Newspaper Page Text
NAVY BIDS TOP $7,800,000 IMIT Dreadnought Cannot B< Built at That Price, Say Contractors. DANIELS THINKS THEY ARE TOO BIS\ estimates of Government Yard' for Two Battleships Lower than Private Figures. ;Fr<*_> Th* Tribun? Oureau ; Washington. Nov. 17.--Bids apCB ? at the Nsvy Depsrtraent to-day for tl. construction of two battleships ina^ I.?ve to be rejected. None of ?'? ders. it is believed, come? within th? imposed by ? ongreB? of ?7.800, ? ''", aaelnslve of armor and arn-._rr.ent The bidders explain that, owing tr the increased cost <?f labor a*.d mo terials, they ar? unuble *o eeasttUCl the vessels within the statutory l.mll and have been obliged to depart from the specifications in order to bnrg their bids nominally within the limit Some fail to.include insurance, con? tractor.' 'rials, metal furniture end other portable ??quipment; others sub? stitute cheaper material than required by the specifications. Now hull construction <!u>" to plo-n to lessen the danger from toi pedo at? tack caused some of the increase. rotary Daniels has referred the bids to th? deportment's ? eperts. He believes that the bidders can build Ike ships for ..T.soii.finii -. Ithoul los "ut ?lint ?hey have so many order? ? bond ' | >verr. ment b - Wants Tords Equipped, l bis condil lor lemon* - - luipping the I haladelphis and Maie Island novy : i u -t i on, ?-. be ? ill recommend iti hii annual re? port Tori yard s tno en'y one so equipped Si ' I ?t All three i bids lower thon the private shipbui .. . the bids of uu? Philadelphia and '. are theii ,: appropi atioi pment. \trn?.r plate bids are tl . ? Secretory Daniela H - iieves this is another argument -Of a ? voient owned srmor plant. The Carnegil 7-tcel Company is low bidd. r for all but thl ClMS C armor, of which 120 tons will be roquircu for both hiiips. The nf.? v yard e?timates. based on full specification for the ships without modification, were: New York Yard: For turbin, . for ?team and e!ec ?ii iv? similoi :o th? plant do* I I for the V. S. S. California), $8. Philadelphia Yard: Turbine, $6.910. :.'T; eiserne. .?.,774.144. Mare Islond Yard: Turiy'ne. .7..11 :>. 164 i including equipmcnl expense of $8*400 l'riv.'ite bid??, each accompanied by tors modifying the specifications and eliminating t;?atenal and machinery to .??n'ie1 by the contractor, follow: Ne?? Toi - loi raiding Company: Turbine drive, S7.7oO.000: time, thirty ? months. Shipbuilding ? ornean? : 7'irbino ?as specified., $7,775,00 . . months. (B), turbil tentative type), $7,765,000' time, forty ? iroiitl.? ipbuildini < empony: Turbine, $7,683,000; time, thirtv-foui ha. Alternative b?ls arito in .ations in equipment, Krade of ?te? 1. etc. A , v.'?.-.4,000; B). 1 ' time, Ihirty-four moni .aso. Th ? navy yards' os-in atOS all wer." ... ?. letion period of ? months. 1-in.r Hid? Pat Armor. II companies submitted proposals the armor tor two .'.readnoughts. ? on 'irnior o'" tin ? ? anged down from $116 ;. ?ton, by the ? 127 b-' '.be ?Corne* Compel The Hethlehem b'.\ aros ti second grade the Carnegie wot low bidder at $486 ? i.n 'he third grade the . low at $310. The Pitts ! urgl , . i' i empaay was ? . ml\ bidder for the lowest grade, ? inch i'ompri.??*?. the atool boit? and : Uni.' " Its which armor is attached ?, ?,- ? its proposal being $4M a tori DUDLEY HALE HONORED BY FRANCE AS WAR HERO American Gets Croix de Guerre for Rescuing Wounded. Dudley Hale, gran?i?on el Kdward Kverett Hale, who is s<?rvin;7 ?With the Section Sanitaire Am?ricaine of the French army, h-?s be. n ?sited In ?he Order of Division and the Croix ?le Guerre awarded to him, according te a '"tter from one of his American com? panions written to friend? in this city. "Dudley Hale ha? been cited in tho Order of Division and has received the <roix d" Guerre," writo? his compan? ion, "for bravery rider action. The deed which won him the honor wa? per? formed in the early fall and rhe decora- ] lion wa? bestowed in September. ?. S. HUNTS FOR DRUG TRUST Riker-Hegeman and l'nit???d Drug l'o tu? pan y Vnder Investigation. Washington, Nov. 17. Th>- Depart n.e.-it of Justice, through the I'nited States attorney a' Bort?n, has I an investigation of reports of a com? bination between the l'ni?ed Drug Com? pany and the Riker-Hegeman ('onioany, to determine whether there has ImSB a violation of th? anti-truet laws. ?he Riker-Hegenian ?oinuai.y baa beet, under Investigation lor many months, but the inr,u?.ry into th?* recent reports of a combination wi h the United i** a i ra* ) ; .-' Prosecu'ions could not be cari.ed SB1 buccessfully undc? 'lu- Sherman ..ct against a combination of drug or other concerns doing reta.! business S ith'n a city or eitiss Wholly intrastate in char? acter. The attitud? of tin- dep*rl ?nay turn on the n'.ieftion of a reatralnt of trade in conr.-?o*ion with purchases in interstate commerce by such a e< ? bination. PRESENTS VASE TO PLAYERS _ I. E. hirbv Buys It for $70 at Rudkln Sale. A f? ature of the saie yostot?sj a* ) ? he American Art Galleries of the pri- ; vate collection of antique silver, mima tures mid other objects by. George Osborne Rr.dkin, of this e;t:.. WSJ tha purchase by Thonias E. Kirby for |70 of "The Waliack Vase" and ths ' prasantattoa of it by him to tha 1 it. era Club. This silver VBB0 WBS given ; to J. \V. Wallack by lbs ac'ors rr.d actresses attached to his ?ticatre. An octagon shaped GsafgS II sliver tea caddy with a sliding bottom and an en?rraved coa? of ?inn*, made in Lon? don in tTJi?, went to J. K. Branch for $160. He also gave S!05 for a George Hi silver teu tray, made in London in IT87, 1100 for a Qaarge III silver tankard. .1. L. Clawc.r. gave ?ISO for1 "The Portrait of a Man," a miniature i.. A G'-orgo III silver tea set went for $1-0, and J. pu same price for an early America!. ? three-piece silver act. An old Irish gravy bo9t waa^knoeked down to Otto Bernet, ai ?4* .;*, foi IsS, The total of ".IGT. ?BOOKS OF THE* YE AR7 SHOWN T?ent\-i?o Publishers ?inhibit Work at National Art.? Club. The tenth -inniversar?- exhibition of the "Bool of the Year" opened last : ? In the galleries of the National ' 1 liib. John ??. \gnr, ene of ths governor.? o? the club, presiding. There wore ddreaaes by William B. Hew? Dr. Kilvin E. Mo-,.son, Edward Jewftt Wheeler sad others. file exhibition eossists of S.0XK) basks, and man; original paintings and ; drawings n lluatratiag them, Twenty-two publishei bib raprsssBtsd, among them Doubieday. Paga ?;> Co., Charles 8eribner'i Sont.. Frederick Stokes ? I o?, George H. Doran, Henry Holt. .1. I'. Uppineotl & Co., .lohn Lane, Thomas Bird Uoaher, of I'oitlaiul, Me.; ? D"il'i. Mead <<** ?".>.. Thomas Y. Crowsll, I B v. -...- *i ale UaWsrsIl .* Press?. Fleming II. Revell.& (.'o.. the Mae in.ilnn ' ompaay and Pans A- Wagnalla, The exhibition ?sill be open to the public until December I. GREAT NORTHERN BOOMING Earning? of Railroad SfiOO.000 a Week, Greatest in Its History. i;. t. amrttm u r ? . .-? i'aul, Minn., Nov. 17. The ear;. Lags of the Groat Northern Bailroad St tha present : ma aie ths greatest in the ! Istory of the company, <i?;e to the un-, paralleled prosperity of the NorthwSBt, according to Louis W. Hill, pre?.... of the Great Northern. The earnings of the road have reached the sum of $600,000 a week and are .ifeadily in? crease g Mr. Bill returned several da*, from an Inapsction tour of the Great Northern and Burlington ? Issusd his atatamaal to-day, aft? .'imining the office record?. a ? ARTISTS WIFE MISSING Spanish Woman Left ('ount-Hu?!','!??? Last Sunday. .!. 1? ??-. ich on Heycl? i. SB I ' ' .erti.iy r??i;or:e<l to the palie? th? ? anee of his ?srifi. Mai their home, in tin* Algonquin Apart? 0 West 107th stre... Tha : ??'."? s;mi h.? was an Austrian ? mas with the titli of t-ti.i'.t. told da ? ? ?.' the Fourth Branch that his wife, .-. Spaniard, lof. Sunday. He hunted three days unsoeeessfully. Vas Heyder said ihc could not have ,.'.?i i- fur. a? she had only a small ' ? ? of tr.i.'.f' --.--.?b her, "Ut !-.'? v : | ? if. Bceounl foi bei !!*? d< scribed her ai dark, i ? ?ii'im height and weighing 170 pou'id?-. Sl-.e wore, be continued, a blue jacket, 1.1,1'.- . kin ?uni white shirts 35 POLICEMEN TAKE PLEDGE ?( apiain Henry's Temperance Talk Win* Recruits. i Thirty-five patrolmen agreed to *;ik ths plsdga yeaterday after tha* ( heard a atirriag tamponnes t?.lV. bj Captain Dominica Henry, of the Weal 135th Street station. Ali wer read] ts BO nil duty whsn Captain Henry made k, tailing how liquor had ?rrecked many men in the ?,er?..rtmci;?. II*. re lates hid asparianca : the ?Street station, ??here erriag patrolmen v. Bl e sent. He will repeat hi? lecture, bl last nistl.t. until every man in his pri c.nct Lus heartl It, h bel .-. can make the diatrici s ? edel '"or the City if the m :. v. ords. ? Wire Foils Bridge Deati: I Jactune G, ?f (.?i Bath A Brooklyn, whose wifs, 'laughter and mother died within a '.-?-ar. attempt? ed suicide by 'uBipiag from the Man hattan Bridge yesterday afternoon. His foot became entangled, and he ??..??. hanging head downward when he was stopped. In the Gate? Avenue court | last nigh* Magistrate Lowell heard t'ie Lillian'.? story a?il decide.1 to send him to ths Kings Caanty Hospital, as he talked incoherently at times. p II Our Fall and Winter suits and overcoats convey in full the idea of super-quality. When you see them, examine them closely and carefully, you will understand our conviction that they are superior clothes embodying every nicety of cloth, fashion, design and finish. Sack Suits $18 to $48 Fall Overcoats $16 to $40 Winter Overcoats $18 to $75 Brokaw Brothers As? or Place & fourth Avmur >."W?_v Sssasm or ?rvw? w THE TRACY DOWER CLAIM A WOMAN cialrm to be the widow of Edward ?. "Iracy, the Tro? maltster. In his lifetime, Mr. Tracy bought ami sold mach real estate in New York City and said nothing about having a wife. Perhaps he had ?perhaps he hadn't but we must de? fend th ' suits she brings claiming dower in property on which He have Issued our po?cles. The owners who have no policy must defend their own suits. Those who have sold any of th<*sc properties and signed warranty deeds must also prepare to defend. Our policyiaOtdcrs are con? gratulating themselves on their TiTlE guarantee AND TRUST C? ?Capital . . $ 5,000,000 g SurpluS'sll earned) 11,000,000 1176 B'ivbv, N. V. 175 Hemsen St., ? _l/n. .130 rh ton St.. Jamaica. TWO TITIANS HERE; VALUED AT $500,000 Other Works of Art Brousihl j from Florence. T.?.i T.'.iuns and sevrai o her valu-] irki of art arrived here yeeter-l day on ,he Italian liner Puca ?eg'n ; Abruul, The m.n who vouched for: tks authenticity of 'he paintings and. -t them here was Elia Vo'pi. who ?si?! he v.u.; a collector of antique! and director of an art museum in Florence,, IU] . II" ?.a..! he hod sold mai.y art trena? Bree to the late J. Piern?n! Morg?n. ? Ths Tltiana, he explained, were com? panion i etusee, arorth 1600,000, repre? senting girls bearing platters of fru?*. '''in' o? - ippOOed t-> be the artist1 la 11 ,? r. other objects of antique srl are a bronze par?ame burner, the work of ?i ?. and 'The Virgin and tier ,';or.," by Froncis, dated It. C iptain Bol on? of the D ? . deg : ?id I on tl ? H stopped before the ? lip d in could be learned, h aras believed the call earns from s British ?freighter. An empt) lifeboat and s mass of flouting ,*?? were lighted the nexl da-., bu* were toe for off to b. Id? ?fled. HLAW ft ERLANGER NOW BLAME BRADY Burden of Ticket ?Muddle Shifted to Rival Manager. With cut-rate tieketl ?? | 'ip ?n all sections like submai bob, _ bw it Erlanger cams era hing bad at Will* lam A. Brady loal i ment in which thay plaeed the burden of the ticket mud?le on the shoulders of thai manager and alleged thai he had never ret been ?.n the right sids of the light ?-long ?the White way it was i tl it the rival theat impl l S now split lO far apart ?in' there "ill never seals be ..n at-! tempi mode to gel ti .- ther. of thi ' ? r . " ? ,;? 'it -a??!: "Th." ? ? . sembl] of managers, - i.-, organization. Kla Erlanger were '?'??,|l within then- ? ; ? cerned, ? . ???- ? ?,-. th?v have doi ? . com nu".I by the fa , ? ..t.?l by the i??.- i?-?- of thv.r eounsel." nd loi oratory" is boa the state* men' , i the Brady ipee Hut while th? fight raged and tormed ovei I is head. Joaeph . eblang, the eul rote king, was ? ?ini-py mon. Leblang bad a -:' ' ? i as of I? i i?. Iced 'scoots .? Iaa1 night, an? id all ornar* thsf there ?? . ??< un uni suppl; ext v ... ... MAYOR'S DEFENCE PLAN ACCLAIMED Score of Cities and Secur? ity League Branches Wire Approval. URGE CONFERENCE IN MID CONTINENT Forty-OM ?Municipalities Ap? point Committees - Nation "Powerfully Influenced." Moyos Mitchel. recent appotnimect , of a Committee of One Thoussnd for , . stlonal '?efe.-.?e las met with coun : try-wide commendation. Mayors of ! many principal cities frt.m Massachu 10 California have appointe* similar committees. Officials of the National Security league at the loca' ' , branches in many cities have tele? graphed their congratulaiions to the | ; Mayor for his action in the latOIOSl . oa-edness. Some of the Western .? id KoUonol Security League officers suggested the advisability of holding a ini<l-?'or.t:r.ent conference of delegates from ail sections of the na-, tion. The list of Mayors who have ?o far appointed national commirtees. ar.d .orne of *>ie telegismi of COO* gratulotion sen* to Mayor Mitchel, were p.- an oat at City Hall yesterday. P. S tan wood Menken, pr?*?*id*nt of the Ka t.onol Security League, informed -ht Mayor that riationa! defence corom't s.i been appointed by the follow? ing Mayorai ? I >??'??' I-. 'a- Ar.? M ?I '.' BUsSUM. Sir-iTBfr."-? Cal . Frm? ?" Klc?. Sam l_???r. ; M?T K'atarl .1. I'c-jb.; J K. I li-.w^*.. .ti._i-.ii'.. ? i . Wllllin '.'.' Prir^i. ?ViV.agin. IP . TV ? Sl ? ? Irl . Mi*"'n ll.i.r inn. ,v.? Orieaa? i" law M in?.-it-.un. Uni. [ai i. -:?? ; Jam ttaatmm; Jus:? W. ">?? Blttll ?r? " WS Prtn?v. Pi!,ill.. I l J IUtiI, '.. .-' sr. ?Ulli . Hll*t Mir- , ?m ? s- ? mi ?? Mirer n-.i"*. Ment w\\ um r.: v ? ??. Uu- :.r ruin. ? Il M ' ?? 1. H?m-1 7.'.*.r. . ??' J. : i ?* a _ea_ W "' *'?' ? t- ? a i i. . ? btrloU*. S C ? >'. ?> ? - ' -r ? ?V Tl t? -?. ? a . :?>. ?ikla . ;....:. Il lUjrnuldi. Mitlrt.'* l>n., m?n-enb.r| l"!-,ll_,1.!p_U. t H ?wlii?. Mail.t. ? T-nn tievtpe A Wrl*h' I"?'?. r's.r. T?| V H i : ipioui. Is.i.iilnit..- W. V? 'J I. kirk W. wllae, W*. Va.: Clrciici ' .??>.'. w, it v. Aim-,? ?Matt iva. ; fam?a I A lr. ? .-th.* ?'.'?? i. H. lUvta/r iti.l!. ? I W ,'lilia*!,. ?tl<"ln#. WlS .? N ! t" l -" ' -r-..e ?.-?; tnhn Mu'.?*!. OS ! ' Wh In W Htratinr. H*vl,ii? l'.s.n.. Hir ? a- A 'J, l'sfl. B-.trl-.-. )lu? . rr.Jetl?-'': D. ? ? ' t T-*. ?', . s' .r. m. the Mir?es or l'u ??'?'? '- ' .' '? BuanBlt, "v J The ?St. Louis branch of the leagu. teli-jfraphr-d as 'ollo'.va: 'The St Louts brcich of the N'a Security League extends its hearty congratulations on the appoint ment of i? citizens' committee on Jo-1 fence, and is gru?itled by your helpful act in the Interest of preparedness The nat:on i. powerfully u.fluenced bv your action. We suggest that it be givn additional force bv holding .?? corventlon of like committees in St. I.oui or some other of the Westell ! ritie?-." Sim,lar messafes were received V ? Mayor Mitchel rrotn the btai.ehes cf the l.-ague in T?.li?t, 111.; Milwaukee Omaha, Clneinnrti, Detroit and o?he' cities. SERBIAN GIRL HERE AS DOCTORS BRIDE Leaves Home. Refugee Mother and Brothers for Husband. Ore of the happiest persor? on the Doce degli Ahrussi, strlvfng yesterday from Naples, ams Notile Deraceo, a ? "-.'ibiai? ?_-:r;. I ho. e home Wsl ' ?yed bj the BulgSrs, whose tw< bt other sre no-n Bghting a 'i ? r ?; still a refugee. She '.'.ii ? >? ihi a h - com inn : " i.- il.-n? ? '.. H- r: er, a the .?ti liciana who have virtually ? hi ' country. i?r. Berger met her when s-he fled age t? SkepogHc, s lui ? ? e ? - orking. "When wa reached Bkopoclie," sha -n d yeeterdoy "the doctor aras al the rtation, He wss ? i <. i r. ?sr much i-nod to poor phonic and lomehow wa ? n-.c.l ?o '"-e each other often, and -(.?:,< ? Im ?? ! board ?? m sing. "By and bv rrtv moili?r sold "o me: ? 'Would >?:i '. .i"?- h?-.?' and v? bock with this mai ?' And I knew I could. So ' promised bin I would. we .-.i in th<? Orthodox cijurch." . COMEDY SHERIFF IS WAITIN t lid?; ti? en i Near rind Two M>>re l?.??ei TsWI Top?, s. Iks Ha:t. 'he ?tBSlCBl Bl I waited again st the . >niur? last Bight deserted the baplsaa "Tetes to* 11iir? ?? I ? " . ? I ? . i. II.OOO and a jealoiS eyp on th?" 'iw. Will Regei ? ai *i Vera Mi, wer? no? '?*. ?' ?'. sis ti?1 ? ? la ??-. al ibs th atre. and Breadwa; Irea *? o n ..or. ein ill ? Ar... -nf loa'X '? ? I I ? ds ar. Hug!" s, split th? te!?ph' : * ?. ? informe?! instes : thai I SJf " i sued fo. breskiag ?heir conttant?. Th? thrSBteaed '.?> do ? '.??tie .?'.tin) of their BW1 Aloi.g a?.?.-' midi.ijri.i -i". tr'ni ?,?*-. *?.< staadina a me ?- r? ?>r*' Club witl or.e f.-c.7 o:f be granad wa. heart! ?? remark thai it'l "? gr.y Ufa. this sliov? bu".ne??. DALY RAIDS THREE SALOONS lii?l>etio! .41 art ? in Early Morning (Te-n???,. of I pper West fine. ! .spector John ft.; , '.. .lii a sco.r *.f dstsctives, - it ts e.*?.n up ths upper vTeSl SI? SBliy this n;orr::?g before t o'?..t ? he n:ul raided three ??aloons aad ? ? ?aed patrolmen in each, ?hat new bartenders si tin' nal bogir. servtBg dttohs BgsiS a? BOSS a? the doors NSBMBsd fa i.r.u ':.e dstectieiBB. Seven mer -'.ire arrested on warrants .ssued by Chief Magistrate .'?UAt'co. Ths placet raided were si 878 Eighth Ave? nue, 232 Wast r-'ortv-s6vei'n Btre?!. and Iti Wssl Fo?'\rtith Btrast la the saloon on Wsst Forty*fil-th Street ?t was charg?:-; BO< only that ?he proprietor was SSndBCting SB IllSgsl re?o?*. and ?.?;o!ating ths t'.i-??! ?aw, but that h*. al lewes i ithoot being properly i ?? i.*ji-ii. ROME EXPECTS TEUTON CARDINAL Von Hartman,i Teiegraplis Vati? can of Visit Petcc Talk Hint???!. ? Pome. Nov. 17.? It has develops?! that rardtna'. von Hartmann, Arch biahop of rclogne, was not requested to visit Rome, but that he himself tele? graphed Rope Benedict announcing that he ?would shortiy arrive here, adding that he was the bearer of important communicaToris. The cardinal's telegram has given , ?trength to ths beiief that his propos riait i? . *? -? .J w-.*'ii 'he interr tional sitsatlea. Thia aanoaaeen lewtag t siatemaal mat ?. ardi?al Mercier. P mate of Belgium, alas ?vk ,iJ attend t Ceaslaterr, eenaidsred BtauAcB t. because si the war foreign tardlni are tacitly exempted tioni ?Kind^n sl t'ne Ceasiatery. <'ardtnsl von Hartmann en-oys t -in B? ' snlj of ths l'ope but Bmperer William. Ha ??i empleyed I tl ? "... I " i- a'.i negOtiatieBfl to obta better treatmen; far i renc'n bscIbbIb tics who had been made prisoners, ft the exchange sf ? ? ?->!>-ier.< ai of civilian I Sght. Cardi '..- ?? d '! o\ ire ( tsair ?ray here U ?.-?; reeea. Ores Bri ail and l-'ra-r-e. wl US the! t 1 irdlnal Bei ?rehbiahep of Qeebe :? SBBBBBCea. "he fact that ecclesta tici -epre' ??.eral of vl'.e warrin aatiaaa will h- at th- Vatican at th same tin:? has rr-'*'?*n rise to the beli? thai steps tewai . peace ma-.- be sii eassed. FOUR AMERICANS SLAIN BY VILLA'S RAIDERS Our Britisher Dead and Sukjai PW.'.-A Looted at Los Mocuis. ; npo, Biaalea, Me.?.. Mes*, 17 Tiiii ??-three refugeea, mo.tly wemsi and children, from the laws of Lei Mashis r,i:deu ?jrestenjtay b] Mayo lud ?r,ns sad Vilia tioops, arrived here to day ?ml were t.ii-cn on board ths UnltSd Statrs gjrib? ,?t Annapolis. They ?aid or.?? British ?.lid four Amaricen! were ter. irttd to have been killed. The I'nite.; Bags! '".?f..par.y's plant had been loot*'1 .??'..! Sthst ImsricBB interests had suffered, the? sai?1. The raiders withdraw la*e in the af tsrnoon, a letaehmenl of Carranza ?roer*, h: vii:g ht?Sfl ordsrsd to Los M sen is, in com?/i nc ? a . h tha request of Admiral Csi McR. Winslsw, commanding the Pacifia tieet. Laretlo, Tex.. No*.. 17. General Car? ranza hag ehanged his pla-is for his entry Into Mexico ( ity. Th? Kirs? Chief had planned to go to the capital on ' November 20 to take up bit residence as heed of Um de facto government. Thi? date has been abandoned, and Gen eral Carran/.a? proposed trip to the border at Nuevo Laredo and ?.Iatamoros U.S.. ha? been postponed. General Car? ranza and h.s party still are in Saltillo, his old horn??, where all administrative bushiest it being transacted. A Communication from the A. I. C. P, to tW Public. During twelve months of unusual stress 10,028 per. sons contributed $577,000 to the ?Association tor Improv* ing the Condition of the Poor. 12,000 poor families with 54,000 members were assisted with money, food, clothing, rent, friendly help or r urging service. 33,170 days of country care were given to 1,990 convalescent persons, most of whom were sick and tired mothers, or sickly ?"hildren. 42,228 days of frc*h air outings at the beach were given to 17,860 mothers and children. 71,462 days of care and treatment were given to 330 persons, of whom 248 were tuberculous, at the Association's Home Hospital. 426 widows were enabled to care well for their 1,363 young ?.?hildren by regular pensions amounting to $105,418. 439 deserted wives, with 1,474 little children. received assistance; $917 a month was se? cured tor them from deserting husband. 1 968 mrn anc* womcn Wffre place<?' 'n permanent or part-time positions. 16 016 bundles of clothes were washed for families in tenement homes at cost at the new public laundry. 116 734 portions of hot food were sold at a \ery low price at the newly opened People's Kitchen to be taken to home or factory or eaten on the premises. 1 488 527 pffnny portions of hot lunches were sold in 19 public schools with 26,980 pupils. IF YOU BELIEVE That This Work Is Necessary That the A. I. C. P. U Doing It Effectively WILL YOU NOT TAKE PART IN IT? Contributions should be sent to George Blagden. Treasurer. Room 212. 105 blast 22nd Street. R. Fulton Cutting, Cornelius N. Bliss, Jr.. Chairman. Finance Committee. I rendent. THE NEW YORK ASSOCIATION FOR IMPROVING THE CONDITION OF THE POOK. Tina advertise meal ta for by ,i f?!?tn*i ?>< ?hs- Its vork aeoOe aaly ??? be known '?> be geoer. W. L DOUGLAS WAB BUT to work PcaaiiiOBHoes AT T YCARS Of AOE. HS IBSQAiN MSNUPACTURINO INI ere. and is now the lARaiSTMAKtR OF S* 00 SJ SO AND B4 00 SH0S8 IN THI WORLD. $3,50 $4.00 $4.50 & $5.00 SH01S YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY WEARING W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES VALUE GUARANTEED For 32 years W. L. Douglas name has stood for shoes of the highest stand ara of quality for the price. His name and the retail price stamped on the bottom guarantees nil! value and protects the wearer against high prices for inferior shoes. They are the best known shoes in the world. W.L.Douglas shoes are made of the most carefully selected leal hers, after the latest models, in a well-equipped factory at Brockton, Mass., under the direction and personal inspection of a most perfect organization and the highest paid skilled shoemakers; all working with an honest determination to make the best shoes in the world. W.L.DOUGLAS $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 SHOES are just as good for style, fit and wear as other makes costing $b* to $8, the only perceptible difference is the price, W. L.DOUGLAS $3.00 and $3.50 SHOES hold their shape, fit better and wear longer than other makes for the price. None genuine unless W. L. Douglas name and the retail price it stamped on the bottom. W. L. DOUGLAS STORE: 610 GLiVE STREET ST. L ? I There should be music in every home on Christmas morning e a a in your this C Leading Places XVhereVictrolas and Records Are Sold Below 14th Street? ; i-._l Moaie Co.2<* John St Owens & Beers.81 Chambers St. linger Bros.82 Bowery Jacob Mandel.246 Bowery From 14th St. to 42d St. (Inclusive) Globe Talking Machine Co.9 West 2 3d St Chas. H. Dilson & Co.8. I 0, | 2 East 34th St. Ludwig Baumann & Comp'y. . .6th Ave., 35th to 36th St. James T. Ccughlin.344 Ac 546 Eighth Av. Knabe W-verooms.5th Av. at 39th St. Michael Streamer.1 39 Fast 42d St. Pease Piano Co.128 West 42d St, near Broadway From 43d St. to 96th St. (Inclusive)- - Mathushek & Son Piano Co.Broadway ?\ 4 7th St B!oomingd?le Bros.59th ?S* Lexington Ave. Sol Lazarus.216 East 59th St. Adolph H. Mayers.|Q8 3 Broadway, near 67th St. Fuller & Barley.2106 Broadway, near 73rd St. L Zion, Inc.2 300 Broadway, cor. 8 3rd St E. De Witt.I 397 Third Ave. M. J. Roth.3rd Avr. fc 84th St. Henry Mielke.I()80 Second Ave., cor. 87th St. .-?ri"*_ '?_*?_*>.*???;?*. There are Victors and Victrolas in great variety of styles from $10 to $350, and any Victor dealer will gladly demonstrate them to you. Victor Talking Machine Co. f-.-_M.IMl_ N. J. Above 96th Street? Lmamiel Blout.2799 Broa*_wa) Theo. ArUon.52 West I 16th St Buckle; -Newhall Co.5th Ave. & 1 25th St Kranich & Bach.10 West I 25th St Albert Sichel. . .2 33 West 123th St. F. L. Steers Co., Inc.3496 Broadway Lenox Talking Machine Co.312 West 145th St. Epstein & 3erdy.2977 Third Ave., near I 5 3rd St. L. J. Rooney Co.I 4 3 I St. Nicholas Ave.. Near I 8 3rd St. Brooklyn? A. I. Namm & Son, Fulton St. at Hoyt St Subway Stat"n, B'klyr. ?^pstein _. Berdy.1 198 Falt?n St . near Bedford Ave Pease Co.34 Fiatbush Ave.. Brooklyn B. Guy Warner..Bedford Ave. Ac Halsey St.. Brooklyn Out of Town? Haafs I ?din- Music Boast, fn... S'?. Marline A*... VMille Plains, Y \ btegcr & .?10: ? Piano Mfr. Co.743 Broad St.. Newark. N. J Vic trola XI, $100 Mahogany or oak