Newspaper Page Text
Yielding 7% Plua Tj* h " Ml hipan 1 ' ? aoloM A - paar hat . , re,-. . ? ? ? OUthnrls? . | ' . Ill .... ? ..,.? ?n ... ntraat? r ? ? ? ... a etai chart lose! art ? in. ? '..,1 fl? r, ?K1e h, ? pr ? Inl ? ? aiat ? ? ??-it u; The /I ??,,,, Jnvetting ( outmmnu 5- Librrly St., New York. erf\ "i Italy, including r.?ir'<in?;? and comme- eil .? it $200, ?M0.00O, i.e seque tared. The opinion " exproased here that ? rim proceedmi* fr;,T. ? '",? POITI the I ," '?' Sea. v?'? licl . t'ie Ancona and then " I All *b" re ports agre* thai ths tubmarine ???? r \cry large oie RbOUl ?' fs ll !otig Il ha ? .? the sur? vivors of the disaster? will In sent bark to Italy b?, the Italian cons, Bizerta, Tun-s and Malta when vessels for then ' ? Hon aie available. The Italnn ?????amship Bosnia ha? been Rani ? -uhmarine dying the Austrian flag. Tbo psssongon and crew board? reboot? Three of rhese craft have been landed, but the t.'e of 'lie occupai ti ol fourth boat is not known. | The Bosnia wr.? of -,56] ton? and wts ' :eet long, .1 "?;"' feet ?ieep. ?TbS por? of the Bosnia ?a? Vonies -nd fbe ?a.? owned by the Soiieta Na vonale di Senriss Marittima of Rome. Athen?, Ne*. 14. The (?reek steamer Lesei-bion has landed twentv t,u, ? ,ir vivon o. the Pntis-h steamship Clan Maea!li*tf. ?it ( anea. Treta. The Clan Maealistor was sunk on November If. A previous repoli Ka?.i that forty-live member.1? of the crew had been saved. i i, "vo". il. Ths Minister of ed in ir.qu i j* rrgard hs ? .. ] t- eh '-teamrr Calvados, sink recently in the vier-! It? ai the Straits ?"" Gibraltar I*** ;. German submarine. Special investiga? tion v? ill be made concerning the fact that the wireless apparatus on the j ?! diil not work. Conflict in Reports Makes Capital Uneasy Washington, Nov. 14, Conflicting re ports on the sinking of the Ancona cansad anoasinssi to-day among high t? -. This feel? ing was intensified through failure to receive any official information from eider Ambatsador Page Ht Rome or Ambassador Pentield at Vienna. Secretary Lansing read without com? ment dispatches purporting to give the ? views of the Italian and Aus 'nan governments, the former claiming ? \iu-ona irai torpedoed by a (?ermu'i ?ubm?in?ie while her boats were being lo'viel. and ths latter admitting that rn Austrian submarin.? was res.po_sibl? 1 vt d?elarin_ ampia tima was given p.'.ssenger? and crew to escape. Until the embassies at Rom? and Vienna cable definite information th-? American government will be unable 'o take any step? diplomatically. Fro,?i the Ans! t ai ?jiioted in the press dispatch??, ofleials thought the c.ise might develop a parallel to that or the British steamer Falaba, torpe? doed by a (lei man submarino, vvitb the loss of I.eon C. Thrasher, an American citizen. In that case the vessel was given warning, but was torpedoed when it wa? believed by the German subma? rine commander that the ship had sum moned help by wireless or wa* attempt? ing to escape. A settlement of it was never reached on account of conflicting testimony of passengers and crewa. GEFM?NS ON RUN ?N BALTIC REGION BEFORE RUSSIANS Cleared from Coast Line After Vioient Eleven Day Battle. CZAR INSPECTS RIGA AND DVINSK Reviews Tmops with Son Von lini-ingcn Captures 1,500 Prisoner?, on Styr. ras casa 7 f> "rogrfid. N'ov 14 (dispatch to "Morn: k? l'<? it," LaOBll Rus sians have c'.eare?! 'he Germans from the coast line of the Galf of Riga ?is far north as th? upper end of In?-. Kanger \fter almost incessant fight 1 eleven davs, points both nor'h ;,ii la .- lake, namely TUgi/al" and A-,tug. were ?termed and tiiken with heavy losses to ?he eneru,. The who]? area here is bog land, more or less wood?d, and the attack? ing force? were frequently waist deep in slimy morass. Kemmern, a few miles south of Anting, where the Ger. man.? were strongly intrenched, was also rtormed and taken. The (iermaiis appear to he on ?he run !n this region, with the Russians pursuing them over the level, open country Will from Kemrr ? lie Russians are now on two 1 ieh ronds and ri i ;, ?raj . "?I! three r.f which converge on Tukum, not a dozen miles beyond. Th? Raisiaai have already reached the junction of the Riga-Win? dau and the Mitau-Windau railv. -,\-. the catting "T wfclCB will hamper ?he German forcea Theie is, however con ?iderable fighting still shesd la sttain hi? objective as the hill?* eoantry east of Tukum offers several adm'r able defensi? e position?, which the Ger? man? are sure to utilize to the utmost. Their losses in the course of the Rus? sian parish are ?i-iy large already,and prisoners ,-ire fewer than might be ex pect"d under the circumstances. Among the Rassiafl troopi ingag he**? are Uical levies of Letts, who?. inveterate hatred of everything (iei man is almost as valuable an asset a? then- intim?t.? acquaintance of the diff. Salt country being fought over. The Raillas fores here are now a dozen na les wet of the meridian of Mitau, which ?i 'he Germans' fenrard [miss. The Russians con'inue to push wist waid. i-r-il ? will probably he .m forces to the south, andel - of an attack on their flank and i ? ?r. German attempts on the line of the Dvir.J? continue to be BBSacesSsfal in the neighborhood of Drlflik and else? where. Ten violent attacks arsrs re pulred with heavy losses opposite Illuskt on Friday. The German dead lay ir heaps about the field before the Russian positions. It is expected, how? ever, that the Germans will make ut leas' one more strenuous effort to se? cure ?cune success on this front, which for the la?t ten weeks has proved to be little better than a deathtrap. The w? it lier has broker, again, and after unusually early fronts arid snow? falls raina, with a temperature several degrees above freezing point, now pre? vail. Emparer N'lcholm and the young heir to the Russian throne, Grand Duke Alexis N'ikolaievitch. inspected the ports of Reval and Riga and the mili? tary districts of Dvinsk and Vitebsk last week. The Kmperor nnd his son arrived nt Reval on \Vedne?(!ay morning. They visited the naval fortlBSe, examined the work? and reviewed the garrison. Af? ter luncheon the EaiOSmi and tin Grand Duke vis-ted the "narbor Bad boarded the transport Europe, on which the eiSWg of h Russian submarine and of a British underwater boat wert? drawn up. The Lmperor personally decorated the two bubmarine commanders with the Gross of the Order of St. George, fourth class. The imperial visitors ROd R-!ti?h Bub* *. ard sl'e . - turn.ning them rent tc rorl ? i I J*| . '.rt'ed ?he'" ui th en l - ' ? s Ei re7?r and tho ' ra d Duk. ? ? T".e"^,i (he .val. Empar?t Nicholas and the Grand r,.i." wen I to T. ,. . >n Thursday. Bl *he imperial ti 1:1 rossod to bank of 'he I' ins R ...r, arid r RRty sms ?received bl General ?Radii ? Dimitrieh*. com."- ? .-??-? dil vet of Riga, with whom ths F peror at?! 'he Grand I'uke d: i town in RuSOTBObilOB and re ? detached from the eorpi ds ?{*. The ruler thanked ths for ?heir heroic sor'. The Em* eror ?ind his son left Riga 11 Friday and reviewed a division of troops camp? 1 rs ? v tebeh. They a! o visited the mil ? v district of r? and reviewed ?he trrooj ?. 7o whom th? Emperor expressed thsnka and a ?? - for final victory. RUSSIAN OFPICTAL Tl * Rnaaian statement says: n'i thl Raaslan front the ?iersr-, ? attempted to take the offensive again.-' ?he Borsemuends Parmi ths Ikakal district.; they wars pulsad by our artillery fire. In the Dvinsk district, farther to the ?outh. Rl far RS PripOt, 'here is nothing to , report ting continues near tl ?? village of H<t_vejio, northwosl of Csartorysk. Th" enemy's ?tempts to In t he direction of the Near the village of Poogaeio, ??set of IK, there WRI d??sperate ? ghi lag. Linsingen Captures 1,515 Russians and Four Guns Berlin, Nov. 14. - The Germans in ? the ?outh ynder General von ?nala? gen, have taken 1.5IS Russians and lour mnchine gnnfl near I'odgacie, northwest of c.artorysk, on the Styr, ; where thoy penetrated the enemy's lilies. GERMAN OFFICIAL The Gorman Army Headquarters statomonl lays : General von Llnsingen'l German OPS haVB penetrated 'he Russian linos near Po<_gacie, northwest of torysk, taking priaoaei i..">ir. Russians. Ponr machine guns were eapl are?. m attack's north Of 'he Kovel Sarni railroad broke down he fore the Austro*Hungaiisn lines. SERBS HOLDING ~" OWN WITH FOE ? from ptfe 1 egic. in that the Bulgarians are thus outflanked from 'heir positions south of the pass, A Sal?nica dispatch to? night, however, ? I I ths Bulgais hav? succeeded in retaking the town. The British and French troops, which are receiving reinforcement meeting with some iccess, snd be? sides repulsing ths Bulgarian attacha have undertaken small offensive nieve? monta with good resulta. The Austro* Germans arid Bulgarian?, however, made such progress from the begin? ning of the campaign that it will taka serious work now to check them. In view of the pr?sent political situ? ation in Greece, the attitude of King Constantin? to the protest which the Central Powers have repeated on the landing of Allied troop? at Sal?nica is being followed lure with the keenest interest. King Constantino is reported to have replied to the representations of the Teuton ministers that as Sal?nica was an open port there had been no in? fringement of Greek lights in the landing, and that Greece would remain neutral until one of the belligerent? had transgressed against those right?. An Athens dispatch to "The Times" says that it now seems certain the Greek government has confirmed the attitude which it will adopt if the Al? lied troops should be forced out <>f Serbian territory across the Greek frontier. The Entente powers have been eaourod that Greece has no in? tention of departing from her Rttitttdc of cordial friendliness or of giving any eaUS? for Offence. There are indica? tions thai the Entonta powers consider these declarations as adequate. Italy, which is preparing to partici? pate actively in the Balkans with un FRENCH GUNS OPEN A NEW OFFENSIVE 1 niitinuetl from pair I Ablain Taken House by House. We had walked through Ablain, St. Naxair?, on the main road to Souchez, ?nhile the roar of the guns pounding 'he German lines accompanied us. Poor Ablain was taken house by house. What was left of it was a few sections of walls standing shoulder high. Ahead of us was Souehet, the scene of more house to house lighting, and its late was ?till worse than that of Ablain. It was levelled to the ground. Not. even a section of the walls was standing. We came t<-> former German trenches now occupied by happy Frenchmen, and climbed through deep, soft mud to what had been the quar? ters of the German commander, but wai now th? home of a French captain and two lieutenants. There we lived deep underground. and by the light of three candles, that made queer shadow? on the sandba'? roof, crowded in our little cave and ate luncheon, washed down by good red wine end good Tronci coffee, while out? side the rain beat down in a Iteadj ?orrent and the big gun? crashed a? ten-?econd intervals. The sharp ioar of 76'? in auick ?j?*ce?sion brought us to th? ?urface. where we ?aw soMiers crowding from the shelters into the trenches. Gun? Sound Devil'? Chorus. The "bosrhe" msirni??*? were hur** ? ng on nearby ?-rest? and throwing up huge clouds of black ?moke. The French 120's whittled a devil'? chorus ? ras our head?, while aero?? the ?h#re w?s s wall of smoke ?hove th?-* Crete de Vlmy from the ?hell? hurst,ng in the German line?. A dozen time? that ?lav we 1 *-.rd Interjected ? th? ?te?dy rr,??r of the big gur.s, ?(-,<* sharp, dry bark of th? "'S'? All along the Artoi? front the Ger man? have been driven from the gTe?? natural fortress hark over the Cret? of Vlmy to the port where th? are in the po?itton of ? man el d??p?rately by the tip? of hi? finger* ?o the edge of a p?< -,*ith of Ablain and losehet, at ? point a little north of Neuville and immediately m, '1er Hill ? ?h* r rench have name?] "I ?? ' - r.-mirn." ?he <;< ? mans m?<!? ?I < ir most desperat? ? 'ar *? -N'euT-;;? ,,,:. teated battleground and. like Abl?in. Koochei and < ?r?nry, was t?ke?? hum? by hou?e Indeed, ?very town and vil? lage throughout the region was fought tar inch by inch, but Neuville w*s per tieaiarly difficult, becsaie th? <>r man? had connected It by tunnel? with trench?! behind Th? esitern dery of Keorille now r??embl?? a line of perfor?'.ion? in a check book wher^ ?h? cheek join? ?h? ?tub, for th* Freneh ?pent day? dropping m * ?haitl In hug? ?em!*;rr]es aro*ir.?l ? for lid? of the town, de?'roylng ?he tunneli before th?y ?warmed in a final grand atte/*k, ??lied th? ?ranche? and drove th? German? over the kill Begged u, Barremier. ft?t nor**>\ st >??* *"*.n<l ?**h?mln?, th? Gsrmsm held for tiiriaidav? after SkUi the rest of the line nao been taken. If they had been able to hold that salient, the work of the French would have boon minimised. The German of kcpt their men at their work with the mighty effort <>f despair. In the fit -? days of the battle one lone Frenchman had ?urged into the Ger? man trenches at Res Cinq Chemin?, and when his comrades joined him three days later he told a graphic story of German soldierR weeping and beg? ging to be allowed to surrender, whilo the officers with drawn revolvers drove th"m into the fight. That was the last point to bt taken. With the fall of Res Cinq Chemins the Germans lo.?t their last footing on the Artois hills and wore over the Crete ?le Vimy, on the edge of the Plain of Douai. The French lines now run from Giv? enchy to Ana?, along the western slope of Crete de Vimy, While the Ger? man lines, bidden from the French by the crest of the hill, are on the eastern slope. \ Givenchy and Arra? are th? two anchors of the French lines. Arras is firmly held, with the French lines n?ar lv two kilometres to the east. The Preach and German lines 'ouch in Giv? enchy. On its eastern side Givenchy projects beyond the Crete de Vimy and debouches on to the Plain of . The French came down from Notre llame de Roretie. and turned the Ger? mans out of Ablain, came from Mont St. Eloi and turned them out of Caten* cy, seized La Targette by a frontal attack and, in a great pitched battle along the whole western face of the Crete de Vimy, threw the Germans clear back over the crest and sent them flying across the Plain of Douai. But instead of that great cost in blood, the French big guns pound iteadliy night and day at the German lines and hold ;he German soldiers close ir, their trenches, while steadily, night and day, yard by yard, the French seize Givenchy, and, in the simple words of an officer of th? French ("en? crai Staff, 'When wo get Givoachy the Germans will have to go away. And they cannot stop on the Plain of Douai. They will have to go much farther." WHERE JOFFRE'S GUNS ROAR. J^UM-_W?t_ ^* <??/*-> BnillfuT*! iaa A-Ji ihowi Ii*ren_li front befers offenaiv? be_nn. Lmi C l> shows present Iront -f JotTie'a forces. Jewel) a of the highest stand? ard ?md value?tnau? by French artificer?, on the premist-s. DREICER&C0 JamUAt? fiFTH AVENUE *t rORTY5IXTH NtWYDHK BRAND WHITLOCK WESTWARD BOUND : Sir H.Trec Gels Send-off in Lon? don?The Lapland Sails. fBi r??-. ? , ?- ? r-??-une l I ondon, Nov. 14.-- The Holland-Amer - Ic? linT Rvndam, from Rotterdam, left 1 * i . Falmouth to-dav with IM saloon pas- , W i gers. including Brand Whltlock, American Minister to Belgium; sir it B. Tras, who is accompanied! I by his daaghtei?, Irla sir Herben whs given a eead-Ofl si London by a great crowd ?' theatrical and so.-iil not including the I?nk?? of Ratland. Min I Nancy ? nnard, L 8. Dpveen, Joseph J. Oiiveen. Mr. and Mrs. I?sac Lewis. Dwight i I '?-...lohn T Moflttoraery and 11. Y. OtttBg i-.Aii w?*re passongers. Aboard the Red Star steamer Lap? land, sailing to-day, wer? W. E. Accles, P. K. Bond -*"i < oit, Mi V. Granan . Malcolm K. Robertson, ? . M. (..; John D. linpe?? an?! Walter C Wvman. Isrmi In Albania, Ins 'n?*en paniculnrly ' . Grsi ? ' ? ittil ude, and a-? an evident** of her complete iic COrd with her all-.e? has suit a WBTlhip to join the A'lied fleet at Sal?nica. 1 bl warship also bombarded the Bul? garian port of Dedeaghatch and de Itroyed two trains of munition.?. ?Stringent measures have been taken by the Allisi at Sal?nica to Insure fs the "tie ? at ions mid move? ment? of their troooi, With the Greek authorities controlling the i;tv. thil ? matter of ?omc delicacy, but, with the exception of a few dents, the siraagemeat ha? ?r? fair!) latiifsctorlly. Gl ?mans from AthSBI have quick to take advantage of Greek neu? trality to get as near the military lone as possible. Groat numbers of these, post] g as ?rregular troops and as mer , while seemingly innocently wandering about the district that has been set off for the use of the allied troops, have been arrested and ss pelled. When captured these Germans have usei! ever) effort to cause friction be tween the (?reek authorities and the allied commanders. The pre.-?!.ce nfj Priara GeorgTC, the brother of the Ring, however, ai ... litar] commaader "f the Baloaiss district, who is ?n fall ?ym p..thy with the Kntente powers, hat i madi the attempts fruitless. GKRMAN OFTICIAL. The fi'llowing official report on the Serbian operations, was issued to-night in Berlin: The nrmic. of GsBSTbIi Koeves am! ? roa Gell wits, after t.-r.acious b?t ?:.-?, have again thrown hack the Ser? biaal along the whole front. Thir-' tien oftceri liii'l i.T'io mes hase ass i ?nado prisaasrs. Two eaaaon have eaptarad. GsBSfBl H'i.vadjieff's Bulgarian troops are advancirfg, together with the Germans, from the southern Mo? ra va. AUSTRIAN OFFICIAI.. From Vienna the following official report ha? been receive.!: The army of General Koevess, in successful mountain lighting, has mads further progre?-. '?'he ?'?she- ; grad group, after violer.? fighting, has approached the lower L:ni region on the road- to Javor Heights. Karag jorgjes and Sanac, in IBS Ibsr Val? ley, BBd the northern slope of the PlBBaB lei Ridge WO!*! reached. In the upper Pasina region the enemy, who was thrown back, retreati?1 !? >? way of Brus and Plocca. In these en gagSBSSatl vve captured thirteen offi N?n and 1.20?) men. The army of General von Gallwitz repelled the enemy in Toplica Val? ley. In conjunction with General von Gallwitz, the Bulgarian forces are everywhere advancing. SERBIAN officiai.. An official communica'ion issued at the Serbien Army Hsadejuartera, nnder date of November 12, was given sat to- ' day by the Serbian Legation here. It reads: In the region of Ivagnitsa and in . the Ibar Valley, in the direction of i AlexatiJrovatz, fighting continues j without notable change. I.i the vicinity of Krus?".-ac Jan- , kova and Kl?ura. there is no change. la the rails'/ of Pastarsks ourl traaps ?yesterday attacked and re pul???'l tiie 'neniy. He slss WBS re-' pulst I ;. thi valley of Rrivaraka and th? . Morara In thl direction of Tr'ovo and Skoplie our troops are driving back ' the enemy. On !'.:::?-, "1'.:nt?;n our soldiers ati I the EatOBtC ailed troops occupy th? village.? of Rosyen an?! Tchitchevo and the Gradsko railroad station. A Serbian official communication, givvi. out under date of November 11, says: After hard fighting our troops on ? ??orthern front have retreated in good order before an enemy BBI ?ally superior or? a line of positions at Trogfav. Ma tel itch, Alexandr an?l .Ja?'rebar. Near Ivagnitsa the situation has und? i gone no change. .sastsrs froat all a?Uasks af the enemy have bSSB repulsed. The *ern front inchnlej the right bank "f the Southern Morava, the Blaatehka-Morava and the northern entrance to the Kn'cl.anik dsflls The Serbian Legation at Rome has received the following official state? ment from Atheai, nadar Batarday'i ?l.T? . Accoiding to authentic information it is iinfr;-,?- thai Valandove has been rsatoaod by ?h? ' gai It npattai that tbi? morning thi Serbian gorerameal was installed at M i'.i ov it/-?. The Serbian 'roops aie carrying out their retreat in perfect order and Bre in no wise discouraged. They have had to aban? don no material, and Bulgar allega? tions to the contrary are false. FRFNi'H OFFICIAI?. The following officia! communication from ?he French Bra? in th? SSSt re ceivsd under date of November 1.1, has MS given out by the French War Office: The Bulgars attacked on the lit!, the villa-,-.-? nf Rrafovlea and Sir? . whleB we had taken on ?he 10th. We lepuUed their attackl, sad ?lien we ourselves attacked and took the village of Cirevo North of Valan dov.? wo BSrra taken a Bulgar fort and li.? IxMlallt o?? ?kUh 11 u s.i.i.aie.1 FRENCH REGAIN ARTOIS TRENG Germans Pierce Line i Labyrinth?Then Are Driven Out. f B_on, Nov. 11.? The Labyrinth, . has again become the centre Thit ground, lyir south of S?.U'''*iez, was the ?e?ne ? Boms of the heaviest fighting on tl western fiant P-ir?s adm *s ?hat ?he German? ?u ceded this morning in penetrating tl Plenen first line tr.i ches on the ros from Rule. Counter ??tacks by JofTro troops forced the enemy out again Around 1 t German lia g chamber in the region of Fris? Sreet of Peronne, wa? ropulROe. PRENI ii 0?PPICIAL The communication is-u?d by th W,-?.- Office in Paris ?avt: Ir. Arto;?-. ? - .? labyrinth, th Germans, by a laddeii attack thi morning, leccoeded In penetrating near the road from Lillo, one of e I ? rri line troncheo. Oui conn i taehi immediately drove ?hem out Th.. enemy 1? ft ell the ground. Around Loo? and Souchez ther? hai h?er, morel] cannonading. T.-, the north of th? Usi i wo con contraten what appeared tu be a very effective bra on the German organ? isation? on the plateau of Nouvroti. A somewhat intense artillery ac? tion has continued in ?'hnmpagne, in the region of the Butt? du Mesnil. and on the heights of the Meuse, in the Chevaliers wood. The S em] exploded a mine cham? ber in the region of Frise, wev of Per?n, e. ...?.,. a?.ipted ?o occupy ?? sv n. It? v as renu!s.(! nftei a l . v atruggle. We del i er'il en effective Are upon the rail? road station a' ChanlnoR. Upon the rest of UlR front the night passed i then! ne lent. BURIED SAPPERS DIG OUT AFTER 61 HOURS First Chimney Less lhan Yard from F.ricmy, They Begin Again. P : ?. Nov. 14. An episode of the battlefield is I l ' "? from the front concerning two sappers who were buried by the explosion Rf i Ger? man mine, but dug their way ou? afti-r .-.ixtv-one hours' work. two men wore entombed in a small space at the end of a counter mine gallery. Bv means of knives they a vertical chimney, only to in .1 ? issued less than ?? ?. ird from emy trench. Waiting until i lag in another direction, and ? ? '?. -four hour" | Ei eh 11 ? be n aw. rdRd s ? medal. DELCASSE LIVES WITHIN A SHEL1 French Diplomatist of Re tiring Nature and Jeffer sonian Simplicity. Paris. Nov. 14.?Since his recent sue den resignation from th? Ministry < Foreign Affairs. M Delcass? has bet living very quietly in his modern quar ters In Montmartr?. His lid? of th ?tory leading up to th? resignation hi not bee-i told, and he is too worn 01 with the hard work of the war to mak him combative in :pread'.ng before th oublie his version of the ruptur? There |a a geneial desire, also, toavoi. controversies which may create the im pression that government officials ni? at cro?s purposes. And BO the pa*?'r??, out of this prominent figure, who wai probably better known in Knrlanc a-.d America than any man in the mir istiy, is likely to pass as one of th? ? otfl of the war. About ?ill that Is known i? that French and Knglish diplomacy wai rnth?r slow in realizing the German plan of securing an ally in the Balkans, which finally eventuated in Bulgar'a's joining the Central Powers. Thli brought an outburst of French public sentiment, and Delcasse pas?.ed out a? having been ';.? one -vho should have foreseen ar.d averted this German move to the southeast. S'ime of Deicasse's fr?ends think he i.v too strong a man 'o remain out of tl e govern '. >?' ? very long at this time of need. They say tha' when the !'? ' kan itorra ha? blown over Deleass. ?.?.:' be reinstated. Ths English sentiment would probably be favorahl? to h ir re Balkan eourss was largely the as that of the British Foreign Office. The English also have B Warm admiration for De!cas?e a? ore ths chief figures ?n forming 'he entente rurdiele between Kr.gland and I ". But his ?strength and the rer.??. n'.ti'.n of his ability as a diplomatist have always been greater abroad, nota? bly in ?England, Ruseia an?l An than at home. The personal side of M. Iiclcasse'a life has its p.liarities, end this has hern quits a factor In bringing about ligaation. He works and live? '.>"t". much to himself ami makes no sacos. Even his oaaociatea in the min itry knew little or nothing of how he was shaping foreign policies rclat iag to war. Gradually it came to be felt in 'he ministry that Doleassd was too tlvs in h ? method? of currying on the foreign branch. This had S good! to do In bringing about the recent Dl plieity, ret .ring dispo? sition and systematic ? ?? u t; '-?.?.???o not tended to -trenp-'hen him Re a pop? ular figure, ?. that when ths store? ?p _-_----^------_5-5-__Si One way out of the difficulty If the Equitable Building could be demonstrat? ed tt) you in your office, like a new typewriter, or ; a new filing device, we believe that its established superiority as a building and its reasonable cost, could not fail to appeal to your judgment as the best proposition of its kind. We can't bring the building around to ?iou, hut tee can bring its advantages "home" to you if tfoti tt/// give us an intercietc. Equitable Building Corporation 120 Broadway _ came over the Balkans they all con? tributed in a way to the result which retired thi? world figure of diplomacy from the important role he vvas play? ing in the foreign affairs of th? war. m m VATICAN DENIES KAISER ASKED TRUCE Officials Say Neither Side Has Made Peace Proposals. Rome, Nov. 13 'via Paris, Nov. 14).? Tha assertion made in various quarters recently that Emperor William had written to Pope Benedict asking him to obtain a truce from the Allies was emphatically denied to-day. Vatican officials declared that neither side had maile any representations to the Pontiff looking for peace. They added that no negotations for peace were taking place, and that there was no probability that pourparlers for peace would be started. A dispatch from Roma last Monday credited the "Giornale <1'Italia" with ?h.- statement, that a mysterious envoy from the ruler of one of the belligerent nations was in Rome. His mission, it was added, had not been accomplished, ami it was not known whether he was awaiting a reply from the Vatican or order? from his chief. Make War Maps of Suburbs. A company of I'nited States soldiers, engaged in recasting military maps of the northern suburbs of New York City, pasjed through Carme! yesterday en route to Somers, We.tchcster County. The squad, led by Lieutenant Lewis, notes on charts all changes in highway. topographical conditions, suitable sites for cpmps and aeroplane landings for a mobile army to defend the city. DOTH sides of Yale'i action in debarring Le Gore nnd four other athletes were clearly set forth in every newspa? per, but how many un? derstood Trinity'? stand on Brickley? "Herbert," of The Tribune, took pains to get and present their side of it? it is one of his characteristics to give the small college si fair a deal as he givei the big. ?She ?Xrtbuiu First to Last?the 1 ruth: Sewt?Editorials? Advertisement* h* R_ ike-, ,[',; i i ? /~\ V..' m % WMwm km ?.* ? .<>/____ _$?_?_ S*SS_l?*^rr-_i*V**^? i Father Knickerbocker ^^v-Si^, iT?Si^A haS heart?y WelC?m" !%? ^:^^?i'-^^i_\^ > * ed our new lighting ? '"?'??"*:? '??*.%*, ^H^**"? -r^-_T?'__?^?_l / \ '- '1 _--?--_*__r_?'.^.-_? f. \. J wonder) the i.^_;?\>l'._*T,fi___ TA r_-; r__?_l\^..'_7v_. M J_T_ TwTit-- <?? ri ??/il? ?'ai ^?9v ? -*'i ;:;<',^-' .* C.E-Z GAS LAMP (5ee ?_-,y) i$ '. 'f. . ?'/ ?a*Vi<?',V4>' ? If .?.*?-; ?stw?-*. r- >*.M ,-a THOUSANDS of these Lamps have been installed in Homes since our introduction of them in Manhattan and the Bronx a month ago. At times we could not supply the demand. Plenty Now for Everyone The "C.E-Z" gives you FOUR HOURS OF LIGHT FOR 1 CENT The three mantles are each about the size of a thimble and are practically indestructible. They will not break when you are adjusting them. When our representative calls on you, kindly permit him to a "C. E-Z" to one of your fix? tures. You are not obligated to purchase it. Should you keep it pay our representative $1.50 in full or pay 50 cents to him and 50 cents next month and the following month when you pay your gas bill. The "flat" or open-flame burner consumes twice as much gas as does the "C. E-Z" and only gives you one-third as much light. There is no chimney on the "C. E-Z". If our representative has not called on you. telephone or write to?or call at any one of the following Gas Offices: No. 30 East 42d Street /Vo Glare /Vo Eye-Strain But a Beautiful Soft Light No. 157 Hester Street , ,, , ,.,? Tel. Canal 8400 TeL Murra* "'" 4"? i_ ?-?-.i. i-auca. No. 2084 Third Avenue No. 130 E. loth Street TeL Har?em 5_._ Tel. StuYoetant 4900 ?, ?-. , ? No. 281 Lenox Avenue No. 36 Union Square Tel. Momingtide 120 Tel. Stuyvttant IJ02 No. m Hunter Ave., No. 112 W. 42d Street Long Inland City Tel. Bryant 2348 Tel. Astoria !0S? No. 32 West 125th Street Tel. Harlem 3533 No. 1S09 Amsterdam Ave. Tat. Au du bon 4600 Courtlandt Av. & 148th St. Tel. Melrote ?000 No. 1815 Webster Avenue Tel. Tremont 2$ 10 The Right Way is the Gas Way" Consolidated Gas Company of New York Geo. B. Cortelyou, President