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GUARANTEE Your Money Back If You Want It. Sea Witonal Page, Firat Caluma. Nm Itork Hxibxmt WEATHER to-pat. ?\m> ?m util to Moaaow FAia. Yesterday's Teraiiasrsilurv?: High, it: lam. J? l*Ull report un l'?ge ?. First to Last?the Truth: News -Editorials - Advertisements Vol. T.XXV. -Xo. 15,202. ? opsrlrh?. 191V It?- The Trit.une A??o<-l?tlon.] TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1.?13. a a .?17? WIT? rVUrSt /'?L'V'P lnlltj* of New lork. \'et?wfc. Jera?) Til? and HobokfB. 1 Kit? r? 1>.N r, 1. r.A 1 risMuini? tu o cknt?*. MAYOR HAS OPERATION FOR APPENDICITIS Goes to Hospital After Acute Attack?Rest? ing Quietly. WIFE REMAINS AT HIS BEDSIDE Surgeons Issue Two Bul? letins Giving Assurance of His Safety. Mayor Mitehel was operated upon for appendtr.t..- Bl RooseTelt Hospital late vester.d. oft? rnoOB. The operation mm? ffRBBBBeed highly .?uccessful by Iir. Charles H Peek, vvho performed it. lit ?al?l '??'"' leal nicht that, while the Mayor bad ; SB acute attack, his eonditi'v entirely satisfactory, and that bocease of his good health other?-? b< rallied quickly from the oprrats'-i and ro complication? were OJOtU tt 1:45 nV'iock this R_eSB.Bg it was S hospital that the Mayor aras sleepiof soundly and that hi? gen? eral eeBditiOR was all that could be ex rrctfl It *.vas said that Dr. Peck would n IBB I " ? Mayes*?1 room all i .ht. The Mayor waa strlekes early yester? day morning at his home, in the Peter Rt Kiver-i.l.' Drive and Nicety eighth Street. He had been in Salth recently. Re had a mil?! s'tack of appendicitis last spring, hu* ?I poaadrd without serious results. Dr l'ick, the Mayor s family physi tiar, was summoned at noon. The Mayor ha.i previously telephoned his secre? ts- s. Theodore Rousseau, at the City !I ||, and told him that he would not t> nh',..I the hearings before ?'-.. Boai I of I 'mate in the afternoon. He told hi? ?-.cretary that he was suf? fering from severe pains in hi.s abdo? men t>r Peck soon diagnosed the Mayor's trout''.? iv- appendicitis, and called in ?Dr, w.Ira_ i . ?Pest, of rtio West et, and Dr. George E. Brew?*"*, of 16 East Sixty-fourth Street, i They ?-..-. s.i".i that an operation was ..-.>. The Mayor was taken toi the hospital in a private ambulance at l:?M) p. m. Blfl ? fe and mother, Mrs. ? mpanied him. (Iperatiun a Success. ?h>. taken to P.oom 4, in ?,_ of the hospital. overlook Avenue, and prepared for perstioa. He was taken to the op . at 5:30 o'clock. Dr. Peck, sf operating surgeon at ? ;: ?pita., was assisted by Dr. Po*' At 1:04 the operation was pro ? Rad successful. The patient wa? taken back to his room and four r.urses placed in attend? ance. Mr- Mitehel and the Mayor's nether Lui :? -rved Room 2, adjoin? te the Mayor, room. The Mayor's aunt, Mil Purroy. joined the family at the I The women remained at thf ? bedeids until he had recover??", fi ira the efTects of the anies t-ttic. ,r's mother and aunt lift :':.- latfr. Mrs. Mitchel ??mair- husband all night. It w?. : i at the hospital that foor-er?* .,? ?Dr, Peck operated upon Mrs. Mit '-.? i for appendicitis. Dr. Peek ?_ -hat he sTiouid remain with Ml d ? patient throughout the ni(7- * ? '. he did not anticipate any unfavorable developments. lie *aid tea condition of the Mayor was following the usual course of success '-1 opera*-, ins. The Mayer was unconscious from the a- me follow '- ' iti? n II - -?- kfe and mother ??t I?; or mere than an hour before | .? '? . them. No was allow ? room. held the BRtieni ?- ?.rip. Dr. Peek cams down y ''.-rified the ret r- ? 7>pratinn. N.-* llulletin Karly To-day. reporta that the operation -an \rry sufre-?ful are true" he said. "!"p to this time Mr. Mitehol is stiii 'hetic. He ??i ??a mmott 4. on the second floor This room la larg. n room in ?hier. .?.<! mother ?ill gp ' I s.f'.r the ? ' ? lows : taken ill with s early this morning. .verity, ar.?i af'.-i ?? eoBOBltsttOR between Dr*. I Pock, be was re re be *?? ? operated upon ri '? rn f was sharp! ?,- acute, ???lit he has undergone the Operation ? is satisfactory. "DR WOODRUFP I- POST." ' "Dl'. ( HARLES PECI." '" 11 ' ."?:'. the surgeon? as followe7 '? ? ? lag easily and tory at this ?H.'_, pulse ' IIAKI.r..- H PECR DRL'Pl I. POST." .sans would tin until 8 .- jrilee? the pa ild take m turn *as not !ook?'d H?'! \flark llefore. - attack rmme as ? lates In the city r'. ' and hi?, personal friends . Preaident ard '.? Aldora-oa, presided at hearing before tl Boa-d ? Mayor'? piare Mr | Ma/or In . haenee ft - not es return te i is office ? oral weeks The tal ?aid he " man, " el be wo'jld he pr< bob . 'i>'ir or Ave Matai went Weat, rh of A A. An ? ? miles northwest of * hunting trip Ifl fast, ., ':- ho ?tarted he rom a?J"iM ''' " /" r'*'r'* '" h?* abdomen, *? ''' reel /. ?. f_||?,j . r. to examine aBBRMSd 'en ymge S remomm B Fay Gets New Counsel; Confession Tells Nothing Robert Fay, accused in German bomb plots. H W. Unger and Prisoner Hold Secret Conference in Tombs?May Fight Charges?Miner, with Dynamite, Under Federal Arrest. Robert Fay, charged with complicity ?p a ptot to cripple munition? factories hi this country, confessed for. t*vo hours to the Federa, authorities yes? terday. He loft them just a? much in the dark as ever concerning hyphen dynamite? plot?. New mystery v.'?? added when it was learned that Henry \V. Cagar, partner of Abe* Levy and one? time Tammany candidate for District Attorney, had accompanied Patrick Mc? Donald, Fay'? attorney, to the Tombs and had held a long conference with the prisoner. N'o one connected with the affair? of the alleped German lieutenant would Kive a definite explanation of Mr. I'tiger's relation to the case. When questioned in repard to his appearance at the prison, Mr. I'nirer smiled, an? nounced "The deponent saycth not," ?.r.d hurried away. Fay, in response to a note sent him in hi? cell, wrote: "The Kentlemiyi you refer to came to see Mr. McDonald, my attorney, not myself. I simply had a few words with him when they left." ? i Mr. McDonald, on the othsi hand, practically admitted that Mr. rntrer had been enlisted in Fay'? cast-, ??the! ir. ?n octiv? or advisory capacity. "I cannot tell >ou who called him into the case," he said last nipht. "If you were to offer me $1,000,000 this minute I coold not do it. You may ?ay that for the present Mr. CnRer simply ap? pears as a friend of Mr. Fay. I am still retained in the case, but naturally I shall welcome whatever lefcral talent may be called In to assist me." Fay's "Confession" Disappoint?. The visit of the two lawyers to the Tombs followed closely upon Fay's re? turn there from his all-day session with th? Federal authorities i*i the Fostofflce Huildinir. where he made his promised confession of his participa? tion in the plat? . Although the plotter's new confes? sion has not been made public, it i? un? derstood that, contrary t<> advanc* BS tices, he has not implicated any one in the conspiracy. District Attorney Mar? shall admitted yesterday afternoon that Continued on p??e 71, column 7 WAYBURN QUITS CENTURY THEATR Cost of Operating Big Hoi? Called Handicap Shuberts to Get "Town Topics." New York's largest and most cxpr sive theatrical experiment has come grief again. Announcement was ma yesterday by Ned Wayburn that he h resigned u? managing director of t Century Theatre, formerly the Ne and it is generally accepted that hi? d panure means that no further ? tempts will be made to turn the th atre into a "Continental music hall." "Town Topics," which bus been tl attraction at the Century since Se tember th, will end it? engagement i MorsasBSI -7. It was ?aid last nigl that the piece itself was u BBCSSSS ar: ha? been playing to 511,000 to |20,M weekly, but that the great cost < operating the Century had resulted i a financial failure. The losses sine "Town Topic?" opened, it was said, hav been about I.*? ,000 weekly. The resignation of Wayburn too e?Tect yesterday afternoon, the imm? d?ate cau?e thereof having been a di? agreement a? to the future of "Tow Topics." Bath Klaw ?t* Erlaagai an the BhahsitS have been desirous of ac (?uiring the production for road pui poses. Wayourn favored the forme firm, wherea? Joseph ?*. and 1.. I Eccles, who own a controlling i:.'< r< ? in the -how, wanted ;', to go to th ? ? rte. Join <?. Dyer, attorney for Mr. W ay bara, l??t night told hi? client'? ?idi of the ?tory. 1? wa? hi? belief, hi und, that trie Century could not hi profitably operated unless ail the facil ities of th? theatre were u?ed restau ran?, roof, dance hall, private dining rooms, Sta. To e??ablish the theatr? along Continental line? Mr. Wayburr ? mated would require a year, an<: be bad hoped to stag?* a new revue ir February. About flf>0,000 ?ras ?pent on th? theatre and the production,*i ,,f ?hieb i? ?till owing. At a eroditora' meeting yesterday afternoon loBSBS M. ra?elea agreed to advance an additional $lo,'?oo, provided a settlement of 4?t ?i nl- ?,ii th. fSollSI A'iiild be acceptable It i? though' ?hat thil pr?.position vi!l \>n agreed to. It i? now Die intention of Freies ?o turn the p>?*o* over to the Shuber's, who will open it in Philadelphia SB : November 29. The future ?>f the er?twhile New Theatre :?? again problematical. After Naveasast Tt \i -.?'ill prabahls be dark , until early In January, when the Itu? | ?sisara l.allct will take po??e??ion for ? few week?. AL. DAVIS DIVORCE TO BE SIGNED TO-DAY Dancer and Miss Kelly to Wed in Connecticut, Is Report. The wedding bells ?lid not ring out last night for Eugenia Kelly and Al Davis for the reason that Justice Pen dleton of the Supreme Court has not yet signed the papers, which will offi? cially and forever cart the once happily wedded Mrs. May Fogarty Davis and Albert Davis. Those papers will prob? ably be signed to-day, but possibly not before noon. The motion to have Justice Pend'eton sign the papers was made yesterday morning by counsel for Mrs Davis, and was not contested l.y Davis. I' "us thought that the court's signature would he placed on the decree rn-kiug the divorce final yesterday, but the jus? tice did not have the time. To th." statements of Miss Kelly that ?he would and she wouldn't marry Davis when he was freed from his first set of matrimonial bonds, the unblush? ing proapci'tive and unprospeetlve bride made no contribution? yesterday. Nor did her gallant swnin, who wears the conventional black look when he is asked about his plans. It was reported, hut <)iiite uncon? firmed, last Right that a- seas as Mr. Davis is divorced he will take Miss K?"liy to Greenwich, Conn., and there _ake her bis bsppy brida TO EAT LAST BUFFALO AT KANSAS CHRISTMAS Frank Rockefeller Sells Bison to Butcher. ' I'? Tfl'irar'i ... TS - Ts" Medicine Lodge, Kan., Nov. 16. The last Kansas b?falo soon will tickle the f.n at?- of Medicine Lodge's epirureans. ErOS now the shaggy monarch is being fattened for slaughter at I'hristmaa. It is from Frank Rockefeller's herd, ? l,,.li for years has enjoyed an undis turbed r.l.Tn on the ranch near Helvi dere. Last week the few remaining an?? mala of the herd were sold; the laat one of the lot to a Medirme Lodge . butcher. When his majesty of the j plain? wea on the wane Mr. Rocke? feller gathered a herd to perpetuate the hreed Disease and hard winters, 'however, preyed heavily on the beasts end the hrrd dwindled. rail HOLDER OF MORE STOCKS, SEARCH REVEALS Brokers'Books Tell of An other 85 Lighting Shares in His Account. PROFIT OF $11,000 IN ONFa DEAL SHOWN Charges Served on Chairman b> Governor's Secretary Must Answer by November 30. Kdward F. MeCa?, chairman of the Public Service Commission, received ? copy of the charge? made by rhe Thompson Legislative ( onimittee, or?. which hi? removal from office 1? ?le manded, at bis home a? l:M o'clock last night. Accompanying the charges wa? a summons from Governor Whit man directing McC.H to file an answer by November .10, after which a public hearing will be held. Only a ?hort time before the charge' were served, I'erley Morse & Co, ac eountant.? fo rthe Thompson commit tee, indicated in a report that an ex nmination of ?he books of ?hapman ? Co. disclose.l that McCall had owned P.ri shares of the Kings County Electric Light and Power ?ompany in addition to the M. shares he ha*l admitted own ing. The accountants traced these K share? to Waterman. Anthony <fc Co., who ?ticceeded Chapman I Co., and' 'bey rerommende?! to the committee i that, an examination be made of the transactions in thil connection with' the Bankers' Trust Company an?l Wa-, terman, Anthony S: < 0. When William A. <?rr. secretary tel C.cvernor Whitman, arrived at the of- , fico of the Public Sen-ice Commission ! soon after 4 o'clock to serve the copy of the charges on McCall. he found that the Public Service chai-man had left hi? office a few minutes before without telling any one whero he was going. Ordinarily Mr. McCall does not leave until later in the afternoon Chairman Is Found at Home. Mr. Orr ha?l called up the commis? sion a few minutes before 4 o'clock and wus assured by Travis II. Whitney, its ???retory. that McCall was in confer? ence with the other commissioners and would be waiting for him when he ai rived. When Mr. Whitney went to look for McCall, however, he hsd disap? peared. After waiting and telephoning for about an hour, Mr. Orr and Mr. Whit? ney went in search of the chairman, and finally found him at hi? home at C:30 o'clock. One of McCall'? inti? mates in the office of the commission declared that the reason for the un? usual actions of the chairman was that the failure of the Governor to notify him that his secretary ?ras bringing the charges had cau?e?l MtrCall to b<* come pi'rn-il McCall, after receiving the copy of the charges from Mr. Orr, chatted pleasantly for fifteen minutes, but made no mention of any intention on hi? part to resign. Mr. Orr also said there was no truth i**. tn.? report that the Governor woubl ask Mi Cull to re? sign. The examination of the books of Chapman & Co. by the accointant? <li? eloaed ais?, that McCall bad earaed ?TOO ?r?an? of stock in the United States Robber Company and 200 .'rares in the Pacific Mail Company. While on the ?ritneaa stund McCall rspsatsdlp <le elarsd that he owned no Abares sf stock in the power company other than the S81 .?hares he had BBppSBSd he had turncfl over to his wife. He made no BientiOB of owning other shares, eithsr. ? lea red $11.000 on Stock. The report also shows that in 1904 McCall, while a iustice of the Supreme ?'ourt, purchased 200 shares of North? ern Securities, which he sold a year later at a profit of $11.000. Hecausc of the new disclosures of the accountants the Thompson committee, it wa? understood last night, will or?i?*r an examination of the books of Water? man, Anthony & Co. It is not improb? able that the committee also will order an examination of ?he hsakl of the Kings ?uunty Electric Light and Power < ompany in an effort to trace the own? ership of the eighty-live shares. According to the accountants, on March 1, l'.tOT, Mcl'all, because of Bfl increase in the capital stock of the power company, had the right to sub? scribe to eighty-five shares in addition to the W7 he held. Thi? was paid for by Chapman & Co. with a check for $8,500 on the National City Bank, but it wa? charged to Mc? all's account. The shares were finally delivered by Chapman ? Co. on December 27, 1907, to Waterman, Anthony ? ?o., the ac? countants ?ay. The trail stopped here, and that i? why the accountants want ?o gel the books of Waterman, Anthony ? ..min.i?.I on puse Y r.iliimn ? LONDON CERTAIN KITCHENER WILL WIN OVER GREECE King; May Be Warned Throne Will Me Imper? illed by Hostility. FIELD MARSHAL REACHES LHMNOS Reported on /F.gan Island Brit* aln Demands End of "Treach? ery" in Athens. London. Nov. 1... A dispatch fr.-in Milan says rhar the "i orriere .lelln Sera" reports that Knrl Kitchener, th, Britiah War Secretary, has arrived at Madras, es the l>lr.r..l of Lesanes, m the JSgeaa Sea. I.emrios is a Greek island about UM miles southeast of Sal?nica and shoul forty miles from the Gallipolj Bala, an?! Madras is l.,?ing Rood as a base for the operations in both the Dardanelles ?sad th.. Balkans. li-o intimation of the ilreek govern ment that any Fntente Allied troop ?reking refuge in Greek territory will he disarmed has been the cause of con? siderable anxiety to the Fntente low? ers, and consequently Field Marslis! Farl Kitchener's Near Fas' visit gains added importance. Hesides the claims to hospitality I vvhich the Fntente Allies declare thev have on Greece in view of ex Premier Venizelos's invitation to them to send a force to Sal?nica to enable .Greece to fulfil her treaty obligation | \ to Serbia, vvhich, however, Greece re Radiated, Farl Kitchener or the Fu? tr?;?!" ministen are likely to draw '.hi attention of King Constantine and hi* government to the fact that the con? stitutionalism of Greece was guarar l teed by France, Russia and Great . Britain, and that it was only obtain.-i j after Great Hr.tain had ceded th Ionian Islands to that country and the three powers had agreed to contribute $20,00. yearly for the personal use of the King. This, it is contended, binds the Greek people to the Entente Allies, nnd | should King Constantine overrate the ? constitution, which the followers of M. Venieelos insist lie .lid when he dis? solved th.- Chamber, it is saggost? I in some quartets that King ?'onsrati rine would be reBsicded that his "> fention of the throne of Greece de? pends on the eont i nuance of fr?en?'!;.' neutrality toward the Entente power Teutons Pnimise Support. The German?. OR the other hard, ire de.dared to be essarlng the Greek gov? ernment that Greece will be protected against the Entente Allies ihoold that country rapport the C?sBtral Powers, and that BJ evidence of the ability of Austria and Germany to do this they are dispatching mor?' submarines to the Mediterranean, which Could be used I against any fleet threatening Greet ' ports. The mission of Farl Kitchener to King Constantine of Greece ha* evoked eoaaiderablc comment in the London ROW papers. They :ilmo?t unan? imously agree that Great Britaifl has taken the be I poaaihle m.-ati- ..f bring? ing Greece to a definite deeiaioH as to ? he rale iha il to play in the Balkan Conflict, an?) ending ?nee and for all the uncertainty and uneasiness which have followed in the wake of what are al? luded to as Greece's political and con? stitutional vagar".?'?. "The Pall Mall Gazette," voicing what appears to be the general view, says: Confidence in Kitchener. "It seems probable that Earl Kitch? ener has gone out armed with full pow eis t?. bring this tortuous ruler face to face with distinctive alternatives. He ha? long SBOagh been permitt.'d to SB* joy the immunities of a neutral while employing every sleight-of-hand to make worse the position of the Fntente Powers. The RRBBraaeea of friendship tendi-red by In- latest Cabinet are not worth thi- paper or the breath that convey? them, in view of the gross treachery that has been perpetrated toward Serbia. "Farl Kitchener has encountered this truly Byzantine type of character n other regions, and shoubl understand how to bring it to a reckoning. Farl Kitchener's mission has completely steadied feeling in the Ailed nations over the Balkan difficulties." Snow Falls Upstate. Interlaken, N. Y., Nov. It, A rain? storm which had lasted ten hours turned to *n.i?v to-night and the ground uas covered in a ?hort time. The snow was accompanied bv a gale and a freering toaaperaiare Over the 100,000 Mark! Yesterday The Tribune turned a corner. The daily circulation registered 101,841 And that's not all. This mark was set on a non returnable arrangement with newsdealers?so it is net. Not a single ?opy ran tome dribbling bark to offset that record. We venture to believe that our readers who have watched our progress with interest will share in our jubilation as another milestone is set behind us. _Hte t?rtbtme Ftrst It Last?the Truth- S rus- - Editorials t?trrttstmtntt ?______________________________^________________________-__ Churchill Blames Kitchener and Fisher for War Blunders; Allies Put Pressure on Greece BRITAIN MUST THROW RESERVE INTO WARS SCALE, SAYS CHURCHILL London. Ncv. 15.?Winston Spencer Churchill, speaking in the House of Commons to-day. said: "We are the reserve of the Allied cause, and the time has come when that reserve must be thrown fully into the scale. "The campaign of 1915 was governed by the shortage of munitions, and the campaign of 1916 ought to be decided against Germany by reason of shortage of men. It is. therefore, vital to Great Britain and a matter of honor, a sacred duty, to increase and to maintain the num? bers o.' her armies in the field. "Bulgaria and other small states have been hypnotized by German military pomp and precision. They do not see or realize the capacity of the ancient mighty nation against whom Germany is warring to endure adversity, to put up with disappointment and mismanagement, to renew their strength and to go on with boundless suffering to the fulfilment of the greatest cause for which man has ever fought. "We are passing through a bad time, and it will probably be worse before it is better, but that it will be better, if we only endure and per? severe. I have no doubt whatever." Huge Guns Still Batter Arras, City of Ruins Artois Town a Monument of Causeless Destruction? French Lieutenant Plays Wagner While German Shells Fall on All Sides. By FRED B. PITNEY. ?By Cable to The Tribune.]* Dan?*, Nov. 15. In the shadow of the little hamlot of Mont St. Eloi, pounded to a powder by the Kaiser's huge guns, ?too?! a tiny chapel. All that remains is one side of the altar, a slab of marble. On this tablet a French soldier wrote a few, simple words of thanks to God for saving his life. And below many other soldiers have signed their names, joining in the prayer of thanks?giving? praising the God who brought them alive from the furious battles which have been staged h? re. For Mont St. Eloi was the point from which the French began '.heir preparations for the offensive in Artois. It is only a short way from the "labyrinth," where soin.-; of the fiercest fighting of the war has \ taker, place, and where the battle has b<*en renewecl with its old fury. ? The whole district is a land of ruin and devastation. Of the cathe ?lral-like church, which was the pride of Mont St. Eloi, there remain only ! two walls of the tower, whose ragged edges are outlined against the sky. ' From Arras north to this little hamlet the German guns still batter merci j lessly at the French line, as though these ruins could crumble still more. AN AMERICAN IN THK TRENCHES. .Not far from here I met an American in horizon blue. He was Georg? Allias, born in Paris in 1881. He went to America in 1898 and was . naturalized at the earliest possible date. When war was declar??d he | was living at MO Columbus Avenue, Boston. He had never done mili? tary service in France, but went at once to New York to see his sister, Mrs. I.. Mange, of 40 Morningside Avenue, and on August ?t6, a year ago, he sailed on La France. Allias enlisted on Ml arrival, and has been in the trenches ever since. His* is one of the names on the altar of Mont St. Kloi. and he adds a special word of thanks for coming through many battles without a scratch. He is a small man, not much taller than a gun, round-faced, with bright brown eyes. He grinned happily through his curly beard < ontlnued on im?? ?, column 71 ATROCITY DONE, ROME TELLS U.S. IN ANCONA NOTE Not Even Blank Shot of Warning Was Fired. Says Italy. [Krun Th? Trtrnn. R,.- , Washington, Nov. 15. Official charge? by the Italian Government that the Ancona was sunk "without any warn? ing whatsoever." and that the whole action by the submarine was one of "ur.paralelled atrocity" were laid bo fore the State Department to-day by the Italian Ambassador. The statement has been presented to every neutral power. It does not, however, offer any of the evidence on which the charges are based, and so dots not present information on which this government can take action. The administration therefore is waiting, as it has waited since the ship was sunk, for official reports, before deciding what course to pursue, l.'ntil its own diplomatic or consular agents send in actual proofs of illegal action by the ? ibmarine. the departmerr is unable even to frame a case on which to as'.i taatriaa government for explana? tion. No .-urh reports have come in to-day, the eighth day B?BCO the Ancona was sunk, and administration officials are beginning to find reassurance in tne long delay. At first it was believed that the physical difficult?s of getting information from the scattered sur? vivors of rhe tragedy accounted for the failure of the American agents to re? port. As the time increases, however, this explanation becomes less and less ?ati .factory, and the suspicion is growing, that the Italian government itself is respons.ble for the delay, and is holding up all reports because : feel, that the facts already in its possession do not present ?o strong a ?ase against the subnvrsne a? It wou.d liha to have Call II Weak Stateinenl. Italy, of course, will not interfere ? I dispatches from Amba sa.lor Page to this government. But Italian officia.-, it ia pointed out, can very easiiy in? terfere with his getting the informa? tion on which to base a conclusive re? port. The affidavits of the captai.? and officers of the Ancona, with the statements of most of the other sui CoBlinu d on pace 2, ralumil a NO INJURY TO CORFU CASTLE OF KAISE1 Berlin Brands Report of Damag to Adriatic Villa as False. Berlin, Nov. 10 | bv wireless to Say ville, N'. Y.). "There have bcCfl n r.ot? on the island of Corfu, and th German Emperor s castle. Achilleior ! has not been damaged," says an Over seas News Agency report. "All the for , eign reports asserting that part of th castle had been destroyed and that th trouble ceased only through the inter vention of prominent citizens of Corf ? were purely invention?, as can h ' stated from an authoritative source. The above dispatch contains the firs intimation '.fiat rioting had taken plac? on th- island of Corfu and that th? Villa Achilleion had been damaged The villa was erected in 1*91 for th? Empress Elizabeth of Austria, who die? m IMS. it was parehsssd m lyOT by Emperor William, who fre?iuently wen! there for rest and recreation. m > U. S. TO BE NEUTRAL IN BULGAR FIGHT Wilson Issues New Warning of Non-Partisanship. . I rnm TBl MBaaa Bur??iu ; Washir.gron. Nov. 15. The United States will be neutral in the war be? tween "France, Great Britain, Italy and Serbia, on the one hand, and Bulgaria, on the other." This was made known official!) to-ilay m a formal proclama? tion by President Wilson, attested by Secretary Lansing. Hiring soldiers, tilting out vessels of war and similar part.san acts are for bidden within the jurisdiction of the United States, but the right to manu? facture and sell contraband of war to any or all of the belligerents is ex? pressly reserved. SHAH OF PERSIA TO QUIT TEHERAN Will Leave with Ministers Cos* sacks to Protect City. l.ondo.i. No?.-. 16, A P.euter dispatch from Petrograd says: "A diopatcb froBB Teheran -ays the President of the ' ?mrcil of Miaiatet has informed Use ?--.mrnander of th?! Russian Cossack bl fade that th?_* Shah of Perahl would nuit Teher?n immedi? ately, accompanied by the miniaters. ?'Teheran will remain under the pro? tection of the Coaaacka. The gendar? merie is prepenng to depart."* Commons Cheers as He ?Makes His Defence. STRAITS FIGHT WORTH COST Secretary for War and French Planned Ant? werp Expedition. SEES GERMAN DEFEAT Britain Must Throw in Reserve Says Shortage of Men Will Beat Teutons. London, Nov. 15. -Winston Spen? cer Churchill made bis defence to? day. Speaking before the House of Com? mons on the eve of his departure for the front, the former First Lord of the Admiralty answered the crit? icism levelled against him for the ill-fated Antwerp expedition nnd for the failure of the Dardanelles cam? paign. "I won't have it said," was his ?.ramatic assertion, referring to the Dardanelles attack, ''that this was a civilian plan foisted by a political amateur upon reluctant officers and experts." And this sums up his reply to all hii critics. In every case he showed that experts had counselled and con? curred ixfore any of the expeditiona which had been condemned were undertaken, and it was clear, before hi had gone far, that the House of Ctmmons ?ym'jathised with him. Mal?r Amend?. Mr. Churchill's unexpected revela? tions, however, ha?l a somewhat dis? maying effect on the editorial writers of the London morning papers, who for months had been assuming that he was wholly responsible for what has been termed blunders in carry? ing out the war operations, and who had been rather lavish in bestowing adverse criticism on him. They now are inclined t?i Jjlame the govern? ment for not making these revela? tions before, and seem to find diffi? culty in making amends to Mr. Churchill. "The Times," in an editorial, frankly absolves the retiring Min? ister. "His speech undoubtedly was a parliamentary triumph," says "The Times," "and we think the country, reading it this morning in calmer atmosphere, will pronounce it a stat<*smanlike utterance, marked by restraint as well as by force, and admirably calculated to achieve its object. Its broa?! effect is that on the facts as he stated them he must be completely absolved." aatts Great Ovation. For months Mr. Churchill has lived under reproaches. His en? trance to the House to-day was1 passed almost unnoticed. Aa ha rose, his supporters gave him en? couraging cheers. Approbation in? creased in volume as he snswsrsd one charge after another, snd ha) concluded amidst a hurricane of ap? plause, while members of all politi? cal parti*? crossed the House to con? gratulate him. The project for ?ending the relief force to Antwerp, Mr. Churchill de? clared, had originated wifh Field Mar? ?hal Kitchener and the French govern? ment. He admitted that the operations wer? begun too late, but denied that? the fault wa? hi?. Nearly a month be? fore, he assort? d, he had called the at? tention of the Premier, of Earl Kitch? ener and of Sir Edward Grey to th? peril the loss of the fortress v.ould enta,.:. As f.jr the campaign in the Darda? nelles. Mr. Churchill declared that i? any operation in the history of th? world were worth carrying through with ?ufttained fury and utter disregard of life, these eperatio/i? were worth it. He maintained that he did not receiv? clear from Admiral Fisher, then First Sea Lord, before the expedi? tion wa? decided on, nor did he get the ?ub?equent firm ?upport to which he ?aid be was entitled. See? a Better Time. "We ?re paaiing through a bad time? which probably will be wor?e before IS i? better, but it will be better." Mr. Churchill ?aid. "If we endure, the cam? paii-ii of 1*11 ?hould be decided ?trains?, Germany by her ?hortatre of men." There was nothing apologetic about th,* ?perch of the former Pliai Lord of the Admirait?. Ilia reference? OoJA?a mira! Lord Fisher, the former FiraS Sea Lord, who, he ?aid, had not openl**? oppo?ed th? Dardanelles undertaking, were spoken In firm tone? of condemna? tion. In the opinion of the hou?e. Mr. Churchill fully ju.tified every ?tep h?a took while h?ad of the admiratty. Mr Churchill dealt with epi?od?a? during hi? tenure of oik? as head o%\