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CITY PAID $12,000 TO GIVE M'CALL FREE AUTO RIDES Whitney Declares Chair man Even Had "P. S. C.M Taken Off Car. STOCK OWNERSHIP CONFESSED IN NOTE Commission Head Turned Over Mysterious 85 Shares to Nephew Sale Netted $2,014 The taxpayers of this city paid |1S ?M for the purchase and maintenancc of an automobile for the exclusive use of Kdward K. MjCall. chaiiman of th. Public Service Commission, for the tw > years ended Jun,.- 80 last. This later esting testimony was given by Trav i* K. Whitney, secretary of the commis? sion, at th? inveat gstion of th? Thomp? son committee vesterday. which has recommended McCall's removal. Mr. Whitney also testified that sine last April, which is about the time the Thompson committee mode its 1rs*, report, the letters "P. S. C " had bee-i removed from the McCall car, wmen was thus turned into a priva I equipage, although the citv continued to pay the bill. It was taken care of at a garage in Kighty-third Streit, three blocks from McCall's home, aril ?he chauffeur in making his reports I i the commission merely turned in th* number of miles travelled, without anv details as to whirc the car had be-n taken. Mr. M-'Call travelled quite a bit in these twa years, too. the official ml - age record of the commission showing that the cur had covered 16*184 miles, or an average of about fortv-one miles a day?including Sundays for that period. Mr. Whitney .aid that the commission had cijrht automobiles, an I that all the chaitTeurs. with the ex ception of the . ne on to McCall car. turned in cards describing their trips. It developed at the hearing > nay that Parley, Morse * Co.. tin Thompson committee's accountants, had finallv traced the mysterious eighty-five shares of the Kings Count Lizht and Power Company stock which ; were found in McCall'fl account With K. R. Chnnman & Co. The stock, the accountants found, WBI turned over, by McCall on December 27. 1907. to his nephew. John C. McCall. and on September I, 1908, vns sold to Hallo- , well & Hoary, ?t a price which netted a profit of ?-'-'.OIL A Ictt.-r ligaed by the Public Ser? vice ehairman coverinc this trar.sac- | lion and directed to Waterman, \n thonv & Co.. w^ich succeeded Chapman & Co., was a part of the accountants' ?eport It read as follows: This Will serve as an authorizrtion to accept from L. R. Chapman & Co. my account, which contuin- eighty-five -bares of the Kings County Electric Light and Power Company. Whan tha isane i? received by you von are f ur? iner authorised to place th? same to ?b, account of L C. McCall." In view of afeCall'l admission in. 'his letter that he had owned the eighty five shares, the members of the com? mittee were at a lo?, to Bnderstand his testimony before the committee about two weeks ago. Or Noven.bei ?, when the 887 shares he said he turned over to his wife were under inveotigatioB, McCall was asked b\ Deeoty Attorney ', Lewis: "Have you hhd any other stock In this corporation in any other name than Mackin'.??" "These are the only shares of I held." Met all re-'; A couple of da;, afterward Senator Thompson said to McCall, while he was .till on the witne i stand: "The testimony is that he trans? ferred it the Ml bar?-) to Mrs. Mc? Call. 1 think you testified the other day that this was the onlv stock vou h-ld." McCall's answer to this was "Yes." The committee spent considerable time yesterday delving into the his ?otv of the New York Edison rate case and th? Kingrt County Gal Company rate. When Hayward took office last March he said he "aw- a i;ood opportunitv for thrift by dispensing with a $3,O00-a vear private secretary and i down the salary of hi.- stenographer 'rom ?1.500 a year to ll?CO. Three months ago, however, the witness con fe>sed, he took unto himsfflf a private secretary and placed the salary of his stenographer back at the oldtn ure. The committee hopes to have former Commissioner Maltbie on the stand to? morrow to quiz him about the Kini;-> County gas rate case. TO BRINGFAKE ADS UNDER FEDERALEYE Merchants Will Try to Convince United States Board of Its Ju risdiction in Such Cases. [Froto Th? Trit?n? Kur-vi 1 Washington, Nor. 17. The first mor? i 'he effort to bring tho power of the Federal government to bear against dishonest and fraudulent advertising will be made here next Tuesday, at a hearing before the Federal Trades CommisMon. The whole ouestion of dishonest advertiaing wil! be gone into, but the chief effort will be to show that the commission ha- jurisdiction in ?uch canes, if the commission d?cid?e thai it has this power, severa! com? plaints ?train,t crooked advert i-ers will be filed a? ?:.,fl ar?| ,ritl?. which have been held up pending the ?eei.ion, w:-| he put into shape for r?t action. IrlaLu.V"?'*'- t0 "mpetltors of rau.lul.nt advertisement, [, th(. p;ir. 'bob ,, ,. hoped will -a ci .'i|i;| ? iv,. ?*,??a?, ?M COll. , V ' '*" I'* I? <;:?'- where the fraud, .? .? ,,;,l;riM,t " He' 'er* - *?" "" rt H Hou ton, president of th, ' of the < bairman bavie-, ?f the Trade. ' ommi.sion Mr Hou iton ex p. ' the prad ; rom thi meaning of the aws. ? Ion of ? rted ' t Houston, Will Mi rle . ., ?? ,. ., I Kee | ' IgO I!, raid." | sut 1. ate/edi b. <.i ../..> Meiaee. LUCREZIA BOR] ARRIVES. Prima donna charms ship companions on trip from Naples. MISS BORI SMILES AT MARRIAGE RUMOR Prima Donna Arrives and Pre pares to Sing in "Iris." if the passeagers on the Dues degli rVbrassi, which arrived from Naples rday afternoon, had voted as to thi mo.-! attractive of their number the choice would have gone ? to Mi** Lacr?ala Hon. As ;t ; appenbd, there was no oficial bal? loting on boaid. bat f the adaiirini ? of ths sterner portion of the . ibio were sos indication it was not necessary. Every ntfle glance had become so wall trained during th? two weeks at sea that it followe? the Mel opolitan Opera star around th? decks. i ? ? well known Spanish soprano is returning for a strenuous opera season after s ?ata?er*! real at her home in 1 ? c?a, Spain. She wa? accompanied by her brother, Vlcenti Bori, and bar Ajat teacher, uabrielle Sibello. When Alis? Boii's ofiicial puard, Will lam by name, rushed on board as the . a il ci d the fair singer greeted h.m rapturously*and promptly unburdened of her oflcial greeting to Amer? lea. Th" e.-.'oral tenor of her remi when ' ' . was to the effect that - extremely pleased to rlaa once . tic grandeur of Maa? ? M !'. rl was asked about th? ro ? h ich were current OB hoard that he wa? aboat to aaaoaace her engage? me to some well kaown singer, Her ?. .... <.. i. a arded by ? sweet smile onlj thai and nothing mon Mr. Guard announced tl il Miss i<o, ing the title role of "Iris" BOXl and addad thai in the Decombei she BrUl slag me Butterfly" for the Irai time in thil country. DEMAND MORGAN FOR POSTMASTER Citizens Stirred by Report That Representative Patten Is Candidate. The reports that President Wilson in tends in throw the New York PostoAce lato the maelstrom of machias politics ? a Tammany Hall man to ard M Morgan, whose term ;. Po er expire next month, ha ed prominent business moa, bank? iwyers t<> -uei. an extent that a vigorous proti I i I any such bi i ie to the President, Repn ?eatatire Tom Pattea, accord? ? the reporta, la on thi President's slate, and the political wioeaerei around Tanunanj say that the ou?r detail ro? I maining i thi tending o? i : ame to the Senate when Congress meets. Pat? ten has ?'.ways been regarded ai s tried land true machine man who BCrei ?er- ? hen p'l* to the teat, and the news n' probable appointment to Mr. it hai caused mach jov in the I i i ? he aapoiatmi :.t all unlikels thai the Pr?s ? ? ill hi ?ui pro ? ? .? replacing of Mr. Mai ? gun b ?? ;. politieii i .-.?? r. -? that Mr Morgai eppol ? ''i i* ?hawa in i ;,.?. r ? ; I tO Pre? dent Wilson by Seth Low, pr? sideal of the Chamber oi I i e the el " body ? tal Iping obtam Mr. Morgan/i ?*xp* . the riows of Mr. Low, si . In )?:- let* i i" the Presi ... | ?.. eal '*i" view ? .,: most oi the moa body orer which he presides. Mi I Mi Morcan would be a public calamity, li not reap? ?I Hi admin Is trs ion of the not beca i hut 11 has been bo like, ? that ":'' " ?< ????". .? Important ? aolfare of the city, ? kent ,,, j,:? <?.??.. bio eeaspetent Rt)0? reit Silent on Raising Army. 11 i .,., ..?., ,t rafaaed ?<- eeas OB i< '"'v 'Hided to Ion Daily M iilN froai Maw ? thai he had m...n- praps ? i fores of VI000 rnei, " ' i nii4 d State and f?erman ? ro ? to war over the sk litar o? Ui< Luaituuia. ' WALT WHITMAN'S OLD HOME SOLD Hammer Falls on House Near Huntington, Birth? place of Gray Poet. Walt Whitman's birthplace wai sold ai auction yesterday. The old brown home of the good gray pool near Hunt? ington, Long Island, v.ith Ua lUtTOUBd ing fatm buildiagl and ninety-two acres of ?and, was kaockod dOWfl tO John D. Rolf?, a real estate denier of l?eer Park, for 118,. It believed that this murks the end of the square pre-revolutioaary house, whose the great souled man pent his eh Idhood und early you'll. Mi. Rolfl would make no statemenl m regard to the future ot the property, bul >t . rumored m Huntington that it is to be cut up into building lots. Such a bouse Whitman might have buill tor bim elf, broad, nngainly, stubborn of outline, tanned and ?'?.''.. ol nue. 'I m : a] . i I to be no one .n ill? crowd gathered there yesterday fitted i n,.. a. l'- meraberi wire fariiK r folk, but of a bre lived in a different world from that i . i in.- -" le-, ed ???oi eng. ! hi re rere Italians and Germans, Swede and Rus? el ei j .o- sibli . erial ion ,,.' - be b. piten. A sprinkling ? ? van i-mi n there, bul ' Il '? ot Coal -' -i of tin- tra? ditional overalls, aid motoi ca?- in of bu . \ ' i ica na, changed u ee Whitman'- dav. and the old house has outlived its generation. It looked lonel; lonely and ashamed. In front ot the win re t!u- poet me t often .? . dreamed hit boyhood which, perhaps, lie had in mil d i hen in v. rote; "I loaf and invite my "1 lean and loot at my ease observing i pear of summer ;.'? ? they were selling beer to the farmers acrOSl a sloppy, linoleum, d k | . table. From duaty, ancient indow panel the old house looked out apathetically at the gathering that ihoUted bid- for corn plan:, within iti . shadow. Frank J. Rogers, ta owner up to ye.terda], ?-. . t auc . tion. It was not that the d?? . ?minded his going. It was hard to b, luve thai i* could regret the pasaing o: obi who had plastered ?? i ? Which Whitman had dwelt with wall pap.-i- o:' purole and groen. Pu*, it seemed out ". piac? m thi blatantly modern gathering, It looked awl and apologetic. In one of th,- Violently papered room? .I ' her? the boj ol yesteryear mut often bare -,.t of cold days like yesterday, dreaming, Pei bap- ,t ?ras hi m thai he ? ard of the ? , -." ?- ?? the yarn, as my graBOmot father, thi tailor, told ? t, '1!.' | ' ' '.b,- old hearth were obecured bj a pi ? ? ting of ? Mom Castle, oi <;ieat South Light, or Mae -uch Intereotinf . with peaeoch blue sur^c- and * itoomer Which bad evidently I ? ? ,i ?uh nurinei is the ee .. hard tence. Outside the ah ? and cold. Beyoad the crowd m the barn? yard stretched tanni d fieldi and bi woodland. Novembof I ?? ? !?*.led ?: the trace and pa-tun--. "'dy ton: ne. i v > ,.,.. blood, formed from thil About the house were boor ' tt and "hot dogs," i yell n. ; and a restless, sordid ctowd looking for bargalaa. A' "'"? eoraer of tin- "i." ?.I a forked pole bearing between 1 its brand.-- a rustv, widi -mouthed .farm bell that must oft.-n have Called ; Walt to dinner. Il - ? e,.,, . nan, and a hi a oae palled th?, ii.pi ? i- ? i tone of the ver;, o ,i Hunt for Baff Slayers Ends 'I i,. last ehaptei m the atti -n" to t -i I th.- morden i Bag, tl s poultry dealer, wa ? ? ?,,? -, rday ? hpn District Atton ey Per Kin- ...n' bet,,). Judge Melons, m General Set - on-, and aski .i te Jac-oi, and Joseph Cohen, the "? I ? ? ? puliei t," released on theii oe n rei ogni (aaaoe. The Coboni wen iadieted foi assault upon Allen T. Pearson. B com mission merchant, last December, The District Attorney admitted that it Wall no loagor possible to ohtaia lerrobo | rative evidence against iho defendant*. CAPTAIN'S TALE AIDS NEW HAVEN Transfer of Yale and Har? vard lo Pacific Not Mo? nopoly Move. STEAMERS EARNING POWER INCREASED .Mellen Tells of Morgan Upset? tint' Agreement About Provi? dence Boston Trolley Line. \ . - - ...m ths Pacific t'oast ' . . :..i. trial yes? terday. explaiaiBi 101 ? of thi Unan? ? . a; vi'-ply olitaa steam '??? p eaaspaaios. The ? ? Harrj Goods II, P . ?Ac Narigi tiaa i lompan; ili- te timon) bad to do with the tiam!? . of the teamei - Yf.le I id liai ? ard i rom 'he Al lantii tbe Pacifie, lie wa? brought i rom the Pi I oast bj the go? si a ment to help make ifood its contention thai the m" Hi ?... hau those two UBS d out of the Ne" Eng? land sen ice to eliuiiaati watei tighten itl mor.i'P /i m on New England. In 1907, Goodall si.ui, ha Aral tr.ed to ?el! to I bar?es S. M?lica, president of the New Haven, the Metropolitan Steam hip Compaay'a property arith ? ECCptiOB af the Y: .< :'!nl Harvard. "Mr. Mellon waalda't bare an; in do with the proposition to buy the ? , ,. '?? ;.." Goodall ?; ; L "He tail Haven did no! I 'BB' to touch BBJ - til t! ? Mono line." .\ deal was Anally pui through in 1910, ii" laid, whereby he got the ooai.i Pacific t'oii.t. I?r i,'ave the de traBaaction ? ith ths Me' ropolitai ? d the Issote Realisation i om . , ?? hich took orai I be affaii i of the bankrupt fetropolitan. The boa ? opai "ted an the W astern run h Pscifii Navigation Company, ta oi ' '? Metropolitan Steuin ?i" i ompany of New Jersey, under an ? nent by which the Metropolitan . isranteed $82,960 a month. I: eo ?? aid, abont $2 ?9,000 to the I " iteamers around I get i hem ready for their bow a} ... To c ?, rj oui the opai atioa, be ' pe .'. wai organ ? ? nli s capital of ?1.000,000, He thought pan o;' the itock nras held b) Edward I?. Bobbias, former general coansel ' tl i Now Haven and endaBti " ihe present ? 'i .cam ?nation ?>.> Charlea P. le, of COUBSel for the defence, the b'j ine s adraatagos af leading tha boats Weal wire broughl out. Goodall said : hat about |S96/000 S >rar, or a total of 11,900,000, had been paid for the u?e of the boat?, which was mo~e than they were mekitig here. "In tbe A t ! in' "i o i ." lie -id boats iiad a ici ?"' d tve months, g only three of which ihey were ?in at I profit. The oiher two month?, .iune at tha bOgiBBlag of the ea .on and Octaboi at the cloae, they just held their own. During the i"t of the real they were laid up at bear} ?. ? t ?'!<?:? OB 'he Pacific I or. ? the w.?.on i* all the year round, and at le ? expau i foi running. Also, making two round tripl a weak each, we get ? fare a! II ? trip from San PfBBCiseo to San i'edro, and Sio to Baa Diego, abaut aa elghtai hour run. Ifhon they were in the Bo ton-New York tarrico ths fart wai only ?:t.U," Mellen resumed the simd after 1 n Goodall had finished, a: I through him the fereramcBt ettyroe ^ Bed putting inio the record evi? dence concerning the purchase of trol? ley line?. rgi pari 0 thi evidence had to d.. witl the projected line from Provi? dence to Boston, backed by Kittder, Peabody <? Co. and BeSerl wiasor. When the interests behind the line persisted in their | Ian to put it through, Meilen drew up an agreement in four part, with V\ . I or. It developed thai he latei bad " abrogate tins m a ? ?thdraa al, and the wish, rate to Wim oi. "' hat it be ? fai ",' round mj el ? unable to eai ry out the agreement," he testified, "on ae of the attitude of Mr. Morgan, i ich made my pre ion hai monioui dealings with Mr. VTinsor impossible." ?.- ? $50,000,000 FEDERAL SHIP BILL CONSIDERED Measure Would Empower U. S. Board to Operate Lines. \\ ? ; gto . Nor. 17. A I Btal ire ? ..f the new government shin par bill, which will be urged bj the the eomiag session or CoBgrcss, wa eoBsidered ta-daj at St 'hi Treasury Dope I I ment Secretary Bedfieid and Solicit ir 'I hui m '?? "? be i lepart meal of l lorn ...,r.,., w ,.i ,, .-) ,h,- proposed i ? !? Seei ' ?i- MeAdoo. The draft follows th i llnei laggost ed by Secretary MeAdoo in a recent ?peach outlining tho parpases of tha administration Hi to naval auxiliaries and tin Dpbuildiaa Of tila American merchant marine. Before the maasure is pui in Anal fois? to be preseatad to Caagreai it will be laid hi fore Proal di ' W ilsofl lor bll approval The i Ian descrifa d by Mr. MeAdoo m ? mnlated the expend!? of 160,000,000 bj a garernmenl ? 'i oasisting of the Si c oi thi Nary, the Secretary of BBd three other memh. ited by tho Pr?sidant ? lid be 'le? ea .'red ro el g i ' o i oral .on. to inbocribe to I 'al stock, and t? vot. ifie StOtk pu in elections for directors Through this eorporatioB the board ? maintain bipaiaa line . on rat iag oi I aaiag .hem to priva eoi Shepards Disappoint Rumor. ?'' ?'' ? Mi . Pialef .i. Bhi paid did no; b| p . yeeterda) t.. s irr?gate Saw? ?il permission to o?1op1 . othei ' ... ? | ..,, i,,., | "? rhS court at led thai they had nu iatima? ecand --t of adoption na ould be BBfjlied far. Churchill's More than a Restaurant? A Broadway Institution Broadway & 49th Street HECTOR'S O?S? I ??-?.-?a, UaoclacJat agi u g-. JOHNSON ATTACKS OSBORNE'S RULE Ex-Deputy Deplores Emo? tionalism. Which Up? sets Prisoners. WARDEN REPLIES IN WARM DEFENCE No Real Progress While the Wealthy Shed Tears Over Con? victs* Lot. Retorts Critic. Albany. Nov. 17. Charlas B. John fermei depaty warden of Blng Sing attain, whs salt boa ess of *?? ferenees w?h Warden ThoBias llottOe borne, made | ipeoch thi? aftefBOOB ' at the gtate I M '?" i" ? ? ' I ' ' "" :l,ul Corre,- iroa -?! Mr. Oeaoroe to reply. Wh le ne aami m flsOBUeaeel, Mr. Jehaooa declared thai prlawnori ihould be remade, not aniu-e.i. and that ?in- policy of emotioaaliam la s prison? , "or any o,hu institution, upsets it. and makes \.t ehsos, favoritism ittiil ridi? m?e. ?astead of progress." "I came here to eoaealt my physician not to make ? speech." said auf. Of* borne, rising from hie soot, "bal I wish t.. reply to the last ipeaker, My mlBd grasps concrete examples better than heories, sad therefore I can better ex? plain my position by telling or inei ,., ntl ? the prison. I bs token money. for instance, baa boon ? gieat heln. an) m!" efcet it baa taught prisoner to be economical anil rsspon libls. "in eeal buys 8ve loaves of i id the ftrsl week of the nlau 700 loaves were saved. Large quaatitiei of tob? COO are also saved 1.1 thll I av." "i ?t.n adhere t.. m;, original state? ment," retorted Mr. Johnson, "*hat the idea of prison reform should be not to give priaoneri amusement, but to re? make then." "We bave tome ? Ion?? on?, even though such pla?ai as Sing Sing and some of our state penitent are' and county jail are permitted to exist." Ii- aaid, however, tHat ifl the ?rea* desire to better prison coadltloBi there was daager of a toe rap d movement. |i. pendulum," he declared, "will swing from brutal";, to sentimeBtalism. Tin- swing will rarely be bacl again, and b" r-al progress will ba. made. I o read in rtewspop '? that wealthy people are weeping oser elo atorios told of prison hard affords much amusement to the thug, but the story is dlsgu ting to the in telligeat roan in prison who ask* for justice and not emotion, for I real fail deal ami not for favoritism." The second danger possible il thai an unwise enthusiasm for the welfare of prisons and prisoners may make i lime seem less heinous, he declared. Vne thud la that by reason or the Sentiment poured upon him the pris? oner am] got I v, rOBg perspective of himself. Diedling Broke Faith Says Osborne Counsel Huntington W Thomss Sott Oebi lei chant, counsel for rue. warden of Sine JETWOOD A SMART COLLAR. , WITH A COMPOflT ?i* ABLE LOW FHOKT ??il Sing, replied last night to statemer by Dr. Rudolph Diedling, of the St? Prison Commission, in which ht t?v cated Mi. Oshorne's removal or indii ment. Mr. Merchant accused Dr. Die ling of breaking a promise made by : .the commissioners that nothing of th? personal or' official investigations in Sing Biag affair! he published befo Dec. mbei ?>. "1 have read the digest of Dr. Die ling's report." said Mr. Merchant, "ai nublication of "this report at just th time has intere-ted me greatly in vie of the understanding that the Prim Commissioners had agreed not to r lease it till after it had been consi, ered by all the members at their mee ing on December It. "Richard M. Hurd's prompt and vij orous repudiation of the rep?it -een to indicate that the whole proceedir ;s an individual attack by a man know to have been unfriendly for some tin past to prison reform as exemplirie in Mr. Osborne's wardenship. "However, as I have stated befor Mr. Osboras vvill not deal in politic or personalities. This instance MOW to lead to a renewal of his demand 'hat the f?lle-*, possible inVCStigatio be made by the i;ra'.nl jury one whlc calls for hn personal appearance an that of others who favor hi- policie in substance, a- well as those OBpo I to them or whos - views are unknown one which will be of such a characte a? to enable a comparison to be mad between present eoadltioai at Sing Sin and those which existed before Mi < ?-home took office. Ex-Deputy to Testify on Sing Sing Moral? Charles 11. Johnson, for nine month; deputy warden of Sing Sing prison, i was learned last night has agreed t< com" from the Cheshire Conn. Ri foi mot?n to White Plains to test;!, bo fan the grand jury concerning eondi tioBS in the prison. It il reported ii Oeeiaing that Mr. Johnson, who come? voluntarily, will testify to-day. It il -aid that he ia wanted to tell about the morals of priaonon while he WBI sta? tioned at Sing Sing. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Osborne parted coldly last Labor Day. CONVICT WITNESS ARRESTED Refused to Tootlf) Hefore Sine Sing Irn estimators. A1 tie close of the irraiul jury i - vestigation into Sing SiB| conditions yesterday al Wb le Plains District A* ?? rney Week went before Supreme Court Justice Iforsehaaaor and ob tsined a bench warrant for the arrest of Peter Cuiten, a convict in Sing Sine; pi von. chargi.ig him wit!, ciiminal COO tei pt, in that he rofUeed on Monday i??-t to be sworn when called before the grand Jury n- a v. itaeee. il. nma one of the four inmatei brooght from ?he prison on Monday it "e* inpposed thai he had testified, .: -I i ' ?? no' until y tevd.iv t h ..t it leaked out that he had refused to tee? tif) a> to ins knowledge of conditions in t i.e prison. FAIL TO AGREE ON BUDGET PLAP Wilson and Committee o House Cannot Reach a Decision. Washington. Nov. 17. For two and half hours to-night President Wilso and members of the special budge committee of the House conferred ove nietlioiis of lystematiling appropria tions in Congress. No agreement wa reached, and after the long discussio; the President asked the committeeme: to get together as soon a* possible oi some definite plan. Representative Fitzgerald, of Nei York, chairman of the Appropriation Committee, was insistent on his pian o centralizing all appropriations in oin committee, the Appropriation? Commit tee. On the other iiami. Repr?sent?t in Sheiley, of Kentucky, trongly advo cated ?> plan far ? budget cornniittei made up of the chairmen and ranking minor.ty mi mbars Of the various com mittees baring jurisdiction over appro priations. Speaker Clark, Msjority Leadei Kitchin and Representative Hay, thi other members of the budget commit tee, were absent from the conference and it was agreed that BJ soon as the\ returned-to the city, later in the week another conierence would be held at the White House. Meantime it wa? ar ranged that certain confidential data relating to the revenue needs of the government should be put into shape for consideration at the next confer? ence. Member? of the committee were reti? cent as io the nature of these data, al? though it was admitted the President made suggestions n* to revenue re? quirement?, with particular reference to national defence. "We talked over with the President," said Representative Sherle5, chairman of the committee, "the whole problem of the revenue and the budget system, and reached no conclusion. Many sug? gestions were made as to methods of systematizing appropriations. We will have another conference with the Pres? ident as soon as other members of th? committee arrive in the city." UNIQUE GIFT FOR MRS. GALT Vice-Pr?sident to Send Navajo Chief? Blanket for Wedding Present. Phoenix. Ariz., Nov. 17. Vice-Presi dent Thomas R. Marshall's wedding gift to Mrs. Norman Gait. President Wilson'? fiancee, is a gorgeous Navajo Indian chiefs blanket, made at the reservation in northeastern Arizona. The gift was sent Kast to-day. COtTFm NAGLE HEIRS END ? hsrge of I ndue Infl.ene. .^ Mrs. Alice V. F.rlcy. Niece, OrZ? Following a conference at ?Tt tentative settlement was rn???,, ! ' heirs of Mrs. Ros ann M NeajTaC rogate inhalan yesterday ?reea>|? jur>- hearing the contest 0f J.k Donoliue. a nephew, to render. A diet that the instrument offert * Mrs. Nagle's last will. "** ?V Mrs Alice A. Farley. , ni^ marriage o? Cardinal Farley thTV bcneliciary under the will of h?r nrd her executrix was accused h7 ii? hue. her hrothvr. of'using ? .?j* tluence on the t--tatri\ whil, JjT ter wss not ot ?ound mind o as.' Itaadiag. Mis. Nagle left an ?? of more than I100XKN1 After the heirs had arrange ? tlement, counsel for Mr;.. F;. '. . ourt that he v a- rea,: f, rty witness?t on the -tand t? that the not charjre Well n of undue u.ded. ??a >a5 "BUFFALO COIN" BISON NOW A MENU lIDln Ex-Monarch of Zoo Slain *> Steaks. Mide and H?ad. Rlack Diamond, the lar*;?st'Aatr?i? bison, cas killed yesterdit. 2 spending the la a twent> years ?f k life a cantive in Central Park, tb* f mer monarch of the Wettern pUm ?uccumbi 1 to the butcher Hi? ^ will be mounted by a taxidermist i shaggy coat will be preiervtd tl aaj. while his giant flanks wil'. *? ?J^" into "b?falo st'.ak." and disao?. ' ,"? among epicure? by A. Silt, paltry',,! game purveyor. It is a reproduction of hit saw head thar is crowded onto on? Be*.! the Buff-.'o nickels. ^T* Sill bought the big biicn st u? tion sale of city ? nnnals kit Jan? ??, allowed the bull to remain at thai ta? until the game '?va-on w?; at ?^ . w as said ve.terday that Blark Du*?., ?teaks might bring about S25 a seal It took eight men to induct 11?, Diamond into a truck >ei ttrdt) . rifle bullet ended his life. Isaac Seligmaii, banker ?ffcra, ?, buy the bull from Silz and ills* if, remain in bachedoi 'luartcrt at tl? r? for the rest of its natural lift V the offer was refaood. Knox At* ?OHA. The" Correct Silk Hat KNOX r.xirs Quality .Nik KNOX Sapstkes Nik 452 Fifth Avenue at 40tliSt. Ibl Broadway, .suiger Bldf STODDARD-AMPICO Just as Godowsky Plays THAT is how you may hear him in your own home. Every bit of the marvelous tonal beauty and master interpretation that is Godowsky'?. as well as the playing of the othei world-famous artists, you may have througr the Knabe Stoddard-Ampico. No pumping or personal effort is required In addition to the Artist records, it will play any standard 88-note roll, as the ordinary player, or may be played by hand. Built in both Grand and Upright Models. Daily Demonstrations in the Ampico Studio. If M ARC WAREROOMS rvl^/\DC 5th Ave., at 39th St. Write for our mttrmcitv? 8t*)dmwrd-Ataft9t booklet PI AYHO'.ISF '?" ' "' " a' '?? ri.rtllivJOOC HaUHal "-.lATt.. GRACE tEORGE in THE LIARS TOM W EVC. THE NEW YORK IDE?. CnMTDV i 1:15 Ma Hat .Tli<-i.ATu? -?'* ' ' , KOBSON'S CHOICE lOTU IT Thratr?. 1 I B'l B*| * M 45 I il 91. ?|?U ,. 1 * $1.50 MATINEE TODAY. THE ETERNAL MAGDALENE I1 III ARTHUR. fHE TUNCHASTENED WOMAN SHUBERT. B?l I " Mai rial ? i A r ? ?*| ALONE AT LAS'I BOOTH. K?? - "? ? '? l"!,?:.?-/* I SOTHERN 3SS MANHATTAN 'th.^lht.,; POSPISIL vv JOHNSOB TOFALOS vv COLOSSE HEVONPAA vs. CUTLER TO A FINISH ; i. 111 a -i MOUT AT S TOFAIOS v.. LURICH ABER!, ?t. POSPISIL CUTLER vs. L1NOW III ti ?Si MATI il TO a l r mu PHILHARMONIC .. .. ; TT OI.? rORB ..i in i i HTRAMSKY, i ??Mill I'iik. < II \1 I TO-NICHT tt 1:11 a To-morrow (Frl.i All.. V:50. EMMY DESTINN DM \?<K Ov*i I.IBZT. HI IMll Ml! III.. p ?:.,.? In ?UM ?un? ari rrera i. II ?IM\ VMHfvV Mill mi n ! - i i: \ llll.ll Hmi PKRFOHMF.RB. H . Ufl i .." .- II . II !?? BROOKLYN ACADEMY of MUSIC. Next Sunday Afternoon at 3:13. EMMY DESTINN \..ih.m Hall. In. Not. .11. nl I I' M I SPALD?NGI im \ M.ini K-ni.ii. I1.1..1-. lea, io S'.'.l AEOLIAN HALL. VIOLIN Ta-morra* i Frl. ? E??.. ? 15. RECITAL HuCKSTEH. Cmnu%i* Hull. Ta?*. \fi . s ?. a* .1 3. WITHERS POON MANAGEMENT ?VOLfBOHM BUBBAO aeetaas iinii. nil?. i.\i;mm. ?, m.30 ?almu? km <" I- I Ml romti < l Da ,,? CENTURY, ?as- nu? ?.wulurn? TownTopics M\III-IIS M|| \ It I. I. \KIIKN. N?T ? ?,..? V:\::::.l military i ?*^? &? a.,,..;:.,.., tournament ? I'm L-i. l.? Kv*Q a; ......... iaafj e? .' m i??-? a t B' '"?,v ?" ' 44in M. vu : T ? HARRY LAIDER HE a couPAKt or nrrasutATtoKAt. aaTiavs 44th ST.;1;;NEXT MONDAY EVE. g ? ROMEO & JULIET J?',? rMei?* Il i W? I as**..Il r.virsMstr ii i voir ; ?airs ?-1. * '' i*'-"? i:'s' '"J0 LYR1LV,., , sai Wed. anUTtiankars. SIS ABE and MAWRUSS A UnuaUoa "t Hi? story of POTASH AND PERLMUTTER.' MAXINE ELLIOTTS. M?'.. IM ,W^1 STIiSXilisf'f I^VinisCT?? Las CASINO. Etes 1:11 atats .Bai ,Wed AT ht CECII LEAN. princess .:.;..-.; ? ^.?"'^?^m fllR TWO WEEKS ONLY. GERALDINE FARRAR CARMEN P W. 4R St. Phr-ne Bry 4? f ? S In vinti W-,i iron i s s.t ' - is ilTTPmiCfSSM! Ml SK AL niT I ?Uli ELEANOR PAINTER. LEXINGTON *? ' ' A" sw ? ?i LCAIIIUIUI? MADAME PETROVA Mal I', lar. ."..? A in -THE REVOLT' Seat v. A H B -I- "KICK-IN" ,r>''ANDARD ?'"?&* ""' ; K* --'ion m?. -? -y. k ??? "kick-in" , " ir1 ?V. Li n. Maan In ? ri?- Bubbla" SYMPHONY s ?> e I r I \ ? f S ? (j \ ., r I, UAI.Ir.K H \ v| |(< i-i || 4 iiniiurlor. Ne.I Mm,In? ,\ft.. Sor. SI, al 3. as POWELL ? I tli1. I UAI'SsilN Plano i ? M.-rt,, n miner. M Ai l<"\\ KLL 1 ,'A vi , pi:i m ai Boats at Bos "f . ajau Bant 1*41, a-?iu?_h?ii. SECOND BILTMORE iltinw viiiKMM. Ml ?H'ALB llini.l. BILTMOBE, I,? inorrew iKrl.lii), Mi,ruing al II. I.III'lHi: i ANNA HOMER FITZIU MIMHA I I.IIIIMr, ELMAN BIRD !'?i.m- t , n tat >??<) Nati -vi i-i? it iiiiiin. i- Bat -, -, u i .i..i,i..i..i, gi am i , ! SYMPHONY CON ERTS ? I OB] fO*. Mi I'KUI*I I ? Saturday Aft., Nov. 20, at 2:30 ? I ikmi.ii; II M.I.. ? \ KYMFIION1 OHCHKKTKA *> \\\ITIK IIAMK4IMII I'iinilnrlnr ? !.. ? i.. . n Us il ru- ii-?. Carpenter ? ,., K,, GRAINGER ? rick? al ..ft..' . Boom IJSS, .?? i lea ? H in and Bot um. e, it .rit,ni- Mall iil'l.K \ lai ? ristl I'M hKT?. ?srhanaaq iMi'lis' riilATIU rii,,.,,, Ti'M.i' m'! i? i SWstsadhi ?ici (Jr?r?le) , Hntei |lri?,t*s> s: 1 Mil *, \ M l II \U\ \ltli HM?TH\l.l TllkKTs. M.M YOKE'S I.EA1MM. IHKAIKK?. \M? -lill?*r? NEW AMSTERDAM EMPIRE. B'wa lOUl ?t. l-a^t Mat Sat WM. (ilLLETTE LA8T 4 T,ME ?SECRET SERVICE. Mai?. TO l'A5 a 1 Sa IrCIIEBM V " W I? *? Ilr rani J : El I. . Ma'. *a' . Wr.l A TTunki?' I H COHAN 4 HARRIS PRESENT LONGACRE COHAN LEO UITRICHSTEIN 'VU;:r" "THE GREAT LOVER" HIID?DN ?*'? <<?;, .-irr?t Evcainp at ?M. u i ?? r?< . ???,' lui" \i ,? ... . e?* ? ? KLAW A ERLANf.ER PRESIMT AROlJND'inMAP ?, y? "i -.1 *? r ?"aai PJi!l'I=i,-HIN-l 2 HARRIS?V?;1^. ". 8 " ? ??- COHANS K ' BACK HOME"4 B'??-. ?S S '?*? LIBERTY , ranci daily, tatet .-i ns Last Z Weeks obupi?b'I GIGANTIC SPECTACLI i t*?i hat mi?, avta-rs OtBttf Mat*. ISC 50.' A II 00. BELASCO w~v." Iav^'? MATINEE TC DAY ?Jj,* E THE bOOMERANG Il M : ? ?-'?'?" ELTINGE u; ' .. -?Irin? Gao. M. Coh?n'' Groa! Am.rlran Farr. r^JT^T^KTT^TT HIT-THE-TRAIL HOLLIDAY l7-ll;f.laP. <1r"4 ACTYiD B*WA1 I. ST Tn ? .0 Brra..t'.'ir" ELTINGE Ad I UK \u-|..-.-Sa- \V~1 *, Ti.nilUfD' Hill? MHI.O aa ' BILLr HuLLIDAY " CANDLER lOTTat THE HOUSE OF GLASS ni'li Mar\ R?an A ? ? AI! Amrrleaa ' a.i ..r :. f- II -?? '- '-. ' ' IS-, tl. CANDLER THEATRE. SUNDAY FVF AT s? >"' ' tSUKlUla MONDAY MAT i . ,,,,, *??-?,* *??-??? WEST POINT on? LL'/Dt M.. s*i * '"?""SI H0LME? - . StS^SS MONTGOMERY & STOKE 1 ? ; (? M . I? *4-B. EUROPE'S IGHTIWraW . ,i ?-?. NJ ?Ta?rcra M?t. Ts-Ssy. ? A Sat Mal . ;.', 11.00. .i-AII.SO TWILIGHTSLEEP l.'-.ltavt so? Law- 1" Klub al l'en f<t Prie?'. In Une? l?i'it) I SOUSA AND HIS BAND. SENSATIONAL ICE BALLET s,,?,.,i :... i? M Bw ? ta s?.t. ".?? up to III?. i-t NDAYM ?ni sa A ' HIP" Mir Pestant M IV',i. ? Ijvlurr I vi ?a,, oat - ' ? 'Mi' M. Usa Oaay, ?? W f ? ?VeTVn NAT C.GOODWIN, PA I. A t 11 UtIIBB m VMMI. Ti,?' ? 1--1V av i- s,T BBSS." i'rani*/ Dal vi. Ji v ' ' ' ! i_ C/il AVIil GRACE LA RUI. (H.UNI AL PW*1 II?*?' i Cfc. \ ?: <t-r 111 A Mom?, Kr- : v , | ,.? A , Theatre Fran?ais, ,','" 1 .? Hnsr.t F.if II Ut.-.-ar. Mat Mvirii..??. II? !?.. I.? s r/liar? " ASHINUTON SQ. PLAYERS. HAM'linX I I As Pisa. si. gar. s 45 m.i ?at M Tu w M,, i'omi.arsil?? tastsOaas St ; i-S?lv|> 1 sn Thssts 'llilans*. Bast?s I' f.oev,'s American Roof g* ?"J ftj WEKTON A LEON JARROW. ALI SEATS ' filXLEY A LERNER. 10 ?th?rt. I I.MRVir . .a .1 II.. r.l ?..:?f. rtabl? ?J?, ?<? iOc. IRVING PUCE THEATRE. ffcwv Baa ? iv ta\/.t WAiiUJI ?alunlaj V.l.. LIN luLAl a CAlll. w METROPOLITAN S r.,-night. : l (.,wlUril?-mn?-r??|. * Mat/, -nan i. Halnrlih ,,1*bul',aa?n Braun. Well i . " ? ???> ',, .TaeF. lrl. .,: - li Boh-mr. x I ' ? ?" ,'?1," .'...u>.. H otti. l'on il. ???"; ' . H,?' Bat Mal il - If.H.-nka.all-r OU ^ pe?, Maaofi (debat?: .?*? w"1"411* It- '..-* Coud Bod? ,. ... .??? ?ai. al K7S< toil) \i.i. '?If^?S mi-r Martin?lll. Am?' ; T,Ji?* N?.?l Mon. al ? Ml* il, r T Botta, Scottl, Dldur l'ond I "'?,1',?-,??/. ?ni. .. - sa,,,...., ? llalli? "?'?,?.? ? ? ? ???????? 'j' ? ', I?i3tui5 Tliura. ?t '?* ol? ? .<-mr>-,.-i,. Braun, Well. OertU ??"* Unira, al - Barlier f -" "? ? ,H?5 Malet?ete (don.'"? ? n?>?*n'*1 this sun. evgT" f f?ftl Orcaeatre. Oiao?rl i:,nth J-i-rai ??'on.l llae-maiv? M IBOS*. AI.TBB" t HAKPMAN PIANO t'BBB CARNEGIE HALL J7TH ?T aa? r?*J5*??t ELMENDORF SUNDAY NIGHT al '?* MONDAY MATINEE il '*\ SWITZERLAND t S',?? i ,| Vin an.1 Ma?*?? I u -. I 'III KI.M*Nl"*o' ?rle?i ?0?. 75?. 11-90 ??? ??B - ViTAGRAPm^* n, Ji o? h n hlidr M?i *'? ??cTf* THE BATTLE CRY OF PEA? GARDEN THEATRE, ?v?"??S* livn I, ? , , - I- WANI M ?'"'.?fS ?VII?. \ III!. VllfMI mm '"'"".l .s^al. Mi I.. ? ".' '? ' g.^ Strand v^ -a^S .Sau ML 11. .or U*in u ?tMaaavtolWeaaWB^