Newspaper Page Text
Il S, BANKRUPT BOURNE ASSERTS Comforting Treasury Bal? ance Due to McAdoo's Ittggllng. He Says. CHANQE OF SYSTEM BOOSTED FIOURES Lxpert Accountant Shows Only IS,517,027 Left After Proper Deductions. - . * ' ,e\ . '. Washington. Nov. 1_. The Treasury balance sf ??'? which the Taft ?sdm ? ' equcathed to tie incoming DeSBO? ->' has been reduced to tSJtllfitlJl, and will be gone before Congress meets, leaving the I'nlted State?. Treusury bankrupt "for the tlrst time s.i.c? . Ji.mes Buch? anan turned over to Abraham Lincoln the emp'.y coffers of the nation," ac? cording to a statement issued to-day by ex-Senator JoflStBSa i'ourr.e, of the Re? publican Publicity Association. Mr. Bourne reviews at length the muta- ? tlons which the Treaaury statement has undergone since William 6. McAUoo be? came Secretary, mid presents an an? alysis by an expert accountant to show what the imposing and comforting fig? ures now being given out really mean. The first change la the Treasury statement, Mr. Bourne points out, was made July 1, 1913, after a year of Dem i ocratic rule, and showed an "available balance" o? $11?4,785,746.97, Rad bj in? cluding bullion, fractional currency, etc., tailed up "total cash assets'' of $3u3,250,00>' 96. This was high water mark. Within two months the state? ments folget to mention the "free arid available balance," but presented a bal? ance sheet of RSSStS BOO lisbilitiOB, giv? ing a "net balai ????" ? nest tana oa Scptemter 1, 1913, of 1127,836,387.04. Balance (hanged Overnight. "Fat R little more than two years thi? form of statement wa? adhered to," M-. Bourne continues, "and on Septem? ber 80, 1910, thi ment announced the net balance in gen? eral fui being ? 94.97. "On the following day the daily state ? - ? n?.I with a long Rao some? what ?r.v,ilved preface, intended to be explanatory, and in a strikingly meta morpho '".I form SO far Bl II ? were concerned Without the addition of si single dollar to the funds of the nation, with no new ?ouices of revenue! pouring into the Treasury, with no pro ithout orh??r means of rcplenishirit: its dwind she Treass ted a 'net "Harvey s ? baa? ui Bastea, s certi? fied pal ntant, ha* made an ex aniin,-?- i'','^)! to the ent for two date-?, ; i. 1918, ?beiag uadot the form originally designed by Mr. McAdoo for tac pun ths see-1 ind, October 88, 1915, beiag under tho ! lates? ( I ?are not say the last i of the . c ?Tort s to lift | himself by I .1 bootstraps. ? "On August 4, It'll, according to Mr. ? hase, the 'free available balance' In the Ttaaaury office and in banks was v' 14. On that dat.- Mr. Cha?e was a*, work in the Treasury, and t'.ie form . ? ?tement from July 1, 1913, until some later than August prepared under his personal su ln the that sta:>'d neither 'subsidiary silver coin' nor 'silver bullion' nor 'minor coin' was in? cluded; whereaa, In the statement of October 88, 1916, those items are in a total sum of more than (30,000,000, which sum, Mr. < hase says, should be deducted from the balance which Mr. McAdoo ' aid he had. "Mr. Chaae'l cot,.-lu-1.m ?s couched in .oleum words, 'i hereby certify,' he - titl?' of certifie?, pub? lic accountant, ' if the daily ment el October 88, 1915, i ids up <>n the tame \ .? ust 4, 1918, the available balance m the Trea?urv woul?! ihibitod as 13,517,0-7.21.'" o FIRE RECORD. A M A i eraer- IMS r M PAYS $Q10 FOR LACE SKA W. \.. Seaman Pays Top Price at at American Galleries. I Brassela needlepoint shawl wl' large aaatral panel of roses, asters liar? aa R finely dotted hand-rr tulle brought the top price- 1610?; ttrday at the opening session of an and modern sale at th? Amerl Art QaUsrioa St. W. Seaman, agent, was the purchaser. This sal by the order of Miss A. Q. I.arter I M. Kendall, legatees of a 1? est?t?. I n? aecoad best prico at ft su.i?,r, was 1190, paid by Mrs. M. I. f..r an embroidered bridal veil of ti I Inely dotted n.?trbe and wit rieb oorder of daisies. For ?fftO L G trade obtained as: appliqu? tichu i flounce said to have belonged to Pi , cess Fugen.?. It bears medallions i garlands of various flowers tied w love knots on ?lotted tulle. The sa , buyer gave $47 for two white cripe ?howls, one of plain silk and lidered with a ros? putt? . small cherry blossom borii both with silk fringe. P.. I. Loroos, ss sgeat, ?/ave s ?,4 s. Louis XIV stv le fan eritl as r. BrUBSSlfl ?see set on mother Isdea The total of the sess ass 12,711.50. The sale 'mis with t ..o?.'? ?e's'ion. CURE FOR SPEEDER PUZZLES M'ADO Magistrate Says City Shou Have License Control?Hesi tatcs Using Fingerprints. Chief Magistrate William McAd ?nade public a statement last night which he considers the points rais Sunday by Polies Commissioner Woo ? -sg violations of the automob Il v.. The two are working to devise i to bring the heaviest penalti lers, but Mr. McAdoo Is not wl nig now to try the project suggest by the Commissioner -finger-prlntii chauffeurs- until he Is sure no oth ?neitns as effective but less inconve sent can be found. One weak point In the automobi ltsw. Mr? McAdoo explains, Is that tl present machinery does not automa leally detect second and third o fenders. "Hnw sre we to rectify this?" I asks. Finger-printing chauffeurs or drivers would provide detection. A many cars are run by owners, lav abiding citizens, there is a stron prejudice against finger-printing. Tr Board of Magistrates has hesitate patting this into effect. "We are now working on a systei providing that a copy of each sun mons be sent here every day and th court clerks advised each mornin whether defendant?, ate f?cond or thir fi ' 1er?. We will ?jive this machiner ft trial, but it requires the hearty cc ?a?ration of the Police Comnv If this will not work there is nothln left btut finger-printing." Diseessing weaknesses of the stat ltw, the chief magistrate said: ", man who buys an automobile as a owner and runs it does not have t t-ke out a license as a chauffeur. Con sequently he stands in r.o danger 0 having the right taken away from hirr Statistics show that a large percentag of those arr?-?te?! for speeding are own ? rs. Attempts to remedy this In th Legislatura have failed." Mr. McAdoo believes there is onl OBS real remedy. That is "that th City of New York recetrs entire powe over licensing all those who run moto vihicles in the city. This, howe.ei should belong to the Police Commis sioner." a ?-? NEW THONE DIRECTORY Psychological Tests Determine Change in Make-up of Book. The new telephone directory which i being distributed to-day is the result B moro than 4,000 experiments. Afte ?MVOral years of study and careful plan a book has been rroduced whi.l contains "6.000 more names than las fall's directory, but which contains IK f| wet pages. The principal departure in the nev ed--ion is the addition of a column o type to each page, four instead of thre? eolumai now beiag listed. To preven the directory from becoming too bulky l>r. J. W. Baird, director of the psycho logical laboratory at Clark University Worcester, Mas?.., an expert on the psy ehology of optics and printing, wa consulted. Dr. Baird chose thirty-two men am women who differed lg age, sight, edu cation ati.l station in life, to determin. the speed with which a number coul? be found in the Telephone directory Stopwatches showed that the BVoragl *h of time to tind si number la I ? old, three-column paged book was 10.Ml ids, whereat in a foar-eoloma beol It BOttld be located in nn average tini? of 9.29 seconds. TJ. S. FLAG OFF PACIFIC Disappears from Oriental Trade with Departure of (?real Northern. Seattle, Nov. In -The Great North? ern steamship Minnesota, the largest ve sel on the Pacific Ocean, is on her way to-day from Seattle to the I'nited Kingdom, and with her departure the American flag has disappeared from the ( ? ? tal trade, The Pacific Ms. ! Steamship Com ; before the Minne ota claaed bet career as a l'.. 5c liaer to engage ia the Atlant.c trade. PUPILS TO GET POSTER PRIZES Hygiene Bur??au Offers Cash lo School Children for Health Design?. In an announcement sent yesterday to public school principals ami ers of drawing throughout New V? rk ? . .? Health and Hygiene of the New York Asso for ImPTOViag thi Condition of the I'r.i.r. through Philip S. Platt. Superin? tendent, offered to the pupils of the elementary public schools twenty-four rash prues for clever health po.-ter do* signs, to be used for poster sta*B| ? la an educational campaign this winter. ?*?.,V OVERCOATS $15 to $50. Garments which plainly eviden? our ability to dis? criminate between reliable fabrics and those which only appear so. Garr's Melton Overcoats, satin lined, $25. ?W&m&A TiUV^bmliinorr BroaHw.iy (or 24lli.S. SCHOOL KISSERS BREAK UP CLASS jWates of Boys Arrested for Saluting Teacher Now Scattered. GUILTY PAIR'S TRIAL TO BE HELD FRIDAY Dr. Wile, of School Board, Says Last Week's Incident Wav First of Its Kind. ''What you doin' here want to be kissed?" Thi? wa? the first qurstior. that cer? tain refractory boys ye it er?ia y asked a casual rtsitor who dropped in at recess time at the playroom of Public School 130, Where Jacob Witkowsky and Ray? mond M.-iloiicy were ?rre?ted last wc?k for kissinr their pretty yourfg teacher, Mis? MathildS WeilL It was ea?y to MS that thtir ndmiring companion* were still revelling in the o'culatory incident and that they considered H a matter not only for individual, but for ?ichool pride. Put the sudden revelation of the fact that a young teacher could be abso? lutely ai the mercy of school bullic?. Bade op Si overgrown and mentally deficient hoy*?, has causea ?n upheaval ait that school, Temporarily, at least, the class of unruiy and defleieat OOtt to which sVitkowskj? and Maionev belonged ha* be"ii disbanded and divided among ?ev eral school? of the city, not more thai four or five of its member? b'ing al? lowed in any one cla?s. MISS VYeill, overcome by the episodS she expect? to b? married before long -hsi ahan doned the ?trenuousne?? of substitute teaching, and Mis? Moran, one of the most experienced instructor? of Public School 130, is in charge of the un jrraded class containing the largest number of the unruly boys. Jacob Wiikowsky and Raymond Malnney will be remanded until Friday for trial. For a long time the clas? of which Mis? Weil] had temporary charge had be-fn one of the most sorious problem? of the school. During the last four we,:-:? isTsral teaebsra bsrshsdehsres of it, none of them remaining veiy long. It was rot until last Thursday that Mis? Weill, tWBBtj-tWO year? old, and herself leas than a year out of school, was asked to take the class temporarily. In story book? the pretty fOOBg teacher need only su. i It* ?.7 s-jcli a gi-ouji of lacorrlfibles? ami the? ???? reduced immediately to a ?tat? of ad mining submission. Thi? wa? not the case with thi* biner boss of the un 17iii(ied r!;i?s and the on!v BTideBCS they afforded of their chivalry wa? in the fact that they did not "t'r?iw fing." at the WOBISB a.? they ?aid they did at the men. "I don't play with thsfli kid? - they're fresh." said one little btv. teniay. shivering in a corner of the playroom. All of the ?mailer boy.' seemed to regard these ?somewhat no? torious new members of their r!n?s with dubious pleasure, but it is thought that the new arrangement ?.?nil huv? a salutary effei????. HECKSCHER BUYS KENNEDY SITE Property Adjoins His Cor? ner Parcel at 57th St. and Fifth A v. WILL LEASE PART OR ENTIRE PREMISES Bing & Blflg Reported to Have Paid Record High Price for Park Avenue Lot. AesjaSt Heekscher ha? bought the residential proper'v a* 6 and 8 Wei! ' ?,7th St and 7 Wssl Mth St from the J. S. Kennedy e-iMfe. ? lark T. ? ham bers represented the buyer arid Edward W. Br?ck the seller. The premises were held bv the e*??a?'* ?t ?650,000. 1 ho * the property at 000. Mr. Hrcksche- I i .rhl "-vera! years ago the house at ihn BOBthwOSt corner | of 57th at, and Fifth av., formerly ! owned and occupi'-.: 1 v the lat'j Will? iam C. Whitaejr, and :-,?o the ('. W. Mor?e parcel, adjoining ar.d fronting SB Fifth uv. LuW lie purcha??d th? I Booaeeelt property is f>71 h ?t., be 1 tween the Whitney and Kennedy ?!te?. Ils erected a "taxpayer" on his hold? ings. With th?? Kennedy ?-?t?te property. Mr. Beckaehsr now liai a plot at 67th St? and Fifth uv. with u front?ge of ? 10ft feet on Fifth av.. 75 f?et on 66th ?t. and 828 feet on 87th ?t. He will lasse any or all of It. and build for the Je' BS I.. S. and A. If. Hing have boueht through Pia?.- i; EllimSfl the five d'.orV flathouse, on a . ? 'J C feet, at the BOBthwest .-omt-r of .*?r.d ?i. and Park ST. It is ??id that the purchase price establishes a BSW hii;h record for proper?v ifl this Boetlofl Bf Park av. According to a report, the ?alo price was iiiiuJi 8100 a square foot. Hing ? Ping boaght last June, as a f-ite for an apartment house, the threo flathou?*'-? SOS t?, i".71* Park av. and th? dwellings at 80 to M Fast God ?t. Thev also made diligent effort? to buy 1 the corner lot from James Ilrennan, who ha." a butcher ?hop on the ?ite, lut tluir effort? were fruitless until i/eatei day. Phil :? Ki >*.?. ? h, president, ha parehsied IM fest of land on the west dido o.' Hiven av., opposite 171 it st. Oat half of '?ho plot, COBSiStiag of 75 ffOflt bv ?: I t?. be ?la proved a; otic; with the best sjodsra story bnlldinga, ilmilar to the Haven ar.d Hadsofl Cliff apartment?. 1 uill a ?hort time ago. From the real line of the .plot an unobstructed view of the Hudson Hirer may be had. Oth?*r sal?*?; reported yesterday were:' HAU PLAI E '-lav -on ?- Hobbs Hare ?old far August Sehierloh two lots on the v.-. st s.iie of Hall Placo. Sboul 400 fret south of l(*7th st. Also ?old Cor hin a frans dwelliag on Elis? abeth av.. Linden, X. .1., together with ten loi ? st. bI the same place. Thi? property was gieea in part pay? ement for th" northeast corner of Slu-r I nan si Bad 207th lt., rsseatly re? ported. PBOSPEI I AV Chirles F. Dump Isey has sold for the Wessel CoBstrae | lion < snpaay titt Prospect av., H ??x j ?tory anar'inen? ho^s??. on a plot 67.6x 11? fed SCOBd of a row of live I new hou?i s disposed of by the Sellers. Shipping Information and Marine News of the World Vessels Arriving at and De? parting from Port of New York. MIM-TI RK AL-tABAC t*.inria?. ?is. lunift. ? ?:. h.earn ??_. 1:411 m.a.:. . ?|f I IU?ill V, AT 1711 A M P. M Bai 1) Hin. . 3 2? si (?U-H-Ofl Mlli.l ? ; l.'c.i ?.II? INCOMING BTEAMEK8, Tu LAY ? -????' I Ml'*.!. ?I - ? . .. ?sai ..i.ii I ??? ? ?Lai. i l? .Il AhiJ/il . N.? .. . . ..'>??..??? . ?nu..I1.IIII.I? ?a. , " i . ? , . ? .- . Or? IS Kl?. .Hull . Krl.'.kt.uin . Landern . ? ? ? .'irt M Muh .Lin i-i. . ?? t ? Mia? o? . . Va..,. ... Vl| i- . - . ... N . ..... . I I ........... "... 4 SI . ,1 ?. ,i> ..i a i. . ? vvi.n. l.s-i.AV ...v C-IBBB I?. ??.-'."an . .Not S Sa- . ? I .lia ? I ant .l-.rt k__l. Soi ? . i ? ..i,a pattern . la n?i*. Ja. M-., t.11. . i pt v.: I: .l'a .su,,. .Nul i1 TiuiisriAY. KOVSMBBB 14 B?rr:,' BMSSadS. 0 t 11 ? itT ...... N??_i let .Ne. 4 H ? '. ..l'un, lui . N . 4 . et .'.il?i!|- ..Sot 2 ?a a Maria . K f at .... Net 1 * .lia,? ?..'? i > i .? .N? or ?ai.? llu- -il . Ja, a? ? ..,..<? s, t. 7 ?llrui. n null. OUTGOING BTEAMERS. BO LAY m i a fatmt t ? m ? ssa-i palla, Naplaa., . ? s an :?'.. ? 10 111. .. . ? ?i im 11 .0 im . n. i . : A .- 1 a ? .-?.?. le ... - 1 ...J pin I'll? if Columbia!, Safari-,ah .. . ? 7 vu ?.m Hamilton ?. I ? . - l'ami, lias?, .... . WXPBBSDAI NOVBMBBB 17. S ~ lim ReaurSSBI ,... IiBm 11 M m . ' a ?i ii jjiii. ? I aa . ? ? ........ ?. ass, ?. ??moa .Ui. m ? . Il . ? in :? " > ; m ?.-...a . ?? l .- !. 01 ?alii .- ;. ? I.Hi .- 1 ; . .- 11 J I!, ..." .? ? TBi ii-t'Av. NovrMnna is fr.'ter] ?... ?s anaaod .. 10 01 an, ; - llalla-a?. A-i's sli.a ?j i> am :. III. l.aia..a . . V ? aui 1. Sia a la I a - ? .> ausi 12 Ut. m . . .11 |J axa . | - - ? > Sa?? ah .... - . B pro i_u?raPa%c?nG mails. I>* V T l:BB a m. Ilawi.l "Il ?a r-a '..- ? Miioi Vu Is Haaatl, I"." 'a a. ?la Hem ?a a d a ?"a , , . -...??? a ' . ? ? .na, Maaa-a I ? . ? ., . - " -? ? I -, ? P .-t..'. , ,1a '. . ?of tl rla Reell Via' . i.l OUI ? ... ?? >. . Il > a .-? . I a i - ? ? ? ?; - PH 1 , ? I, ?? I A ??'in *>.?? /-a la, . |iia ..ii. I ra ,- ?I SUrrs Dae 1 i. .... lila u .??*? _?? ;_? I A,.-;rala .?la M Francirui ? ' aloa_a _ .O- I AS-UTI !' I ?niarii. BeBas <??? IB, t. . 1. *emy Ogam No, 1, LI ?ii'.iu.ii ?. Von.' Harrtrja S I ?art Ant m la a ??. Smtlifo 1* tu la_ I i-l'-eJ ,V_? C-v ?Kb I mall, arl ir.l.i Har at a_dr.lfhl. l?;h l..?,,..r liri. Na| e, n : V a- I A.?*.-; *?. to ' It?, -e, a>li * II .1 Rar a l?| ... M'ti I I Vira,. II.. ?,..i . ube vi... ? ? rat. . n I.ira ".t IS. l'iris.;. T'l' il?. Hne * ?it ?,-.-..I. 7. to tl.? 1 Khlpi,, ? a I ? i ? ?? ? ? ? Bai , .1 r, r, ?an,??.. (Ilrl. Sai.'..? ?Vt ?S. Rio ?la Itnelrn :?. Hat,,a I a' I Ha-kad'" Sol ? ?a. H?.a m l.aiii.i. ?iti, u?i.. Har al . a 1'a.ot.a (Cubain, till,ara Sor I. .Su?"', ai I, , I'uwio l'a/lr? I and Nip? I lo U_ ?l-ii*?i S. ? I.'. ? wilt, roda. Rar al a a m .'??'?i 111??-. (Un liada. O?. I?, to Nort.-i. LI., a C<_ Ha? it 1 II i a. A ? Marrsk man), M*.l?<ra Ot *f. to *>r- SU, I . ? . _. I ??-.??? Ilsi ?r lirtv?. I.. -, . I I. .-??'?' -r A ? ?r ? M.-t?:. I-.? - ?. M ' --.?ck. In -' 'i it I II i ? II ? ..... B ? tl ' fhl ? ? . .. . ? ? ? - - . ? ? ? ??-., ? ? , ' . . * I '? ? . I ? ,.*,., ?pi, ?',!'. ? ... -, ? |i ., ? .* ? m. i ? ' t> m. i? . . .. . I'ort I . | , ,, ? i ?'? ?s ai?. . ? . .1 !.. is llar . a n. i .-. - ' ' 'to nartfle'.d. ? Aiaia ... ? ,r ?jst'S?, - 'a a ' .- ai l . |. . . lento? Ort ?* ?i ? ? i.r:v ?' . ? ? - . '? -, I , .... Beat -.-. , -, !'..-? i - i- !??? :>. 1??l?n ,. m IB ' STEAMERS VI FOREIGN PORTS. a sai* i o - ' I <I>?.~, I, Nrw I rl? Kit ? . ' m Vt* ?i? I ? K rt .* a a' G I lh?T?1 iRl Ni? VerV I - Se* Y..?k ?*? ? ?: i ? Bi N???- r?t?| li. ?.-? T<?rk fur Na Ml s r it aYideota IBr), Sea Tort r?a . .-? . ? I0l j iBr). Um ' i : . I ? ? - mm T.,-? r?.?B?r . ? ?" ' ? V"rt ? ? ?. S ? ' .. l*etl V.tom 1W N?w ?. ?. . i ? ??? T??rV. K?e Tort. \?w Tort f?r Ilk No*? 1"??<?>? '? ?* Br Uem Tort f?r ROU?rd???i Strait.??- ? a tnt Un ? Sot l.S?Rsm.??? ?Br), 7.'n? Tor?. SAi'.Kfl T?--? B?. Km II- ' P.-i (from ..... . ?.'W Tn?1| ?? '-->m Nrw ? - V??? T *?t an* Uaa. - ? ' Yn*. Hot li ?? I-aii. .N. i ?..,?. li. Upi.nd ? ... Nut l? -<;-i!an? Hrl irrnrn Drmoriral. ? . | ?? r-is-.?*.?. So? IS -??- ??? H ???: Sea JtSO. - ? > ir? Sot 1 ? In mu (fr?*?ii Cal li *??<-, ?? 1 ?.??? yirra s. Set ??K.*l?*? . fBr] Item B*i??oT?h) ? ' - ?*..-.?, 'Un. N??T To"?< !l,.--?-l... ?->.? H_y.iiU-t-fli I'.trri). Nrw Tort?. 11 14. S ft I ' s T .i'.-? rFr>. New ? ??" ? ? T?rl ' < -? ? ? ? iXaa r?*S ?.-.?I . . ' ? Vnrk ? ? Mam ?Jar.) * ? ' W? mu Ila.l i . ?. ?i w I . B-i Ifrim New ?. '? i ? ? ?i.? Polt H?U .- ? M?**i (J?n) from i I . ? . \ . Oatmtt ? I ?-i.!-. Si ? 1. I.? Campte? l?iai?h). N?w ??? ?a?. V .? IS '? ? Ci, ?rirl, N?w Tort. Barb? - S *? il Mi. l? Jaurlrr, . lira?) (from >??. Torti I'? ? l ? -Mi j OI*""?'iar V.? 15 K. ?rl- (Br). N?w Tort for ? ' ? Bri \?w y.-? for n*iii ' - llrlam' ? ? ?? ? ?? fnr II.? ? ' J ' ' .* ???? I ? ?I? S,.. . ? ? I ? i Sam Tort fnr ' ? * I i lam ? " lllll??| (IUI). Um },"- nee Tort f.* i ? ? 01? r? *sr s ? :-. 1*?-?im I.iklariopoylai (OrMki N'?w I,, fa? ^laiaL.lrla. W?a/).r??1f? iBr). N?w T*v?S for l*?t,..n>? U/a . Um 1 ? ?i.-,?. : ili.-l, .?.as? Tort fear IHill??, The propertv was held at $75,000 and ??as purchased for investment bv Jacob Releh. LEXINGTON AV. -Benjamin Bt-rn ?tfin has sold for the estate of Augus? tus M. Operhvm to Michael I?. Houli? han -22 Lexington av., northeast cor? ner of 33d st., a .ve story flathouse. or. a lot 26.3x100 feet. o WILSON AIDS HEALTH BOARD Federsl Inspectors Directed to Help L'nforce Pure Food Laws. New loth ?si te have a bet'er enforce? ment of th" federsl and state pure food lows. The ?ccal health inspectors are to he reinforced by 125 employes of the Department of Agriculture, who will pay special attention to New . York's markets, stores, etc., where food and meets sre exposed to infection and where unwholesome and unfit food is for sale. Luciu? P. Brown, director of the la? 1 reau of Food and Drugs of the Heslth Department, was in Washington yeitar dny conferring with President Wilson about the co-operation of city sad fed? eral inspection bureaus. I'nd-r the ar? rangements effected the federal bu? reaus will make special reports to 'he Health Department of every vlola rion ths? comes to their notice, and the Health Department inspectors will act as federal inspectors by gling reports of their findings with the federal bu rsaas. - o GIANT LIES IN AUTOS PATH "Crest Daro" Says He Wished to Prore He Was Still Alive. Throwing off a bathrobe a b!??-mus cled man strode to the centre of Broad? way, a'. Forty-seventh Street, yester? day and lay down. An automobile varying soven men bore down upon him. Patrolmen Sullivan and Kelly, at? tracted by the screams of women and the rapidly gathering crowd, rushed to '-ave the man. "Don't disturb me," said the reclin? ing Hercules. "I am 'Daro, the Great.' Let t^at car run over me. It won't hurt. 1 want to prove to my friends I am ?till alive." "Prove it at the station house," said the patrolman, struggling to hoist the maa to his feet. "Daro" isid he was n wrestler, an?! refused to give whatever other name? he may nossess. He was locked in a cell at tne We?t Forty-seventh Street station charged with disorderly con? duct. PENNSYLVANIA STARTS MUNITION FIRE INQUIRY Company Insists Origin Was In? cendiary -No U. S. Action. IB. MaaraaR !? Tli? Trttmnal South Bethlehem, Per.n., Nov. 15.? An investigation into the tire which de? stroyed Shop No. 4 and a great qusn tity of munitions at the Bethlehem Steel Company's plant last week wr.s Starte, to-day hv ex-Fire Chief Cohn, of Allentown, the Deputy Fire Marsha! I of this district, who has boon detailed to the ?task by State Fire Marshal J. L. Baldarla Mi. Colin will not make public the result of hi.? investigation, but will re? port directly to Harrlsburg. To-day he visited the ruins and conferred with the officials of the company. So far a-i is known, no investigating official of the I'riite.l States itovernnient has ar? rived here. The company officials still insist that the fire was of incendisry origin. Sons of St. Patrick in Election. At the annual meeting of the Society of the Friemtly Sons of St. Patrick, at the Hotel ?Later, last nitrht. the follow in?r officers were re-elected: Victor Herbert, president; Thomas M. Mulry, first vice-president; Victor J. Dow line;, second vice-president; John G> O'KeelTe, trea?urer; William J. Clarke, recording secretary; Johfl F. Joy.', eorresp? '. ..- leeretary, sad Nicholas F. Marre**, almoner. An entertainment and collation followed the business meeting. TO HAVE BIG 4TH AV. OFFICE Jordan, Marsh & Co., of Boston? Rent 1,800 Square Feet of Space. M. 4 U Hess, Inc., and Stephen H. Tyng ? ?V have rented 1.S00 square f? et of space on the eleventh floor of ?IS] Fourth av. from February, 1?16, for a long term of vears to Jordan, Msrsh & Co., of Boston, as their N'ew York office. John J. Ksvanaugh has leased for Mr?. Bel!.*? Hau?er the southerly ?tore in building ?outhea*t corner 75th ?t. and Park ar?. to ?'eorge H. Creasy. Also a ?lore in 933 Park ?v.*. to Alex? ander S?rony and Ralrh Livada. I,oui? Kempner & Son have leased ?tore ?t 2254 Broadway, in the sut BttOtt The?tre Batldiag, for the Ful? ton Building Con pony, A. L. Shak man, presidert, te BeiiBSB Parkus and Mai H. ?TartSSl, for a Japan??? art and novelty bsaiBSBS. Julius Friend, Edward M. Lewi Co. ha? leased for Binon Meyer,-executor, to th? Christman Piano < ompany. tho entire building at 753 Sixth ave. for a long term o. vears. The I)ir.K-el?pielHowantrei f'ompany have lea**?d for Helen ?.'. Juilllard M al. tho fourth loft, containing 10,000 ?quare feet, at 402 4o4 Broadwiy, r.orth?ast corner of Grand st.. to the Argyle Company; for E. S. Willard & Co., a? agent, for th? Adam? Land & Building Company, the fourth loft, ? 10.000 ?quare feet, at IM Broadway to i GeodldBO ?4 Kr.p.t'er; for Cuarai tor ; Realty Co., as agent, the tifih c.n.1 . sixth loft? at 3.-1-37 East 20th st to j the Gutnian Novelty Company and i .'-'inion Durlach.'r, re?pectively, and for! Joseph P. Day, as agon**, for the American Express Conpeey, the fir?t ' loft, IJott laaars feet, at M5-807 Broadway, northweat corner of Frank- , ling .-?t., to I. C. Herman & Co. All the?? leases were for a term of years, i THE WEATHER REPORT Forecast? and Records for (he I.aat ? Twenly-four Hour?. IVul?t'if'ori. No?. 13 -TVs tron?!i of low prisa-ir? tliat ?x<-ipl?l tl.? l-fr'.r rl . ? ? ?1 ?ancria M iti? Main? ...?a* ??(.?-? ??? haNBaSTM ?t I p. m Slor.iJtr ?u ?itt'.l.y I??:.?* tt Inclus Tl.I? ??.,rm ?i. alt? Ott Bead?| n.d i. i'it ! > ??rr ?rr.arii ral-i? s?? ? .7 *h? Ml*?.A?;pvl, ?n* tttt f ?:.?-?: rain ..? ??.? i. In In ?a?*w?r.l pa????? ' t w?? also ati?.*- Ifl i? mod?r?t? w-?--. '?; ?? ??? . ? i th? ii.'1.1 s a' -I . ?'.??? ? .*?..'? A low , i? r ?><i < tram t:.? r. iac inland ???? '?r?i< . ? i ?*Vaji-.i.-..-,.i . in,- i - ? ... ? : M . to In? fill?!.?? ill? w?.i*',?.- ?ail ? ' II ? MUalMlPpI f> : ??? ? , ml ear? M--? ? - ? ? ?:.*- 1 ?. ? ?nd i-"? ?tin I"? Wl ?... f?!r with rs.atl.r'y low trmpartturi althou?li ??? ? Wee ?rill rtM In ??;.*?.? \\>ii.??,?i?y s id p.. ? a R*iod? fair Ti.caiI?? ., i ?Ved ?a.tai i ."in A?- I ??nth?, ni" i-ir?-? ?.,?? g*.? ri?..|?-, dlmlnfilitnf W?dnit(d?i. i., . ' - A tl? ; n?ai. ?.'.-Ii A- ?i ? . in-l?:.*? ...irthw??? ; ?. light ?:..i 'J ? ... .j,- .: M?lne, alUi bariins'sr raadlo? It*? Inebw, moiln? a???. o,?r A ? I Biui-Di,?? dljpla)?i 7,.:i. Ni folk lo F.??iport. Forrea?!? for Spwlal Localltle? ? E?i?ern Nrw Yc*?k, Nrw England. New Innay Drlavasr?, E??ttro P?nn,vivirla Virginia, North and 8oi:t*i Carolina. Florid?, lair and roldsr tod?y and ??morrow. ?I?*.,ii. I DUtrtct of ? ... Q a* Arktn- ' ? a? fslr '.? .1?? a: 1 ? ? ?? * I W??| Vlrglnta. Western I'. ? itrlrant?, partly I ? i * ? iii.r '".lay aril to mom?. WaeUr? Sea v r. r?ii ? i?? tamtt mee ft .ir,,-, ?.. ?parti) ,udy. Loral Of??!?! Rs?o?d T?.? ',' SWS orrV.1?! MB ?Ml fr*.m ti.? Writl.-r |ii:?ai si,.m. ihs I i . Ut tl ?! ? ' -ir hour? ; In ctMDI - ?' . ' ? j??r mu ISIS :?;? 1 ?. m. I*? 47 " p m. M ?I ?? ?. ni. l ' )??. IS Ml ? a m. 4?. || U p. m. If I- ni . 4? ?.' ?2 r m. 59 ? 1 P m . M 17 ll'?h?,* ?rni;?*ra:n-?. ;..:??,!at. M Irfrre? a*. 12 ' 1 m ? i'iir?*? |?| I? p m.); arsra;? jtm ItVdar, Ii? .Isgr??*.. sr*r?i? ' - -?--;. r iln? ,lato '?*? ,.??r. ??! .icgr?-?, ?rsrars fee nin??i??iillii| ,!??? i a? I tlilr?r-tlir.<* ,.-.r, 14 ,. .r*-?a B?r?mrt?r Rs?dl?|a. ? a m... It) r* 1 p it H 8? ! I p m 29 8? Humidity. 1 ?. ? ?i l a ?S.....U l s a ? <? Loral Foroctut. Fair BBi ??:-?;,! tOOM to ? la?. tn-m?rr??T?. fair,,. n .nimrs*. ?ir,.|?. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. M-.u JBM-E1 .-bGREATB?RGAIN^ $10,000. Liberal Term?. HIN?; ISLAXV 7-R00M HOUSE, $1,600. OM farm house ?Hi 1 ?TO rat N ?arfe plot ., ?..: ,. a- Mi:?' K.? < I ' SB !" ?'" > "* ????>, saly IJtt r?._ oseSse. thin 111 p?r m-nth Y ou cat *- ???' ' lar ? II tor 1 to tern It CADMAN II PRRDEBICK, 7'? Hrnaivv??/, New ( Ol M II . l'K?M'r.l,Ti Ciii-itr? H.i?. Irtarmallin Tr.? i? orosaertlv? la, i ira ""???- Said ?ill. ?rit? Vr> ig.".? Sat -, lima s.rllr. M W -I.? ." T.? ?><?. V!a_ FURNISHED APARTMENTS WANTED. WANTCn roR JAM A'lY - Fn ?l| f'irnl.'iH h mot *eev\- i d\MitMal n.'l Ina t'isn t??.. ami m ... ... ?..?. f..,- mi n ir.tti autg rf.i sad -- i. -...mi In _??<*??'i ? ?1. R*.m t.?)7. T I ?? - l< I .ll-.I. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTEI?. Vale !". P t? BB BteSX look. :i*'-n: tl-sl Jap eaeM couple; .? tir?, work. nio?t efficiently Boao, oplin.llJ rararar.or. city, 170. Mason a I .v.-...->. .ii Warnt, (M at. B1 CXJ I aCeleiod cour'?*; butler ?alf- Ssoeileai rook; ri.ilr? work i ?mall fsimlly. ISO "lall ? Ajan), ?:S ?SR '?'.,,na. I'.rvar.t BCTt_EB C*O0_ ?n . t__tS*l>H--S.?Cota-?l I couple i l -ti?*r. ji*if.l; ?'?r.'.i.nt cook and -aa; ?rill do ?mit* work; ISO Mlaa ???_'? Agrnc, ?> |-___i ?_d at Murray 111 1 ? ?? I '*. M'lt-.'OOK ?Frmch cryupie, hiitlar. ueeful; eook; tr,-?, competent; i" s >?a-a ? ? Mies M ?a ? asesar, ?i Ka?? S] Hill ?TM. Bl ; t.FTt Balis ?*.swsS; SrB etoeo; flre ?p peenu - eteeiieal reference? go any die lid Min i*,?.'. Ai,e: 7. l'as? ?-'* ir hui im, Rt'TUtB?COOK -l'o or.d coup;*; rtret .-!???; l ;.?r eoefai eseelleoi ronk, vary ??at rar? eren ?. M Un Haosa'e Arr. >. tat w?at I7J .? l'.:>ant lai. Bt*TT__B|; ereil re-oirimmded; good aayeataaosi ?i-y or co'.n-r>: t? gg O^?- . ? ?K-n. > !_, ?th av lliyant 70OT, CHA r'r 111 -.'apabU, rareful; n!c? ap pearanre, (aot dm hanlo; IMT|H4. no fam. Ily; vary rr ?raimanj?' Hrs Maeea's I A?'i.. v m Warnt ?J. et riryant 5'S.' FvttMKl: _\ta M... Wirt BOeR for farm .,..??? e-. ?? .. . , ? . , _ e . Uly where; HI ,p OSeU'a Agency, t& ?n av l'.r> .r.l ??????? a ?e ?rower, ? ??? i - 'rara? ? - Severe, law? Li general ?osk ?? ,f? r *. aorta ?ail recommended ?*?rrrr ? | V. et. v , 4 'til a?. IIR-TUL MAN.?TaU, r.k* arpeananc?; run .-ar, unlarata-da , ?r, > , ?ari.ra. ?plrndld worker; ] >.ara referen?'*; |? ataasa'B Af?n?r. m .wit ?*. at , ??errais A * COOB Train. BaBt, rtpe--t SMBRSI u r? lai.i do llfaam; Ml O. Mlie rWsna?t'i Ai-n j lu Fail ?...1 at. Jd tonr Til ????_ vijirrior 1' . A K l.?nr> MAtl) -Trum i.?-man' ?rr.l. . .?-. ?-.. ,, .. ; mt -e- re, -., e,~r, |j. KM- a. ? i "... !.,..[ i.,; -. ' v '! .MBRBV ?II ?-.- v ' . e, . aeer.. I | ?.(. pre I ? | ,? '?"."v.- . Rhea'g Ag?n\, lo nul ? ' -? Buna. Hill i."7? . II IMBEBM vi., MAlti e, -i \\to ?K.... s ?., ?. I rnteetaai ?i.-ellani iif-r. n . - Marl),? . ?Ilt.r . Agin, > ?IS ?;f, ?? PIIIIS tpmmsmi <l".p.?_a. ,?~.|, Am.rl an lamk tag arh??_: In Am-fVaa faal. r. tagt, 15J wr?4 s?l_ ?t. DOMESTIC SITU AT10N8 WANTED. Fernste ? IIAMRFitMAI!. gg WAtT?ir?R.-T.>un. I '? i - good refer? ?. I.'" |ii v ?? ., Va H ; v ..a ? :.-..! r roui?- ?*H_MB**B-fAID u 1 :.avv? Two na-1 ) ? - I?. I ? r ?< trie. . . e . ,;??. or ronntr) M A. vv, ? ?: . : and ?.A I* VI ...? I girl; witling r ? ? ? ?? ? Agency, 131 Weei . COOK ? v.s,;? ; Proteg?an?; Bret class, ?.*ry eapa SI? . economical; good manag gRleadl i referai em: tit C? '. ??? I a Numt.rr of ei ? '.-. m $7?i to 170; . eat N>w rorta r?f?renc?e Ml ? Ihea'g Armey. 30 Kant IM at Murray Hill ? ? ham 'Mi? vrArrr'.F7*s - I ?; neal uns ' ?h all le; rmey .te.lsable pair; en? ?"urn; refer?!. .. >? ?. Mason'g Ageacy, i2i '.\'e?t ?: i ?t. COOS < HAMBEBMAI- ml B"A1 lltlTjas ?To ... ?.?asi-? .-, i ? VI .., jhaugn ... ? Agen >. .7 Watt ?.i ?? C"0 ?K, 0 ? titan Aral ' :.;??. .'I.? .ir O r.v. ?.... r, reren se; iras ? IB i tmr.p * Boecherer Ce. Ageacy._? CoCK.?AmIsi laundraes; rie?.t. ecaaomlcal; r ? ??? Mart!,a I A??|i. v. 4. 7 ?Hi a?-,_ ftrft i'i_?K; ?Ivrr v.aine.a. referen?..??. Martha COlllOf e Agency, _7 4v a?. COOK ?i? I I-A' M.I.K-* - Strong f thor ?.?hly ?i r? ?: " M HUM fl.lil|llilc?a?/'l AgaOSt. Il Urna RM -? COtTLS -SsrUe; bntlet ri?? .ir. ., .;:?nt ?oei; IgfUWieg, .VI lai .-h?uf, s.-vy'i Agetury. 17 Wia? 42J ?t CO?PLS - Kng:i??. I'r.i'eit.inte. . \. ellent Mai , ; lier s A a- AT ?Il ? HOT'SKWOBKKB.?aoed eooR -in* ?TMttraeai ?ma, tamil ?? ..r *:,.>rt distance i in country; ?-: ' ?? ?? - v.--. y, ._.-, Itta _?? .: HO .-' v K1" : : I ' t ' r ? -. '. ung gupertor ?..-in. ' woman; capatilo. .. ?mail fam i l?y; rity: v?-y exe , ?ni refei Msrr.'. o Agrs. - . Bt 5?J_ rWORKga. Binan ?? mag; in apart i men.. S3 ', a . '.: lag .? s'e Agei ', M-iL"*'- *?'? * M ?'?''?? "i;l r'u I HOC8_*n 1H!._R_ ? ?rai '?'- ? . '???t references; it- .*. ? .. ?.: st. a?. T? . Brj ?...?--.?_' BdL'B-'A'OKR***! 7 I ? - - 6g #?..?! , : l ? r i . ????? ai tmn .'? a.- . K it'?? il - ...?-. INFANTS NintSa?Bogllsh, trsatne.. ro i tltifl. n??' ;'? n_ W ml -?.rrl snss sad reference ?': C-ll Masen'e Ag?e* : cy, 1.11 VY?it RM ?t. Urjan MM I _ADT*I MAIL --Oet-taa; conspuent oearrt etrasa, ? ? se? S-Oler; beet reCeraa ... -age? IM il" ..- r A Bog berei Ce. ?i A . 31 i M ?_iCNDBBSS ar.: ? ::A-:r ...Ain-rurr.ivh:/ ...-?.t? -??!; reiirir.s?. eem n ;..*:?.'. M.. S?.?i.|-n?w> ? Af?i t. 17 Beat <.j n. LaUKDBBSS ? Cent p?tent; O.rT.ii,. i ..r referan .1 ?Itj me ... ?a 11* 1* ? Call ?: '.Jr-.i S Rose erer Co. Agency, ?3 VY. ri m l'eef il n?*t ron-.-.?.-." yen.g ? ' -? ?r. -? , -? ' ?-..? Vg?. -a? ? '.'a, ?-o? ,?!?, g ? - . . ? , . . . a. | , ? . ... . - - j a ? : a , ? ' L'fl '. er klTCtlCNVAItl : '? ?i. nl?? appeai'.i.g .o.l.ig gli ; ?I llng Obliging; ?U m. nibr. aggerles -, i:> ? . -. :.. I. ? Agrll -?-. V. '.'.'?at Ml ai ?MM I WA*TBJ*ae^BABU)RMAtl sm?**etent girl: liai rafarer.caa. cl??. r?.antr> . -an?. Il? ?"rVi at I_ui? A Boeelie.-er ? o. Agen, >. 43 VV. : I. l it. BUSINES?S CARDS. ?'Aftrm. CA'tlTT rUC?VlN? ??? ?ai., t? ? -.,?< a.r, ..Hl?, kl i ? r. ? Atoadaaj ?II tarnt 4"?. R > "'? A llHASiM , , . v Tirivviurrv'. I.17TTKBB ?'V ?l .. i ?ni 11 . ? '.I'll B. Wl ATllIlli ?Ulli, 1 d Uroadeaf ,1.4'il?abU B.dg.i. IUI II. ?? . 4.4' ,\t.\\ ti.i.K cAarrr i-i__*.mno woaita ? i dr.. l ai g.av vi..< vi dare FINK RI ?ie \V?IV_N ?-tinM i M? ? Allll rs IT1."- R...??iaul. lieiml t-* ?ir.ular. Ta*. ?6?..-4?...l lloa-l. IM ?'? VW?l LU? -k 1 HOUSE OF COLONIAL DESIGN It Will He Built in the Dyckman Section. Th>? Vandalia Realty Corporation hns fled ?Mans In the Tenement Hou?? Department for a five ?tory and base ment apartment house, on a plot 75x \'ti f??t. on the ?outh side of Vermil yes Arenoe, 100 feet north of lsham Street. The plans arc somewhat sim? ilar ??. ?' ? building at 6?*! Vermllyea Ars Bas. Th? fncad? will b? of red brick with marble and granite trimming, the de ligB being p'irely Colonial. Tho room? will he unu' large and laid out in sn?.7?.!I sui'e?. The finish throughout will be ?mple, but rich and tasteful. The architects are George and Edward Blum. ?-? > PLaAN AUTO BUILDING Structure Will Be Erected for Hudson Motor Car Company. The HaaSSB Motor Car Company I? the buyer of th? property, 100x100 feet, of .St. Matthew's R. C. Church on th? Berth ilee of 67th ?t.. 125 fett if West Er.d ave. Th? Supremo ? ourt ricentlv gr?nt?d the church permission to sell it ?t 155,000. Crot? & Brown negotiated the transaction. The .site will b? improved with an automobiles building from plans by Mulllkea & Mealier. Th? operation ?rill repreeeat an outlay of about $-00.? 000. Piar.? tor th? new building wer? filed yesterday. It la estimated to co?t $100.000. The church originally planned to build a parochial rohool there, but will now ?rect it next to the church in Sixty-seventh ?t. near Amsterdam av?. Gros? A Brown, who negotiated th? ?ale, ?No completed another transac? tion involving a building operation of a similar nauir? at 42 and 44 Wo?t 62d st. This ute, a property measuring 60x100 feet, was leased for the White Bowing Machine Company of Cleveland, Ohio, to Nordvke & Murmon, Inc., of Indianapolis, who will ?-r?*cl for their '?'.cupancy a five story ?tructure for ?ulcsroom and nervico purpoiea from plans by B. Hustace Simonson. Th? tenants ar? now located on Broadvay. Recent Buyers. Mr? CharlottS P. Dillon is the buy? er of the five story dwelling at ? Weit Sev:*n?y-g'xth Street, reported ?old re eoBtly by Mrs. Henry Clark (>?, through Frc.l??rick Southack A Alwyn Ball, jr., and E. A. Veiller. In ex? change .Mr?. Dillon gave her residence at Huntington, Long Island. John J. Bradley is the purchaser of 571 and 67", Washington Street, sold recently bv the New York Life Insur- ' anca and Trust Company. Partition Sale To-Day. To-day at noon, at the exchange salesroom, 14 Vesey ?t., Joseph P. Day will offer at the Supreme Court parti? tion salo the northeast corner of loth at and Lexington av., n three story brick hotel building on a plot 20x70 feet. This property is in the heart of the (Irand Centra! Terminal zone. To Be Art Gallery. Frederick A. Lawlor, dealur in paint? ing?, antique-? and object? of art, has leaded, through Pease & Flliman, the Borthwoat .-on-,**" of Madiaen av. and i\y, st., tin* former Senff residence. whieh will be converted into an art gallery. The lea??* is for a term of yeard. Hearing on Ordinance. The Board of AldVrm.m Will hold a public hearing at - o'clock Thursday afternoon on ordinance No. Hit, relat? ing to th?' lighting and ventilation of bolldiaga. ALARMED OVER PROPOSED LEVY ?Many Greenwich Villa? Owners Expected to At? tend Hearing To-day. Bfaay real ?stn** men ?nd proi^r?, owner? in the Greenwich Villa?/-? 4? trlct were etartled yeaterdsy to asn that another bi?.* sssesameot thrnt-J to be le?, ied en lai - numbers of tern ers in the seetion .*? Last tamti of the property ownei - not b??Ju to meet any farther ?uv?iai Alaste, neata on tb??ir home lite? or b-ji*ltlaa. prup-rtie?. ' Tho proooied a??e??m?nt b fa fa for the construction, alteration u? improvemen?- to sew,**? In :3th it.,trm KifUi t?> Sixth ave., Sixth ??'rot, lith ?t. to Carmine ?7. ... .; ,n (TaBaS and Clarkson ?ts. fium Sixth ?v. u the Nor'h stiver. It is ?!so Bre?as! to build a relief ?ewer in 3?rrow|T from Math av. to the North River. A proliniaary bearing on the aaasi will b? hi Id ?" day ! ?fore th? lla? board? of tho Murray Hill ?nd Gi*???. wich district?. It will h?gin it ii o'clock ?harp in the Couneil CKaaea Lity Hall. "All property i.wntrt l?. terested in the muter ?hould itt*t?i the hearing ati.i otter s ?..-crt., 9t%. t*?t," ?aid a real eiut? brok*i jat. terday. H. Hroadman, ., iroUsen Lroker and appraiser, \?ho it ? tu, pager of the Village section, call?* at The Tribune rt?ce yeiterel.j mj ?aid he wa? again?t the lev-y ?nd w???, be pre?ent at the meetin? ?nd thui a?. press himself, and hu; cd there woil? be manv more persona at th? hesri? for tho ?ame purpose. Joseph L. DslaAeld, a v??l; kn????ri lawyer, who i? secretary of the Wat?, ington Square Association, wn uk?. yesterday if hi? associsties h?d .?. cid??l to tak? Besserte?! ??".-.on oa the matter. He ?aid thai ?mh mt'.Uft were attended to i y eomalttasj cf the organitation. Al yet th? mbJNi had not bc?n con?i?ir. Sales at Auction. at u fBBS ??. Ht ii BIVCMIOI OBIVl ...? - lag ,. ?^ Irr??. ? tu il ? ?i 7? 1 b a?fl 1 1'ii.ii.nj- ot ?. A *.j? n Hi ? LtXINOTON AV M . ; . ? n , so, ||sa a IS l?lSO. ??u I tl] >a. . ; ?'. HWem ? ?7 trim??. Me, m Barn B.ertaaO ft i. T? >j? pltli.iafr for }i , Hy ItasaO 1 I'.j WALKER ST. 11 11 ? (*?M|??a a? MXlMi * It" ? 'Il-ala? r, M?*?U ? i 7? 'ar 111??! At lh? Brut.? Ki .? , H? ? ? i ??n BAYANT AV. : ,;? 3 My latin?; M It M ? .' s,- Mas laajn ?! ?I. Tu U.f I Bf j. 8TBAN0 AV. . a .1 a. m.', ? ... A ?? ?? ?? ? -.a t?. 7kl??i J. i M'Siifi J i? I.. . i tilt $.?J' New Building Plani. Manhattan. S7TH 8T. ? ? M?; IW aljB gara??. 10(11 . aaaa ?f ?a? ? ??iliUB * UiwIlT, 130 l'a-'? ??, a " IIM.IW Hi.* llnmx. WHITE PLAINS AV ?? hrt?o ??fa? ? ? ? ? I; rnn??M ? ? ? la *' ??*. 4"i Treni su ?? ?? ISIST 57 . -, m ?ti I?? ?. I 4 ? I a r.l it* Km. , ?.. a. tfaJav, ? ' I'm tm lS'il al| I DAVIDSON AV, ? a - a.4? ?i. f? i 7.1 l Baisa ? , lu MllMi M < " ?'? M ?? um ft Bui ??? am ?. ? Tlf BOUT AV. ?r I . ' al; fw W? | ?ij l.r. ' y ('?, la?. I.'i :.|-r?. ?.?? r.- II I'll . * ;,-?? '? . .??an", liar * T I. , . . .,..1 ItM K, ?reUliafi-t; mit, BM 0 t BERMUDA (TOB!, to ?Ins delightful ( icean Fesnrt l?v twin crew S S "BERMUDIAN" laclttdlDI tickets, hotels, drives, tr*ns ters. etc. All SSSBSSB Un K(] TouriH?ays, *Bamnfm Next de p j. r t u r c ^*,vyj\ Nov. 20. Tickets and "^ nil information trum THOS. COOK ?St SON III H \ ?opp ?'tv Hall Park. Ave ?'.?r IBIS 6'.) (Cor 4?iih st i Iwas ? ? <?r. 7 M St. i The public be p.eaaad. BOSTON i52a65 ... Boal <>l Kuil. I?UNI) TK1I* S-.U. PROVIDENCE ";? $1.60 not mi nur, tfi.oo. Colonial Line Flr.i rU?h i.rilii ?v?rK nay? and S'Jn Si v? .'. I _ M. from Pier Jl. N. B.. f?,.t Weel KeVStOfl B. .?II ? llootna. ?i .... to 13.1X1. Wireire? e<?ulpmeat. Lp lotan Ortir ?- llroadnay and .3u at Phone. I prtng?91.1 FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON S3.)) _v PI Kit 14, M R, ft Fulton St., Dally i ?t ItM P M. New London (Norwich) I In?: I.v Pier IB, N .'. . ft HoaOloa Ot., week day? only, i . 10 P M . ?fier ro. E. H. ft. _ .Id St. I ",o P M my pr Wr--.',r I.?.?.-; Prc?l.?ni* rtlfct. Il M I? - Tsmr ht trrii ???im-*., bi.oi. Da ''?. Ini'lnrflng Si-irlnv. 8:00 p. m. *>..?. 1" -r It, H M 'PtMM I'?? R?.|iman ? . Tk_M i'(Bee Jl-. Mr..?d*?y. N T _1 y-..wn V let nffl ? B ??j gad **?l Ht. ? lllr-?? .A INF. ?TKAMNIIII? ~M!.F ?V?"V.,pk a PORTLAND Jtrdtieed Fare? Alt Point?. Phone R9*0 fort ; v;i .* \ ?iinisnir LIHHB. V?U Vaeatieni. ?.?All .... .'?Jup Sen.l r.r l'.lnerary MAH S. ;.??, Broad???. M. T. CMS. Eerm?da ?s AME?'IGA.1 UNE AMERICAN STEAMERS Under the American Flag N. Y.?Liverpool - Vet <?2. N. R., Nom rii'U.I.I(ihla He*, tt ?'iiil.iinl .>??.?? (si. I'nul >?.? II ?o-???*. feet 1??* * 10 .?k.M. Vur I -ulini.tilli ami laindtf?. WHITE SI Ai HUE N.Y.?Liverpool?PI er '?0. NR.. Va Bain?? Dea i terina mOt A?ores?(l?braitar?N.-ipIcs-flessi (?noulf. \.i?. 18, ID ?. M ? ??ii* I''? 'I on H i:. ? nu ?\. n v i?i ???<?<? ?"???? FRENCH LINE ( onipaanls ?;?n??ul? Triaiis?tl*otl?M ????vi \i sr.R? i? i Sailings for BO.U?cAUX ESPAGNE -.- - No?. 20, 3 P. JI? LA TOUR AINE, - - Nov. 27, 3 P-M. ROCHAMBEA?, - - Dec. 4, 2 P ?J. LAFAYETTE. - - - D*c. 11.3P.H? roa i\r< i ? Atrut com pah ri 0FF.a?, . ? - ,*,:. ':>???* CUNARD e?fa?'i?s<-' il|V.' EUROPE via liVERPOOL *Tu?cania. . .Tues.. Nos. 30. 10 AM QSUii Nat . *' li ? M ?CAMKHi ... l.s ...I If, ? f* W 8a.\< ?NI ?, . . ? M l) **- 5 ?Ii.v'.-.M* .FBI.. ?*? 4 p * ?rio R. il? ? * '? eess ? Kill M) TB? a/OKUl mrM "Threuil i. .???.. , ; ? *Tr"* company a r?ruer. ? li ;? stat? it.. ?. *? BK?ZlL THK ?IM.? is.'l AM* ?vtinu M-.i-iMAi i a? ? *t_ ?-'^" S.S. MINAS GERAES, Ht IW Vr'Xa. [S. S. SAO PAt-'lO, Oit 31 S?M twin irr?** ??.?mir? inl i ?? l ???' ?*'.????M U.iala'.lul . a .?,?., ..?.I? a ''.''",, LLUtu BRAZUELO. V s.^'?i3 REJ ?g" Ll..? ? m ai.? ? ? mSri rjiii?aii?xj'iiiA \o? i'A " ? mS.?o? MMAUAlAIBO .._jm ? P'UTl r ? ",**? bi is.* i ?Mi rr a cu '*' .'"*??,.,??. ri.o... -, ii? ?? "'?! "*| BTlua/atVll . lAll? fu ?>? *'0*1* Official .t??*nl? ?H l'ns?. _ . Ka?n??.s?l A It hitroml. < *? i?' '* *.*J_--. ni n iMi?tiMii? list. to ?n i-r-uiu ?-?it n ?ti ???.i Um me_w ?I I ? en l-lan- 15 >IB T.i ?si r??*???- . rr.NTBAf m-ii^-?v iim-. ^ ^ Newbnrih 1 'ou? 1.???.*?> K' ?? ' _ " ,..' w I ma oc. ?ii?' *? weamn ?INSTRUCTION. n- i YOHB?M_R_aaa_a LAlNCllJAlico riii?M)flR\rii , . p.....r,..r,lrg rerord? of Roeanlhil'i :. ..:! Hr |.'? ?im.enilliinal k-ewlidg? tt . gn, r*t?HlB, Italian Tou rin um ;'. Ing Machine ' ri'c tor R._? n _r Prllll Ml ?' i VUS thl? ?rik III!.; raOXI MF.THOI?. S*l Put. ai?. I Jg . I W. i',.u M?.. r.aar Stil Af_ Tkt berlitz School of Laafusgss. i ' JIM WEST 34'ti STREtT. ?fcj lira. ... . ? Lea? i A??i,t.? Brai 111 -0 i ,*st lia, 1.'... S Caaatnu. N'a. ? H.a.r ir.dg I. < ..-,.? ii.,1 iriTU? _e??.i:.?--_a- aiid Erasing. ffOUXDTB iB*B. hTrans school o? ?LANGUAGES 1.1 Mif!?on A?, 101 W ltd St DA**' ISO. DANCING CARNIVAL. %%&Z!t .??..>??._ Im id ? Baatloy Brand ??niiai I' ? . t ev. ftoit a? u?e ? ?' i h at. entrame N.. I I,, .,r s ,|,|. SI HOOIa M.KN4 IKS. Anirrlran aa?l Fnrrlgii leu. her?' Agenry ? BNRRlteS 1 ? a. 'I'el.'liria. 'I'.llnra. f'o? erneeae?. etc.. to t"oll?>gee. Uchoola and r*mllt?? Apply lo Mr? _ J. YuUNU-, KL'LTo.N. .3 l.'n'.oo S.uar?. ' RESORTS. HOTEL GREEN _S_? ?Stssssaj r ?-u.iii.ig. _?.ri m.* ** T IjlT'tBt, It n A, ?Ap? ir Truel ll.i-i . I" ? ' M " ,tU' ^ TR A YMOki; ?.?????*?; Ml Slt \l. INSTRUCTION. INSTITUT! Of BUBICA Sea 12S. ?S S-SBBBMl Arm, AI AST~_-J im, T-rtSBat-a