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Alertness in Football Is Sometimes Worth More Than a Powerful Attack I Ready-Made Football Eleven for Tigers Princeton Loses Only Three First String .Ten from This Year's Team?Captain Qlick Shea and Brown. By HERBERT. Much h.?*- been done for I'rineeto.'i football this year in .?[lite of the disappointments which capped the 1000011 In tin' losi ?>f the Harvard ami Yak' frames. Big i>111 Edwards BOttnded the right note when he -aid. "There can he no just eritiiisni i?f Spe?*?ly Rush." No amount of coach infr. n?> system or organisation, however Strong, can prevent mistakes 0? the hands. Kven Ty Cobb makes errors. 1? i?- not necessary here to enlarge on the fad that the Tigert wen? ?veil e<|uippod and knew ail the football thai could reasonably lie abeorbed Hi tho shorl nace "t eight or nine weeks. I* struck me thai I'rincfton had more offensiv? weapons and a M* .'. . inning attack than in the la.-t four or live years put together an?! Ina thi '.'?am II a whole was botter hilanced and more fini.?hed, hut WM iiikiiii! fate '"ded that mistakes ihould come at the most critical end thai these mistake! should count heavily and neutralize much ? ihr:- i_?.i?i,l wink. lo?oie vrrttlag sfl PriaesteB fiom* the football book* thli yoat, hesrever,| :? i? interesting t?? 'ake one glance ?it lbs future, and this future is OBOSOOl? -. t.right The Tig.*r? will lose only three regular? from tin?, year'?- team Captain ?.lick hikI Shas from the bask? t'.eld und Hr-)\?ti from one end The forward? from tai-kh ti? tackle will be Available n?xt BSBSon, and these include McLean and l'un?? tie. tackles; Hogg ami Kearse, twe "f ths best guards ?.f th? year. nn?l (,4-rnert si centre. Then of the foal end?, too, u??*?l '.his year Lambtrtfin. Highley and Wilson can be counted on. and the la?t named, a brother of the Yale cnptain. only needs a little more weight to be one of the ? be?t end" ever developed nt Princeton. In the hnck:':f!'l Priggs, the remark? able puntfr. sad Davs Tibbett, the drop kicker and brilliant runnm?* half back. ?Till be available, while Billy Moore ?i*d tWfl m three others will lend added strength, ?o h>> Bothing of some fairly goad freshman material.. Such able substitutes as Heyniger, Love, Butter worth and Law will hi- graduated with Glich, Shea and Brown, but the naeleua for next year's eleven BBBBl be p a t i <* - fying to "Seedy" Ku?h. now that he has made such a good start in estab? lishing what shou'd be a permanent ?yatcm at Princeton. On more than one occasion the policy el playing only one man in the back field to receive punts ha? been ques? tioned In this i-olumn. It places far too heavy a mental burden. In comment? ing on tin? point Percy I?. Haughton, Harvard's head coach, ?aid: "The game SB Saturday illustrated the fatal weak ne?? of having one man receive punt?, n that should a muff occur the ball ; me times out of ten i? recovered by the other side." In justice to Rush and hi? method? in thi? ie?pc<?. it should be empha sized that another back is supposed to go down thi field when the punt is made to provide interference or re? trieve if possible a fumbled ball, but the danger of thi? lies in the fact a? wa? noticeable sev-ral time? in both th" Harvard and Yale games that the man whose du*y ?(J wa? to cover up, so to speak, did not go back far enough ? to ritiicve a possible fumble before be begin blocking off some opposing tackier coming down the field. Thi? very thing opened the door to a Va'" victory OS Saturday, when Tib fumbled a punt from Guernsey as the second half opened. Three Yale men w. re an tos of the loose ball, with not n Tiger [a striking distance. The theory of one man back i: to strengthen the ?econdary line of defence against a forward pass or a running play, bal as good as the theory may be CAtahlished practice seems much better. There are time?, of course, when ex? ception? to this can be made. A de? fence of this kind would be sonnd when playing again?? a strong wind and with instruction? to the one man back to let the ball hit the ground on the "safety tir?l" policy, l'noVr such condition? a coach would be justified in strengthen? ing hi? secondary line against a possi? ble forwar?l pa?? or vnie end run from fake kick formation. Percy D. Haughton. who, by the way, analyzes a football game and irritai it. too just about a? well a? he coaches, excuse? Tibbott for the fumble which turned the tide to Yale. He says under his own signature In "The New Yo.-k American": "Whereas, the axis of the ball on most punts i? somewhere near horiion ta\ Guernsey's punts, especially the ones which were muffed, had the long axis vertical to the ground. To those who have had experience in catching a hall of this nature II can be readily understood how ea?i!y a muff can be rr.>*de." Mr. Haughton also ?-aid: "The Har ?trd coaches and players returned to Boston knowing that the hardest fight of their lives av?a.?? them when Yale comes to Iambi dge nexl Saturday.'' '??'evet were truei -.?.?.r.|? spoken. Our play in the Ya!?- Princeton gam.? which might h?ve had a distinct bear? ing seems to have been generally over? looked. A pant from Law In the fourth Period wa? playe.l ?afelv bv the Yale hack? ?nd the ball rolle?! ?lowly <?-. ?*r the goal line for a touchdown A Princeton man followed it over the lint?. If he ha<i been quick witted br hate fallen on the ball inside Yale'? live-yard line and forre,!. Guen -? Punt out from behind the goal m?tead of Y?le putting the ball ii on the twaatj vard as preeeribed 'n the rule?. It was on.? of the sever-il chance? Princeton los? Referring to a paragraph in thi* col ?imn la*t week eomaMatlag ?>n i ton u?:ng oiilv ? a ???.*.. ?v, Harvard, K p. i: .*, .,.,? ?>??, ?rf.m, worth mentioning thai tho Tigers m*i,. not the only one? ??, rasa tw?. tute? thi? fall a.-id In a fairly big game, too at lea?' In one that was a wee too large for Harvard ; refer, of cour?.*. to the Cornell-Harvard game. In which '?nly two Cornell mm vire taken fro?i: ?he field Barretl an?! An*!. ? Thi? correction il gladly '?.k? ?*a? overlo??liei| ?t O.i tr?..- BBd ?houid t?e given n- il ipeaki -?? w for Jack Moakley, the Cornell tl .?ho had hiti rri?-,*i Ib Si The ?am? nvnter adsTsi "II ?trike? ?r.e th?' the ' o'ricll '?-urn U? had tOJ little errait tot outplaying Harvard it the tune of '* le 0 '??? I rtj .<? min ute? of the g?rn? withOBl th? I l oua.'terbaek ?fl ?''??' player, Charle?? narret? Muran may have com? tliro?fh w??h longei runs that' COLUMBIA TO PLAY THE WESLEYAN ELEVEN < olumbia will play Wesleyan on Thanksgiving Haj whether Wes le.'an plays Trinil.v on Saturday or not. This is the authoritative an? nouncement thai was made yester? day b\ ( ?barias Halated Mapes. rhnirman of the Columbia I niter aity committee on alhlelics. In deny? ing that he or any one connected with Columbia'!, football team had written to Wesley an threatening l?i cancel the Columbia-Wesley an gaBM on Thanksgiving Day because Wcs leysn plays Trinity on Saturday. "Whether Wesleyan plays Trinity on Saturday or not is Wesley an'? concern," said Mr. Mapes. "It will make no difference to Columbia, and we will play Wesleyan on Thanks? giving Day, as originally intended. Although we refused to play Trinity, it would be absurtl for us to refuse to play Wesleyan, because, so far as I know, there is no man on the Wes? leyan team charged with profes? sionalism." were expected of him, but surely- Bar? rett's absence at least offset this." To this it seems exception can he taken, as most cr.tics have been to give Cornell full credit. The par', that Barrett plaved in scoring a touch? down against Harvard within the ? i r -1 I've minutes of the gamo was ?mite enough to show what a lOBB he was to the team throughout the rest of th' game. The New York alumni of I.rhigh and Lafayette have chartered a special train t?> take them to the annual gaiBf between these two colleges a' South Bethlehem next Saturday. It will leave the I.ehigh Vallev Railroad terminal 0.1 W? ' Twenty-third Street at 10:?0 o'clock in the morning. Liberty Street at 11 o'clock and Jersey C;tv at 11:10 o'clock It will return immediately after the game. Wesleyan Preparing for Hard Practice [Bj THcgrarh In fkg 1MB?M 1 Iliddletown. Coon., Nev, l-r>. The Wee leyan team had a 1177ht workout be? cause of the soggy field here to-day. All of the regulars except ?"siptnin Hingeley and BoSWell crime out of the game in good condition. These two each received a braised hip, but it la expected that both will be all right again by Saturday. To-morrow and the next day the 'varsity will have hard scrimmage? with a star team which is being organized from the scrub and ineligible men in college. It is ex? pected that this team will give the varsity much practice on Trinity's style of football. Nightly talks are being held after the dinner at the training table. This is practically ths last w?ek of hard practice for the R? 1 and Black team and the coaches plan to make the best I Dretjen, Harmon, Crafts and Beck will undoubtedly he the combination to face Trinity in the backfield Saturday, Captain Hingeley has been shifted to centre and Eustll out t" h tion at right end. ?a ? Soggy Turf Hampers Lehigh Eleven's Drill ?|i. T- _??: '. ?? fl i MBa South Bethlehem, Bonn, Nov. 15, Tools of water, following a hard r.?in, which stood all over the field and made the turf BOggf and Unssfe tin, . compelled Lehigh to ?tart the last of piscl <?? before I ? e with Lafayette on ths upper f.i.i. -\ bar ruaii" swept the playing pat? played havoc with attempt? :?. make ?forward pasaes a';.l punting practice. Bo signal work only va- resorted to. With one exeepl ? t wai eran "I." elevi s-??' late ths first line-up. That except.on wai Hallowell, who hai been doing ? ? I 17'""! work at halfback, end he took Ifagii niv?'? tilure while the latter v.. .ullbaek. While many of the men are rig from niir.or injurie? received prior IB Saturday'- game, h good day'l rest yesterday did wonders, an?! before every one i? expected to he . Isbi eond Bat Ba'zctti, lb? All AB*Sri?t_n quar terback, va? on han?) to-.lay, ?sad will I.?- with the teaai 'he r?--* af tbS week look ng af.ei the punten '-Greoae, Keady, Cahall and Heuer. l? ai.?.-r ? get u the neeessery BBOOd two I.nek! .'In site ru?t?- d fre? quently, Hallowell going to <? with II, ,,., ?t.d " ? ,? I alfback sad deleted at fullback. On the line ju?t tbrae . ing? en mat... flecker taking Bawtelle. place and K'.binson going in ror Srrugg? m eentre, and Crumbarh for I'om. ,,t , il:ht | Columbia to Battle for Lead at Soccer ? I ' .-' ? ".. .,.,,' ]', : the top of ti,?. Intercollegiate Koccei League ?Unding erben ti . '. Sel on South Pield thi? after...,, m iheii '. this Bsaeaa. The Tigel I.;, holding Vale to a Us M Saturday, moved Into lire! plan-. ' ? '?" f'.or gam?.., dut Columbia o-, defeating the Priaeeton r ?, -?? go f. th.. fers with a t,,?;,( ,,! ;', point? m three games . ft ths eh am ?.,-.... "? .,',: ;?' ,| III.. . i ..I. i? tbe favorite for to day's con test. ' Somebody Is Always Taking the Joy Out of Life By BRIGGS .'at7 MCPT - Yenj (XJ6HTA 6GE ihC lHOU?iE I'M buiL"'*? ' IT ?a A v-JcWD!-"*-? ?. I V He*!.'.' Mi7cM cost ': J IT'LL CC5' ?ABOUT -*T( '6? YCw '.;~r C ?' Q\yX AfJD ?56 I V. M FiJL?I/V'G A se "V?euf HouJ Mi/CH tfcu PljTTliM? "vTo / U MO?T / \ ??,'?- T f Scoot ?'.? : i? a ,-ialf T?mBER HOUSfc MAR?LE H i Ported CAft-RARA ' fi?TTls ( '' ' - I " FcR ?. ?jRlCMTAUS J ? ii-'fr tx r ROSS ' Houses A'?./ ? ' R6 - OU") or ?STYLE avyBcoV lAJAMT^ giJV a H0V/6E j Cornell, Not Overconfident, Prepares to Meet Penn Squad Ha? Long Blackboard Talk and Gets New Plays as Bad Weather Keeps the Men Indoors. Ii T?:?.r?i!i toff ? Tri! 'ins 1 Ithaca, \. Y.. Nov. 15. The ftrsl dsjf of Cornell's pr?paration fer the game with Pennsylvania, on Thanksgiving May, Was -pen? in a length?,- blackboard talk, all grbliron work beiiig called off OB account of the inclement weather and because of the poor condition of ths player?. In the blackboard talk the coaches outlined the plays to be worked OBt and used for the first time against Pennsylvania. Cornell now has a total of 7ji;rt points to its opponents, 41. With eight victories and counting on all tho men coming back in condition within the intervening ten days, there if every indiestien that Cornell will defeal the Quaken, bal ths coaches will take no chance?, anil have planned a hard week's work before the squad leaves Ithaca. Examination hy the Univeraity physi? cian revealed that many of the regu? lars are not in the best condition. Mueller, fullback: Shelton. left end; Kckley, right end. and Anderson, light guard, are all suffering from severe braiaes. Fortunately, however, none of the injuries are of a serious nature, so that every member of the squad I? expected back in form by the latter part of ?he week at the hit??-* Sharpe. Pee?! and Van Ormar, have last one week more to drill their men before the squad departs for Atlantic ( '>. where they will have their head quarters at Haddon Hall. Whatever confidence there ?u h- te rieten was iked out of the squad by the Wash? ington and gain?*, a- :t ihowed that i " 'natter how powerful the Red ami H hite may be there is plenty of chance for another team to score agaiii?t them. "Beat Cornell !" the Slogan of Quakers n? !? ?grii'i lo t? ? lMbaate 1 Philadelphia, Nov. 15. The Univer of Pennsylvania football men started work to-day for Cornell, ??e termiaed to ?how the college world thai Yaie i? not the only team can eons back." Then waj more en? thusiasm in this afternoon'- pi than at any tune thi? real "Beat Cornell!" la the slogan Be where. Both coaches ami i ? rail Ik dOBC, Conditions are ns lo-day than they were in 1902 BBd I 107 ??hen Quaker teams with B fri ? | ipii ? I ??:.? upenor Core? II tit There ii no overconfldence, of cour?e. but if Bghl i-iui do it the Quakers in? tend to and the season with a victory. This afternoon's practice WBI BOB to tha aecoad Vanity BBd lersb. All the regulars who participated In the Michigan game wen excused. Harry Ross, the big halfback who ?vas kept out of the Micbigan game because of injurie?. WBI g;ve\ I chance at i.i'i'nai-k. bul .t i hardly likely that ha will diaplace William?, becaaas latter baa the greater iBsed Ths f"" ball Conn* ?'??'? ?pave the coach?*, pel ion to t.ike ' .':7 ?,** ?own the Tuesday before the Thanksgiving Day gBBM to ton. up. It has not her. decided where they will go, but it probably will bo to some p!.,?-,* m New, l.r-.y Foe 'he la?t two yo.,* team la- BBl been allowed to iea\.* the city prior to the gam?-, and sine,. || lost fioth time? the authorities hope tint the pre-ent BOSS ?ill bring them luck._ ? -??-? JOHN D. MAY HAVE TO PAY Judge (.rants Appeal from Injunction Real raining T?* Collector. Cleveland. No? II *'u?lge John 11 Clarke, IS the Tinted States Mi.-trict ?our? here, to-day grunted an appeal from hi? injunction restraining ' li'-asurer P C. O'Brien iros collecting taxes ori f.'.l l,ii|U,:i77 from .lohn M. Reehefeller, levied by < ?? Tas ' ?mmi? ?loner? William Agnew and .lohn IV 1 s ?er. The appeal will be heard b?f*.ie the United State? ? irru?? limn of App.?? - ? t ? laclaaatL STILL SOME HOPE FOR COMMERCE Eleven Shows Better as Game with Clinton High Draws Near. |i ?| a long time ?incc the students of the High School of Commerce en? joyed Ihc BBBsatloa of ?.nake dancing SCross the gridiron at the close of a big game, she thrills attendant spaa \ ;, ??.,.;, have teen ?are thu ?easoB, and the team Was beaten again on la?t Sat unlay, 'hi? time by Manual Training High School. But. ?ven in defeat, a rift appeared in the heavily hanked cloud*. Commerce ihowed indications of tin?l ing itself, and ?Ed Siskind is hopeful of living up to tradition and defeating Clinton in the big traggle on Thank. giving Di - Shifting Harry Foster to end find put? ting McDonald in to run the team have added power where powei has been most needed Fei ter li an ead a I a ? eepl onal ability, one of'the be I tiie year, m fart, ami McDonald RBI the gift of rare football sense, it would teem, for a boy of his sl.ght experi? ence. Jerry Flood, af fullback, is hit? ting the line well and is working nicely witl Die- Peebaa and Harry Block, Feehan is a clever haeklield man and hits the line hard. The Commerce lire. wh:i-h wa? ?o weak in the New York Military Acad? emy ??ame, braced bravely arainst Man? ual and held it? earn for three period? For all the improvement in the de fence, the ?coring punch i? still mi? ir,g. l>e Witt Clinton is working ovel ? time for the game I ommoree. A feast .- ? .?I is sipected, ami >el there v a feeling thai Clinton may 'n ?..a" fm ?'ill soother year. For ?ame reasea or other Cliaton ha? ?i; shown at it.? best againat 'he '?range and Blue, and in eleve- games has scored only :is points. Tiger He Boer announce-- that no fewer than tweet] is ' ommer?e alumni have peelftcd their intention of playing m the game against the Var Frank Bcheval, halfback of th.. 1908 team, is the latest to apply f..r a plac? Chaaaeey Hooper and Sine,)., Schneider, of the ISM -?..".. ;i .!'?:, uniforms. The announcement m this column that the Commerce alumni b;,'. e organ Ised ha tartod lomething. Five ?l ,' longes from other high school alumni team?, have been received. Clinton will receive f,r<' attention, then Morril and all r.tber COBiei. The fur will fiy when Hamilton In? stitute plays the Columbia fre?hmen. The Hamilton boys showed full power against Hora.-e Mann, si 1 turned what bid fair to be a ?truggie into an utter rout. Rubs Clapp, the Hamilton back, iras lbs tar of this game. IF? hue buckina mat tierce and nil defeasivs play wonderful. Titus, the Manual Training back, i? of sll-scholsstie calibre, in addition t?. laalil cations, ..?? 11 a ?lr??p kicker of SB ?Sosa, of I'ommercial High Schon', ha? aeored M pointa for bis team oa i ?:.x touehdosraa. ig second, with _1 point?. o Hard Scrimmage for Stevens Eleven In snite of the g?"..i ?lowing made on Saturday agam?t Reasselaer, Rodgera v.ns not Satisfied to allow the St.?..???.a team n rSSl '. SBterda) . bal instead sent it through i turd -crimm... All ths regular?. Including Captain redd, who aras m.t m th.- Iine*ap on my. wers on h iad tith tl ? - > eeptlon of Gennert, left 'Hrkle. who twisted In? bad ankle again in the K. I' I gane Tins ina> keep him out of the line up for the rest of thi ?ea "iin There ?an? ?, decided impreveaseal h. the tackling shown agiun-t he ??eases laer eagiaeers as Beturdaj ?Th ? weak ne?? la? been a can atan 1 ?ource of wrrry t?> RodgCra, but it ?eem? now to have bern partly overe?me. HAUGHTON PLANS FINAL WORK FOR HARVARD TEAM Coaches Trying All Kinds of Shifts to Get Strongest Rush Line Combination. ? a? iwaaraaa H II * ?T? - ?a * ? ?bridge, Mass., Nov. IS. Berry Haugbten gathered the Harvard foot? ball forces together here this after? noon for IhS last week's work of th" ?Before taking the men out onto the field the head roach assembled them in the locker building ami had a heart-to-heart talk, snowing what they are to expect in the Yale gamo and outlining the work of the week. There was a long session at the blackboard, and then the players took the * leid. ?Every regular got mto the |ine*us with IBs exception of Taylor, ' guard, who hurt his hip again in the Brawn gaase. Of the lubsti* tute.? Rollins was the only ?ripple, hut ,? kle probably will admit of his ? L' on Saturday. The coaches .?.<? tryiag all manner .,!' shift? or, the ru?h line in order to get 'he strongest order of arrange meats. It now looks as ?f Giltaaa and Dsdmun would go to the right Inside of Harfe >n defence, and Barson and Taylor moved ove**, where thev will be flanked by Soucy. COWOB was In Tavlor's place this afternoon, but the lutter wiil be all right for the gams .and will work to-morrow or the next day. There was no scrimmaging this af ?? raoai . aid Harvard will do little or none this week. The signal drill, how \? BS put on against the second -.? .Iked through the Yale playa from th" Shevlin shift. Wats..:: ? quarterback, and the men with lim were Bales, King and Mahan. Tommy Campbell, the farmer Hur tard backfleld eoach, who has been at Bowdoin ?.I! fall, loineil the staff this afternoon ami will be vitH the team .'???k. Hamilton Corbett. the FM" i alfbaek, has cerne on from California. . ? ?I li?. and (unit bell will have a lot to ss putting on Harvard's Una! at tack for Yale. I'here was m? kicking to-dav at all, ami the defensive work was directed l.v Reggie Brown, who has geen all of gaaMS, and, a? DSaal, has laid ths ba is >.f the Harvard defenes for 'si a I fame. ?-o - Disputes Settled, Trinity Begins Work I r '(-.,, - ? i . T-. . - i Hartford, Cean., Nov. 16. With all disputes about eligibility definitely ad ted, with the exception of the ques? tion as to John W. Yiznor's playing right halfback in next Saturday's'big Saal game with Wesleyan in this city, the Trinity football squad, to the num? ber of tweaty-flvs, got out on the noggy field here this afternoon for signal practice, which was continued after dark in the college gymnasium. Kennedy, who came from I'rsinus, will not play quarterback Saturday, as a concession to Wesleyaa'i desire to observe tlie one-year rule, and Maxon will run the team. Briekley. who has been questioned bi -hTesleyan, which defies Gasta-ras T. Kirby, of ths I i A. A A. A., on that score, will play fallback f??r Trinity .hut how the "lie year rule applies to Vi/ner i.? .?till Bfldecided. The eld Hartford High School star, who la.?', winter chaaged from th,. Uaiversity of Ver? mont tu Trinity, had previously ma? triculated at Trinity, having because of his scholarship standing It is believed, however, that he will be withdrawn and that ?Edward Hyland, a freshman from I'tiea. ?be played his t,r.t college game agiiii'sf Brown on Oetobei -. will be right halfback. Williams-Burns Bout Postponed New Hi lean?. Noi I ."> The twenty round boat fai the bantamweight cham? pionship of the world betwsea Kul Williams, of Baltimore, the titlebolder, and Frankie Hum?, of ,ler?ey City, will i.e luid l.t, December ?'?. instead ot November tS, it wai BBBaaaced le night Th? weight? ?ill be IIS pound ringside, Ed Smith, of ? hicsge, ha* been agreed upon as refer.-r. AMHERST RETAINS RILEY "?ens Contract to Coach Football i'e Two Seasons More. B l'*l'*t?tl. 0. Tb? Tribu?.?- 1 Amherst. Mass.. Nov. 15. Tom Ri baa -:gne?l a contract to coach the A heist football teams for the next t seasons. Riley made the announcem? after the victory over Williams tl Saturday. The announcement was haii with great joy by the Amherst stud? body. The men have grown to like t Michigan man and consider him one the best coaches Amherst ever hi Early in the year Riley made it clc that this was his Mist year, because ??is prosing business, hut the set made Williams, the large ??nee lri\i'2, an?l the rameal app?-al the Amherst men were too much f Riley. and ha agreed to come back beat William? again. ? COLUMBIA ELEVEN LOSES ANOTHER MA I Littauer Hurts Knee in Serin mage Preparing for N. Y. U. Another unfortunate injury added Columbia's hospital football squad I yesterday's practice at South Kiel I.ittauer. giant star fullback, regard? as the Blue and White's mam?tav t"i the coining two game ? with N. Y I Bad Wesleyan. lai.l open his knee in tackle scrimmage an?l will be ?aid u for at least a week if not for the ba anee of the season. It was Littauer first appearance in the regular line-u ?ince the accident to his knee in th Stevens game on Flection May. and seemed particularly unfortunate thi he should reopen tho wound in his !lr! play after a three weeks' layoff. Metcajfe contined the work of th squad to a fundamental drill in tad ling and in handling the ball. No al tempt was made to hold anything ar proaching a regular scrimmage, br ?ause of the wet field, occasioneii h Sunday's rain. Two regulars, Mille and "F.cky" (alder, failed to get int uniform yesterday, but both will h in condition to ?turt against N. Yi 1 Have?! an?l Monaldson again appeare at right tackle and guard, respec'ive 1>, in place of W'.lber and Cleveland w-ho were forced back to the scut Rullwinkle, the promising candidat for centre who dislocated his ?hou'.de befen the opening game with Bt. Law rence, is out for his old position. A blackboard talk was held in th? football locker room after the fiel? practice and a number of new forma tions and trick play? were rehearsei in preparation for the N. Y. 1". game Night practices in the gymnasium wil be the ruie for the rest of the ne.k it addition to th<? Workouts on SoUtl Field. In order to accommodate the crow? exi-pected at the game next Satur day with the Violet, new teemporarj stands may be erected. The stand? used in the gymnasium for the basket? ball games ?luring the winter probably will be used. m Carolan Lost to the Dartmouth Team in, T.|?ir?i?h -?. Tt.? ryii i-? i Hanover, N. H., Nov. la. Refore go? ing out on the field to-day Frank Cava naugh gave the Dartmouth' 'varsity -quail an hour'? talk on the fault? and defects of the team's play against Hates last Saturday. This was fol lewed by a long drill against -Syracuse forma;loii?. used by the second team, which eemplsted the afternoon's work. That Dartmouth experienced her ex? pected reversal of form last week makes her backer? the more hopeful for a victory over Syracuse on Saturday, (?errish. Thielscher and Duhamel were back in the first team backtield to-day, with Worthington at quarter and Pud rith at right end. The latter has been getting back into condition and is like ly to start against Syracuse because of his weight. llagar an.l Kmery, the other two contestants of the end posi? tion, have both been ?topping all play I around their wing, in ?pite of their lack of weight, and either one may dis? place Pu.lnth. The ?rani'? chances for Saturday'? contest received a ?e.ere setback when Canlaa, the best buck m the game on Saturday, went to the hospital with an iafected leg. The infection, wir'.* not seriou?, may keep him out uni : Sat unlay, Hn?l his los? will b.* ?evenly felt? from this the ?quad i? in the best of condition. ARMY BEGINS DRIVE FOR THE NAVY BATTU Coffin Shifted to Quarte ?Team Has Light but Long Practice. i-, r.i<???r??i ?o ti.? TYit.iip? i Wtti Point, Niv. 15. The round a out of the Army eleven for its ba'.tl with the Navy in New York began her to day. The ?Irill was light but length; and resulted among other things m change in the line-up. Coffin, who has been playing at hall back and fullback for two years, wa shifted to quarterback to-day, where h drove the regular? in their signal prac tice. The sud'Ien ah if t behind the Arm 1 line came after it was decided tha neither Murrill, the plucky "plebe," o Gerhardt, both of whom have bee piloting the big team in its pnpantor games thi? season, were showing th ill' form in their rec?*nt comes?. Coffin ? ? retenn of twe Navy game? wi'h a iiioi ? ledere of footbal i? a Aiin* catcher of paata ?-.nd fail I good in runaiag them back. He is ,.\ pecteil to display qualitiea of general ship that will make him the final selec tioii for the important post. ???her changes may come this week for although the line is considered t be playing stronger than it has beei for some time, there are ?till one o two places that are uncertain. Knight': tine showing at guard is making tin veteran O'Hare work hard to keep ii the running. At end, too, there is likely to be ? change. The race there is narrowin, down to Neyland, Britton, Tally an? Prickett, all of whom are going fair!? well right now. The drive for the Na?.?, battle is now on. and with but twelv? ?lays remaining, only half of which cat be utilized for scrimmage, the ceachci will keep the men on the jump. Ingram Decides on Navy Backtield ! I?t Tel..?ra? h I ? T' s Tri' u- ? i Annapolis, Nov. l?. There are?trong indications that Lieutenant Ingram has in mind as hn : nal leloctiOBI for the Navy backtield the followim; arnaco? meat: Quarterback, ?raig; halfback?, Weetphal and Davis; fallback, Martia, These are the men who have won tin* p ace? by a deaaoastraUofl of tuperior ability during ?he lOSBOB, and they w. n- used during ths entire practice this afternoon. Crag and Marl brilliant runners with tho ball, while Westphsl and Ma*. :s are hard working, consistent backs. The backtield is light it than any which the academy has had for years, but is faster, The backfteld will also have the help of either Hlodgett or Von Heimburg, both of whom were tried at left and this afternoon. Whicnever wins the place will drop back fo du the punting and also will carry the ball in some formations. C. M. Jones continued at centre to-day, and is showing improve? ment m bil passing, which was erratic on Saturday. Brown and H. L. Ingrom. who saw West Point play on Sa'urday, drilled the scrubs in the Army forma? tion?, and thev will be used against ths K-gulars to-morrow. Full Day of Rest for the Brown Squad a BsaaasS ??? na tvu i??. i Providence, Nov. 1.'?. With the Har \ard and Yale games out of tha way. the Brown 'varsity will prepare for the closing cor ?es? ni' tlie season, with the i'ut'.?s'ie Indians on Thanksgiving Day. The practice du?ing the present week will not be of a BtnaaOBS nature, though a short scrimmage aid be hehl tii'Mrly every day, begunHag t?,-morrow The coacl:es bava plenty of rough ?pot? to smooth Over, BBd they intern! to put ths i-aiii in perfect condition, both physically and us to formations, signals, etc , bef.?re the final game. A- a whole ?he team emerge.l from the Harvard game in good condition Batner Bad Onasby are suffering from slightly hurt ankle?, but every other man except Bruce, who is ?till out with water on the knee, n in tip-top BBBdi tion. The coaches to-day excused the s?iuad from all practice, a driving rain making the Held ?oft and ?loppy. ? YALE ELEVEN PUTS NEW VIM INTO PRACTICE Snappy Signal Drill Fo|. lows a Long Black? board Talk. ALLEN IN WIEDEMAm PLACE AT RIGHT END Shevlin rit-ascd with Showing of MM No Net. Plays for Game with Harvard. New Haves, N i \ aj | sw.rle?! and e.l : ?lepths of ths Ta ? Be I I ? :? to . ... _?*,?; Toi. Shevlin thought il best to auks I.. football pre? . p.??ib,f - -acti.? " Ms ' . Id indoors m the Iresaiag ? ,. . ? ? aal "?* ,w' ' n ar.d t.g other membera of the Vale hoard ??* eoachea stood al a niar.board uii marked up forBsBtiOBI SI I playa ?men aere featare at the Priacstss gtmt. All of the mistake.? of the i.remen gn. backtield players ?..,,.,?.\tta4 out i, far ai passible. Net all of It wt. criticism, ? charj ??;' praise ? ben it Is merited. Than the men ai t oat < the Mi for thirty ? aati ippy tignU work. Park? r Allen ??? ? ts right, e. ?! .?.!?? \. ..,, lnH I I'rini?. ton game that he ?will be out for th? rematador of ths sesson Alien hi. not figured proi the Tsls Vanity this year, b n hi - all sorti of . Itiea as an ? He is shot', rather itockj and is hard all aver. He ha? a pail v ?road ?.out dera which hit so bard ahen he rasa?, n taekls that tbs impact ia likely to in- remembered bi the n in who isast* rying the ball. In ad . i? f?|. and has considerable sh lity g* a p!i? kick.-r. He i- a lopbomore and playe-1 ?.n in? freshman t< jrsar, The '' only one chsngl nuke-up of Satun :.: ?.ft tac kle. C. Sheldon. I? . Black; c*n. ' re, ?White; right . I Sheldon; light taekle, waj . rijfhl end, Alien ; quarterback, Van Noatrand; ?eft half? back. Wilson ; right hall ... - Hinfhgia; fullback, G?eras? All of the time '.i dsy was ?pint on the old plays, and eoosidersbli profreii v.iis niade in polishing up their ?*.?__? tion. The eoaches ?aid to night thaS the team would work a 'h these plays and not try to maater ar.v new on*l. It is their belief that the fermsti??? whieh the team now las are ?nitiint ti win from Harvard, if they are pro| . :ly exeeated .he Pi neeton rie? ? as little test of th. u ? v of th? \ ale offence, tor tl e !.. I I d gtnt't , Van Noatrand, wai n< l ? illed upon to rxereise all of the team's resource?. Yale had the lead dur ?,.? all but s few eiiaates of play ii tl third ti-jsrter. Th.-re was no evil ie from s few minor bruises, ?n the ?,;ipear?nc? of the men on the 1 I to-day that th?'y had | Igb s hard ganse with Prii ? i nlay. Sun? day's rest and the cold as*?** kspt ail of the niefi "ti "' ' '- throuf?* out the aigaal prsetici ?an added t?* eeative was Tom Bhevlia, who ?tood behind the team throughout the work our. lie never ? "'?. BO cept to give some advice, snd '?? toon t< ? ?limed rhan ever, lince the ?Mbbb ton gan e, to tu '?' ' '? will beat Harvard. There a-ei ' sboul the work? t t? ' ' ? i*l*" ference ?rot swsj J no bumping or jostling .?ni?ng tt? backs as ths plays w? '' '"? line worked With BVI '"* ?"? unity than on ? " -*ni' were ?told where to | ?:? on certain formation?, both on the attack and t"e (?i fence. ?f 1? SX] -,..p?tri? and Howard Jon-- ? *'*n Shevlin. can teach th? v *o ?too the end i?. ' US *n goiog St tl ,fc It -.vas annooi eed '._____. ?earn will leave Neu Havel f?r Auburn dale, where the : '" qu*r; ?, r..?i prior ? K-*1"' * 1:40 o'clock Tharsda-j ' Th,,r* , robably will be a ; i ' ?? tn# Howl before leaviag ' ? Lafayette Begins Last Week of Work [Bv T-.grai'h ?o IBS It Fasfon. Benn.. Nov. lt.?******** started this afternoon th.? pr-parstion for the all-important ?gSJBS with L*hl?h on next Satur.i..* I '*' ""* closed and the rracf- B? unl,i ?l.-irk. , There were in-' I I ?"?*" ' game with Pi " ? ' ?._ l.erch had a hone in - rr0*'. end ?Lowe had a leg '? r .; Fetch will not be ah t to i ? *P^1 th, but Lowe will. Crowe? i*P? three of his most vslusbl? vsri'ir men OBt of the SUtC game to ?-ol<1 ?n possibility of further injury in? P'?> " . r? did not seem exhausted by the C?"1 on Baturday, an 1 they went '-*T?w the practice this afternoon with s fr .1.rmination which will charscteru? their work all this week. The student band and the cn**r;r* sect,on began their preparnVn for tse game this afternoon. A Car Built Especially for the man who knows and appreci? ates quality. A double exhaust manifold makes a big differ? ence in power. Ihc famous Moore sys? tem is used in the THE THOROBRED SIX Write f.. day far A tMttt ttmvmtott ? ..?.,... Hie," a?, i-..."! BaSS-?a LEXINGTON MOTORS NEW YORK CORP. 1840 BROADWAY. New York Cil Brooklyn 1001 Brdlord AtSBM Pk.ladalp.ia : ISO North Broad Sir?? '