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Yale Polishes Up for Harvard with Beefsteak Dinner, but That Should Not Affect Odd? Yale Coaches Rub Final Polish on the Blue Eleven Tom Shevlin Raves and Purrs as Players Get Their Last Drill Before Facing Harvard in the Stadium Saturday By HERBERT. New Haven. NOV. 17. loin BaMVlin t? Batting back. Hit \oice la hoarse. "They've pot about everything; MC 'an grive them in the time we had," lie ?aid, with one of those takii.p smiles, after fmoutinsr: "Knougn. men?all in!" on the "^ ale gridiron here to-op.y. in ?MM time than it take?! to tell it. '.lu- boga Bow), witii it - row? upon tow? of gaping seats, waB err/.tu .. Tiie Yaie football eleven must now ;tand on It* own feet ami wo:k o salvation apainM Harvard in the ?rtad'um at ( ambridfre on Saturday. One of Shtvlin'i pa-tun. ihoti M <? [?lay wont well was: "Do that and we've gol Vm licke?l." This letMUod to be the mental attitude of every man on the squad. Thai victory over Pr?ncoton inspirad a pile of (onti dence, and it dhow- in <? eTJ? OOk ivd action. .\ mi,re dotermn.ed ?.it of fellow? never took the field. Allen leeaii to liare earac M right .mi '?.a.le vacant by the twist - ine? of Wiedeman's kne" las' Saturday Otherwise the eleven will line Op against Harvard ai it ?lid ?gains ' Princeton, (hurcli will be at left "nd, with "Tie" Way and "Chub" Sheldon, tackle?; Mack and Jim Sheldon, guurds; ?White, centre; Van Nostrand. quarter hack: Bingham and. and Captain WU ron. halfbacks, and Guernsey, fullback. ] Seovil is sure to he used in the back- j held part of the game, and Jaques, or i possibly Chatfield-Tayior. ?ill tret sec? ond call if needed. The last named has i been u?"d at tackle part of the but it Mena to be the general feeling ; that ho is jnat about the best defen? sive back on the squad. He certainly has the faculty of sizing tip a play quickly :;nd of going up fa-' Others reasonablv surr to plav if t It o need arises arc Gates and Baldrige at tackle, Waiden at guard. Miller at cen? tre. Savage ai quarterback, Higgin botham at end .mil VYaite and Neville, halfbacks. Last Practice a Hard One. The final work to-day, apart fiom I signal and formation drill in the sta? dium a' Cambridge earlv Friday after- 1 noon, was stiff, and the coaches, an ' army of them, wire exacting. In?.- ', dentally, the practice went with a daafa and with tar more finish than a week ago. The leaooni af the Princeton , (Tame snowed, as well as the polish ap-1 I lied in the last three days. Th> Yale eleven -till lacks much tot make it a really great tram The ? chances on Saturday appear to be, against it. hut it has come far in twoi weeks nine working days, to be ex- j act?and with things breaking well in! the first ten minutes of the game, will I take a lot ?if beating. N'eedless to say. Tom Shevlin was i the Braving spirit th s af'ernoon. The j genius, the understanding, the knowl ecge of this man me wonderful. The' keenness of his brain shows in eveiy move. His impreaaiona, quickly formed, ! SO rarely astray, fine must see him on ' the field, watch him work with a crowd of fellows, to understand the amazing rower he exercises, the confidence he j inspires, the result? he gets. One week ago. when it was my privi lege to see the Vale team in secret i practice, he came rushing on the field. : throwing og hit roat, calling wildly for a swea'er. The men were standing; around waiting Nol one af the many coaches seemed wiling to set the wheels; going until this man gave the word. The word wae not long in coming. shevlin never wastes any time Crowd lag into a .sweater, pulling his hat over i his ear-,'ng a big, hlack cigar in ! his teeth, he ehonted: 'Tome, 'varsity'" ?nd thaT ?quad of one hundred men waa i galvanized. V'.vetv player jumped, and I kept on jumping It was different to-day. but the. result ' was the same. He came on the field quietly, turned an his coat collar, pulled down his hat. to be <urr, and reached for a cigar; but the same ??range force ???as at work. Again the men Were 01 their toe? electrified, alive* The Shevlin Method. Sometimes Tom Shevlin rave?; some? times he only shouts; sometimes he fair? ly purrs. He began to day by purring. ! a ended !>v raging down the field under punts with the ends and taeklea, shout? ing. "A'.' ah! ah! ah! Get that ma .! Watch that ball!" No huh, no spur could have had the -.aine effect. From Ural to la?t <? knew wl i blame, a ten to prai? . He was as free ?\;th on?' a- thl Othi Of all met- he ?-reins to know bail nur to apply the witip, when to smooth over. WBOB to ?in.., ui,. :, to relievi the teneioa. No culprit escapes, no shortcoming his eye, no go" i work is overlooked. T\ - , ? llgaal, who in ? ' lat? one minute, and a I . :,ui!ty one makei quick aeknoa ment maps out "Don't do II again! Another ? fellow?; -P a rro<"i ??lay, 1 iwling: "V ry pretty; very. 'y !" ann it ? e?tn : for 'he moi ? greater praise could ? i ? .nixing np ? ;.? physical a itii the rncn ;*? i? a favored policy. He fore? ? sab eon nest of t ie scrimmage, with the ?or a p:-.'v ).?'?" salea: "Wait a minute, w.,.. a ni- I No%, beys, what do wo do to jaiek ;?'.?'. .... Hold th? hail! " ? ? Hi E11 *? i1 E HEATH THE NEW FALLCQLLASK ?vTTM THT OV4U. 9MJTTONHOU M/MlTE r OR BOOKLET OF ?B STTUTS uswrto v?e??T a < <? , a,-? co, mov.M. y ?ap?f^T l'.wlli.a aii?>. Jiii..*r?li l*ool \mm\m\c?>% 'i?'''? *"'? ll?p "a _ a, f f ? .. -a ll.tifli'*./^ r-~ Some Shevlinisms. No big effort can ever be made after lee Ufa You ean't throw a fit cold. AU big things need a lot of time. It takes five meal? a day to do some work. How crazy can you get and keep >our head? The best system in the world will go to rust without the men be? hind it. All a man needs is the idea. The rest is eas>. Very pretty. Ver>, very. VERY' prett>. HOLD THE BALL. on now, what's thp signal?" He varies this. Five minutes later, perchance, he ahonts: "How do we make it ko?" and the answer is just a-i quick: "WE make it go!" So Tom Shevlin plays on the feelings of hi? men and inspires them to deeds beyond e\ <n their ordinary capabilities What he ease carries conviction. When he criticises there is justice; when he praises there is reason. Something Behind It All. But there Is lar more than trick of word or manner ifl Shevlin methods. He knows full well that thinking men Blast bave something besides ? veneer of outward spirit and enthusiasm. To this end new weapons of offence, new praotieee for defence have been fur? nished by him and the other coaches lih( himself, rallied to the cali. Whether better or no* than the weapon provided earlier, they are r.'.ore effective for the simple reason that thee have instilled confidence pre? viously lacking. 11 i... too, Howard Jones, Ray Bige Johnny Kilpatrick. who ver-- in to;- ; to-day. and worked a? hard as any man o'i the team; Burr Chamberlain, John Field, Ralph Bloomer and other-. have taught a let of real football in the past ten daya?little tricks in , blocking, charging and providing inter- : ferOBee which have been ht-lpful and which may make the diff?rence m the last analyaia, Plenty of Hard Work. The practice, ar -aid before, wasj ?trenne i to a degree. It began with ;. danmy formation dril1 that involved a Vit ei Individual inetruction by Kil Patrick, Howard Jones, Ray Rigelow' and Burr Chamoorlaifl, with Shevlin a the director-general. Then followed a j defenaive drill against the be?? known. Harvard play as put un by a mighty' strong train, made up of ineligible plavcri and Mme substitutes. On top ef this the ball wa? jjiven to the reguli si raidneid and twice they carried it over the goal line with a running attack of much powi r and far more Bniah than in any scrimmage this vear. That over, Guernsey wai eel t" kicking Held goals from Krim ?ormation. with "pp..: ng through, and he showed much of the ikill that isarhed ; we I against Princeton last Saturday. Altogether, the work WBI I ncourag ine. It wen', with a simp BBd da h which iadieatod plalaly thai every nan ?'?used. Captain Wilson looked on ? afternoon, as he needs the WBI in high spirit- and in-j that! ? on. He '.oo. II, BBd later Jd.)Ui:-, 'on'.; Wil '' iii !i", r . rea ie1 und handles the bail and loreneea, Seovii, ...'??' I thamfc well pro!., ti d, ef haviag slowed _ , id will leave bore a* 1:10 o'eiocl to-asorrow for Auburndale, ; m will be pitched uni il cime -, rt -'or the parne OK Saturday. ?rsmentl have been made foi a lig? nai drill in the stadium early on Friday , 01 . After the game 'he playi r arill be eatertaiaod at ' eaoi _ Meek, tralaer of Tale men, .,laver in the Biflk oi coodi ,. ? eleossod the bright, nappy ? help i iir.d added life Tom Bherlln tamed to hin once, 1,1.1k, "Do you want to spare I "" but Hack imilingty shook ? ? aptaia \A ilaoa and t ? 11 ? so fall of theii are ? the iraia,. that on being diaasisaed they ran off the field without following the onored cuctot.i of tinging "Omega l.amda Ch," while ' .ncni|{ .,!?,:.t a BOB* dl ei led uniforms. Tin precedent was not broken, how- i Pa < erhia, Johnny Kn-1,1 Guy ilutcbiaeon and JeLaay Kilpatrieh were the stragglers as the Bowl emptied and. seeing the little pyre, applied a and danced about the flame? Mrs. Fit Id the applauding witnostl I 'rruli, faithful to the end. broke ng tO-ntght The men who have ' d them solve to the cause, with only tlie faintest hope of reward, | jogged off with tin ethers, Their task BW matter what the result of the ,'inal game. They also serve who only stund and wait." ?t Will Happen in the Best Regulated of Families By BRIGGS YALE ELEVEN CELEBRATES END OF ITS TRAINING Praise for Team and Shev? lin at Big Mass Meeting in Dining Hall. iBy Sahara] h r H ? l am " New Haven, Nov. IT. The \a\e foot? ball team celenrated the end of the New Haven training season by rating a beefsteak dinner at the homi "f Loflil K. Stoddaid. "A vaudeville *"?.'< ' Uni? ment after dinner provided amu-e ment, and the team retired early. Approximately l,M0 Yale students attended a ma-s meeting in the Yale dining hall to-night and ehoOfod and .-ang themselves hoar-e in preparation for the ehoeiing again"' Harvard Ifl the stadium on Saturday. It wai an? BOUBOed that then would he a parade of itndenta, headed by ? Bead, to aae the team eff from the railroad It to-morrow. At, the ma.-s meeting to-night .lack Oweley, Val,-'s l.eH,i coach in I908, said: "Tom Shevlin is the beat cantan. Yale ever had ami the he-' coach you ever saw. If Yale hai paaaed th? itorra centre, as we i."pe, then will he no leed for her coming back in the tut ure, Bhc ?rill slwayi be there. Every nan on tin Ya'c team tnis year , ? ale man. Harvard ean'l waste SB) minut?e in the game on Saturday 01 shell >>c :.. k< d." In dl seui - ing in ligibil I j. hi ia d ; '?'?'? e have ? big squad ? I I.n the field thl j ea r who oald bi i"^ Yale h lot of i gl ' winter en their rtudic "There were 'wo factors in Yajt'l nef, at of Princeton last Saturday the Tale team had the punch; th ?;? weren't olid ivor\: they aaw i ligh and fol? lowed Toni Shevlin to victory." John Kilpatrick, 'u. the next speaker. caiii: "The early part of th fall arfl m unhapp) I men01 me. Every Mon. day morning I had to duck mj way late thi office. Last Monday, however, the tables were tamed. I C -i'.:c ?? ".??lied out mv cheat, proud of the fact tat 1 WBS a Vale man. Yon hi the field thii year . real Ynle team. ? m ( from thi moat dies n Tale history to ihoa their true merit agaiast Prineetei . Ourt I ad ? ? eats in my Is if y< ai. and. iual ai 'in - yeai, Toi Mo? 'i to lead ui oat "f the wilderness. 'Frankly, I didn't think bi eonld do it, I ?!? I ? did becaasc y>u have 11? the grt . ating men I ever laid SB "n that team. Thcv won be ? ? ? man thought in- eould lick the man oppoiite him and di. .'." in farthering Owiley's remarks up.'i .. Kit] trie aid: "We eau ? i n out a ehampiem bip for i ext fall if you ail do wl at yon can , eping the available men atraight Wi will have a team which rill wipe up everythiBg ..-. the com. i try. We'vi got the rao i*. col eg! BOW , good material Tali Y i le ' ght and we can/t be heat." L,ehigh Coach Praised Men at Final Drill I. B '-.-'?. i ? :? South Bethlehem, ivnn.. Nov. it. i-, ? team I.i bigl baa bad h ,"wai thechaiacteriatic remark of keady. the eoach, at the conclu the three-hour practice end line! bard ?>.ork here this afternoon, hi fore Sat ui ?lav's gama with I The opinion w..s based, aecordiag to the not only on the phyaieal condi? tion of the min and thi III na ?'??ring of the new play, bat aloe en the ipiril rj i i played and the imart manner m which the plays were run off. Lehiga tWant ? gtoatef part of the afternoon playing hob with Lafayette*! forasoHofl I worked by the Maroon coated scrub. The practice started to-day with a measure of preliminar* tartu". winding up with Boner .-ending long punta down the field to give tin- qaarterhacka, Hal llowell and ('ahull, practice m catching and the 'lids m getting down the field fa t i 1 in the la-t' of the ? aaioi ah- ealled. ladlcatioBi point to a crowd Satur? day of iihout ISjOOO, the largest ever at I a Lealgh-Lafayette game. Lafa\ette I money i? ?till hard to gat, in cording to the betting fraternity. Only One Regular Out of the Cornell Line Up 'Varsity Men, with Excep tion of Jamieson, All in Prime Condition Again. I !? ajn ? T MMaM i Ithaca. N'. V.. N'ov. 17. With ever; man in line condition again, the <"ot nell football ?quad Wenl 'hrough one 0 th. h^rdr-t practie? M far this sea son this afternoon. I.igh's in the base bail cage glowed long after sondewt !,-f.Tr.. "Tap?" wai sovnded. The Varait) lined up >v. r h the ?ec and '.ven*, through a hard serin nagt). The first stri'"_' men won whei Mneller vent over for a touchdown BW Barrett kiekad the goal. Both theVar litj and ?Crabs made gains by ?.traigh footbnll. no open vori,- being tried ?r an;, caer. Earlier in the afternooa H; rrett prac ? sed foi rd pai to Shelton an' Eckll v. end for lh? ni" I part 11 <? v w oi ked ?m' * ell. Bpecial attention wai paid to 'be of .. ? m i of thi "' areit). the eoachei repeatedly giving the first string met th. ball on the sei lb ' 20 yard line uni requiring then to nuke h tonehdown il four ?lov.n-. Twiei 'in v cane within i fea feel of the goal, hut the secondi pal n.! sch <: -tout defence thai then effort' proved nseless Collins played th? ? fot the 'vanity, rre quentl) circling the endi for goci runs. Witn the pxeeption "f Jsmieson, whc v. s real . rj i ?galai ? s back in his- plaee. rVelles I ad 1 '": eson's place -, el .- d ??' '*?' I tht strength . ici ub line In I he 1* aat, ? ? Welles i nt 11 r, ;.. flne game and ?Moved very n to be made again?! him. Dan Reed mid thai Well? it the 11 rat choie? f>" sub tackle, while Jewetl is a close -erond. fue eoaches i-ave decided '" hold Tille;. In reserve i nd to send him to any position in the line which seems te i" in need of bracing up at any time. Card, the Ural cholee ai sut. guard, Im, ;: sprained ankle ?- ??.ill ol terday'i practice, hnl will be bark In da; s. 'n the mean tim< R ? t ?' I <'*tra attention. l illowii g rimi ?? ?. ?n '.he . qnad retir d to thi I ?? ? be I i ago, sen -i.'nnl practice was held. :; the new offensive Pi ? I rania ? ont, and f/hile Dr. 1 ke no eommei v\?,. '? ...-i. ed, hi eei led plei -<i witl the note ime oi ? V :? Bi d i arc plai t?u;.k- i . giving ainsi tl ?.'. . nevei h planne i bai reel of thi weak, and on Saturday ?? p.u the finishing touches on tl eir n'en. in. advai e sail or the a thi Cornel; section ?B Franklin Field so far Indicates that then will h, a big ?'?presentation o'' Cernelliani to i ? their team to victory. ? {?>: leTb? 1 Philadelphia. Nov !.. Pai nayl raala's football stock, which rdayf whSB it was reported 'ha' the i'acultv ban wa-> to be lifted from | red VreeUnd. tin- Mar fullback of ear'? team, who ' .. , ? ? ble all tins soaaoa, dropped with n thud this afterneaa when the facult-, athletics eoaimittee held another ed ti-:.* V ne land arould not he ?? i : r : h I ??. Tins ead thi '.' ij' earch for ? ne ? fallow : a lliams and Qaigli ? an n ? the ?n f>r toil paaitlon. Thi coaches had pla?? i ! ?.. snpplanl Ball arith leOaeks al qtMrurhack if Vrae land made good, but Bell MBSl now be retained becMi-.' he. is the only kicker m the present backneld. The pi i this afternoon .. ??- a novel one. Then ? '? Scrimmage, hut instead th" .con, he- tOOh thi teSM on thi liel.l, and. lining '.hem un ..t different po" ' the gridit.n. ordered thi qaartcraaehi to sali f -coring playa. Thi ? aai done io improve the geaeralahip, which ha i ? ?? t i ' rv faulty of lute. i i bo nachos ellawed the t-am sad ?ritirised the ?? ?e< ti.,? of play?. The demand for -eat far the Cornell rame ?s -o beavj that ternaaran m-hh arel I being erected on three sides of the' Sfjd Cornell hai i iked f?.r nearly the v boM "f tin- Barth stand Wesleyan on Last Lap of Season's Work ?b RSsuhoS M rat IrBsaat l MiddletOWB, I'onn., Nov. 17. Wesley an l? beading ail of h-r energies this ?reek toworJ reachiBg ? perfection bar aafely through the games with Trinity and I'olumbia, the last two on the schedule. The 'varsity had hard ?cninmage.s to-day with a strong si-rub team composed of coaches. ineligible men. -crub and freshmen. The offence of the 'varsity is nearing perfection, hur the defence is *tjll a bit I >-nk ifl spots In these nexr two days s L-t cat deal is e.vpected from the punt - DeetJen and the drop kicking of Eu.tie. I* Ii to be remembered that it wai Euetil who won the game from Trinity last \ear bj I drop kick, lie has made ?.?-.?? ral airead) thill year, and Ifl practice seems te l,e mote accurate than ever. It || -lire that Peetjen v ill be called upon to kick at unexpected moments, as his high, long -piral? are exceedingly hard to judge and have rarely failed to gain m an) exehaage of punts. Bo far this season rVesleyaa baa no! plnyed the kicking game at all. but the practice ?' reel WOBld seem to indicate the.i Uli eosehei are planning t,> us?- their two -tar a k.-rea' deal in the next two mont ha. Last Hard Practice for the Trinitv Squad ; gy i . n? t Hartford. Conn.. Nov. 17 Trinity had its laat tiff practice tins after? noon for ?' ' nal pim- on Saturday here as: iael Weeli The team may -criminate a bit to? morrow, bat on Friday th re will he nothing more than igual drill. All thii afternoon, until nightfall, the Vai sity fought fiercely againel the acrub eleven, which whs repletn- hid from time to ' me ?? ith freeh nbal Ivei and Hyland vvill prohahlv altl at right halfback Saturday, replacing V'iiner, who, with Quarterback Ken? ned] . di f i ? o tlM one | eai ruling, The i iiri't aide of the line, with <ap tain Caatator at tackle, .lack-on at guard an i Uorria at end. is very strong, and no appreciable weakneaa ia expect? ed from visaer'a withdrawal. Reporti from Middletoarn to-day that a eon tingenl of Weileyan i.ten are br in g mir up i hand ami p|< i *v of eaeb 0 . Saturday were received here with more ... dismay. m Penn State Coaches Driving Team Hard ta ? I allege, Penn., Nov. 17. Reallz Onfronttng them, Penn coach ei are working hard to p r. .le-, n late eoaditioB for the ?1,1 - -i-. ?Bg Day battle with . ne eheduled for next S lay, so that the Blui : ? i ? atten oi the next week ?i the final ., ?? ' u- s< ason. amagei ,u>- planaed f< g practice per,,,.- on Heaver IThnow will confina the rough ' ork tO aikillig down m field under punt . i hi- afternoon the freehmafl re used to return the kick-, while all the 'varsity linemen and ends vrri leal down in squad- to stop the runners, A f< w ef the regulare, who had not fully recovered from braiaea . I ? in tile Lofa) ' ; : I ranie, v. el . Mceaeed ?rom tackling, although they were eooetaatl) prended te mercase their ipeed. In the ligaal practice that followed the prelimiaary workout. Earing iuc illy kicked tour field goals. His improvemeat la this ?opartmint has been so markid that Ewing now tops State's .quad of field goal kickers by a wide n ?????" '!i- to, may be called into u-? agaioat Pittsburgh to match Heating '- drop-kicking ability, Double Scrimmage for Fordham Kordham bad ? double scrimmage . ??-te' lay. ii preparation for the irame with the Carlisle Indians on Saturday. Following a -hurt tussle with the scrub, the 'varsity faced the I' i'rep eleven in i thirty-miaute scrimmage. The Murooii yOBBgaton were boBsSd by the aaw ihlfi playa >>t the Varsity, Who tallied live touchdown- and held their opponents RRtroloas. Captain hunti at end and Qeldee at quarter showed up well. The New York Central vvill run spe cial trains to Kordham -.talion on Sat arda y te enable spectators to reach Fordham Field ia time for the gasea. Even Money Bet, Says P. Haughton Cambridge, Mas?.. Nov. 17.? Perry Haughton. roach of the Har? vard football team, told a mass meeting of students here to-night that ne\f ^aturdav's game ?as an even money proposition. "These 2 to I bets are all bunk." he said. "I ?ant to fell >ou that the farts do not ?arrant such odds. I) is an even nionev proposition. Y*le has had a poor team this sea ?on, hut the Bulldog has come back with a rush. I have a wholesome re? spect for Tom Shevlin and his ?orks." (apt.tin Mudan told the under? graduates that credit for Harvard's football success during the past eight vears was due to Coach Haughton alone. "Yale gels most of the preparatory school stars, but Haughton has developed nearly all of Harvard's b> his svsiem." ARMY DRIVEN THROUGH A LONG DRILL ON PLAINS Coffin's Stay at Quarter? back Is ^Shortlived?Navy in Secret Practice. I'.. Telfqrapii Is Tl.? Trlhiii.e. I v\ i ? Paint, Not. IT. With the Springfield game three days off the Army eieren went through a long and : -trenuuur. scrimmage this afternoon. The cadets toiled fur fortv-tive minutes on the "plains" ifl a rough drill that vas devoted principally to perfecting a di ['ene-. Das -core came the big team's wav. Mnrrill was at quarter for a while, and lat? r tiie coaches sent Gerhardt In as pilot itoth these players had a lengthy ? s r at catching punts, and their vrark Bras pleasing, Censa*! hirrfi spirals had pleat] of carry to them, some of , his belts oeing -rood for hity-rve and yarda. Ajjiunst the wind he av ? raged forty-Are yards. O'Hare displaced Knight at guard, and both Jones und Parker were u.sed at one tackle pasitiafl with Captain "Habe" VVeyand at the other. McKuan did all th" work to-day. lord ?rai ifl tl"- buck;.I'M tor the lirst time since the Not re lin.iu conte?:. ( ottin played fullback throughout. Than bbm same ne likelihood of the coaches using Coffin at quarter. His -luft to the paaitioa aaa short-lived. Hither Murrill or Gerhardt aill have the call. Both showed plenty of "pep" to? da.. . <>n an adjoining field the Cullum Hall HMMtt team battled ta ? draw with the oleren from the NtM Voik Military teademy, of Cornwall. Th" score was I to ''?. Aaaapolia, .v<n. it. -official figures of the present a ighta of members of the \av,ii Academy football s?iuad show .? the baektieldi composed of Cralg. Darla, P/sstphal and Martin, as it will Itart ihe game Bgaiasl the Army team, il nil 1-n pounds, wiiich is exactly twen? ty pounds lighter to the man thun last oasan'i baekfleld and the lightest for a Navy backneld foi man) year-?. Praatlaswsa went this aftarnaon, ox eept for pai obi tannoctod orith the academy. Phe regiment of midshipmen i.? iiiihied on the stands and found much to encourage them in thi smooth working of the new backlield. as well as the ability af Johnson, Bledgatt and Non lleimhurg to hold the ball on the forward BBSS plays which will be used against the Army ele. en. ill?, only real competition for a place on the team if thai far 1 ifl ? n?i. where Bledgatt and Von lleimhurg are the contender . ?Vhooror via the place will drap buck to do th? punting, und Blodgetl is a slight favorite at present, us hs is covering mor?' ground with his kick?, and also has more weight and ex? perience than Von llrimhurg. Owing to injuries l'aplani Miles is almost sure to give way to I'tHig at quarter, while II. S. Jones will be di-jilaced hy I'. M. Junes HARVARD BUILDS DEFENCE AGAINS" YALE'S PET PLAY: Mahan Has Another Aftei noon of Fine Punting and Drop Kicking. Cambridge. Mass., Nov. 17. Althouj the Harvard second team was held i Cambridge to-dav and not allowed ' go to Concord, N. IL. for a game wit the St. Paul's School eleven, tl coaches had only a short drill for the team. There wa? no tackling in the serin mage between the 'varsity and tl scrubs, but aside from the lack of ta the regulars had a taste of real foo ball. The second team, which has be? working on Yale's plays for two we^k was full of ginger, but the 'varsil smeared the plays repeatedly. Tl first team's own attack showed tl natural finish of the late season, at! i after the practice the coaches fall we i pleased. Kddie Mahan did some remarkah Kicking ?o-day. his effort? being eve better than those of yesterday. II mar1? several punts of more than sixt yards, and the height of the kicks ws i tremendous. The ?*<>aches, not having pood kicker on the scrubs, sent Le Leary to do tii? punting to the Varsit backs. He gets almost as much heigl and distance as does Mahan, and as th Vanity held hil punts it is believe I that it will be able to handl" (iuen sey's on Saturday. 1 The "vanity line was shifted agaii to-duy, Soucy being at righf end. an* there is no telling just what the tina arrangement of the team will be. Tii only 'hing certain is that Soucy am Harte will be the ends. Pa/son and (?il man th?? tackles, Cowen and Dadmui the guards and Wallace centre, vvitl Bolee. King and Mahan starting in thi backfield. This afternoon Roles was -ont in ti pla> quarter for the scrubs for a spell something he has not done for severa week?. It waf rumored that Knwrigh' lad bean placed on probation by th* facult>, hut the football management ste.ted that it had heard nothing of it The regulars will go into a short drill to-niorrovv and then will go to the Ves? per Country Club, at Lowell, Mass., to remain until the day of the game Cnwford Blugden, of the 1910 team, wa- on the Held coaching the tackle this afternoon, giving special attention to Parsons, who was weak on defence Bgninst the Tigers. The first team ha?i plenty of drive to its attack, but did no scoring. Few new plays are being put on for the Vale game, Harvard's aim being to perfect the plays it :,lreadv hr.s us ;d. a Lafayette Getting Ready for Cahall Kaston. Penn., Nov. 17. Lafayette, iu preparation for the game with Le liigh, ha.?, been laying special tress on drop kicking. The Maroon and White realizes the strength of the Lehigh line and also the skill of Cahall.' Lake and Scott, who have ihown great ability m ?hi- department of the game all s?'ason, have been working l'or hours each da;, in this play and they are showing marvellous accuracy. In the early practices of the week they have both he? i diopping the ball over the bar from tlie I.Vyard line with .great eon si ?tency. In the practice the I^afayette scrub have been using Lehigh formations. The Lafayette passes have worked ad? mirably in the face of the defence thai i.< expected. -? Syracuse Winds Up Its Hard Practice Syracuse. Nov. 17. A briet scrim? mage here this afternoon was a feature of the Snal hard practice of the year for the Syracuse Iniversity football team. The eleven will meet Dartmouth in the ttadlaat here Saturday. Immediately a/tar the Dartmouth game sightaea rnsmaan of the siiuau. in charge of \ sistant Coach M I Horr. Manager K. H ?t.rooks and t.rad uate Manager W. S. Smith, will on a rtip of approximately 8.000 miles, which will reiiuire about three week?. Three games are to be played. I'ni verstty of Moataaa .t Missaala on Thanksgiving Day; Oregon Aggies at Portland. December 1, and Occidental College, at Lo.s Angeles, December 4. MAHAN LOST TO HARVARD TEAM, YALE MEN HEAR Low Scholarship Bars rhf Crimson Captain. Is New Haven Gossip. NO CHANGE FOR ENWRIOHT TO PLAY Ruim-rThal Mahan l> Out Brings Denial from Boston Late Last Night. Boston, Nov. 17. ? Because ?f trouble ifl hi. hour e\.> 'imations at Harvard. Tom Lnriuht ?ent un pr?. bat inn to-da> and will mil he aj. lowed to pla> in the K?me ?lia >. ale on Saturda.v. \ repart that Captain Manan aha ?ill be out oi the K?me ...,. deal?! io-oight. .' i - . ? ' . -j N Haven. Nov. i aptaia Kdoi? Manan and Tom Enrigl t, in? key to Harvard's backtield strength, will n(( play in the Yale-Hal ard icame thn year, according to nformatiee t*t?m to-night by per-o,., high in Vale ath? letics. They will be declared meligihU because of low id tad not R eaase of prat i seoRhea to the information i b) th* Yil? author Tue impoadiai es of in eligibility is aid reeem far the hurry-up call for Harvard gradi atfl to return to Cambridge und hot? bolster up the Crimson harktield with .ferial that*;.- a ailable to fill ti? places of Mahan and El . |ht The two Harvard av e beta declared ineligible bj the Harvard faculty, who it is ?aid. have acted it i dependent!) of the Yale athleti? 1 authorities. No prot?t I aga.nst the men ha I been tiled b) Yale Hud then will be no such p , d, accord ?iiK to the chairman of the Yale athletic board, Profeaaor Robert N ( orvin, who was interviewed on the subject I a?rerai days ago, when h? wan asked to confirm a report that Yule had pro? teste I Captain Mahan herauw M , played "summer baseball." No official notification of the artien 1 of the Harvard facult) has been sett to Yale and. therefore, Yale will ttk? no action in the mattir vhateW.lag* : ing Harvard to judge of the eligibility | of Harvard athletes, a* has been the , custom between the two univertitiet for some years. Th: was the pro ? cedure followed in the ra*e of Htrrv l.e Gore and the foui other Yale saV '< letes, whom Yale declared ineligiMi i several weeks ago. It i- said that the high s'andirdi of ) eligibility set by Yale, ?Inn th?T g> I dared five of the boat athletes in the ! university ineligible for farther Inter ! collegiate competition, have bean re < sponsible. in a measure, for the ?etion j of the Harvard facultv. Great pressure has h<>rn brought U bear upon the Harvard faculty bv Har? vard graduate.-!, accor lii | te the re? port which reached ?? i Baves te night, to induce the former to reeon -??der their decision to prevent Mahal and Enright from , . ?? Theftc ' nlty has stood tirm. thui fir in tie [ matter and inten,.' fand their , ground. , Mahan and Ei ? ? ta in ts? , Sarvard-PriBeetoii ?s:ir hli veir h> ; eauio the r?gulai dati for declarisr ?men Ineligible on account of studies ?' ] Harvard did not come until after the* date, and both men v er? elifibl* te plav in that contest. Morin Wins with Cue. Charle- Morin. of < hirago, ?a* through with a str?m; fin IB dtfttv ing Charles Otis, of Brooklyn? '" * , three-cushion match of the intent?t? tournament at the Brook ActdeaJ ? last night. Although the match lasted ninecf-on* [ innings, it was nip and tod In th* eighty'third inning bo" aies were tie? al 37 al!, but the turning point carai ii the next inn'ng, whei Morin K*thirtd* high count of rf earroi tJthi hid i high run of 1. ^ Unless Style sticks as close *? your shadow*, you may I* snK* without a shadow of style. With us, our customer* expect Style as a matter of course, ?w as for getting stuck ?that's im? possible. "Your money back any on time." Men's Winter suits and over? coats. Boys' Winter suits and over? coats? same fine quality as our men's. We have your number if y** want a long wear sock for a qt?f ter! No. 31?one of our best sell' urn "Solos." ItaKII Paafl Comianv Broadway Broadway at 13th St. The .tJ4th?* Four Broadway Cornera" PifthAje st Warren gteleto*