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^ 100 Years A Commercial Bank THE City of New York Capital & Surplus.$5,000,000 Resources, - 70,000,000 Charf er Member N. Y. Clearint Home Member Federal Reserve Bank Vnited States Depository 192 Broadway Cor. John St. BRArtX^fEa Grr-enwich and WarrtvnSte. Bcrwrrv and Grand St. 345 Grand St. Fifth Avenu? and 14th St. Ninth Avenue and 14th St. Fifth Avenue and 20th St. 2 Weet 33rd Street 57th Stroat and Third Ave. 86th Street at Second Ave. Broadway and 104th Street L?nos Avenue and 116th St. 125th St. ?and Lex. Ave. We Ins?u Your Account Ik. =J. Steel Rising Tide in Demand, Output and Prices Sen ?for Our Special Letter "joi" Renskorf, Lyon & Co. ?N't*- Tora Stock Ktehai-se. :t ?1 Neva ?ork .v.ttca l-?oha:if?. tCttlCagO lSviurd af Traile. 33 NewSLC,:^) New York ? Anglo-French S% Bonds These bonds are the obli? gation of two of the richest nations in the world and are payable in five years in United Stales gold coin in New York City. To yield nearly 5 Vit r'o Iuued in Denomination! cf $100 $500 $1,000 Send fot Circular li ]{. Bickmore & Po. BROADWAY. NY. . Wc offer a':?! retvorainend for invest? meut m combiBing attrscthre specu larce teaturcs: Pierce Oil 6s Dae Jaly 1st, 1931. Redeemable as a Whole '>r a:;v part at 10] ,ai:d In? terest, alter July 1st, I9t7, upim 60 da?s' BOtice. An annuel slaking i i d of |200,ooo commencing July ist, 1916, arrhes to the purchase ot these bonds ." <<r below 105 it interest. Denominations, $100, $500, $1000 Price at market, yielding about 8' , . Douglas Fenwick & Co. Inveatment Securitiea 34 Wall St. Tel. 4220 John '"""?? II I The purchase of Short Term Securities involves no eatarnates) as? to earnings or deprecia? tion of security many xitarvhenCe- A,k ,or list T-5?0 of ctarrent offer? ing's. Bfatowtf. Company H ??BBS M, rho? aria w?*?. MUNICIPAL BONDS i , - - ' ?,,.-. ? ?? laveet t sal ?'. f,/t m of I,: W. V (ill,I It *, I O . < raai Mr ret, *????* .-?L V m.A.Read&Co. New York C In. ?go Philadelphia Boaton London MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT Railroads Advance, While Other Issues Hesitate or Drop Lower. TRADING CONDUCTED ON SMALLER SCALE Industrial List Heavy -Coppers Reactionary- London Checks Above 4.69 in Pound. While the rest of the list hesitated j or fell back, the railroads improved I | e.-terday, reaching in the afternoon j prices that for s,ome prominent issue? ' were the best of the your. Business ! was considerably reduced from the j million share total of the day before, and in a large measure represented the) operations of professional traders, but' the strength in the railroads, while in ? part speculative, ivns in line with in? ' ve.-tment buying. The copper stocks : weakened in spite of higher prices for the metal hers and in London, and industrials that had been put up on war orders were reactionary. Brie was firm practically all day and furnished the most active dealings of the list. Union Pacific led the rail roada in the afternoon, ailvancing 3 points to over 141, the highest reached since the company's holdings of Balti? more & Ohio stock were distributed arid the dividend reduc-ii fr?ta l1? to ft per cent. Reading:. N'ew Haven, Le hiis'h Valley, St. Paul, Chesapeake & Ohio and Southern Parific all improved. . Trading in the railroads was the larg- | est for some time. Gross receipts of the carriers, which bsd been expected to surpass the re- ? suits of last year are now in many ; cases better than in 1918. Complete earnings reporta for October will boob ? be forthcoming, and it is to be expect? ed that m m preceding months net earnings will more than curry out the improvement promised in gross. Rail rond bonds are strong, with bond deal- : ers reporting practically no slackening of laveetaiei t demand in these issues. Outside of the railroads the Stock market gave signs of coming to a halt Some commission houses are predicting ?juieter dealings for a while until some new impetus arrives to make securitie? more interesting to the outside public. Such efforts as were made yesterday to enliven trading in the war stocks bed 'ittle effect. I.ackawanna Steel and Baldwin Locomotive on fairly large dealings, made only slight improvement at their best, and fall back OS the day. In the copper stocks selling by the short interest, with considerable profit taking, caused loaSSS of a point or more. There was no concentrated bear pres? sure to break prices in spectacular IB, but from time to time short selling was sufficient to cause some set? back. This was particularly the case in I the forenoon. The opening hail been irregular and attempts to advance the general list met little success. In the later trading business was ouiet, fall Ing away decidedly in the middle of the afternoon. Improvement in exchange rates on I ondoti and Paria eoBt?nned. Cable ad? vices report further efforts by Brit i -1. BBthoritlea to bring out private hold? ings of American securities, but the ex ehange market here was principally in? fluenced by belief that the banking ar ?Kiits to steady exchange ?vould fot a time at least prove effective. De? mand ttsrling got up to over 4,f>i) in the pound, only 4 cents or so under the beat since the Anglo-French note issue Bret proposed. In London discount rates held firm, though the Bank of England left its official minimum unchanged at ? per cent in spite of report? that its sis? counting was being done above that fig? ure. F'.irthe: loss in gold, some 18,000, ?(Ki. afld increased deposits reduced the bash's reserve proportion more 'than 1 'j per cent. INACTIVE STOCKS. The following table gives the closing bid arid asked prices tor stocks which are listed but which were set dealt in on the Stock ExofaangC Thursday: IBS A Be?1 - ? A Bi 141 il l'??> Aa ' a! pr.ll" An. i a ]? pr u '. 1 .?' All, < ??? , , . 1 - . 4:i 4'. Am Mail ... ?"? 1" . Aa sin :r Ii M1? ? Am T.l ?i I' ? Ain \\ 1' pr. II 11 Aa-.-? KI Co S !" A M. r !?'. pr U I A i I, 114 US Hal.1v.l-.J- pr.l . 1 ? A ?I ; - ?1 Burns Bu?.. t:i .104 Huit p. s p -.i do pr .IN BuUcrtek Co. 21 ('?naila I ? . ' A- A ?Vi-ai ? . ' A V ' pf.171 i i , as- I. pr .''. ii * n . pr i:1, ? , ? , . i I. IM ,v II ' Il M f Kl i> ? Dal A . ? un ta D s s a Al M t r ? ;r Ml,-Il I MKl'AKMIpr 1 -" m k .\ t at r, .-. I'. -: .V Chat.130 Nal BU ni; IM s pi m N'ai I.ea.1 BC.111 N Y I a S'L |1 ? I , M ir , M U - S Y Ink 1 : . n y t. a ?v.u.", u.. - .uih.. zs '.?; Not A. ?V Bt ? . Ni rtl Al . , Pa? T & r . n ti ? B ? ? l> :!? A- I. 11 Ou A t Il ' a- s; i, 13 ua ISS 114 Ill ? 'I ,. j I ilr, lai ; 'l'Ut, Si ? . - 4 Rj tl ? i . ? v -i irt pr la Scat t: . - pr.l H IIS Min. *0 i,,,, : i . i<-, 14:, sl'..i: Hag ... ?. i - s ItltMAU ? Klaod Ml ' ' ' . . ; , 11" I N 1 Ht I. .. ? 11 Tnln I'll BT I? ? . I 1.1 ? II 1". U ?i: cat m i;-,i.. 13 111 ri cu-i. pr mi.. ? K i t.l AI- .121a i.l',t s Ktpt K a DM pt .. , I. I. ,v l.igg *< ^ ? ? - . v..m f. ? N - Man Begeh . " M.v t.. it W 47 .'?" M. - ..?? . 'I', ' ios If I A: w ut) a i ? ? Va-Cal < ', pt il" m* riiriF i , -. 1171g '.?. ? ?I ' , in d. t- 4-. i !. ?'? ?. ?v .v ; ... Il] ?AI. I. 1st ir 1 '. v !" ? U'?'. II?'. ' SHORT TF.RM NOTFS. Nun, ami maturity. UM, Am l'? . Am i '.'??.n i n? .... v, v, Ill An?...reI? Con ?'??. M' h IS17.. l"li' ? ? 'III., I .. .1 . Bklyn Itap Ti ???, July, Itla . l "?? '??..-a A ' hlo '?? In i .'.?. Ki i ? is] 11.11 I .1. ' I -. .. . \ ? ? ;.!?? It I! Uy April, I H?v-k V?ll,.v I. Nov. If.]: - ?; . ' ? '?rrlgn (.overnmenl U.ui Areei.Hr, U u t : '?' ? !.. I ,|, !'?. l'..-| Aug. IM? ? i g . t I?. .V,g. |?|7 ? ?, ta. Ai rit . "y. ill?; M Man II, |*]t ' v ',, Auk. Y lui ? ? i?e% Met, laid. ? 1.11 1,,|>4 l'il l?o . t D?. lei'?. um ?eta. . - MB ? 4 ?? . I I NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGl TnCRSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1913. Total sale? of ?locks Thursday, 790.800, against 1.054,200 Wednesday a 9i.1,2i?0 a week ago. Stock Eichange- closed a year ago. From January 1 to ds 155,079,500, against 48,186,100 a year ago. TJiv "~ ;.Shares Quotation Range. ; Net \ rate ' ?old. ?Open. High Low. Fjnal. ^ji?e. ' JJid.'_Aj .^?unrau.iT?OO ?14 12 11', 114 %l ll%| 11 4 Adama Expresa. 1001120 Hfl 120 120 ?JIM 12,C - Alaska Gold Mines. 24.900 20% 264' 25% 26?14 26 26 - Allia-Chalmeri . 4,10? WH M% 12% 324-14 12% M -- Allis-Chalmers pr. 500 74 74 73-i 734? % 2" -? 4 ASS. Apr. Chemical. 400 71"; 724 72 72 ?? 4 ?2 .. fl Am. Atrr. Chemical pr.. ."?00 99* 99? 994 994 + 4 99 4 100 Am. Bret Sugar. 4,700 09% 00% 60 18% ? % 6b4 h S I Am. B. S. &F. prctfs.. 100 195 195 195 195 ,? 3 190 202 - An?, (an . 0,000 til',4 614 594 004? 4 604 f0 7 Am. Cae pr. 2001074 1074 1074 1074 ? % 107 10. 5 Am. Car t Foundry... 8.700 00Vi 18% BIM 824? % 824 81 7 Am. Coal Products*.... 700 M,", 141 143 ,143 ?1 143 140 4 Am. Cotton Oil.' lOO 584' 584 584: 684! - 58 H 4 Am. Express . 300 130 130 129 130 f? 8 127 129 Am. Hi.le & Leather...' 300 114 114 HH 114? 4 114 U hm. Hide ? Leather pr' 6,700 53 53 514: 524? % 62 H Am. ice Securities. 900 274 274 264' 274 + ? 264 ? -- .'.111. Linseed . 1,000 24 244 234 24- 244 -4 - Am. Locomotive . 14,900 704 714 684' 694? % 694 69 7 Am. Locomotive pr_ 500 100 100 100 ico - , 994 lOO J Am. Smelting .! 9,700 984 984 974 974? Ml 974 9i 7 Am. Smelting pr.1 1.000' 113 113 112 112 ? % I 111 ! H-T 6 Am. Smelting pr A.| 200 914' 914! 914 914 ? 4- 91 M 6 ;Am. Smelting pr B.' 100 04% 844' 844 844 - 844 80 - Am, Steel Foundry....I 1,800 634' 634 01 624 - 14 624 63 " Am. Sugar.. 800 1174 117-? 117 117 ? 4 117 117 7 Am. Sugar pr.I 500 118 118 118 ?113 ??14:118 120 H Am. Tel. A Tel. 13001120% 120% 120*4 128%? 4 1284,128 2C Am. Tobacco . 200 2294 2294'229 229 ??1 2284 230 0 Am. Tobicco pr, new... 400 1094 l'>94 109% 1094' ? 4 109 110 Am. Woolen .I 200 61% 11% 61% 51%? 4 M 51 Am. Woolen pr ctfs.... 200 9? 98 98 98 , ? ?77% 01 B (Anaconda .i 37,900i 90 | 904 884' 884?14 11% ^: 0 Ate.?.on .I 3.300 1074'10^ 4 1074 IO74: - % 100 10*1 E Atchison pr. I00| 102 102 102 '102 I + 4 1014 102 Baldwin Locomotive... 25.100 120% 120% 110%| 117%|?2% 111% 110 r. Baltimore & Ohio. 3,000 944 944 944' 944! + %l 944 94 1 Bait & Ohio pr.' 000 774 7* 774 78 I 4 HI 774! 78 Batopilaa Mining.! BOO ll? 14' 14' 1%-I? 1' Bethlehem Steel.' 1.000 479 490 474 474 '?? 6 '485 486 7 Bethlehem Steel pr.... 100 1614 I614 101%|101%-1614 100 6 Brocklyn Rapid Tr.... 1,700 894' 904? 894 894'? 4' 894; 90 8 Brooklyn Union Gas... 100 106 lit 135 '135 N ?Ud 1S1 Brunswick .' 100 10 10 10 10 '-- 4 9 ' IB] 30 Hut'.- ? Superior Cop.. 2,100 7l4? W% 70 714? % 7141 71] - Cal. Petroleum. 5.000 26 I 26 244' 254? % ? 25' 1 Cal. Petroleum pr. 1,000 64% 55 r,4 65 1 + 1 1 04% -"'; 10 Canada Pacific.? 0,900 190 100% 1844 185 - 14 105% 100 7 Case, J. !.. pr.'' lOO 884 884 8841 884? 4 8841 89' 4 Coat. Leather.I 2,500 58 < 584' 58 ! 58%i *? 4' 60% 58' 7 Cent. Leather pr.! 100 1104 1104 110% 1104'?- % 100 : 110' Ches. I Ohio.111.600 634 64', 624 04% -- 1 ? 644 041 Chi. & Alton pr.1 100 12%I 224 224 224' ? 1% M 22' 1 in. (,t. West pr.I 100 09% 09% 39 394' ? ' 394 39l 4 Chi., M. A St. P.' 5.400 91% 96 94% 96% + 141 954 90 7 (hi.. M. * Bt P. pr....' 730 101% 1324 131r- 102% 4 % 101% 182? 7 Chi. A Northwest.' 400135 j 186 1106 106 4 %( 104% 106 Chi- R. LA Pac. 15,400 19% 10% 1? 19 '?14' 10% 19 i . 1 . C. i St. L. 100 60 50 50 50 '-I 494 50 00 Chino Con. Copper.' 7,90o 554' 554' 544' 54% ? 1 j 644! 10 4 Cluetl PeabeeV.' l1^ 684. 684? 684 68%'-674 001 (ol. Fuel & Iron.I 6.6O0 :.\\ 55 : 634 54 - 4' 61%I 64 - Col. * South.! 100 M : 37 ; 37 .37 '-| 374 07! Co!, ? So. 1st pr.! 400 09% 60 ' 69 ! 59 ! + T ?69 I 60 Comp.-Tab.-Koc Co.... 000 4341 434 43 43 l?l I 424 40' 0 ConsoL Gas, K. L. A P.: 100 110 113 111 113 '- 112% 1101 7 Consol. Gai. 1,900 144% 1140% 1444 144V + % 144'. 144! .'. (m,. Can. 300 894 894' 884 884-14 89 091 7 28 100% 100% 100% 1064 - 104 107 Corn Products. 1.200 19-. 194 19 19'? ,- 194 1'." Crucible Steel. 10,700 76 764 T0% 744 -2% 74 4 Tl* Crucible Steel pr. L'on |QA 100 1074 1074 - 4 1074 107:' 10 Cuba Am. Safer. 2,2001:;''? 189 106 106 -2 101 110 7 Cub?. Am. Sugar pr_ 1001106 108 100 100 'i 100 11" Denver A B. G. 200 ia% 16% 10 10 - % 16% io> Denver & It. G. pr. 900 ?*i 28%j 20 20 ? 1% 20 7 Detroit Edison. 60 181% 131% 131% 101% ? 100 ISlfd Distilling Securities... P,60o 48 40 44% 4."4 4-1 I 45 | 46 20 Dome Mines. 000 25% 25% 24% 26 - 2)4 28 Brie .' 78,100 44% 4:.'. 444 454 4 % 45% 46' Krie 1st pr.' 7,100 584 60% 08% 60% ?- %| 684 .""<r> Eris 2d pr.1 1,400 61% 62% 61% 61% + % 61% 6l7< 4 Pod. M. ? 8. pr.' 100 50% 504' 60% 60%?- 3 61 52:-, 6 Gen. Chemical Co.' 25 33t>%IS80% 335 335 ~ '334 140 8 Gen. Electrical Co. 1,400 177 177 1754 1754-3 .175 175\ Gen. Motors.! 1,800 110 43:' 410 431 ;29 430 432 7 Gen. Motors pr.: 2,000 1144. 116% 114% 115% | 14 ill !115-;i (.??o.lrich. B. F.' 4.200 72 73 71"? 72 - - 4 72 72'. 7 Gt Northern pr.' 4,70n 126% 127 126M 1J7 ? l 1264 127 (ii. Northern Ore. subs. 1,000 50% 60% 4<>7- 60% 4 10 Guggenheim Expl.'24.900 78%| 784 77 774 ?? ' 774 77?. Greene Con. Copper... 600 44% 44% 44 ' 44% % 41% 44M E Illinois Central. 650 108% 109 1084 108% 4 % 1084 110 Inter. AcricuL pr. 600 02% 03 62 62 -14 01 ttM Inspiration Copper. 20.900' 40% 40% 40% 45% -14 454 45"'. Inter.-Con.I 6.800 22 224' 214 224 | % 22'a 22 M 6 Intcr.-Con. pr.' 2,100 70% 794 70% 70% - % "k7* 79!. 6 Inter, ilarv. of X. J.... 100 110 110 110 110 y 1 109 109% Inter. Paper . 300 114 11% 11% 11% - 4 11% 11% 2 Inter. Paper pr.' 400 46 ! 47 ! 46 46% ? % 46 -17 10 Inter. Nickel .' 100 100% 189% 1894 189', 24 180 100 Kansas City Southern.. 600 83 33 4 324 334 4 % 324 33 1 Kan as City South, pr. ion' 034 60% 00% 63% ? ? 634 04 Kcokak A Dos Moines.. 100 4 4 4 1 14 4 8 7 Kresre Co. pr.' 100112 113 111 111 ? 112 112% Lsckawanna Steel. 10400 04% 88% 824 60 ? 1% 83 834 7 Laclodi Gas. 100 103% 103% 103% 103% % 103 106 Lake Erie t Western.. 100 14% 14% 14% 14% ? 4 11 14% 1C Lehigh Valley.I 8,000 814 02% 01% 02% 1 01% 02% 7 Liggett ? Myers pr.... loo 119'. 119% 119? 119% 1 4 1184 119% Long Island.I 100 14% 14% 84% 214 4 244 24% 6 Mackay Co?.! 814 ?'.:?"?- 05% 664 66% - % 00 00% Maxwell Motor . 9,800 77% 7k>, 74% 70% % 764 764 7 Maxwell Motor 1st pr.. 700 101 101% 100% 100% 4 1004 101 Maxwell Motor 2d pr. . 400 67% 60 57 57 4 57 60 Mexican Petroleum_ 9,000 92% 92% 91% 92% 4 02% 924 CO Miami Con. Copper.... 2.?00 35 35 14% 08 - 4 14% 16 Mer. Marine pr. 20,100 70 71 07% 00% 24 00% 00% Minn. & St. Louil pr.. MO 00 00 M M 4 M M 7 M., St. P. & S. S. M.... 800 123 121 123 124 - 1244 1254 Mo., Kan. A Texas. 400 74 7% 7'a 74 % 7% 7% Missouri Pacific. 5,100 74 7% 7'4 7 - % 7 ? 7% Missouri Pacific ctf?... 300 74 74 0% 0% % il 7 2 Montana Power. 1,900 01 63 604 63 S 1 634 10% 7 National Cleoh 4 S. pr. 100 111 ill ill ill ?-? 109 ,111 National Kn. & Stp... 700 20% 20% 20% 20% - % 29 I 294 :, National Load . 1-000 00% 664 65 654 -- 14 654 654 Nat R. R. of M. 2d pr.. 300 0 ? 9% I - 0% - - ? 30 Nevada Con. Copper... 7,000 17 17 10% 164 ? 10%I 164 i New York Central. 15,r,00 1024'1034 102 i 100% - 4 1034 1034 New York Dock. 100 10 16 10 1?? - 1 10 174 N. Y.. N. 11. ? II. 7,ooi: 70% 01% 794' 814: f 14. 814' 814 N. Y., Ont. A Western.. 1,000 01 81% 80% 81% - 4 01% 81% ?'. Norfolk i Western.... 0,400 110% 110% 110% 110% ?- 1184 119 7 Northern Pacitic. 4,100 ill 110% 116% 1164 4 % 110% 110% Ontario Surer.' 100 4 4 4 4 4 4 Pacific Mail. 400 02% 02% 32', 324 ? 32 334 Pooria i Fast.' 4,600 50% 00-4 50% 00 |+ 4 594 00 0 I'hila. Co. 400 434- 44 \ 43% ?%!? 4 41% 4J'i Pitt?. Con!. 4.;ii'. MK 80% 04% 36 -14 3l7. 85% .". Pitt?. Coai pr. 800 107 K'7 100 li? - T- 106 107' Pre ?ed Steel Car.' 2,100 00 00% 07\ 674 14 07% 00 8 Pullman Palace Cnr... 3,400 16i'. 107% 163% 1654 4 4 166% 100 Quicksilver . 100 i1. 14 4% 4'? - 4 1% By. Steel Spring. 100 ?'.: 48 I 45% 46 ? 1% 44 454 15 i:..v Con. Copper. 10,900 2?%l 26 4 204 26%l - % 261!! 2?'.". 8 Reading .110400 02%| 80% 02% 834 ' 1 00% 834 Rep. Iron A Stool. 8,000 61 11% 51 61% % 01% 11% : Rep. Iron i Stool pr... 700 100* 109% 100% 1094 j 14 100% 110 Rock Island.' 1,200 % % '??? % % '.. % Rock Island pr.| 800 % i '.. i ?? " l St L. ? S. 1.1 1,200 7 7 0% 0% - K 0%| 7 St I. ?. S. P. Id pr_ 200 9% 0% 9% '.'4 - % 9% :? . board Air Line. 100 19 194 19 10% % 10 10% Seaboard Air Line pr.. 800 4*1 , il 4o 41 m 41 Sloes-Shelf. S. A 1. 600 "??- 60! 60% 50% '?? 60 60 7 Slos. Sheff. S. A I. pr.. 600 N 99 ;>6 98% ? 44 os 99 8 Southern Pacific. 11.200 1024 10:1 102 100 - 1 101 10010 5 So. Porto Rico Sugar...' 300 1304 132 129 120 - - 1 125 131 Southern Railway. 3,000 244 244 24 24 234 L : Southern Railway pr... 200 02% C::1? 62 62 - 14 62 03 3 Standard Milling.' 200 70% 70% 70% 70% - 1%] 79 M 6 Stuilebaker .114.800 165 1674 162 104 4 1634 1644 12 Tennessee Copper.I 3,100 594 594 574 60% - % 5a1- 60 Texas & Pacitic.! 800 10% 154 10% 154 - % 15% 16% 10 Texas Co. 650 179% 1814 1794 1?! - IM 183 Texas Co., full paid? 100 lno i*o iso inn 3 17?; m 4 Third Avenue R. R- 1,000 82% 624 01% 624 - 'a 02 02% h Union Pacific . 52.H00 188% 141% 188*4 1414 -J7. 141 S, 14I4 ?' I Bio? Pacific pr. 800 00% 83% 83% 8.'.4 4 80% 83% 6 I nited Cigar of Am...' 1,200 94 9 ?, 9% 9% 4 '1 ii aa. r United Fruit . 2.HHI 16'j'v 102% 160% 15:i;? \ i:,:. i#o United Ry. Invert,. M0 tS% fS% 88% 83% ? 4 28% '>i4 Unitod Ry. lasest pr.. 100 00 3m 3? :\\ ' . | I no an C. S. C. I. P. & F. 600 1!74 17% "7', 87% "', '"74 *7U 1 S. loo 54 54 54 14 . 1 61 ? 64? (. B. Ind. Alcohol. loo 111% 1134 110 110 3 ni)., lie " I. 8, Reduc. & Ref....1 lOO 4 4 4 4 . 4 "1., I'. S. Rubber. 1,600 544 544 60% 54', 4 64 ?i'' U. S. Stool.'67,900 17% 874 864 H7 - >, 80% 07 7 c. s. Bteoi pr.; 1.700 in 110 nr,-. no% - 4 116% 110 40 I'ah Copper. 18.900 794 794 784 78% 14 7s> 78? Va. Car. Chem. 2.40m 48 ,;H 474 4;'., ... 471' .-1, Va. Iron C A C.I 400 80 01 00 82 ? |% 0J ,; , ' rVabash w. I.' 23.1.10 i64 10% 10% 10% , 4 1$% toot Wabash pr. A. 2.100 47 4 47', 47-, 474 . -. 471. 4a ' Wabosh i>r. B. 1.400 .SO1.- ::ii'.. :!04 ;;o\ - 4 an4 10? 1; IVollfl Parge Kx.' 200 103 1344 133 1344 ;. It? iv>\ ;, West Union Tel.' 500 8H4 h?4 >** hhs , % ^-\i ?CL 6 Wostlnghouse Mfg... 14-0001 lOH 70% 00% 00 % 90? ,;-? 7 rVoolworth . 5ooni'v 111% 1114 111% - i', inu n:,4 Wheel. & L I.' 1-WO 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 0 W. k L. F. 2d pr.p 100 .,?, ;,i, ;,._. -i u Vm 0 |Wllly.-Ov-rland .' 000 244% 1244% 1281 235 10 U4 ?46 7 Willys Overland pr....' 600 1 li 4 111 11.14 111 HV, JJJ Bank of England Return. I ? .. II TI?. ?wall r.n.r-i <J II" flank t , .1 g.-? 1>rUl r? I ?i ? ?" . i 4, ,j cLtsxatl. aOas ? m. I Baa, !rrr,aw?.l f I.Ofl.'i nv,. Ml,?. >!ipo?i',. Btagesssal ? i i .ii-?.',. i-. rr.,.,i ft isMea i . n. ir. ,r,w t i' ?-,. no,, ?asstrasassl W ru'tll.?. in d.ani-.' I j.r. i.iii'.. ..! Ih? ba t, . -r..ri. tn II, I!? Il p r ,."t. ?gal?n :'t 11 la.i vwl .:. . ntaasea u i par ?ni. Executor Trustee ^^^^^^J Chartered 1822 The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company - Nos. 16,18, 20 & 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue New York. LONDON, 15 Cock-pur St., S. W.; 26 Old Broad Street, E, 0. PARIS, 41 Benletard Hanssmsna BERLIN, 56 Unter den Linden, I W. 7 Travelers' Letters of Credit, Foreign Exchange. Administrator Guardian BOXD SALES OX THE STOCK EXCHANGE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 191". Trading in bonds on the New York Stock Eichange Thursday amoun'.td to $5,481,000, against $5,502,000 Wednesday and $5,091,000 a week ago. Stock Exchange cloned a year ago. Total from January' 1 to date, $792,804,000, against $125,665,000 in 1914. GOVERNMENT BONDS. Anglo-Fr?ii<-.h 5, I 000. I 01?. Jipare?.? ist 44* f. 00?. 12 ' R>p it Cuba ;? 1904 ??nor ..... or?. STATE BONDS. J5O0O . ft? l'-,o<"). ,4^ ,RYp of Cub? 5, 1014 I:i! II V rig 5s ?* I??? * U *? B?CV&W" Z m Ws ?a ai- "* ??r* ""* ts,aea .sj : 4.ssef.H ases.M : do Trust Co elf? 5.04W .IOS s ISS? A'iur., Ktpresi 4i do IM* 1 ?"0 .? ? do i, le: 9 n ,"?<). c a i s r grn 4? r.see. . ?)? r'g I? lO'l'a 10" K 97 4 1 New York But? 44? 1.903.Ill I MUNICIPAL BONDS. ' H T City 44? ISSI Bot B Y CMj 4??, 1M0 2,"10. -a^iaaaaaaaaaaaa?-. ??4, | do 4V i??3 2.0'," _ I do 4'.? 1?? 30.DO'.' . ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RAILWAY AND MISCELLANEOUS. I .103t., 10 C A N W gril 4s AJaaSi OaM ?, . ? .1 .11? Chkaao K>? ' AU.g ? ??'?.-'orn 4, Lesa .'.-j Am Atr il.rmtraj S? -. sas .10; do ...h i? ? . 97 Am 1 at* a ? ?il 5a 17 tea. ??! 4 ta . ;?? 4 Am Pmrlt 6? Il I),").111'. I _III'. Am T * T col 4, li.?00. 91 d) .-n 44* 25.009 . 51.000. ?3 1 asa. ?i1* I . 92 1 fino. vi*. 1 ) '?'O. i?; . 31*? . M 2s aaa. ?.i 1 asa. ai*4 :.uo". i" ..""?i . 924 te.eea. 924 .., In Narlga'Jon 5? 9"4 l.'iOO. 10 ... Ii.t Psatr <??( 5i rsaa. 82 '-'?' 1 st rump :,? Tr Co rift ... II "?". ?94 ? ' ' I??a Central 4s . , 1.. . 534 '" ? J?m?i,..u K A 1" 4, 954 ..._..,.._ i m 5 n 00.asa 3,000. 934 2.VI00. ?3S loooo. v?\ 11.000. DI 924 I'arlflr TtIJl N 984 47 4:'? 1. . 4; . 474 ?1 ? .'0". . . 1.1 "?>? -. _ 1.000. ???"> I."')?. 41 ;?,nn'i. 4? ....ISTI, II A* UM In'l I? 1,00') 1.1)0'). Prnri OM 44? ^_^ 5.000.105'? 11.0'Hi.10? .? lasa Sti.ono .lo>> JS.'lOO.1044 25.01'U.10tiV 10.000... .10614 d., gut 44? terop rrt?,'ll. ?.OVO.109'* I',.000.Ill do ion 4> 194*. 1.000.1004 do gt-l 4? Kilo Lasa.944 I'eo (? ? 1 of 4' 5i 1,001).10 rort h> *,, isas 11,000 ?430K. 9*?4 V I 1 "IM la 7.000. 90 in.lini). ?OH . 30 0C0.10" . - . m. lim.lots Cal?* c&* 7:1 - 1" "0" . : asa . 1", ""0. l?74 u.eea. ier?S . .107 4 An, ? -.- A C. r ? 44? .134 A. , .. - O gen It 1 asa .?4\ Ss ?a, 4? BMF. 174 ? . . ... _ s::. d,' ?.'?tnped .'. 111,11. >T?a ?.asa .I7'i ! 11." .91% da n I- . ? ' 1 *se .1084 <i ? ;. I., . : - . Al C< ?>? Uta 1-' ???". i 1. . . .ata d" I. A N 4? 1.000. ?9 n A " prie? 11-n 34? l.OU'i. "I._ 1-. IO.I ?">. I . I ???' . c 1 m 1- *.- ?' ?!? ? , 1 ase. las <: c 1 * et 1. Its? ? ? Cl? 1 si'' it I. 44? .',.000 ]'..',??? _ 1.1 '. 14301 .... '?'?-. I C Kt B A M f,a !.U"0.IOS*. . ,'?.,, , ravilBr su B-i?tnM v 5? "?1 -,,.,0 .7?'' 5.000.i"j'? ;''0?0. 7?4 Baj <-'.il fopprr ?J I 0"O . 7t4 1.000.13J r.iea. >i. ?fading g'ii 4? ?41 KiJiias ilty Sotilh?rn '?? ". *5.*? 1 000. Ma '?*'"> . ? tt% do ik .. Bepublk I A 8 5t la las.70s ???'">?'. ' :'? Kan.a.? Clfjr TeTm 4? I..'. ? ?SI .i 1.11,1 . 894 ! ' 4 Keralon? T.! 5a M 4 -??..J King? C. hier 4? ????"?,"'* 1,01)0 . ?? .':4 Lark Htaa .-? 1923 . .. 1MB .1.17 I , .u? ; . .IM)0. do ir.o I0.").|_ lK.'MIO. . .. I l?l" . . . 1 . . . . ...... .'. "'"I. . . . 4,. . . - ,?,, . 7.. .. . I] mili . . '?'. r.?',r s la l!-: ! . ,io I- ?'11 ?C'a '.?i 4 uoo. i>*4 8t I. I M a, S 4? Baste 93 A (luir Ulf I?,"')'). 704 go 5.000. 714 5,0"'). 714 07 4 ? r. * n r N isst Tni.t Cs eU* ?[?I taea.J'H ? .?i Ht I. B W lat 4i lO.'ioO. 794 :? i. B4 I' ?I * M 44? ?.i?* .1.1100.10:4 ?.,i, S??i.,?r.l A l4 4, ?tpd ., ?; 1.10.84 ?ata, do r*g 4? 914; ?.ono ^^^^ do ?-lj :? 10.1)00. Soutli Hell T A T 5? 9514' 4.008......98H .. asa 74 714 '? i r d , 1 4? ?1 . 10,1100. 04?, C.I ,v y..iitli 1st 4.1 SBMS. 944 * do g.-r. :i4? d.. rtg l?l 1,000. S3 .. i.?. .J9M Ugg-c ar m :, 2 o sMr.no1, 4 aaa.12-jh ?-* r.? .,.? ? ?. . do ., !?". use. Io? Lort'.ltr'l Co 5j ? . " . d" -? 441 1 "00. ?. ... I . . V vi 1....-. asar K 'Hio. ;.?w1? ? 1 '.,,.. do r 1. 1; a- w v? i? 1 '.. ?-,"-. 1..Bser . ... *-i*? ; . ... l'on U?. il '-i 114' l?.ix>0. 914 M ? 10,04)0_ Com Kmdurti M II I .97 Cumb Tltj .i TVI 5a M . 91 ' DSU m '?< ?'i'' rctt f a ***** ^^^^ a 101-?? !"I4 1014 .000 _ i esa. LAN milfled 4a u.aea .... i.nmi BMP.. - ,? , I.SM . ... ....lei m ,i? r ? ah ss D .-. K il "in 4, . . ?' '"".79V do S & S A c-011 :.? l!l?i"t M ?*4 1'"""' . ""4 Haahailan K> ,s ?lo rff "?? 1.000.91 i? ?"".san Lesa . r.ooa.aa h.i-.o.i bmp.. D Ir ' BJtet Tun 44? do ta, ?.?mpt .. t*a :n noe B'tti *tt??| rfg .'?? ?." . IM 1!. Soutti.rii I'arlflo m 5s :.i,,"i.107 IV.OM .IO74 1.000.1"7 4 .10.000.1074 do en 4? 6.1X10. 834 3K.0OO. 89 1.000. *f<a 13.000. 894 e.000.894 do rfg 4, 1.000. 904 lu.000 8.101-. 90 4 6.000. ?04 less. is '? loo". ?04 1.1)00. !'"*. do ,-nl I? IS ii"". 874 do Baa Kran TVrm 4, MM. 854 : ?: uoo . ?o ? s>?? riou? Hallway 5s j:,.noO. 1034 ' ?2 I 1.000.1034 ' H.'iOO.1034 . 01 ' do 4s 14.100. 72 ! im! 1.000. 71% . '.'.-,4 . M : 94* ,iaau| 914' i.aea .144 100a ., _ ? ?. I.SM. 94 'Mu A N l>t 44s ,?.?'.., ' all? Dstroll i a Bra 44i i |,aM. .? 1 t? ?.ate. 74 Mint, a- m t u '' . * Dlsflli.-r, So,-iir I Dtp _.? 1 0o0 . _ ^^^^^^^^^^_ "I.4JM. :: Itlaaouri 1'a.iflc --on ?s Trnn i ?pper 6s full pal, Dull! .v Irr-n llarig. .'?? ., ,ii,n . . . 9?\ 4.000.IS* -'""" .10.('?; 10 0,1,, .10-) 'T B K A of Kt I, 44? I ?M ,??., Dii I' .1- \ I". I r 44- M K At T Igt 4SI afM. 98 .I'l-. IMS . 80 In?? 'o crt i.j I ,- V '' . ' ,,, I i . aTMS. ?Ill 2-00??.??H um- ' :.: ; " '' s,.. h T'.M - - ,.'."'. o? : an rf^ I? .1,. g, n lien 4. 1 "im. 51 I .' . 714 ,;? ,.r. -,s . "I". ' MS .C5 SMI Ti\ Ualasrk A M 4s 11 . KMr*. ... T4?, i OM s:;nF. 8? . ??* Montana Potrar "s Ifl.lMii H3QP. 7. _?(,.?, .p-,14 . - - I _ :;.,,,,".I'.,'\ 14,.1.1.1 .l",, '?. :-l ", " . il, . ; l'n Ele? '?? I '"..1 .101 Caaa 1 ?aratlMrn ??> -. Ml.10-. far 1 u. '1 A 11 -? .974 C'en'rn I - ' ? - ., ., . ?ai 1.000. ?M?X I'aarlSc gtd 4 f SM.'?"' . 1" '? 1 ; . . . M (' Il 11 , t N J -.-, rrg 1 Ma .m Cliil . ? ? 1 . ?:..1. 1,.UOO. d" rtt 44? -..".'0. - 'I., I . C B I q asa Is ' . 1...'". 1 . 1 "") . ala 4? ... _ do 11 lit o?.? I4i ?.Oiio!.lo;4 -' . ,. I - .V N'T Is M ? 1.000 .102 """. Wr? Qranto Minina r* ?I S,?M.1044 ? mux?! sT 12.000 aMP... T-4 Mac-tri? 4s . 7.'4 l'i.i?f)i) . 75 . 7-.', Katlonal -nib?, I? If. I5*a ? , .101 Ii.i'OO. 1*4 N Y Air Ilrako Ig 2U.III'".103 Tht.-t Arrim? rff 4s 12.000. 844* do ad) 5a j.000. 794 .'4.000. reu I.SM . [Sa !" . . 734 TniltV lly A U 5s l.lKIO. 91 ?r.'l. ? m 1? 7 Ma . . lOL'i, . M'iXTC .i.-i. U ?ut? rn? f p .1 . ?.I1-. -- -- ************** . -1 , ? i :.,',,? ,, ?_j ?1., :.., I '., HI? ^^^^^^^^ ."? '?? ".K.","? . ?'?', -.'^. , 4.111)0. 9.14 I'nlon PactS? l?t 4s ?j.000. 974 ;,O0'l ?<30K. D7 974 PI l.o?o sur. :."??' . asm "I. ' . I , 5?.. . H ;. '?,. ???? Ii ?,-r A l.i'OO. 71 14 0-41. rtt? ?i'* S.8M. rs? 1 . 7:4 1" nu:' a v m as 1,.' .1004 ?1 ? On 1 ??;!.: deb 5a ls4 ?'? ? -, do rfg 4? _ sior, _ I] 14OO.Illg?, do ?it 4, HMD . ... 1114 9 oofl M.101". 914 .Ill 1' V J H II a 1' I ;.00>'.ill? 2.0IM).1'9\ 41 DM.Ill1, I' S Itu',!,?-r C-v ,,1,.1 .III4 10.("10.10?4 ? 14a I' B ?Veal .? f 3t ,. 91?, I'M",1).1044 7,100 . f,4'a ? '"'". 1?44 M.OM. ft?. IS.?M. 104", ? .?m lo??.1044 i" '".n . 944 i."?o.1044 ''1 .1 . '.'44 Vai'ar I'tiprnlral H ? . 94 V? 1.000.103 d., 4, 19:!1 do la 4 0"". MB. 12.000.... 1.000.. 914 13.000... IB.SM . M Te I Cat. I 1 SM . 9.14 90 I I.SM . !'.1 Vtrg-1r.l-.ii By 3s do rf? 4? 11.000. 98 1 t.nor.. ?24. .1.000. Mal . 83 Wabaali 2d 5? do I. S 34s I.OOi).974 984 91 *. 73 00O do ,-tf. of drp . 844 .'."00 . '4 4 i]n tl .' -4s 11.?no. 77 : l'a \ Y ?I 1. I, H A P rol 1? 10.. .1044 do 1 ?ir.-li mon.7 4? 4 IM ^^^ 1 000 . 974 Wabaali-Pitta T?rm 1st 4? Contrsl Tr ctfa 8,000. I 5.1100. S?4 I 1 ,. ??'"!? do ?lampcl "r. ;r,nn... ".".. 77 do'Volum Tr r-t/a fo'r I .... ! I'. \ v 1; 1: I, il 4 P ?1 1. Central Tt am .1*44 ?n.; . ... 1C44 LOM. I c A 1 .. III . 1 .; Ii.> .?. ?? .!?'. it rt? parrb rnon-7 4t do 21 4s 1 - ? ??' . 12*4,1 4 im.*s :.m?. 4 aUey 4Hl I .844 do Trn?t I'o rtTa 5.'"? K.IOI. TS^,, Mli|N T B II S H ett la 1 I.OM .IlTa Bnatern Maryland 4s da .1- 4? in:? I ooo. 74 soon . 814 Waatern 1'nloa 5i d., n?.? ett dak 4? 1"-- t.noo.1004 I.Ml . 814 Westl'iaimi:.?? a f St . 7:", 2.0M.M :? ; : a Man ad] In,- 1. r Ili.t ?r I>,UI?, i.l . M ....11*4 14 ?M . C M a ai P cm sed r.? ?. . , ,, r 11 _ ?***? 1 ,,,"i.107 ? ;?. do asa 4 4s ? .IM4 . |i.. .'.o,nv ? B IF i ... .. . . IV-.. I". nilnol, central 4s ISSI S m.'. . -.'I1 I .-. I ! ?'??.... . '.| | ' .,. :I'-' V Y r..'.-?,l,i??'44? 3.000. ? a ?M. ??'- .; on?. -?""?. ? ? '.". .1. 984 do l?.?M. '.SI. ?H.IIOO . . i??, w t- i. i; .-ou 4? ? . ? ,. M*i IS.SM.704 .?..,- ? t ?? * Il 44s Wl-.--i.'-i l'.niral 4s .BaaBT*aBBBSflBaBT*aBBBS i un N" T llyi rfg 4s 2.000.!0".4 1.00?. 71 do ,-u Se ri PU fall pnl'l Sa srl) 4? .no : tv,4! 10.000. 10U ? .04?. .10 4 Wr,t Khor- 4? .9? I . 914 .. 90 ??:: . ?. , . ?.?4 ,^^^^^^^^ I-"M,A. v"? N Y ?\ a n 44s 2 OO?.K04 ..OOO. ? - .""". M' - !. A N D .' ' ..111 1,.I . . r .1*1 .|?|4 I.""" .ll'l ', !. . I,,-' i..101 21.00? . do g-: 4, a r A . , . 9"'-. IlUpola Ktatl rieb 44? 4.??o . . .... '?.4 I?. |] I '"1" . 124 bidli :-. rtt, ' ?? do If'. || tr 4 tnl " M.?oo. K? : io,i . m. ?I ? v.r???!. a- ?Vr?t ,11,1 4. ?Vis i s A I)ul 4s . 8. 1 in . .92 1 SM. 874 ! i Xorl .r, Parlfl? 4s 3,?00 830K. 814 , |,?M .944: 1.000 (iOVERNMENT BONDS. Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. Yesterday. Monday. 2s, rcf-.. 19.>0... NT* 99ln OS*? 994j 2s, coup., 1930.. 99 99 ? SS, reg., Ii 18... 101 '? lOl^i 101' 13.Ml.9: ?? 1 ?no .101 \ o- ,,.,7? ,010 .Ail ,., u :-. . o", 1 noo i?!v ?". coup., 1918.. 1014 1014 - ? .ooo . fi i-, p 1... Cop ig Isa -Is, reg.. lt>2,r... .1094( llOHi 109l<i 110v?. WS* .:'-'"" ????? . J'", ta, coup., 19L'.")..110 111 110 ? 13,'?.).n% 1 *m 5.MS ' . 10', Int Mel I4i d" 1 Ml rug,': S.l 4i 4.1, coup., l9L'."i..llO - Is, PSB^'M, reg. 9S _^^^^^^^^^^^ '2s, Pati..'.'!H, ref-. N J3:*?.?:-?? ?"' ?2 . ??* 8?. Pan..'f)l. reg.lOl'-. "?,,VoAT w.",:-l' i . la'.Psa/ei?lOl^ no 98 ? 98 tOl Vj -- lOl'-g -- DAILY IMPORTS AMI EXPORTS. Daily imports and exports of gen? eral merchandise at the r'ort of New York were: Import?. Kxpoif? ThuraOar. Nor 11....12.1*7.5? J!" . :.n :.??: \v.iin-?'iny. Nor, 17.. 4 3"' i:.'??:!>: v, Nov. 1?. C ?'. l.i'iil |? - .; .1! Mondar. Wer. It. 1.144.* SatuMuy. Nov U . 1 :M- .. Nov l'J. 1 MM.til Tfcaradar. Nov n. ?.MS,?*? \V.Mln??.)uv. N?.v. IS. 1,1 1 , I ii BH Tu? ?: ?.. Nov. !?. : 1 P3.I? . Nor. *.:. ?.IIB.SBI Kvtl DIVIDFNDS DF(I.AKFI). ? TVrui. i:.?ie. ParabU dote. ? Soiuii Pi nn (Ml., 'i ? Dee 31 I?..-. IS n v ?ir Brake.. Q i . i? I >.-.?. i S s K'.??.. .? Jan .1.? ? r. I .... O i -, . .1 n. KoV I National Lated ?; .?. I'? ? SI ? Hkhn Ir. Ha?., 'i V. .1 ... I I lirai !<? v II lli I ? 1 ! ??? ! ? emu W I* <J I >. . Jafl !" imtna M Nor < >!||(, I IM-' . . I] IV , I '??? I ? "?? . if. vi 1% Dei '? " ?\ ? i?*r (MM r-ura .?:. I HM "rilar MB? ann laJ , lira Uhlluel uf 1 W ?aal. llulirtm Ul? I lau J. PUBLIC UTILITY SECURITIES. 111.I. \- ; ?Id. Safe. Am I, ? T.SM 37*. I'< il I. * T pf 15 a So praf....M8 110% <;nai & 1: See m m A?ilr I.I P.. 17 1? I .to pr*f. ?ft 7? ?i?? feot? ?:i t? 1 Mo '??? * I II ?a <; ,v B..UI 1 n o 1. a P. ios U ??lo |.r. f... ?M| .',1 ilo pr-f.,) Am P A I, iiO ?.I Nor Sia I'... 3? 3i .lo aeef.. . H kj I so pref ... bj <.e Am l'uli r. 33 37 tOzarl? l'A SPSS 30 ?in pr?t_bT To Pa? Qoa .t ij ?4 .'.*; An. W A B. "S '?'? ?*? i-ref. ? aj So par pf. 1? ?*. 1 n?i> H> * L. :i :?< So LSI l?r.-f .".? t) I ?lo prcf. 71 71 Cillea S.Tv.. 93 SI So <'ul HM... 75 7? ?lu pr?t.... 7?; 7? .10 p? ?5 CM I'mv.r.. :?? 30 ?Sun OaSJ S ?lo pri-r_? lau ? ?aa |.r?-r? ~j si C P l< .V !.. M 57 I T Ity la & P M| I 't S? pr? f ... SI \4 | do pr>-f .. 4?i M !? <-\ K 1 i .. R|| ? It'll I. * H>? 41 41 El IM I> Pf. CI 7* 00 I?? pr??, 71 U i: ? .1 s S if :?? 103 , lias aeeur 1*1-, I Emp 1' i: i.? 7. B Weat.-rn I'ow 1? IB de ont..., .1 ;? de ?-ra-r.:? ?3 III. .. I. H M I ?Par tai?. < V U. S. Treasury Finances. Was??????* v..? i tl- ..?.?iki.?. ?' ? I i.lir.l "Main If i.ii'. lo-daj *?? -V-i balan. I? griptral faad lllt.4S4.3T?; toi?! r?-?tpiv 13 l?Cl.:??; 1i,?al pamii'iiiv II a>7n.t..?> TV .I'll. ? il.l. Daral >-ar |. l4S.tOI.SI4. a*ali..t ? .Mi-It of i I.I .1 la.i tret, .? uf I'aiiaU? (anal ami aanM? il*U u.i..a ti' ..i. Our enable us to co-operate with our Connections customers, whose interests arc Throughout spread over a wide territory. The Country Our facilities are at the disposal of those desiring efficient service. The Mechanics & Metals National Bank OF THI CIT\ OW NEW YORK N XAMAO BTBBCT Capital, Surplus and Profits $14,000,000 STANDARD 0 SUBSIDIARIES I ?UBS EN BLOC FRACTIONS ? OLD ?TOCK ISSUES CARL H.PF0RZJ4EIMER&C0. D?taler? ta Standard OU Secarttles. Phon?? 4840 1-2 3 4 Broad. 25 Broad St..K.I. CURB MARKET TRANSACTION Interest Centres In Oil Li: Where Gains Predominate ?Industrials Off. Trading* a? a whole was les? acti on the Broad Street Curb yesterday a the tone of the market was Irregrui Interest converged largely on the , group. Some losses were record here, but gains were more general. linois Pipe Line, Ohio Oil and Praii ' Pipe Line each declined 3 poin Continental Oil was advanced 7 poiii Standard of New Jersey, Standard New York and Buckeye Pipe Line r-9 t and Prairie Oil and Gas U poin Houston Oil was actively dealt in a closed 25? points higher. Motor and war stocks were Inrlin to weaken, with business on a limit scale. Marine issues were reactiona on smaller dealings, the common k? ing half a point, while tho preferr closed at 67a?, low for day, a declii of 2?* points. Canadian Car ai Foundry common and preferred r ceded 3 and 2 points, respective! Coppers generally were weak. Kenn cott Copper lost 2Nt points, while t; 6 per cent bonds yielded 15 points. INDUSTRIALS. Toial ?hare?. Open. High. I ow. Ij? 1,00 ?Am T A Stp,'. 45 ?T 45 4? f-OO A <; A W 1 I?. 334 334 Ml 33 800 ?lo pref. M M 45 ?S *0 ?ManUers' Dis C 6 .".'i ?"> 6 l7S*Ca-j c a Wrr m 94 do ?i 6.'.0 ?do pref.110 110 10-5 106 6.000 Can Nat OaB f 1A 1A IS 1 300 ?Car U * Tow 84 &4 S'.a ? 20) ?Central Kdry.. 144 114 14 14 4.UO0 ?< handler Mot. 87 87 K, I*> 1.400 ?Clu-v M 1' w IU4 124 M tfM ?50 ?Cramp Shlphl? 79 79 78 71 l'?> ?nonunion SU. Mf| 4>4 4?*? 4^ .0 ElaWIKHI Phono U 1- 1- 1 int Miiantananae ?. aWf aMt '?"4 ? I?* ?liendre BUB... 3.' Z: n 3.' 7.??ai ?Houston OU... If*4 a*? i:"i 21 13.0..) ?Int Kar Ma.-.. 19% M'a 1*4 >' 29.000 *.io prof. 70 7o'4 ?>:?, ?:: ''" ?Int Motor?. 37 37 3:. 3?. 9.'?iO ?lut Petroleum. 1:4 13 7-4 l-: S.QoO Kathodlon H pf 21 23 19 19 ?'< Kelly Sp'lleld TS05 3>v. 302 30: 200 ?do w 1. 77 77 764 NI 116 ?K.y?tone Ord. 11 11 1! Il 1,900 ?n s Bresse wl 1? 11 13*4 n' r.iO ?L-ak? T.?r Bout UM |M |M H 6.O0O Man Transit... I A 14 1A 1' ?N Man oni Bf Am 4' ? M 4 1 15.000 a.MUval.' Steel. 9s% 9V& 8-4 ?-' 19.000 Paar T & M C. 404 404 M 500 ?Pyre-M Mf? ... i: 17 17 17 500 nik a; 11 Cat?. 1% 4 Mi ?'?' ?00 Btl & Rad Ud.. 74 71 70 7: 2.200 ?M Hurn-ly w 1 ?.'3 M 22 -? a.??? ?W .Joseph I.?>ad 14M, |?a| n M? 7M Su!. H v t ctf?.. 40 404 40 40l 1.:.00 ?Tobacco Prod. 354 36 33 34' 2.700 Tri F v t CtfB.. 64 64 ? ">' ?.ooo r n rrof BBBir.. 14 ? M M 6.000 ?t: a u a h 0 44 04 44 fi ,'.?0 ?do pr-f. 64 64 04 H 6.000 ?rtah Sec forp 1*4 20 184 1?* 3.800 ?Vent l'on OU.. 134 144 134 V' 10.000 ?Victoria OU.... M 34 34 ?1 200 Wa\ land O a Ci 4', 44 44 <L 100 ?Wlll-O pf w 1,10? 108 10? 10? 340 do rlfht?. 4 4 34 3*. 300 W F C v t ctfs 44 44 4 ? STANDARD OIL SUBSIDIARIES. 2 Atlantic Ref... -- W 650 650 ICO Muokeye. P L... ? 122 114 172 i. ? .mtln.-ntal OU ? 2"7 27*. 277 ?BdaleM sif OU. ? Ml MJ Ml 1*) Illinois P la.... ? MS 1W 1*0 190 .N?l Transit. - 37 30 37 1? Northern PL...? 116 113 113 243 Ohio OU. ? 177 164 171 210 ivr.n Mex OU.. ? 64 63 63 450 Ilerc? OU. ? Wtf M ?M m Pralrta oil & ?? ? 43* 433 437 US Prairie p C... ? MB 215 21S M South IVnn OU. ? 375 3:3 ?73 ;;. Stun OU of ral ? Os 346 346 45 Stan oil of lri'1 - 41*1 4SI 490 ?7<> Stan oil of N ?' - MS MS M SS stun oil r.f N V ? -J-' HI -'I 1 ?> ri.|..n Tank L . ? M M '?' 100 Vacuum OU. ? 252 MS 230 minim;. 2.000 ?tAlta-Con Mln 1. IS 11 11 I 148 ??Allanta . 24 SM 24 26 1.UM III* LaMge l>ev. 4*4 44 ?4 44 X.MM) ?iBOatih .37 M 3" 3* 30.000 Hradtii Cop.l?4-?i:4 16*4 |S% 154 i: no? i> i- a /. v t era 104 104 7 i?1? 12,04)0 Mutt? t N '.., 44 44 4 44 3 790 ti'itlrdonla . 89 19 86 17 9.000 ?<'ana?1a Cop... 24 2?\ 2'i 2|V t,MS fCaaaboy . 14 6 Ma ?? 800 ('.mi da P 'op 3S3* 4'i 394 40 ?.(???? Ml? <'oppcr..:.-.a4..-g %% %U i,?, 2.600 ion Art/. Smelt. IS 14 lA Ir? 400 ?i'iiii ?*?.p Mln.. 1-, 2 tfj iMi0'-on Nev-Ctah.. A A ft A 1.000 tl> H B, I 5 5 ;in??iKmm? ?"op.. 2SU 26 214 2?'. I-..000 VVrm Nat Oap.. :,'t ? .4 64 5.00? Ooldfleld Con... 14 1A 14 14 ?.SOB ?tr.ol.lti. I,t Mer i:i 20 19 20 1.500 tll'ila Min. 34 3\ 3ra 34 l.i"? Hu?.- Sound... |% ?'a 34 4 TOO ?tlrun li'.ossom. ? 86 85 8?"? 3.500 Jumlio Kxt. 1A 1A W? |A -?.?SB K? ?ni'-.-ott l'op.. 57 67 ,'hH4 544 4.5?? ?tK'-wanaa .... 31 324 31 324 .w \m Hon.. On.... 4 4 4 4 1,50? tM.KIn-I>ar ... 42 42 40 40 .-..000 ?tMurah Mln... Zl 33 3-' 3. 4T 000 ?tMotlier Ixnle i", H 34 31' 1.220 ?tNa? Zln.' A 1. 1?, I 14 HI .TOO Mew rtah Hing 2\ .4 24 24 .mo NlpUaSiaS Mln . 7>, 74 7 7 ?.000 ?toro . ?I?, .',', i'.'i M ?.400 ?tit. x ? on Mln 34 3-t S3 34 11.000 ?liar Hers M.. 34 34 34 3\ 4.1"??? tltorheattr M . le, 1A 97 9? 3"?? ?Sauta fm Mln. 4 4 4 4 3 410 Stun.Ur.l SU-l.. 14 14 14 :*. 4.000 Stewart . 1 S 1 A i.700 ?ttSaeeeaa Mln ?i et 59 ?0 v .... tSiipeiatltlnn M SI ? P 33 3.ia>i Timopah K?t ... ?A 3A 3 3'. OS Tminpah Mln... I ?'.', | SU 2.:?W4t\e?t Kn.l ?on 71 74 71 74 i 300 ?:\Vh K ?op t.f | :', I ?a 5.000 Yukon OoM M $?i fa^ $14 j\, | BONDS. I.i.iVO Uri.lfi C?a)?at..33j 340 S3.'. S3.? 100.000 ?' de P <<?> ta., m )?;? 1 | ...??m Kf nn Cop SB.. . 2tt". 2ta'. 2?* 200 1.000 Pierce ou c?. . M m m m ?1 nllatrd. ?M-lli rfnti iar ?har- :Ki dl.uien.l. Bank of Prance Return. i-ari, \..? t< p?. a?iBtj man ?t u?? iu ? .'( rran?. atoara '!.?? f..ii...,i.i? .iiai.??^ Oaltl In' band, barrvaaad .". ??.ri?? franc? aliter ha l.anl I v.r.... I ,?.iiki(i. no?, in circula?????,. Iiaeraaami I -'-' ?'-'?'. fr?ni .. trra.ury ,lrr?ln. dernxa-d J ?I u"?' flail.?, aci.rral it-Matla, bMMaaM '?I '.'4? 0>i>i I Iran.a. lili. .I|.?-..iii|ini,r| luereaaed ?.u??i ?vu Iran? > I tdiiiicaa. ,.? iia.i 1.057.0OI) fian,3 .Injerir?n ( lilcl* loa. Koval ltakln? l'o?rdw ffd. tille? rtertli-e Co. Amer, light A TractUa Chevrolet Motor Central Hute? n??t. fft Privai? Tilrpho<n I? P/illa. ??4 fatgg. H.F.McCONNELL&CO. 23 Plne St., Tel. 6044 Jona. New Tut Atlas Portland Cement Remington Typewriter FREDERIC H. HATCH & (t l*aoae Broad 5140. SO Dt-aaS St,. Nttr Tat Prtirate t*lephnn? to Boat on Dit Phi t4,t-Ala. ? International Mercantj eMarine I Comoany The announcement yesterday 0/ tty formation of a protective comraltt*? r'or the Common Shareholders of this Corporation forecasts, in our jadf nient, that their interest as equity bo?ti? ers in this valuable property will I* fully protected in the cooilea; re? organization. Vie think that this equity interest represents a considertulr larger value than the present market price of the common ?h.tres. Yester? day's closing quotations?fl9?i bid, $1978 asked. H'e execute orders In Maria* securities, for cash or on conservative margins, E. BUNGE & CO. 44 Broad St.. N?w York '/'/ion..?, Broad ?911 2- J?4?5?4 ADOPTED BY THE~ BRITISH ADMIRALTY U. S. PATENTS NOW OFFERED FOR SALE The VISLOK Perfect Safely Lock Nat Placed recently on the British market, has bien adopted after j exhaustive tests hv the British , Admiralty, the leading British Railways, Engineers and Con? tractors. Aa Simple as an Ordinary Nut, but Absolutely Secure. The VISLOK can be put on tnd , removed with the ease of the * common nut and neither affect! the thread of the bolt nor bu it any arsjtriag parts itself. The I. M. Talent Klght? for -tat?* fnetnre nn.1 Mile In I . B. ? ?? ?*** avallulile BSV, for full partli-nlnr. ?ildrew VISLOK (T J.RowUtiokafC? A.lvr?l.lria: Bull,ling, All VV.UL STREET naos DOW, JONES BULLETINS & TI? Investors read THE WALL STREET JOURNAL INACTIVE YESTERDAY? IXnrBTKIALfc 141... A?K , .*"* '-?' R-A T or<1. II 15 ?Ho;, ? ????* ?t, <lo or,l br. 14 15 . HtM 1 ? ??? :, ??? Drtrn. H 11, '?S tF-8 T iAI'i 1 14 J" l'r . * MIMNti a tMajearlf MM ? ?'- ?" ''',, J ? t.Nev RIBS W *1 ?? "? ^ I ?tSand Ken ? M TrIHi.: l'<n ? a ?r-.listed. tSaSS renta per il.are RAlLRolTTEtH-IPMKNT BON1* (4-*uot?d oc ? prrv-ntag? baatt-l cap ia,i ? i4Dur?viii 11 ' J" (a> L'aie st Iaiui? a N 0..111 12 4* Clev i" i' s i*< i?'??? ,Z ct |i?i*w?re t, IIUiltMin I'- '4 ?all Krl- lt..|lroj,l .1 "'--."'? ?'".- \Z i? llotAln? Valley. , l> : I...all I Mt * S IMIr?-'.l :S 4X ?ahoar.l Air Une till-3 I . ?? " J hern Ka.Uay.I?l4..;'4 44-... ?.?J BJ uthern 1'acllk.1-I4K3 4?4j... ?-?J ngli.lao Hall??). ...I'll ?J I.*-**