Newspaper Page Text
100 Years A Commercial Bank THE Capital & ?Surplus,$5,000,000 Resources, - 60,000,000 Charter Member S. Y. Clearing House Member Federal Reserve Bank United States Depository 192 Broadway Cor. Jol.n St. RPANTHES Greenwich and Warren Sta. Bowery and Grand St. 345 Grand Street Fifth Avenue and 14th St. Ninth Avenue and 14th St. Fifth Avenue and 20th St. 2 West 33rd Street 57th Street and Third Ave. 86th Street at Second Ave. Broadway and 104th Street Lenox Avenue and 116th St. 125th St. ai.d Lex. Ave. lie Inri e Your Account Steel Rising Tide in Demand, Output and Prices Send for Our Speaui Letter "50." [.enskorf, Lyon & Co. rNe-.v ?nr'r . lok ?x-he '. r.? A Neu TorB Cotton Brcc .,-o Uoaiu ,,l Trad. O'-k Xxehange. 33 New_t. ( .;: 'New York Anglo-French 596 Bonds Safety Yield Marketability Price to yield nearly 51 _% ( ?rctdar on Rei Remick.Hodges&Co. k Eichanae. I 1 Wall *?l.. ><??? lork ? ?.?pan.lent. : R. L. Day & Co- Boaton Bonds for Trust Funds s j Wr shall he pleased to | I submit lists of bonrls which ' ! ?*r 1 we recommend to I ru*?t-?*s. ! 33 Pine St. New Yor!; Atlantic, Gulf & West Indies i? mak Ina ?? ??""'.? -? 1 ? 1 par. ion . ut >?:? ??? 1 ?'????'-? ... .p.',,,,g\ ? ?1? and i.- . ? .';.?,r srasant market po ? ''it ?-..--' 1 ? ? ilar No _SS "lie ? e ?,! Ihg . r..n ' . - ? ? _ In ' ? loi ?i. ? ......i 1.. . i.,, ? tmoet Kalif? raa-rlr.. Mullir l?lr-l I s I (1,1 g ?I, la? .. Ila-allng I apB I ?ml ? '?it Upon H- (f ur?i Harvey A. Willis ?S Co. I r,.l?l.l.?lir.l I SO I) iWmmr.ri *? ?'?? '?'a it?-as Mr??_. MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT Securities Make Little Re? covery from Midday Setback. TREND LOWER IN THE LATE TRADING : Copper Stocks Exceptionally Strong?War Favorites Are Weak Toward Close. Further profit taking, little new buy lag outside of ihe copper stocks, and, ' after the first hour, a smaller scale of ' business, marked the reopening of the week in the securities market. 1'rices j 'were fairly f?rm in the earlier deal- ! 1 ings. but around noon a ridiculous ru- | j mor that tho White Star liner Adriatic ( actually safe in Liverpool, had been ; sunk l.v B vii.rr.arir.e aided the short j j-tero ? eBBSiderabls decline, j From this setback there was little re- . (?.very, and in the final trading the ncy waa toward lewet 1?reels, s?.me . of the wir ttoeks moving exceptionally weak. The apealas Ml a' prices better. than Satnrday'a elese, and a few la? dustrisl specialties started with ?son-, ble advaaees. 11>?' outside *?ub-1 ?led to Bhesi throaeli commis-ion 1 .m?, bavins aay resumption of abny* intr movement, and the market slipped back a little, then rose again. In the forenoon a few of the railroads im? proved. Canadian Pacific, Erie and Northern Pacific getting un a point or more. Chesapeake 4 Ohio, on a com? paratively larffS amount of business was ?is?, firm. ?Reek Island, in spite of the estimate of the road's financial ; needs pablished ?.ver the week end,; went bisher, S?d the debenture 5? and refunding la also improved. Announci nient that one of the large ajreneiea 1 ad raised its price of the metal to 189. cents a poand brought a .. th ? capper stocks, which ?..s Bra te the eleai Anaconda. ?Utah, Cl Ino and othsra were activel? p?rchese?), l'tah reaching the highest price of its history. American Smelt* in? and Refining was heavy after last ?greek's gain of more than 5 points. In absence of the former statistics of the < opper Producers' Association, the ac taal position of the metal is more or lesa aacertaia, hat it is persistently reported thai stocks are low, as Huro? nean purchasing seems to be grow 11.L. I he war stocks at the outset fur? nished pains of some extent, notably Baldwin aad Studebaker. Crucible aad Maxwell Motor were advanced later. In the midday reaction these issues fell back easily aad were in small de maad later. On the day losses of from ?in?! than 1 to II points were mad? by Maxwell Motor, Crucible, ?Baldwin, 1 ackawanna and Republic Steel, Car and Foundry and Can. United States Steel lost ? good fraction. As on recent days, in outside news developments there was little directly to account for market movement. Rail load earnings continued favorable; the ' State of Missouri, which had been ex- ' ceptionaliv harsh in Its treatment of the carriers, allowed higher freight Bad statistics of grain BBOvesseal to Chieage showed a heavy volume of traffic. Definite announcement that American citizens had been killed on the Ancoi.? nude the trading public Dneas. ci ths submarine question. More gold cam.' from London, $3. 000,000 us sovereigns being deposited at the Assay The Bank of Fug land announced shipment of over $_, to this country. In addition, funds are flowing here from the in U ?Tier. Sigas S? even greater case ap peered la the ?ocal money marke*. Commercial pape.- of the highest grade was taken for the shorter date as low aa _'. per cent, and time loans on reg? ular collateral were placed at t% to ?'! ?per Ci nt for six months. StsiiiBg exchange, which had been held steady the latter part of last week, moved little yesterday. London checka sold aa high as ....v-, again aad exchange on Paria was Armor. The rraagomeat with London banki lire, no message haviag been re* 1 from the other _ide in some days. A.r.K W.I. ?H- Till. TKIBINK'S I.IST Of fJTtUMB ruis. Koteaabse IS, jenterday'g cl<u?e II9..V:0 Noieinber || . 119.1111 line ?.?.eel..I-SJSS ?lue month .,?.-??. Ill.ti:?.'! .Inly mi. 1911.lui. _?..-, High for ?It tolter.1.0.SI. i ew for OoBohsc.ISB4SS High for Si i.tenilirr.I .? I ..w f?>r >e|ilemher.107.?00 H ill? August.109.1 .3 I ..?? Inr* High I??- iin>.ISS SIB I mm fur July.UH.91S High for ?tassa .ISMI1 I ?m foi June.lO.'i.? . High for Mai.111..?SS i ?.?? r?.r Hai .nn stS High for April . m.IUUM8 low for \jiril.107.'.'.7 High t...- Marsh.ios.iob low for Marrli.IM IM 111.1. I'.-t.rn ar.r.Iflfi.7.1? I .,.? ' ,r I .-lirioir? . 101.19.' Iligli :"r J.?n.mry.lus.9':? I ..,. for .liiii.Mr.t . . ISS.SS1 ilich. lhas 1er. IBM. I1I.4SJ low. <lni? far 191.1. 1111.19'* High, fail yamr, ISM ISB.ISI I..?, full ?rsir. 1911 ISSSSS \\l.l:\?.l ?.I Till: IKlRINKs I |?.r ?H tw11 \r um -iK!iia ?\... "miImt IS, .?e?terd?.'? aSSea ';>;.:<..i v... -iiilor IS . S1.I4S (In wrrl. Hgo . 91.71?! til,,' ago. '?I.I I ; .j,.i, M, IBM . ??.i .7 lilil? f..r II loher. SB,SSS 1 ?.,. !..r li.iiilwr. 91.11.? Ih_: f..r ^rplemher.O?.990 I..?. fee ?*? ,.1'inber.sfi.-MKi |iiK?, (or \u. .1*1 .-BBSS i...?? faa ..._.<?t .a,"..iss High ?"* -'"i.* .bh.oo? I o?\ for .lui?. -MIS High for June . SVr.KS I .,?> for .1..ue . 7?.TUS h.g ii f..r m ?? .?lasse I ... I, r M.i> .71.179 High for Apr! . mXtSB low for April . ',.'. :.ll | High fur Meist . 7*. |M I i?,?? for Hasek .79.1194 I High for i aheaasy.7.1....9 i..?. i..r reheaasy.??b.ji. High lor .l.,o..,?r? .7.1.9I6 I_?w for January . .70.779 High. Hi'?? lir, IfclTi. ?ft loo low. II.,,? fur, 191*,.89...I. nigh, tun rear, ioi?. SI SSS .ti.tti .??. full tame, ru? Railroarl Earning*? I followiag ?"rnpgrative railro-d ? -i - ,.?.,? I,.,.i ? mi a ? . ... ? - teg, i ..?a I Trunk Haling of ?_??>? . v i . ? ?Ha AH? I 1 ? a '?..,. i ( , . I ' ?! A ?' ? ? . THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE MONDAY, NOVFMBEK IS, Itli. ?ota! ?ales o? Muck? Monday, 790.200, ???ainst ..II. 100 Salurda;. and 799.100 a v?eek ago. Slock Eichange rlosH a >ear ago. From January 1 to date, 1j2, II MM against 46.1 .S6.100 a >car ago. FlstT" ?.1V-^^^^ la''- ____ I -- lAlaska Juneau. 4 Adams Express. - - Alaska Gold MiaSS. - Alli?A-?rlhalmsrs . - - Allis-Chalmers pr. 4 Am. Agr. Chemical. 6 ?Am. Agr. Chemical pr.. Am. Beet Sugar. las. Beet Sugar pr. Am. Can . T Am. Can pr. Am. Car ft Foundry. . 7 Am. Car ? Poaadry pr 7 Am. Coal Prodacts.. 5 An?. Cotton Oil. ' Am. Express . Am. Hid? <7v Leather.. . Am. Hide A* Leather pr. Am. Ice Securities. Am. Linseed . Am. Linseed pr. Am. Locomotive . 7 Am. Locomotive Share? QuMatio:? Range. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ sold. Open. High Low Final, chge. Bid. Ask. Am. Malt pr.... A*m. Smelting .. H Am. Smelting pr, ex div 0 Am. Smelting pr A. 6 Am. Smelting pr B. ?J Am. Banff pr. Am. Steel Foundry. 7 Am. Sugar . Am. Sngar pr. 1 Am. Tel A Tel. 20 Arn. Tob. ?-x ?!.\ ?; An,. Tobacco pi, Bsw, Am. Woolei etl Am. Woolei. T An. Woolen pi. Am. Woolen pr ei i An.iionda . C Atehiaon . Atchi.son pi. Baldwin Locomotive.... 7 Baldwin Locomotiv?* pr. ,'i Baltimore & Ohio. ?1 Baltimore & Ohio pr... Batopilaa Mining . Bethlehem Steel. 0 Brooklyn Rapid Traasil SO Butte & Superior Cop.. ?ill. Petroleum.' 4 Cal. Petroleum pr., Id ?anadian Pacific. 7 Casi . J. I., pr. t Ceatral Leather. peaka ???.- ? 'hio.... ( bi, Great W estera.... t Chi. I!nibI Wei '"in pr, i Chi., MIL I Bt Paul... 7 Chi., Mil iv St Paul pi 7 Chi. & North Western. ( hi.. It. I. i Pacific_ C, C. C. ?S: St. L. pr_ EM ? ?????? ,', in*?', id) 524 51'? 9 ? I OH?, 110 94 . :?'ii 1. :.'i*" 56,100 87 [2200 11.s 1*7 1014 HU1 25,600 123 125 100 lin 2,300 944 100 774 100 14 IM 448 2,700 1,800 73 4 14,600 u'O'i 6.2.T0 IS H 2,400 186 150 .*?'?'i 9k B74 107 '. 101 4 119'a 110 94 Mi -.'? ? . 2.90 i I2.?0fl 12200 '...".on .".nil' _ in" 131 134 i 81,700 ill1, ?-'2.', 76 16 . 95 1-? 1454 N 73 4 224 V.r )?>?' B9 ', ? - . : I 9! '? 181 135 22s?. 1*0 89 H Jin ?.m II i ? B9-V, . ? 51 94 99 H - 1074 1014 IM 2 110 1 94 '. 77', ir-*? m??????? 11.?1-? - 14 44 4 4404 60 C hi?o Con. Copper.I 8.1001 64V?! < olo. Fuel & Iron.! ?'on?.p.-Tab. .1 7 ? insoltdatid Gai .' 5 Com. Can . 1300 92*1, Corn Products . 8,100 19 * ,i i'm-i: Prodacta or. 500 M i rncible Steel . 17,900 774 Crneibl? Steel pr. 1,100 1074 Cnbsn-Am. Brogar. I.8M 121 Denver ?Si Rio Grande. . 1300 10% - Denver & Rio ?Jr. pr.. 4,140 23 7 Detroit Ellison . 17 130 Di itilling Securities . . 11,201 17 . 20 Doms Mine.?. 6M 25 i Electric Storage Bat... nun 684 ? Erie. 32.60H 43 ? 'Erie 1st pr. 4.8M 51 "' Erie 2d pr. ion 604 4 led. II. & S. pr. 4M 51 H (ic neral Electric Co. 2,0001178 Genoraj Motors . 1,21 ?.oodrich, B. F. 5.1o. Tt 7 Gt. Northern pr. 2.700 126 H Gt North. Ore subs_ 21.'.'" 16 Guggenheim Expl. 14300 7 1 Greene Con. Copper.... 6M II 7 4 Homeatake . 11." 121 ."> Illinois C-n'v-il ... Int. Agricult.' 1,000[ 27-*i int. Agriealt pr. 700 ? I Inapiration C i iper ...I 14,70* IntSrborongh-Con. 6 In u rborouf h-( on. pr .. (00 ? ? - G int. Harv. o? N. J. IM 109 International Psper.... 1,4M 11 ?a 2 International Paper pr. I 100 454 10 Int. Nickel ex div. Kan. City South. 1 Kan. City South, pr... 23,60*0 664 ?'?* 400 -I"'1.- 164 2,100 I 134 1 134 '.'H 194 mi 784 1117 l'JL'-'t 1644 130 I-1. 25 ?i*?1, l!1: >', :,n'.. 52 ITS ? i 744 1264 . r.l7? 7 ? % II ? _m\ .*?'.'?-. 71 ?a 21 4 474 I?."?1. 89 4 H 634 16 394 944 131 i ? 21 ?? T6 ? 54 - 444 1 13 - 914 194 _ ? ? 74*4 7.7's 1074 10*74 121 122 14 14 II . ? ? *. 131 134 . 20% 7'i 64 4 444 1484 91 19 - 14 a.,1, 714 214 47*i 1864 89 H M4 154 :u . 1304 90 71* 214 47?? 1864 90 M4 ill,'s 164 894 95 131 134 IM 464 I -is 43 574 ."ill'o :,i 177 Mi 1264 48 121 15 i I ? 47 ? 684 134 674 .-..i'-, 52 177 899 71! 1254 60 - 1 ! -, ?'? i.l 1. I 4 1 - V? 14 14 24 I . o 24 1\ 1344 1354 214 214 77? 77 554 664 M 4 434 i ta - 194 Si? _ 754 754 107'? 1074 121 1224 444 144 92 194 M4 Li 21 180 144 2.7 '. 131 100 1074 1074 1074 '*' " . I1 - 3 254 t;*?1?. 134 674 _ .'?0 524 54 1764 177 396 8M4 724 73 1254 1264 214 674 434 574 494 Share? Quotation Range. | sold. [Open. High. Low. Final, 4 1164 H?4 ?a 117 111 '. 127-4 1284 229 232 im 1104 . r*..'1? II | 614 i " - 4 97 '-. M4 ', 1074 ion 1014 1014 1194 120 109 1 *?'? '?? 944 94', 14 V\ 7 Kresge Co. pr. Lack Steel . 10 Lchigrh Valley . 12 Lig. & M. Tob. ex div.. T Lig. & M. Tob. pr. 10 Lonllard, P. T Lorillard, P., pr. I Louis. & Naal. Mackay Co?, pr. Maxwell Motor. Maxwell Motor 1st pr. . Maxwell Motor 2d pr...! Mex. Petroleum . Miami Con. Copper... Mer. Marine pr etfs.... Minn. A? St. Louis. Minn. & St Louis pr... M, Bt P. & S .?' M.. IL, St P. i- s. Bt M. pr] Mo., Kan. 4 Texis. Mo.. Kii.i. I , KBB pr.. I rl Pacific . Montana Posrer. Pac ? f a, . . National Biscuit . Na*. Eaam. I Btpg... Nat. Eaam I Btpt*. pi National Lead . National Lead pr. Nevada Con. t'op. New York Air Brake. . 5 New York Central.... New York Dock pr. N. Y.. N. H. & H. N. Y.. Oat & West_I Norfolk & Western-1 Northern Paciiic . Pac?tic Mail . Pacifte Te!. ? Tal. . i R. R. . . Gas S? 4 !ok?. phis ? ". P.. I i ?. St I. .. P? ?'.. < . 1 St L. pr ? Coal .I 5 Pit' ?. I nal 01. Pressed Steel Car. I Pub. Set. Corp. of N. J 8 Pullman Palace Car.. . - Ry. Steel Spring.j 15 Ray Con. Coppv*r.I H Reading . 4 Reading 1 II pr. 1 Reading 2d pr.1 Ren. lion & Steel.I 7 Rep. Iron ?: Steel pr..' Rock Island .I Rock Island pr. St Lou i s ? S. F.I s*. I oui.? ? S. F. tat pi Bt Louis 4- S. F. 2d pi Seaboard Air Line... Seaboard Air Line pr.. 7 ?Seal ;." b ck . Sloi ? 8h? 'r. Steel I I ?; SobI h? i.? Pacific. I So. Poilu i?.co Sugar. . Sonthei n Railway.I 11 Standard Milling. 6 Studebaker . 7 Studebaker pr. 12 TsBBSsses I ?opper., ?, Texa ? <<?? Pacifie. 10 Texas Companv. 4 Third Avenue R. R... 7 Tobacco Prodoetl [?r. B l mon Pacifie . 4 l'nion Pacifie pr..... 4 United <ligar Mfg..,. 6 United Cigar of Am. 6 i nited Fruit . united Ry. In. <??*.. .. I nited Ry. latest pr r. s. ? . ?. P. & P.... V. S. i . I. P. & F. pr ? U. S. Express . ' . 8. Ind. Alcohol.... r. s. Red. & Ref. ?. s. Red. i Ref. pr. ? U. S. Rubber . 1st pr.. 100 112 , ?vl.. 814 190 . .7 ! 0 119 |M IM 100 111 :oi> 121 im . . . 17,600 ?2 3,4011 ifi24 112 112 - 80'? 257 257 111 1 Ht? 115 2,?00 9,100 3.6M ?4,600 .??lio 100 r.; '? M4 34 s*. M4 IT A 874 in I 125 KHi 130 IM T: 119 IM 115 12T 664 824 102-1? 614 91 ? 35 ! 65 IT1? IT4 i U 130 l?: 7 , 62 114 ? - 624 7 IM 81 i 0| 111 II 143 1M4 ? ^^ !... 7"? 12 1,400 :?!\ Im. M , IM M IM 111 2,300 157, 300 143 3,2(in 103 41 27 I 25 400 -?,T? B - 114 42300 1194 IM 62300 1164 11 100 :". 10 ? ? 4,600 "?*?' i l.L'O'l 1"sT? 11? 127 ?*i?4 7-' 100'4 II i?9-ls 34 4 M4 174 374 125 IM 74 II 7? t*2 7'*. 12-1 M4 M -hi 654 ii;7? 15 a? 1414 10241 112 714 217 119 l M 115 ' 127 654 774 1004 59 4 90V 14 ? 644 ITS 37 4 125 130 74 164 ? '?2!? 74 128 11 M4 ?-ISN m7? II 1414 ion 25 Aik. 112 714 81 IM 1194 ISO 1154 TBTI ehge. Bid. ? 111 ??-?S, T94 ?? ?-O1: . a 245 . 1 118 I 1 183 _113 _ _ '1264 12T 654; 66 TT 774 1004 101 58 4 59 904 HO 4 344 34 4 64V 65*?. 174 374 1244 r.o - 4 - 3 4 - 14 - 24 ? 14' - 4 a 54 - 1 17 37 121 112 - 1' 24 4 14 | 80 I 80 I 81 31 Ils'; 1184 164 7: 614 125 M4 N 164 1124 ::7 l II Ul2:* 21 Tl'1-? r : ?? ? 16? I 61:* 128 31 M 66 1147? 16 141 IM n 80 31M 118'; 200 KM r,iiii 4,800 6.60O 1U0 lun 2,70ft t U ? ? 384 1084 ? 117 111 :?;. C7:* 59 ?, 118 - M '."'. U 1074 174 111 1654 1654 1654 46 . 834 ? . 43 II 400 m?; IM ' ..?Ml ??(Hl 7 100 200 inn 100 4'*? H M! 44 4'. 1M4 IM 4 45 264 H2 44 43 614 13 m 184 ??i 7 "s 13 II H7 40 ?? 14 U 10 184 M 1164 33 12 i ?i 111 Il . M ItM ?IT ? 117 1654 45 M4 M 14 43 :.i\ in?; 4 - 14 II 10 184 10 1144 1114 324 100 : : ' 1564 1564 59 6,300 1024 ,-,"u 116 2.L'on 244 200 794 18,900 Ko 200 112 62300 60 1,200 16 2,1M 17i'7? .134 IM IM 6,20 I 138 270 83 linn -.:: :-: 3.800 94 2. inn 145 !.. SEE_ Hi!? 109 II7 li'. _ -C'a ? 200 1921 192V. li'ii IM 3241 33 ' 109 114 164 I T44 124 107 '-'?i-, 714 43 4 L'O 27 .;; -, 22 79 4 4 200 63J? ? ? 634 ?2 79 _ in?'.. 109 114 12 144 154 IM 192 324 124 M M 4 h U. S. Rubbc U. S. Steel 7 U. S. Steel pr. 40 Utah Copper. Va.-Ci r. Chemical. Wabash, ar. i. Wabaih pr A. Wabash pr ?. ?, Wells-Pargi L'-i"- M ? (t estera Man 'snd. 6 \\ ??? tei r. Li"?'*! Tel ? Ai?tinghouae Mfg. 7 Wool 'i tli . Wh? eling <t- Lake ! rle. Wheel. & L. E. I ' I?". Wheel. &. L E. 2 I pr. . ?; Willys-Overland . 7 Willys-Overlsnd pr. WiacoB tin Central. IM ??M MO 2M 100 i 800 : : 1.300 4M 200 7'.'. 81 m 234 10 :? ?1 14 .i.i ; 1064 >?7''a 22300 1164 24,900 754 1,000 1,500 2,200 3,2110 4K4 174 ' 314 500 131 ? 1024 115 ?2l7A 794 170 112 M ' 2 II 1714 634 103 138 ??i "H'i 63 4 94 I 17 2.'<7, II 2 s ..I ?4 1174 64 64 56 ?? 1064 B74 1164 7?; 4 184 17', 48** ? 1 1 ?? 344 v ,i 704 58 H 102 111 244 7.1 i n 112 594 i?; 1704 M 103 1374 M ?in ' ? 94 14.7 234 tn 27'?a 53 44 1134 644 1064 86 4 1154 75 4 474 16 a 474 304 131 334 ' 124 '? ? ; 111 114 61 36 4 107 i'.T1 1154 161 45 ' 26', 4! 824 42 4 424 61 M 1064 '?? 64 4 n 4 94 ;. i?? . 394. 4 1554 14 14 4. 4 's 434 119', 45 M v.' 37 IM 4 174 11*< 166 4''. \ 26 ? 82 4 44 4' 43 4 52 107 II 10 II 40' 166*! .,:. 1,000 3341 900 ?*? 21,100 '(I I_ 200 H2;-s 1124 11 -' 90 i 3M 134 IM 6 i 1.200 255 non 112 2M 12 - ? m-.' 115 24 4 79 1654 112 ' ' - II 1714 H IM 137'a M 4 68 ? 94 1464 234 10 27 4 H 41 114 544 1064 17 HI 714 .. ? 16-Il ?17 4 304 1334 334 874 6?? 112 - II 102 4 120 244 80 1 OS'S 4 102 14 115 7. 244 4 79 24 1M4 l?0 112 111 4 M4 M 15'4 i?? 4 1704 1714 4 124 ?;: 14 100 4 1024 4 1874 1374 4 n 83 4 14 M 64 9V 94 4 146 116 4 :? 234 28 4 ', 40 274 53 11 24 1134 HI 4 4 5 '. 44? 5 4 51 ', 1064 4 M'?7? 1154 7?; 4 47'a 164 174 3 : i ; 4 334 4 14 4il4 28 5 7 Al, 1 ? u 14 :?? 255 113 42 44 13 T? 54 lot 112 40 O'tTt , n 112 ? 4 4 I 134 ?"* i 5'i 240 - ? 238 113 i 14 113 m - 2 39 E i !. 1074 87 116 764 474 l''?4 47-s M 4 IM 33-4 -? i 69 4 112 4 14 14 5;l '240 114 41 CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS Oil Stocks, with the Copper Ii sues. Improve?Th? War Group Reactionary. Netabls sdvaneei appeared of the more prominent care itoek ? <? terday, the oil group generally ?bar? ing in the improvement, aa well as a few of the copper.?. Trading in '!, ail stock- waa more active and on ?? broad? er scale. South Pena oil mads an a.i vaace sf II points, aad Btandard oil of California, which sold ex-dividend, closed n pointa higher. Praii a Oil had Gaa ? - : -. r; ? - ? 1 ".. and : .. ?' I ?'. ? ' Indiana i points. War locks suffered a general i. ?. ,. ral hei qui? I I ? - I an adiaa Car and Foundry, I s 1 idvala Ste? ! ?... Unusual aetivit) ... phei price common ended b substantial fraction , and i?r... rred . i led te MU, cloaing only ?? fraction lower, a net advance af ove? .; po at Cap para generally wer- firmer, with ad? vance? ranging from a fraction :?. ovei a point, while Brades Capper 6a Im*. proved -'J, and Kern'e.ot Capper t 10 points. INDI STR1ALS. Tem? -,.? ? 1' ? -, l..a ..?.',.. ,1 ",\ I ? ? - . .. , . f S '? Il , 1*0 ?Banker?' I I ..... .- 1 ; Mo |u-el |M n.. tl , |< . -. ,i ; . , ? i I v r. ? , ' ?' ? ? ? 1 I? ? I ? ' I ? IS>' .... 000 ?Inl *:? rXi . - . ?Inl Hotos >?? -?.. m ? , lion is ;.- ? :. . : -, IM Kelly 8 ? ?Se ? I 71 . . Il . n * ? * ? I. 1*4 ? ? ? M !.. IP, 4 , i ... I : ? ? .... ? . ?i . ' ? - . . . ?, ? . i . * < . pat ? . , i Oil ;?> B ? ?.* tl ?'? i', s , i , I ? ? ? . ? . stanPAKI? oil. M ?sumaries .,?-.. . .,t ri.. 4 4 . , .... ? . r ., as ? - II?*) ai.u ?'I ? turn mi... ' - - MINING ? \. ,,..,". ii ? It tanta od . ? ' la i . i.. i ? ? ? , T. ' ? |. S ? / '- ? , ""? Hmi. a v -i U,?M .' ?ll?ioill_ -a .. I. I. MINING. ' a . '-'a - ... ? . ? ? " 1.1. I .'"? ? ? ' ? 1 , !'a f I ..... li.i:.. : . '? I". 7 I -, 7, l'a l'a I . I ? - . - . |4 ?,? . IA IA . : *. *-. a *4 Itln.. B S I". ? - s -1 ? I... ? I. I". 1 I ? ' '? ? ,''. T'a : T'a ...... ?7 :: ?Un. i 7.-, a . a t 4 ? . i ? IA '. ... ! . M i" '? % B >ND_ ? . , ? ? . >, M ?. . p*r ?hare. INACTIVE YESTERDAY Nl> "STKIAl l '.I . \ *.'?? P X Pi I I'? do pre* -. ?Hi s..|.?- Mfg ?Am M ' . a ?? . ? l?~.\ T . ? ? "i ? | br It II ?Ii ' P ? I . II ?M II P M v ? , | r 1 10 ? ? . ? . minis; ? ". i. k c pt Iti ? DMM ? I M M n . ' , !??? ?pi m.i? i tu nv sk; rornn. , BM Ask :'...' ? .i , i I P.. 17 . , ?? ? : i v ?i x i;i !? ? ?Am ?1 -. ? ? i .? i ; ?. i |. ? ; ?''??. i ...... i \... r ? i ? ',, . i. . ? .v 1 ? -. ? ?:?' pie/.., II . I k f- I - ? -0 1 I'l ... 77 I. S P Uli i ', : ,.? ? t. :. .'. I: ? I. ?, . l.-t |.i. r 13 i ? - tel? s.. .. 17 |a r r. , ..-? I? 1? ,,., pax I !? :? ?i , - I a NU TOM CUT ?{ONUS. rlv i. \-k. * |i, ; a * . I' . US...... - , * . s . 4 10 7 M " RUBBER SHARES FIRM IN LONDON Japanes? Bonds and Hotm Rails Bought Treasury Bills in Good Denud. Leaden. Nov. 1"?. The boom m rub bar -bare.? continued on the Stock Kx CBBBgS",. A Mg business SfBI done in low and high priced ?liares al advaaciag prices in sympathy with th? rise ni the raw materia!. In other <li. reetioaa the market was qeiet ami theerfu!. Japaaeoe l???:.?!- sad Consol? wer? unchanged at -8. Ths aew hama rail were llrm? war loan dosed aa* ? .I al '???'''a . Kuii ? ? ?? ere quiet aad .derate bu ins - Iran eel .1 Lai tales ol Amei ?can benda ,, i tporta ' ' l nah ...??? .. It - -mi>*: elicnts to -.'il in order to assist ?ths exchange situation ?n.?! tlie adverse trade balance. Th.- Rank of England shipp. .1 _:>*-'>. .i"" to the i nited States and 1200,00. to the CoatiaeBt American sxchangi \mi? stead] at l.'-.'.7?. Money and discount rates were linn Treasarj hilli were in demand a? the Hank of England. Money loaned al 1 . per cent. Discount ratea for abort and three ?nonti.- billa wer? 6 - la S*, pe? ????ut. <?i.!?l pr< nium i ' bei .-? - ?'.*. Taris, Nov. IS, Trad | waa quiet on lbs Bear : i ?i >? per ceal i ?.'ir.-- ??!.... ! tl ' ?'. frs ? - '. ?' ceal Exchsnge on London, 21 frsnei 7?;'. mea, LONDON < : 081NG PEU ?KB. .... ... . N. V. ? , . - 1 . ? .-, 10? ? , ? ..., '? '. m..-. .i ? ? S v ? mir, . ?? ? ' ? lili ? ? a RAM ROM? LOI U'MKV? ROM'S. . y. ?. o? i [*T'>r,'ig? ??ails I Ha Rate, ? i ,-. ? ? ?. Halo !:.- h .? lin ? . i ? 1.70 4 ? . i ? . ? ? i i ., i - . Mi*., ni Failli i ? ? ?. Noifo'U A. ?\?? Ml l-'l- ? . K 1 '? I a liai ?:'-. : Pean ? .1 Ml I S'il....;* All Lin" I 111 Bombara Hallwai IM I ? ? . ? . . .n il_i.?_> ...l??l?. Ij . I.SB ?.a ON THE CONSOLIDATED. Anaconda went as hifrh as 90 on the i onsolidated Exehaaga and was the great feature of tmdiag strength in the market. Tl IS list, as a whole, was Irregular, Utah Copper advanced to 77%. United S*.:it? s Bteel opened a*. B8, arhicfa proved its highest. Crucible opened a' 7S?4, its highest, aad went down to 74'a. STO( ?vS. ... Blah. ? taw. Laat ? . ...71 .:. ?t .?, .. > ? . . . ? .- a \ ....... . , ? ,1 Beat Mill ? ? ?": " W I,?... Am fan . . , a ? ? ' ', .... \;.| p?u * h " I ??' \ i - - - . a ? ? ? -?:. lie Aas lore t_ ? - . i ? . till? . . SBa ? . -. . Il T.i?. * K I 10/ig IM la : ? . . ". ft CI . -, ?'a ' ?'i ? ? . .. , . I ? . .-,?'. Air ? .1 .' M,1 i..!' .I . , s . . .... I i . .... i?.-. m% ? i i:'.-.- i ?, i?-. I.IV. ? -a ? . .' . ?I?l I. - I" ?. ;. ?1 . 47??? .' .... I i,.- ISB ?l'a 4 . (??? 1 < < . ? ... - I 1 . . 71, ."?'?? a ? ii,- S. rtbem pf ?r-, -r, . . hi?;. N'ortheni pf US . iv . IM , ... ...1.71?, 71 . , ? . ?I I .. ? . II . ? 41 44'.. I . ?nlerlaira ... , 17'? Kan . ... - , , ? ;;. ??' I , -? ? . - . -1 *! i. I lit ?III M M a-1) Mi \l I. *1>, I.?i 7..' .'."a it M,v? III II gtlU '. '. 'a '?? -., \l III, ?. , i ??. Itlaa- " .-i 4 . ? '. . i , ? . ?i I acta ? ? ? , .> \ .? ' ? ? . i . I?, ?. 1 > ? . . V. ? I _'a S \ - \t t 'I . "4 -4 IM S T. O a M '. , i . IM I ? ' II'. . III 11? a 117 11" I'- ii ... l'A I. . -, , ? . i- . - ? . . . , , , . ..I. I..'-- 1 '? . N I ... Pi ? - 'I 4 7? a '.'IS ? , |. 4 ? :. ?? ? ? ? . - ' 1 . I' . I ? . 1 V j " . * Ru ? , l.l. ? -' '. ; ?, "7 ? ' laVJ ? ; . <7"| ? . - . . . . ? ? . , , ig.fg MININO. i . t| ? ? ? ' ? i ?'. ' . - ? 1 > l . I .'.''., I ?" V7', - . \ ? , . . I II |.M1 'I 5 10 ?? "i . ? j ' -, DAILY IMPOKT8 AND EXP ~T8. Daily imports and exports of p-en er-.l meichiindise at the Pi rt of New ?re: .. | arta Kxporta M... la-. Nov. K ? ? ?' - ? Ko?, i: -. . II ? ?' ? . ? ?71 ? i.MUKMi? DCCLABBD ft, M 1 , ' . V v - . 1 Q1 ' ..... v.; I I... ;, of \ i ... ???? ; No- f , f . |... s ? mi of h??, y 1 - i"-? il ' M.. ,...?? '.- I? v Eh ? i'. De* ? i ? ... . I?. I J ? ' ?.' ' . ."" ' - IIU..MIU . . -'.'. Vfl. I Nu? ., in international trade we invite Are your attention to our facilities Engaged ... , which are ample to properly handle business in any part of the world. The Mechanics & Metals National Bank Of* THE Cm OF NEW YORK t? MASSAI aflaSSJBJI Capital, Surplus and Profit) $14,000.000 $250,000 City of Buffalo, N. Y. 4V2% Bonds Due 1926 to l%i Price on application. 1), ?ir?li?t?ll alt Urquell Sidney Spitzer & Co. 115 Broadway New York City AMERICAN WOOLEN COMPANY Proposed Transfer of Charier from iVosj Jersey to Massachusetti Stockholders of the American Woolen Company are notified the tim<? to ntake deposits of stork under ths agreement <>( August 14, 1915, ?nth respect to thererhar tering of the Company under the lawsof Ma??:? Inletts hai been extended to and induding January 15, 1916. In order to receive th<* benefiti of the plan you sre urge?! to (tepoe?t your stock before that ?lay with either the Guaranty Trust Company of New York, or the ()!?] Colony Trust Company of Boston. PREDKHICK AYER, WILLIAM M. WOOD. GEORG" K. BULLARD? ) Cooimittee of Dirfrton AHDREW G. PIERCE, Jr. ?VHEATON KITTREOGB, PHILIP STOCKTON, EUGENE V. H. THAYBR, / HENRY P. BINNEY, J Adeit?rj Committee ALEXANDER J. HKMPHILlJ ALBERT H. WIGGIN, 1 TIF'I?IBIISJJI! Lehigh Valley the War Rail with a great peace future Property Equities Revealed by Unique Analysis 1830-1915 Booklet 104 on request WILLIAM W. COHEN i New Vorh- stork Baenaaot 45 Broadway MEMBER - .v.;?- York Cotton Bxchangt ?. v . 1. I Chinamo Boato] <,f Trade New York *?W ibibisi irraii ?i? ?s?, i im h i'ii AMERICAN LT. & TRAC. COM. REPUBLIC RY. & LT. COM. WINCHESTER ARMS Williams, Troth & Coleman i'liV:.. i (n'.i. tmtmrtttmt Spr,-inii?t, tt W ill ?l- Phone .".SIMO llanovrr. > ?, ! Union Trust Co.ofNew?or.i j bO ?ROADWAY PiftB A? aSSlhBI I'.ttii A-.- ?t ?;Th s; I Allow? lolereat on ll<-yo?lta l.cts?s Uecutor, Cu.r.ian. Trj>ti. It:. J All WALL STREET DOW, IONES BULLETINS & TICKERS Investors read THE WALL STREET JOURNAL ANDREW I McCORMA? % REGULAR AI'- il???? - \l.l. ? 'I .HllhN AM? 111 l Ml?. iiv \iiki.\> il. Mi in.;; _ -UN. . .i- ?'i?'?. N? ? v w i i.i : a m i t. II'EDNEBDAY, NOV. Kill. Ii)'., _? |J II ..'. .?.. i< ..? the EXCHANGE - ?. t.Ksin i. >m M.S 1? A.M. I? \ KM., BTH l-'.,r A. ?< .mu. ..r 1,1 ? . i II ?h?. Central Verein ??f N ?. City, In& l'..r Aecouat "f Truste." 150 ?h? Journal of Comraarce a. Ueiamer* Bullal prefd K..r a.uni ..f Whom II Bay Coaeeea; ? eha Kn'ii. i-f?.i?i .N .i.i National Bank ?>. >iis Roj il Baklot Powder < s earn. u aha German American [araran. i S a- a I |6.?00 ? mil i ?. . Corp'n ? i it. ? l . ..upon 00, . IJ.500 Matrop. la i tub i?t MM i.???.-?..i h.i? IBS. 100 ?h? Brltl.h ? ? , p :.<, aba Matrop illt-t. Hur?tj i ? .f ,,f i?. p 2S5 ?h_ i.?.?s .111. II- lei - I.nuta Rj p I i-tt later ?n m M.iea of stock .?n.i t?no,ono ..f boada -r i Baal lita I i porated 271 ?i,? Ai.i.-n.-ii Addrasalas 4 M.ilina ' . -,. 300 sha New gaptaad Mortgage a s-.ur rv ?'o. |l?,30.) Blata of Nori . \ Y Tras? Ce < if? "f l>?p..i.:i. Ig , ruadlas "; ? ?? ' "" public .i- i.? 1?.i n aa ? 110.000 Tliitl.- ? .'up..'.' >. p . Bala, lue ' . ?h?, ? 'oramei rial l'rn?' . ',i : -liar?* Kmplr? Tr? ia par. M ?? v. - ' t. I. f.lg 4 a ? i- te II las ?'vio (?ambusti?n Raalnaarlnt Corp's .,.?.' , p . M.I. , , New Remington Bond Issue. Directors of tue ,!.?? writer Cosapeai . re pri \ -hareholders a bon.l i eta? t,- r i.? . p ?...Oii.OOO note? oi titan? .*. || ? pro posed to author^?' $7 ..Oo.ooii ?; per cent hond?, of which 1.400,000 \?ill be is? le the near Catare. The ?.mount ivali.cJ iHevts'tbe ?reejairesBaats asees*j Lxempt from Feder?l Income Tu. *' reptable for postal isving?, ?nd lejs! *' vestment for ??ving? b?nks, trustee! etc. * Vw Jersey. $25,000 City of Sea Isle City, N. I. y Bonds, Due 1935 and 1945 interest Mav and November lit. Dea?****" $500 & $1.000. Coupon form, priviks? ? full registration. Sea Isle City i? one of the oldeit pi???'* resort? on the Jersey Coait. The ?Til*/ ? required to maintain ?inking fund? aj??*?* its municipal ol.ligslions. Price, 1 00 & Interest, yielding 5rj ? ?noeaSl ' 'weWmOt t ggt <?n request Douglas Fenwick& Co. Investment Securities .14 W?II St. Tel 4220 Jola BRONZE PREFERRED Write for our analytical letter C. R. BERGMANN & CO, loicstni- ? r *'??""? 66 Broadway New York M?t rrli' l.rilm ?jii Mercantile Marine Sena (or Cop) The Financial World 18 B:o?dw?y. New Yol** .my for the ukini? up of the ?10l*'*1#J he u?ed .ihrem!. A ?oicisl meetiBf Idera will h,- held ???JV I?) to ?uthorus? the bond item