th? crew, because the ??earner tried to es? cape after it had received order? to 6top, and then the crew only saved themselves and not the passenger?. "Reports published In the foreign pre*?? that the submarine fir?d on th? Ancona'? lifeboats an? mendacious ?n ventlSBS. When the steamer ?topped the submarine ceased tiring."' Austrian Defence Cabled to Washington Embassy Washington, Nov. 14. The Auitro Hungarian Admiralty's statement re? garding the sinking of the Ancona, made public through the Over?ea? News Agency at Berlin, wa? cabled by the Admiralty to-night to the Au?tro Hungarian Embassy here. Nine Americans Lost, Rome Office Reports Rome, Nov. 14. So far a? Thomai Nelson Page, th? American Amb?m?ia dor, has been able to a?certain from th? official report? received through 'the Italian government ?nd from the Brit? ish consul? ?t Bizerta and Tuni?, tha following American eitnen? were on the Ancona: Dr. ?Jecil? L. Greil, Alex? ander PaUtivo and hi? wife and four children, Mrs. Francco Masc?lo La mura, Pasquale Laurino and Giuieppe Torri?i and his wife. Of these only Mrs. Greil ar.d Torrisi are among th? ?urvivor? Of ten American? who wer? on th? Ancona erhea she wa? sunk by a ?ub? marine otT the Tunisian coast only on? wa? saved, according to a statement iscued to-day by the Italian Emigration Office The statement adds that out of f.OT pa??enger? an?l crew of the Ancona onlv 299 were saved. the Italian government hai lent an official c< mmtaiucation to th? neutral governments denying that the Ancona carried arms or contraband or person? in belligerent military service, and that there were any circumstance? justify , ?rg such an attack as a necestity of war. The note declares that the ?ubmarine began to cannonade the Ancona with? out any previous warning or blank ?hot, and fired without respite at the wireless apparatus, the decks and even at the boat?, tn which pa??engera ?rere attempting to escape. "Many of the??," add? the note, "were killed or wounded, while many who approached the ?ubmarine were driven off with J*?r?. Ihu? nearly 200 people wer? drown?d." i The pre*? ? urging th? government 'no longer to tolerate the ?Inking ef Italian ?teamer? by German submarine? flying the Au?trian flag. A declaration i of war against Germany la demanded, a? well as a policy of renriaal?. One leouxie ?uggestid is that Germ.ui pro)?? 1 ? ._;