Newspaper Page Text
100 Years A Commercial Bank THE City of New York 192 Broadway < or. John St. Branches Greenwich and Warren St?. Bowery and Grand St. 345 Grand St. Fifth Avenue and 14th St. Ninth Avenue and 14th St. Fifth Avenue and 20th St. 2 Weit 33rd Street 57th Street and Third Ave. 86th Street at Second Ave. Broadway and 104th Street Lenox Avenue and 116th St. 125th St. and Lex. Ave. Capital & Surplus, $5,000,000 Resources, - - 70,000,000 Charter Member N. Y. Clearing House Member Federal Reserve Bank United Stales Depository Condensed Statement of Condition at the Close of Butines*. Not. 10th, 1915 RESOURCES | ! nsand Discounts $51.256.27926 I . S. Bond [Par) 1.350.000.00 Off* rStOCksABonds 5,525,43167 B M 170,000.00 I . ? and 1 \Ji.:'i;:' 20.919,572.22 $79,221,283.15 LIABILITIES tal $3,500,000.00 I 1.818.902.22 Circulai i . ?.186.097.51 Deposits 72,71 ?,283.43 $79,221,283.15 Officer? lot || ?.. K \ i I? \\. i -.??. niWK .i. iii:\m \. vioa-rm hu n un? il. ii Ittttl*" \ iT \\ I ? I I \ M H. Mlt\W>. V pro?. HI.HI I.. IIAM<l>s. V.P. A ' auk ru ?.NK \ . H vi.nwtv v pi i MHIIIiHIM P. UATI.IXO, \ I" (.I.MIK.I. I?. KKNM'.lli. % r - ( o|\M.i:i Mill HKII-, V I'. III1. MM !?? ' 4-OMl?. Amt. <a?li. U \l I RR II. Hl?l< E, \?-t '??K lll'.MM ?. ItimiKI, Aut. ta?!. \|M<I\ M. MiHHIS UM. 'Th jo*i:pm min? v *??< l.ioltl.i: M. II VHP, ' bf rmaD. We Invite Your Account Atlantic, Gulf & West Indies ., . . [I . ? yet ; It* >? i .. - ? [?? lonal ; : " | . ? ni.irkrt circular No. 966 talla nia of 'he i uin tatar? 5 ? ' ? it wing In an inter? - ??..,.? ?f las'. .luMrial la* .? .i Int. Mi-i i aattla Itruili n < aaaaaf Murinr IVerl? ??* Motor Mii|\?lr -Irel I . s. I.iclil * ( erru ilr I'm.?? " 11 t-it I liifc M. .fixriili I .mil !? Sent Upon Request Harvey A. Willis & Co. (BataMiakwd i **<> i > H llwu>, V V Ttioiif? 127-80 Hroad. Henry Clews & Go. 11, IS, IS, '' aad II BROAD ST. HaBSaUaU K. V ->r<?< K K\( IIAM,l. Stocks and Bonds bought and sold on Commission. Ais<> carried 0:1 Con? servative termv Deposit Accounts received subject to check at sight. Interest paid on dall) balai ci INt ?1 Ml.M ?K I KIIIK> TKtu.itKv ii inn?, in (Kinn ORAFTH 0> IIIMHIN \Mll\KI? BRANCH < 'II l IM Fifth \ . ? Third Avp. SI . Hk:>i.. AMERICAN LT. & TRAC. COM. REPUBLIC RY. & LT. COM. WINCHESTER ARMS Williams, Troth & Coleman HO Mull M. Phone J'lXO Hano\rr. V T. (IUHUKKU IBM Union Trust Co. of New York SO BROADWAY PtftkAi ASSt i "ii Av. a ?oth St. Allow, Intarrtf ?.,, Ilrooalta his a Executor. Guardian. Trustas, etc. PINA'? IAL MEETINGS. : I 15 lias m n .<) n.??- . Usa Ito .-I..T, ? \ will i? of Hi ? i Ity ?if N?w 1 .-r ?n'l, 1?15, v ? m fat il.- ?i~ ?. I ? ? ' ? ? . ..i . ' ? th* transaction of ? businaaa u? Mutt < '/III': I.' . ? ? IriBT ?Tat II kUKER. DIVIDEND NOTICES, IIII.NtW ?, iiHK \IK Hlt\h?.< IIMI\S\ ' ' LMvtdand ' ??'? hli thin .!?>? ,t, . ' ON I. \\t, ii': > i-.NT 11 v, , payant? - ahold? ra oi r?cor<| ? at i law . .?-?. turnlabad ... i- ni- K Prcattlaftt mu ni mm o iti? ?? Mi.tK imtrwi i ? 1111 11A V R I ? J. I?l'. . HKIUJIMIIUIK IINOTll'f I O Sr. ? '-' I? |!ll'i -1 ?' H :? ' I , . I^HBaaaaaaaaaavaBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBBalBaBBBBBBBl !. . . MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT Irregular Reaction in Late Afternoon Follows Early Advances. SHARP RECOVERY IN STERLING EXCHANGE Copper Stocks Weaken on Profit Taking-War Industrials Firm for a While. Profit taking in the latter part of the afternoon WU more than sufficient to overcome any new buying or short covering and the rise that had marked the earlier part of the session gave way to uncertainty with some considerable declines. News of a copper merger, while Uvtifjring to confidence in the outlook for the industry, was not suffi-! cient to carry much further the ad? vance in these issues, and the more1 prominent copper stocks after improv tag in the forenoon ended lower. The; war industrials in the early afternoon, were up from 1 to ? point?, with a 34 I point advance in Bethlehem Steel to; show the way. This strength in specu? lative favorites was short lived, and a good part of the advance was lost be? fore the close. In the bond market un? derlying investment issues were tirm, with a little irregularity appearing | elsewhere. The market moved by sections rather than as a whole. The copper and oil stocks were in demand around the opening, steel making and equipment concerns improved Inter with some of the automobile issues and the rnilrondl enme m for some gain. The uprush in war ?pecinltiei was the last of the movement toward higher level'-. Then irregvUr reaction -et in, with a few! -bowing exceptional weakness. Busines- in the forenoon was ou a very Inrge ecnle, but slackened later. In all i a little over a million shares changed hnndl m a list still broad. United States Steel was more active ( than on pievious sessions of the week and ceased To act a- a drag on the mai - | ket At its best it ehnnged hands at ?K, more than a point up. and only a fraction below its highest of the year. Among the war specialties Lackuwannn Steel was Conspicuously strong to the. close, only with a net gain of over U pomts. Baldwin Locomotive, Crucible Steel and Maxwell Motor made maxi? mum gains of considerable extent Mer? cantile Marine preferred, which with te evidence of greatly improved earnings because of the war. lias made ^uch a remarkable advance, broke sharply when the receiver of the com- ? pany repudiated exaggerated estimates . of recent receipts. In the copper stock- Anacondu lost more than a point. American Smelting J. Inspiration ended unchanged, while, Utah sained nearly a point. Dealing! in these issue-, was on a very large seile. Among the railroads Brie was turn at the close with a fractional gain. Canadian Pacific, which presented an? other of its weekly rtportl of great im? provement in gros-, earnings, advanced a point on the day. The mure active railroad itockl ended for the most pan fractionally lower. The market still gave evidence of the presence of a spirit of caution and hesitation, in part the result of the great advance in security prices and the unusual preponderance of specula? tive commitments for the rise, in part from the disturbing state of Kuropean affair>. Against this is confidence in the remarkable expansion of our com- j mercial affairs, to which the head of one of the great international banking houses paid tribute on Tuesday. Of this preat pre-? ?:* prosperity few doubt There is, however, considerable ?jues- '. tion whether the security market as it now stands has not now discounted a large part of this improvement in tu- - Our foreign trade is being facilitated by the commercial credit which bank? ers here are furnishing to London in? stitution! to relieve the exchange mar? ket. Sterling rates yesterday mat sharply until sight drafts on London sold at 1 i')K in the pound, and exchange on Paril also improved. \\ i.K \<.i. or i hi; tkihi nk - i l^T or in I kin RAILS, Kevesjkot i", rootosgay'i dace ii!>."s R?veoahoc ifi.Iiejna Ooio week aero, . ntt.HXi On.? month ago .I16.I4J July 30. 1914 .104.425 High for October.UMU LOW tor Oetoltrr. ?09.425 iiikIi for aeeSeeskee.112.016 i.ow tor ?eaSeasber.IVLSM High for August .M9.IM Low for Augimt.10.",.!)0'i High for .Inly . MMM I.? for July. 101.91? lllk-li for June.1HK.'!I7 l<m? for Junr. K1.V2 8 ?agi for May.HLMI I ?? f"r Mi.) .KU.,-,10 High for April. 11:!.Mis La? for April.IfLSfl High for Murrh . 111*.lug Io? for ,M?r>r<h.MMM High for IVIiruary.MOM l.o? for 1. bruury.1111.192 High for Juniinry.IOH.H'^3 1 .ou for aaaaavj . IMLM1 Hl^li. tBWS fur. 1915 . ItLSH LOW, ?MW far. 1915.101.19'J nigh, full rear, ?14. IM.MI Lew, full rear, 1914. MLMf A\ I.i:\i.l. 01 Till iKliiiM.s iisr ol l\\ I IA I 1MM ?TKIAI.H. No?einher IT, yeMeriluy'? <lo*e 9H.9RH Kovemaee n>. 97.11.vj Our urek ago.. 94.MII5 one inoiiih aaja . MJMI July ;io, 1914. r,: ni iiiuh f..r Oc?anos. 99.too I OW for Oeloh.r .9I.44S High for Matesnees. MJM |o? for s>eptrmher.R6.5O0 High for Augu?! . M4M I...W for Augunt.BO.IHK High for fat] . MM I .,? for July. H'l .'IM High for Juni- . MM! 1 M (or Juni.7M.3IS High for Muy. HAM low for Hap. T1.47? High for April. MUM Ion for April .?..?..144 High for Mareh.75.15? I ..n for March .79.094 High for l'ehrunry. M4M Lew for Peuswarj. ? Ml High for .1,,on ,r. ISJIM I on for January. ;n -,;<j High, Men far, 1915. 99.7(10 Lew, Ihn. fa/, 1915. ?9.51? High, full year. IHM. HI.HM Law, full year, 1911. ??.4J7 Cuban-Am. Sugar on 10 P. C. Basis Mreetan ?f the ( sbaa-AmeHcan Sug,.r ? ornpanv yesterday declared an ? initial quarterly dividend of ?\ per cen? or. the cemmoa stock, placing it i.n a regular 10 per cent annual basi.. On August 1* the company declared. ,<ith the regular quarterly ? '? i i pe? cen? ea the preferred ? ? i i ?< n . on that i NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANG* WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1915. Tola! ?ales of stocks Wednesday 1,054,200. afjalnst 979.700 Tueaday > 1.090.100 a week ago. Stock Exchange closed a >ear ago. From January 1 date. 154,288.700, against 46.1S6.100 a year ago. DTv ?Shares I QuotatiorTRa?ge. I Net I r>u seid. lOptn.i High.! Low. Flnal.1 ?hge. Bid. Al Alaska .TunTatT . 4.500" ?2% ?2%T 11?? 11 V: S "?l% Ti 4 Adama Expresa . 200120 1? 120 120 110 1? Alaska Geld Mints.' 15.600 29 29 2T 274 -2 2.4 11 ? Allie-Chalmera Ce. 7.2M M M* ?% 334 % M% * allIs-Ckalaers Ce pr.. 500 74 744 74 74 -t n% li 4 Am. Apr. Chemical.... 1.100 744 74'? 724 71% 1% [? '; .' Am. Agr. Chemical pr.. 700 FIS 99V 994 09% - '4 99% 10J ? Am. Beet Sogar. 30,200 684 70% ?H H , ? % M% 6i 6 Am. Hhm Su?ar pr. 100 '.14 94 94 94 ! ?- 94 9; 7 Am. B. S. ?VFdy. etfa.. 100 loi 101 101 101 + 4 00 10; 1 Am. B. S. & Fo. pr etfa 400 203 4 203?? IM 101 - M. 190 2?? Am Cal . ........ 7,200 61 V?: 624 604 60*? - 60V 61 7 Am. Cas pr. 650 1077? 108 1074 108 ? 4 107 ,10? 2 Am. Car * Po. Ce., 6.500 824 844. 824 M% t l* WH ? 7 Am. Cari: En. Ce. pr. . 150 1174 ' 1174' 1174 1174 ?- 11.4 HI 7 An. coal Products.' 1.000 1144 146 1444 1444 - 4 W4 ?jM 4 Am. Cotton Oil.' 1,000 58 ?69 58 , 584 - % 58? 5f 6 Am. Cat Oil pr,% 20.. 100 99 ? 99 99 , 99 . ?- 994 0 4 Am. Express .' l.OOO 131 133*? 130 133 .3 12K UM Am. Hide & Leather... IM 12 124 12 124 ~- IS U - Am. Hide A Lenth. pr.. 600 54 54 624 H , -14 62% H Am. Ire Sec. 100 264 274 264. 274; ? ; 2. II 'Am. I.inaeed . 2,200 254 25% 234 14 14 234 24 Am. Linseed pr. 300 43 ' 434 42 42 1*? 42 43 Am. Locomotive . 32,800 714 73 704 704-14 '04 ;1 7 Am. locomotive pr.... POO 994 100 994 100 4 P?% 100 Km. Malt. 200 104 104 10% 10*4) ? 94 10 2 Am. Mall pr. 100 32 32 PI 32 -14 32 34 ; Am. Smelting .' 10.600 994 100 974 N , - 2 M 91 7 Am. Smelting pr . 800; U! 1124 112 112*4 * 4 112 113 : Am. Smelting pr A.... 500 904 914 M%| 914 4 4 W% 91 6 Am. Smelting pr B. 1,100 844 85 844 85 |+ % B4% M fl Am. Snuff pr. 100109 109 109 109 1 + 2 ; 10? 110 Am Steel Pdry.: 4,300 64 ' ?44 64 64 | + 1 ! 634 ?4 7 Am. Sugar . 11,900 1174 1194 1174 1174 4 % 1174 111 7 Am. Sugar pr. 200 119 1194 119 1194 +24 118 120 h Am. Tel. * Tel.? 1,000 1284 1294 1284. 1284 - 4 1284 12'.? 20 ??m. Tobacco . 700 230 230 230 230 f 4 228 231 Am. Woolen . 200 624 524. 524 62% ? % M M im. Woolen etfs. 100 524' 524 524' 624 + 4 60 . 61 7 Am. Woolen pr.' 100. 984 984 M% W% - 'j 97 ;'H Am. Woolen pr ctfs...1 200 98 1*8 ? 9* M - 974 98 8 Anaconda . 48.100 914 914 894 W%l? 1*4 W** K" ? Atchlaon .I 1,600 108 1084 108 108 ;?? 1074 10* 5 Atchiscn, pr. 300 1014 1014 1014 101*4) - 4 1014 102 Baldwin Locomotive... .; 16.400 120 1244 120 1204 +1 120 120 ;, Baltimore A Ohio. MOO '.'4 944 94 944 - ?44 04 : Baltimore A Ohio pr... 1.000 774 774 774 774 ' 774 7. Bethlehem Steel. 1,200 401 494 461 480 -204 478 400 7 Bethlehem Steel pr.... 100 1614 1614 101% 16i4 1 1614 165 I Brooklyn Rapid Tr....: 2004 90 90 SOU 894 4 09% M I Barne Brothera. 100 82 82 82 PJ 4 H M 30 Butte A Sup. Copper...I 2,800 73 73 714 714 4 714 72 Cal. Petroleum. 24.800 || 27 25 254-24 254 M 4 Cal. Petroleum pr. 12,300 53 57 ?? 63 M 24 54 a Can. Southern.1 10 Ii ' 55 ' 65 65 i - ' 544 08' in Canada Pacific.' 4,800 1864 187% 1854 1864 - 1 '1864 187 4 Central Leather. 3,100 59 V 59'. 584 584 - 1 I M% W1 7 (entrai Leather pr_ 400 110 110 110 110 - 109% 110 ches. & (?hio. ! 7.200 634 634 624' 634 - % 0S% H Chicago i Alton. 100 II 13 11 II I 4 II 14 Chi. Great West.; 500 16 1? 16*4 154 4 11*4 10 4 Chi. Great West pr....I 600 |g% 89% 394' 394 - 4 394 U* 4 Chi., M & St. P.I 1,200 95 95 944 94 4 94 4 95 7 chi.. M. 4 100 1314 1314 111*4 E>14 4 1314 132' Chi., R. I. ? Pac.: 8.500 214 214 20 204 1*41 20 2"' 'in Chine Cor.. Copper_ 15,R00 574 67'. 654 554 4 654 5? 4 Cluett Pe-.hodv. IM ?7 07 07 ' 67 I ?64 881 Col. Euel ? Iron. 12,100 55 564 544' 544 ? 4 644 H Col. & South. 200 374 374 37 37 4 37 M Col. ft So. 1st pr. 100 58 68 68 ! 68 - 1 ? 58 ?0 7 Consol. Gai. 10.600 143% 14?4 1434 1444 | 4 1441, 14 4' .-, Cor.t Can.' 300 884 90 8X 90 884 9n (,,... Product!.' 6,200 19 20 19 194 4 10*4 19' B Corn Produc?a pr.' 100 M PO PO P0 4 *4 89 90' Crucible Steel.'14,900 764 79 754 704 - 1 764 7?1 Crucible Steel pr.I 500 1074 1084 1074 108 1 4 1074 108' 10 Cuba Am. Sugar.? 4,800 138 143 132 133 1 133 ; 135 7 Cuba Am. Sugar pr. . . * 100 1054 1054 1054 105'* - 4 104 110 7 Deerc Co. nr. 1"" 96 M 96 N 4 M 97 9 Del I Hudson. 100 1524 1524 1524 1524 4 1614 164 Denver * R. G.' 100 164 164 16% i';4 4 10*4 17' Denver ft R. G. pr. 4.300 19 20*4 21 294- 14 28*4 29' T Detroit Edison. 100 1314 1314 1314 1314 - 4 131 132! Distilling Securities... 3.800 40% 47 444 444 24 444 41 20 Dome Mines. 200 25 254 25 26 -4 244 25 1 Electric Storage. 300 674 674 67 ?74 14 M ?7 Erie . 40.600 444 44 H 434 444 4 J4. 44! Brie 1st pr.' 8,400' 60*4 60*4 577? 58 % 58 58' Erie 2d pr. 1,000 51 61*4 61 II 50 51 Eed. M. A 8. 100 32 82 32 3:.' . 2 PJ Ml t Eed. M. & S. pr. 2O0 534 68*4 534 534 4 61 53' 8 Gen. Chemical Co. pr.. U 114 111 114 114 - 114 11? B General Electric Co... 1.500 1774 1784 1774 1784 + 14 1774 178' Genera] Motor?. 5,200 396 406 395 402 . 7 4024 408 7 General Motors pr. 1,400 118*4 1144 111*4 1144 4 1124 114'' Goodrich B. F.... 5,700 72*4 78*4 724 724 . 4 724 73 7 Gt. Northern pr. 4400.120*4 120*4 12? 12? M c,* \(lrth. Ore, subi... 18,900 504 61*4 504 504 4 60*4 601 16 Guggen. Expl. 26.100 784 70*4 774 774 4 774 77T ? Con. 4,400 43 4 46 434 45 2 41 tf! 6 Havana El. Hv. L. k P. 50 87 87 87 " 87 67*4 M :*4HomeaUke . 50 121 121 111 111 Int. Agricultural . 1.000 25 274 244 274 34 20 27? Int. Agricultural pr_ 1.400 61 ?44 ?1 01*4 ? 1*4 ?3 4 ?4 Inspiration Copper .... 52,800 47 174 454 464 40*4 4?' Interboreugh-Cofl. IJOO 224 22*4 21*4 21% ? 21*4 211 ? lnterborough-Con. pr...' 1.200 784 784 784 71% 4 78% 78? liner-Met. 100 224 224 224 22*4 4 21% 22 5 Int. Harv. of N. J. 300 1104 1104 109 1".' 1 109 110' Int. Paper .' 1,600 114 11*4 11*4 11 ''h 4 11^? II7 2 Int. Paper pr. 1.200 4?4 48 4?4 17 10*4 I7: 10 Int. Nickel . 300 198*4 1934 192 192 2 100 102 Kansas City Southern. 500 33 334 33 334 ! 33 , 33' 4 Kanaai City South, pr 100 ?34 ?34 03*4 08*4 H 83? Lack. Steel . 31,100 81 844 80 844 54 04*4 B4H Lake Erie 4 Western.. 100 144 144 144 114 4 14 14Ij l< Lehigh Valley . 5,300 8241 824 81*4 61*4 4 Ml 4 82 12 Lig. A M vers Tob. ?00 256 2564 250 210 1 IM 2M Long Maud . 100 24 14 14 14 24 23 4 Maekay Coe. nr. 100 M ?? M M 654 M Maxwell Motor . 6,900 77 80*4 77 77 4 77 77'i 7 Maxwell Motor Istpr.. 1,000 10141014 100*4 100*4 1 1004 101 Maxwell Motor 2d pr. .. 5.400 584 ?1 574 574 4 574 58-'i Mexican Pet. 27,400 944 954 924 924 14 924 93 Mexican Pet pr. too 90 90 M ** - 2 87 M mm Miami Con. Copper.... 7,300 354 354 354 354 4 35 UM Mer. Marine pr. 42,600 734 734 M*4 704 44 704 71 Minn. & St. Louis. 350 174' 174 174 174 ? 4 174 17M 7 M.. St. P. A S. St. M... 400 124 ! 124 1234 124 1 1224 124 7 M.. St. P. A S. St. M. pr 100 130 < 130 . 180 130 - 129 133 Missouri Pacifie . 2,300 74 8 74 74 4 74! "4 Missouri Pacifie ctfs... 200 74 74 7 7 - 4 ? ' 7 2 Mont. Power. 1JO0 ?14 62 01*4 ?2 | 2 60 fj 7 Mont. Power pr. 100 1104 1104 1104 1104 14 1124 Nat Cloak i Suit.: 200 80 80 79 4 79 4 *4 79 ' 80 Nat. Enamel. A Btpp;... 1,000 304 81*4 294 294 4 294 2'.'4 3 National Lead . ?00 1*54 ?64 ?64 MV4 4 ?? M*4 ". National lead pr. 100 114 114 114 114 118 111 Nat. n. R. ?f M. 1st pr. 100 254 15*4 25*4 254 Nut."P. R. of M. 2d pr.. IJtOC 94 94 94 94-I 30 N'?vada Con. Copper... lO.iiiio K,\ 17 16*4 10% - 4 164 17 ? New York Air Brake... 1A00I14I 143 140 140 24 138 141 E New York Central. 6,800 108% 1034 102% 1024 4 102% 102*4 New York Dock.t 200 14 15 11 15 7 I? M N. Y.. X. IL A II.I 1,600 X04 804 794 794' 4 794 794 N. Y.. Ont & West-' 700 314 314 31 31 4 31 314 6 Norfolk I Western-' 2,300 119 ,1194 1184 llr.4 110% 118% North American . 100 724 724 724 724 - 4 714 72 7 ]Northern Pacific . 1,200 U6% 117 11? 11? 4 11? 116% Ontario Silver . 1,000 4*? 44 4-\ 44 44 ; . PaciSc Mail. 200 324 12% 82% 32% - 4 32 12% Pac Tel. A Tel. 1,400 44 454 41 ' 454 * 14 414 4.",1-* ' 1111. R. K.? 3,700 ?0 ' ?0 594 59% 4 594 M% * Peo, Gas & c. 400119 119 m m ,1 n8 m ? Phila. Ce.' 1.000 43 414 II 444 - 14 434 444 P., C. (' ,?;? St. I.' 100 83 PJ Ki 83 .1 80 8J Pitta. Coal. 400' 3?4 364 3? 3?4' | Uj 3? 364 7 Pitt burgh Steel pr. . . 100' 99 pJ 99 99 9?4 99% Pre>-id Steel Cnr. 2,800 69 70 ' 684 M 4 M% M 7 Pn wd SI Car pr. 100 1044 104?, 1044 1044 ? 4 1044 105 I Pullman Palace Car... 1,000 1634 165 1?34 1644 - % 161 1?44 Quicksilver . 100 4% t?, |%j 41. . 1? .j 41, ky. Btsel Spring.' 1,100 4?4 474 4?4 40% 4?4 40% :. Bteel Spring pr- 100 100 ion 100 100 + %| 994 105 15 Pay Con. Copper. 14.900 g?% 274 20% 20% 4 2? :? 20% * Reading .' 10,?00 824 834 824 824 82'- 83 1 Reading 2d pr. 200 a\ 424 424 42% .rj>j 45 Rep. Iron A Steel. 2,?00 524 53 517, 53 ? S r,-, fioi.4 . Rep Iron t Steel pr. . . 660 1074 10-<4 1077? 107". . 4 ll'7:, 1" Roeh Island.' 2,200 4 H 4 4-4 4 V Hock Island pr.I 1,500 14 1'-s 7- 1 "^ 14 Rutland K. R. Co. pr...' ?OO 25 25 25 25 . 3 -- StLAS.P.' 600 7 7 6*4 ?4 4 ?4 7 8t L. A S. E 2d pr-' 700 94 94 94 94 SU or^. t) I. & Southwest_ 30ii ?i 9J fj j:1 . j o.. o:, St L A- Southw. pr.... 200 42 42 42 42 2 61 43 Seaboard Air Lme. 200 if || |g% \*k 1, 1 pi? y, -.aboard Air Line pr. . 300 11 il 41 41 1 |0 |] 7> Pofbuck . 300 157 177 157 !57 :? 111 18TU Sloi ??' B. A 1. 1.100 56% 694' 68 59 ' || ? ai 7 Slosa-Sheff. S. ? L pr. Il pi 91; aj 96 1_05 ?i-, 1 Southern PaeWI? .: ?,300 103 103 102 102 ' % io'4 102*? Southern Pacifie etfa... 1001118% 118% 11*4 hh\ . 1^ ; South Porto Rico Sug.. 1.100 [80 m 120% IM 104 P8 181 Southern R. R. 2,200 24 4 244 24 24 24 24% .; Standard Milling ., 20o 79 79 78 78 1 7'i ; go T Standard Milling pr...? 100 81 Hl SI 81 - ; HO'- st 4 6 Studebaker. 8.300 i?44 IM 168% l?44 4 l?i ' IM iv Tennessee Copper . 3.800 ?o ' fio7k y.', ,-,94 . ', sou vj7* Texas A Pacific. IM 1? 16 16 || i4 t6*A 151 Texas Co. full paid.... 1,400 17? i?o 17? 177 . |% 17,; hg] 10 Texan Co.' 4.200 lt*3% 1W.D4 180 IM .1 lai 1HjU 4 Third Ave. R. R.I 500 62% ?24 ?24 02% 1 % 61% MH Toi., St L. A West....' 100 84 84 84 1% . 4 7V BH >? Union Pacific .' H'.?oo 180% 1394 I3n4 188% 4 nH4 13h% 4 paies Pacific pr.I 200 ?..p, 88% m4 83% , 88% 834 4 United Cigar .' 200 ?34 M% 634 63% . \ 624 Ai 6 tCaited Cigar ef Am....| -',u0 ?*? 94 9% 9% aa? Zm 8 r?alted Fruit .I 9,300 157 161 167 160 ' i 5'4 Igg ?4? United Rv. Invest. 7M 234 234 234 23'? 2 rii,' 'T*. ? '.P. A Fa.... 3.200 274 27 4 27 4 27 4 ?7 2* K C. 1. P. A Eo. pr IM 61 53 .vi y , j |g ;?? 1 I s Lxpre.s.! 100| M | 44 44 44 - ? 42 ? 46 CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS Petroleum Issues Higher, with Trading Increased?Smaller Business in War Stocks. Strength and activity in yesterday's i curb trading was again most pro-, nounced in the oil and a few prominent copper stocks. The petroleum list con \ tinned to broaden, with substantial im? provement in the majority of issues. Standard Oil of Indiana whs advanced 1". points. Standard of New York and Standard of California each gained 7. : Illinois I'ipe Line t\k, while numerous others scored advances of from a frac ; tion to 5 points. A number of the industriall were ad j vanced on the day with dealings or. a ? diminished scale. International Ma? rine was under pressure in quieter trading, the common los.r.g a fraction1 i and the preferred 4:v po;n'.s. Midvale ; Steel was more active and closed nearly . I points higher. Drigg'-Seabury and (.'anadian Car and Foundry preferred each yielded Z point?, an.i lnti mat Petroleum gained nearly 2 pota - Motor stocks moved in n narrow range. Among the coppers, Keoneeott I \% of a point lower. Hraden and Chili ; Copper each advanced a fraction. Bra : den Copper and KennOCOtt Copper M each ended IS points up. INDI SIKIAl.S. To'.il H.aret ( i r?. Hlea Ii* Laal In Tuba a ti MM it MM 4':? fat A O ft Wl I :?? , U% KM PR AS pref..... -''; 4 - M <?" ;:? ?Banker?" Ms C I Mi (?% : ? ????? I ? Mn M N ? ?? MS *?a oral m 11 : ? i ?.f.:o'so Pial i;.n I :.', 14 Is) IA ' ? "'ar l,t *. POW f% Sty I "4 , 1 ? ? ?atral Wry.. U 1?. II ' s Ml * ?.? ? . <.-. <? -, ? ? er M C a IIX !.?? 1 . IM 1 1.04* ?< r?in?. Bhl| KM MO Drlsa ' 141 147 j: Ouantanatno 8. <1 ? B I *? IM ?Hen.I..- Mfg ;??.? K H 4' ?Hoi 1 ?? ? 1 M M 1 MS ?Houaton Oil |l 1 ? 1?S ''?' M.SM ?In! Mer M?r., u :i MV MM : Ml ?do j 75 6", 1 ?'.? 3..' ?! ? Metoi :?? < I : ? : ? ?Inl I ? m.,.? ut '.'??, . . 1 ;? I.OM i odlon 1: 1 r II .1 II ; Kt I) Bp It* 1 : Ml I Ml : ? 4f?> *?:? ? 1. 7: :t mm r<% ..." ?Ksyatoa? Ord. nk? w? 11 11 ?-:?;.. ? Boat UM lit l". IM Ml ?da arel .....M M K II ,0M Maa 1 raaMl 11? 1 > 11? i't I.MI Man oui of Am 4 IM 1 1 . 12.0M ?Mldral? Bteel .0 Bst l*M ?v-14 Ml Peer 1 fl M l 11 41 4*44 MM M) ?PjrrcM Mfg . IM ITM M4 ITM &SM lui. A II 'or , , S f?, 1.000 s l Krtas? a 1 14 11 i"\ 14 , ,-,., M,,?| A |;il(. |..,1 ;:, *| pj K ?s. .t.,-. 11 Lead in, i4'-j u ""h I M Bat) l? ?? f .'ifs.. 44 ? 1 -, SMi l..?io ?Tabeeco Cr. I MM i Ml 1.1 Y ?? 1 1 ifi ?' . ?', I M l.fcM Prof Bai . i". I? .1 .-.00 ?r s u * u '? 4?4 r. 4N ? ? ?de pref Mi lM &** . . ? i ., h - Corp. r s 114? I?M 1' (.MS ?Veal roa <>n 13 v,\ |4U || ? ?Vli torta "il .'-. PU PU >s . ? ? ?vrttl] - 0 : I a Ile/T in? Ml ' ? 1 Ml W r* C1 ' rtn ? '? IM t I STANDARD OIL si USIMAKIES. 1 ?? I AecVr-Aw Oil :? ', M MM I ml Bel ? .? r- r. .?ri. ? ht lu 111 Oll ? Ml im .;..lena 81* ? - lai Ml Ml IlllnoU P I. .. - IM UM : I.MI Kai TYaaati M 34 M 37; "?. ? 01 i"4 IM ri ; ??' Pier. ? Oll. - MM II IM Hl . 4V. 13') 43? ! ." Prairie PL I !U loath r-nn ell Ml Ml IM Hi Oll of In.! - !?>? M 4?0 M Man ' ?I "f K ? nun "ii ..f s .1 - 4 1 Ml Btan Oil "f N V - [ 1 ? \ u nun 1 >ii ::" j MINIM,. ? - ? ?. Min U |J 1 1? ? 1 ami Command ? 9 I : 1 ? ? . .1 N .1 :i 1 ? ? i lol'vn?! I 4 1 4 I.4M Kll Led?? IN : ? IA 1 ...! ?tBootli . - .-.:? M r.. l?st-17 1TH l?*j ?u ' \ /. ? ?? ISM i . 1 n ?. I : .". , . . irla aim I . : ? - ? ' 'on Cop Mln . ; ? ;: 1 ;? . |M < ? PM Plret v.t <-..i . ? , .1 4'on i>? i'i i'4 1 kler IP M 1'' .,> : ? ?? i! ? la Mln -. . -?? IM IM I. How Hound 4114 ?4 si f, v| ? Jumbo Kit. IA IM 4 ? ?? . .. 31 31 M M IM Kl.. I ! I 1 ? ? -M Kin Oar , 4. H M ' I :; ".i 31 '.:. t\ ?loti ? 1 ?? K M V :t-t 3.". ? 1 ?Nal Zli a 1. IM IM H? ! 100 n.v.,.1, mu, i* u is is ?Ing Min.. Vi TU : : . I.OM ?North H I" 1 ', '?, -4 '4 . o.e., | : ?tRca l'on Mln M 37 3". 1 .... ?tsand ?orm K 10 II U I ? V ., v 1 1 :,.. ir... | ?? Mln 1 1 '. 1 IA Kl Mil 4't IU '? ? ? 1.300 In 1 ? -' M A M n l?.?oo ? ? >:1 - . ? > ?,i pj 33 . Kxl 11-C IA 3 1-S2 3 A i I.M0 tTonopah Mers 43 43 41 4: nopah Mil , I '\ 7-' v. 70 Cl? T'1 ? ? ?|Wh K Cop yf : BONDS. I ukoa Gold M 4 1 . " ? ? 1 MO An -,r.37-. Ml 33.'. 33-'. ? ? le P l'op ta.. 130 I! IU l.'l ?? K?-un ''..[. Ib.. .?H SI . I M *ed hs ? .'.s t ?? a ???? ni ?Mdaad. INACTIVE YESTERDAY. rXDCtTniALf I.l \ k Mi. Afk ' y.\ T ord M II M? P S.... I PM d? or.i i.r 14 u IBaennaa car 7*t pvj ... pr . s II ?r s i- (AP) 1 :'. ">?'?. 0 1 O 4't 4's MININO ?m,.,?... y v.i u Trl.Ballloa . S K ,t,n PM 3 KAII.KOU) EQUIPMENT BONDS, (vjuoted on 1 paMaatSM L?*1? ) . 1.. |> r. 1 Atlai ?; I 1 . . '? < - ' . : < ? 1 . 1.45 4 K Cana lian ? ? . 1 ?" 1 ?? lui. Il ? I ' I ? ? f'hi . .; ? ?e & Ohio : ?? .1 I" I ?1.1 ..k.. a San : I . 1.40 |.;i ...?? i ' il si UniIi .\ N 0..1IU- -i i i ? k A Leal ? > ? 4 ? .-? I n idaoa I ? ; . ' M i ; Krla H..lir.vH'l.? ' : ? i . tiocklns Vall< ?...'??? I : : ' ? rural.I?P ? ? i i.M llICUti i :. i MU? .ri I. .r. .... Mlaeourl 1 .... ? SO ;.i0 KII .-"iii Kort .Ik a Wea rn :??-?.4 4', ... 4 M 4 i N T K II n 1 ' i . , . r. nn i .? nermi rr.-u-i.i. ::?'. i-is 4 M 4 r. s- Loo 1 1 Mi 1 I . .1 ??? li . 1 Air lArm. : ??? 1 ???> 1 ... Soutl ?>iii IUI I t'.; -, ( ?? l'a. IM ?.lin : , t . ? Vlrr.lni:tn K.nlway.... J''l>7 -T" I LM 4M STANDARD OIL ISSUES -rue OIL INDUSTRY, from al! indications, is ?bout to enjoy the most prosperou. _i JtaLlaMrL Conditions ?Mvr?af prosperity are based or. the phenomenal demand E*iawaeJ? fir consumption ir. autcm IL. moto? trucks and farm tractors and a con. ?t?nf?? gwiinf' ?3 for iuci oils and other products In response to our nsing tide of industrial activity. railDE OIL PRICES hnve recently had a very larg? advance. Oklahoma crude oil .i?? AtTs?si 19U".{Si moved up from 40c. to $1.00 tf&Jg?S+SPl ? ?rartius hlSrracord of $1.05; Pennsylvania crude hns advanced from $1.8S to $1.90, com mUTSmK high record of $2.50; and other grades have shown a corresponding increase. DPFINED PRICES, os a result of the higher quotations for the cr\de product and l.r?r demand, have a)*c advance, sharply. Gasolene within the last few month, hai ^?nn^gnrJhVre from 4c. to 7c . gal.on In varioui parts of the country, while prices SfiSASSmSi kero,.ne and oth?r products have ?bo moved upward. MOTOR STOCK BOOM : The automobile shares have shown tremendous annreJatfcn in value m a result of the growing use of motor cars for commercial and sWTPWtnaT Last vear's ctput of "automobiles and motor truck., 1-ailsed our gasolene eon^rjonto 1,500.000,000 rall?n, a year, and in the fiscal year 191M91? ismImi Wn. ?!?? should cross the 2,000,000,000 gallon mark. As this Is in excess of the country! prient V? capacity, Standard Oil refineries should run full throughout the winter to provide an adequate supply. EARNINGS AND FINANCIAL POSITION: In 1918 earning of many of ths Standard Oil companies established high records and stockho ders were re? warded in Se way of increased cash and stock dividends Since that time most of the CMMMMM have made Urge expenditure, ir. expanding and improving their f.riht.e. and it is unTerrtood that earnings generally are now running in ?cms of the mf r??rd.s- ,Inii: rattens orTSiat some very ? will be shown in the 1915 reporto, wh;ch .hould ?suit in many extra cash dividends and stock distributions, and even larger earnings may be expected in 1916. OUTLOOK : A. a result of the present strong position of ths Standard Oil com? panies and prospects for the oil industry we look for the biegest rise in these stocks, taken as a group, that has ever been enjoyed by any class of securities. DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET, giving detailed information regarding these securi requrst WEEKLY INFORMATION, relativ? to matter, affecting the oil indu.try is published in our "Weekly Summary of Available Public Information," which contains timelv topi?., all financial statement, a. issued, dividend announcements, diary and market for the week, and complete statistical and dividend tables. Sent free on application. 8ERVICE: Since the dissolution of the Standard Oil Co. we have steadily enlarged and improved our facilities as dealers in these securities until today our service, through? out the country, Is recognized as second to none. We are prepared at all times to mill markets in any rrf these issues in small or large amounts at NET prices, and have markets that are of the best obtainable. Your Inquiries and Orders Solicited. CARL H. PFORZHEIMER & CO. Dealers in Standard Oil Securities. 25 BROAD ST. 'Phones ?60-12-3-4 Broad NEW YORK ON THE CONSOLIDATED. Early firmness was succeeded by ir regularity on the Consolidated Ex? change, with weakness developing toward the close in a number of issues. United States Steel opened at its low of M%- Anaconda declined to 894 Ctah Copper rose to 804, but reacted to 7p%. Crucible Steel's high was 784, and Weatinghonee Electric rose to 714. STOCKS. ..; ii ?a* l ? Ust l.?lu Alaska fiokl l.r? Alll.-i a? it,,-' S'n?r is -, rea mm v - ? ' <. ? im <'?r a, I'j - Ifi Ma MU MR It Ami HM? A. I. I'f 4 "*. ? il? Am Unseed . tSU ?U -' ? '?J v.. i.- ?? i....Mir ritt : '? i ?'';? In -? ?? ? ???', l"" M ,s ? 4? Am Mssar n?4 ll?U H ' l?? lua.I? Cop . HM '-''.j MU :"'? v . .v s i l*TU ;. . :?::. f? Baldwin Loco . I?1U II 1*4 IR I-"1? l.rro i allfornla Pet ?U -'" M*J -??? M fan l'sdfl? IM IMU IM IM? M L'a itral Leather '?''- M? ? ? ~li (!..-, * ?tilt., ? - . ? 1? r m a m r i , ?! . . la 71? r It I *. I- 11M 11*4 '. -; :.: -, ?? i? i. il l'l? i ' 1*4 i c? c. i? i ....... its? :+? M'.'. 141 141 l'orn P ?? . i!>4 M l?U 16*4 il:? Prugbia Mtati M rau rsa ;? ?, i ? ; ?. c ?, 11 c '?. I.T? Brli 4''. 441, 4 -, 444 ... l ri Lai pr. , . RM MU H (I ?tri i . "-', ' M . Il ? 1 ;? \ r'.. m " ? *M Il ? ""'3 H 17? (?llggri.lirlm Kip raU 791- 77S 77 , . .i l Inapiratlon Cop Ma 47!; SSji 4,: l loi . 22% ISM ?.'?'?? I1U Kan i !t\ Sa -N ! WU ... Larfcawanna R . SIM MU - . Ma :i? i.-!.!ni' r?ti i RM Htl Ha s!\ lia Matin H m.r- : *'i Ma ' ???> ?" 1 . Meilran Pel , "Is. I M Kji 9t% IM Miami Cop UM UU MU :> -., Un Pactflc . 7' ? 7', 7-> 7h ... Nal l-.i? ? '\ ?? '. Ma * a 17? Nevada Cana .17 ITU . . ? \ v Central .. IMS IMS IM IM .. \ \ .\ n ,\ Il B?V Ma M s? -., \ i imi s ? ?la na ' . '. r .... - ? , ? , i*% ? * )? ? Ht I ..;. ? . . ? . ??? ', ? ? i n.. r Copper ., . . . Il ? . Bei Uni .', I ? RM :? , lap Iran A I II '. I? Il , rn Pa* . . IM% !?: '? l?."? I?1M MO Ktudebakae IM IMU ICJM 1(4 4*1 Ta .i i ? ; m ., ?-, ?M I.SM i nlaa Pie . : '.", l ?H IIS H : \ 1MM I' s Hteal . s--"-? i, R i IT fi IN I s BubtWf . Ma "'? "4'i MM I,!?? l'taii ' ??: ;??! M I T, 7? ?a H 1.47? Wi.ilngli K A M. MU 71'* MU 'J*. 11.?: i . MINING. UM Allania . :i Jl^j .M ?|U 4M Conwto. k .1.1 .13 .1 : ,l| 4.?oldtteld Mer .. .11 II .19 in ' Itabo h\- I.33U 1 BU I Uh 1 ?U m- .:? i 4.1 11 r. M OpWl II ,11 .il 31 I.' s< 1st h MU ,MU MU ?'?'* r PI I .M .M M? Toi : ill Kit . :?.'?i S ?<) :i M 3 I ? IM u, -t ;.. i ,., ,;s i Tola sata SHORT TERM NOTES. Kam an : matttrttjr. i.. L Aak. TmM An T a T -ul, .... Al r, 111?. ; ??..; | ,i ;.;:. Am Cotton '.l! la, Nov. IMT.. 1*1 U IMU ?? B vu. .,i -i? Coo ?-. M h, 1917.. ;.'..', IMA S.W liait a t il ... M -. Jun?. ? ?./ laoX in 100% 4...; iiki: i. Rap ri ? - lui) ',??.: -??? icol! t.''? . v ' .in,, >. Juri . i- u ?? u i a ? , a. W Ind i .->???' IPIT.. ????? LM i? ; \ Hud 4-, Jum ? , : - \ i.r Krle i: R ??-. \. rli. ; ?. . | ', |ooa : ?7 Cri? H R '-j-. April, 1917.. IMA 1RS < '?'1 >;? ?! : Rui ber Ca. tx . ??.'. ie>% 4 :3 i i ???! iota 4 ? Inl Harvea a, i', b 15, laie 1011? 101 fi *?*> g '? ?? ' . Mar. : ?:: RU RU I 11 N V N il .v II bm. Ray, ':?>? I00U loofi I ?? :????.u l'a tUa, Jun? II IR1? imfi lOlfi i .; .- . ;"jS : i Southcrn !: ?'? M. >i . :??-. |0OA 100 ? i.M I i.-'-: II.' la Mi; IRT.. ICrU 10:', 4Ji l'oreign (iovernment Issues. Ans attaa ?' ?. (M IS, iSSa. VJ% aj 5.47 AratntlM >'?. : ?, 1 . IRR 4 ..'? ? , 16, i HT ? ,'. . ifi fcR An., 1.un- ta, m iv ::. |fr. ?..MU I? '", I I Canadian evi ia, Aui ? . -, I.M 1 ,1 ...u ma A?s. 1*17. loOi? 1 efi *.?j !' r ? ne ti '?*. At.rll. !'?; . ? , . ? . Herman '-. January, 1*1 ?. ? , i," Hwltawrland Sa, Raren, lsit.. ????*, m> land +. March, me.. ?,;*, 4 land ??-. Ran h, ! . ? , Italian ? er 11. IM eV 1 Nerwai ??. October It, IR?.. '.">'? 149*4 '?' N'orwat M, October I . IW1 l"1"? lORj la, !'? nul or. 1?1H *'\ 100 ?00 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE I' ? " Shan-- gm.'ati.iii Ranii?". N4H rate i Open. High.| Low, Flnal.1 ehge. I Ri<I. I A?k. U.S. Indi Alcohol. ZOO! lid 114 li:i 11:1 l1* I?24 111 U. 8. Red. * Ref. I'm 14 14 44 14 4 4'* d U. S. Rabbet. 1^00 Sa 4 M4 H*i M4 4 M4 M4 f> U. 8 Rubber 1st pr... ZOO 107>,. 1074 107', 1074 % 107 lOh'i r. s. Steel. 110.400 h?^ kk 884 ^71, . % ?71, 87a, 7 r. S. Steel pr. S^OOfUS USVi 116 ll?-. 1 4 111 1184 40 rtah Copper. 81.700 7:?T. Ml'* 7'.?', 7!>T? % 7;?7, %0% Va. ''?r. Chcm..'.I 2,700 174 IHS 47 4h', S 4? 4H'i Wahash v.. i. 1.000 |f% |,; ?? Jflt, L6S '-? lti", 184 ITabash pr A.' 1.-"" M ?H 474 474 ?'? 47', 47^ Waoaah pr B. ''Mou :u 11 . 80? 80S 4 804 104 I Welli Pargo Kx. SOI 1S44 1144 KM 1144 - 14 III 1144 Vest Maryland .' 40 fJ4 814 124 12%- Ufe 884 4 ITeet. Union Tel. l.ono m4 BB4 874 874 874 ***+ 1 B/estinghenae Air Br 29,808 894 71 884 884 ? 'i "?>'? 184 7 ITestinghoase Mf*. IstJ 10 79 ? 7:t 7'.' 7'.' . 14 76 | 80 7 Woolworth .I 10? 111 ! 11:1 till 111 lit j Wheel. ? L E.' Ml ? I I 1% 44- 44| 4;Vi W. i !.. K. l-t pr.' JO 184 II 114 14 ; \* U'j \V. & L E. Id pr. 188 ."?, 14 84 54! 14 6si 8 Willvs>Overtaad . 200| 2464 24841248 2t.r? 1 + 64 243 ,246 7 IWilly.-Ovtrland pr....| 100 114 1 114 1118 1114 | - 11134| 1144 1 INACTIVE STOCKS. The following table give? the closing ! bid and asked prices for stocks which are listed but which were not dealt in on the Stock Exchange Wednesday: 1111 A<kr i lit.i aatetf. Am i tal, .M ? 11. M H lit pr M W4 An. ' I pr n: IIS .to M pr.-f Am Ki.ufT IM 1"'". '?nrUlanl 1' ..IM Is? Am Tel * CM ?<i I ?!" prof ... 1U ? A T H i.e.. lui 11" Leah * Nnh 1SS III Am Wi r pi H 1' M?.k*> <"s U s< ?, , Ura.ll/ ? 1" Mai Ix-iH M i< M A Mti :,? m I '?? .1" pM IM 'nj At r..a-t I. II' 11','. Shirt 7.41* ?5 Haldwn I. pr IM 110 da pref IM IM li?-..p.:a. Mu. IS I'iiMSh <entra] 11J IM , llr m. 81 ?? ? I !"? M * Si 1, pr. Tlii"? M la pi il M IM st r a s s Ria i <;?-;? IM , M lad Mao? "4 s'. n u a p n ?l m K * t :s rti da p?al IM , 'i" t>rrf U U n Hul . * ?',. _?> MVi M,Tri. * E?.. *1 in) l/a-M- J I pr . s>S >i?S Na-li A 'lui 1*" 1*' f ..f \ J m Nal t: a B pr N M r j? M A T-l IM IM X ?Ik * ? pr lui 111 i:l .\ A ! 1- :??'?) X Y l?"k pf M u a n n . iMH im Norton si'uui. ta .!. Mai ire im PcttSMM Mui. '.: ' ? ? .sii'M a " lu la t? N l'ff M : aa pi-rf 1 il 14? l'Ut-? i "al pr IM 1"7 Cil * si L M M il' s C "f N J ni IM]? ilo prrt ;?', .; yul.k-.lner pr. |s, :\ ' , f S I Pf IM IIWI'i . '.-' pr II 41'? cas ni pi *:'i "? turn y .. 1% lit l'on UKLAP 111 Hl7? O? pref. 7?, l'oni i ai pr i"i lef Sean Kai pr IM i't?i Cirpat, 4? ;.i |8o ItK M i. Il . .v llul. 111% 14 U etfl . ... ?0 7J Ii a, ,v W !2! 144 HluUabaktr pr.lll H'> |. M a 11 U s - IM MLeW pr 11 11 i lia i a un.. M ri I da .in i, ?: i i,. D M IM Tv.1i. CKj H T M UWIIvtma pr.lll il., pr ,141 1 ' i?rant>> .Mln so I "' l i.vI?tu.kk! T)- M 1 II I.UIAI' pr ." IM 'I? pr .1?: 110 ; m non i lu? a P.. :s i Ii.t M.t pr ??' s4 do pref Mw ITW I llar X J pr.ll',1? lit* If C ..r A pr. UV? 11% 1 rit llarl'i;. M 7? t'a ?'1* M pr. .10? IM da pr 111 T im Uoada, l Int XI. k pr ,1*7% IM tal do prrl UM I.??a (Vntrai. ; l: l'n ir>- luv pr :<'.)% 4''4 !,, pial 13 13 L' H i;-.;.r.?H 4J M Kanal J. . . M "?) [VS I Ai... pr I?l 10'. i .U pr . 117 111 jl H Kl'> * I ?: Ki rlSAll pr 13 7u t Sltul, tat pr l?l 1*1% K.-.k A Il M 4 7 Va Car Ch pr HO 11: dl pr.-f | Va Hy A. I'm 4.' 4".,. Co....IM IM <i<> prrr .. . :>lli in 112 Iv? i c a r u M 1. I. A U pr. M ?i W'e.t M'l pr 4". 4-'-, I.aM TWi pr lists ItPVilWoolvortb pr 111 IH I. W 111., uu :.. .'?> NEW YORK CITY BONDS. Mal nitty, B? ! Ash Ha, s.v.. IMI. l'.'J1?* ioj'v ?-. Beat., Ml. 103'v ioa\ ?i'.s, May-No? . IMI. MPa ?I'jn. Junr, lui?. . I.M l.M ?i .s. Jum. IMI. 4.c; 3 M ?I',*, Juno, 1?18--20. l.M 3 *0 ??? .? .; in? "?:: '9. 4.ox I ? ?!',?. -nitin. IS24-'M. 4 IS t " [WS, .lui'.'. 1*8 . IMI4 105% ?i . March. 1%3. IM% IMH ?4He. m.'> Nov., 1^7. io,-.i, 1MH ?tv March, iir?4. loos icr? ?4'4s S.'.r. id?:o. ltk.% io<>:, ?I1?? Mar.-'.;. 1?C. 100?a 10O?t ?4%a, March, r.'3-j-60. lOuS 101 * ?4a, May-No?., IM7-'M.'M. '.'T1? M*j ?t- Nov., IMS-'M. :??*?, ''7'? ?iv Kov.. ISM. Mm X'..v.. IM4>'H. s7 ||V|f May, IM4. S) nTS |34?, IMS-'M. P ? ?IV*? IMS-'M. 4.JS 4'K ?3!4? IM"-'M. 4 10 - M',*. IMI. S.** ? ?Inte?f-anfeat'li. r??l5t?rrd or coupon. tCoupoo. t"-:!5terf?l. - ? PUBLIC 1 TII.ITY SECURITIES. III.I Auk Hid. AsU. A m 1. A T 37) 373 1. .1 I. A T pf 4.? ?7. .1., i.ref....l08 11S% <;?'? a E S?C W M Adir Kl P.. U l'J i M pref... w :& prof.... M fA ' Ua '??n & E L". M ?Am a a k im is N u i. a h. ios u ?do pref .. 4'.,L? ?1 Se i>r-f. M Ara PlUH '-' NOT St? I?... 3.' S5 do pref .. w) HI ?!" pref .... M 90 Am Pah 1 33 37 fi/ark I' & W .1) 30 ? lo prof.... K7 70 l'.ir .??is ?t Ii M M Am VV a.- B. -\ S% do \>nt. m P: ,?.) par pf II H Bap K> 8 b il -'4 ?lu (fr pref M M .1" 11' f. 70 74 CltMo s^r\ H M ?-c" Cal BS... 9 7> ,?o pt.'f . 77 M 'lo pr-f .. . I?) i).', i ..I P*W?r.. -4 30 i ?Stan i; A: K 7 I <lo pref.... M l1? ; ?.(" ;i-r ;>.i ;i C P H * b. 55 67 IT Hy I. ? P 1H, |]U do prvf ... 9 "< ! '!<? pr.f . .. M ; i Ii OAE ?'? M ISH !* It'n I. & Itya. 40 43 n n i l> pf ?"?i 9 .i?i i?t pr?>f. ;j :: K IM ? S pf M IM i L'taa S?..-ur.. 1T?4 li', Kmp l> i: la 7? M \S' -Tu i'ow i? ?? de pref_ si "I do pr.f.W y !?? : l.t a- T. u 14 I ?l'.ir laMa 17.0 IIAILY IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. Daily imports and exports of gen? eral merchandise at the Port of New York were: Import* Piport. \V."ln?fl?y. Nov. 1?.. 14 SviOls $13 ?J3..'sj rnraday. Nan i? . 1,414.94 Uonday, Nov. u. 3.144.*'.'.'ir.luy NOV. IS..., ': 7'* '.'I'". ? 717.?M Krtday. Nov 12. IM :. *?< ?m Thuraday. Nov 11. t.eM.Ofl !?', !>3" s|^ V." m -?.lay. Nov. 10.. 3.:i?'.'7l T.SM.SM Toonday, Nov. 9. t.Kt.SIT l.tO.IM Monday, Nov 1. J.460.0OC -< H DIVIDENDS DECLARED. Kecord Term. Rate, Paymate ?lav. tteadlna '^ -l Pf "J l'i J?n u Da? :\ ? utian-Am s R?f - .v;- .Ian .1 \trr r. Ml p.-.f. ?J IV. Jan. 3 IV i ?Alia? l'?.wrlrV . ti lUil iMe. M Nov JO t-\. P? It M pf 'i .'r Jan S Dr.- il l'uahn m M.iii.s \t M thk% !>??< . 1 N?n pj M S Kraef? U m Jan l Nov 17 d" l i'( Vi 14,?% Jan. 1 Nov 77 Mal Saaar u-f g \%% jun. i iv,- ? U. S. Treasury Finances. WMhln? ..:i. Jim 17 Tha coodttkn pTllwtMlari Rtitaa Trraauo '? ? U'. ?ai n.i balaort In ?enlral rttinl. III?.4II,41?. lotaj raraljria. M.I40.W4; t.?al paiinw.u fl ITS lin Tlir .Irfkll tins flwal >,-ar I, ^4I?.14?T^J. imaln>t a ..f |..i.u.?.i: lui orhulft of Panama au.i yuiilk' iU-IH traiiia.' KATHODION BRONZE PREFERRED Write for our analytical letter. C. R. BERGMANN & CO., Jtiveitmetit 8eeuritiet> 66 Broadway New York Telephone Rector J:]|J PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. NOTICE OF DISTRIBUTION. A (l!strlt.uM,.n of "?? D*''?f? ? per flmr ? ? ' I this r unpaii) ha? been authorise* SR*> bta .,t ;?... Tr. ??' ? I ? ' Broadway. Ne? > "? tht "? day of tMetmber. 1?15 to ?to.kholden * r. card ai th.f bu?li M OB th? ?? day of Dei ? inbor : ? nbutieat? be put,I out ,,f aurp decreaae in th? i'oi ? from* i i-,r v*'"* u The ?took trail-: ' ' ..""LT | etoeed Cot the I ? ? ?" <ll,,r1"' Ch< qsoa win be '" ?*?*: holders 'vh- have lied orders aiRaORRl such m..lime ? K VAN DRVENTEH TliaeRR November 6th. IStl MUNICIPALS The known isarelt] of munie Ipiil iM'n ? ? ?tM MBj; mderabl? Intercut 1:. '' ?? ?'4r"1*r? ?rade eeeurltlea tora *m flankers will be k pt "?'? P *<?*? rondin? the dis r*^22J inuiil.-lpal bonds In The fRieiRl world, which del "V, und.-r th? direct mai i?emeat Of* well posted and a'.,, muni? IBM bono ?dltnr. Send for Cnp\ The Financial World 18 Broadway. New York. HARRIMAN NATIONAL BANK Fifth Avenue it Forty-fourth St New York BANKING HOURS FROM 8 A.M. TO IM SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS 8 A M. TO MIM(?*n All WALL STREET rsa* DOW, IONES BULLETINS & TIME? Investors read THE WALL STREET JOURNAL - .-i i ? ??? "^^^^. BRIEF WALL STREET NE** A copartnership hs? beer, formed ?T Norman Merriman. William F.ttlkW jr., formerly with Sheldon, Morn? * Co.. and Thomas E. Noves, a member ? the Consolidated Stock Excbanire. un*? the firm r.ames of Noses. Mstrlrssag Co.. with offices at t? William e**M? to transact a general in-.o-tment ??? ness. -" as* The Guaranty Trust rompanr ?? Kidder, Peabody k Co. ?re ??????T unsold portion of IMity*"*^? Kaue 6 per cent toada, doe '????TLgl Hutte, Anaconda A fmtiut K,llr"5 Company at 97 4 and interest, to M about 5.16 per cent Hayden, Stone & Co. and the Elect ? Bond and Share Company have join purchased the holdinp-s of '"?.*" tM Cumpbell estate, of St Louts, in stock of the Euh S?curit?s, amount to 41,800 shares. _ Extra Atlas Powder Dividend. The Atla? Company has ?'<??'* ,H utra dividend of 3'? per seRl?JJ common stock In additior to the r^ lar 14 per cent quarterly. Total ?> dends on the common this year amount to 114 per cent.