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A New Driver Picks Up the Reins Over the Amateur Athletic Union ???W?EKMORE AND FEDS WILL SPILL THE NEWS ?.lmore ?Says Place \ew Park in This City Will Then Be Told. for QUIET TO DULNLSS ON BASEBALL RIALTO John B* Postef Buried Behind Stack of Applications for Amy-Navy (lame. jam?? A Ollaiere, president of the F?d?r?l LSSfS*. ??''??rn?*'1 t0 thl? fify y??t?rday, alter attending the annual g??SS*ag -?' " I I ? ;" i,: ?"hicago. He r?ir.? 1) ??:?? r,r N ?* ?-?????? having at .(r..\t? thi ?els-l Si g.ime in the ? Saturday afternoon. H? aaa? u iarai ' Manhattan Islaad by the Federal laoagme was a fact, and insisted that within s wosk si toi ,!..y tha '?? sf ths free ? sad the ins for 1 inf the itauium woul.l bs male public. Th? eh:?: si the youngest organUa ?.i?B in baseball was incurie?, to be a Mrttleent, an 1 evi.ded tha qaeStloB of th? poi- ' '>* of an am | aaieat being ' H? IBI - ' sf peace ? i r,? tho bibs ting - Ftder ? made I BBd Bil BBSS d?te? war? iitions ?i |h ) ? 'it i? really little to be ?aid at thli t:re." declarad Mr. Gil? inf a bras I anothoi week or her**...; I ten d m?'it '? 19 I? i hete are OBB or two ?stalll ;o be arranged in the transfer of ti.- ' thsj? will I ten*!? ! I at?/ th la, I | ?? ? city will be rapr? ?trorg team, BI ???il! h located rig I Mai ? "an Inland. "It is reallv amusing," he Continued, "I ?., ?g?: -s -,'? ot< daj ?. int to M dl for tho club. Thor? ? one man in parties aleta tl ??? ?n the c:*y, aad b? '-i..' Il Ha irsata ils th? price 1 pal 1 for th? iiresent plot. 1 I v h" ad. 'I dor.'? * I ' tnat'i . ? BB M I ? r. owner ? ?? ? ? ? ? . i ?,,, r k ( . j - For ci ; favorita drink ? for they don't drink. Tom is a-. work* r, rell, he's ju?t plain Jerry ? 71 HI li-owor. ??? ???? tai i, ?nd for i an you hit Brewer. rom. "Say, Jerry, can I t "Right chirped Jerry. ? "Can I run?" ?hrieked Tom. "Say. ? "faster than ?'? bb ever was." "But demanded *'-,? y ? ?n you get IB?" "Ti:-: ? - my homo," ch Ton .* *. ? er ?ee mo aaa si "Ifevei I ?? ft -j miss one, kid. Tea '.ire or. ? -*ey, you are, Toss, some boy." Brewer r??*m . Bat ?? '- fren 'v? Federal Lei ' ? ? along th? Ml John B. Fo?ter, ??cr?"?!.. BBta 'o be atari ? ?-. t. L H ptrt owr'-r of ??? TsakooS, B*S MBl I '. but was a- '< ? o? n?w? i. Deetl Valley la of tatioi lot Ks1 ?-.?. was tb? pletara of rosehod for ? r?? - - , such animal as win '.*' ' ' genial ? ??rag?*? and drei ,' bog:?? ?.ha? hi tog. ? tr.?. ?tasosnea the location of ti*,?- r.ew home ink? ' .? ? - ixe? itlrs sf? ?U-- Bating the I ?lay?., i??:?.* ... ?**>r?? of office ???.?tant?, and? la* e of i h;.?i? that - ? ? i ? g anything" - ? ? ? ' BDI. HEATH TMt ?NE W f A L L C OC L A H. WrTri Tm? OVAL Ol/TTONMOLf **?**! f ?Do .*?,?,?., r/T or ?e ?it ri. to *J%*>%a*mr ty, lartoo TrtOf.M ? fS^s / / '?? ...?'?- - ;? Kl-? i??|. ?? - ^ ?? '.la. a Il"?? Y JP. ti la'hJ-al. ?g?,?'? *-?-*** 00 CORNER WINS FIVE , SET SQUASH MATCH Culs Down Eirly Lead of Davis anj Readies Finals in Tourney. Arthur J. Cordlsr, of the H< | Casino, of Brooklyn, defeated i M . of the Harvard Club, ? la a match of the semi? final round of the scratch invitation - . tournament of the i araity Club, on Its courts ?? day. After losing the f.rst two game r braced, and displaying the fast game ho is capable of. won the next ITS -". I, 21 10, 2i 12. 21 14. rlctors gn- ? . f ths in the final match, which will be plsysd at .i. to morrow a/terns begaa the contests with a lire attack, and mim* . i mid work? 10. Davis then rallied a'.d eaptured the game. The lead at i whll? In the sec? ond set to, with both men playing ther bast. ?? .; ? Davla jumped to a lead on his service, which I could not oven third game found Cordier driv? ing home ? "de id" ahots s was un?.ble to int?-r. ? ? ? - tody drives, lea 1 v ? ?? tired when the gams was begun, an lyn rival, growing I the match j ? . ? -'? out hil in qulcfl o .??i hard In .?' half of the fifth game, I oi ? S I.' ?] ths back walls with Pullet-like drives, SOOn inn out the game. Let Thanks Be Given. The baseball writers und umpires : protection ngsinst an invasion of the diamond by the JaBB* .7 to score namea ? v ?. bi for NV.o Yawk will be ahikawa an.i ? : for i iiicago, Seynk.i wawB raiao." Again ws say. picture It, TijuRna Track to Open S">on. San Diego. Cal., Nov. IS nient that rnc: g ? 11] b? at Tijuana, ', ? ??? S" Christmas 1 by W. E. Toi re, two directors of the comv holdl a Hits there. Filected President at An mini Meeting Over George F. Pawling. Geori.o J. Turner, of Bnitimore ????H.urer of the South Atlantic A?so elation, we? elected president of th? Amateur Athletic Cnlon at tho annus i Waldorf Asteris veg iv. Re ineeeeded Alfred J Liu Jr., ox Boston, who retired a'"ter ?erv ? ?o yfnrs in the chair. poasd to Mr. Turner wai 'leor?-* y I'ftwimc, of Philadelphia, but th? >)eal "f th? Middle At lantlc Associatlefl was a?rr?'.r: do'.med t? ment, ?.* '1.? vote oi ths dels - ?tood M to II in fa-or of Mr Turner. r v,as proposed by wniisir and aeeoodsd by Justice Bsrto S. Weeks. J. R. Tarrington nominate? Mr. Bawling, while Harry Fitipatrlct dl?l tho ?ecotiding. Beward A. Simons, of Los AnR-nlos who seemed to be the filiales of th? delegates al 'he prelimiaary n . ii'il to enter the raes .... II ? .'?. it I for : i a pi esideaey in li'l 7. Tl ? handl rig of the na* B .n Francisco in August was ?legervini? of r< tion, however, was proves when ho w-ag elected first vice-president. rs were four other nominations f.,r thll politl?n, J. T. Taylor, of the Middlo Atlantic Association, was elect id aeoond rlse-prssidsnt Dr Cha i J' immer, of the Inter Mountain Asko v, was chosen thinl vue pregidsnt and I',. K. Herman, from the I ? ??on, fourth viee-presldsnt Isrlck W, Rabiea, president of WflS unanimously rs-eleeted secretary a? i " E. E, Bal.S, .' Bartow s Weeks and Mr. Rabien were named trustees. de Bgatei wobI Into a l?foro noon, and except for a timi In the early which was s?jt aside for until ? 1rs of ? After considerable discussion, was conl s th? ? i hampionsi ? All records made a Personal Touches Here and There in Boxing _?__ By IGOE _ "I had a low down talk ay. "I jv. ? y lap and told him a ? ? . them you_ -.. don't think you i avi a v t? aay in -i " 'And why ';ke to B?*es ; ?ire throng' a flfhl *.. .l?'*!i for i end a *h A'-v no matter what happens. A? a ma BB brot Tom, can whip you.' "Ai.d why, prayT* aaki Mike. "'Wall, bocBBBa hs ti young ar.d : ii ahead n game if he hada'1 been bald lmr-k ? 's n*. mnn:i? him. Y ob wan ?hen you were u great boxer, Mike. BOW, you've accumulated $100, and y ? ' ? I one? whi i nd who ' ice no chance to give yo tin lug I' ,? y? u and Tom into a re Bnd I'd bet on Tom to whip you. 1 know that Aheurn II ready to meet ; " 'lie i? ready ? ! : ? New Year'? Day. Ha it'l why ' Ar at. He i eoni to your o ? | ' ? all tha? ?"it i if thing If : - to you, why come 01 j yo*oi biding at the hat: "'I don't want to flg* I In New T? I jet,1 said Mlk?. I It over with. Bay i ? ?? ?'. Hike, ck.'J ?old. . ?In KengrVeah,' repli ' I -??*"?? i ? ? .' ? . " 'We . ?? ' '?king.' .' I'll . Mike, I'll let you fight Ah earn for tl ?' yes ? th? ?v-roui ? i. Jake ? I'aul f??r Mike.' he ?aid. P I evnect M w. to-rnoMOw BB] . ?? itch gi ti tl it phaat? ? sure. Now pa?ta thi in your kelly." .. i - ? ..*.-?? grou , ? ? Daniel) -.-?Ion? e I thin ? ??i Souara Garde red 1 rong whi .n Em tt Wsll ... d tito .. a? fa ? . ,?t tino, bul t???' open an /hir.n was ?.*. ?.r ?..i.if and Wslll wa ; obb? d of a Jaat ?? si ?h ca-i got ? gaarsBtes nnv place now 'I he public hat a"' of hi? ??ur l metl sie, sad thi saly wav h Ii te b'.? ; .. ?. Kr t'oti ? BBS Managers o ?,? BOOd nBl P". Wel?h ? ? ? 1- m 'M ?? I kat'a my litt!? ?logue and it ko*., if I'ollok oi "V?ju ka< - ?. I sees goi : m m-/ little old Paliaionl i n ., ',,i,??..'i yssterday. ?T.? board thouaandi ot Junnt cracki tha g?ile?y in that littfs piaee, it In tny rn'Mi'iiy. Mo f- ?.rlaar.'J Bad '''?" RoBBd llogan wer? , g , ? . B . ? .i' , ???: It wa? * l... -1?. . ? of ? p bou) ? and ? ? ? iky high Th?. ?? ?loMars te . : a II ral .. ?s h? al way I ' ?? ?, < ill '?y ea?lly. Hog?.* . ??>? and to ?i?.! like s ? ? *, d k? pt vu y QUiet, . \ did, thst ??r?, g'iir g ??o* \ t, sa It wore, 1 W?ll, when lb?/ warn ?till going at the '.ap-tap pare In the third round I ? ? ?? ? oicano wo :n the kness ? I erj seats i . \ ?-.ce. ....i nance to miss. ? an iron moulder !. 'If youse guys r me to round r vou'd \Yul: .. Did youse. ? i . I'd EN DEA Vi IR.' " "Hello. Is this Dan MeKetrick's of fire? v. is Joe Jeannette talk? ing over i:i Hoboken, 1 j.'?*. rs . up, Han, to have you tell il il when he comes I ? la that Bill Bloani tab IS it on the lam for ? ,-, "'You don't mean it, Joe. Why, be was remsi ? d to fight Whltej A ? I >.e trm ' "Well, it am, Pan. He in t packed his laggsgs and rowed s Boat out of here; [fiai I nil." "Whal ssemed to '?<? the troubleT" "il" asid ? I i him." "Vou in?.an ths sltitude, Joe." "No; 1 mean wl at I said attitude. I!.- lion't say ah? ther i; ?? tilde of the pul thai Whites/ ? g* Any how, altitud? lam. il'?'? . .??il e. Tell Pollok. Ai". . had for 'at boy ?" John tl i Barber Just natarallj knockesi the State Athlotie Coma li "tf the threi chain yosterdsy a* th. recular weekly meeting when he i Into the sanctum and dashed a .... ? ?" aereamed H i "W bat IS 't ?" j "I'll wiSS JTOO fellows up a I limit. ?. my go "i ? ommiasioners, la a ? I ody doubted my sbil* make good mv g trantsei that I have offered 'hose I?g ,t th? opening of my new Harlem S| ? night You k' ?? ? ? ? ... the old barb? r mal sa good in cas?, liiere are any doubt ng borg, here's n ? h :' n '?." came n com? missioned chorus. "Well, placs it lr. the hands of one a neighbor's children, then, said "'.',??'11 have it turned ever te B ., ng moga ?. "I si ? guai antes sad 1st . ? and display the cerl Ifl? ?I c\?, ? ," said the famed lather dia? ler. . 's us," rhimeil the equally famed laion, "Now |Vs another think to unr.ivel," ?aid th? wlelder of Wade 4 Butchers. "! <;.- ? mine who shall be con gldsred the star card bfatt Wella Young Browi Phey claim they are the stars. B ? - ? ?-? ? .v.: I joe Asevsdo Thej say I bei i ? about It Then .-? and Job ? Ham v. v. si 'I ? v . ? ,.?? dressing i mii'i." "Whisk pair h il i -."'i if'iar into? nio.'ioy ?" naked <'halnnan Wenrk. ? rOSI and Hari'ey," ?aid J. the B. I and t'A o. ? 'rOBa and Harvey ia Ihs ?tar eard," ?aid Weaek. "i?h, learned comni issloner?, many, manv thl It had mo worried. day, ? I ! sirs." "Good day, John," ?aid the commts ..iliciully. Kddla Harvey bal Imported a II Atlanta. II.? name li rraakii '?'? h tney an?! he |? known n? th? Pig! ' ' ? '"liter. II.i i? a aative of ? ?.lar R?pida, but has done most of h.s AfktiBg in At II?. ha? a record a? Ion? sa Je?. Wlllsrd. good right arm. Among his appOnentS appears the name of every relght from Preddla Welsh down \\ I itney will be given n "f'ir boat soot at on? of th? local club?. "What's nil the crow, doing down i? front of the I itSgSreld Build Ingt** bomb obb BBksd J.^k Carloy yes terday. ? II . heard* replied <"ur ley "Why Tom -iones is aas to-day. ,,. 4 that'a ? " ? '-'? ' ''? ',l" SSWB.S? and horta waiting for Jone, to urn.? ene and ton? rt barrel of nickels SUt of our eleventh story win dow." George J. Turner at The Helm of A. A. U. ing th? pa?t ?eason ??/ill be accepted. The avei ta in which ? ? -.??* ?rill aorapo! - ? ? m ara left to the shaBapieaship commit???. A nun,lier o' aSMfl lm?nt? to the con ioa v. ere ratified, the tno't im? portant being tho admittance of stu? dent? at We?t Point and Annapolis sa atear eonpetltioa without the ?ecos ?nry r?g!??trntion, pravid ng ?heir ama Isui ling :???.teet?d la a ?igned car? n?ate by the dirsetei at their ? aaadoalas, A provi?ion that $5 be charged slabs i? of say assoeiatioa to con ? entry ft? is charged tea? turned eeWB by th? ? ? ??71'ior. w?? trvken in retard to a definite ?ettlement of the Ah?;'. R, Kivist snd Harry J. Smith sasss, ?s John T. fer i ithletes, noti? fied th? board of manager? thai I Bnpreaarad to present new ?uch a short time. A committee com ? ! ai K E j! ifctl . ', .,_-.. j raraet gad Ob tavui T. Klrby wai ihossa to beer the appeal, after notifying Mr. lJoollng ten day? in advanc?, as pre iwi Bisoets? tion. The committee will go over 'he min f tho two . by 1 , hear 'l.'* new evlooaea in beha f of 1 . ? ard. ? . pert sf ?he rseord eon n a th* c??e of John J. Bllsr, of th.* Irish? ? hi? record of If, 1-5 seconds over the 120 yard low hurdle?, r. Ii Brooklyn thli year. ' harlei II, B nt the ranla. and Fre?l ? -., Rrnoklyn. WSM again Bon? iteur I ? reeoi mandation of thi ? t itg meeting on Su i in fsvot of 1 ? my, the applica ? ? Hanaei tine si ?. t the Wai - " 1 .?a? tad by 1" '?> '.?.'ii li'inl.ok, of - ral committee. .Six ? report of ! i Vf Rabien, ..-er of the union, showed a profit ? 1914. ? tha tidy ?urn ' ? id In t of th? dation. * ; i wai collected for I aanetioai dur the year. I'.oxi . .. profti ? I at Ho?'or?, leturned $.V C? I SO. The athletic committee ?' th Pi I ipo tion, ? d tha and field gamei ami the - rning addit on to it, ra 12. indom ? ? ? : ;? ? a .',? Van ? rtlandt ear at a los? of f2M 05, I he Jamei V. Sullivan memorial th SB S600 wai added er of dels . Mr. 1 Id i 'i v would In !T< -.i ? ? ation. ? per sor.-il chccV for j ' ' ' ' : I more II already had to ita credit. ' i bald by the '??' ? 11 tan Asss t p?td i oreei in me * in old Calvary Omo ? ?? ? wsi rTel'-ed from *v . ' \ i thst th? .. ? bi ? ? i Hotel ... voted that Mr. Turner, tha bow president, name a committee of five men to at tend thia ?1 ?' Th" i s| tot lllaneei with the i? requeal ,- \ gltng Club I th America Caat I ref. rre i to ? i Mi i i? r I Mr ? ' ?? ,i een ittes te . ' al Uni >n ? '.t with th" logstSB passed a rule thn? ?rill ? rs of Bi i boxsn The Bstional I eham? to New? S ill be he'?| ? ;. ear. bar of ath .ii? ?ill around eh ? tbs dls ? rnmmit t, ??. ni i eallaa ?i IBS end the r thl champion thai I tournaiaont I? w-?? .,. ? i. ? not to sanction a fifteen-mil?? ?ng race. Entries for To-day at Bowie Track i ??? ?? t m ,nii a Wt ',n* ? I ... . 1 - ,...?.. ..... ?Veilla B .101 ?ii Wave.hi . : '. ha ? m I, ? * . ?? ? ? i * ?? M . | \ . lit .7.1M i . ? - .- . Ashm'ia.l IM . I?? ?l ?* B I IM lu mu ha' ? ? i o v.I'H Ai'. lia? ???i? I a . I. liav .Ill BTl 11? . .It? ill** ?-- ItTlin?, 110 ? .-a? 1 ? -?.? ' *!' '.? . IS Water l?atf . Marat . ?I ?i? ni Ha* i , tai mem . a , r.u? Bryaot? -? Ml i ? ? ' .i a ? ? ? I- . . V .. .< i - ? - ? '??? ?. ? > . ?Ill U. H?k?r ... lll! ?li'r Ing If* ;.'..-. i'?i? _ . i* .i'1 ? ??? h? r.w Sni|??0lBS . est Tum lUntfljrk.IT HOPPE WIELDS WIZARD'S C?I | IN BEATING J, Starts Off in Big Handi Billiard Tourney wit an Easy Victory. By PRF.D HAWTHORNE. V. lUlaa* F. Hoppe, balkline chan billiard p.aver of the world, dof? ramada, of Japan, la?t nigl th? opening round robin match o first national handicap billiard to? ment at IS.', balkline by a score o ? te 41 in six Innings. Japanese had a handicap of 125 pc making his to'al ?core 168 point?. Ths match w?i played In the co hail of th- Now York Theatre B lag before a crowd 'hit tased th? parity of the hou?e, and after it ?11 over and little Yamada wag ? putting away hi? cue one of the i ta'ors voice I '!,?? ?.revelling opinio ': ' I ? -. h? said: "The any other fellow will ev.r ha ... at ba'.i I one of Hoj feet to the . that he ? I &B1 s s string for an ? ?gave ?? brill an eshibltlon in every departmen ? , Besa seen in thii for se-, era! years Per tho ?moat i r'""* ' ? ,: ths ivorle and out of balk ?with s deftnesi touch that left little 'o be desired At o:her times, as though to - the monotony of the performance, on sent the ball? cannona. around th? 'ai,.,., only to briniz t together again In any position he >lired ?Three and four cushion *h ditlicult ?ir.'iw shots and mas??'?? Bpsrkled with brilliancy, ripi ilj '? Hoppe'a cue, e la ths first two inning?, wher r run? of IS? and 27. poi iril 'e\ of 410 pom were the ? r.tsed Hoppe'a ?verb in his first two tumi the table that there was a Ken? feeling of ?iiaapp? nt 'hat he not complete his string in two lnnii He might j'vt as well have done it, both the ?hot? on which he ml? ? comparatively simple cush .ilhWS I fail.Bg on !. ? "?.Tilth ?hot, ?he ?acond Inning, Hoppe seemed I touch foi .. Space, j?etting o , ' the thir.i and s blai b the fourth, ".'hen 'vri.nda left the bl widely .scattered The ti'th yielded champ.or. 1 i points, and then he th an uncompleted string of ? (ieorge Sutton, Georgs Slo?*on, V? ker ? oehraa and Joseph Mayer, \> make u-> the fold ? ' ils players cc peting in the tournament, arose huh tatet '. ? *. atgl I s bee Hoi ran away from Tamadis, nn?l each i a ? as imed visibly impressed what they saw. ,i ;', ., P rgenburg, former i . : al amateur cha p on a' 18.1 balk rtne, I [ht and gave a bt lional handicap to namenta n - ? sat r* Two such ; IBM sad "n? ... said, at differeat forms of hi line, and it bad become a? resort to the handlcapi again, prin of Hoppe'? Baaeatal skill st the p?me. The ru.e agaiaat smokinp proved magne*, for roi . ? iny bei ? ? red througl nee. _ n-.a'la WOB the I BBk ; 1er getting s r of f> he failed "tl ?i draw ?hot, Teavi him IM pe i Is ahead at Hoppe. T i_"er h- .an a' once to pull down I opponents lend, taking the bsl around th? table a? he slieki I at tl ?peed. Wh? t'renrgH Moore, tba r-'eree, annouiiC' thai i! pp. bad ?scored 111 points, pu ' rg him in the lead, there was an ou ours', of applnuse, luit after scorit ?ir.e mor? Willie ended hi? run. I by the char 1 played with an u a ittlag 11 poin ? n ths leeoad sad M pointa Is '1 f orth Inali _. kla ?besl afforts The toumsmsnt will continue th afteraooB, Mayer ' S'-,r> poir's. meetii yon" III ? " Btl ', and t 1 ?0 nn?l Slessi ? 1711 Brill plsy LEVINSKY BEATS COWLER HANDIL1 Corbett's Protege. Howcvei ShOWl Marked Improvement. Battlin. Levinskr, the local ligh l ? si ;. w- (ht, ou ted rom l .wie thn p Jamal J. Corbett, in ,' ?? I >lj mpic Athletl i ih night Per tba first flv round? 1 ? i ? on the defensiv? as i 1 inded many ?til punel jaw Bad body. Aft? that Levlnaky decided to box hi? mar LUent "me snappy left hand jaba t'1 the face with an occ? ? . the jaw. Cowlet sad boatei to t by Lev!i iky, who was th i ipeetater noli. ; a rovement in Cow ..-, ba i? log sspaeislly fas ? i o ler'i beat round was the third when he craahed boms n hard right t? ths las .- ?eat ?Levlaaky ?t?>?Kering However, be failed to follow up hii latasfe. Th? tide turn?'.! in th? . when Levinahy begaa to jab hh ? * it ?? Marty Cross had ar. easy time out pointing Frankie WagBOt in the ?em! bout of tea round?. In the firs' end - Is 1 Irosa hsd hi? riva rocking SI I ? ring from harr Wamer raaaafad to eliach aad save himself. 50LZBERG HAS A SHADE OVER ERTLE Brooklyn Bantaa-weigM Wins ?n Fast Bout at Clermont Rink. Solzb?r?4, the Brooklyn ban? tamweight baser, w.,n by a shad? over f 81 Paal, in ten fust ? vie Clermont Bink, BrooklVB, Bro? klj ". boy gained a n: ? Krtle nu* West early this . the matel waa mad? at the ition of Krtle to even account?. i ? ? boat *a* fa?t throughout Solz !. ? g landed the m??re blows, '.at those of his ,?.; OBOBl carrse,', the more power. In th* last round Krtle tri?d for u knockout, but Solzberg weathered the atona. The first round was even, hut Krtle took the second. In the third Ertle forced the tight und rushed Sol.berg to the ropos with lefts to the jaw and In thi? r.->u~.l many of Ertle'a were stopped by Beleboig with ? r^r oatbosed I. ? ? ral in the f< irtb nnd fifth rounds ????? 'mo round? wen* to the ?i. boy, who, ?' the la*? tn'-.'.te mi the ?Mveatb round, was stangered . bard right to the law. Solrlerg bud a alight advantage In the ninth, and the tenth foun.l the St Paul boy trying bard to make up the ?light lea held r>y th? Brooklyn be-ver. V^Jporili?h? ?y Cnntkn?Wce Add Priceless Possession?. John D. <n hit bank has at leatt a billion. Enough to carry him tafely through; Morgan hat picturtt tAat cost a million, i Though I wouldn't pay it?and neither would you) t Rut even in teaeons of non-aggression. When other t^atn? lent? her nithout a gloat Old Yal? has an eosn rarer possession? I rofar, G. Reader, to Prineeton't Goat. Bryan it bleteed with a voice elattio, Tho Germans have nearly half of Franca; The Vomon Castlst, with Too Fantastic, Have all tha tttpt of the latest danetf What is tha wide world't rarest treasuref l suppose toma women would toy "The Vote"'? flut Yale say? "S'lx?trWe'i o wider pleasure"? .ln?i Yale is thinking of Princeton's Goat. W? will iay that day In and day out Prlnoeton'i football team i? b?tt?r th?n Yale'?. But on Saturday Prlnc?ton mad* ?ight fumbles. Each fumble In football ii luppond to represent sixty yards. Princeton spotted Yale therefore 130 yard?, or four marohei from one goal to another. It couldn't be done. Thie Ii tho leeonid time that Princeton has been Sh?vllnised. Th? proee*? Is ?aid to b? one of the moil painful known to iclenee, Involving, a? Il d?>ee, a complete separation of hide from fleih. The first class In Advanced Psychology will kindly stop forward and be seated. Wo have before ui to-day an Intricate problem that 1i in urgent need of expert dissecting. This problem ha? puitled the scientist? of nine hemi? spheres and ?even continents?and there I? ?till no part or rare?! of a corr?ct reply. Havirg put it thu? broadly, you know by now ?xactly what we m?an. Ex? actly. Well, then, why In the Hellespont can't Princeton beat Yale at football 7 Problem for Scientists. In the last few season? Prlnc?ton has frequently been beating ?tvonger elevens than Yale has been losing to all through October. Take this present campaign. Princeton beat Syracuse, one of the ?trong??t eleven? in the coun? try. Syracuse beat Colgate. 88 to 0, and Colgate smothered Yale, 15 to?0. Rut when Princeton met Yale, Princeton couldn't play enough football to beat, ai Georg? Ade once put it, an orphan asylum with cramp colic. On Satur? day Yale had no chance to beat Princeton. The only ?how for a Yale victory wa? for Princeton to beat h?r??lf, which Princeton promptly did wtth amaxlng abandon. It was not only a Yale revival, but a Princeton cav?-in. Rutgers, for example, that lo?t to Nassau ?ally In the ?eaion, would almost surely have beaten either Yale or Princeton Saturday by two touchdowns. And ?o would Syracuse, a team that also fell by the Tiger highway ?om? weeks hefora. Proof of This. We in?y b? wrong In thl? ?urml??, but we believe the dop? will ultimately prove that we are right. Princeton and Harvard looked to be two evenly matched elevens?as well matched ai any two teams could be. Prineeton loot to Yale. Yet wo will be more than considerably surprised If Harvard doeint beat Yale by fifteen point?. This In spite of Yale's fine line, and her returned conflilence after emerging from Dismal Swamp. No Answer Yet. Rut all this Is no answer to Princeton's annual cave-In before Yale. Thsre was a dry when Princeton played hor b?st football against the Blu?. But of late year* Yale, with any old football make-up, ha? be?n able to beat 1'rlnaeton back or hold her to a draw. Princeton oarller In the ?eason beat at least two fine teami when ?h? up ??t Rutg?r? and Syracuse, and ?he gare another exceptional football ditplay when she crushed Dartmouth, 81 to 7. No w?ak machin? i? turning out any ?uch rtati'.t?. Princeton agatntt Har? vard played football of high grade. And then?bloole, low and Good-night. Psychology Stuff. It may be that thl? psychology stuff it? sport has been overplayed. And yet It la only In the realm? of pijchology that any fit reply can be unearthed. For the last six laaion? Princeton has coma to the Yale game with ail the psychology against her. She has had to face an eleven whera th?r? Wa? little to gain and a lot to lot?; wh?re victory brought but minor credit and WBera defeat bordered upon football disgrace. And upon each of these occasions ?he met a desperate Yale ?lev?n, ?or?, sullen and at last aroused. And against these unexpected Yale recoveries, Princeton, encountering far stronger opposition than ?he looked for. has Uiu ally cracked. Mental Attitude. Princeton, to beat Yale, must shift her mental attitude for this occasion. In place of going to battle wondering what Yale surprise may again be In order, Princeton mu?t figure In advanc? upon an uphill, agaln?t-odd? tight and wage war as deiperately a? Yale does. Constant early ?eaaon defeat haa put Yale'i mental attitude for her Prince? ton game exactly right. And by next season we believe that Rush will have Princeton's revised for Yale, Rush being a keen itudent of football affairs. Football Luck. Football, under the present system, is far more interesting aa a sp?ct?c!? than it seat wa? before. But in the way of set values form I? too inconsistent to over ghee any sur? line upon ability. Syracue? lo?t to Princ?ton in Ootob?r. And yet Byracti?? on Saturday would probably have heat?n Pr1ne?ton IB to IS to 0, aa Princeton pl?yed again?t Yale. The Wherefore. fOSt has explained these sudden ?hlfti and upseti better than any one we know. "Under thli new game." he laid, "where there il io much handling of the ball, no one can tell what will happen. Under the old gam?, If my first team could beat the scrub by four touchdowns on Tuesday. It could a!?o beat the ?crub by thre? or four touchdowns on Thursday. But under tha new game I have sent the .am? first ?l.v.n agaln.t th? .?me icrob eleven two or three diyi In ?ucc.ilon. On Tu.iday th? flnt team would win by ?la or .?von touchdown?. On Wednesday, without a change In line-up. the flnt team would be un.bla to ?core. Wher. everything broke exaetly right SO Tuesday, everything would break exactly wrong on Wednesday-and the difference wouldn't be thre? point, or ?even point?, but prob.bly thirty point? or forty point.." Thl? mean? an end to the old day? of eon?1sUney. Tek? even that Har? vard ?levan of lait year, which beat Princeton 20 to 0 and Yale 3fl 1o 0. Thla elevan ha? been labelled the b??t football machine under the new game. Yat II hardly beat W. * J. II to 10 and only tied Penn. State, 18 to 18. In thU new gam? th?r? ar? day? wh?n thlnga oome your way and there are daya when they don't. And there la Juit one way to get sn aniw?r -which it by taking th? ????on'? average. It I? in thi? way that N?w Football, ?o phra?ed, ha.? ?mashed the old regime. Cla??, via tradition, ha? b?en c!?an?d out. The epoch of hailing a Vale. Harvard or Prineeton team ai champion merely besaOSS it win? from tho otner two ti now medtaval. Thi? I? shown by th? fact that th? only two eUven? now mentioned aa rival EaaUm champions ara Cornell and Pittsburgh. No other team la ?von drawing faint ?ion aide ration. CELTO CARRIES TYREE COLORS TO THE FRONT Wins Mile Handicap at Bowie After Oood Race -Joe Blair Run Up. IB? Talagriph la Th? TWunal Bowie, M There wag a touch ai winter in th* sir at Brinco George Bark this after-soon, but 'he at. tendance for the MSSad i_] of the race meeting was large, and though the track waa muddy from a rain that fell almoat all day Sunday, the rlelda ware ?srge end the contests exciting. The l-g.r race of tho day wag s mile hsndissp for all agea, and it reiulted In s well earned victory for Dr. J. 3. Ty? ree's good ft_y Celto, which, after never Belag far from the pace, readily withstood uin final atretch challenge of Kichard T. Wilson. Naushon and Pater Sheridan'? Yengtls. Joe B'air, racing for the first time under the Bilhs sf Phil HaagTava, was winner of a BVS and a half furlong dash and after th?j finish he was l.unte,I from an entend pries of |40_ to IS04 by W, C. Capp? and George P Sher? man, hut was protested ami bought in for MM II. T. Griffin Is contemplating a re? turn to racing, ami it U probable that next season ne w.ll campaign s con? siderable string. Drifts hag bean s fig? ure on the American turf si jockey, trsintr and owner. The ?ummariiH follow: Fri? hilf fu r? ? ?ror t-g'.?n t?, jev o'.?i B?. arg a .? ;:.r.s'., ~ ? ii ?-g.f.. mai t?r t?? laogl ? Wl ir?, 111 ? .? m nd by a Itragtli; ..?;.-/. it 111 iM?'?-afi ihr? Tiro*. I Ils? ?i.;.??i ?2d n i.i n.. . at i*. Kitahac, lu Ina M:ar. Llfa, S Ig ,'?? 'ai ,?i. ?ni Smoni .Wf a!*) rsn T'?.? dal ?r m.oi.ii paldl H.-.:v... aralaht fisse p a.-? litt t:.i-,i I? s61 i place III?, th ri 14 M: .'?.-? Jr. third III?" S.o.? J re?a tat two r?ar ?-?.di, i'i r?.lr'_1.g?)-? 1? a ? e fTee lit ?n-yn?l. ?.?n br ihr?? '?ngtl-l a .! ai.1 e VI 'I I !? ?:.,. I- ! ? ? ? la.rtU| r?...s, .., ,iia?, , ? ? -i :.s co\e. :?.. ?lau-, ? K,|.l a H?n > n.J Kasidi l'a? nn T??"> ' . 'a; 'i .' i- a i al \ tt'.tnX t'otlee . .? gl I III It) t?a ? |l SI isird 14 4 Panhi Hi place i1- ?1? r,l |l 'C. Kai,._r. third t?.?W Third nea ?Mi Ina far IttMt-fBBI ?IS? ?ni up ???a-l fl.i and a Ball 'ir .1.? .' ? Ha.- ill lii'iii, ?in b? m matt- ?, I ? ai ill ?m ??'?, iaraM I ... \| ... I',,? 111 ' 1 - ? ? 1 ?u It.? , hah Mirti?, li . 11 bat Ring I?..' 1 f I? Harr? . nranir ??In?, ?or. J"T p.-nnvs? * Colon ?v.d M eiU*?l ? rea T? ? - . ?.atr, ?traiga? I? ri . ? - I? 1'. M I- . ? ? 1 fap, pla?a |U.I ? -i ?.' . ', i ? - Ifl l'....rth ra.-? .? l ?r? ror all ???? ?? mslil-* .>??.. |s? T-.-i -i .?* 1 -in Sa'ial .'n. US 1. ? -. ,e ? 1 1, half 1 laogl ? 1 .?ta. ?1 n |>: ?i -till t me I 4-?. H llurwect an?! ll'tr Harba'7 a m ran T? I . ?r roijSU?l? paid . ito itr.'i1 ' I? 1 . c'a-? I. ? l II ', Siuihoti. i>.gr? I? 70. third I? II. Sinrtla. third he ?h-aa fr.r la an 1 ?p* mlla an.l ?want? ?aotil -B??. 10S ?Mil ]??' won by a l?ntth, l.'s .'row :''? :_??*?', wen. I?, fir. Irngthi. Caia.g. IDS I'lui-oni, th-rS. Ttm?. 1 ?'?a, M .'I ? Rii ?rdi t.ti? T? ISM !? '?? ra-a <?? ?.-I Manga S .?? ?At,? Surgro.. ind li mar? al? nn Tw.?.,? a- m'l'uall pt'd T*i Wl |ht lit l' I a ? I? ?. ti.lrd 1?1 I?; V.I Urin. ?I, J 1, ", ? ... t I? ?0 ' T*..? T r-.m'. ...'1 I- "li? fl?1d D -. ?. part iro_ 11 al and l'i ?'? 111?, ma. . II If. l.i ? 1.aba and S I'l? rxoe 1 ??.in?, tar IS??? rvar-ftlS? and up ? r.1 r. ?all? tad a a'.t??.i '. v?:... |. iR. M H"!iioti. ?.on l.v t?*o ,.ngrh, Revil ?f ?>? r. Mi ?h. rg.m..uth. m. aliO ran tw ? 1'liu -l' t-ild Vga. ?t-?!ght II? jo i.:??*? imif? thrd S5 HI. Borg] M-t.,-, . a, . MIO third lit Mai?: ,??-??.. UM ni R.-..I. .?-. ;..1 h?; g .??th; Mlhii Dal* aabar Kj I'irr lagton), tt.'r. ?Tim? 1 '1 'la. ..?t. s- nu I Salas Dgssasriug March. Pi HtIH I?'?'. I" * l?r"?n B?ni ?1 I ?an Ihlrd AUTOMOBILES SELL LIKE HOT CAKES Dealers Contract for $22,000.? 000 Worth of Cars. [Br T? ?gr?Jh la Th? Tr-Sun. ) Detroit, Nov. 15.?Over ?'x hundred automobile dealers from all aeetlons of the country, attending th? big ?"hal mer? ?ale? convention her? to-day, approved the lateat ais cylinder ma? chine by ordering 122,000.0(10 worth of cars in the spsce sf forty mi' ut ?. The d?niera took part in a Ig m tor ear para?le this afternoon, made up en? tirely of 1618 model?, haa.ied l,y cilv officials and escorted by a plat) Ba "t mounted pollee. There were .'100 care in line. This evening all Chalmers dea'er? were guest? of *he company n' a dl SSI 1 In th? Hotel Pontchartra n The con? vention will close on Wsdnesdsv night with a ?lir.ner a* Detroit Athlet I <".ub. jyri Pi While J. Pluvius finds our *''Scotch Mists" showerproof. J." Frost finds diem coldproof. Warm woolen overcoats of handsome ?Scotch cheviots?spe? cially woven for rainproofing and exclusive with us. Three Winter Weights just added yesterday ; some w ith Tar? tan plaid on the reverse of the cloth; some with an ingenious neck tab device which is always in hiding except when you button your collar. More Derbies appearing every day now. More "Stetson .Specials"? pride of the Stetson shops and exclusive with us in New York. Cordovan ?hoes (black and mahogany) are all the go?you'll go a good ways before you'll find so generous a stock as ours. ?R?el?t?r?<1 irad? mii Rot.KK.s Pf.kt Company Broadway at 13th St. Broadway at Warren Broadway The -t 34th St Four Cornera" Fifth Ave. at 41st St