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GUGGENHEIMS IN COPPER MERGER Braden Company |Chili) and Kennecott (Alaska) to Amalgamate. MORGANS CONTROL PROPERTY IN NORTH Steamships To Be Sent South for Work During Winter Season Here. ??fficial confirmation wni obtained yesterday of the rumor.? current in the BOneiol district for several dcys that ?v. if the largest mergers of copper con.pat.i?? since the formation of the Amalgin nted Copper Compony is ,il t.iost completed. The companies in* vol ad era the Kennecott t up;?? r Cons* pan>, an Alaskan property controlled by .1. P. Morgan ? <??>., and the Braden topper Company, a Guggenheim ente? pris?", operot | i Chill pi ; d< nt of the Kennecott companj stated thM the latter will take over the Braden mines, vhuh are located on the western slope of the At.?les Mountains, The merger will alao entail the dissolution of the Guggenheim Exploration Company, as it? holding of It.ih Copper stock, amounting to more than 100,000 - with a market value of ab? u< 182,000,-! 000, are to be taken over by th? Kenne? cott company. Mr. Birch s st., foll?n ? : "Leading shareholders of the Kenne-' cott and Hiaden ? "upper companies I'hv? ? | plans, and have practical!) come to terms, under whiCB ths Kenneeotl compon* will purchase certain shares of the Bradcn company, upon a basis to be submitted to tl ? dl roctoi ' 'be Kenne? cott company for their approval. The -an.c terms of purchase will be offered the remaining stockholders of the Bra den Company. D Is planned that the offer ?rill afford an opportunity to the | Braden stockholder.? to take either cash tack of tl.c Kennecott eompa y "Th?- properties of the two com-1 v whili situated for apart geo? graphically, :.ic admirably lilted to upplement each other in their work? ings und future output of copper at low Boot, it is expected that arrangements san] slos be mads bj which some el the '.eamships now used by the Kenne-; cott company in the transport of ore from Masks m si > be need during the AlH.-kai, winter In connection with the I'.raden mines, which are in f hili, and that such an arrangement may indi-' act)) have a material effect upen the; country's South American trade "I siiii el sd t?. state that the loading sto? ?holders of the Gnggen hela* Exploration Compony hnvc In* pi o? .?I a plan andar s inch ?hut company's holdings of Utah Cop? per .?toc?.. e..i: ? ' ng of a minority of th? Utah Copper Com fan.-. '??? o o the Kennecott payment therefore being Kennecott shores, this p'mn already boon Informally ap. ??i.. . .i the '??,- u holders of Ih? I. iggenheim Explora i ",. ai soluti ?n plans of th? Guggen? heim Exploration Company, which Wall reaaoa to expect '.? ,11 be official!) announced shortly, will In* m.'.m Iba ?IC tribut ior. to ?tochhcldsri >'f aeaet- ??avjrif a market value of ap rroximately *>41,000.000. which includes eSBB in tue treasury et skoal ?14,000. 'On. The securities to l?e distr I of i'7.7.'.?? share? if 1 % r Company, 164.300 shares Ka, Consolidated Copper Company. "'' -ii' ? of 'he common stock of kaierican Smelting end Ker'.nin?, . .; I ai.ti J,84L.',625 Bhsrea of the Gold Company. The ('uKjrenheim Exploration Com panj la? outstanding 831,73'" ihaiBS, so that the distribution of the total BS ' . ainountint? to $76,000,000 * includes the company'- Utah n? of 0S4JSO4 iharss), .?ould be I ent to ahout $60 a share. While .10 ofticiiil basis lias yet been named it ll '.nider?A?ood that if shareholders of Brader? company prefer to Uke Kenr.ecott stock instead of cash for i.oldiiiga the exchange will be el? . ta I 1-fJ .?hares of Uradcn for one ? '. r'. BBaeOtt. i':e Ctali stock of the Guggenheim Exploration Company, which is to be over by the KsBBSSStl on an SX ? .??? he?is, it ?BBS understood would ihi* ratio of 1!? shares of Kenne i-.." fat aas ol Utah, It wag belie?, ed in Wall Street yes terday '.ha' the Kennecott-Bradeii tXBBSaetioS ?Bill prove to be the ? ?nier of other important de ? elopflSSBta alfecting varions copper companies. The Kay Co'isnlidnted Copper Com .1,11,*., It ?ah.? announced yesterday, has called its issus of convertible bonds us <??' December I. r.?*\t. The amount of tin* ?BBB? ?! $2,?M7,iV00. $75.000 SCARSDALE SALE ( liarlos Harris (?ets An Estate from Mrs. R. Pariaat. Fish k Marvin and H. R. Lounsbery . , ?uld for Mr^. Richard Forraet an at Bcamtala, S. Y.. ts Charles Harris, of thll city The property com iWs serei of high lanti. a lar-;e Colonial residence and outbuildings. 1? wn? held ai .?7.r?.(??i0. ? Marvin have also rented for Chsrlei H. Ru-.-cll his apartiiieiit in Algei Court, Bronxville, to Wallace D. II ?Lean. Burks Stone, Inc., has rented for J. Lawsaa Kii-"y, of Brooklyn, to Will? iam Noilly, t.f Detroit, a residence and .?tabl?- on aa acre plot in Armour Villa, Park, Bri.nxvilli-. To Join State Body. The Heal Estate Association of the State of \i'v York hai rit-rived SB ap- ; nliestion for sflliated membership from the l;*'.-?'1 Batata Associstion of Buffalo1 Chamber <>f ' ommoree. In re?p'in ? ta a demand for cit.?er co-operation bet?? ron the state real es iii, !??.!. h 1 local organizations of taxpayer ??i.ti brokers, the state a.?*o eiation lia? lately i.dopted a plan which enables it to greatly IBSTSBBS it3 work, although the expans? to each of the I organisations Is nominal. Belmont Holding Company August Belr o*it lias had incorporated the 411 i;.-fourth Street Com? pany, -?vita, s capital of 0420,000, to take h ii propert) st 11 and 11 East Mtli it and SI East OSi ft., with front am of ;?'?',:' feel and 21 fee?, rsspsc? tirsljr. Mr. BellBOOl recently placed thin property, which is his old city home, on the market. $1,000.000 Newark Lease. I eis! .?.- Feist, inc., of Newark, X. -J.. agents for the I'ublic Service ? orpora tlOB, t-.ave leased to Aaron Wats ?". Bonsf grocers, for s lang tans of yaars, four stores and basement in the new building, no?? in the course ?.f erection at the nortliwes? ?-??mer of Broad and Contra! asa 1 ? Bggrogat? rental will be over Sl.OilO.COo. plua t?_xes. FINDS FLAWS IN NEW ORDINANCI Advisory Council Say Measure on Light Should Be Revised. TO PRESENT VIEWS AT HEARING TO-DA? Adds Drying Places and Som Other Parts of Houses Need No Sunshine. The Advisory Council of Real El ? t?te Interest., through its Bolldioj Code Committee, consisting of Hen. W. Bonfje, chairman; Otto M. Lidlit , and Julius Prank?., has approved o the ordinance relating to light : Ventilation to be ir.coi'pora'*.d into tb [ new Building ?'ode, with some exce.i tions. These exceptions will be pre ?erited to the Board of Alderman a the hearing to be held to-day. "Under .??retion IM, il is provide? that every room m any residence here after erected shall have one or mor? Windows opening directly upon t street or other open space," says th' Advisory Council. "The way this a.-c tioti reads it would mean that everj rouin In a private bous?, ?ven r.hos that do not need Windows, such a dark rooms", drying tlcow? picture galleries, etc., must be pro? vided with a window. It would be bet? ter ??> amend this se as te apply onlv to ?very sleeping room, kitchen and laundry. "Section 111 provides .that everj room in any business building, unie? ventilated directly to the outer air by windowfl, must be provided with a ??entil-ting apparatus so us to keep the temperature betwcei? 80 at,?) 7'.' ?legre ? and the carbon dioxide of the air no. more than one part in one thou?an? 1 This provision would be unfair to -n owner Of a building who bod leased his premises to a tenant who subse? quently created bad conditions As the law now stands, the owner is respon? sible for such conditions, although be d:.l not brihg them about. "It is suggested, therefore, that H provision be inserted in this sectio.i to the effect that the premises are not to be occupied when the condi tions nie at variance with the provi? sion in regard to carbon dioxide, the iilea being t<> plac. the responsihilit. upon the tenant creating the nuisance and prevent bias from crowding the premises with people. If this ?slat ?S adopted it meal, that in an ?.ftic? building all Snte-roomi ?rill hsive to I.?? ventilated separately. I he ?ales in th? locai realty market yesterday were: I7SD ST. Ham.? am, Mauriee Man delbautn bought through the ? Sa niaine Brown Compon) si- lots on the south side of 17:?.l -f., IM feel ?-.?t ??:" Fort Washington av.. forming a plot I60X-7J fee'. ' ? ? ?? the) purchased twelve lot.? at the north ?v ? corner ?>f l'oi'. Washington ;? and 172d st.. making a total of eightee: lots. Most of these sightoe lotsbs*. been resold to ? builder, who will im prot '? them. *>n the I72d st 'rontag? non-elovntor house-? will probably U erected, while on t'.r 17T*?<1 st plot it ,aired by Mrs. Wright tisnt ?.n'y; elevator apartment houses be cor .-ructed. SECOND AV. William Crnikshank' BOOS sold for the Mutual Life Insu ance Company Z4SS Second av.. a *; story tenement house on lot -'.*?""? foot, to J. McKee. EIGHTH w. Coroliae A. Buh'.er ha- bough* from Georgia E. Mills -?..'? to ..'. Eighth av.. three fire story, Both? .-?-. th ?tores, on plot 12i'x 75.4 feet, adjoining the northwest cor ner of "'.-:? WEST 147TH ST. J. C. Hoag Co. nov? ?old for the estate of Bertha Heidelberger te the N'ason K. . Compony the Six story elevator BpOft* mer,' house, known as Buckingham Palace, at 547 Wesl MTth st.. occupy iag a olot IOOxM.ll feet, adjoining a similar building at the northeast cor ner ef Rroadv.av. PIELD8TON ROAD. Eugene L Lorkin bos sold for Thomos C. -an ? a plot of eight lota al th" northweal comer of FieldstOn Road and _.">-'l St The property fronts 150 feet or Fic'd ston Road and 190 feet on -"'-?I ?t It comprises ?bout a half acre avi has been pure! used by a buyer who may boild a co?tly residence 01 site. NEW HOME FOR M. F. PLANT Will Be Built on I pper fifth A\enue Plot. Cuy Lowell has been engaged bv Mor ?oti F. Plant to design a dwelling foi the fifty-fool plot at the north corner i.f Fl'*h av. and R6th st, opposite the new residence of Wi.liam Starr Miller. Plant i irchssed the plot lost July fr??in Bernard S. Bnrnch. The eompli tion of the building will place Mr. Mor? ton's resideric? Bl th? southeast eon I r of F.f'l: av. and ',-<) st. on the market. Rockland County Deal. Charle? R. Van Valen and Stevens A Tetor, of Ridgewood, have sold for the Cramont Construction Compaiv I ? Otil H. Cutler, of Suffern. an estate of U'O acres at Viola, Rockland County, N, Y. The est?t.', located in the heart of the Kamnpe Mountains, is said to be one of the most valuable In the county. A $125.000 Project. Maximilian Zipke-, architect, has be?in commissioned by D. Cordon to draw plans for three five story apart? ment nooses on a plot lOOxlM feet, at tiic northeast corner of Propped a?.. a:?i 17r?th St The houses will cost $126.000. Lawrence. Long Island. Rental. Join, 1". Scott bos rented for Ur. E, W, Pinkham the country plac- lie it eentlj purchaaed, known as Hillerost on (isborne av.. Lawrence. l,?.ng laland, to Mrs. Catherine Hamerslc;. Hinckley. Sales at Auction. M V, ' ?ph I' Hi) S7.TH ST. 7? ? .a Ml li'7 7 ? ? J A Sirwirt ft il ?? < ?na iii-..i,:,?ri. rt al; < I I 8jTH ST. ;?? W, I ?, in c ? . . .?:;?. .. Mil? ! . I I '..?irt ?t ?'. la "i? ? ? ? \. ? !?' ?.D ST. I7.? 1 . . '?.!., ... .- V ?? ? ; I.. ? i. it? I I MONROE ST. SI and I ? ' , ? M 17.1? . .... 1 a ? ? - I: '? \! ?_ ? ? i .. ? FIRST AV,1) 4 .. I HeSI ? , ' - I ".. *.r? .1. I. ?an. ,e Man 74TH ST. II I ., . ,|?U I ? ? . . o New Building Plans Manhattan. IS7TH ST ? , ?-. I,m a? ' - . ? B . . U ' v.l. !? :? III i >?? > 3STH ST tlth ... r,.r a . at. . . . at,,I ?ara,. .-.,- M J I - -i. . nil i w *_ n <? PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES Wheat and Corn Markets Decline Under Press? ure of Sales. ?.EM.KM. MARKET REPORT . ?..?,- S. > ??,:!.?' M 1 '1 WHIAT. ? ??? ??* frm ?t ?lie ?Matt IB* ear' ? .a. ?? ?.-? ?orked up S t?*r bethel, tut latei . i? i B aud des-I :?? I .'. . [', eluaii g >?. ' ? 1. ?? g- und ?fti; i-: - ? ? a? * ? M - ir* ti. abroaal . ? . ???.?.- n t? !?-? haal t .i la.-???, a . ?'? 1 ? r. ?? la?, whf: 1 i,i<*??J<1 IXcfOber v.ia ai Jl IK>'. aP?t Ma > ?i?1t a i ?g, ? -t li 7T-r1i.g? ? ? ...... "?i fH*. tall, a ??tiir ions al . ? ? ? a, ? ? * . ?? if H? -?? r ?bout I ? na?'.'? A*ii?rl<-?' .- . fiaIf i*?n? Tl.? t" Il Urne i? i satins m ....<? ?i ih? allai ? -??. ... and ? ! , ca?li tLariK Ni. i 'luidlo wl???? m - i ?' Il II*?, t n i, N a Toril; Se t Nor!ii?r . ? . ? ? - ? Mari,?..a ? ' 1 " ?a ?Il Buffalo. CORN. . ? - - . r,' ?Baal ? ? > a?l?r < loalig ?? a . ? l ?trpoel n.??-k?t ?a? .lull ?nu f?aiur?Ii-?. au MB s.-i?n ?' i i? ? i ?.n." i aaac Ui Inurtuf So ? ye - ? iromp CATS. i -?t? marlut a? ?MM. -?m? (flew ??*-. r ?argfi* ?? ?.m?r?''- ??"' ': " *! ?aa? |. g ni . ? . ? ?. I li ,-, ? ? , ?ai r?i*ir i?"? - ? ? <\\i\ii t i ???? ?luring ? . ?.??s ?????? cMitira:? i at ? ?mi inarkft *i5 Urvlr Omets; Se ?iiltr ?ii...vd a :i*..- \n 4 ..: ' r l - , . ?'? -, i. v i, ?114 - ? .. RVt. mmtjnt barcir ?la-ady. s*.* : Wmam i, N i i Vf*** Veri. NEW YORK PRICES. ???*"?' .*-.'.*? ' <r ... Il i' I ?r CHICAGO PRICE8. ? mi..., Osa i?.?' ix>? ?ir?? ?i?;. atmt I! o?S ?. ,?:?.* . i ? ? 1 im,\ , .7 1 o ?-, I ?? *, 1 ?'"S - l ? < "" ? "a *4 ? ? ?_ ... 1 , i . ') * AND MEAL. ? I . ?li?al ' i.? i ?'? '?'.? tiltil?' 1 ' I IV ?,? ni :r?<i. g w?? It all?? Trafil. ?.fis? **r? , - - a--'S?.l ? ?;*i?g i?t It... IV. I ? ? I . < ?lira No . .. ? I? . ? i ? . I m t KM H, a : :.. :. :.? ;. Kl.ol II .- ? ? 1.1? . . ? , .a. ' *?? <"K\?!HA1. ?? . . . . I ? ? . ? ? 'l.i.'.' ? |?fj ],-.,.. ' -.*?-.??. \. ?a*. n>??i?iri auM ; ri T., , PROVISIONS. - ?res, ?.?r?. , IvLX ?>??'. .? a -. ..S,,*, t?tl?_l_?l I ,?.!., M,tm%; Kti-a, ill, n??lt?d <u& ? ... vete i-tul" n,? ?!_T i,?_ ' '? -?r ImT-joJiiT '"'?'I,. -?. Il?_ ? ?? * < . i ? !__!_f ???- r.a.u, ?if HI si ... . um auCU ?? ?*k>,| .??4,. ?I */*.,-?J .All' A ?i. ... I.AIil. I Ml.Jdia ??>??? . aid ?rr? *4'' reflr.?*: A :.??V?. I? '** . Una- ., li ? u . -a taring ?Ua?l. -, rit? ?ant ?t?. : .. I ?', CHICAGO PROVISIONS. '?j? li.g *, ? i . , tanmtt, '?? 1" i? ? M > - I.? ? 1?, !? .. S || IU'si ??/, ?'?*> ?12 ?as ii: sei Mm . . ?r. ?? .* si?, v bob . . j 10.70 1? 7# i ? . ?ft? U?. I4.?M conir ttifl-m ??? ?jul?t a/.'J pr?'? ,', testa met. ? ajaj a "japtitOfi, estate ?a , .-?T ? ,1 ??? g quotation* ?a-? : ? . pofeltl SIM l.,?r ???tl. tr?t|l -?Ifa lot (hi ?',!? . II a..- Tl.c-e wa? i '?. it-l-tic**, on ?lie pirt of .ll..-r..irif?.l longs, ?a ' . ? Uli ? '. . ? e t> ir*.!? Interein Hid i| ,. at iggrtman b :? lag l i d?rrlrtn| - ... -, ? ? i - ,;ai .. i ? . . rffii ? ? ion t"?*??r..i ' '?<?.' ? r ? .. ?...?? J ? K.ari liai ? ? . 'H .' ??1 ' Ihouflil H?t Interior l.in_l.-.~ . I in ?. ? Br?ll wir* liUral llkl I? ? ' . || " ?-?'.:. ... I I I - . '? - ? '...:, . I ? ?. 7 ? - .. | V . . a a , ,- M .lull 111. ?I , ?. ?. . Rum '?' ' <>p*|. Will. \, I ? - 'Ir' ? .?,?,*-.... ? ... 6 -,9 6.7.S 6.51 - . , :.,.?... ... Mi- h S.60 f, ?-' fi.eo ???? '. -1 . .... , .. Ml . r.7l 6 73 f7! ......:? . - ? 4 ' ?? 7 ?7? I, .. S.l 6.1 6.S0 ? ? ? ??? ?M ' ,. . ........ C n . , .. - . 1 . SUGAR FUTURES. TTmti -?i? i Mi bical h .iiar hMam to-4aj in4 ir__ll I **"? tit. .. la- - -,?" ti ..? ?? : . | to fit '?.' - ilils lirilu.ry. .???r?" Mponilb'.? W Hip (Ip?'.Iii... st.?i. I,?. irUrr? mere- .in. .-..I let.lii s Hete Il , , IlOtMM ?\. re ' Ml MUM with cl<___ ;.r' .. 7 I.. : I pot-ll ?et l.,.?fr - ?!? ,'.?? Sal-? ?air? Il i.-'. i'.t." %e , ' plie? tmtt ?' il, ti. hem ?i.- _ai N.-r ;.- 7,4?* M : ? S 20 -- i: i. m ?u :i 0'. ? _ ? :? ? \i.? . us : is 3.171 : n???: i. :t in i. ? ?s.l? ? i ? . Auf?I x . ? ,-r ... ... i COTTONSEED OIL. I .--re- .es,i r , . ' _ il - ? leribli Sr??Ha, but t??ir. ?? Une, ... i ? ij arm ,???:<? !.l|ii-r ? -aere r<"?> . ' . t_. 7 I?',. liUI.? "f \e*'er IIIs?i !.-? > . '?- .la;. .?-. ? 7 - . , 7 77'. .17 7 71 -.-.... - - . - Mir.', .-..-.? ' Api l ' ' ' M.? ? ...,,,? 01 ? ,. METALS. ' ,. -'.pi*r ??.- "? " ' ' *?, . v,,.k Met?; ? . i. ??-Iti- ?i>..t In 71?. ... I*a.l ???? : . ." S ?I . I ', .. i ; ? f for ?DO? ? ?I V, Ti, m Loci ? "I 15? tot ?t*. ?? ........ .'.-? ???* suewd a ? V '? ?or futur? ? ( ill NTK\ PRODUCE M.KKETS. \ ? :.?-' -r 17 III BUTTER. ?swan M : ? *>?? Tb' ?bortii? ' * : iriin b ? flroi A little ?trrofth ?I? re ? ttt V ' II "?? r. ?a. . .s g ? ti a...I UM ?alu?. in . .eiie.'. . I l.-r'iu'i". < tteivry, nun -, . ' ?.? rlni ... f.'.'? .... v hit ? ??orei *?SO ?.'?<?. hlflier . ? ??"'?>. ttaie ?J?l? 4 I ?'. rrlm? - ? ? etttes. 214 SIS" ? r iii'ii gtte; linlii'to-) ? '???'..,r. . ,-urret.t rulke. 'leeier (Tl/lr. J ? ?-_ * ???'V. p.rllr.g .-,. y j, . ,?,,t ?, ,, ;?(? j!?_r. ?'"? ? u.i - - i. \ , ? :?,, ? a T ? ? CHEISE. ..,, r i, a^*,l_ ?f ., "M .r* ,r,,"," '?? ? 0 - _'ln_ r_- ' A ."*" ' ' ? -. ? ? ? ? ? . ? ?' ? ? {i ? .. ' *:;. ,?^:: .?? IP?-..!?. IV l}Z> rlJ,^ r.'. ',?'," ?US'. tena ???.. ? <i in? ... , ? r,,?f ' -' M? ?I. 1 a .7 _I '??- I- <?*'< M*JT ...? "?* ilM IIUllIII, |f? ?,. . ,. ?merthta neielet ?tiiliu?. 1.? I? i? ?lull a',4 ?a,.ia, ?i... , , , .,t I? -r-1 al'r. fl??. |.?. ?4 1?, ,i:r, 8rs, ' M ? ?77 . *?-?'. SI ? I le -? ; ? -?* ZI S-J7 .l-ll-s N.? I ? ! . . - ? ? | Ile cull? an.! I- irr!". 1'.."..''???.-. .?'.Ig-.i?' rial mar!,*, tai > i /???'.. .. :. ' ? i-' 1 4 llrtlf?, ' . ' and n?rai*~ I . -??.-.,?.. MB -, fathaiwd ?hltai ..nilna*-. lo 7?n ? ? . \\ . . ?- . - i ilt. V ?? ?I I.r. i ? ; . brown and i?l '??? it ?:??'???. ? rlgn? ? | HAY ANO STRAW. TT.s rwl" l i-oiitli.ns? fairly gi-?ie MI I .?? r . a \\ i :. Iba Irad? bcal <"i III? liifll.ini ?lid i.*a?r eral | ? ? . -i* a;* ,?: r?a !?? . ui ?7 .re I? ?lili ? able '?? - II ? Ha?, lar* 1-alcvJ tin i. i ?. ?.*,.? 12*; v. i? t?. n.. ???????? }!?u?iv ???.,-? Iigt?! elimtt iuUr.1 II?.WBlll ? - i i, i ? ..?, So l. ?1 t 'n??? I.? Small Lali ata I FRESH FHUIT8. ? ? ipt ?.?d iu-.s mu ? IOHM larl-'l-? TV . US 1 ' I Oeg i??' ?r : riTrd and ?old ?t M?*rJ rarel? lilg'i.r. ?i. . I?er 77 '..??kel? ?Tata?, Oranges ai -I |r?i-tri'" ' - ? g-au'? APPLM M. Info?* !? I. -t..o". Wolf III i ?t. |_?.? -i?. .1 nglliai ?.. .- . \ rk? Imi.eit?;. lu -: ?('i ?'.. Wealtli ! : ?- Mi.? It ?ftuaaap. lu 7*. I |2 .-..? jt T anfj ?.'ii " i . ? | .?' .'. -"? , 1 lili I * .-- 'i " '. i . i t ' Sorti )l?!?lvl?i, ll.;..*}l. Hull j- i?...- 11.77.? Havl? ai.,| ?Jliio, ?1 7 i?. H ? ?. UT* i. ik-:i m .?t . un? n.-pi , r ? .."*- -. SI 7 . .?I.' .'-. , trallll.?, }|7,0?I.. ?UIIIIUUI. I ? ! ? - U. ?1er". lo? Si RO * I ? KpitwnbarSj 11.50? ?2.7..: Rome Beaut?, II Pippin. Bi.T.I ?? II 50; Jo, ?? ., ? 11 :??.. ??i?idi?ii Wlmaap. ll.?.'.Jfll 7 11J 4?-'. H!?k Tais, ?''??. n i", .?i II WllatM IVarn.aJi.. ? I . ? *? ?j . I!?: 1'.'.? ? II Blarl Bau II ! ?S? 7 ?Jano 'i i ?'rimes'? ti" len, t: ?SI "?' PEAKS Beam I | t. II, . t ialrgral. | ,i\ B?Urra n'Ai ...i ? ?<*)?? j?. .??. ? . i ?? n -? -.i v.:; ? i ... i.? ..... i. || ' * - II ? I? ??-,. illli't? ?lat? ? lasara 1" hak ' ??rata V ; . ? ? . . ?II ? ???? ? ", hak II li ? I . Ib :ij...., ion ???? .a |?:<. ?Mil ai .1 Cataarba inn. ?40(4 ??7.. t Kan'Iii KKII..?-. I'ape I'otl, Uta* aurts. M.I. J', .*??.-? i*rgl? ?1 7?>?|l l??i. Karlj Blark, I !,l, J; ?J6 7.* .-rat. il '"Ml 7.* 11,a?, bbl ?7 a} 50 t-, I. M 77,, .1?, S. ?. : ?11" 01, I' ? '?..-?>. :. g I- ?. i |' ? ?: .? .*? nail (Si rn.s. Cai fi.-. i*i i ? ? riiAM l.i.'tlU.'.S. lal. pint.. ., ? * ?BRADA MELON* l'ai. , -?? * I; OKAVIJI ?< ral ... ?. ? I I a ?, ? ? . ? ? KW. IIJ-.?a... >,..,. I.??,? !?? TAMil || IM - Pi? I ip ?I 7" "? UKAPtKBI IT li. . ?..;??. I*, r- . ?: ? ? a? Jamal? a II ? ? I: 77., Niun? li .?? ?? |. Ba l'i Im ?. I?. A?.'??. U't. 1*17 ?.Ha . ? < Tl?i il\l.?ri'l.!.S, Potto III i, li-! ?,?. ,.-..... tlBl - POTATOES ANO VEGETABLES. 1'o'at.f? i?-s i'imij aiiil . . . Una. Latin . flimer. li - muili? . firm I *i ? u r. 11. a i ? dull. I? .??????y lia? ... l.?'.j Tu l'A . THIS Long laUl I. I 0 ? <? ? '..'.! ot I-.?. I. .-? .. ? i" Mall ? .?.. I i I: ? I ISS I. Lag. \i : - ?. -???. }.?? Jj '.-.. Mi ;. In :..? . !??? ?. * t .,?:.,.?? ' , ? ; ? -, ?? A , ? . ?UK1 I ? - ? ... I1.50BI1 baakct. a?, .*?? . A I'ARA*;? ? ' a. . ?? 1 .-!?. -. I I . Aim ?hum..?- Cal, Prrnch. drum, I*:'??? *.? n?artsj, laruaa I -it. BRI i.l-? SPROIT8, 1 * :;i.a*a-i ? -. . ? ' ??; i.?aI ?. 4i , m . -, J * . ? . ?. lAiuturs. ' ' ' I Ms ?i '??... i.. it, a, ? ? i?S? I :? <i t A1 Mi ] i?\?. ! n? 1 ! ?I i I. ? II rill? ..-:\ . ? ? ' . ? I I.?.III. Male . ? t lil.iillV ? M'.1!A?,I . . A-:*.' . - - . r ra'?, ...i-'.ants. n? 'i..ifi. KAI>i H ? ? fc; LI TTi i I.. ?*., ./ rala ? tlett'i ? ??- ??'? ???-'.. ra?? . ?, : ??rto I aske? St ? SI; Va ar.?l S < 11??: 7-.. LIMA IH.ANm ?,?,?. }.- I ... ?:?!.. onions, i,i?iic. ?t.i.- ?t ?Ma? il! ' ? ' Il roon III I . . I r??.i, lac " S ? III: " g- '-..lin r ? ml '" ?ti .- i . . 'lag. ?Is? i.l. 11.7 '??}.?. <>MU lit ,-arri .-. ? ?./. t.. PKJUt, Va arg? per ??rg? ,?e- ?.?"??.''. ?inat; II .*.<>.??: 70. ?a ,,r l?-?. ?.?.kr-. Il 7." ?? I; ?". ?mai], |.r . .?,k?i ?:?*: N ?', ?mall, per ?mail ba?k?' i - ? ,? i Fia Oaaket, I. ?' | . ? . ''. rAUsMl-A. bbl. 11*11 :'.. l-l MI'KI' ? 1*1 l'PKRB ? ef i ? ' ? , ? " .. t: . ?-t,,, ?????!. Kla. par b? ttatt-1'. ''?..*-. I: ? i.iMAlM. n-. - t Ma, . . k?l *n Ml. 1 ? ? (lAlllslli.-; ' ' . .; nlMSACII Va bbl il ."??!:. Sgl Asll Hub ? I ? ?. ?Il .7*3 Tl UM?'- 'e ' ' I' ?Il - natal ?g? ? , |i ,.im? i*ii.> ??? n?; i?.? !? a ti r is?rlug I :-'??!.. W?ttat II? -*? ISS few llfi'ni'ii >i. PBODCCTR ? ii-uml)?rr?. .\ '. lUU ?. dnaJSrltll *nu.l ? r?.is? i !?? iuks*. SI (?r S1 77. Lut..?.. 7-. .. , i.?m>? 111? Il 7,0.g|: :-in?' ? - ? i ? I.1VESTOI K MASKaST. \?. | .- | -i.'?r 17 l?r BCEVEb. , lu.?ii.i? i , .i bas lu. -2 ?-a/s ,* ?te?:. 1*'.? ? ? I ? -i? r n,?r.?.. ? ..... ,, ifeaj ?-??.i, jaatrab - ri a le, ? . ? Mgl..? ihan M< . , '???ail,, g.??! la.l-igi^ ,...., ??r? i,,|1., ?i.,?r. ?leaal/. g.Ksl fgt ?j?, . ,,,?, r.i,n Tuer? ?a? a g*??l .liaran?? a/f il,. ,aMa < ?*.ii ??' prime . .. t I ? . . Il . ? . 1 ,v ??lien,!- ? CALVES. i a I 7. 'a.| '. "? east I * ' ? * ? ? , , , ? per I? v ?-..:? !? i ? .-..?- ? a? Jl ??? M ? a . : . ? l" SHEtP ANO LAMBS. '. I ?al. T . a a. ? - . . . M up >? fal .? la i.? ?ere ... -s Cil. . || ?? . t ? 17 , in?) Ih; . ? ? .? prll ? ?..<?? :? J: I 7 '. HOlaS. Refrii,. ? v mrdi hall . a.- ? . - tins l !?-.?? ' ? ? COTTON DECLINES ON HEAVY SALES Market Steadies at Close, with Net Loss of 2 to 7 Points for General List. 11 f M" > offerings were absorbed on a Comparatively moderate decline in the eotton market Yesterday morning, and ralli?e followed OR a feeling that con? tracts were passing mlu txinger han?i< ,: ,l report of an improve.) trade de Stand. .la.VJary contracts sold off to 11.60 during ilio early trading, or about :i5 point* nnder the nigh level ef Men? ?la;, morning, and after a recovery to 11.7- clo.sed at 11 .?*>.") bid. with ?the gen era! liai elosiog ? lead) at B net loss of only 2 to 7 point I for *.ie day. T'ic marke! opened barely steady at a decline ?>;' -r? to ?t points under over? night selling orilers, and after a quick rally of K "r I points weakened again utiis.r continued Well Street and scattering liquidation. Prominent brokers supposed to represent sesse of the Inrge ipeculstivs .:.t?.?' t, ?cv heavy sellers <.n the ?Iec'nne. offering! from One ti UN ? -our."? being esti? mated at fully ln.i.Oo l.ale?. out the cotton was very "??:i I ...en O'i a SOOle ?I., vn. and after showing .. net loss of about S to 12 points the selling beooasc ie'-s active. Price, then rallied on covering and buying for a reaction, with act ???? monthi -.-I'u g bock to or a shade over last night'? closing tigur.?. The final reaction of ."> or li points wan att ril i.t.-sl to roolisiag. Beutherfl spot markets as officially reported were unchanged to 13 points louer, most of tha latter market? be ing unchanged, v. . 11? NC?. Oilcans re. porting solee of 7,060 bolos ?>n the baal of il1* for ml.idling. Exports the doy were 14,761 bale--, making ?i so far this season. ii. tm at mttatt ("P-n Illgi. la ? i ,1? Noeembw . : 47 l! ?? . ? . ??? ;; '?? i?. -,-. II ?_ II. Ti 11 ? 1 .... 117: ' ? ??*? - ? II 7C4 ? II ?I ?'. II.? 11.07 11.? Ilitll I 11 ??s Al ? .. - ? ; :?? ? 1: ?? 12.12 v ?. ; v a 1 _ 07 ?j : 1 ' ? - I ? 1111 .12 k n n; n uai: 12 111.' ? 11.?Ttf? Il - 11.?? Il ill II f? !? 7. ?Il ai 1; ?? ll.TS 11.77 II 76 11 71?. |l|( Il ?2 - '????*?. ? -, "? ..... , 1 et gg? |fl teinta : ?t ai 11 7...- f..- mlddllni uplual .. Il- ? ;.i? ?" "t"? pnrti lr.tcrier MtUO, ?Uli ? ' , . r*'-.?r.t r ? la?: ...? t.,.' .,?. ..? k ? ? 1 .- ; . ? .-? '??? -a.-.a .4-1- ? ;,*, ||; M ?. Ha.a- i.a ? . ?-.. 711; *?| .>.; ' ?? ? i:* M?? : 7M ?j 7 . ? a s. ?'? ! I . -. ' ? ?' ... ?? IN M ,. ? ??'?'* 1 ?'! Virlo.i? ? ?1-, ', -,.-,-. ? | ,;. 2? nu ?i ? . 1 ,ltv, ? '? !.. ? 1: VI -? I .. Il ,. - '"' I 117 , '__n - " ?1- ?' Am-rt 1 ? ? A.rwr-I. . ..viie.1 qW* k ? I -''al, - >o 4 i?,|...? ?,! ' ?? ' ".t Mai . A,, r Ut I !..|] Itg,,., . ;;., ,,.,,, ?ml_r il 4M Minrhenter Virm uujet an,l FAVOR SHOWN FOR DOWNTOW Many New Leases in 0 Broadway Zone of Hat Industry. The Charles F. Koyes Company 1 sublease?! for a tertr. of years the f1 story, sosement sad __ cellar bal M-r idwny -.hrougn to 17u M? i er st a- B rc-i.'a". Bgg-Ognl ISfjMN for the tern. The lessees i i Co.. store, msemenl sod ss basement: second fijor. Lou Kroas third floor. Jacob Mar... p.nd the foal and fifth floors, Lnkl .t /.?ci,."'. T agent states) that the '??1? of t property- have boon swintoioed. - and oth. r ;> B IOS l'f corded in the sai ? giiborhood sh? thnl the bnl industi. Is remainii downton i I toe i foi I i! reog of Pro i I fact that th? Bioad-'-y siiiiw,,., wl i :.earing completion, will have a st tion at Pi BOS St., which '. in the san block a* MI Bi onda sj, Bernard Wurtenberg loosed f<! Brother" * I ? ** third fl( I In S te U Wssl Md i . ? ?iir? to I ? aj ? 'I.'- en, lo< distributors ?.f int? ,-'?> ire ic1 ? uniform Huberth & Hub? rth Hi Ely .. < ??. haw loosed thi i re Ift Broadway, it the southwest corner i nd -t.. te the ?Duffy Motor" Corpor tion, tias',.ri: distributors for tl Standard car. I'aiiicl Birdaall ?- Co. Inc.. hav rented the itore and boaemenl at " and 71 Green? -t. for the Manaba. ??state to .. wholesale i ne merehni for a term of jreore; the second loi t M ni.?i 38 Ka' 12th st to M. J. K" son: the third lofl n! :>7 -Wee! Wt_ - to Oarfinkel ?S- Adelson; -pace ~._ ?'? an 7 It'n st. to .1. I idlow; the tirs ???-. il id end Cut,i otts at. 7H and ? Worth st. to M. Plugelman & Co.; th t:rs* lofl ??* 147 Broodwo] to th? Na then Rocen Compony, and the firs loft at IM and 166 Bl*oadwuy, contain ing 10,000 square foot to !<"' Eminen -Wei -' <????.:. Thl completes th renting Of the .-nCre building. \ s I tosed for Hornee B. Ely & Cs ?the fifth lofl at 70 to ;i West HottStOI St. to Block & Co.; for the Dougls Robinson, Churlos s. Brown Compon? th? vor. .? basement 77 Franklin si to William II ? A Ernest Morgersoi and for 'Vi?iat'i Cruikahank ?<? Bom 'lie second and third lofti al ho and ft Leonard st, t.. Cromwell Brothoro. To Be Rockefeller Tenant, Burton Thompson ?*> Co., inc. hav? loosed store No ".. in the Stunden le, a* 60 Bi oad rn-j. to -lohn P <; bai - hl berein i higo claai lorie! ihop rhis atoro ii on the Broodwo* lei . adjoining tttt -?ore of 'he Sonora Phonograph Com i an;.. John D. Rockefeller compony erected I he build ing. ? ? ? ? ? - _ Gets Private Root (iarden. Douglas L. Elliman I I ??. hav lease?] an apartroenl with s private roof gar* lien on the top Root ..?- 749 eth av for Malcolm r Smith .'. I e . te Moa ll?r U ,t -. ? Captain .Seibert. V. S. N.. Buys. Captain l-. C. S? ibort U. H. bought 1)11-" lots In the Nelson Ea* totea, Pi Other soles of the entl* been mode. ? $20.000.000 New Tobacco Concern. The orgnnisation of the Mutual To bseeo Compony, inc.. a Delaware cor? poration, h iti. an authorised capitel of 120,000,000, divided ii lo 2,000 000 hers of the pi r _tu< of HO each, ?.ii eon? pi ? ted reel rde) a! mi si mg held in the ones ef Benjamin Sworts, 192 Breodwej. eoni ici foi hi nee com (?any. Thi officers elected follow! Pres? ident, William H. DennJegi fir : vice president? Jones C< Tansy; second viee preaident laanc L Bvana; third vice* president Willlem S. Mnssonnena; -? rotary, T, sti.r Donning, an?! treasurer, Henr* 8 Pfeil. H. R. PARTRIDGE BUYS $200,000 RYE ESTATE Property Is R. T. Wainvvright's Homeward Farm. Homeward Farm, the property of Richard T. V.'ainwng*ht. in Lincoln and Harrison avj. Rye. ?Vcitcltester Coun? ty, has been sold through Heckscher * De Saulies to Hugh R. Partridge. The property consists of about 150 acres. with two Colonial residences and numerous other building?. It la on one of the highest points of Weetcheetor County and near it are the Harrimen and Hobart J. Pari, estates. The pr.ce paid is reported to be ?bout ?.200.000. ?*$ K.Y.CITV ? COUNCIL*^ 50 MADISON AVENUE BIADQ1 ARTKRS NOTICES. II e ' ..;'., i.:f ?.ouu ? ?nu. all..r t r An* Hen 1 ' '?' :"l: -. lohn ?,,.a,|. T-oop 190: Kiv Ql-npr |: Alfei-00 Hlick Troop I'.: _?;*..?> RlflU-n. T-?- t? ! 7 K ? T. ... i ? v. I. Truae 1'.7. -.- M M?ii*r. i'.-i, i ? 71. John H Kir . notiiiMiUr, bad tin '.Iglioat ver nal r.?r Un - -" ??til-h *<? ... I T'. taU tnatttmt 1er If-ln r? ? -t?l.???i for - nt -..i tii- .-oui,, il reoulrti "- -"' ''??? r.?p 'o .*? ?I imtti Mfca ????j ike ?i?, i*- l. ' i im ,.,,...: ? ? . i ? ? ir mi*. ?".- . . l*n'.i> ??enlnf i est to irt it gull.? fo- tin Ml . s.. >.-' ui-r ?. Um Anvil.-hi Mn?rUDi of N.'un m ion i/icii ii?id'iu?ian sob has ? smell n ????ru for m? Troop Notices. ; ? I !'.- Il eai ?r?> I-stIU i le pir ti.-sr?'?? In ' ?? ? Mi.J; " ? ' ?,'? '.''' i b I ptnil III ?' '?' a fl?'.l 10 Tr.?.p 175, It,,) Booiltl f America, al Tr?.|ix_t M?-th(>tl?" ? ,.- *?? , s-.-.H- ami ?.?, _,i v< ?,. , ? fonlng, No.? ._?.?*?: II It, Hr.M.I lia.? .ipfli dl .?? ' tai'ii- .,: ..a.' ? ?. ' ? ? 111. Writ.- r.llar T.a ? c n.M.. ?-?mI'i, Are me. The Hs,.' ? i'r.?.|, 17, U . It . ? ? . . r v'?.|. I V ., lii:? i, Bitord?j \ ,?<.'ni*r IS, bring ? . ?? ihori ihroM Un tim? tat ?-' On <>?v?> Crans ai. I \ a? I ? ??? i-, ?i,'. Th? '.r?x.p expl,..-?.l ?Ju? ri, i leu .???? ^r?!.?.! laid watts, l,?,i| I tr-inirr hunt Hi ' ill I reel in-r ?rarksin M the firm nl 11: .?a,.? T"ri.>[> M Mm SchvarU, mutn?ter, tool ? i.Ui* ?r> l'-;!iini OO K?"__-MT |, Tl, ? _:.?, ni .|,.|ii..rltrl 'IrM i. pr.?f:?*>?lnr Troop IS, A 1. Rom, ?eo'iiniutir. MlefcrMtd It? Mr?? ui?ltofMr*, r. Moodaj malna tioetatbmt l?, a UM H?V!-Hl?'ll Itoi'll- II..1 lkttl__fal l?? . - ? ? sir**? A mem nomp Ins mm euiilMd ?? I. ? ,s u ,|, ; i!,e lei.iiriiilp ?I \f?v 8ili?arti. ?ali.i Is tli? prr.-nt voiitniMt'-r ?>f Trm.p II WlUlaai II Hirta.ur h a.? a ??-out b?il>?th.<.; tun* ? . lid H'xr so pliy ? | .fl.i-r 'Mm oil B-turdW ,S ,.rinl*r 16 ?ill it;. Ml B-l-0?U i' M i.-iiu.-ri", i???.? THE WEATHER REPORT Forecast-? and Records of the Last Twentv-four Hour-. Wulitngtor,. Not II \-, MS ,.f ,.l|7 jr.. .?? <?! mra' mi|tilturti> tin I'.ill' up In ?!i* li-ro region " "? s_?t twenty four bSWB ?'.?! H ?-<*nplrta*ls Ss__M_S tIi-* ~*ith?r l'i 1 ortlirii'rrti i- 1 r?inr?I d_Srl '? Tl_ low Cfii'ril DM .??. .?.tslrf In Imi ?i. !.a* m?.T?>l .?'Bhrly to tl,? ?outtieut. ml '.? -- i,r,?r.-a ?ecu? 10 he |.|<?.|<?.l tiy th" v.-v I l|li. Il?l:i 1. l?.,ll.?l?.l for tli? lo?-?r Mhi-iieoi tmast ???.i "??? aaa <>'?u. vat-. I,.urla? i A l-rol il.ii IrM as II .ti 1 -r UV . '. IS '-lie I..- ? I BoatS fak i??|.h?r OKh n???l-rii. ?Vllidi ? n 11 la-. 11 .1 North ?? u - ? - Ml Ml* At ..... i- nod t., .,?'-.- ?? , ? i:.,n ,??.??. , a-' ?. 1 ' t. ? ? ntbmsi; wii^r liki ll I . '-..,? muH mi Firfcstt? (?- Sinslil I?, alllia? i;?c ? '?? ? 1 1 1 i ia... ;? , urlianli N? ?? '" a in t ?< n . -ias ? ; iVntei 1 .-.- n *?? ? Tori?, 'air Thurtdu ? 1 - Vin Ii iMitrl ? - 1 .mu,ii,ii. Swth r I -..utli .'??". ?I- a (Ifortll. lair 1 . ? I ? Allhuna II Ha . !.. ... ? ' : - . 1 ? e- : Ml>al??il>l * ? I I . - ' 1. filr Licil OlSclil Ricard, r - ' V ??.- ,.? ? ' ? ? ?', - I MM i!:im? ? ? . . tmmOf. four I'-or- 1 .ling .lato nf Ii-* poet 19M ! Il ISH 1 ? ? p m -, ?1 6 ?. 1, ? ? '? .? ? . IS?n... il t ir .1 ."),; I-' '.. II 17 p. is -1 I t> ni ' .'? I -, ; In-PWSlUIB ...?'?rliT. ?. .lu?re? . i> ' "'? .Ii"g-.~i .at I.' ,i0 a rs ? a-.cri|a rlaUrdty, IS Irgr.-o,, t,?r,fP fn, ,.r.rri' ; la'r a?' ? ^ir. I !?? :- . t, *' - ' .- I .1 tr-r. Biromitfr Ri-_lii,. ' ' "v V 1 p. n?. . M M * p ni v V Hunldlty. IT | S a m ?l Lttll Fin-Ut. l'a- |j ?,. ,ilv w1 ,? ... ? ..?. tr.l.rit.. .r'",??^.- ..-, .? .?.,.;. REAL ESTATE K?R SALE. M N alKBSKt. ?GREATBARGAIN^ $10,000. Liberal Yerme. t7? a , r Hnm ?i? 1! rem i l ?< ? ? . *. y cm li i| i -? ? i ' t t? - , :.- ? K. I". HMIM>. I"? Hr?M,hTii?. N. V Tclapl < Ol N I n?. I'KtirEI.'TY. C?un?r? Horn? Inlornattari ?re? ?a tfe?r?r?l?? It, ,n Liai ??-'.! ??H 'rite .*... age 1. Ha, (OHM: li in? S.r.l.a 79 B 1.'. .1 Tsl .'??1 Mail (Ml RMSIIEO HOI BES TO LET. 16 East 75th Street ... i - ..i. .*? i li?- III i Bliss tit r? ? -,.?.? . unfa ? ? ' ' -..- ' re?r . light, ipen plumbing, hardaraud flo?.r? awing ra m and di i iug uui mini i ?;s i-ii-i i ?reele.? SS8. I SI est it Uli SI. i MAI UK!. H Salt. II ?? en?->. . ? WORK WANTED, Male. mat ? r ,i? ? ?...t ??; MAX r..?., ? ? p?r*-i:?- I, . i.* .-?il ta - ? III lay - ?tMlres p.-atii : fwr v?ar? rali I: i 10 POME8TU S1T? iTlONg WA.NTED. Male. ? -i 11 ;. rxoi I Mali ??? iM Ilka east m ?mi ! Passais ? OOB ? ? ? ? . .. ; ?. I ? ? 14* . I'll PU t.i la bau-ew.Tr.rr anal me' li ran . sags? *??? li : - Plaza t? I m% HOI'BT ITOBB i?r ai salir. M Ne?? i ? i. : Uli. Hi:.\ MAll?. i . , n " ... t. M SIUU -- i ? ? ;.?,?| a 1 |l? ? ?. Hoi a! ? '?"I.Mi r-::...l,'. Air?-i ?.- ?tmn?; win ig-- ? ? ??.??>.??? i?.b. -, Asei"-? ?"" K 1-' ? ?t 'I'll?'.? 5515 Bart__ SWEDISH U1RL ?ta ? teeUi .:.??!!? i(?-i?-. A| II .t ? 11 _SI RKOt.ATE: NOT1CE& | IN P? il.M ? -* ?!' A". 1.1.1.i l! ?IP II..-..l'A ?i . i ' alan, a ? ,-?? i. ? ,io,i ,, .. of Um i.? all ? i,??i..g .-.?.i.i. a??i ? Laroili.? .-....., 14. i?,. ?f ii.? ? 10 piats !.'?? illli ... It. Si that! p.?'- *'f T?i.?a.-tii.g I'li-ii,?., it in? ?riair an? .???.- i Sa ?, -r,,?t i In TI:? t 1- "f NatS 1. r? ? ?r ... 7, : ? a? lu da, ' of Mar.-li -.??t l??*,.i .? , \ ir?, *u. l?iii i?. : Auriit, mil .. ...ii..l. I. im l ? "..Ml s I, Altl-Kll. ? . li Sil LIMAS I I .- i.4?ll ? IIIKI.I'S JOHN ? ilAHK A*??.;-*. '..? Ka?. il..r?. ill Naa tau Hire?i | -..g*. ?' Uaakattan, N.? lark ?in SCHOOL AGENCIES* \merlran uml l.irr,j?i. lea? liera' Afcnrjr.-. Buspll s Pi f.- .., . i, eha-ra Tut.ira. j i <;.)?. ernraaisa. .-i? , ??, Callssaa, ?->hoola ana r?M??ll.? ?.(?pli to Mia M. J. V?L..NO. rULTON. 7*1 ?Jnlon Suuars. RESORTS. Galen Hall in tnc Mountains WtRNtRSVUU. PA. Where Wirier Days are full sf Charm Mo-Jem Hif/h ?ira<1? Hote! ?.???:!. r.a'etial comfort and k'"?7xl chaos >.?,?pi-..?na!'y dry a.r in if h ?unny ?xpojttr? n-, . she ter?l fron- Nuith ?'ind. licai.ti'ul wftlr? ?.?trough t ???? cedars Resiri-nt Di *t Kit'.*h?n ?'urtive arid Tonte B'ihs. Elg?'ri?* Tionimt?r,7g, .'?? tut. Etc, .Ssii'eJ ?poiator?. Hem Ruoklrt. 3'j hours fr->m N. V. ?'.i I'u'lman via f*#n'ral R. k. nt S. J. ',y '.i?.ura f'?.rr. Pliila, R, ?liny R. Fi LltaialHT? an.l Wir??: ferrri? on re.yje?! N Y ?)r*?W. 2i'i ?th Ava. rh'.r.e Mad .??a. I 80. HOWA'U' M Vi ?SC. Mtr. f?AM-.N "HOI MAIN I I?. F. L. Young, tiendrai Managrr. Plav Golf In th? Pinet THE UUREL HOUSE NOW 0PLN Luke wood, N. J. A J Ml 1.7'I.V ?.' \ MlKi'HT Maaaser A*?'? V?o -g-? TNI LEADING RfSO.U HOTfl Of THC WORID ^amor?iifiii*35Knii.i!ii ATI.a:nITI? CITY, >'. J. OWNCItSMt? m?l',lHHl [ JOS'AH WHITE 4 SONS C O M P A N I? B ?RTLETTJNN HIGH MOTE . CLA*?!? AMERKAN PLAN EL. MODERATE PRICCS. r i 1 IMNWDa 4L HOTEL GREEN (\ufurma TRAYMOREaaZTi _ INSTRUCTION. Nil?, YORK- Munli-illan. LANGUAGES -..?^?-A. i..r jr.-i.-'.i ing r?c?vd? rt B?B?ll11ial*S l*t a.-tl.aJ .--.,. . gl.? coBfaiaaBe*)*.? ?.-.os !e?ig? of MjHUilah. Oafi .an. Pre rh. it?l'? l'on rail u?, .- ?. - Ti l| Me. hi ?' ? Bot r rail ' .r Prit?'- pa_an ItatUm. j le 77 !?.U **??k nu I.AM.I m.i: I'litiNi: \ii.i nun. s?i r ??? lii.ig . | ? o;i ??? ? ?..- nui a?? The Berlitz Scboci of Languages, ; ? .??0 WEST 34th STBiET. SB Hartan Hr?'.. !i ? . 1. i .n A?? I-ir jr rll III i7.''0 Livingston Si n ?i??!?, ? <- chasim bu * ifs-. ? i. ig i. ?.??-.? a.l I'rtfata Uaaona Pa. and 74? XI11 NI?" I? is;0. ^Tl:RN"^ SCHOOL ?S LANGUAGES lit Ma 'l .. ? - . NI ?V T77.1 Ht OAM'IXG. DANCING CARNIVAL. !,;,? r,V_^ ?'?niiiH. inc'.ti.iiuc .sin:?)?- 'ir.-m.i ?,'tntral I'ai.ire. I.- *IIigten a? -.?? I . ' *' utrancc. _N?. I It, or Sul.l._ "_ PROPOSAL*. Ti. OF N*"*W TQHJC. THE '?I'll TANT GENERAL'S OFFICE. NEW YiiliK STATE ARSENAL ?mil A ? . ear. SOili Htrret, N... \ux\ N Y 7?.ivaiiit?-r lull. IBIS ?-l.Al.ll' PROPOSALS, SUl?i? t to IBs conditions "f Hi* *ai*. ?in i>? rscalvad ??i i ),ii ,ifi .? until isrslvs nVinrk W*i.nosdB) ?..??"'.bor 7,4th. a? w-iii-'i liais .. ,.| pi... ?? Ibsy i- III bS ? .p-nril. for IBS I"II ..f rondciiinsd unSSPvlcOOblS ana obsolsts t >rili?:i.-'. i.?iiarteri:iu?l.-r un.I ?!?? tsrss t''su-- living ?luantnie?. oondlllons, ai?-., may if ha.J <?n apnll* ttlm. in ?hla offl?_a. LOUIS ?A BTOTBSBL'Rr. The. Adjuiant UanaraL W. SEWARD WEBB, JR., RENTS 73D ST. HOUSE To Occupy for the Winter Mrs. Jane F. Hoyt's Dwelling. William J. leeOBC & Co. have leased for Mrs. Jane F. Hoyt her dwelling house at 112 Ka?>t 73d ?t.. furnished, for the witter, to W. Se ward Webb. jr. The house is directly opposite the northea?t corner of Park a-, and 73d st. recentl) leased by Mr. Webb's uncle. Frederick W. VeaaoralK. Douglas L. Elliman & Co. have leaied for the Rhinelandcr eitate 57 Eait--.. -.. a four stop English haas__!_! .?we?ing house, between Fifth _?_ Madison avs., to Professor WilHnm W Burr, of Columbia University u leased, with Post & Reese, for Jtaso'? Straus, head of R H. Mscy ? Qa? Fast 74th st. a live story Amir]?,, basement dwelling house, on a i0. 5*_ 100 feet, furnished, for the season n Arthur Turnbull, of BerrfrdiviH?, | j Trade Notei. Paniel Birdsall ?ft (0.. Inc., hav. b~ appointed agents for the eight t>tr, l building, 105 Bleecker st. Shipping Information and Marine News of the World Vessels Arriving at and De? parting from Port of New York. ?11M ATI RE AIM AN A? Sti ..r., i mmmu i <c. m??_i nia in?. ?> ?tioun i ii?. II muH a_sn am r.H -a . II...? . | . 5 ' I ? ? . 5 11 ? ?0 Hcii ?ii . ; ?i INCOMING STEAMER.. 1" KAY Vrv.el 1 MB Sllif.t Maru .-inierlrU .t*? -I Uaualyk . It, tt.rdim. ?'?? ? it, ?d ? ? .iiu;i .fm i Ktmuan .l.i??n?v.l . . nSS ' i. utrlM.Lend?*? .ma i "tut- u .?'?rJiiT .<'.t .-' ?,r?r?fy .ll.r i.l>? ..gel ? ? i .Fort had?. If " ? I . .an .H.niiu*,a . Oel II ' Ity . ?.will?-? .No? 4 II >>_l< ? .Km? bal .No* ? Musi Mini.Klnr-ov. . .N?>? n AUi?-..??alttrito?. . N ' i! ?... ....Kern Orleans ... N I Hi:. I . . lnSmnMS ..... No* U 1 It,KAY NOVK.Mll'i.ll II . ?,'jord . .Ileri.n.Not 1 ' ?is. Ia"t,|.?. N ? . Ulwepo* Vndl .Paloma . Not I Del SttU ?Si ? It V.I Km I i., ?n Ti ..Boun-sn gel I I. K. Venlwloe.M-r~tll?l .Ke* *? U tie ...? Nsialra . N"t ? /.- i . .Mararil.o .N... 1* i Coma].t,alreit?.n . .>'o? ';? ? ? "try d' Ki.inniii ... Satinnah .Ko? 10 I. .?,'i,,raton .Nut II SAT! HUAT N?iVKM_l.ll 770 ? Rni'??Tilai?i . *?"<*?? N benbleh Hall .Orai. . No? I i. .L-nOm .Urna a td?rancc .l rt?to'.,?l ... ,Mn 'I Apa. In .Ja.?_on?UU . . No? I ?lirlngs mill. Ol'TGOIMi STEAMERS. T?i DAT. Mil'-, \>?_el \ -, -, iv- atuja. i i.l'...| H'it*. ??',rl?'Un?-nd 10 Ort im !Mm . la Banna .9 00 ani 17 "0 m ! si,a. la. '' ?.0 in Pel n. r,:, :. 11.31 in " ??> pn ? - - lammt la*?meB l itiiiAY. UOOBSSBUB II ?jmw . ?? [? o?i ? n Hull? - irttntlni . S.0O am II:M MB Lord - ? ; . . iiairu. .sis tliio. I - a l*'l MX ?/fill K! In. ? , ? ?All BOAT. N'.M.MIUTB Plllll '. >1|- t I. .?" o ral ? nils ? ?" ?ra 17 M m 1 lapai . H - .? .? I ? . ? On an Il M an i . tai. I IS ?in 1- ?J?. .. I. Hi.,ana . :? "?J am I] ??? m , . ? III.I S- M ..m !.' "'i til M a ., ? II . Uni : ?*> Mm ?h s .,aii.nh , l I ' .- I-' "?' s? Mull . - I ?o ixo ? '. ? . HayiOHi i. Sut lui " "?? pet i .., ..-?>? s, J ,? , .... s?i>tti?. Tampi .- loo.,. union, Jack-ouTlII. . 1 ?M, i,t. TRANSPACIFIC MAUS. >.\ v l!i*'.H ?... Bi KjmiKli Muioa.. To ii* Ha-aaL IV Il'.ai?-. N .???:,!. eiulrr.:ia (til Viiieouftr .-I \i i..I N'laiera Not 1' llm.1 '?I, \ ak? . . .No?"? a,. , Corii ?I'll?, I'l 1'lrptn ? I-airtj (?la <e .-?te.. Manila 'iari . No? 21 Jiun . ?,.-... Chi ? iti? rteattl?) -Sido 'I ... Not .5 Ornate ai.i i"hiuppi.e utmOt ivfca Han naa? ?i. ' u? ru a. . i. ta :... uuae .? Il*,",? J.,.* s?mc?? Islands A alla *???'__ ..? Ban rri> i1i ? i ? ?_,, Taunt Msrquesai t ... lalaiitta, N??, x?a a i. Au?tra!la irta Sa:. I iv???T ?*"? ? ..Hail ARniM.i) ?a;l 4 Mas) i ? I, >.? No? < ... .-..-:. ?o ?*.*,,*_* met Sanilag. t .? ?. ,u- '? . Jun? ; ?, B_ i;.g. . *? * \?i '. r? , ', (?u??? m* ? . i.. Bar ? Il ?f a N U t 11 . .ra??? n_ . ? * ? ' ?' U U?? ? I' r ... ViZTuj ? ?ta l??i? i' ?j i i ?i? H?ISL^" 1 ? ' A ' . ?i-'. r..a: a a..] ??*_>/a*7 '? n lu "^^^^ m ? a, . Isa. 4] l**l?i??re. Phliaoeiph ?*.?r ? 1 i' i _^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !' N , ? ?r*??, v a^^m ' ? - ??? . N-jtsJatk ?_ ?i. i., i M \\: A l i . . ,, ?44 "" *? '* ? . '* '? , u--. H. ? . ? Ht A ? Baj ?ii-ilTin! Dis ?,'.. Il J lit i ???! , 't. Km '!(ii??i bars?,, . I I M * St....-.a IN \.? 17. |? Basa. k ? o Ba "* Kl ?. ? ..???: - - r. -. ii.?- . .. ? ? I i ' ' 'h? lia? I Lcnapa, . . art?a__ r Kl RI' n . u? i? i? t- rai ?. ? ... I I I,.' .? ? Ml " "" ?land s ?N SI ' ? . ?? ... Ba? Noi x and Hing? ? | Hai jS ? ., Bill i 1. ;?.r ? ? ? n Plllna N?. ? ". i' ?? a I .tiii'I<1? No? 1" u II Laarranea Bail?*? I I ? ? Il ? m I.?i?.sl..g IVr? i Ami? <a - . ?0 a a Babl ? ? ? . . , (u?. Il M ih. Va Biy Sa . i}?_ ju i pm. SAil.i.n Sordsm .f>it'-1ij . I liongroaa Mar.-ng.) . Hr1 Ili.l. 1.1 Mu. ! '.?.?-??ton; _???_7 H- r?i:,?>rars B . '?.?Urs?, Crin?-??? Ann ? I ???'?p*>n Srt. _?.' alna i Ur?. ATonmoutb Tji.*? n rfotk ud\'?_, S?*i?i Pair'? ' \-ami .nai , l'g.e.-m... IriMil?.Il' Kiijg BhaBa Hr.. lia? ' .'a M ?,. ., ?j.. '. Hr Trli ; Kl ?la Pr.y?ta \>? Orleans, < ?j-.lil?>. . r ; ?.irirsMa,' '??, ? .. i-t ?'?.??_rl.'i i -?-? (Nor), Plilli ?. . ?a , -.- ri . m, *. Ci i. ..?. r i STEAMERS \T FOREIGN POETS. _BH ? ? ??',. N,?t 17 ? ? v-v, tatmt New York for ? ?nagei i Hprti?. Not ? Palen I S ! . . i ? ? "? M t olonil - ? i Rt Mi i .? t -'???? H "? Napl. ? - - - ??*>?? ar>4 ga. .-. I'--. -a I' '{iule M s.' No? Il ?.?? >,?, larl ? * H rgrn. I.liii-rl.-k. Sot I! I? ri II- -, ?Hr), m Kulfa. n u S ? ; ? ' . ? - ? Bergen, N"? S?Mam ?____?__? ii No? m K ? ta \mt a_ T ?1 le us? il? .?? ?i ? Mart, Br'. Ne? '. K t.. I.?., N.? ? ?? ? v. T, Pon ? , ? ? , H?rl?a<l.? N .?Il I l'oie .??a Y'?rki. ?I ?' 'frai emat ,v,r?.. \r. V.? ?. bar? So* i? i"*?' - iBrl. Mb ! Yort i ? , ? I I R ?n ifr?. ... \.., \ ? . ? ?? T'*? ' S? \ i- ??' ? i \ i. ?? a ifn* Ve Kaitas No* I? A - !*??? Hir?.i i.?. n ? M Ji -u H ieiauor? \?u.i l'a? ? Y? .r ' l'A?? Usai '- '? dam ? UNDER THE AMERICAN FLAG ?SP?CIAL SAILING To Falmouth and London American Steamer 580 Feet ?*E^?^-n|,*r_r^5, ?2,. 85 Toni Long liniCinU Register Tuesday, November 30, A%. rom Pier r.1. North River. Ne? Vori. AMERICAN LINE OFFICE :. Ilroaiai' New tart CUNARD CttttbliehtA if?,. EUROPE via LIVERPOOL *Tuscania...Tues.. Nov. 30. 10 A.M. ; ? .in.i NA. > t_T DEC i. l" A. ML ?CAMEROXIA . . I - K I I.:?.'. 10. i P. M. BAXONIA ...8AT., DfSO. II II ?_ M. ?Tl'SC."V.r.", . . PRt, 1)!*'* II, i P, M ?Lu Route '.. 'i . ?BOUND "Hi: VVOaUD MILKS , ?,i a' i ?' Il il pot a . f -l.e ?or!4 COMPANY S OFFICf. ? ll-M STATE ST.. H. Y. FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $3.0 J Lv PIER 14, .\' a., ft Fulton St. Deliy it I 'O 1' M. New London ? N, .-\ loh) Mue: lv. P.?*r ?1. ?: .: . it. Houston St., Break d?vi only. . a?? i- IL; Plei ".. I- l<. ft -L lid It, ?!'l P ?ML Th?. pul 11" te pleated. BOSTON $2.65 mi Baol -"?i BmB, kiiind Ton*, si 40, PROVIDENCE ; $160 H'll Ml KIP. S.l (HI. Colonial Line PUm ..-a? serv? Uto? <i->a and *?un. ?;...? at ? i' M from Piar I?, N. R, .cot ?West Keaatot* St .111 Outa.'df) Ko.mi, Vl.OO lu >.< "... .Ylrclra- equipment. Up* "?? Broadway end *S?l at. Phon*. Spnr.K- ?4SI. Ol'T-IDK ?r \TKK???lMS. Sl.'.?'i. Dull?. Inrlnlin^ Sonili;. SsllO p. in. Fr,?m Fief IS ? 1*. '1'hi-se 2"00 IVekman 1*11 T-.-Vet Of*-- JSS Br-idwiv, TV T. I p-nmn It. _?t ?IT -e Bv iv ind '.I "' S3 Pirr.t M.1N. Ml \ M Ml If UM SKTomij PORTLAND K?-ilii??*.l lire-? All point-. ?PtMMSBa ? ui i KA*?T__: N ?I l:\MMIIP I.I-__?>. AMERICA- LINE AMERICAN STEAMERS Under the American Flag ?ft, y.--Li?erpool?Pier . ?, N. R., htf Philadelphia Kor. tit'Plnland Vat.U *??? POUl N,.. "7 Sam ll rU lire I ?10 A.M. I.,r I i.l.,,,,,,,), ?,?| | ??don. WHITE S.A. HUE N.l.- L?\ crpool?Fit r 60, S.U.. Vn H ?Mr He?-. I ->.,, ..?? lie,. " \/orcs?(iibialt;ir?N.i pics?(ifBO* I .iiKiiiii. [Vor. IS. in ,%, M. ( rrll?. Per Tl Olrll l. S H'WAl. V 1. Irl. IMUJ. Keiil* FRENCH LINE Ossesreeols B?sasela Itaasotaadftim ?roarat seai ir r Sailings for BORDEAUX ESPAGNE .... Nov. _0, 3 P.M. LA rO'JRAINE, - - Nov. 27, .P.M. ROCHAMBE AU, - - D*v. t, 3 P. M LAFAYETTE. - - - Dec. 11,3 P.M. row DtroaMATioN wm CQMPAhTi OFFICE, J.? ;?.!_?ftfi. BRAZIL <i th? l'ait fiad S :-,arie? _____________________J__U? " ! ? . lili. '.?.I.? i?, ?MMIIII UNI. NO* ?ft? AT1.N?; SEI Hi AI I'ASSI ?? .1 n VE-SS-S K..-yB- S.S. MINAS GER?ES, Nov. M &X rt S. SAO PAULO. Oec. H LLOYD BR?ZIL.IRO " ?? RED "0" UNE ' fill ' OKTi) III. .. I I IIAI'A?. _ ? I "V CARA? A- i :. . ? SI UA. , .N..i .. . ? ' . ?:[? ... , |.r, BLI S HAI I. TT * ?<> PI .... ?a. ~ **lv*"l T. Oerminla ? OI.M IIOMINIO*. I?*** To aU fotlto S- .... ??I V*?rai ?_?_" 'v."?_ir ?III - rla I) N 1 T.t 'WO ^Sm DISSOLITION NOTICE. .?TIT. <?r m:w iroRK, OFFI< koFthe lar> .?f siaii* am: THIS CERTiri? f.V.'i. . ?tied in duplicate, Ii.-reb?,- etrtlSes ? ]al - . . . ii..|. - ? -.,*i. j .. . . ato .--i? ration. I a filad I ofReo ..; this "l> ?!-? ?>< ttoeemaot. till for 'i in tar i:?soiuti..;i of su? h corporation un,1er ?o ti>>n '. Z1 Ol p ?,.n??a . pora loa I.a?v, and ?liai II ap ? ..rsfrntii thai auch corpora'!.m Bag | ? .)i.'.|il.?.i ?. ill? sold s?..-tt*>n In ?.ni* i lo !"? .... WITNESS r ' >ad and IBs ??at of ..?n e ??: lha >i"i.iaiv ?if Biais, at ?he (SEAL] City of Albanv. thin fourth .!? ..f Vovsmbsr, f.* ?h.iiisMii.i sins , liuntirr.l ai.?l lift. Ba, ' If TAKT _Sacond l'a|. it? ?.?.T'iiri t.f State. I ?OST, POCND AND REWARDS^ |.? HIAMilM? BHAI'il.iTT, n\ MBT - ? !??; *ee Il*? a. ...I V, r?' III,. M Lei? n il IU..I II ??1 A M t.!,?rai i-eiant If ?e Hirt?.-! i.. Il II HONM.IIILI. 171 Uni i LUHT HAT. 14 1 M,\ I III LADY'S ?;oU> | I ?a?.'!.. ???Iweei. N??t1i s r" il? ? ?j aii'l Irle tia 1 titau. rroa/.L I. P.. Usa J? misuiia offlo?. I BUSINESS CARDS. HtYi?,?u. n\rilv?r - ; ?,'"'? ! t Alii I I 1. lAlll'lT UK.IM?'. 'i' ''-""ajl *,. ,.?1. A Ei-uW* rj mi I.T?CRAPH rvpi witirn \ i ? TTtHt ?**_ : tee fl 7*,. in ? ?? >'?'__? u. a ?'i.- k, ,,!!!. i.o H-j?!-., .:?.?.'??' nm - Il s Ul || ? f.? .\i.\\" Volk i'ai.147. <it i?isfl wobss l.rga.l M -? M -I'?-' ..?.?a IM lii... \\.,?,?.-, Hi".. '''? ? ? ..-fit ??.*. Hr. ?i.l ? . * '* >???? ?*t|*,^. SHERIFF'S AUCTION SAIES. !>A\ ?' ' ?.ill -AW AI I' I. il?; T i .la? So?ei u -' * ?ai ._? ?ai: ?.' ? I.. ' . Ml??? rs. Sktle. Stiaiup.? *? i . rilan. M Tabla? and atl <*tli?*r g....l? ? *i pee? lo ?l?!eii..?..; >_?JI max a, ?mr?:NHai.l>. mttm IKAAl llAliT. l?-is?4 MatlS.